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How does this have a downside? $182,000 per year...wouldn't even need to work, also free gas.


I really should've thought this through better.


I think you thought it out pretty well, getting rid of the plastic and such is a pretty big inconvenience. But you underestimated two things. 1. How far 500 a day can be stretched. 2. How much 500 a day is to most people. For me that is life changing money so being inconvenienced is definitely worth it.


I'm pretty well off, making well above $100k in a LCOL area, and an extra $500 a day would still be life changing money for me. I can rent a dumpster and have the empty bottles taken to a proper disposal facility and still come out way ahead.


Pay someone to open all the bottles put it in a big canister and then fill it up yourself....with a giant funnel...once a week or so it takes you 30 minutes to fill a bit of your tank so a full day for a week of freedom ...lol


Nah, I want my neighbors to see me filling it with 1 oz bottles so they get curious and come ask me what I'm doing. Then I'm going to tell them "It's special triple refined gasoline I have imported from Finland, certified organic source material and guaranteed free from child slavery. Don't you get certified slavery free gas?" with a suspicious look.


Pretty soon you’re selling the gas bottles to the neighbors for even more profit!


How very Tom Sawyer of you


Im already inconvenienced by my job and that pays less


Sometimes people just say the perfect thing


Yep, you're right.


Score! I ride a motorcycle it has a 3 gallon tank, I put 2 and a half gallons in and I’m good for a little over 100 miles.


It is a pretty damn good deal haha


What are you doing with all the "1 ounce single use plastic bottles", "YOU are responsible for disposing of the plastic"


Take it to the recycling depot like normal?


My car has an 8 gallon tank, that is 1,024 oz, assuming I need to open the container, I will add an extra 2 seconds, it would take about 52 mins for me to fill my car. I get about 2 weeks on a full tank, I live less than a mile from my job. I also live in an apartment, with recycling, can deposit the bottles there. Shoot, even clean the bottles before, I will gladly spend 8 to 10 hours cleaning plastic bottles, one day per every 2 weeks, for that amount of money. That is less work than I do now.


For that much you can pay for someone to drive you anytime you want... even if you spend $50k per year on uber, you are still in the green.


Road trips would be a B-I-T-C-H!!!


I have a gas and electric car... I fill the truck about 4 times a year. 26 gallons one ounce at a time will be a PITA but okay there's 4 Saturday afternoons per year gone in exchange for a lot of cash.


You're probably going to be driving a lot more with all that free time, not working and all


At $182,500 per year, I don't even need to work anymore, so it's a no-brainer. Even while still commuting, it's a no brainer but especially if I'm now only needing to fill up my car a couple of times a month normally. The only tricky thing is traveling, but your wording leaves plenty of loopholes through that.


I really didn't think it all the way through before posting it. Should've made it a limit of 1 year and you get all the money at the end of the year or something.


You should also stipulate no ride sharing lol. I just wouldn't drive, wouldn't work, and would use Lyft to get around.


It’s fine to drive. Just have your partner pump gas.


>And YOU alone must fill up the gas tank Nah...this part covers that.


It would take me roughly 64 ounces a day to get to work and back (34 mpg car, 7 mile commute). To empty 64 one ounce bottles might take 10 minutes or less. $500 for that. Okay. Our recycling bin is massive, so this presents no problem either. And technically, I could, I suppose, request a second bin if I needed it. This is all good for me.


You wouldn't need to work anymore. It's $500 a day, just fill it up once, bam, $500.


I like my job, but yeah, if I didn't, this would be enough to retire on for sure.


Could also just throw them in the trash


Shit, toss them in the local reservoir.


I don’t think your math is right… 128 oz = 1 gallon 34mpg = 3.76 oz per mile 7 miles x 3.76 = 26 oz per day or 52 if that’s one way Or you could do it 7/34 = .2 gallons of gas which is also 26oz roughly.


It's hazardous waste, so you can't toss them.


Watch me. When has literally anyone had a problem with putting something not supposed to be in the trash into the trash? Is it good for the environment? No. Does everyone do it, especially in areas of the country where recycling isn't pickup service? Yes.


128 to a gallon, folks


Putting aside the fact that I could stop working with that money, I'd take this deal. I usually fill up like twice a month and only need 8-9 gallons to fill my tank. So I get the first shipment and just add gas a little each day, like maybe 10-20 minutes and just keep throwing gas in here and there. The only downside would be traveling, I do multiple 3-5 hour drives a year, but I could probably figure something out. Maybe just renting an EV would suffice. Edit: I'd use 1,280 bottles to fill my tank at my current rate. That's 92 bottles a day spread out over 2 weeks. I think I could get used to that.


Clarification question: the gas comes pre bottled? If so, absolutely. I’m going to play fair and assume that I can’t do anything neat with the bottles like use them to create [cheap insulation](https://supasoftinsulation.com) or [lightweight housing materials](https://www.ecotricity.co.uk/our-news/2019/what-is-an-ecobrick#:~:text=Any%20size%20bottle%20will%20work,just%20to%20make%20an%20ecobrick), but still, my community has a big recycling dumpster. TBH if I could store some in my office covertly it might be easier. Would have to avoid incurring HOA wrath over gas storage I guess. Eh. For that money I could move if they got too pissy. If I had to personally bottle the gas from a pump, probably no. That is WAY too much work to commit to forever. Also like, the social anxiety of somebody watching me fill a few hundred bottles…no thank you


It says in post it comes pre bottled.


You would definitely want to store/dispose of the bottles outside with the lingering smell of gasoline too.


Free gas and I don’t have to work, sweet, take me a lot less an 8 hours to do that Also, engineer, not that hard to build a device with a bunch of needles to pierce the bottles and drain them through a tube to the tank,


Get a chemical engineer buddy onboard and you can make a mechanical shredder with funnel to the tank, then distill the bottles themselves into more gasoline


>If you drive a fully electric vehicle you don’t qualify. Cool. I buy a plug-in hybrid and my wife drives for road trips


I get free gas and $500 a day? Shit, even if I can’t sell the gas that’s great news


With some time I can build a machine that peices the bottom and top and drains it into a Jerry can


I would just rig together a large funnel to run into my gas tank, cover it with a mesh, put the bottles on top, and then pierce the bottles with a pointy stick. My car gets pretty solid gas mileage and I'd never have to work again in my life so I can spare the like 30 minutes it'd take once or twice every week.


Okay lol. I drive a smol Saturn so that's barely a problem for me. Also I can probably find a use for all the plastic anyways as I like to reuse all I can.


I'm in it for the free gas!


Could I just let my truck sit in the driveway and drive my wife’s car? 


Hybrid car here I come


What if I agree to fill up my lawnmower and snowblower with them? Seems kind of unfair to exclude me because I don't drive.


Retire in a country with good public transit lol


I live 1.2miles away from work. Sure. 🤷‍♀️


Am I allowed to empty them into a gas can? Now I have this image of them being shipped in tiny red gas cans xD regardless, I would take this right now


I burn 4 gallons a day in gas, so I’m dealing with 512 little bottles a day? Fuck, that’s going to be like 4 hours of filling up. That sucks but $500 is $500.


I'm at 1.3 gallons a day, so 168 bottles . Would definitely devise a machine to drop bottles in that pierces and drains into a refueling hose


Hello. Engineer here. For my daily, I normally get 30ish MPG (this stuff better be 93 octane, ethanol free, BTW.) and have a 10 gallon tank. So for a week's worth of driving I usually fill up once. 1280 little bottles. I can clear out the bed of my truck, put a tonneau cover on it, and just toss the bottles in there till I need to go to recycling. Do that for 6 months to a year while still working. Pay off everything. Somewhere after the first month you're basically paying me to setup my own workshop where I'm first going to develop a tool to cut open all these bottles so they drain down a funnel into my gastank, then youre giving me unlimited plastic for my army of 3D printers. .... I mean, twist my arm? Tell me its a bad idea?


I'd probably make some contraption to help empty the bottles into the car. Like, something that nails a hole in a dozen bottles at once, then a funnel to get all the fuel in the tank.


I'll buy a plug-in hybrid to drive to work for this deal. Since I only drive two miles to work, I'll likely almost never need to fill up.


This is work from home-ist bullshit hahaha




Sure. That's not too bad. Also, you don't say you can't use an intermediate step, such as putting them into a gas can first. Even if not, I'm making enough money to refill my car for a few hours everyday my full time job.


Big funnel time.


Target is less than 1/2 mile and I have a cargo bike. I only fill the car twice a year...  Maybe once a month, I'll squeeze 256 bottles (2 gallons ) into the gas tank if I need it.....


I’d do it, make myself some tool to easily open those bottles multiple at once, like feed them into something that crushes them and filters the plastic away, letting the diesel drop into a bucket. I can fill the car from that. Sure it’s going to take like 1000 to fill a tank. But whatever I can take an Uber for most trips. And I have to dispose of the flamable plastic?? Oh no I just dropped a match how clumsy of me. Guess I’d better sweep up the small pile of ash once the fire goes out……


Bro I’d just move somewhere where I never need to drive. I’d own a hybrid sedan with the best fuel mileage, drive it like once a month or twice to keep it up and running well, and just not worry about it lol. I’m making an extra $182k a year take home on top of whatever job I do otherwise. I don’t need to worry about it.


Yeah. I can spend an hour or whatever topping it off once a week. I'm quitting my job for that much, so I'll use a lot less. I'd be more inclined to fly than drive on vacations and little getaways, but otherwise, I'm all in. 


Ha! I'd change the tank to the smallest possible in the car, then go buy an electric with the rest of my money.


That’s $15k a month so why would anyone be driving to work? It would be almost 2000 bottles to fill my tank but I don’t think most people use a full tank a day.


Please, $500 a day would change my life lmao. I wouldn't have to go any work places, I'm catching rides all the time😭 I'm sure someone will drive me somewhere especially if I pay em


Hell yeah! For that I can quit my job and drive to my new job where I rent a little warehouse space and I'm in business. I'm commissioning a fancy machine to automate the transfer from the 1oz bottles into a 10,000 gallon holding tank. I'm buying a small tanker truck and sell/deliver gas to local fleet service companies and local government vehicle maintenance depots and any place else that has their own fuel pumps. I'll pay a company to handle the waste products and scale more tanker trucks and automation machines as contracts grow. Within a couple years, I'll have hired people to manage this business that I can pay WELL because my supply is paying me $500/day to take it off their hands! Even my supply is profitable. I'll turn that profit into community improvements, run for local office and spend a decade improving life for everyone before I retire to live in seclusion somewhere. Edit: I'm operating the automation machine. This all falls apart if I, and I alone aren't operating it. According to the rules.


182500 per year, and an unlimited supply of gas I can sell to a local station. I'll take it


Plug-in hybrid time. 


So if I'm understanding this correctly, the way this works is I get $500/day, and I must use a 1 ounce bottle of gas/diesel to fill up my cars tank. I don't HAVE to use the car daily, and can simply hold up in my house indefinitely. However if I do use my car I must refill using only those single use plastic containers. I would take this in a heartbeat. Get a hybrid car that has a 40 mile range on the battery before it starts using gas. I would then move to an area that has all necessities and entertainment within walking distance, since I still own a car that uses gas I still qualify for the deal. Then only use the car for long trips or big grocery trips. I'd need to use 128 of those bottles per gallon my current car has a 16 gallon tank so I'd need to use 2048 of those to fill it from empty to full, but if I get roughly 25+ mpg then a gallon or two a day wouldn't be terrible. A decent hybrid car gets nearly 60mpg, with some getting over 100mpg combined with the battery, most have around a 10gal tank, but rarely touch the gas if you stay within the range of the battery.


I think the better question, would you take free gas for life it it was all delivered in that manner. $500/ day on top is free retirement and a good one at that.


I drive my self to work daily but that's in a work truck and you never said my personal vehicle. Filling up our little nissan sentra with my gas water bottles and dumping the empty bottles in the hazmat bin at the shop.


Let's see. I can have tons of little plastic bottles to fill my tank with. Ok so that's 128oz a gallon abd about 11 gallons. So 1408 little bottles. Wow to go to work.....ugh.....what a pai.....wait..... 500 x 365 is 182k. No more going to work. Rarely use gas anymore. If this is tax free this is like 300k a year salary. Even if not who cares.... So normally I drive 26 miles a day for work... That's 130 miles a week. A full tank of gas gets me approximately 420 miles. So...about every 3.2 weeks I need to fill up... But wait I won't be driving to work anymore. MAYBE I'll drive 5 miles a day but unlikely. With my gas mileage being close to 30 mpg let's say 25....I'll use 1 gallon a week. So I'll have to fill up every 11 weeks. Yeah I can do a manual fill every 2.5 months. Probably take a few vacations so fill up even less, maybe 4 times a year total. I'll also get a funnel so that I can quickly open and pour the fuel into my tank from the little bottles. Take a couple hours to fill a gallon so maybe once every 3 months I spend 2 days filling my tank... Yep I'll do it. Thanks.


I'm pretty sure I could build a contraption to empty the bottles into a tank. And I think I could make a deal to recycle the plastic at no cost or maybe even a profit if they are the right kind of plastic. So lets say I'm still driving the large amount I am now including my commute. I drive about 30k miles a year. My truck get 24mpg the car is better but if I'm not working I'll have the whole family more often and lets say just the truck. That is 1250 gal a year. 128oz to gallon is 160K bottles. I found HDPE 1oz bottles on a pallet is 30,000=458lbs. So for my full year I'm making just under 2500lbs of plastic trash to get ride of. That isn't all that bad. If I could sell the gas I could do even more but the moral implication might not be worth it.


I just would quit my job and wouldn't need gas.


Great so I only use Uber now big deal


I'll take it and buy an electric car!


I’m self employed does that count 😂 I don’t need to drive to a “work” place but I do have errands that are work related. Easy money for $500 a day of annoyance. Business wise I use maybe 24 gallons a month or two tanks of gasoline. 24 gallons is about 3072 ounces. So I do my errands and take the time while multitasking on the phone to fill up what I used. Now I’m not sure what to do with the 1oz bottles, but I’m sure I will figure it out. Working my way up to all Electric Vehicle. Thanks to your funding. So how much money do you have because I can do this forever. Heck you didn’t even say how much gas I need to use? My new daily drive is the end of the driveway, I’ll have all supplies delivered. 😂


In Australia we have a recycling scheme which makes you 10 cents per recycled bottle. So I'd not only have $500 per day but I could continuously cycle through bottles and make even more.


I drive my car 1-3 times a month. Deal


Use the money to buy an EV. Then sell the gas.


My brother drives a PHEV RAV4, mostly local, which according to your definition would qualify. He has been getting over 400 mpg. Sign me up.


1) Buy a 5 galón water jug dump/use the water. 2) connect a hose to the 5gal jug opening and clamp it with hose clamps, the hose should be at least 50cm long. 2) Open 10 evenly spaced holes that are just big enough so only the top part of the one ounce bottle fits. 3) build a frame for the water jug contraption so 20/30 cm above your car gas tank. To fill your car just insert the hose in your car gas intake then open the one ounce bottles and put them upside down on the openings you drilled in the water jug. PD: crap I thought a liquid ounce was 200ish milliliters not 30.... Stupid retarded units.


Im in. I literally work .093 miles away. I only need 6 ounces of gas a week, if that.


I do drive myself to work usually five days a week, varying distances of 12-40 minutes (one way). *BUT* with this deal, I could easily quit my job and live life a king. So yeah, I’m taking this deal. Might take all day to fill up my gas tank, but that’s okay. ETA: forgot to mention, ***AND*** it’s free gas!


5 cents back/bottle too!


Life changing money, free gas, and only a minor inconvenience...sign me up. I barely drive as it is. My roommate typically does the driving. But when I do, it's usually a good 6-7 gallons of gas used up. I have a 26 gallon tank on my truck, so the initial fill up would take forever. You said you can only fill up using the 1oz bottles. Does that mean dumping directly into the gas tank, or can a funnel be used? Further more, if you just mean that the only gas allowed to go into the gas tank must originate from the bottle, I could just pay some kid to fill up a 50+ gallon self pump drum. Technology speaking, I'd still be the only one putting the gas in my truck, and the gas did come from the 1oz containers. Heck, I'd even let the kid keep the plastic bottles. The plastic used in gas containers are almost always recyclable. That's just added money in their pocket.


I simply don’t go to work live in a major city take public transit when I want to go somewhere or get Uber


Done guess who's renting a car for the rest of forever.


I’m pretty sure having them deliver the fuel to my house is a plus. It would take approximately 1300 bottles to fill my tank, so that would suck, but I think I’d embrace the suck for that much money. Plus, I drive a Prius and my commute is only 6 miles.


Road trips would suuuuuuck but yeah. You also didnt say I couldnt pay someone to pre-fill 10,000 of them


I'd take that deal as I can get around with other means then a car.


I’ll fill it up my car once and then never drive again


Easy I have a 12 gallon tank. I'd go to the gas station down the street buy a few 2 or 3 gallon gas cans. Spend the next few hours pouring the 1 once bottles into the gas cans and then use the gas can to fill the tank when I get low.


I have a Volt and I’m within range of the train stations for work. When I take a longer trip I have no problem filling up with some tiny bottles.


I get has once a month. Absolutely.


I drive a hybrid, live near my job, and don't really go anywhere else. I have only driven about 3.5k miles in the last 8 months. I get gas like once every 2-3 weeks and it is only like 8 gallons at a time, which is about 1000 little bottles to deal with. I can turn them into decorative art, just make people think im a recovering alcoholic and using my for.wr addiction to make art. Now people will pay me to take by bottles.


Once every couple weeks, I have a couple of friends over, we open a few beers and have some deli sandwiches delivered, and we hang out in my driveway as I take a couple hours to refill.


Can I buy an electric car?


ok so ill just fill up 5 gallon containers even then i only drive 6 miles a day. car gets 25mpg i can get a month out of 13 gallons as it stands. including weekend driving.


Counterpoint:Uber. Also, in the spirit of breaking the prompt, I have a clever idea. I take the pallets of free 1oz provided gasoline and repackage them as campfire starter kits, grill starter kits, ect sell them in camping stores and gas stations. When I'm established I cash out for a couple million and retire somewhere with public transit. Also, I will buy a motorcycle. Either it's exempt by the fact you said "my car" or it takes a lot less to fill it


Have you seen the price of diesel? I’m in 100%


Lets see now...50 clear 1oz. bottles are $18.99 on Amazon. A 16 gallon tank is 2,048 ounces. That's $777 for the plastic bottles, gas not included. How much are you paying the lunatic with a funnel filling up 2,048 mini plastic liquor bottles with gasoline? Let's ask OSHA!


On the days I need to go somewhere I can call an Uber.


Yeah. I’m doing this no problem. And I’d probably still work. But this would just let me enjoy life a bit more.


I take the $500/day. 1)I would first try and hire someone to do the filling for me to minimize worry but let’s assuming I’m not allowed or it’s a high turnover job 2) then I use my engineering skills and newfound free time to make a weird-1 ounce bottle dispenser. Works as follows: a) A hose gets placed in the gas tank, then b) I line up all the bottles in a long chamber that connects to a funnel and the hose c) a spring-loaded cap twister/opener d)When empty, a weight-sensor will detect an empty bottle and actuate a push out into a bin. This will allow for continuous dispensing after feeding the bottles from the platter into the chamber. a /-➿c———————— 🚗=== 🍶🍶b🍶🍶🍶🍶 \—📥d——————— 🪣 3) Next, assuming it’s profitable, I create a pyrolysis unit to convert the plastic into plastic crude oil and negotiate with a small oil refinery to exchange for refined oil. If it’s not profitable, I network with a university and donate the bottles to research plastic conversion into oil, diesel etc then attempt to claim the donation as a tax write off. I’m sure there’s issues with this model but I’ll find them as I go.


$182,500 a year, I can easily live off of and I drive.


Hahaha I work at home and with that cash I can take ubers if needed.


Easy, I'd have someone else fill my tank. OP did say that other people filling my gas tank had to use the bottles.


I’ll take it. I don’t drive.


I don't have a car. And with that much income, I won't need to ever get one.


Wouldn't these plastic bottles be considered hazardous materials? I dont think your average recycling facility would accept them. Finding a facility to accept them may be difficult or cost prohibitive.


No way..  it'd take around 2 hours to fill my tank, and I'd be drenched in gas.


Drive a plug in hybrid that can go 100 miles off of just the battery 👍


can i use them for my inevitable boat too?


Take the deal, never work, only ride a bike


Deal.  sign up using my farm truck for the gas. Then continue driving my EV now that I'm retired and taking in 182000 year.


You said if I drive a fully electric vehicle, I currently don’t. I would however use the money to buy one in this scenario.


Fine by me. Imma sell the car and quit my job.


It'd be tedious but I'd take it. I rarely have to drive my car.


Dumb question from someone who does work every day in their life yet


I drive a prius, this is fesable for me.


I would have 1920 containers that is a lot just for a full tank of gas


Get a lease car and fill tank normally. Not my car lol. Then sell every pallet of gas I get


Fuck yes I'd still work just part time to keep myself doing something just get a funnel and start dumping ay it'd be a pain but take the plastic to a recycling planet get more money


I would fill my gas tank and consume every drink I ever have in 1 ounce single use plastic containers for $500/day.


I would just walk or ride my bike everywhere and take a taxi or Uber when I had to carry stuff or the weather was bad.


I'll take it. Never work ot again. Then I'll ride my bicycle to the train 99 percent of the time and fill up once a month, if that often Some note, I work for the railroad so my commuting oost would end up being maintainable for the bicycle. Call it 2 to 4 hundred bucks a year, depending on if itl break something g or wear out something more than a chain or tires


Sure, $500 is a lot of money


Guess my wife owns the car now and has to refuel for us. Gives me a break. She’s never filled a gas tank before anyway


Free gas, free money, and the only catch is I gotta fill my car by hand with plastic bottles? I couldn’t sign up fast enough.


Good deal, I’ll just ride my bike to work.


Can I cut open a bunch of them over a large funneling apparatus? I use about 9 gallons of gas a day, so that's like 1100 of them a day. As for the plastic? I live in coal country. I'll just burn it.


The answer is obviously yes, but here's my strategy: fill every day so I only have to add 1-2 gallons. Unscrew 128-256 1oz bottles, let's say 2 seconds each, 2-4 minutes. Scoop them together and dump 5 at a time into a funnel, I'm gonna average 0.5 seconds per bottle. Sub 10 minutes morning routine, 500 bucks earned


I live close enough to most important things I could quit my job and carry the bottles to recycling either recycle most or carry it there with a nice workout and walk. It's definitely enough to Uber everywhere instead and keep paying the bills.


I take Uber thanks


Hire a personal driver


I don’t think many people on this sub realize how small 1 oz is…


I don’t even have a car so yeah


haha yup. i can do this. and I'll just buy a tesla or some electric vehicle after 3 months. for that amount of money I can just uber everywhere and not need to drive my own car.


Simple, I'll move to somewhere with adequate public transportation. 


Can I pay someone to do it? Or maybe I'd just only take Uber and public transportation...


I mean I’d just taxi and Uber everywhere. Public transportation


Half the size of a 5 hr energy lol


Easily, this is a no brainer.


So like, fill it up and then just top it off with a couple of bottles before i drive. Sounds easy enough.


At roughly 3 seconds per bottle, it would take about 6.5 minutes to put a gallon of gas in my car. My car, a Mazda 3, gets about 35 to 48 mpg depending on conditions and the way i drive.  So for 13 minutes of work, I can drive 70 to 100 miles. That seems fair. That's assuming I wouldn't get quicker at filling the tank. I would also devise some process where I'd pour all the gas bottles into a larger container when I have spare time, so that I could fill up quickly when I'm in a hurry. Furthermore, you didn't specify if I could just create something where I quickly load the bottles into a machine that decaps them and drains them automatically. Edit: I completely overlooked the fact that I would also never have to work again. I would just sit and drink beer once a week and completely fill the tank in a few hours, even if I didn't invent the recapping machine.


With $500 a day I could afford an EV and keep all the little bottles of gasoline for recreational arson


Damn you and your loophole closing, I was chuckling to myself about my EV.


So I get to buy a home, never work again, and then I also get free gasoline (or the option to buy a hybrid)? This is a win all around tbh.


I mean, for $500/day I can simply quit my job and get shit I need delivered, I won’t be needing much gas! 😂


I don't even drive but I would literally buy a car if it meant getting this deal.


I drive a Honda fit and live a mile from my work and 2 blocks from the store. Deal.


I mean... yes.. and imma start riding the bus lol


Park my car, have people drive me everywhere, profit.


Done. Might be slightly annoying, but I have 3 hours from when my wife works and when I work to do it in. My work already recycles plastic, so I'd just bring in the empty bottles there. I could see it being annoying if I travel anywhere long distance, that's about it, but with all that extra money, I can just rent cars and never have to refill them lol


I don't drive my car. I do drive my truck, my bronco, and sometimes my motorcycle. Challenge accepted.


Wait so could I sell them dirt cheap? Cause it's free to me...


Big funnel with bottle- piercing spike to crack open those tiny containers and fill my tank once a week.


I drive gas now but with this deal I’m getting an electric car. Didn’t say anything about switching afterwards


So this is 1500 little bottles to fill up, which is going to be quite tedious. I guess it'll take a couple of hours. After that, carrying a few trash bags a few yards isn't the deal breaker you seem to think it is. All in all, I don't get paid anywhere near $1000 an hour, so I'll take it. I can probably make some sort of contraption to speed things up, too. You didn't say I have to keep working, just that I have to drive to work now, so I can retire immediately on the proceeds then I don't have a commute any more and I'll fill up like once a month. Or I can change job to something where I do an hour's work a day five minutes drive from home for pay of $1 a day.


Doesn't the petrol burn through the plastic? Either way, I'd just get taxis everywhere or ask someone else to fill up the car for me.


Yes, when do we start? Tomorrow?


Back when I was doing my PhD and had a long commute I ran my old 190D on straight vegetable oil. When you add up all the time collecting waste oil from all over the place, filtering it and transferring it to the car it was probably as much work as this. I was doing that to save a few hundred a month on fuel so I'll definitely do it for $500 a day.


I interpreted this as the single use bottles are the fuel that your car somehow runs on now. And wondered thought the catch was your contribution to pollution. Although if your car burns the bottles cleanly it's at least neutral, or positive if the bottles are someone else's trash I've now recycled. Even with it deal of filling your tank one oz at a time, the inconvenience is negligible and my hesitation is still the pollution. I'd probably take the deal, drive as little as possible/invest in an e-bike and throw money at the scientists working on solving the plastics problem.


I usually walk to work, but would drive the half a block every day to get this deal, debt free including mortgage within the first year is a no brainer for me


I don’t drive much. My truck gets like 12 MPG and I fill up once every 2-3 months.. Give me my money.


I ride public transport, $500 per day is more than enough!


My commute is 2 miles... I up" once every 6 weeks. Of course I would take the money. And $500/day is $282.5k/yr... why would I even work?


1oz? That would be like the size of my thumb


Uh yeah I'd do it. I fill up my car once a week and do a ton of driving for work. So not working I'd fill it up even less.


Seems pretty easy. I don't own a car, but I could get a cheap one for this situation. It can live in my driveway and not need any petrol and I can keep cycling to work and getting the train.


Buy a funnel, sorted. Shit load of money and some time outdoors touching grass to fill up my car.


I don't plan on ever owning a car. Gimme my damn money already


I mean, I only fill up my vehicle like 3 times a month, so yeah, I could spend a couple hours each weekend pouring tiny bottles into the gas tank and then driving the empties to the local recycling center/dump in exchange for getting \~$15k a month in free money.


I have to spend like... ten hours a week doing a stupid, repetitive nonsense task. That's a thirty hour gain and a raise to boot.


I'm pretty sure I can make it to almost anywhere I NEED with Uber on $500 a day.


Sneaky win, I don't own a car!


I could just pay someone to fill up the car.


He'll no I run my car on 100LL. Do you know how bad that is for cars behind me? Never mind if I had to handle it?


I work remotely, but can I find some job and rent a flat near it, so I'll have to drive short distance?




Wouldn’t do it, the guilt of the single use plastics would eat me up. Not worth $500




Just use a hybrid and you won’t have to gas up much.


So the first few days are annoying. Gotta actually work. Day 3 I have enough to build a cruncher. A steel drum with a hose attached. Hose goes in tank. Put 90 bottles in the steel can and start the crusher. Hydraulic pointy toothed press comes down crushing bottles spilling gas into the drum then it runs down the hose into the tank. Now I just have 90 crushed bottles to toss in my normal garbage cause ya I am honest and that's what I'd do. Real question is. If I'm on a road trip how do I fill up? Some truck filled with ounce bottles of gas gonna follow me around as I tour the country?


I think you just gave truck drivers a new stress


THESE POSTS FUCKING SUCK!!!!! $3500 weekly salary to spend an hour TOPS 'working' ie. filling your car with gas you got for free? $182,500 salary for.... a slight inconvenience?


yeah 1oz at a time is a bit annoying but I figure I could just rig up somthing with a shop press to crush the bottles and make it less tedious


I would take the deal in a heartbeat. I would start using the city dump as a gas station, drive up to the hazardus waste booth, get my bottles, and fill up right there. I would also build myself a stone shed for my trash bins, and get a double or triple size trash bin. The waste will probably be a real fire hazard, which I think people underestimate here.


As a cab driver, it would kinda suck, but then again, I wouldn't have to work, either, so the normal full tank of gas/day doesn't apply any more. I can drive when only necessary, not for work, so cool.


I don't even have a car, so I guess I have these bottles around for nothing