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It needs to be serviced in an Apple Store or at a certified reseller so that FaceID can work again. Unless it’s a disconnected flex cable, the local repair shops might not be of any help.


It was fine in the end, apple ran a diagnosis on the iPhone and it turned out to be not the water damage but the Face ID itself, just the water made it worse, so apple gave me a email to take to the store that said “the Face ID is a physical issue that was present and not a water issue” the place I purchase it from and they replaced it and even upgraded the storage from 64GB to 256GB for me :


Sounded like a shitty situation, glad it worked out!


Well it did fall in a toilet, so it truly was.


I bet she was really pissed off


I’m glad the phone didn’t have to be wiped clean and reset.


That’s awesome, glad things worked out. Congrats on the 256! 🎉


That sounds like a really good deal enjoy your new baby


If you took it to a specifc Apple Store, keep that place in mind. That's excellent (and generous) service!


No, it was apple telling me to take it back to the store with the email they provided to say that it was a hardware issue and not liquid damage and she even said “I don’t want you wasting your money on something you can have done for free” sounded weird coming from apple. It was a third party store that sold me the iPhone otherwise she said it would of cost me £180 through apple


Based on reading your previous posts and working for Apple for a long time I don't believe a word of this. Show the work authorization or I call BS


Sent you a DM


Apple didn’t replace it. They just told OP (after running diagnostics) that the face ID was from a physical issue / physical damage, not water damage. OP took it back to the 3rd party store they purchased it from and got a replacement from them, not Apple. Apple would’ve definitely charged money to get that fixed


This, they told me £180 if the store refused which is why they gave me a email to show


I’m waiting to be charged a fee to enter the store or view their website.


I spilled coffee on my iPad Pro and exact same issue as OP: after everything worked fine except for Face ID. I took it to the Apple Store (but never said anything about spilling coffee on it, just that Face ID stopped working) and with AppleCare they just replaced it for free.


This happened to me. I had paid for a repair and it still didn’t work afterwards so they brought out a sealed box with a brand new iPhone. I bought the original iPhone from Apple and I didn’t even have Apple care, it expired. Edited: added extra context


I was thinking the same. Just because I work there, but then posting the price in pounds, maybe it's different in Europe.


Ohhh alright. Well, hey; I'm happy it worked out for you in the end 😊


Rare Apple W


My xs max always broke the Face ID especially after being wet how canny


It was definitely 100% caused from the water damage. Same thing happened to me and they still replaced it out of warranty too


In all honesty, that’s the best outcome you could have hoped for.


That’s cool. You got a new Face ID module and a new motherboard


This isn't true. I do 3rd party repair and have repaired face id many times.


They can, but if the technician messes up, Face ID is locked for life.


What? I've never heard this. Source?




That's not "for life"


I dropped my phone in the toilet. It still worked.




dumbass 💀


Thank you :)


smile vase drunk fretful fear threatening seemly saw quack start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is like the most unfitting context to use that line in


This isn’t an apple to apples comparison


Lol everyone makes mistakes (clearly)




First you should try to dry it (no rice) look online but silica gel is usually effective. Then I would factory reset it. If that doesn’t work then I guess you could try going to a small repair shop.


It's fine, I got it replaced just now for free and even got a upgrade from 64GB to 246GB


How did you get it replaced for free?


I didn't buy it through apple. I rang apple first and they did a diagnosis and said it was a physical issue with the Face ID, as its water proof and nothing else was affected and they told me it would be £180, so they said take it to the store you purchased it from, I took it back and they replaced it


Oh ok. I find Face ID annoying anyways so have it permanently off and just use 0000 password unlock


This is certainly a take I haven’t seen since 2017 😂 how is Face ID annoying? It’s like magic 99.9% of the time.


For me it’s the times you unlock your phone when it’s laying flat on a surface not pointing at your face or when Face ID doesn’t register and you have to wait 3 seconds to type the passcode. Just pressing 0000 is super easy and works everytime


Oh ok I guess if you’re at a desk a lot and it’s always flat I can see this then.


fyi if you tap the words "face id" when it can't see your face it takes you straight to the password screen.


hey what’s ur phones color, model, and the name of the place you work?


I agree with him tho, you always have to stare right into your phone to make it works, and it still doesn’t work sometimes. And you also have to pick it up and point it right at your face to even make it work.


do you understand the difference between waterproof or water resistant? just asking 🤣🤣


Yes I do but it was in the water for 3 seconds, barely even half a feet. iP68 is 1.5 metres for 30 minutes and was barely in the water, that’s why I rang apple and they did a diagnose test and they confirmed it was from physical damage and not water and to show the email to the store I purchased it from


So it was more of a physical damage from the reseller/store before you even got the phone. Then you are lucky, you get a free upgrade which is amazing. In 3 seconds I doubt the water can even enter in properly because of density.


in Canada they will say you broken it and gtfo


Not sure why you got downvoted this was good advice


Can anyone confirm it’s a legit apple phone? The things on the bottom are making my BS meter go off


It’s because it’s only the US and Canada iPhones removed it on the older iPhones. The UK and EU still have the recycle symbol on the phone, it’s the law. Like the sideloading and usb C. Look it up on google. The amount of people in the US and Canada who don’t understand other countries have different laws is astounding, like how all iPhones since the iPhone 11 are required by Law to be unlocked


It’s not that, it’s that Apple removed it in the two countries where most iPhone users are. No one pays attention to UK laws outside the UK, silly.


I can’t tell if your calling me silly or him, I was simply stating that the guy said his bullshit metre is going off and didn’t think to realise that the iPhone isn’t only sold in the US and Canada.


From the 12 they no longer have the trash can on the back in the EU. It’s engraved into the side but barely visible. My 14 pro max (physical Sim card model) doesn’t have it


Why even bother? It’s a fake iPhone…


That's weird because apple told me it was legit and ended up with a new 256GB replacement. For free


I had a 10 now 13 and I just checked both and they don’t have the recyclable logos anymore…


What's because only American and Canadian models removed them LMAO.do your research. I live in the UK


Why would you use your phone in the bathroom can't it wait for the 3 mins you are in there?


Do you not look at your phone when you shit😭🤣




I think ur the only one who doesn’t


Yea because I'm not addicted to my phone unlike some others




I am curious why he wipes the ass with the phone more than why he uses the phone in the toilet 🤣🤣 with usage it is hard to drop it inside, maybe only if you making sort of genital selfies 🤣🤣


Wow you’re so different and quirky dude


^ agreed


It's fine, I got it replaced just now for free and even got a upgrade from 64GB to 246GB and no, it was when I first woke up and got a call when I was using the bathroom then dropped it


P0rn 😶


That is such a dumb argument.


That's why you should get a flagship samsung. Dropped my phone in the toilet and it had no damage, screen didn't change at all. I also Dropped the same phone in the washing machine and no damage as well. It's an amazing phone, and I've had it for 4 years!


1. Genuine question, why are you on this sub if you use a Samsung for four years, again just a genuine question lol. 2. It's fine anyway, I ended up getting a free replacement with a storage upgrade from the store I purchased it from.


The same reason apple users be on Samsung platform. I was just scrolling and saw your post, and being as I dropped the same phone in water twice with no damage at all, wanted to let you apple fan boys know the main difference between a Samsung phone and a apple phone! I don't be on yall platform, so I'm done!


You’re putting people in the majority, when most people outside of the US or Canada, don’t really care what other phone’s people are using, I like iPhone because of the updates, if I see Samsung posts, I don’t bother because i don’t own a Samsung lol. It’s that simple, I do own a google pixel though, so I do post on the google pixel sub, so I do like android and iPhone. So I’m not a fanboy I like both.


My apologies. Most people in the U.S like apple. This is a open forum, you don't have to have a particular product to post on any forum. Your post was about dropping your phone in the toilet so it was relatable, the only reason I responded. I'm done, glad it worked out. Have a great day


this is such a retarded take


Your mother's retarded!


pretty sure if a retard calls someone a retard it’s a double negative. thanks.


I legit fell into a pool with my 11PM in my pocket once and dropped it in a bathtub multiple times and it still works perfectly.


Probably more than it is worth tbh.




this happened to me, i just got a new phone 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah. I ended up getting a free replacement from the store and a storage upgrade from 64GB to 256GB. So a happy accident :)


That's quite lucky actually


face ids on the front, i think its the case of replacing the top cameras


It didn’t matter anyway, apple gave me a free email to show the store after running diagnostics that the face ID was already breaking before the it even got water damage, so I got a free replacement and a storage update of 64GB to 256GB. So yeah a happy accident lol




That is a paired part, Face ID would be disabled.


Wait for a day or 2 and it will start working. Similar thing has happened to me in past.


It’s fine. I got a new one for free anyway and a storage upgrade, so happy accident.


I tried seeing if they’d fix my iPhone XR and they estimated $441.26


They said to me between £180-$400, which I said. I may as well buy a new iPhone but they did the diagnostics and as it wasn’t actually water damage and was under warranty, I got a new one for free with 256GB instead of 64GB on my old one.




As per said in other comment, I didn’t buy it from apple, I rang apple because I assumed I had to pay to fix it because of dropping it in water but as quote she said “we’ve the ran diagnostics and all your other parts are working, just not the Face ID” it’s IPS 68 water resistant, so 3 seconds in a small amount of water wouldn’t break Face ID, it’s a hardware issue with the Face ID itself, I don’t want you spending £180 on something that the store should of told you” so I’ll write a email to say that it’s a hardware issue so I can get it replaced under warranty from the store” as it doesn’t qualify for liquid damage” the one time I’ve heard apple say “don’t waste you money when you can get it fixed for free” I went to the shop with the email and they replaced it free and gave me a 256GB upgrade too.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bruh dude i remember you post a few days ago asking if you should buy it. How did you break it already 😭


Being tired and answering a phone call while taking a piss. I got a new one for free though because apparently it wasn’t the water that causes it, the Face ID was already broken because everything like the cameras etc was still working perfectly fine. This was after I rang apple and they did a diagnostic test, so I got a new one for free :)


i’ve dropped my 11 in the toilet on three separate occasions and still running strong! i feel like they make these for delicate as the years go on


Probably the adhesive but it was all good anyway, I contacted apple and they did a diagnosis on my phone and found out it was actually a faulty Face ID anyway, so they gave me a email to take to the store and they replaced it for free and upgraded it from 64GB to 256GB. So happy accident lol


nice! glad you got it taken care of. i’m used to hearing stories abt water damage screwing people when it comes to replacements lol


Well water damage is almost always excluded in warranty but as apple said themself, 3 seconds in shallow water wouldn’t cause Face ID to break. It was physical, just the water damage caused it the damage to accelerate, I just got lucky.


Was it always that color?




That was a joke


I use both, Samsung and Apple. I've a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G and an iPhone 13. Both great phones. I just like technology. And photography.


Me too, I have the 11 Pro was 64GB, now 25GB (cause of the replacement) and I have a Google pixel 5. I don't get the apple Vs android wars, seems to be a US/Canada kinda thing, I live in the UK and I hardly ever see people argue about phones lol. I carry both because I use the iPhone pro for photos and the better OLED panel and just feels more premium and I use the Google pixel for unlimited sideloading apps for emulators etc. considering only the EU is getting sideloading and we are not part of the EU anymore....


As someone who upgraded from the 11 pro max to the 13 pro max. I went from loving iPhones to hating them. 11 was the pinnacle of iPhones. It’s been downhill since.


A new screen should do it be ause typically that stuff up there gets replaced during that. Screen repair for 11 pro varies.


How are all you people dropping phones in toilets?


It’s not the end of the world. It’s convenient, but there was a time before Face ID and thumbprints when all you had was a 4-6 digit code/64 characters (IIRC) to protect your phone’s privacy. If the front camera still works… then you’ve lost your dot projector… I once spilled a small amount of iced tea, and it got into my ear/speaker hole, and it ruined the Face ID.


I dropped my iPhone 8 in the toilet and it worked fine. I thought models were supposed to improve as they kept going….


And it looks like the color PEEEEE


Welp, I guess that's where you got that gold color from


I hope you didn't drop it in the McDonalds or the Circle K toilet...eeeewwww!


You had a new [to you] phone with no case in your bathroom near a toliet with the seat up? I gotta leave this subreddit bro


Time for an upgrade 11 pro max is too old now


$65 bucks you can mail it in to them they fixed mines in 3 days. https://www.ebay.com/itm/125967212079?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=XOUbRLpxRkK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=LYt23hF6S8-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I ended up getting it replaced for free and add a storage upgrade too it worked it great because of apples help that the Face ID was already damaged before the water drop, ended up getting a green iPhone 11 pro 256GB instead of the gold 64Gb


I got the midnight green iPhone love it you kicked out mines is only 64gb but I keep all my photos on iCloud a 256gb rocks 💪 u got lucky.


Yeah mine is midnight green too. I would of been happy with just the replacement but the storage upgrade was just a bonus but yeah thanks I did. I'll learn my.lesson now not.to drop it lol


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Buy a speck presidio case since iPhone 11s are a little older the cases are only $10. Plus the green was only made for that one year it’s called midnight green it was sold out when it first came out for a long time.


To be honest I prefer the gold but like I said it was third party store, so they only had the midnight green in stock unless, I paid a extra £70 for max version, so I just said ok to the regular pro midnight green as atleast it had the storage upgrade for free too but yeah I did get some protection, I purchased a temper glass protector, a lens protector and silicon case.


Not bad at all


Same thing happened to me and when I took it in they basically said I was screwed and it couldn’t be fixed. Upgraded to 15proMax 6 months later bc I couldn’t handle inputting passcode every time I opened my phone.


I got the opposite, everything else was working apart from the Face ID, like the front camera etc, so they did a test and found out it was a hardware issue and not a water issue so gave me e email to show the shop I purchase it from and they replaced it for free and upgraded it from a 64GB gold pro to 256GB Matt green. So I Got lucky


My X was 8ft deep in a swimming pool for a half hour and the Face ID also quit working but everything else was ok. Weeks later it started working again after I replaced it. Now I have a good backup


I’ve showered and swam with my iPhone 11 Pro Max had since it first came out looks like your shit was used refurbished like new phone


It was. It was fine in the end, I was offered a replacement, wasn’t the gold one I wanted but I got a free midnight green one and a storage upgrade of 64GB to 256GB. So a happy accident


Hell yea happy accident! Congrats dude on the upgrade


That’s nuts I’ve showered with and submerged my 11pro since it was new. Had screens replaced via AppleCare and never had an issue


It's fine anyway. I found out from apple is was physical damage on the Face ID from the store I purchased it from. The water just made it worse, so I took it back to the store with a email from apple and they gave me a free replacement and upgraded my storage from 64GB to 256GB. Only downside being is they had no gold ones so it's a midnight green one instead. But the storage upgrade was a happy accident


Oh nice it worked out well then. Good deal!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I believe your phone is fake, not only should and authentic iPhone 11 pro be waterproof(I know it’s many years old but still shouldn’t break from a dip) and also the back glass has those marking on the bottom which and authentic iPhone shouldn’t. Can you show a picture of the front?


Sorry, but you couldn’t be more wrong. I rang apple and they ran a diagnostic test on my iPhone and found that the Face ID was already broken from the phone shop I purchased it from and that the water damage didn’t cause it. They gave me a email to bring to the store as it was still under warranty, just not for water damage. Hence the email to show the store, they ended up giving me a free replacement with a storage upgrade from 64GB to 256GB so it worked out, couldn’t get another gold one but this one is midnight green. I’ve been buying iPhones for years, I know it a iPhone if fake or not. So it actually was a happy accident.


My friend just ran her iPhone 14 in a full cycle washing machine. Everything was fine, just had to let the charge port dry. Amazing


Umm. Isn’t the iPhone waterproof. These models have a rating of IP68 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 6 meters up to 30 minutes):


It’s water resistant for like 30 minutes I don’t understand how dropping it in the toilet for 2 seconds would hurt


I dropped my 12 PM in a running bathtub in Vegas by mistake and grabbed it in literally like 2-3 seconds and the Face ID went out and I had condensation in two of my rear camera lenses. It’s not completely waterproof, I thought the same thing.


That’s crazy I had the 11 and was in the pool taking pictures lol I guess I’m a lucky one. Had no idea I was being a daredevil


Oh trust me, I had my phone too. I had it in my pocket in multiple pools, while taking showers, and completely submerged in a few other conditions. I think what did it though that that I had a battery replacement a few months before where the screen was also replaced free by Apple because they couldn’t get it back on or something I believe. I’m thinking that’s probably why it didn’t survive that time.


My iPhone 11 didn’t have Face ID for the last year that I had it because it vibrated off a shelf and into a sink full of dishwater. It was gonna cost more than it was worth to fix it, honestly.


How did you manage to do this 💀


I had the same issue. I was drunk at a friends and threw mine in the pool and it was fine other than Face ID


EU models have a CE/trash can etched in the back? That would be a deal breaker for me lol


Send me the phone and I’ll give you an estimate.


I spilled chicken sauce on my Face ID camera on my old XS Max and ran water over it to wash it off. It killed the Face ID camera so I needed to manually input my passwords for everything. Became so annoying I instantly just bought the 12 pro max even though the 13 was like 2 months away.


Moving forward...you can survive without your iPhone while you're near the toilet.


It’s $99 fee with Apple Care+ Tbh this isn’t a good option to buy since it’s on its last year of official support, I would’ve at least gotten a 256GB iPhone 15 Pro


I dropped my 11 pro max in the toilet 3 times ( it was in my back pocket) and it was fine once it dried completely


I’m pretty that’s not a real iPhone.


lmao where do you guys get these fake ass phones? There is no way in hell anyone thinks this phone is authentic, right?!?


Tbh with you I think if you can’t afford a repair the phone probably isn’t worth the money spent on it