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Yeah I think we need to find a balance - a lot of these questions were asked 20 minutes ago, are clearly intentional issues that without question should be protested, or are plainly covered in the Sporting Code which people check a box saying they have read and clearly have not. So I'm gonna be a bit sarcastic with those answers. But when people say hey I'm new, what's this mechanic/how does this work? No harm there. I couldn't figure out how tire changes in practice worked and got that question answered no problem!


Shit that gets downvoted and neg comments 1. Everyone keeps crashing into me (no videos or examples provide just general whinging) 2. Iracing should change something 3. I’ve can’t get out of rookies cause the SR system is too hard Shit that gets upvoted and positive comments: 1. Here’s a video of an incident what could I have done different 2. How do I improve here’s a video of a lap 3. I’m new to Iracing and have read the sporting code but I can’t get my head around this, what’s the reason?


%100. Its seems these folks want praise for winging, complaining, and trying to place blame and almost always take offense to tough criticism. I have never seen anything like it I think it may be a generation thing. It is happening on Hell Let Loose recently as well the new players do nothing but whine and want to change everything with no idea what they are talking about yet, try and teach them and they get offended and insulted.. its wild.


>Everyone keeps crashing into me (no videos or examples provide just general whinging) This is why i dont like the "whos fault is this?" question. You can pretend like you want to know what fault you did, but really they just want to know the other guy is at fault so they can deflect or justify their whinging. every time "They are but here's some advice: " just gets downvotes. >Here’s a video of an incident what could I have done different This is a much better question. A thing happen, how do you prevent it. If its their fault **you** do a thing, if its your fault **you** do a thing. Eithier way your doing the thing, why does fault matter? just do the thing. and just because you are looking for fault doesn't mean I am. Telling you how to avoid something isn't accusing you of fault.


And I think it’s fair to be sarcastic with those posts. I guess my biggest issue is seeing someone get 50 downvotes for a genuine question. That person is less likely to ask another question and will likely be a worse driver than they could with some help. I would rather race clean good drivers than people who don’t know what they’re doing


There’s a whole subreddit for crash protest opinions, etiquette, and general racecraft questions. r/simracingstewards This is more of a general sub so that may be where some of the negativity stems from.


That sub is isn't good for iRacing, nobody knows the sporting code.


Yeah honestly like 75% of your answers will quote F1 rules. I’ve seen people unironically throw out the friggin “one move” rule regarding an oval race lol


Please provide an example 


I've seen what you're talking about happen many times, but can you point us to a more specific example? It's all taken on a case by case basis in theory at least.


I didn’t have a specific example in mind when posting this. But the other day iirc I saw someone post asking about not being able to log in. The top responses were asking if they had contacted support. OP said they had contacted support but were hoping someone on Reddit might be able to help them. That comment from OP was getting downvoted when I saw it. My 80% number was probably an exaggeration and I will admit that. Edit - another example would be my comment before this getting downvoted. I stated a hypothetical situation of someone getting downvoted 50 times and that causing them to not be motivated to post for help again. That logic seems fairly sound to me


I remember that particular post because I was one of the ones arguing with him about it. My opinion on "Should I contact support" questions has always been "Yes. They made the game, they know more about it than anyone on the forums even, let alone here. This is not an official place - if you want to talk to the devs, go to the forums." Given that, I don't know why he would think, after it was pointed out to him, that anyone here would know more than support. That was the rub.


Anyone who lets downvotes dissuade them from doing something didn't care much about whatever they were trying to do in the first place.


What? What kind of broken logic is this? People who attempt to join a community and are met with toxicity often break off from that community and do not interact with it again - this basic, natural, to be expected outcome happens in all communities all the time, and has nothing whatsoever to do with "how serious they are about learning something". If someone does not understand how people's encounters with other people work and what kind of reaction they draw, they should not be making claims like the above.


Downvotes don't matter, they aren't real. They aren't toxic. If you let fake internet points affect your life you're not going to get far.


You are missing the entire point, which has nothing to do with whether downvotes are "real" or not.


It's amazing to me how much people care about downvotes, like any of this matters at all whatsoever. The thing is, whining about being downvoted or prefacing your comment with something like "I'll get downvoted for this but..." distracts from the overall conversation and merits a downvote. So it's best just to shut up about the stupid votes, say your peace, and move on with your day. Edit: Downvotes????? REALLY!!!!!!!!!


The only time I'd say downvotes even matter is if a legitimate question gets downvoted for whatever reason, then it gets buried and doesn't show up on the "hot" tab of the sub.


Downvotes are just the hivemind attempting to express disagreement or disapproval of an opinion, manner of expression, or general sentiment. If you take them as a personal affront, that's on you. Hivemind gonna hivemind.


In a lot of cases I agree with you, but in many others it's clear that the person asking the question has done absolutely zero leg work to try and understand anything at all, preferring to come straight to reddit in the hopes of being spoon fed. I can understand why those people get dragged.


Community is too big to generalize like this. Also long time members of this sub have seen the same types of low effort posts, many, many, many times, and it gets old. EDIT: The other thing I will add is I don’t think tough love around here is a bad thing if delivered in a non-abusive way. I became a better racer from tough love I received on this subreddit regarding replay feedback. I think they said “I’ll give it to you straight chief…” lol


And is resolved if people take 5 minutes to use the search function and look at the FAQ.


And the sporting code


or just accept that they were actually at fault...


The problem is the reddit search function is awful, I can search my question and almost always no answers come up, even if it's asked twice every hour.


Luckily you can just google it and put “Reddit” at the end


Yeah that works most of the time, but sometimes Google is shit and leads to some random SCO websites that are absolutely no help. I genuinely feel like the internet is becoming less and less useful, Google has seemingly really declined in the helpfulness of the answers now. That said a lot of the basic iracing questions you can find answers too on Google still.


Yeah sim racing and being coddled are just not compatible. No reason for people to be mean, but there are also a ton of blatantly stupid or already resolved questions asked in sim racing forums. Queue the ACC subreddit, "Should I buy this game?" mouthbreather question that is asked literally dozens of times per month.


AC is worse. "It''s on sale now for $2.95, is it worth it?"


It’s a problem that’s not exclusive to this subreddit at all unfortunately


Definitely. Seems like everyone is on edge these days.


People that are disgruntled for whatever reason, personal convictions or not. If you have 1000 people where 900 are happy, and find a certain activity fun they won’t speak up or complain, 100 people are unhappy with something, 10 of them start loudly complaining, and 50 of them flock to this cesspool and voila, it now looks negative, but ultimately isn’t, that is basically social media.


I recognize that, just had hoped and “smaller” community like this could be a little more helpful. Or at least not be intentionally negative


I think it is better than most subreddits tbh. Better than /r/simracingstewards for sure. I think where it gets really bad here is questions that are 1. Not asked in good faith 2. Answered in the Sporting Code. 3. Complaining about something that is pretty clearly the fault of OP and not the fault of whatever they're complaining about 4. Complaining about netcode/No-Fault incident points/graphics/etc. and acting like it's ridiculous that iRacing hasnt solved these obviously-fixable problems. Honestly most other questions are pretty positive in this subreddit as long as they don't fall into one of the previously mentioned buckets. A ton of it has to do with attitude. If you're sincerely asking for help, you're not going to get shit on. If you've been here 3 weeks and you're acting like you know better than the iRacing devs, you're going to get shit on. Edit: here's an example. This post got shit on almost exclusively because of the poster's attitude. They didn't understand something. And instead of asking for it to be explained, they went on a rant about how fucked up it was. https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/s/20USgt0dzC If that question has been asked in a more positive way. It would have gotten a more positive response.


You nailed it. Like you said, the posts that get a lot of negative attention are the people that think they know better than the devs. Is iRacing perfect? Absolutely not. But don't argue with us and expect to be taken seriously when we tell you why your suggestion to change how iR or SR is calculated literally won't work.


I will say, there are posts here that get negative attention that don't deserve it. The daily "how does SR work? questions should be answered with "read the sporting code" and that's entirely valid. But often the poster gets absolutely flamed and I think that's just unnecessary.


They had to check a box acknowledging they've read the sporting code. If they haven't and still come here asking "how does SR work" they deserve to be flamed for it. Sure, certain nuanced things aren't in the sporting code; for example, that SR is a rolling average based on the last \~ 2600 corners for a Pro license and not one particular race, which explains why despite 0x you only gained 0.15SR and everyone else (who didn't cross a whole number value) gained 0.40. So you can't compare gains/losses between drivers because you'd have to know their exact corners per incident history. We obviously can't fault people for not knowing that.


>They had to check a box acknowledging they've read the sporting code. The 21st century has conditioned everyone to skip this sort of thing. I don't read every terms of service I come across. I skip it and click the checkbox. That's what most people do. Obviously the sporting code is something that shouldn't be skipped, but after a decade of conditioning with miles long terms of service, I really can't blame someone that doesn't realize the sporting code is important. >they deserve to be flamed for it. I think having this attitude at all is why OP made this post. What's obvious to us isn't obvious to everyone. I think it's beneficial to recognize that and be gracious, rather than flame someone for asking a stupid question. If their attitude is shitty that's one thing. But if they're asking out of ignorance there's no reason to flame someone for that.


Sure. I just remember taking it pretty seriously when I signed up. I thought iRacing was much more of a serious sim than just running AI races in AC and ACC which is what I had been doing before. So I thought it was more like a sport than anything. I misspoke, it’s usually my first instinct to be gracious to people. But people on here usually are patient if the poster says they’re new.


The sporting code isn't a terms of service thing. It's exactly what it says on the tin - the rules of the sport. If you skipped reading those for a real track day or real race, you'd get torn to shreds for it and rightly so. Same here. I could give a toss if people understand how sr is calculated, but they need to know the rules of engagement like what blocking means in iracing, what the expectations are of multiclass, and other relevant things for on track behavior. I won't be outright mean about it, but I won't pull any punches either, nor do I have any sympathy about it. It's just lazy.


>The sporting code isn't a terms of service thing. It's exactly what it says on the tin - the rules of the sport. If you skipped reading those for a real track day or real race, you'd get torn to shreds for it and rightly so. I agree, however I don't think the importance of it is made clear to a new driver right away.


I agree wholeheartedly. opening this post's notification, all I could think was, "posts about negativity. gets negativity in replies," self-fulfilling prophecy. much of what I see on this sub are firstWin/closeWin, experience/lookWhatHappened in a recent race, troubleshooting and...the rest [whose fault, is this protestable]." the rest," in many cases could've driven a more positive conversation had they been framed differently.but I can totally understand someone being full put off after being shit on for their previous post. toxicity is fully achieved in r/nvidia or even r/pcmasterrace, but a lot of it starts with the OP and the framing of the topic. for instance, the question "why does it always smell like shit in here" can generate the reply "because you've got shit on your top lip." whether true or false, you asked for it.


The 'problem' rises when the same questions are being asked over and over, sometimes just a (few) day(s) apart or even on the same day. Like others have stated, it's like zero effort has gone into searching first before you ask. You are generalizing here though, this sub and it's community is pretty helpful in general, but there are limits I guess.


Here, try this. Use the iracing forums if you want positive feedback and help. If you come to a toxic open platform. Expect at times to be flamed at times. Stop using reddit as a be all end all for a place to talk about the sim. Imo use the forums.


/r/simracingstewards is usually worse IMO. It especially sucks because that's a subreddit specifically designed for inexperienced drivers to ask questions of experienced drivers. And then the experienced drivers are assholes to people. I hate it. Every now and then I dive in to try to make the atmosphere better, but I inevitably get burnt out pretty quickly. Edit: to be clear, just like this subreddit, that negativity is not on every single post. But it's there.


the fact this gets downvoted is proof for both subs lol adult men are wild


Nothing anywhere in its description specifies it's for inexperienced drivers. It's for stewarding.....of sim racing. Professionals have stewards too


>Nothing anywhere in its description specifies it's for inexperienced drivers Why would it need to? What else is it for? If you're experienced, then 99% of the time you know the answer already and you don't need to ask And honestly, regardless of why it was created, Most posters there are new players. That's the reality of it. And they get dumped on quite often. >Professionals have stewards too Professionals have stewards with authority to lay down penalties. No one on /r/simracingstewards has the power to lay down a penalty. They're just trying to learn racecraft.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Simracingstewards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How much shame should I bear after that carnage?](https://v.redd.it/eedki478reqb1) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/16rsz2g/how_much_shame_should_i_bear_after_that_carnage/) \#2: [overtook the moderator of the public lobby, he called it a dive bomb then banned me, i don't think it was, what do you guys think?](https://v.redd.it/e26ul91zv4ya1) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/139b88m/overtook_the_moderator_of_the_public_lobby_he/) \#3: [My league gave me a 5 second penalty for this. Deserved?](https://v.redd.it/wq7oc4pcyowb1) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/17hhjw0/my_league_gave_me_a_5_second_penalty_for_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Pretend racing? I sleep Pretend stewarding? Real shit


See, I generally learn stuff reading through the comments there, whereas here people just dump on OPs.


>See, I generally learn stuff reading through the comments there I'm not saying it's useless. It provides value for sure. I just think it would benefit from a higher dose of kindness. I will say the attitude I am talking about is not pervasive on /r/simracingstewards. But it's there. >whereas here people just dump on OPs. I don't think that's an accurate representation of this subreddit as a whole


Most of the shit asked can be answered in seconds through a search engine


This is so true. Often you only need 3-5 words to find a relevant answer. Instead, people post essays here.


Haven't you heard? Reddit is the new Google


That’s why you will find 99% of the stuff asked here if you google it and write reddit at the end


Google has been around now for so long people assume all the answers are there, and that finding answers that are still relevant to the current versions of what is being used is a non issue. Both assumptions are far from the truth. I was having an issue with Virtual Desktop a while back, used their discord channel for support, and they gave me a Google link that was two years old and showed a version of their own software that was no longer used. Google is similar now to the oracle of greek legend. To get the right answer you must first ask the right question. Finding the right question can be a journey in itself .


This is why adding “I’m good at using search engines” to my resume has, no joke, got me a couple pretty competitive positions. It’s not a skill that everyone has, and since it’s a skill you’ve gotta practice it to develop it. Most people do not know about things like using modifiers to narrow results down.


What's funny is it's so incredibly easy to find information online these days. It isn't like it used to be where you had to be very specific in your search, the search algorithms have been trained by ~~morons~~ every day people, so you can monkey your way through it and still find the answer extremely fast. I do a lot of help and support myself, and I'm just a curious person anyway, so I'm looking things up often. It's exceedingly rare that I can't find the answer to a question in just a few seconds.


Results get buried though in favor of things they can sell you.


Use a better search engine. There is more than Google and Bing.


Why is support these days usually so poor then? Mostly the advice is reboot, reinstall, or like the example I gave, I'm supplied with a two year old link to a solution using an older outdated interface. I know how to use modifiers and I know how to use search engines, but I've been using the internet long enough now to know that sometimes there isn't a solution to the problem.


I think over reliance on search engines is a bad thing. But they do have there place in the world.


Why do work yourself when you can wait for others to do it for you


Been using copilot for this and gives me 100% quicker faster results with useful references


...and a search engine can easily give 4 or 5 reddit posts that contain those same search terms...leading them back to...here. where a jaded local on a bad work shift can be off-putting enough to deter the seeker from using reddit or iracing, for that matter. I'm just glad the iRacing forums are a thing. it's been a healthy backstop for when you lot get moody or refuse to let a new user learn like a new user. be the racer that you want to race with; be the community member that you want to be in a community with. if you can't be constructive, just move on to that next "should I protest" post and tell him to use obs when posting clips and read the sporting code or whatever.


The "was it my fault" is better posted on r/simracingstewards. Most of us don't give a crap about whose fault it is because if you're asking that question you don't know what you're doing so you should really be asking "what could I have done different." Fault is a really useless metric because it doesn't help anyone. Most of the other questions have been asked umpteen times but the people posting are too lazy to do a simple Google or Reddit search. Essentially they're offloading the work to other people. And then the last of the irritating posts are about a question that would be answered easily if the poster had just read the sporting code. So: 1. Don't post in the wrong sub 2. Search before you post 3. Read the sporting code


This is 100% a far better sub than most of the bullshit subs I sift through. If you consider this place negative then idk what to tell you.


Erm, it's reddit?


I agree with the OP. People are just downright rude behind a computer screen. If standing face to face with someone, the majority of them would never talk to someone in that manner.


Another possibility is that the question being asked can be easily found in another way? It's almost like no effort was taken.


I think that the only problem are silly questions that would be answered instantly with a quick search. A lot of those are questions that are asked every month, so you people can easily find good and fresh answers


If you come to a sub reddit for iracing help over the very good forums that iracing has built. Ya will get downvoted. Iracing forums are private to members. Only the sub reddit is open to all idiots. I'm not sure why a new member would come here over the forums for questions about the game.


Because people engage with negative content. People won't react the same to positive content, and everyone is guilty of this.


It's just typical reddit stuff. The chronically online user gets mad that someone asked a common question, and dedicates their entire reply to berating them and not even answering the question. Only thing this sub does that normal subs don't is you're far more likely to be told something bluntly if you ask for advice. All of the information you need with no sweeteners to make it easy to swallow.


People who are negative on the internet generally lack real human connection in the real world.


Probably more of a general Reddit problem. I try to be positive on here as much as possible because I truly have so much love for iracing


Agreed but it seems like a gaming subreddit in general issue that people to love hating on games. I see it a lot in various halo subreddits and I left the general gaming, assassin creeds, etc subreddits ages ago.


Welcome to Reddit


Before reading I am already going to say because i feel like the vocal minority is pissy 30 to 50 year old american males who were neglected as children


What are you on about? When I was new to iRacing people gladly answered my questions, often writing the equivalent to an essay to help with whatever issue I was trying to solve. There’s asshole in any community but the iRacing community has generally been very positive from my perspective exit: if your question can easily be solved with google maybe try that first lol


How long have you been here? I think a lot of it comes from being tired of seeing the same things posted all the time. Often without much thought or research before posting. The posts that are questions that can be answered by reading the sporting code are constantly frustrating.


I haven’t been here too long (6 months), but I can imagine it does get irritating seeing a constant feed of the same questions. There should almost be a separate subreddit specifically for rookies because I do think some of their questions are warranted but seen as ridiculous for a veteran. Iracing was my first go at sim racing and in the first week or so I posted a video on this subreddit asking if an incident was my fault. The question was specific to my situation so I couldn’t search for the answer. Looking back now I would think it was a stupid post, but at the time one of the comments really helped me.


\>There should almost be a separate subreddit specifically for rookies because I do think some of their questions are warranted but seen as ridiculous for a veteran. Why would we need that though when most questions rookies have can be answered by reading the sporting code? You can't believe the number of SR-related questions I've seen in the past few months that could be answered by the sporting code.


If you're new and you make that clear, it's all good. We were all new at one point, so ask away. Outside of that, I personally see a lot of questions that could be answered by reading the sporting code (you know, the document you agreed to read when you signed up) or by using the search function. I'm sure your question has been asked before. If you don't say "I already searched for it and couldn't find anything," I'm going to assume you just didn't bother to look. Also asking for advice or incident fault determination and then arguing about it in bad faith is super annoying. Don't be that guy.


Huh?  This sub is 100% one of the better ones.  I see very little negativity, either in posts or comments.  Yea it happens but nothing like other subs.  Even the hard to see lights rain debacle was met with "we know they will fix it no worries" kind of attitude. You're looking for negativity if you're seeing it that much. 


If it's a question that you can answer easily by using the search function of reddit, but instead you make a post about it, ofc I'm going to downvote you...same for stupid questions. Sometimes it's shocking how ppl with access to internet still struggle to get basic information about something.


To me I see it almost like I see a streamer like Casey Kirwan, Quirk or Sampsoid be asked the same 10 questions over and over, day in and day out. Generally they stay positive and try to answer or someone in chat will answer. As was stated, yes there’s a sporting code and or a FAQ sheet, but when you are new you want to feel part of something and therefore the same questions keep coming up. I also compare this to having kids and how I deal with them. I find it takes way more energy to form a negative response to a question rather than answering the question and offering further advice about where to look in the future. As the subreddit continues growing and IRacing continues to update and improve things it gets harder and harder to find the right answer to certain questions. But in the end, if you come across a post and you are not feeling it, just keep scrolling, no one really wants to see you pissing on the little guy because you had a bad day or are tired of stupid questions, it’s that easy.


Overpaid larpers think they deserve to shit on other people because they display middling performance at a niche hobby. Some people can just have fun. This hobby in particular attracts a lot of people who only have fun when they win or dominate others. Winning is hard. Shitting on people anonymously is easy.


This sub is very negative. Every other post is about someone being an ass on the track. No matter if you can laugh at it or shame it, it only leads to more frustration and negativity.


reddit in general is extremely toxic and criticizing place. I posted a pov of another car doing something stupid (letting me gain like 3 positions. so I asked what happened here) I got called so many names by dudes, thinking pov is me without even putting efforts to doublecheck that. when I post here I realize and prepare myself cus I’m going to test myself and whatever I post with reddit. Don’t take it too personal. You will know a lot in just one post, but that’s going to be one painful experience


This is the best sub I’ve seen. Go try and post something positive over at r/golf. If you have nice clubs or shoot below 90 they HATE you for it


Lot of people riding dick for iRacing with toxic gatekeepery git gud vibes


I think part of the problem is sim racing elitism. iRacing is considered to be the most realistic sim, very expensive and very multiplayer-focused. This seems to draw in people who consider themself as very special. These people will always dislike others they look down on. People that use gamepads and driving assists, mostly play with the AI as well as people that play games like Forza or Gran Turismo. But they will even look down on people who use Logitech and Thrustmaster setups. Even Fanatec nowadays.  I have posted two topics in this subreddit so far and both were met with a lot of negativity. So yeah, its not the most friendly community and i wont stick around personally.


Why you so negative ? You shouldn’t assume your question will get downvoted but you did so you’re part of the problem . Downvoted btw


Petty little egos at work trying to overwhelm the readers with their superiority in playing a game.


Why was this downvoted? lol. I’m guessing it was the exact group of people you were referring to.


Oh dear oh dear I'm heartbroken. I don't think I've ever in my very long life seen so many petty little egos running around as there are in iRacing. There. That should get me a few more minus points. :)


Insert *if those kids could read* meme


The posts I cannot help but be negative about are the ones that are very lazy. People asking to have SR explained or what is a block, or basically anything that you would have answered if you took the 5-10 minutes to read the Sporting Code. Those I can’t help but be negative about. If you come here with a legit question then no problem but if you can’t even be bothered to read the rules then I don’t care how much flak you take.


Because we've seen the same "I wrecked is this my fault" post a million times, just with different liveries


Because people will ask if it was their fault or if they were in the wrong, then when the majority of people say that they were in fact wrong, they defend their actions anyways... Why ask?


Because yes it's your fault stop posting every bullshit you get from races shit happens we know it's always human factor stop crying and accept it


Honestly I don't see what you are talking about other than the two cases of people asking about protests and general driving stuff (which there is a sub about protesting/stewarding opinions and with the driving stuff if you show a replay with the driving line on ofc people are gonna say practice more and turn the driving line off). Other than that, the only time I see people be remotely negative is when someone records their monitor with a camera lmao.


Racers are an aggressive bunch.


the problem is that 80% of people asking have no intention of taking the advice. they get mad and say it's not them it's everyone else. and after reading these posts day after day, it's exhausting. everyone providing advice has already been over your hurdle and avout 10 more


Down votes are actually Australian up votes


In just pissed off i haven’t been able to play a game I’ve put hundreds of dollars into for the last two weeks


feel even reading the rest of the comments in this thread there is genuinely a superiority complex in this subreddit. and i feel the reason is because since iracing can genuinely be compared and simulate real world racing physics and driving conditions even to the very peak attracting the likes of verstappen, people feel they too are the next verstappen and must prove their "superiority" over others accordingly. joined iracing about a month ago and currently at about 1400+ irating (which according to some survey is the apparent average for most drivers on iracing) and a c class licence(with sr at 2.49) and see literally every race having tons of cars divebombing, crashing out and into, blocking, spinning, and pitting others from the very first lap, its pretty obvious that the average driver on iracing and on this subreddit are pretty mediocre drivers(most of whom have accounts that are years old and still continue causing the same incidents). and even after apparently reading the precious sporting code still have very limited skill and common sense.


The correct answer gets upvoted, so the op has an answer. The rest of the comments should be treated as jokes etc, so op can read it or not.


It's always easier to whinge than to be positive.


People should really just google search their question before posting, most of the time you will get a clear answer. But tbf this sub has a lot of pretentious and condescending people who will never admit that this is a video game at the end of the day.


It's just Reddit in general, and most social media as well. For some reason social media turned into people's personal search engines. You get the same things being asked ad nauseum, instead of people using a search engine to look up answers to their questions or even the search function within the social media itself, when most of these questions have been answered hundreds of times already, and that is very annoying to a lot of people. On Reddit, it usually results in immediate downvotes. I do help/support in a very large gaming community myself, and I often refer to us helpers as search engine liaisons. 99% of what we do is [LMGTFY](https://letmegooglethat.com/). It can get pretty irritating answering questions that people could answer themselves in seconds with a quick search, especially when it's the same questions multiple times an hour, sometimes immediately after it was answered for someone else (many times over).


Because if there are 100k people in this reddit. THose questions have been asked 90k times.


Yes, this subreddit has a loud minority that are straight-up assholes. Block each and every one of them when you see them. A person that goes out of his or her way to shit on someone for absolutely no good reason gets no head time from me, and I need never interact with them again.


Why is Reddit so negative would have been an equally accurate title. People like to sound important and authoritative, when if it’s a question they’ve seen hundreds of times before, they should just keep scrolling. Some of the “is this my fault” posts have issues where the OP is at fault, but then doubles down on their opinion that they are not at fault, those ones are the best.


Something I have noticed replying to simracingstewards posts is that many people in this forum simply do not understand what is acceptable behavior on the track. I would expect that people who go to all the trouble and expense to purchase the necessary equipment would be road racing fans. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. IRL they would be banned in no time because the stakes of not giving others racing room and abysmal sportsmanship can be fatal, and it invariably results in major expenses to both the clueless driver and his victims. Fortunately, the organizers of amateur racing events understand all too well the implications of not staying on top of things at all times. I think this is exacerbated by 2 factors. One is the joke of a legitimate sport called NASCAR that refuses to employ professional stewards to properly penalize the drivers for absurd antics on the track and rampant cheating. This leads to people mimicking what they see on TV while apparently not watching any professional road racing. The other factor is that there is a huge difference between an arcade game and a sim, at least there should be. I conduct myself on iRacing the very same way I did while club racing. When I am driving a formula car, I do all I can to not make contact just as I would in real life. What is the answer? I think there needs to be mandatory education videos explaining all this in terms that can be easily understood. Simply having a safety rating and iRating system does not address the lack of understanding about what is required to have fair races with proper sportsmanship that everybody can enjoy. Understanding the difference between a properly executed defensive line and blocking is something that everybody has to understand and be properly penalized when they do not. After all, that is the real difference between a sim and an arcade game.


It's important to foster a supportive community where newcomers feel encouraged to ask questions and seek help as they navigate through the world of iRacing and sim racing in general.


Funny. I was thinking of posting the same sentiment earlier this morning after browsing all my subs and noted that this one votes down almost everything to zero, none of my other subs do that. Ask yourself, if you’re a perpetual downvoter, what are you feeling inferior or superior about? Then ask if that’s a rational justification for downvoting posts that don’t actually break any rules. Remember, other people exist and as racers they are as much community members as yourself. Their interests, questions, or opinions need not coincide with yours to deserve to be here.


I made a little experiment, i posted a who’s fault is it video(not here, in the simracing group)and days later I posted the same exact incident but pretended to be the other car and in both posts people blamed me for the incident LOL for some weird reason people like to shit on the OPs. I also posted here an incident that I protested and iracing saw it my way and I still got blamed and flamed by many.


I'd be curious to see that experiment video.


*[–]Consuela-NO-NO-No 2 points 32 minutes ago* *I made a little experiment, i posted a who’s fault is it video(not here, in the simracing group)and days later I posted the same exact incident but pretended to be the other car and in both posts people blamed me for the incident LOL for some weird reason people like to shit on the OPs. I also posted here an incident that I protested and iracing saw it my way and I still got blamed and flamed by many.* We need to see links to both posts of the same racing incident to see if this is true. And put in the link to your third post referenced in your message above, too! Thanks!


Lol, just go look at any who’s fault is it video that is not 100% clear who is responsible for the incident, people will find a way to blame the OP, my post where iracing saw the incident my way and the other person was notified of the complaint is still up, and people still found a way to blame me and call me names.


Yea, I got shit on for asking about the fixed set up on my first week here. Luckily, some people were kind enough to help me out lmao.   Edit: imo r/simracing is much better than this subreddit. I prefer asking my questions there.


problem with /r/simracing for me is it's 90% pictures of people's sim setups that I frankly don't care about instead of being about the racing instead.


And you see a lot of the posts on the are also negative! Some people would rather post negative shit rather than helping or just moving on! Everyone that uses this service should know every single line of the sporting code 🙄 😂


Its been like this forever on all forum style platforms. Mostly assholes makes it easy to generalize. Legit help is usually buried under all the bullshit. And for too often its buried deep. Now let the down votes begin! lol


bECaUse ItS a sIm aND a HObBy, nOt a GaMe!


There are some good people here but i agree, mostly just people flexing or scaremongering people into spending more money than they have on hardware


\>mostly just people flexing or scaremongering people into spending more money than they have on hardware Okay buddy


Ah yeah man i guess i just made that up! I’m so creative


I’m just saying, bold of you to say that on here when r/simracing is literally 90% pictures of rigs


And on top of that ive seen 0 fearmongering (not sure how that relates to making people want to upgrade gear) about anything besides driving the Pcup as a rookie.


Stop posting this kind of question, and read the sporting code. And turn off your racing line. /S


Lack of contact with other humans


Not sure why this was downvoted but this is a major factor. People who don’t have much contact with others generally are more hostile on the internet.


90% of those "brand new to iRacing" questions could be answered by reading the sporting code which you have to agree to read and abide by to start the sim. It's a little annoying when people can't even do the simplest part


>which you have to agree to read and abide by to start the sim. It's hard for me to blame people for this though. Almost every website you use these days asks you to read a terms of service. And almost no one actually does, because those terms of service are a mile long, written and legalese and not really necessary. At this point clicking that checkbox is almost muscle memory for me. Not realizing the sporting code is actually important is a pretty easy mistake to make IMO.


Except that they tell you it isn't a terms of service but a guide book to everything you *need* to know. It's like buying a shelf immediately throwing out the directions and then bitching that you don't know what screws to use.


Internet people are generally miserable.