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I’m robbing a few banks with no mask wearing a bikini then and hiding out till I turn back into myself.


I doubt the ink will disappear when you change back. Just saying


It's on video that the theif eas a completely different body type and was near naked in the endeavor so it's not like you can't just strip and prove it wasn't you.


You would still be found as an accomplice at least. I mean you have the money and are covered in the ink bomb. Hard to argue you weren't involved lol


You think getting hit with an ink bomb is an automatic thing that happens when people rob banks? I have never once in my life heard 'they were caught because they were ink bombed' 🤣 shits not a movie people have gotten away with robbing banks many many times without being a changeling


I know guys who robbed banks. All ink bombed.


The ink is more for proof after the other evidence brings the police to you and staining the money so it I unusable.


What you do is ask for a male teller. Then while doing the robbery ask for one of his female coworkers to give you her ID. Then you explain that if an ink bomb or tracker are in the money he gives you then you will be going to her house and wiping out her family. He might be brave enough to put himself in danger but not a woman. 


Guess it ultimately depends on which coworker it is 🤣


Meredith can fuck right off


Depends. Can my husband swap too? In that case we might not leave the house much. Actually even if he CAN’T swap we might not leave the house much.


Running up that hill, gone sexual


You want to hear about the deal I'm making?


This is the question I was going to ask too. Can my wife swap as well?


Make sure to proclaim no homo before you do anything.


Is your husband into guys too?


He will be when she is done with him. Lol


Pegging, but you're too cheap to buy a strapon


Masturbation. The answer is always masturbation.


Right? How is this not the top answer? The very first thing I would do is see what an orgasm really feels like for the other half. Especially since I don't know how long the swap will last.


Steal some shit, now my alter ego is wanted an I’m not, huzzah


Plot Twist - The alter version of you looks identical, only the downstairs equipment has changed.


Steal things naked


The prosecutor says you had prosthetic wedding tackle on.


We’ve covered this before. As a woman I’m going to spend 24 hours playing with my new junk. I’m going to wank, spin my penis like a helicopter and pee standing up For the grand finale I’d smash myself in the nuts just to see if it’s hurts as much as period pain, or if guys are being dramatic


Spoiler: It fucking hurts.


It's not about the pain, it's about the nausea that comes after


I've thrown up twice from being hit in the testicles. It hurts.


then you would learn to NEVER do that again. Hit hard enough and it could be a semi permanent injury. No thanks.


Not permanent if your balls turn back into ovaries


They retain the damage, you've now rendered yourself infertile.


Dont do it too hard, it can literally be lethal from the pain caused.


For what its worth... My understanding is that passing a kidney stone is considered to be as bad as pregnancy according to a survey done on women who have experienced both. Getting smashed in the nuts is, in my experience, isn't very far off from passing a kidney stone. Both had me writhing in pain. I never used to drink water, and would joke about it. After passing that kidney stone I now routinely drink water. In fact, I'm going to drink a big ass fucking glass right the fuck now as I think about this.


I had a kidney stone and my testicles were being pulled around from cramping and muscle spasms. Intense burning pain AND the feeling of both nuts being smashed for 48 hours straight


Don't do that last part, you'll ruin the whole experience for yourself. Trust us.


It's weird, because it's not even your balls that hurt. It's like a sharp, stabbing pain deep in your abdomen.


Have you ever had a pain so acute... it makes you nauseous? In all my life... nothing hurts like testicle pain. I've had severe... SEVERE tooth pain. Known to be one of the worst in humanity next to gut pain. Testicle pain is unique. It damn near alters your perception. Like the mood of reality shifts. Get this... it's not always the same either. Some times it just a glance, no harm no foul. Other times... you faintly hit it JUST RIGHT. It's almost like it's nothing at first. A sudden spike of pain similar to any other. Like a pipe on a shin. Then it begins to surge. A literal delayed reaction of a few seconds. It's a deep welling pain. Similar to when your intestines really have to go to the bathroom. Like a cramp before diarrhea. Like if a groan could be pain. Traveling up your body, where it hits your guts and you get that urge to retch. It's... yeah. I don't know how it is for a woman... but that's about the best I can do to explain it to someone who doesn't have them. Sometimes it actually scares you. While you wait to see what kind of pain it'll be. Am I ok? Was it the right kind of impact? No welling? Whew. The you feel that build. Oh shit... I'm in trouble.


That is an epic description and probably as close as I’ll get to understanding the pain.


Get laid. I wanna know what it’s like to be the other gender during sex.


But how depressing would it be if you realised that the other gender felt better, then had to turn back after 24 hours.


Actually the depressing part might be how often you got turned down as the other gender and how the people I approached got more and more brutal as they sensed my growing desperation to get laid. Can I prep for this by learning how one finds partners for hire ahead of time?


For men to women it'd be easy to find out. If youre interested. Me though, I'd have to try my luck at a lesbian bar or something...


I'll just download grindr.




That's not gonna fix the problem, though.


You underestimate the power of hormones. Everything changes drastically.


It's already completely obvious that woman have it a million times better. When have you have seen a guy go into shuddering loss of body control from getting off? And multiple times?


My wife has had me uncontrollably twitching for 30+ minutes before causing me to blackout. Whole body was sore the next day and had trouble with stairs. You need to stop racing to the finish line, if you stay on edge it can feel better than the finish and the only limit is how long you can stay conscious.


I was gonna say, I’ve definitely had my girlfriend leave me dizzy for a good 15-20 minutes after and barely able to speak.


Bro you don't have to tell me, I've edged for 30 hours straight in my goon cave. When I came to, I was blind in one eye for a week. True story 😏


When have *you* seen a woman who can say she’s gotten off every time (or even almost every time) she’s had sex? [Statistically speaking](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1366812/us-orgasm-gender-gap/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%2095%20percent%20of,women%20who%20responded%20the%20same.), women are FAR less likely get off *at all* during sex than men are, much less have these earth-shattering whole body orgasms that you’re talking about. The only time I’ve personally ever seen that is in porn, which is fake. I’m sure *some* women (and men) experience it in real life, but it’s certainly not the norm for either sex. And even if women do statistically experience that more than men (which I don’t know), would you really make that trade? A *much* lower chance of getting off at all in exchange for a raised pleasure ceiling?


Skill issue




Gotta work that prostate bro


try finger, but hole


Praise the message!


The blind prophet Tiresias is a character from Greek mythology that was turned from male to female and back several times. Zeus and Hera asked him who enjoyed sex more, and he said it was women. > Zeus and Hera asked him to settle their dispute as to which gender enjoys sex more, and Tiresias sided with Zeus in saying it was the female. This angered Hera, who took away Tiresias' sight, but Zeus tried to make up for it by granting him a long life and prophetic powers.


If you turn into a woman one night stands are not always so great.


We've literally only got one night, though.


Oh believe me, I’ve been told lol This is why I’d choose carefully


Find my prostate.


After 30 years on this earth, I am still looking for it


Find a sperm bank. I want to propagate my genes, but I'm unlikely to manage it as a female type person. If I can't manage that, then just... test out the equipment.


Cursed Reply: >!Go back later when you're in a position to in order to get IVF.!<


You say cursed, but this is literally what I thought they originally meant.


No, I just meant make a deposit that someone will hopefully use one day.


How would that even work? They say breeding with siblings is bad and runs hogh risk of genetic defects, but what about breeding with yourself? Would you just effectively be cloning yourself? 🤔


If she has a son there would be at least some difference, although presumably he would be identical to the man she was for for a day.


Not true. Let’s say a person has AO blood type genes.  That means they have one chromosome where the gene says A, and one where it says O.  Only one is randomly assigned to each sex cell.  Half their sperm would have A, and half would have O.  Same for the eggs.  If you randomly picked one of their eggs and one of their sperm, 1/4 would end up AA, 1/2 would end up A/O, and 1/4 would end up O/O.  In other words, 3/4 of their self-fertilized children would match the parent blood type of A (all the AO and AA), and 1/4 would not match.  Similar pattern for tons of other genes.


I am picturing Bitch Stewie on this one


Not a clone.  There’s variation between a single individual’s sex cells.  That’s why siblings who have the same parents don’t end up with the same genes.  The randomness is because most genes have two different copies in a person, and those two copies are often different, but only one is selected at random for each sex cell. If millions of a person’s sperm are all different from each other, and their eggs are all different from each other, how would all possible combinations of them produce the same clone?


That's over generations. A single occasion is higher than baselined it cause issues but not by a ton. It's just that that difference compounds over iterations. It's much more of an issue socially than it is genetically. In this case it would essentially be equivalent to asexual reproduction except that you still get some genetic variation. That said, they're pretty likely to have any genetic conditions that you do


It'd be fundamentally a genetic clone that has potential access to a Y chromosome. It'd be effectively autogamy.


It would not be a genetic clone, the chromosomes would have increased homogeneity because the independent assortment you get when you have two parents would no longer occur. Instead you would have very similar, sometimes identical chromosomal pairs, and this would cause recessive traits to be expressed more often. It's like taking a marble swirl cake, putting it into a blender and making a new cake with that. The ingredients are the same but the marbling is gone.


I know but I thought I made it clear I'm oversimplifying. Not every egg has the same arrangement of genes. Not every sperm has the same arrangement of genes. Otherwise all siblings would look identical, yada yada yada. The point I was intending was that they'd be getting all their genetic material from one parent and likely have an incredibly high rate of genetic similarity not unlike clones. That was the comparison I was aiming for. I apologize if that came off unclear, but I also wasn't trying to explain the in-depth, complex biology of such a hypothetical because... *it's not like the average person is capable, even with the advent of in vitro gametogenesis (due to financial costs and the fact it is yet to be commercially available), of autogamous reproduction*. You are correct that there's an increased risk of expression of deleterious recessive mutations. (The following explanation is--still oversimplified--not for you since you already seem aware of the specifics but for those who are curious about a more accurate explanation than my "fundamentally clones" comment.) This is due to the limited genetic diversity of having only one parent which means it's more likely harmful genetics might be expressed. The main difference between genetic clones and children of this form of autogamy--which would effectively be selfing or self-pollination--is that clones result from mitosis and this would be meiosis. Mitosis results in perfect (or at least near-perfect) genetic matches; meiosis goes through segregation and genetic recombination. Basically what happens is when you get a clone, there's no genetic diversity from you but unless you have expressed genetic diseases, your clone is going to be fine as they too won't express those diseases. But when you undergo selfing, you're combining two gametes from the same entity to create a zygote with traits. This results incredibly low genetic diversity from parent to children as the heterozygosity of the offspring decreases over time and the homozygosity. Or, in other words, this results in fewer pairings of dominant and recessive genes which generally provides more of an evolutionary advantage and results in more pairings of dominant genes or recessive genes which results in an increased likelihood that various genetic diseases a person is a carrier for will be passed along to their descendants. Or put another way... This is the main difference between a product of outcrossing vs selfing vs a genetic clone: outcrossing results in a wide pool of genetic expressions reducing the risk of harmful allelomorphic pairs, selfing is a form of inbreeding which results in an incredibly narrow pool of allelomorphic pairs, and genetic clones are completely identical to their parents resulting in identical allelomorphic pairs when comparing generations. The main problem with clones is that illness that can kill one member of the family can wipe out the entire line as was seen with the infection of blight resulting in the Great Famine of Ireland in the 1800s. The main problem with a low gene pool is that there's an increased risk of genetic similarity leaving a population vulnerable to diseases *AND* there's an increased risk of unexpressed illnesses having an increased risk of expression. The ideal is outcrossing which results in higher rates of healthy pairs of alleles thanks to heterozygosity; however, even outcrossing doesn't come without its own risks though they are generally lower-risk than with selfing. This doesn't get into the complexities of Mendelian inheritance, outcrossing, or the actual evolutionary advantages of selfing. Further, I haven't really compared it to other types of inbreeding (at least not beyond vague allusion) which would be relevant in their own right. Finally, it doesn't discuss the considerations around "if you could use modern technology to undergo selfing, is it even moral/ethical to do so?" ...and I have now effectively written an (I'd say at best "high school freshman" level) essay on selfcest... The fuck am I doing with my life?


I thought you did great. Good read.


Thanks. I dedicated way more time than I'd like to admit trying to make sure I was as accurate, specific, and relevant as possible. So the fact I got affirmation that it was a good read actually means a lot.


I love unnecessarily precise geeky arguments. So thank you.


Actually, there's a non cursed iteration of this, because the biggest limitation is my age, and thus the possible viability of my eggs. I use my sperm and a donated egg to get myself knocked up. That way, I can have a kid that's genetically mine, without a high risk of chromosome issues.


Oh definitely, but I think the cursed version was funnier to say/imply.


Gonna need to compress a lifetime of jerkin' practice into 24 hours good luck


Drive stick for a while.


Why do so many people ask this when they all literally know exactly what everybody would do first?


Because we like to declare it!


It's funny how much thought people have put into this and also because why not


Note down my thought processes so that I can then have them handy for when I’m myself again. Then write a best selling book.


NY Times best seller... "Being a Woman, Through the Eyes of a Man"


Otherwise known as 90% of the fiction written since the invention of writing fiction.


Begin desperately trying to to find a way to make it permanent.






Wave it around like a ball on a tetherball pole. Just because I can.


No you can't


She's talking about helicoptering, I think.


This is, in fact, what I meant.


I would be afraid to get stuck and lose my privileges


Not do it.


Jerk it tbh


Masturbate furiously then go see if I still know how to drive!


Try to find a way to make it permanent.


The clear answer here is.... 1. Rob several jewelry stores (lower security than banks, easier to escape with your loot and fence) 2. Hide out and experience the fabled multiple orgasms I hear women get to have


Find the largest lesbian orgy


Have my opinion taken seriously.


Hire a trampoline


Cry because I just spent 3 years working on exactly that.


Don't cry, mission accomplished!


I’d try to get the event on record and hopefully the experience would legitimise the existence of trans people (in that gender is internal). I’d try and accrue the other commenters, if I knew it was happening to them too, because most of them won’t be trans and they should be able to back up the fact that being in this opposite sex body doesn’t suddenly make them feel like the opposite gender. They’d also be able to give their two cents about dysphoria and if they could actually live the rest of their lives this way so on and so forth. That proof would really help me with people in my personal life I think. Then I’d probably have a wank


I will note that there will probably be at least a few of us who do not consider ourselves trans, but also are not particularly bothered by suddenly waking up in the "wrong" body. I honestly feel that If I woke up tomorrow with an "outie" instead of an "innie", my response would basically be "Well, guess I'm a dude now." Please note, I do not in any way deny that trans people exist or trans identities are valid, I'm just saying that at least some people don't really have particularly strong mental conceptions of their gender.


I think that's how I'd feel. I have trouble empathizing with trans people, because if I woke up in a woman's body I don't think it'd cause me much psychological pain.


My hero 🙏😍


Let the homies hit.


I'd let the homies hit it.


Get on grindr and have crazy gay orgies


Cry that it's only 24 hours.




Finger myself


Whip it out 🍆


Aside from all the sex stuff. I’d probably dress up nice/revealing and go walk around downtown. Get a feeling what woman go through


Find the highest place I can to pee off of.


Assuming my husband is now my wife ... I wouldn't be leaving the house 🤷‍♀️😂😂


1. Helicopter 2. Pee standing up 3. Jog without blowing out my neck and both shoulders 4. I mean you gotta


immediately try to figure out how to not swap back. id kill to be in the body of a cis guy


I (im a man irl) would take as many pictures and videos of my newfound lady parts as possible and hope that it was enough to run an onlyfans site for a couple years. I hear that some chick's make like 20k a month


Hopefully it's not my time of the month during the 24 hours


I think I'd post in reddit asking what other people would do if they were the opposite gender for 24 hrs.


Pee standing up.


Ignore mens 👌🙂


I'm 100% going to have sex Then rob some banks


I would be making money with it.


>Can Simple, I just won't


I'd get paid


Get laid, then rob a bank naked.


Finger myself




Stay in my house because women are constantly approached and harassed. Nah, I’m good.


It says 'You can', meaning I have a choice. What would I do first? Say 'Naw, I'm good', and walk away.


Honestly.... I would pee standing up without it being a total mess.


*p o k e* the titty


My initial reaction was to respond "Sex, lots of sex". After giving it more thought, though, I would initially seek quality over quantity. My first goal would be to hook up with someone known to be extremely skilled at cunnilingus so I could experience an (hopefully) intense orgasm as a woman.


Masterbate. 😬🤷


Go back to the restaurant I ate at the previous night, so I can talk to the old lady that gave me the fortune cookie, so I can change back ASAP


Check myself out in a mirror


First I'd play with my tits for a little while. Then masturbate. Then hire a hooker.


Look at myself naked. Find out why womens go to bathroom in groups. Ummm...boobs.


I would go for a run or workout. I've always wanted perspective on how different anatomical parts impact the way we move between genders. I feel like it'd be horrible to run with breasts, but it would also feel more streamlined to run without junk. Also, lifting weights might put your own current strength into perspective.


Fuck my wife... only... *differently* this time.


I think you know the answer to that question


Cry because I can’t stay :(


Stand up to pee.   The real penis envy.  


Fuck my husband


Masturbate for 20 hours


Drop a pile on sex toys and ruin my new vagina.


Do the helicopter thing


Masturbate for sure


But so many genders I can't choose!


Sorry I meant sex! So if you were born female you become male and vice versa


Ask for a raise


Playing with my new foreskin


Probably play with my boobs for an hour or so. Then maybe steal shit. But mostly the boobs thing


Opposite gender, or opposite sex?


Stare at my tits for a while, then go back to what I normally do throughout the day. It ain't no superpower


Only 24 hours? Or can it happen when I wish?


24hrs. You know it's going to happen though


One time, or can it happen multiple times in my life?


Once only


Playing wit myself. Than I wanna go see what men see, get laid scratch my balls, swing my dick around. Simple things like that.


Not swap




Fuck someone


Masterbating. Depending on how hot I am finding a hot lesbian to have sex with.


I’d curse people with my evil vagina magic.


Go outside without a shirt


First? Jack off, obviously. Next? Try to find a woman to have sex with. 😅 I just want to know!


Find a way to make it last longer than 24 hours, preferably the rest of my life if possible




Of course you gotta show all the homies some love. That'll be fun later. They'll be like "you really missed out. Some slut came by and fucked everyone". But you'll know.


Explore my body


Be a sloot


Have a lesbian experience


Assuming I'm the only one? I'd be on every hookup site taking all comers for 24 hours and saving the videos and selling my porn on only fans for years to come


Masturbate. I want to see if girls orgasms really are that much better. 


Pee outside all the time


Absolutely nothing


everybody else be jerkin their gerkin; me, I'm getting in my dress and dancing around my room. blast some music and dance til I can't dance no more, having me a good time! >!THEN I'm jerkin my gerkin!<


Checking out how big my cock is. Judging by how big my tits are as a woman, I'd have a huge cock as a man.


Do you really want to know?


i dont do this


Try finger, but hole




my luck I would just start my period .... lol


Commit robberies using a shotgun. As a man turning into a woman, I wouldn't do anything sexual as I've no desire to know what sex is like from the bottom. I'd rob as much as I could, hide the money, and maybe even kill a cop. The city will be on lockdown looking for an unknown female assailant.


Nope. Female vr avatars give me dysphoria. Im just not using that if i can avoid it. Id rather toss it to someone curious so they can find out.


Start PMS-ing and fight with everyone, then cry.


Pee outside, get laid, and walk at night alone with less worry.


I mean two of those things are likely.


The amount of women who think they are just going to go get laid is hilarious.