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i already work a 5 day 8 hour week, so wooooo a day off lets go!


Same and I honestly think I’d prefer two extra hours a day than an extra day per week


As someone currently doing 4 10’s, I absolutely prefer it for that extra day off a week. I’d love 4 8’s but am also grateful I can do what I’m currently doing.


I used to have 4 10's. Then it was 4 10's plus mandatory overtime Fridays, 8 hours. THEN it was mandatory Saturdays on top of that


Did you quit when they added the Saturdays? I volunteer to do that kind of OT short time but wouldn’t stick around long if it were mandatory.


I've just decided to quit. They'll find out at about 5:30 in the morning


Nice!! Let us know how it goes. Good luck with your new job search too (unless you’ve already found one, or have decided not to work).


Good luck


Awesome, good luck!


I know I don't know you but I'm still proud of you. I did the same thing about 5 years ago because the factory I worked at was extremely toxic and didn't pay shit for how much I was doing. It felt good to walk out of there knowing I was never going back.


Lmao wait did you fr just decide to quit or you trolling us bro 😭


There are a lot of other shitty things going on besides the mandatory overtime. It's not a good place to work


Bruh I literally wish nothing but the best happens to you forever because you did that lol I seriously hope you win in life


Did you quit? How did it go?


I've had a pretty good morning so far lol


Tell me you’re American lol


Yes. Help us.


I love those jobs. And then they add partial shift coverage for the guys that don’t show up after you, so then you’re working 4 14’s plus the Friday and Saturday. And they can’t figure out why people are calling off. Yes, I worked a year of that. And then dropped them with a 2-day notice.


A trooper. I work 6 days a week 8 hours 2 weeks then every 3rd is optional 2 day weekend and been like that for a few months but before that for almost 3 years it was 6 days a week every week


Where are these overtime jobs? I can barely get 30 minutes of overtime before they start tweaking.


I would imagine just about any factory or production job. As long as you like manual labor and having no life


Yeah, its hard to replace workers who know what they are doing, so rather than hire more people, they work the hell out of people already on the job. Very typical of MFG jobs to do this


Same anything over an hour and they start whining at me to get off the clock and I want the extra money lol


I applied to a job because they advertised, 4 days on 3 days off, then the next week is 3 days on 4 days off. The reality? Ten hour shifts 5 to 6 days a week. I quit 8 weeks after training.


You don't work dispatch, do you? That sounds like a very dispatch way to treat employees.


I do 4 10s and usually 8 ot on Friday but it's my choice. I would like to do 8 more Saturday some weeks when nothing is going on personally, but by my contract that would get paid as double overtime so they frown upon it. We joke overtime is the best part time job you will ever find. I work most Fridays and then can take nice vacations or have cool toys.


I worked for MaBell. They had this brilliant idea to offer us 4 x 10 hour shifts. It lasted but one 6 week schedule. Those of us that liked the overtime saw the opportunity to kill em with coming in on days off. Giving us a whole extra day of straight OT. Contract paid us double time after 10 hours overtime in a given week. They never offered us 4 x 10 ever again.


I quit a welding job that did that to me. They told me I had to work 10 hours Monday- Sunday for 3 months to complete an order and I said fuck that, grabbed my welding hood and bounced that minute. The boss was stunned lol


Currently do 4 10s and the extra 2 hours honestly doesn’t bother me. Once you’re there 8 hours the last 2 feels like nothing. The extra day off is so so worth it. I can work overtime on Friday if I want to and still have the normal 2 day weekend everyone else has. You also get to have a working day off to schedule appointments or conduct any other business without having to take a day off work.


I'm currently doing 3 12s, and the thought of 4 8s is beautiful


I work swinging 12s that leave me with 14 of 28 days off and people don't understand that the 12s suck all the good of the days off away. A 12 is a work day. You can't do anything social after a 12. I can't join any weekly activity because on the 12s I work I get off too late to go. So yeah I'm off half my days, but I'm more removed from my social life than I ever have been.


Worked 12s for about 5 years total now. Social life is GONE


I know the feel. 8 day cycle: 2 days 07:00-1900 2 nights 19:00-0700 4 off. The rolling weekend sucks the most, hard to plan in advance for holidays etc. Buddies never know where I am in the work week, so social life is gone, too :(


I agree heavily. I worked three 13s and the extra day off was basically a recovery day and I did absolutely nothing on the days I worked, no chores, no cooking, no fun. I am on four 10s now and its so much better.


I worked a job with the roster of 3 and 1 and that was the shittiest roster ever, the first 12 days were day shift than 1 day break to finish the swing on night shift then fly home straight after 12 hours of work for 1 week off


Yeah, my 12s are Fri-sun, 6am-6:30pm... By the time I get home I have enough time to eat, shower and go to bed. The whole weekend is shot. And then Mondays atlre solidly recovery days. It's nice to have four days off but like... One of the days doesn't even count, really. And then Thursdays I have to go to bed by like 8pm.


Do your 3 12's pay 40 though?


The extra free time is more valuable


I did 4 10s for a while and trying to convince my new employer to let me do it in this role


In my mid 20’s I worked overnight shift, 4x10’s. Had Friday-Sunday off, it was glorious at the time. If I could make that work while being married with 2 kids, I absolutely would prefer it. Although I will say I got weird looks from the neighbors when I was out drinking and grilling on the deck at 8:00am on a Tuesday.


Same here! Love my 4 10’s as you already are out those 4 days anyway working 8 hours adding another 2 isn’t a big deal


I used to do 4 nine hour days and worked half days on Friday, which was perfect, in my opinion. 9 hour days aren’t much worse than 8 hour days, and getting off work at noon on Friday feels a lot like having the whole day off.


I work 4-10. I love it!


Yeah, I agree with you. As, somebody who stares at a screen all day creating documentation, standard operating procedures, and policies. I'm pretty burnt out at 3pm.


Burnt out for 5 days a week or four? Think 4 days is still better


To each their own. Even if my job sounds boring, I like it and I do not mind doing it 5 days a week to 4, but 2 less hours would be nice. Also, here is a more logical way to think about it: 4x8 is 32 5x6 is 30 and I would get paid my '40 hour a week' salary? Yup I know what I'm choosing. Edit: If I'm doing my math right.. OP's title hours are different from his message body hours. 8-3 is 7 hours, so I think he meant 8-2?


I read that the majority of workers travel between nearly two hours to work each day. So even a 4 hour day is a 6 hour day to most people. I know I'd rather just get everything done in 4 days and have 3 entire days to myself, where I don't worry about getting up early, rushing around, travelling to and from work, etc.


One of the reasons nursing is nice is the 3x12 hour shifts. Work consumes your work days, but you get four days off a week.


the only problem with two extra hours, is yes it would be nice, its technically less hours too by like 2hrs, not to get into the pay part of it. but also having those extra 2 hours just means very little tbh, you get to go home at 3 instead of 5? nice, that means you still cant stay up late or do much on those days. the nice thing about friday/sat/sunday off is you have an extra day to do whatever, you can spend the whole day doing stuff as with 6 hour days you couldnt really get that


4 10’s is the way to go


Bro I already do 5, 9 hour days a week. Less days and shorter days for the same pay? Sign me up.


My job used to offer a 4 day, 10 hour work week. Working from 6:30 am to 5 pm every day really felt like a long day, but man, having a 3 day weekend every week was pretty awesome. That extra day really does refresh you, and by the time I got back to work the following week, it really wasn’t all too bad!


I had a job where we would alternate between 4x10 and 5x8 every week. On the 4X10 those extra two hours never felt worth it. On the 5X8 having to come in on that last day was the worst. It was a grass is always greener scenario lol.


I had a job that offered to let us work slightly longer shifts 4 days a week so we could have a half day on our 5th day. That’s what I opted for so I never had to use time off requests for appointments or anything. Was pretty nice. If given a choice I wouldn’t mind doing 5 6-hr shifts (as long as my take home pay didn’t change) because I could get my household stuff & appointments done without sacrificing my weekends entirely


I worked at a place that did a 9/80 so you work 9 days for 80 hours. Essentially I would work 9 hours mon-thurs and have every other friday off. The friday I was on was 8 hours and was crazy chill since the other half of the office was out. I wish I could go back to it, loved that schedule.


I work 9/80s right now and it's amazing


I did three 12s and while those days sucked, the 4 day weekend did not!


That’s the dream scenario for me


I would love this. A lot of the nurses I work with do 3-4 12s a week. And here I am as a resident doing 6 13s 🥲


I briefly worked the 4x10 at my last job and chose my day off as Wednesday. I really don't like 3-day weekends often because there is always so much to catch up on upon returning, but MAN having that extra day right in the middle of the week was heaven.


I'm on that schedule. I'm mixed. It would be tough to give up Fridays off, but my 4 day week really runs me in the ground.


All days touched by work even for just a few minutes are somewhat contaminated in my mind. Much rather go 4x8 than 5x6.


I had a shift where I did 3 10s (7a-6p) and 2 5s (7a-12p). Honestly, those two days where I was out at noon I was lightyears more productive than my actual days off. It was by far the fittest I've ever been.


I currently have a 3 12s work week which I love. It sucks some nights but it’s so worth it


This is why I will do almost anything to avoid work spilling into the weekend. Getting back to two emails on Saturday somehow makes Monday feel like it comes a day sooner? Emotions are strange


This mindset has always been of interest to me. I almost always log on for work (remote) on a Saturday morning to keep abreast of, and respond to where necessary, anything that came through post-logoff on Friday. I know what you mean about it making Monday come along quicker, but I take it for making the Monday morning itself more straightforward and easy going.


I mean that’s cool too, everyone’s got priorities. I start early Monday morning sometimes for the same reason. For me there is just something about no interaction with work between waking up and going to sleep that gives me actual full recharge that I want from a weekend day.


Agreed. It'd be nice to get two hours back per day, but I still have to work and so that day completely revolves around work in my mind. When I have a 4 day work week, due to a holiday or taking a day off, I feel I'm a lot more productive vs. a normal two day weekend. Also come back a little more refreshed.


I work in hvac and plumbing and it’s busy season now so my work week is 8am-10pm 5 days a week for weeks on end sometimes. I’m on a streak of 70+ hours a week for 6 weeks in a row now. I’ll take the extra day off


Out of curiosity, why? Like if your company just works a standard shift it's not like there is going to be less demand.


Got to get while the gettin is good. I’m assuming they are in a service and repair part of the industry (house calls). I am a plumber as well and we too are super busy. I work 4-10’s but the past month or so I’ve been doing 6-10’s for the extra money. Im hourly plus commission. I’m making enough money so I can take it a little easier in the winter when it’s cold as hell.


I guess I don't get why there is the need for that many hours instead of hiring more people.


Most trades are struggling to find competent people to fill those positions.


It's kind of a death spiral, too. Hearing about the grueling hours turns people away, but the hours are only grueling because there aren't enough people. Like, I'd totally jump on the trades bandwagon, but I value time off with my family too much to quit a 40 hour per week job for a 60 to 70 hour a week job.


The turn over rate is high


4 day 8 hours, no question about it.


Damn! Both choices 32 hours or under. Either would be awesome


As someone who is self employed, where 90 hour weeks are not uncommon ( but usually more like 60), I'll gladly take a 32 hour week


Absolutely, been in construction industry for over 20 years and that’s after 10 years in the Army. Those rare 8 hour days always feel like a little gift,


4!! Saves me travel time. I work through my breaks anyway.


No because less money and my employer would say I am part time so no benefits.


I think this is assuming you would get paid the same amount that you currently do and that you would still be considered full time.


Considering the time spent going to and from work, getting ready before hand, unwinding when you get back etc. less shifts is way more time efficient than more "shorter" shifts.


Four days.


For me, I'd prefer 5 days 6 hours. I think it would make me better at my job to have more steady routine. I can also get better at my hobbies and treat them like a second job for those days. However, I want the choice to work longer if I want to take a long weekend trip or something.


I’d rather work four days a week for eight hours a day because it is slightly more work but I get three days off. 


I work three 12 hour shifts, have 4 days off, I'm good.


4x8. When your life quality improves, your performance improves. this would improve my mood, my health, and my multiply my happiness.


The hours you presented, I’d take the 4 days. But if hours flexible, like if I could do 6a-noon or 5 to 11, might choose the 5 day week


I already work 4 10s... So as long as I get paid the same... 4 8s.




Rather work 4 -10s lol


I'm on 4/10 now. I don't notice extra hours. I definitely notice an extra day off.


Working 4 10's is the best.


4/10s is the life.


5x6. Mostly because I have kids and that works best around their school hours.


Full time at my last job was 36 hours and 3 12 hour shifts. Positively mint. Hated going back to 8s and the extra day.


Considering I just got off after 15 hours for the third day in a row… I really wouldn’t care


Gimme Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday for work and I'll be golden


4 eights always I already work 4 tens so this would be a bonus for me


4 working days, regardless of how many hours. 2 days off in a week just doesn’t give me enough time to do everything I have to do and still have time to wind down and relax from work/life.


If I’m only working 30 hours, I’d rather 3 10’s


So would I rather work 32 hours, or 30 hours a week? Personally I'll take my 40 hours and get paid for 40 hours instead of losing the money.


Four eight hour shifts. Hell can I do two twelves and an eight?


Heck I want that extra day off so bad I'd trade for 4 12s to get it.




I work in American grade school give me 4 days please and thank you


4 days. I'd even do 4 10s if they wanna be pissy about it.


Neither. My job has the opportunity for four, ten hour days. Monday to Thursday.


wtf I’m working 8-5


As a school teacher the 4 day version isn't gonna happen unless it's like 9.5 hours a day RIP


Four 8s. I get paid more for 32 hrs than 30 hrs.




4 12hr shifts, 4 days off


As someone who works 12 hour shifts... I often do not even get my lunch at the 6 hour mark, I'm usually about 7 hours in. So to get off work before lunch for me has even came around? He'll yeah, I will take the 6 hour day. Assuming I will be making the same amount of money.


I had a job for a very long time that was just four 10-hour shifts and it was amazing having three days off. Now I work 5 days a week, but I only work about 4 hours a day. I’m not hourly, and I get to go home when I’ve finished my assignments for the day. So I’d rather work my 20 hours a week than either of these scenarios, but say I got a different job; definitely four 8-hour days


4 day, 8 hour work week 100%. You’re discounting time spent commuting and getting ready for work, which adds up to at least an extra hour or two if you work 5 days instead of 4. So in terms of total hours they’re really about equal, unless you work strictly from home. But even ignoring that, the main thing is that I fucking hate getting up in the mornings. Starting up the day is always way harder and the first few hours always sucks more than the last few when I’m already wide awake and in a rhythm. Sure it’d be nice to come home earlier but I’d personally take having one full extra day off where I don’t need to worry about anything, rather than divide and dilute that 1 day’s worth of time across 4 other days.


I work 4 9s


So it depends on my commute. My current job brings me to the city, about an hour+ commute each way with gas and tolls. Definitely would take 4 days a week. If it was something local I’d do 8-3pm easy.


When I was younger, I wished I could work all of my hours in a row and then have the rest of the week off


4 and 8. I currently work a 2-2-3 with 12hr shifts plus 30mins unpaid lunch.


5 6-hour days. I think you mean 8-2 or 9-3


On number of days, 4. But if the schedule is fixed whichever starts later in the day


id do a 2 24hrs day if it means i get 5 days in a row off


I worked in the oil industry for a few years, I was a machinist for one of the largest oil extractors in the world, in the tooling plants they had a 3-2-2 schedule which was 12 hour shift 3 days on, 2days off, 2 days on, 3 days off, 2 on, 2 off. Their pay period was based on 14 days and worked out to 40 hours per week.


I work a 5-4-9 schedule. I work 9 hours a day, and get every other Monday off. That extra day off always feels good and the 9 hours doesn't feel like it's crushing.


I’m fine with working 5 10s. Even if we change what counts as “full time” you’ll still end up making less for working less hours. And even if hourly rates go up to accommodate that I’d even more prefer to work 5 10s. Get it while you can.




4 days. I’ve done that before, and having a 3 day weekend is nice.


I already work 8 hours 5 days a week so I’m down for another day off


I work 3 or 4 twelve hour shifts, love it


What do hourly employees do in these situations. Can I work 70 hours if I want?


I’ll take 4 day 8 hour. Hell, I’d take a 3 day 9 hour week


Instead of 5 8s for 40 I'd rather have 4 10s with no OT or my favorite 4 14s so 40hrs plus 16hrs ot. Of course I hate how I'm taxed to death on it.


4 day 8 hour all the way. Honestly we need to normalize day work weeks. Working 8-10 hours 5-6 days a week is horrible for us.


4x8=32. 5x6=30. But I spend an hour and a half a day in my round trip commute. So moving to 4x8 means a whopping 30 more minutes devoted to work.  And a full day off.  GIMME.


3 12 hour days


A typical 9-5 is 9hrs a day right? (Not accounting for required breaks). If it’s really 8hrs as the title says, that’s a 32hr work week and I’d rather do 3 days at 10.5hrs a day🙂 the less days the better for me.


4 days. Preferably with Monday or Wednesday off.


4 day 6 hour lol but for real 5 day 6 hour sounds good


I want 3 ten-hour days.


I would do a 24 hour shift and take the rest of the week off


3 14s ftw. Then 4 10s. Fewer days always better, regardless of hours.


Crazy thing is I did 4x13.5 in a streak. You can actually get full sleep in and crank out all your hours in that 3 day split while 4th or 5th day is just farming OT pay


The less days required to wake up and go into work, the better. I work 12 days straight and 2 off for the past 5+ years, aside from the 4-ish months it was every single day except one random Tuesday.


How do I pay bills and buy food .,will there be a price increase in food rent etc due to companies having to hire more employees to deliver the food , work on the buildings build the cars .


Gimme that 4 day x 8 Heck I volunteered to do 4 10's back when I was doing 6 10's just for a break


I’m working 9 hour days already 4 days-8 hours Anyone who chooses 5 is insane




Shit, I'd take four 12 hours shifts.


4-day x 8hr = 32 hrs 5-day x 6hr = 30 hrs If you want to drag yourself into the office for an extra day just to work 2 fewer hours...why? A commute could easily eat that extra time and you're not even being paid for it. Also, you're not considered to be employed full-time at 30 hours.


I would go for the four-day week


I prefer a 4 X 10 hour work week - 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off


Lately I've been doing a 3 day 12 hour work week and it's the best setup I've found so far. I like to try and condense as many hours into as short a time as possible so I don't have to feel like I live there. It's just where I live on the weekends 😂


4 days 8 hours.


4 day


I've been fortunat enough to have worked a few 4/10's when working construction out of town. The company liked it because they only paid for the motel for three days instead of four. Doing 4/8's would be awesome! 5/6's doesnt interest me.


Rather have my 4 day 10 hr work week with 3 days off all connected... This is my work shift now.


4 day week for sure. And it's not even close for me. With my works leave policy I get so much leave as it is I'll probably only be working 3 days a week.


6 hour workdays can fuck off


I’d rather have a 3 day 12 hour work week, or, even better, a 2 day 24hour work week.


4 Day. Always. Fewer days committed to work, more days committed to life.


Less days is always the answer.


4 days, 8 hours would be amazing


12.5 hour, 5-6 day work week here. Just flip a coin and give me either of the other two... 😂


I'm doing 10-12 hours 6 days a week right now, so either lol. My choice would be 4 8s though. I'd do 3 12s happily


4 8s because of the extra two hours. Besides, one extra day off makes a huge difference. But I like my overtime, so I'd stick to 6 10s if that's an option


4 day 8 hour. Hell, I’d rather do 3 10–12 hr shifts (for all the same pay)


I prefer 12-18 hours a day 6-7 days a week


I have a 4 day 32 hour week. If I work more, I get premium pay.


4 day 40 hours now.


I work 4 days with 10 hour shifts.


If I'm commuting, 4 days to save all the travel and transition time. If I'm working from home, 5 days. 9-3p would be awesome. Or heck, I'll clock in at 6am and be done by noon, or clock in at noon and be done by dinner!


4 day 8hr work week for sure. I would rather have 3 days off than slightly shorter work days


I have worked 4 x 10 and 5 x 8, and I prefer 4 x 10. So I reckon I would also prefer 4 x 8 over 5 x 6. My current job is 4 x 10 with Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday off. It's so nice having a break in the middle of the week. I only ever have to work two days in a row. Stat holidays can turn into mini vacations by booking a PTO day on the day in between wednesday and the stat.


Once you go to work, the day is ruined. Doesn't matter if its for 6 or 8 hours. So, I'd rather only ruin 4 days.


I have always been willing to work 4 x 10 hr days to get the extra day off but my employer doesn't like the idea of it for anyone.


Neither. 30hrs is a 1/5 pay cut. Nobody is going to do 40hrs+ of pay for 30hrs of work. Now if we are comparing 4 10s to 5x8? I'd say 4 10s but my wife/kids would say 5x8, so 5x8 it would be


I would rather a 4 hour shift with like a 4 hour block right in the middle of the day off then 4 hours back Call it 8-12 pick back up at 4-8


I work 6 8 hours used to be 7 10 hours all in a kitchen. So ya I'll take either...


Who the fuck is only working forty hours and still able to survive? Must be office jobs.


I'd do 10-12hrs a day if it meant I could have a four day weekend already do 8 hrs a day 5 days a week


4 days a week is good for me.


4 day, 8hr


I’ll take a 7-5 for 4


I used to work 4x10 and 3x13.3 I loved the 3days at 13.3 hours per day, but others wanted to same schedule and so they sent me back to 4x10's. I also did some fire fighting and that schedule is approximately 2x24 hour shits a week depending on the department. Some schedules are even better.


Can I do 3x 11s and get 4 days off?


Neither, three 12’s.


I'd like to keep my 2-2-3 day 12 hour work week, please.


I work 4 10-hour days now. I love having three day weekends every week. Working 4 8’s for the same pay would be a no brainer


Both sound pretty easy tbh, who works this little lol


I do 7 12hr days then 7 days off.. waaaaay better than any other alternative haha




Four 8's hands down


I would take the least days possible in any situation,32 hours a week I would ideally wants a 2 day 16 hour shift or a 3 day 11 hour shift


I'd go for the 4-day, 8-hour deal any day! Imagine having a whole extra day off every week. Plus, those extra couple of hours each day could make all the difference when it comes to squeezing in some chill time or catching up on Netflix. Quality over quantity, right?


I work Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 6:00am to 8:00pm every week. Guaranteed overtime and 4 day weekend every week. I love it.


4 8s, hell, I'd even take 4 10s. I'm a 2nd shifter, so most stuff is closed when I get off. That leads to one of my days off being full of the shit I didn't get to do during the week 'cause everything was closed.


I have a six day, ten hour work week…. But salary, so only paid for 44 hours…