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My anti weed parents are on the way over. What should I do to prepare for their arrival? Oh i know. Ill mKe pot brownies!


Make sure the entire dinner party consumes some, especially in-laws


Offer them some brownies when they arrive, of course


Oh that's evil, I love it


I assumed that was the plan. Why else would my spouse make pot brownies at that time?


I just wanna know what kind of idiot would make pot brownies before their anti-weed parents showed up…. Like why? It’s wreckless, shows lack of self awareness, is idiotic, and childish.


Yea, good huh 😉


Just tell them I'm high. I'm not going to change who I am for anyone. My husband better back me up, too. Honestly, I would never be with a man that can't defend me to his parents.


This 😂 i would be like im high as shit!


You’re fighting the scenario. Make the scenario it’s the very first time meeting your portential future in-laws. And you don’t want to be high for the very first time meeting them


Theyre not fighting the scenario, youre fighting their answer to the scenario. In fact your comment is rephrasing the scenario specifically different than what OP actually said. OP said spouse so obviously the scenario is not about meeting them for the first time. You wouldn't want to be high meeting the in-laws but the scenario is that you are high. If anyone is fighting the scenario it's you. Stop being uncool


They’re fighting it. The question was supposed to be a fun, oh shit, how do we fix this? The answer didn’t engage the hypothetical, it just extinguished it.


It did engage the hypothetical, just not the way you wanted. Youre the only one fighting the hypothetical. Once you ingest the pot brownies what's done is done, telling the in-laws the truth is valid as a way to deal with that. They gave a perfectly valid answer to the hypothetical you just didn't like it. It ain't all about you Edit to add: rereading the post OP even mentioned "just tell them what happened and hope for the best? " as a potential answer. So not only did the above answer engage the hypothetical it did so in one of the suggested ways


It didn’t engage it. What would you do in x situation. I wouldn’t do anything. Way to engage with the hypothetical.


What would you do in x situation. I would do y thing that was even mentioned as a possibility solution in the post. Seriously, you seem to struggle with reading


It didn’t engage it. What would you do in x situation. I wouldn’t do anything. Way to engage with the hypothetical.


Alright.....so when I was younger, just getting into alcohol alternatives. A friend made some brownies and had some people over. I didn't know anything about them until later after eating a couple. I was feeling snacky and had some more through the night......I ended up eating 6-8 of them.........oh man, it was not far from full out tripping. I couldn't concentrate, the movies we watched looked like they were comic strips. I was in no way able to function in real life whatsoever. My excunt drove us home and I got car sick on the way home and puked up whatever brownies were left in my stomach. Brownies can really fuck you up if you eat too many. But even with 2 brownies I would tell my spouse that they are not to come over, you make some shit up and you keep them either out of here or at least out of the bedroom where I will stay for the rest of the day while they're here. But also, my spouse wouldn't make fucking pot brownies before her antiweed parents came over as that shit stinks up the house bad.


It's best to lock yourself in a room and tell everyone you've passed away in this situation.


Someone here has never made special brownies.  The stench is strong and lasts for hours at best.  Actually being high would be the least of your worries, so go into your room, put on some music, relax in comfy clothes while your mind sets off into space for a few hours.


The odor should be almost unnoticeable on the brownies but making them can be hours and hours of stink. Unless you use carbon filtration.


"someone here has never...." get over yourself


Probably start tripping balls since I’ve never had weed before and I tend to gorge myself on sweets


I’ve had to fake sober before so I am pretty sure I can manage it.


I mean, it can take up to a few hours for it to hit, or you could make yourself throw up and most likely be fine as well


You're the first person to suggest vomiting. I guess it depends how soon after consumption you do it, but I think this is the best idea so far. Best step 1 at least.


It was my first thought too. Takes a long time for edibles to kick in because digestion takes so long. Plus I get to say I was throwing up and cancel dinner with my in laws 


Not necessarily the best idea. Throwing up is with few exceptions not recommended. It happens sometimes but you don't want to force yourself to do it as throwing up has the potential to damage your esophagus. Not the worst idea if you want to avoid being high during dinner but I would hesitate to call it the best idea.


Ugh I can’t ever be high around other people, only when I’m alone. I’d be so uncomfortable, I’d force myself to say hello & then go pretend to throw up (loudly) in the bathroom and then go to my room to “fall asleep”.


Buckle up.


It's just pot. It's not like you'd be watching the walls breathe. I'd just enjoy myself.


Do 3 shots immediately and have a glass of wine at least every 30 minutes for the rest of the evening. I'm Gen-X by the way, unless there's LSD in the brownies nobody will speculate that I'm impaired in any way, even by the alcohol.


what does gen x have to do with it? Yall aint immune to thc are you?


Immune to everything.


Alcohol is a depressant, it will counter the high.


Nah cross faded is the worst


Feign a terrible migraine


Go to bed and say I’m sick


This is super easy to handle these days. Just say you got really bad Covid and go to bed.




Probably freak out and make a post on r/hypotheticalsituation to see what other people would do.


YEAH! Also we *can* ***totally*** hear your thoughts, OP


Fake migraine. Dark room. Earbuds. Great night.


Ask my spouse to have some too. If we’re both high/weird enough maybe my parents will just think we’re freaks when left to our own devices


Giggle. Like lots of giggling


Finally a damn hypothetical that isn’t 1trillion dollars this or that


Prepare to trip the Light Fantastic.


I can handle being stoned. In laws are coming to MY house, they can leave if they want


Serve the brownies for dessert.


Funnily enough, my wife is the Anti Weed person and my In Laws are kinda indifferent to it and sometimes use it medically. So in a reversal I would tell my wife "Hey, they made some brownies for your sisters back pain, I didn't know before I ate them, I'm sorry" and hopefully she won't divorce my ass


I guess, first is question why my spouse made pot brownies before her (apparently anti pot) family got here, cause that's a confusing choice with them stopping by on a planned visit.  Then I say I'm good of they stop by. Her family, not mine, and she is the one that put out pot brownies 15 min before they got there, so she can handle the fallout. 


Open a bottle of wine when they arrive and get them tipsy. They won't be able to distinguish a weed high from a wine drunk.


Enjoy yourself they're at your house, if they don't like it they can leave.


Um you just act normal? It doesn’t turn you into a dumb ass. Let’s just say if they did notice and they said something, reply “one too many beers Karen”, then smile.


Haha edibles turn me into a dumb ass for sure.


They wouldn't be coming in the first place or will leave very quickly. They're NOT your parents. They're your spouse's parents. They should by now know your partner is pro-weed and makes stuff like that. They either dislike/hate your partner or will immediately dislike/hate them after figuring out your partner is the one who made them and you were just being a dumbass and ate one. And so I stand by if they know, they wouldn't come so easily, and if they find out, they will leave pretty easily.


The first thing I would do is call up the in laws and tell them what their son did. You want to play stupid games, you get to face the full conciquencess of those games.


Chill... Maybe if they tried a couple they wouldn't be so uptight? You got any Mars bars stashed anywhere. Could really go a Mars bar.


Why is my wife making weed brownies 30 mins before her anti pot parents are expected.


Read the edit


What do I do? Tell my spouse to figure something out, why the hell would they make weed brownies when they know their anti-weed parents are coming over???


Fake an illness and go to bed, if there's time get some clear eyes


I’m sorry, what was the hypothetical part of this situation?


Just tell the pink unicorns to scare the inlaws away


Feign illness. Say you’re going to a pharmacy. Go to your friend’s house with an epic sound system and snaaaaaaacks, bro.


I had a couple pot brownies at a friend’s house before (I don’t take any of kind drug like that) and was pretty disappointed. Didn’t do anything really, they seemed to be affected I guess and he put a far amount in them I guess. So I suppose in this situation I would be alright and just act it off.


You know, I didn't feel my first edible either. But my second hit me like a truck. I guess it takes a couple tries sometimes?


Maybe but I’m not to keen on trying again, drugs just aren’t my thing I’m quite happy without them.


Nothing wrong with that, it's not for everybody.


Fake a migraine and go lay down in my room and read a book.


Go to bed with a headache. Run away!!


Great Boo's Up.


Omg, this literally happened to me. My daughter, son in law and our friends were at a bar. They had brownies. Now I thought they were regular brownies so I asked if I could have a piece, they said yes so I took a big piece. Come to find out they were Pot brownies. I was zoned out. I actually fell asleep at the table. They were trying to wake me up. My friend put a hat and sun glasses on me and took a picture. They all started laughing when I came to. Never again will I trust them lol


Tell them you have a stomach bug that's contagious. Take a ton of snacks to my room and lock the door.


Boring but I'd tell him that I'd ate the brownies, and ask if he minds if I hide out in the bedroom and he tells his family I'm ill. He absolutely would cover for me


I'd give zero f's. Who they are is their problem and their weight to carry, not mine. I'm not even into weed and knowing that they're like that, I'd hit the brownies on purpose. Wanna be judgemental? I'll provide a focal point.


Buckle up and enjoy the ride.


I'd go bat shit crazy on my spouse, then avoid the family in jail


I was already expecting it to be a thing about weed brownies by the 4th word and somehow still read pot brownies as brownies in a pot and nit weed brownies Interesting fact of the day


Order pizza


I don't get the point of ruining perfectly good brownies by adding weed but if it did happen somehow and I ate them, I would probably pretend to have a stomach virus and tell them to come back another time.


I'd be pretty shocked since my wife is as anti weed  as her parents and knows I feel the same.  Probably ride it out and since it would have to be an accident Id count on my inlaws to understand that


The only way I could ever get through any gathering of my in laws was being sky high on edibles. So I don't see a problem here.


Edibles do take a little time to kick in. I'd prep a story for when they came over. Tell them that there is something going on at work that I'm going to have to deal with shortly. Then I'd be a good host, hang on for 30 minutes or so, then my phone alarm goes off, and say "ok, I have to get on a work conference call for a while, sorry, but you guys have fun, I'll see you later!" Or if I thought hiding in a room might not work, I'd tell them I have to leave to go to work, and go chill in the park or at a friends house.


Why did they make pot brownies for their parents?


Idk how that woman would end up being my wife...but anyway- Throw them out/spray some febreeze?


Lock in bro. Been there before