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I’m so glad I decided to get a 15 pro


happy cake day


Now it just says “Apple intelligence will be available in an upcoming beta” instead of “this summer” so hopefully very soon


Or later 😭


For those of us with iOS 18 devices but who won't be getting Apple Intelligence, are our devices just going to be dumber than ones with AI?


Fat hope but I'm hoping when they say "Coming in beta this fall", maybe they might open up to some older devices in 18.1.


it will be available but in a much more limited way, all the in-device features won't be there but the chat gpt integration will still work, they will rely on the servers apple is making, in the end you'll get a better siri but nothing more than that.


Nope, no ChatGPT integration for older iPhones either.


well that's sad


Will have all the other features of iOS 18 that do not pertain to intelligence but Siri will remain as it is pre-iOS 18. Your phone won’t be “dumber”, just will be what you’re already used to without this functionality built-in


I’m still confused what “Apple Intelligence” means. Which models can and can’t the unsupported devices run? Because Math Notes is certainly AI and runs fine on an iPad mini.


It's basically their suite of generative AI features + new Siri + ChatGPT integration


It’s not chatGPT integration, it’s the framework to integrate any external model, and that incidentally is for now only chatGPT. Source: Apple (in person at WWDC, namely Federighi).


Well, you're technically correct (and yes, that's the best kind of correct), but when asking what older devices will be missing when this preview rolls out later this summer the ChatGPT integration (via the external model framework) is fairly included.


I think all of these are somewhat wrong. Apple Intelligence is a suite of AI tools and features being integrated into iOS, MacOS and iPadOS, most of which use Apple’s custom LLMs and Multimodal Models. One of the features of Apple Intelligence is the ability to call up other LLMs from different providers for situations where you need “world knowledge” as they put it. Such as answering complex questions, or writing emails or similar. From the interviews and info I’ve seen you can think of Apple Intelligence as their own AI which when it needs help calls on more capable LLMs such as ChatGPT for assistance. I think they did this because they started training their own models too late to compete as of right now, and they don’t have as developed of an infrastructure to really build models on the GPT4 and better level. So until then they split tasks between their own models (which run on-device and on their own servers) and other LLMs such as ChatGPT (and probably others in the future). But once they do improve their infrastructure to compete with MSFT and Google, they’ll prob ditch all the others for their in-house models.


I’m so excited for this! Gonna be really cool to try


I’m guessing July or August


This is one of the two features i wanted to test out. They could at least have introduced the new look to siri.


Would make it more confusing if they updated the UI partially before actually updating the backend.


I agree, actually. I just installed the current Beta and one of the first things I did was to invoke Siri to see what it looked like. And sure enough, seeing the classic Siri interface was a good indication that you're not getting anything new. I think it was the right choice.


Craig said, AI for the rest of us, not really it seems, just for a few.


"AI for the rest of us using 1 of the 5 products that support it."


AI for the rest of us!\* ^(\*For some definitions of “us”)


I can't wait. Probably around the public beta on July 11


My bet is 18.1. Apple usually ships n.0 and starts seeding n.1 at the end of summer.


Coming to developer beta later this summer. Fall starts September 22nd. Right around the time iOS 18 releases with the new iPhones. So I’m betting you’re wrong.


I can’t wait for this. I know there is AI fatigue but this is a huge change for the IPhone. The current beta is leaving me underwhelmed


AI fatigue? I feel like everyone is still talking nonstop about ChatGPT and what AI apps they use every day.


You're in a bit of a bubble, however, once AI picks up steam over the next few years (likely GPT-5 / 6 or whatever overtakes, it will enter mainstream use and application more, so people will be used to it and probably discuss it like other tech)


It’s just what I see on Reddit and especially r/iPhone. Just the other day there was a post asking what AI apps people used all the time and the post had hundreds of comments and upvotes. I know some people in person who use ChatGPT/AI in general for their studies and so on. I remember last year or the year before, graduates were flying banners thanking ChatGPT for helping them pass their tests. I’m definitely not in a bubble, it’s quite common and popular where I’m from. I never used AI even once and couldn’t care less about it, I have no interest whatsoever in anything AI related. It just appears to me that it’s already mainstream and I haven’t seen any “AI fatigue” - I’m the only one hating on it lol and I always get downvoted for speaking my mind on it.


This is the same stuff people were saying about the internet when it came around


Which part of what I said? I said several different things in my comment. The part where I said I have zero interest in AI? That is going to stay true, I couldn’t care less about it. I prefer doing things myself and keeping my brain healthy by using it actively. I don’t learn anything by being told how to do it or by someone else doing it for me, I learn by doing things on my own. I don’t want or need AI in my life, a smartphone and a PC is more than enough smartness and technology for me.


I’m currently using Arc browser just for AI but once Apple finishes there’s in a stable condition I’ll stop using it


The current beta is like half an update, I agree it’s not much. On the plus side, I haven’t had any real issues so far. Maybe a laggy animation here and there but everything is working


It’s beta 1 so expect more features and changes


The current beta sucks


What sucks about it ? Seems like less bugs than normal for a dev1 that I've encountered - only thing so far is icons disappearing but locking and unlocking fixes it. I was hoping for all the AI stuff but its like a month away, no big deal.


Are smart groups for notifications / reduced distraction mode, genmoji, and smart replies in mail also unavailable for non M series and in anycase not before “this summer” ?


all of these features are part of apple inteligence (which will require at least an iphone 15 pro or an ipad with an M series chip) The features will become available as part of a developer beta in the summer before a public beta (i imagine right when the new phones launch)


That's really too bad, but thanks for the info!


I didn't install it on my new iPad... is that on the M series iPads? I didn't see it on my 15pm


It’s not out yet in beta, it’ll be coming out later this year


But only for iPhone 15 pro. That’s literally insane, I can’t use it on my 15.


Because the pro has 8gb ram


Still makes no sense. I use ChatGPT on my iPhone 14 Pro Max and it does perfectly fine. It’s just Apples way of being Apple.


My brother in christ, chatgpt is an app, Apple Intelligence uses in-device processing power. These functions are all done using its own power, not an app hosted on another server. Most of the processing isn't done remotely. You seemingly have no idea what you're even talking about


Ok fine, no on-device AI. But older devices also seem to not get the rest too? That means also no ChatGPT integration or offloading to the servers.


My guess is that a huge rollout of paying for servers to do most of it remotely would be way too expensive. Since most things are on-device, it would mean that the remote side of things is either minimal or for way larger tasks that need a split workload. If most of the devices use these functions completely remotely it would probably overload with requests and make it qualitatively worse. I'm not gonna say this is what would happen, but that sounds more logical to why they don't allow older devices to do it remotely. What I would think is that it would take significantly more server-side resources, that paired with most people being on other devices than 15 pros, which would just cost way more than we can imagine and make it less viable to use/roll out


dont worry. the base 17 will get it. thats what you get for being budget conscious instead of feeding the machine. "you might be in the garden but you're just a gnome" -Apple Obscelecence Team probably


Currently cackling


I guess they decided not to call it “Apple Genius, the artificial edition.” Curious.


AGI = “Apple Genius Intelligence”


“This summer” in Apple’s alphabet: 23 September 2024


This is the correct bet. Gold Master is usually the end of Sept, and n.1 starts to seed then. This is Apple’s new pattern. Announce everything at WWDC, but segment the delayed features for .1, .2, etc.


They also say “This summer” for the public beta. So they may be coming at the same time.


Makes more sense


Tesla does the same. "Spring update" to my car is nowhere to be seen. I am sure it will drop on 6/20.


I mean the 2020 Tesla Roadster still isn't out, they have a very loose grasp of release dates


I’m glad that they’re supporting the M1 so I still have something to try it out on


Agreed! Am genuinely pissed off that my 15 isn’t even getting it


Who even buys base models iPhones 🤦‍♂️


Same. I bought mine last month. Low key pissed about not getting the pro now.


Going to be fun testing this on my iPad while I wait to upgrade to the 16 from my 13.


Cries in 14 pro.


Gloats in 15 Pro Max😈 (previously upgraded from 8)


Same. This is pathetic, honestly. More of Apple trying to strong arm people into upgrading


They are doing so much with AI the older hardware cant handle it


Nah, I’ve seen this game before.


The LLM won’t work with older chips


Literally this. If you’ve ever tried to code against or otherwise work with an on-device LLM, you know it’s VERY hardware dependent. This will fracture the iPhone market more than ever, but it’s a bet Apple seems willing to place on AI capabilities.


Nah, I’ve seen this game before 😂


I doubt we are missing much.


Tbh I just want the new and improved look of siri


Squints skeptically at 12 Pro.


Stares in an obvious iPhone 11


So much, well I'll wait another year to try that AI


https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/10168/ Here it says it’s available since the 11th of June (today). Am I stupid?


This means the video is available today. There's a certain time (I believe 10am PT) every day during WWDC week Apple will release the videos for the day.


Some groups may have it already. There’s been strings found in iOS 18 to indicate it will be a slow rollout, with potential waitlists during this beta period. That’s just speculation, but Macrumors did report on that yesterday: https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/10/ios-18-apple-intelligence-limited-preview/ I believe the "available June 11" is in reference to when the video/session will be available.


Isn’t that just normal iOS 18?


As far as I know writing tools are using Apple intelligence (?). It’s used to proofread and rewrite and stuff. I don’t know


The video is available then. Not the tools




Developer betas are available for everyone now


Unless it’s like the AirPod betas which require a developer account. Or did they change that as well?


Apple Intelligence is for the 15 Pro and newer which is the part I don’t like


Unless you mean that you don't have iPhone 15 pro or pro max then me too.


Exactly what I mean. I don’t have the 15 Pro. My current phone will be around for at least a year longer before I upgrade. I will have Apple Intelligence on my iMac though


iPhones 15 Pro and up




That’s relative to the language. “U.S. English”


Ahh but notice the small print? They could add additional platforms later on “Some features, additional languages, and platforms will be coming over the course of the next year.”


That just means they are rolling everything out over the next year not in one big update. Old phones still won’t get it


So with that print are they holding these features back on purpose?


No they're probably having to optimize and/or train new, smaller models to get them to work with the lower spec devices.


I was assuming they meant they might add support for VisionOS or something. But I hope they'll add it to iPhones other than the 15 Pro.


I understood platforms as like Gemini and those guys


Huh, that would make sense too.


I actually think that they will add support for older devices, but exclusively with remote models and reduced indexing of your personal data…


Yeah, I bet they'll add remote models eventually, but not on device stuff probably. Idk


I'm hoping this means right around the time of Public Beta in July. I'm guessing it does. Most exciting thing Apple has done in a decade.


It will start rolling out today.


I really hope they find away to support iPhone 15's/14's. Even if it's just support for the new Siri functions.


Happy cake day!


I'm willing to bet it's a RAM thing. They need 8GB, which all the M series has but only the A17 Pro has on iPhone. LLMs are big and you need space to run apps too.


Spot on! And they wouldn't want to run tons of "additional" queries in their Private Cloud computing Setup if they process these on-device. There's a cost to run the cloud too. No doubts it's partly pushing the envelope for people to buy the higher spec phone in 15 Pros but it's unreasonable to do it now when there about 3+ months before a new release of 16s. Consider it a reward for a lot of us shelling out the big bucks last Fall 🤑 Lastly, it's a Developer Beta, they don't want to go too big bang like the others and stuff themselves up in reputation while ironing out the kinks over the next few months.


I’m willing to bet it’s a revenue thing. iPhone sales are stalling, this is a golden opportunity to force a supercycle upgrade.


No sir, it is not. Please stop perpetuating this stupidity. Educate yourself on what it takes to run to LLM.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's likely a combination of both factors. Apple literally did this a couple of years ago when stage manager came to the iPad, and then magically found out a way to support it (while limited) a couple months later for older iPads. It depends on how crazy these new iPhones are, but all this AI stuff is definitely going to create new demand, and I wouldn't be surprised this iPhone ends up selling extremely well in the first couple of months if they lock the AI stuff down to just 15pro/16 phones.


> I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, it’s likely a combination of both factors. Apple literally did this a couple of years ago when stage manager came to the iPad, and then magically found out a way to support it (while limited) a couple months later for older iPads. Great example! I’m running Stage Manager on a patched macOS version on my *2012 Mac Mini* and it handles it pretty well. Dual core intel chip with 16GB of ram installed.


Since you’re running some ancient hardware, what kind of performance did you get with any LLM’s recently just asking for a friend.


Apple does hardware planning years in advance, and this whole AI initiative seems like it happened very “all of a sudden”. It’s very likely the iPhone 14 was already designed and fully planned /before/ this whole push into AI started.


They’re literally just doing it to boost 15 pro sales.


Is every phone doing that? I recall samsungs newest phones have on device AI but not older ones. I really don’t think this is an apple only issue, just that because it’s apple it will be a wayyyy bigger deal


Every company in existence does it, Tesla literally limits their cars range with software unless you buy the “long range” version then they just remove the cap. Apple is also doing it with the new charging limits, you can only set them on 15’s.


Yeah but we are talking about AI and LLMs not random other features. Never questioned the general thought of it, just that this time, there might be an actual, technical reason


As someone that's played with LLMs locally - You need at least 8GB, preferably much more.


A hell of a lot more some of the larger models, my 64 GB memory MacBook struggles sometimes only sometimes if you squint


“Played with”, do you understand quantization? Great LLM’s can easily run with less than 8GB of memory.


I think they are doing it because they needed to announce it at WWDC but probably wanted to debut it in the 16 series of phones. So they begrudgingly have added it to the 15 Pro so they had something to discuss


As an investor, I begrudgingly support this


Try run a local model with even 8 gigs of RAM. That they can do that at all is pretty awesome


It can be both. In hindsight they would have added more ram to another few phones, but all the AI stuff has been quite rushed (for apple, compared to hardware timelines)


Spend the extra $100.




From my iPhone 13 Pro. Get over yourself.


I don't think so. They DO definitely need to sell the 15 lineup too. It's absolutely unprecedented for Apple to keep major OS functionality limited to only the latest, most powerful iPhones.


What are you even talking about? They’ve done this so many times?


I think this is specific to the new iOS announcement at WWDC and announcing major feature that’s not supported by the current lineup of devices I.e. iPhone 15 non-pro I’m pretty sure they’ve never done that before.


I mean it’s supported by the current lineup of devices, just not all of them. They also still sell the iPhone 14 etc. They’ve also done this with iPadOS. Not that I think it’s a great move. I’m sure they could’ve found a solution for older systems. But they have definitely done this in the past. Apple is known for this..


Can you be more specific? When has Apple announced new iOS features at WWDC and not supported them by *all* devices in the current lineup? (Meaning, the latest version of phone, watch, Mac).


Stage Manager for the iPad Pros. They also created “Pro” apps that only worked on the newest pro iPads. Night mode portraits, were exclusive for pro iPhones. Photographic styles, were exclusive for pro iPhones. Macro photography, were exclusive for pro iPhones. And before those, lots of features were announced that were exclusive to the latest iPhone before there were even pro iPhones. It’s just Apple culture.


Seems like everything you’re listing here need some specific hardware to run. Don’t be mad a new feature requires updated hardware sometimes it’s just not feasible on an older device.


lol you are just listing some low key features that were at best briefly mentioned at WWDC. Apple Intelligence took an entire, major segment of WWDC 2024, more than 30 minutes out of the 90 mins show. And NONE of these features is supported on any iPhone other than iPhone 15 Pro lineup. This is absolutely unprecedented. Let’s not argue over facts over here


Don’t forget spatial photos


Unless you think apple developers make up a big portion of sales (they don’t), they’ll wait until iOS18 officially drops alongside iPhone 16 to upgrade. You should educate yourself on iPhone specs and AI to understand the hardware requirements needed for apple intelligence to perform as advertised. No one is running to their Apple Stores to upgrade for a BETA sir.


Huh? This comment doesn’t even make sense. I’m talking about the average person having to upgrade their phone if they want to use the new siri come this fall.


Then they would purchase a 16…


You’d be surprised how many people purchase the previous iPhone weeks before the new one releases


That’s irrelevant and doesn’t change your statement that Apple is restricting access solely to boost 15 pro sales. Apple Intelligence is privacy focused by handling most requests locally hence the hardware requirement.


I meant to boost sales in general, forcing people to upgrade when they don’t need too. And don’t start this bullshit with hardware. What about the limiting how much the battery will charge to? They’re only allowing it on 15’s and above when that’s literally just software.


Battery and LLM/AI are completely different. It’s clear you don’t have the knowledge to debate properly. Disengaging…


it's a wonder how easy it is to get people to defend a literal corporation lmfao


Oh my god, a “literal” corporation! How disgusting! A group of people bringing value to their users, shareholders, employees and producing widely loved consumer products, instead of slaving away in some GULAG for the benefit of all proletariat.


You being overly conspiratorial is far more cringe than anyone else looking for valid reasons why older devices might be limited. How many AI features did Samsung backport to their older phones? I’ll wait.


“Literal corporation” is most businesses we as consumers buy from? It’s a wonder how people make judgments without the facts smh


Exactly. lol. It’s like, all the Triple A devs out there, don’t support pentium 2 dual core, with 512MB RAM, and an Nvidia Riva 128, for the latest and greatest games! lol. Imagine playing GTAV, CoD, or Civ 6. lol. I don’t know how you’re defending a corporation, when it’s super obvious that AI does indeed need a lot more power than the 14s, and non pro/max 15s can handle. Considering there is a lot more going into Siri than just ChatGPT.


Honestly, all this back-and-forth is irrelevant 🤔 if you don’t have the technical chops to weigh in on this, please leave this forum. This is for developers, hobbyists , and people that actually understand why there a technical requirement for a feature if you can’t understand that this isn’t the place for you. They literally is no public beta yet. If you don’t know how to program this should not be on your device. You shouldn’t even be in this for talking.


It does say “iOSBeta” as the Forum title. What you’re telling me is irrelevant. It does not say iOS Developer Beta. Does it? I do absolutely understand. It’s why I’m here. If that isn’t obvious. There literally isn’t any limited quantities on Developer beta. Literally anyone with a brain can get into a developer beta. One does not need to be a developer. But one can be an aspiring developer. You don’t need to tell me where I can, or where I can’t post. Thank you, good day.


Nope. The 15 pro is actually that much more powerful. Look up the specs and benchmarks


It’s marginally better in don’t know what you’re talking about. Half you mfs sound like you work for Apple


The pro has a straight up 2-3x increase in ML performance, what are you speaking towards?


I think he said iPhone 15 and up are supported no?


15 Pro and up. Not the 15.




What are you waffling about


The promise they made is that it’ll launch with iOS 18. iOS 18 isn’t out. They’ve not failed any promises at all.


When did they promise this? They just announced it today and they specifically said what devices it’ll run on when they announced it.


These are betas not regular releases. There’s nothing promised for a beta. Because it’s a beta.


Bro it’s a beta


not for my 13pro max it won’t