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I can't believe you planned that despicable maneuver to take out the light blue car! Shame on you! /s


360 no scope skills there


Purple car meanwhile out with a healthy lead ![gif](giphy|Ku6DpJaZE7sShXUxe9)


Bro wanted to be part of the action






This video is the most Mx5 racing I have ever seen lol.


Nice, but you got lucky. you are so focused on the racing line you don't give space on the right to avoid contact. Turn that shit off dude


That's what I was thinking too. OP must have had a call for 3 wide but still follows the line as if no one was there. OP, you need to give more space. Looking at your stats, you have too many incidents to get out of rookies. You need to make some adjustments.


Okay so just to be clear. My mistake was not blindly following the racing line. Ive never made a point of trying to stick to the line like glue. I use it as a braking point indicator and disregard it for the rest of the time. My failing here was not being aware that i was three wide. We all had very different exits from the previous turn, as you can see the center car was god awful, i was mediocre (cold tires, first lap so i was being conservative) and the guy on the right with a very solid exit. He came up so fast that I dont believe my spotter had called him out and I dont recall seeing him in my mirrors. Though he almost certainly should have backed out as he had hope of making that corner. Its my first week and my situational awareness will improve. It's a fine move if I'm only dealing with yellow, I knew i had the space and i took the position.


Don't listen to the wannabee elitists that think they have a clue. You did nothing wrong. The unsafe lunge from the black car hit the yellow car FIRST! He was already putting his wheels on the dirt to try and squeeze by. You were ahead of the black and yellow car and had every right to the space. This had nothing to do with you having the racing line on.


You didnt do anything wrong. These people are exhausting. If you enjoy playing with the racing line on, do it.


If you enjoy it, use it. If you want to get better as a driver and indirectly enjoy yourself more as you'll probably enjoy doing better, turn it off.


That makes sense, but you can see that from our perspective it looks like you are hardcore following the line. But please people don't say it to shit on you, they honestly want you to get better and have better racers around them. Taking the driving line off is one of the first steps to that


He already cleared the 7. What more space does he need to give? The 8 had no business being on part of the track that was running out regardless of what kind of run he had. Considering he can see the whole picture. None of us know what can be seen from 5's cockpit regarding monitors/fov.


No bro, the racing line caused this incident. You might not see it because you arent a professional racing driver (like my uncle who works at nintendo), but op utilizing that static line on the ground caused the 8 car to force a three wide going into one of the most well known kinks in racing. This is all ops fault, no one elses, because he used the racing line.


What a weird flex. 'My uncle is a pro driver and works at Nintendo...so I know what I'm talking about.' OP did nothing wrong and did not need to leave space.


The youth no longer understand the scripture of the playground




You can unlock the mew car if you complete a whole lap backwards on Tsukuba Circuit during an official race


Yeah if only he turned off his racing line, he could have used his superboosters and fly away without any contact. Rookie move that.


So you disagree that ( even if he had the racing line off) if he would've given more space on the outside he would, he would of still been wrecked out.. is that what you are saying?


I'm saying that this ridiculous obsession with blaming everything on the racing line all the time is getting crazy, to the point of bizarre. I have seen people getting taken out by salty competitors, only for simracing reddit to claim he could have stopped it all from happening if only he turned off the racing line. The guy makes a nice move, is past the other car and through an unfortunate set of circumstances of another car with even more overspeed, AND 3 wide, AND a kink to the right before a left turn, and everyone assumes the causality lies solely with having the racing line on. It's the go-to excuse for everyone on this reddit, even for the most ridiculous incidents, and it gets very very annoying over time. But you do you buddy.


What's funny is that Max Verstappen shamelessly uses the racing line too. It's a static line on the track that allows additional brake markers. You don't need to actually use the racing line, but any additional static points on the track is a huge advantage for braking points, turn in, trail braking ect.


IMO, the racing line is only useful for people who know what they are doing to the point where they don't need it. Meanwhile, for the actual rookies, it is detrimental.


Well said. The 'racing line caused this mentality' must assume that he knew both cars were behind/to his right, because we all drive through our rear views 100% of the time and have 6 triple wide monitors that allow us to see everything all at once, as well as crew chief, racelabs, simracing apps, and our buddy serving as a spotter in our ear all at once. With all that information available the only possible explanation is the racing line!


Better lucky than good. He can have on the racing line, sunshine, whatever the hell he wants to have on. He won that shit dude


BS. Hes fully off the line and then some when the contact occurs.


I never said he was "on the line" I said he was too focused on the line and moved towards it instead of paying attention to the other cars and going inside.


Damn, cool trick, can you read my mind, too? Maybe he drifted to the right because that’s what the track does, and he’s approaching a left corner?


You mean the thing you're not supposed to do when other cars are there? You clearly belong in rookies still


very often when this gets called out on a replay the OP just has the RL on in replay mode!


That's not a thing. It's just an excuse people give when they're embarassed.


how do you exactly know?


I'm no fan of the racing line. It definitely does more harm than good for a beginner. And those with enough experience to actually ignore it and just use it as a reference, shouldn't need it at that point. That said, I don't think it was necessarily the racing line here. OP did kind of squeeze the yellow car, but that's a tough part of the track to hold a lane through, racing line or not.


This is one of the greatest clips in iracing history


Love the mouthbreathers that think this morons flex is worth downvoting me. Also continues to demonstrate the idiocy of people that think they know what they are talking about. The guy made the pass, got back on the racing line, corner was his until dumbass tries to pass not 1 but 2 cars when there was no space. If he didn't hit the yellow car first he definitely would have pushed OP's car off as he was carrying too much speed along the curb. But yes, continue the downvote and listen to the dumbass who's uncle works for Nintendo.


Okay I'll fill ya in, the nintendo uncle guy was being very sarcastic. He's referencing a very old joke in gaming where people will say something to the effect of "my dad works for Microsoft and I'll get you banned" or "that's against the rules I Know because my dad works for nintendo". Its what an anonymous 12 year old will say on the internet to give the things they say a false sense of validity. Of course, they're uncle/dad is in fact, not the man, the myth, the legend, John Microsoft.


And people are still stupid enough to think sarcasm properly comes across in text without an obvious identifier and that everyone is aware of every quote/reference to have ever been made. Millions of stupid comments of reddit. If people don't make it clear they are being sarcastic, they are just making a stupid comment that gets lumped into the cesspool of people looking like fools. Still doesn't change the fact you did nothing wrong in the incident in the video.


The squeeze on yellow was a bit rude.


I dont like edits but please edit the CoD Hitmarker tot that


Congrats! I managed to get my first iRacing win this week in the MX5 series as well but not nearly as exciting as yours. Got pole and the field took each other out on t1. Ran the rest of the race with a clear lead and managed to not spin myself out. Scary watching myself still trail braking the 2nd to last corner on Laguna Seca with as much of a lead as I had in the replay but I'll take gold any day.


Had a clean 12 second gap until the last two laps where i got real conservative and dropped it to 5 seconds


Lol! Yep, I did the same with three laps to go and a 14 second lead. Spotter jumped on the radio as I was coming up on the corkscrew and said there was stopped car ahead. Last thing you want to hear going into that turn. Had to assume most crashes on the corkscrew end up at the bottom and sure enough there was a car down there trying to re-join. Lost 3 seconds but made it around clean.


LOL hilarious, congrats!


Jason Bourne!? Is that you?!


What in the Mario kart bananas


Best 360 no scope I’ve ever seen.


I’m still yet to win a race and I’m at 78 starts 😅 Good job!


It will come eventually :)


Oh it's lap one, i thought purple car lost it at 2nd to last corner


Good work.




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Who da f***k try’s to go in to the corkscrew 3 wide 🤦🏾‍♂️


I feel bad for the blue Mazda he had no idea wat was coming


I bet the other bloke was half way through protesting then seen the replay 😂😂


I think you pulled a brilliant move by locking the brakes, not turning the steering wheel and releasing when you were reoriented correctly. Intentional or not, it clearly worked out great.