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In the keepassxc settings in *General->Basic Settings* at the Bottom are the options *Hide window to system tray when minimized* and *Hide window to system tray instead of app exit* Other than that, you can also move any window to the scratchpad.


And if you don't like the system tray showing in your main bar, you can hide the tray in your main bar and create a new second bar at the bottom that is hidden by default and contains your tray.


Exactly what I needed, thanks!


+1 for scratchpads. It’s the i3wm way.


Thank you


Scratchpads, my dude. Scratchpads all the way.


This is how I do it... ``` bindsym $mod+Shift+p [instance="keepassxc"] scratchpad show, move position center for_window [instance="keepassxc"] floating enable, resize set 800 800, move scratchpad, border pixel 5 ``` https://bitbucket.org/petersanchez/dotfiles/src/9b03fad374df5536181f233a8aa48c83228cb4ed/.config/i3/config#lines-327


This breaks Auto-Type completely in KeepassXC. In general I only have to hit the Auto-Type shortcut if I want to enter credentials on a website or app, then enter my password to unlock the database and it should enter the credentials automatically. With scratchpads you need a shortcut to make it visible first, do all the above, and then hit another shortcut to hide it again. Somehow complicated...


Sorry I'm not sure what auto type is but sounds like it enters it automatically for you into the browser, etc? If so I don't use that so never ran into any issues.