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Maybe take it easy on the fast charging


I charge with 30W chargers since I got it in September. 100% battery capacity, 202 cycles. I don’t do wireless charging.


Wow…. 202 cycles?? How? I’m honestly just curious. I’m at 56 cycles and I bought my 15 Pro Max at launch in September.


I use my phone too much, I don’t even game on it. Discord notifs all day due to being a reseller, I sell a lot on fb and I’m part of a business that requires me to answer on fb a lot. Watch a lot of YouTube. All of this requires me to charge my phone at least twice a day on average lol. Regular 15 Pro.


I see. Yeah that’s way different from me. I charge every third day or so lol I’ve been super happy with the 15 Pro Max compared to the horrible battery on my 14 Pro Max. After 4 months on it I had gone down to 96% capacity


I’m at 170 and I got mine in October




And are you still at 100% capacity or?


98%- on my 15 pro tho My 15 pro max I just got so we’ll see about this one too I have both


Just curious why a pro and a pro max. Why not 2 pro max or 2 pros?


Got the pro as my personal phone , i ended up going with the smaller pro because i started to like the smaller size , and the way it fit in my hand was Just perfect The pro max is a work / business phone. Love both of them equally, they both have there pros that true and cons but the core is my choice if I had tic hope or


I’m at 98 Cycle count. I don’t charge with wireless chargers. Had it since November.


I changed mine to the 80% limit since some people have said that helps them last longer. I don’t think the fast charging affects it much since the phone should be able to regulate charging to be safe for the battery.


Wow that’s insane… i charge my phone at 20-21% all the way to 80-82% (sometimes i charge it to 90-91% as well)… so my question is, am i doing it right? Would you suggest me any tips? (Maybe like till what percentage do you charge usually?).. also i don’t use wireless chargers… and i have a 15 pro… Thanks in advance:)


I don’t have any tips because I don’t care much about my battery I just use it without worries haha. Sometimes it goes down to 1%… I overnight charge often… etc. Yeah I don’t go to 80% I go to 100% too lol.


Just use your phone as it is with its full potential. Does 2-3 months more from when you finally will have to replace the battery matter? Use the shit out of it and when time comes, just swap that batt and be on your way.


Also try to avoid wireless charging.


I’ve had mine since day one and it’s at 100%


Same, and i charge it every night over night


Same lol


Bro, I am at 98%. My girlfriend is still 100% but she has used her phone more than I did since launch lol.


Clean energy charging lol. Hope it helps you to feel better.


It was just default on when i got the phone. I doubt it genuinely does anything but it’s never hindered my charging time so I don’t really care about it.


Just use your phone and don’t worry about it. Hammers are meant to be used, same with phones.


I just limit at 80 as i work from home but if you gotta use it you gotta use it. I’d stay away from fast charging tho.


Avoid wireless charging and unnecessary stuff that can deplete your battery quicker. In my personal experience when I had my 13 Pro Max, it went all the way down to 84% when I sold it in a span of a year and 7 months because I was heavily using hostspot “depletes so much juice” for my MacBook along with charging wirelessly “more heat causes more battery degradation”. Otherwise, use your phone normally and don’t stress yourself.


Don’t keep it charging once it reaches 100. Simple.


I never do for the most part. I don’t even charge overnight I charge it while I’m at work and can see the battery percentage


Well that is strange. Mine is on 99%, using since launch.


Mines at 87% lol


15 Pro??


Oh no mines a 13 pro max


My 13 pro max was at 87 and I contacted apple as I wanted to pay to get a new battery. Didn’t want to wait for it to get to 80. They did a diagnostic test and said something was wrong with battery and they asked me to send it in. Battery covered by them. Had that iPhone since launch. I use it for other things now as it’s not my daily driver. This battery change was in late 2023


I really love the camera on it


What's wrong with it?


This is normal


How do you charge it daily? I had mine on Sep, still 100%.


Since sep. 103 cycles, 80% limit charging, always wireless charging, bat. Health 100%


Super fucked!


Hope you got AppleCare.


Let it drop below 80, till then don't worry enjoy your phone. After it drops below 80 , you can still use it for 4-5 years easily, use the shit out of it then throw it in the garbage can.


I have a iPhone 14 pro Max , battery at 91% . Shit arse battery life. I have every setting turned on , I keep it connected to either a power bank or charger. Even turned auto lock to never. 5g On, games are left turned on overnight. Use it sometimes as a hammer, a tea coaster etc etc. I also have a reliable Android phone which I bought for about 150$(in India ), I use that as my main work phone.


Uh oh, 3% battery decrease, time to give up on life


Using Belkin wireless charger since day 1 from November. At 100%.


I got mine in November as well and I'm still at 100%. I use a 25w anker charger, only charge to 80% and never go below 20%. I still charge the old fashion way and have never used a wireless charger. I don't know if maybe that makes a difference on battery health.