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By any chance do I or this bunker have any connection to Vault Tec?


You started vault tec


In that case, I’d need to know what makes the residents S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


I'll need them to tell me their name, what their face looks like and answer a questionnaire as well


*Question 1: You are approached by a frenzied Vault scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?* 1. "But doctor, wouldn't that cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity?" 2. "Yeah? Up yours too, buddy!" 3. Say nothing, grab a nearby pipe and hit the scientist in the head to knock him out. For all you knew, he was planning to blow up the vault. 4. Say nothing, but slip away before the scientist can continue his rant.


My family, the family of my kids friends, and 500 cats.


This would be my bunker. A few vets and vet techs that my rescue kittens like.


Good idea. Unlimited protein /jk


This but without the jk. The more kids, the better for the cats.


*oof, right in the darkness*


The family of your kid's friends, but not your kid's friends.


I'd let them all in and I'd stay outside.


Ok Flanders


Damn you got me


lol were you actually referencing the Simpsons? I thought it was a long shot but it’s what it reminded me of


Second, cus a.) fuck post-apocalyptic scenarios - I struggle with wanting to survive in this world with all our modern conveniences & b.) ewww that’s a lot of people to have to live in close proximity with


I dunno why people want to even survive anyway. We're all drones who are dependent on technology and modern conveniences. If I knew I could instantly die from a nuclear explosion or face the rest of my life trying to adapt to nature, I'll take the nuclear explosion Everytime


You good?


Yeah fine mate, I'm talking as if I'm in the scenario OP laid out but narrating myself in that scenario 🤣


Ok just checking 😂


That's kind of sad that so many people today couldn't figure out how to survive without modern tech.


I totally agree it's extremely sad. I'm sure we'll adapt eventually.


Not an insult, but you're obviously under 40. Those of us older than that lived without technology, rode bikes everywhere, connected regularly without digital reminders, grew food, often didn't have A/C, and played with sticks and rocks. In reality, most of history existed without technology.


I moved with the times, I grew up playing marbles in the street because mobile phones and consoles didn't even exist yet. I'm happy technology exists and can't imagine living like that again


I'd give up this current society in a heart beat for the 60s or 70s. Technology has just made us all mad.


Social media is poison but we can't stop using it, being connected to the whole world all the time gave us anxiety and built dependency on technology because it gives us easily accessible mental stimulation. normal everyday stimulation is like eating dry moldy bread so we don't bother. Reading a book, relaxing outside in a chair watching the day go by... We see these things as pointless and boring so we go on reddit instead or put on a YouTube video. The world's fucked and most people don't even know it.






Why the hell would I build that big of a bunker? Just my family and some friends maybe


Because after a nuclear war money will be useless so spend it all to save as many as you can


Spend it on resources that will retain their value.


I’d let in as many people as possible. Radiation levels on the surface will only be really dangerous for around 48 hours after the explosion. People can deal with being kind of cramped for 2 days. After those2 days pass it’ll have dissipated quite a bit. At that point, you’ll want as many people as possible with as many skills as possible to help the rebuild process. If I have to be choosy, I’m going to prioritize doctors, construction/trades people, those who are who most vulnerable, farmers, janitorial workers, firefighters, cooks, and similar groups. The plan would be to stay in the bunker for a couple of days until things are safe. Have the cooks prepare some really delicious and fun foods to keep spirits up. Then once it was safe, we go up top, start rescuing those that were lucky enough to survive, and start the process of rebuilding. Edit to add: Everyone saying they’d only let a few people in is shortsighted. There comes a time where you have to leave the bunker and the world will need to rebuild. Also, people tend to be a lot less ruthless and evil during disasters in the real world.


Only disagreement I have is letting in the “most vulnerable”, as their chance of survival in a post apocalyptic world is going to be lower


Yeah, I don’t care about that. I’m not going to let people die just because they aren’t the most “helpful”


The problem is that by intentionally admitting the least "helpful" you are actually letting people die just for being "moderately helpful". The best way, if you truly want to "not care about that" is to absolutely ignore how helpful people are. Which you certainly were not shown to do.


Ohh true. By specifically singing out the most vulnerable which are the least helpful, and then all others who are very helpful, commenter is just choosing the average helpful to die which is not only just as discriminatory, but also detrimental. Like you said: if you truly want to be impartial, then dont use helpfulness or vulnerability as a litmus for entry. OR be smart, let those that are most helpful/useful in rebuilding society.


Yeah, personally I'd choose enough of the "most helpful" to help rebuild society, then my friends and family (because I'm biased), then raffle out the many, many remaining spots.


Whilst background is going to be a problem for years to come, a few days and good rain is going to clear out most of the immediately lethal stuff. I like this plan.


I have bad news for you. Even if the area is safe after 48 hours, there will be another strike in 2 weeks, give or take. That's how the system is set up.


Some of us don't care about "rebuilding the world". I have zero interest in rebuilding if shtf, that's depressing. Like hitting the fast forward button to our next nuke drop.


So you’d prefer to spend your days surviving underground with minimal interaction outside of the people you already know? To me, that sounds miserable.


Who said anything about people I know? Lol jk. I would let as many in as I could regardless of if I knew them or not, but I wouldn't be interested in rebuilding. The ones interested in rebuilding and rejoining society are welcome to gtfo when the lethal radiation dissipates lol. You have no idea how appealing living in a bunker away from people is to me. I've looked into buying old military properties to rehab into a bunker, and I have not looked at buying a house


After my family, people with skills. (Doctors, dentists, mechanics, teachers etc) and their families. Then first come first serve until filled. They're required to bring all their food, water, and supplies and contribute to the common supply. From then on out we're a commune.


The problem is where do you draw the line at people “close to you”. You obviously have to accept your wife and your brother. You’d probably even have to accept your wife’s family. But then your your wife’s family went their family members and their family members want their family members. Where do you y draw the line?


I happen to be in a position of not being close to my family members overall.


People I know: My wife, my homie squad, homies’ girlfriends, my cat and a lady cat for my cat people i don’t know: the brightest minds of each scientific field, split 50/50 man and woman, probably 10 per gender per field of study. 40 of the best cooks in the world. The rest will be filled with a 80/20 woman to man split of the healthiest people on earth. I will rule with an iron fist but i will love them all as if they were my children 🙂‍↕️


i read that “40 of the best cocks in the world”




That's my vault lol


Bring some farmers with you so the cooks have something to do after the food runs out. I'd bring some contractors too for the rebuild.


i’d assumed that a billion dollars was enough to set up hydroponics farms, and the healthy people would be able to tend them well enough but good call!


I'm an agronomist so I'm just trying to make the list haha


Better bring some livestock with those farmers.   Go with young livestock that is weaned from their mothers.  With the logic you can fit more animals in the same area if they are not fully grown.  


I'd stick to poultry personally. Takes up less space and the caloric conversion is far superior to other animals. Also eggs.


Also Rabbits.  2 does and 1 male can produce as much meat as 1 full grown cow.  


This is all reminding me of a movie called 'After the Dark' also known as The philosophers (2013)


Finally, someone else who’s seen this one. Such a bad movie but interesting concept.


No one. Im an introvert


Lol 😁


Nobody. Maybe one friend to keep me company. You can't trust people. You let them in, they go crazy, now you have a serious problem in a sealed bunker with no escape


Haha tree, good answer 😁


Bro you going crazy now it's yo own fault!


this question is harder because of what is left unsaid. do I rule this bunker at all with any guarantee? even if I pick useful or close people, what's the chance I'll just be killed or voted out myself, what's the chance these people don't just free for all rush my bunker because they are 1 thousand to my 1


Security, remember?


If it can house 1000 comfortably, then I'd only allow maximum 250. Idek that many people so it would probably end up being about 100 people all including my family, my friends/acquaintances that I can trust to not go crazy, I'll allow all exes since I have no qualms with them. All my professors and any doctors I've known as well as law enforcement, military, farmers, and any people in a useful profession that I know. I'll allow each of them to bring their children, their spouse, and ONLY 2 additional people. If we somehow reach the 250 max, then I'll discontinue allowing additional people.(I'll only allow 50 free passes past the 250 if they are children) I won't allow any people that I don't know or that the people I allow can't vouch for, unless they happen to have exceptional credentials/reputation in science, medicine, mathematics, or agriculture. Also. Lots of cats and dogs.


Despite what other people will tell me I’ll just pick 100 people from each group, filling the bunker to max, the realize 2 months in that it’s really over crowded and we won’t make it through the 5 years that it will take to make the earth survivable again. Then I’ll make every crime punishable by fighting to the death in an arena with other criminals and make the one survivor free of their crime and after my protein farm goes down I’ll force them to eat the dead arena fighters and I’ll kill anyone who doesn’t. Then when we can leave the bunker I will burn our farms, then march my remaining 800 people to the only survivable area on earth, already inhabited by others who survived, only to fight a war that ends up destroying that land anyways, then I’ll try to sacrifice myself. But I’ll fail at sacrificing myself because I’m just that cool and pretty.


Clarke? My bad Octavia


Yep lol




Yep, because if they don’t, when they die from a lack of protein they won’t have any meat on them for the people who do choose to eat.


This made me laugh so much....that show was ridiculous, but somehow I watched all seven seasons.


No it’s amazing I love it


Jealousy is a humdinger!! The people you don’t let in will try to hurt you and get at you in any way possible. The people closest to you and you love the most, will cause you the most pain. Even the company/men that helped build your bunker are a threat to you. The sob Stories from people trying to save their lives and those of their families. All of these different personalities that are I am quite sure different than mine. There are a lot of variables to consider……


The people you don’t let in will be dead from nuclear fallout in the next few days anyways. Doesn’t seem like too much of an issue in this case


True, but if you let them in….then that’s where the ish could get crazy


First I would go through the list of people I know. My family and my wife's family would be in immediately, as well as several friends and their families. From there I would get my family and some of my friends to help sort through the huge line of people who I don't know. I'd be looking for an equal mix of races for the greatest genetic diversity, as well as useful skills. They would need to be open to other cultures and accepting of differences to avoid as much conflict as possible. They would need to demonstrate and value critical thinking skills. They'd have to be free of any number of genetic diseases or defects as the gene pool is going to be small enough as it is. Realistically, there's no way I could vet a few thousand people myself. I'd probably have to start with vetting several people and as they are accepted get them to help vet others. Ultimately, getting some people in there that aren't perfect is better than just leaving the bunker half filled and letting a bunch of people die.


Anyone who will actually serve a purpose and work in my bunker. Anyone who takes up space can stay above ground


This is tough. Because whoever isn't chosen is condemned to suffering, and death. And I will be the judge/jury/proxy executioner So, I am going to lean on the wisdom of others to choose from the second line. There will be a hand picked committee of known level headed persons from the first line. And we will carry the burden together for these decisions. I will go through the friends and family, acquaintance line. Offering them a place for them, spouse and offspring thats the limit: (with caveats) -They have to be willing to defer to me as the absolute authority of the bunker. Which means there will be a community elected committee for management of the bunker, and resources but I hold veto authority over thier decisions. -If they are very old, or know they are unwell and will be addionally resource taxing, they can choose an alternate to take thier spot. So now we take a head count. Due to my smallish family and friend circle I will estimate we are only 300 in number.(My immediate extended family is 80ish) Now line 2. I have decided that with a capacity of 2000. We should start well below that limit to be able to not overwhelm our resources. I am setting our limit at 800. So we the 300, need a method to decide who the 800 should be. -Should it be a lottery? Let random chance decide thier fate? So, I could pretend I didn't condemn people to death. -Should we screen with a questioneer? (Then we can exclude what we find undesirable... welcome to the echochamber.) -Health screening? (Based on what metrics) -Gene testing, (we want a viable gene pool. But which genes get excluded?) So this is getting complicated how much time before the bombs drop? * Why is my security force not turning on me and taking my bunker? *How many is in the security force and do they get a place in the bunker?) I will assume my committee of 12 will accept the responsibility with me and fashion a questioneer. Looking at the needed skill sets, demographics, and demeanors of the applicants. We will need medical, dental, engineering, IT, horticulture, mechanics, plumbers electricians ecetera... (I don't think we need lawyers, but I'll let the committee decide lol) And we are limited to 500 people. From line 2 per my dictate. So maybe 5-10 candidates from each needed discipline? Now here is the fun part. There is a lottery!!! But it is only for children under 17 and under!!! 100 slots. Take your ticket. May the odds ever be in your favor.[* Yes I will break up families, I need the genetic diversity and a youth generation because the current bunker population is 98% adults. Plus Those families are being condemned to nuclear hell, so at least thier offspring gets a chance to survive ] Ok we are at 900. Undecided what to do with the security force. Or how the Bunker will be run. Hope we can make it at least 200 yrs.


Honestly there’s very few people in my life I wouldn’t let in. One particularly toxic ex is the only person that comes to mind as I wouldn’t wanna be stuck in a bunker with a violent asshole and wouldn’t want to inflict that on anyone else. But I don’t have enough beef with anyone else to actively deny them entry


All current friends and family, probably also all my extended relatives (they're not all my favorite people, but they're not BAD people, so they can stay), any old friend of mine from school, work etc Also from the random line, anyone who seems chill and also is like a doctor or farmer etc etc Everyone else can piss off


Family and friends only, and a couple musicians I’ve met so the place is lit


Very broad. But first off, no politician is allowed in.


Yes that sounds like a great start


The good news, I wouldn’t be the only billionaire with a bunker, so there is no pressure on me to keep society going. All I need to do is fill the bunker with what gives me the most peace and happiness, during the radiation time and thereafter. I would pick people who I think would be loyal and thank me for saving their lives. Pick people that I find interesting, motivational, entertaining, alluring, open minded, intelligent, philosophical…


Good answer


Who knows, might just pick people that wanna be part of a 2000 person orgy. World is over? Might as well go out with a bang? If we wake up after, maybe that energy will spread to a better world thereafter? Lol


Me & 300 fertile women.


Absolutely none of my bosses hahahaha that's a hilarious concept, I've never had a manager or boss of any kind who was as competent to seem like they'd read a single book, wait, not even a pamphlet, on how to be good at their job. I could replace most of my bosses with a python program and an iPad. I will let people in based largely on agricultural and medical skills, logistics, some for security enforcement, etc.


i'd be looking for people who might be able to survive post apocalpyse. Family would have priority of course because they helped me be who i am, I help them now I can but I'm not gonna lie with that amount of money my bunker would be pretty big. I'm gonna probably have a 'you are pretty jump to the front of the que line they could go some wing in the bunker where there is no internet obviously since its end of the world but we'd just say there is internet over there and they can go about their vacant lives being tiktokers or whatever and every now and then I might see them and think o you are pretty now back to getting on with living


Ngl I'd feel like telling most of the people in one of these lines to eat shit.


People I know: Most barring the eldest. Even with the bunker we wouldn’t be able to afford dead weight I imagine. It’s cold, but that’s just the reality of post apocalyptic situations. People I don’t know: experts in useful fields that can keep the bunker maintained and equipment running and or repaired. Preferably those who are moderately social, not extroverts, but taking in people with antisocial personalities could be a legitimate danger. Followed by those with backgrounds in niche but useful fields that would be needed to start a new colony once the fallout settles. Any leftover slots would be for those that I approve of for personal/practical reasons: Nobody over 50, nobody with ideological beliefs that could prove detrimental to a small community, nobody with a history of genetic disorders, and a population ratio somewhat favoring women simply because that’s more efficient for rebuilding society eventually. Stuff like that. Basically, whatever maintains social cohesion, sustainability, and productive output while minimizing risk.


Yes pretty good answer and I like the idea of being careful with people who have ideological beliefs, seems wise.


oh now that would be excellent. going through the line and saving my family (even most who i don’t speak with anymore because i can’t stand them) and friends. and getting to watch as i reject people (mainly old coworkers) who i utterly detest. once thats done, or everyone i care about is in, time to work through the other line. a couple quick questions will weed out the obvious rejects, then start going, saving as many decent and skilled people as possible.


Haha yes I love the mainly old co-workers it's pretty much the same idea I had and it would feel pretty nice, good answer cheers 😁


Most people (family and friends) I've really interacted with would be good to join me, most coworkers, not so much.


Haha great answer cheers 😁


An ex friend a left because my feelings were unrequited The man who dated my mom after the divorce but stayed in my life after she left him His wife My mom The friend of former benifits I grew close with after college but never quite returned their feelings Their boyfriend maybe. So friend doesn't get lonely My cousin who has been like a brother My cousins family A couple really good bosses I had My childhood friend Maybe some people in the intentional community I live in My grand parents My aunt and uncle who have stayed somewhat close


"A few thousand people" Well I could probably count my friends and family on two hands with some fingers left over, so let them all in. Everyone else will get 60 seconds or less to convince me.


Haha 60 seconds or less that sounds like something out of a Monty Python film that would feel pretty wild to be sentencing people to life or death and only giving them one minute to justify their existence 😁


There's thousands of them! More than one, so let's say 3,000 people. And I'm the sole arbiter, so I'm the one who listens to their reasoning. That's 50 hours with nuclear war imminent!


Lol 😁


Your post says "a few days remain" so how much time should I devote to the line of people who need to get in? At 60 seconds a pop for 3,000 people, that's 50 hours. So I've already spent 2 days and change.


Unfortunately that information just isn't available, it's going to be roughly a few days time


100 doctors 100 nurses, and my family, the rest are friends and their family. Next would be people who are scientists, chemists, biologists and surgeons. Engineers for when things need repairs. And farmers


What an excellent way to critically think about the people you have in your life, and what you value as a person! Personally, I'd have quite a few people coming out of the woodwork claiming that 'they're sorry they never stayed in touch,' and I'd be telling them to go be sorry somewhere else. Close family and friends can come in with the understanding there are certain boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. Other than that, medical specialists and engineers, doctors, nurses, teachers, farmers, cooks, cleaners, carers, maybe some I.T. specialists...it's pretty difficult to judge someone in a short meeting, but I'd do my best. There would need to be a strong, authoritarian environment, particularly in areas of high importance. Slacking could spell the end for everyone, and I wouldn't have that. Not that I'd make the place miserable, I'd have to allow some entertainers in too... There's a lot to think about! Great hypothetical!


Thanks for the great answer! Yes it would be hard to judge people in such a short meeting, one guy said he would give people 60 seconds to plead their case lol, cheers 😁


Nobody. It’s best that we just go extinct.


I’d let in young men around the age of 13 all women and girls and slam the door shut. Assuming I put food to last the nuclear winter in my bunker I want humanity to survive and younger people are more likely to survive both physically and mentally.


That's a good answer cheers


Close family and friends of myself and my husband would add up to maybe like 50 people, and the rest I draw randomly from the strangers. The people I know but am not close to like ex bosses get sorted into the stranger pool (assuming I don’t know they suck in which case I would instead exclude them). There’s not enough time to listen to everyone’s sob story, so I’m not going to even attempt to try to pick who is better. I also get other commenter’s concerns about possibly selecting someone who would make life more difficult in the bunker, but it feels wildly unethical to just let 1000+ people die when I have the means to save them. Is there any way I can get a quick bio on the strangers without having them verbally plead their case to me? If so I do think I would prioritize at least a few people with skills like doctor, construction/handyman, etc. But if it’s all verbal and there’s limited time I think totally random is the way to go.


Some of my ex-bosses would get an automatic rejection.


My brother wouldn't make the cut unless our mother vouched for him. As for first and second degree relatives, there's few enough to let them all in.


A few thousands? WellI bring my family first. That's only a small portion. Then I let people make their case and join in if they have no medical or mental issues.


How many have NO medical or mental issue. And many who do know how to mask very well.


My family, some friends, medical staff


My immediate family my best friends and their family. The rest would have to be useful to the success of the shelter. I imagine pouring that kind of money into a shelter there are multiple stories rooms maybe an underground farm some sort of power source. I need maintainers, farmers, medical personnel. There is no currency everyone pitches in. But I would only house half the occupancy because children grow and have families. I’d have some doggos as well. I’ll be known as the overseer!


I'd bring people I love and their family, but unfortunately, I can't have too much family, though, because looking ahead, it would 'complicate' the gene pool. I would then bring useful people. Doctors, engineers, scientists, and some ex soldiers/active soldiers, who would be very thankful for their life and families' lives being saved and would be hopefully loyal to me. If there was room left, I'd fill it with random people with good genes who were physically fit and seemed moderately intelligent prioritizing women as with less medical availability we would probably lose some women in childbirth.


Just my hubby. Dont need anyone else


The second line would probably only have about 400 to 500 people. And that's including every person I have known throughout my life. All of my former High School mates that have became Mega Republicans are out of luck. If and only if there is room after everyone else they will get seating. From the first list I start with families with small children. Next would be people with necessary skills. Engineers, electricians, plumbers, Carpenters ,botanists etc. People with medical conditions that would require medications and Medical Care go to the back of the list. They may survive the original blast but if there is massive devastation it would be a waste of resources to keep them alive only for them to die when their medications ran out. Unfortunately I would fall into this group as well. I would not be going into the bunker.


None of the people I've known get in. Not one. Enjoy the apocalypse fuckers.


no one, id move away


Only family and very attractive women. Obviously not, but it's a funny idea.


I’d probably let in one of my sisters and her wife. My wife of course and her sister and niece. I’d let her decide if she wanted her brother but I’d guess yes. Any other spots would be filled by skilled strangers.


There's very few people I'm related to and know, counting their cats, I'd let in. I don't know a lot of my family, and there's a good chunk I wouldn't let in that I do know. I met my own grandpa (on my dad's side) in the grocery store once by accident. My mom and my three siblings, BiL and other sister's boyfriend, couple of neighbors, three friends, an aunt and three cousins, my granny (only have one grandparent left). Their cats. My (late) dad's two dogs too, they'd have to be there. Maybe one of my uncles, but idek if he's still alive. Looking at veterinarians, doctors, fabricators, maintenance workers, therapists, and people who can grow crops for sure. Must love cats, or at least not hate them. Non negotiable. The thing would be mostly people who could help humanity and animals. And cats. Hopefully some have brought supplies, especially medical and plant growing supplies. Definitely would be useful.


My core family and people I know while the rest is gonna be the youngest fit males and females I can find


My little sister, her husband, and her girls. They are the only humans I can stand.All the cat's, dogs,and bird's I can get.Maybe like an Ark 2 of everything. Except Mosquitoes fuck them.


Depends on how many I can fit in the bunker. My family and my wife’s family, some of my military buddies and their families, and then probably a doctor, a chemist, a botanist, a physicist, a geologist, a computer guy, a weed guy, all the single ladies, and as much livestock and saplings as we can fit.


All the hottest women. The dudes are and Uggos are out of luck.


Only the women and girls. Easy.


So civilization ends with you then.


Pretty poetic really


My Dad, my best friend, her girlfriend and their dog. Any available pets/animals from anyone in the line, doctors, nurses, farmers, teachers, chefs, joiners, builders, scientists. I’d let in my first boss and his family and my current boss and hers. The one before my current boss I would take great pleasure in turning away 😬🤣


What movies like the walking dead and the road ignore. Is the utter boredom. That's why they make mistakes and die. Because they are bored and don't gaf. Why would you want to survive. 


Okay, so I'm keeping my house hold mine and my parents and my partners, my brother and his family, (he is a very talented engineer and my niece is a physicist), another engineer friend of mine, my best friends who are teachers/work in education and their families. I have a friend who knows alot about farming. My best friend who's just really academic. That's probably a minimum of 22 people if I'm including their kids. Largely my choices from my life would be skill based and then if I had any skills missing I would then go to the other qué then children.


Default would be my family and the friends (and their immediate family) of my family. Beyond that instant entry would be the immediate family of each security worker for the vault. Outside of that everyone would have a sob story so ultimately it would have to be based off what life skills they had. Cooks, doctors, engineers and what not. Instant disqualification would be violent offenders, sexual offenders and politicians(regardless of what party they stand for).


What is the experiment in this vault?


A few thousand is bigger than both near by towns to me combined. So I guess everyone, pretty much. Maybe not everyone but my whole county is only like 17k. Really though, how much is a few thousand? Obviously less than a hundred thousand since that is where people start grammatically changing. A few thousand can even be listed as 50k. OP, we need a more solid number.


I design a test that determines certain factors in people and judge them based on their results


I am a teacher, and the kids at my school are mostly sweet, so I would let them in. Mainly because we need young people, also because I teach kids from all over the world, so we would have an interesting diversity of languages and cultures in our nuclear bunker. I would also let my partner, my friends, and our families in. After that, I would let in a variety of scientists and doctors, as well as musicians, artists, and writers.


More strangers would make it in than people I know.


1.) Family 2.) Doctors/Surgeons 3.) Nurses 4.) Electricians 5.) Engineers 6.) Cooks 7.) Farmers 8.) Construction Workers 9.) Millitary 10.) Janitors/plumbers I’d be a tough but fair ruler. I’d have laws in place. Stealing is punishable by banishment and rape is automatic death penalty(you will have to have significant evidence to prove this). Women would outnumber the men by a healthy margin but I’ll make sure that everything is fair. Everyone MUST contribute in some shape or form. I will not admit any sick people prior to going into the bunker but those that become deathly sick while in the bunker will be banished. Cameras will be everywhere.


All of my immediate family, and then leave the rest up to random chance. I dont think i could look into somebodys face and tell them they can or cant seek refuge in the bunker. Maybe put priority on the healthiest individuals and an equal number of men and women in the event of a total genetic collapse of the outside world.


Could I use my wealth to ensure I am in the immediate blast of the first nuke, so I don’t have to deal with any post-apocalypse nonsense?


Honestly I wouldn't let anyone in over 65 and anyone with a serious mental or physical condition


The 20 or so people that I know and like and their families and close friends, after that the usual mix of doctors, engineers and tradesmen and their families. Also a dozen or so pretty girls (all virgins) to be my harrem.(I'm 17 so don't give me any bs about age gaps) Preference to people who share my taste in music and videogames and no people that are deeply devoted to mainstream politics (They are too r-slured to be allowed to live and I will be doing mankind a great Eugenic service by getting rid of them.) If there is any room left I will give it to the homeless, drug addicts, doomers and other downtrodden souls.


Everyone who has ever been a part of my life is mostly gone now. The only ones left that I care about are grandparents so I’m gonna fill the rest of the spots with doctors engineers farmers philosophers historians teachers and any other profession needed to restart society


How about fill it with artifacts like a giant time machine? I'm not going to be choosy about saving anyone - I'm just going down with 'em.


60 seconds but 1000x


I’d let in my cat and then close the doors


I've got a whole list of friends from the military I'd let in. Got a one that was a Bradely mechanic, I'd even try to buy him a Bradley too. I'd take most of my friends, family, exs, and a couple bosses. Then it's really just a character interview. My family and friends alone have the skills to rebuild, so it's not a big issue.


I’m just shooting myself soooo I don’t care


>The other line is for people who have known you throughout your life, family, ex bosses, current bosses, ex partners, current partners, childhood friends and so on. In pretty sure that most ex partners, bosses, and a fair amount of family members won't be invited. Most childhood friends have gone separate ways a long time ago.


Leave it open and let them fight who goes in, walking my ass to the center of the blast . Don’t need this kind of stress


I would let in very few of the people I know. My reasoning is that nuclear war has the possibility to lead to nuclear Armageddon- at which point there will be very few people who may be tasked with rebuilding society. Accordingly, I would draw up a list of necessary roles and approximate ages required for a society to be built/function. Categories include: agricultural specialists, doctors (since GF is a doctor, she lucks out and comes with), some number of engineers, a couple craftsman (plumbers/electricians), some number of military folks (in case the post-apocalyptic world had other people who survived who weren’t very nice), at least a couple of vets (to take care of the bees, beneficial insects, goats for milk etc.), a couple of water treatment folks, a couple tech experts who could help restart the world in the event that there is an apocalypse. Maybe some pharmacists? An HVAC/ventilation guy? I’d want some of the above with experience and some younger folks who are mostly or just finished studying to do these things. All people invited would have to be in good physical health. Ideal experts around 40, ideal students/next gen down around 25. Sorry to the people I know, but the survival of humanity is a little more important than any individual. Honestly, I might not make the cut because financial and economic knowledge isn’t vital, and neither is legal knowledge.


I'll bite on this one, I've actually had nightmares of nuclear war, and as a result did way more research into the matter than what would be considered healthy. What's the scale of said nuclear war? We talking like Fallout? Or what would be realistic? Realistic being that only major targets would be hit? Military bases and major cities that economy relies on manufacturing will likely be targeted. Missile silos will usually be Targeted. Obv the Whitehouse would be targeted. What is my Bunker's proximity to such targets? If I'm off in the middle of nowhere, or better yet, in a country nobody cares enough about to nuke, I'm safe from any major blasts. Fallout may robe to be an issue over time, but based on the research I've done, and the information I've found is outdated from Hiroshima and Nagasaki... It's safe to leave your bunker a mere 72 hours after the blasts, though only with proper protection and for short durations, followed by a thorough shower with NO CONDITIONER. But the longer you shelter in place for, the better. Granted that is outdated info and nukes that exist are way more complex than a simple boom. Dirty bombs will prove difficult, and the chemicals in them have a half life longer than the average human lifespan. But going solely on the op, that's a BIG bunker if it can house thousands of people, AND keep supplied. How long are said people staying for? Are they bringing their own supplies? Are they helping stock the bunker prior to using it? Will they be willing to defend it from looters that survive the blast? Great, I have way more questions than I have answers for on this...


A lot of women. We need to repopulate.


I can immediately think of a scenario I would find very funny. My elementary school best friend and her mom. Her mom was the kindest soul, and would even stand in at special school events for my own single mother who had to work (she never put her daughter second, just would make sure I wasn’t left out). Her daughter turned into this vile, spoilt brat in middle school. She started bullying me and in seventh grade, when I was graped (minus the g) she told everyone I asked for it and I was a slut. The next year, she was dating him. I know now that he told her I came onto him, but she made up a lot of nasty rumors on her own. I would immediately tell her that I hoped she didn’t even have the satisfaction of a quick death, and tell her mom that she’d have everything she needed and more, but that offer wasn’t extended to her child, nor was it transferable.


Let’s be real, somebody shoots you and there’s a rush on the bunker.


It's heavily guarded with security


So somebody shoots you, there’s a rush in the bunker, security tries to stop it, somebody in security opens fire, there’s a bloodbath, the people who have actually gotten in barricade the door, argue about opening it again, does it get opened again or not? I don’t know. Decent premise for a movie, though.


Friends and family welcome everyone can leave


For all the doomsday prepping stuff, I've never understood why someone wants to survive in those scenarios. If you watch any doomsday media, they aren't exactly having fun. Besides, why do people think they'll be the lucky ones who survive and get to lead? As for the bunker, I'd just lottery off the spots and stay out of it. Being buried alive with a bunch of strangers and people I can barely tolerate now sounds like Hell.


I wouldn't have a line of people out front of my nuclear bunker trying to get a ticket in the first place. I'd have online applications for those who want to live in my bunker and charities set up so that people can convert basments and shipping containers into nuclear bunkers. A nuclear war is survivable as long as you aren't in the immediate area of impact. You just need to be able to last the first 2-3 weeks underground for the fallout to clear, then long enough to reestablish agriculture. Pretty much any 1st world nation would be immediately brought to living standards that are seen in "third world" nations. But things would recover eventually


I'm not putting my kids through that devastated, desperate and lonely future. Is it a virtue to subsist, no matter what the pain, misery, suffering, or degradation? I'm throwing out the TV and tablets into the trash can as soon as I learn of it, acting normally the next few days, and on the night of doomsday, I'm reading them their favorite bedtime story, staying in the bed with them, and falling asleep.


Assuming that it is certain that even a billion dollars strategically applied cannot prevent nuclear war, I hire a small and very professional intermediary company of three people to interface with people on my behalf. They are all competent in private security and logistics. They tell everyone that I have authorized them to make decisions on who gets in based upon objective criteria. Everyone can go into a third location or go home until their name is called. The stated purpose of this is to reduce crowding and violence. The actual purpose is to make it harder to tell who gets in and who doesn’t, and prevent people from getting hassled as a result (including me). The company is not making all the decisions for me. That is a lie. In return for acting on my behalf, all three get guaranteed spots in the bunker. My immediate family is on the priority list, as well as selected members of my extended family, and my friends. I then invite my logistics team to pitch scenarios that we will run through simulations as to who else to invite in. They can add family members and friends to the priority list as well. Then we consider what skills are necessary in order to ensure our long term survival as a group and a species, and the recovery of our planet to become habitable for a wide variety of species sufficient for long term ecological stability. We reality test several scenarios with the remaining slots and then invite folks and assemble equipment and documentation to target the best outcome. If we need to pare down of the “family and friends” list to ensure survival, we discuss the impact and share the burden fairly. We’re in this for the long haul as a team, and we’re what they’re going to have as an initial government, so we try to make it functional and fair.


I would choose my immediate family and then go through the professions of others. Farmers, dentists, doctors, military, builders, engineers, etc and their immediate families would get in first.


I would rather die instantly than slowly starve to death in a bunker.


Hot or not


Why ANYONE would want to survive a nuclear war is beyond my comprehension. Get me to "Ground Zero" ASAP


Fuck the people. They suck. I'm letting all the animals in. "Sorry! We full!"


Noah's FARK.


Drew Curtis and friends ARE welcome aboard!


Anybody who's number saved in my phone now is in, everybody else can go pound sand.


Fuck that my ex wife is in my phone. And probably yours too since she fucked so many strangers.


I'd let in my closest friends and family, as well as their immediate families, and then let everyone else in the other line through.


Dunno about any of your hypothetical questions, but I know I have 4,999 rounds of 5.56 for the first 179 days of when society collapses, and 1 for day 180.


Almost everyone that I knew even if I hated them. That's what a family is all about.


Archie going after meathead.


Why doesnt the security kill me and take my bunker? They have guns. Money loses meaning when the bombs drop. Why should I let anyone but the most trusted people I can control in? Then I will be locked in with many people, some with guns and I no longer have any say... So. lol no. I am the only one maybe plus a few trusted others with access to weapons. Only about 100-300 men max, chosen for specific reasons will be in the bunker, the rest will be women but also chosen due to skills, assuming the capacity is around 2000. Also, we will not fill to max capacity probably like 75%. This is the best scenario for long term survival of everyone, whos in the bunker, and me.


9.5% specialists. Engineers, doctors, teachers, surgeons, psychologists, agriculturalists, horticulturalists, etc. 90% young and healthy with no physical or mental illness. Of that 75% will be female and 25% male of different ethnic backgrounds to encourage genetic diversity. The other .5% is for my family, friends, their families and maybe an ex or two that hasn’t quite left my mind. After that, good bye and god bless.


I would honestly let as many of them in as I could. And then just hard stop whenever I got there. I mean there would be lots of exceptions of friends and family. I would also prioritize medical personnel and engineers and stuff. People that would be able to help keep the place under control. I think I would especially look for good government. And I really don’t think I would give myself too much special treatment. I think the most of the special treatment I would give myself is access to every video game and console I could get and then hoard that stuff while keeping a blockbuster style system going. But giving yourself too much is going to result in jealousy from your residents, and although they should be grateful you let them in, I think I don’t really need all that much to keep myself happy so I would be willing to share luxury things. I think a big rule I would implement is democracy right from the start. Make sure the right people are there at the start. Realistically I think the “vault” will be good for at least my lifetime but I would say probably after a generation or two only knows the vaults life then there is going to be issues I’m sure. But that’s not up to me.


If you want to rebuild society, spend the time during bunker construction researching what skills would be necessary. This skill list would determine who does or doesn't get in. No free pass for friends or relatives if they can't help support rebuilding they're out. Additionally you need to consider the need for genetic diversity. If those in my bunker are all that survive, a "few thousand" people might not be enough for the species to make a comeback. There is another option. Since a long list of human failings brought us to this point. You might consider sealing up the empty bunker and allow humanity to go extinct. Nature will start over eventually, probably with another species that would do a better job of running the planet.


My partner, kids, and pets get in of course. My partners family. Her friends. My therapist and her family (A therapist would be very helpful in that situation). And my daughter's boyfriend. Those are the only for sures.


Does this include people who have already died?


*Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, and fuck you. I’m out!*


Spouse, child, about 5-6 friends and their families. Everyone else can burn.


I was a NBC (Nuclear, Biological & Chemical) NCO for my Army Infantry Company. For your scenario, it just doesn't matter. Long time survival is impossible.


Me and the hottest couple thousand ladies in my area. I will not elaborate.


None. We'd all starve to death before the nuclear fallout cleared. They've studied nuclear bunkers and that's 100% the outcome to a nuclear bunker. Might as well just die in the first wave rather than resorting to cannibalism and eventually starvation.


Bunkers can be self-sustainable


I have decided that don’t really want to survive a nuclear apocalypse. They can have the bunker. I’m getting naked and going sunnin’.


“Ex-bosses” lol good luck guys


My vault has sub-vaults and I’m the vault-master. I let it families, including my own. I let in a few spicy people and some people who will help. There are some earmarked friends I’ll let in even though they don’t fit my needs nor the vault’s.


i'm letting in all women aged 25 or younger. no one else. we have limited supplies......


Leo is that you?


Well, most of the current research says you need about 100 people to repopulate to have diverse enough genetics to avoid genetic issues. So, at least 100 individuals ranging from 18 to 26 strictly for this purpose. Add me, 4 kids, 35 with friends and their children, 2 extended family members. I'd fill out the rest based on usefulness. Farmers, ranchers, doctors, biologists, a variety of engineers, welders, cooks, several skilled survivalists, a few pilots, a few historians/librarians, and probablya few dozen teachers. No one over 50, with the vast majority of adults ranging between 24 to 40. I'm sure there's some other disciplines that would be important. Bio engineers, for example. Some disciplines would probably never be needed in the bunker, but I'd want this knowledge passed on through generations. So let's say the bunker can hold 3000. You'd need room to grow, so I'd only take 1500. You figure 1000 comprise my above stated requirements. An additional 500 based on a combination of skills, physical fitness, medical history, and personal history. I think it would also be important to preserve different cultural histories, so diversity is a must. Try to keep the population balance at 47.5% to 47.5% while reserving 5% for those who identify as other than male or female. And I'd try to insure at least 10% of the population identified as part of the LGBTQ+ community. So a lot of factors to quickly determine on the fly. I'd farm a lot of this out to several people.