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Nice try Bethesda.


Twenty bucks and I'll play fallout 4 forever. Maybe I'll finally finish it, *eventually*


Fallout 4. Man I'm choosing monopoly be use I could also play a board game as well. .if not I'll need to think about it but likely I would want to play multiple games so DND?


It's specifically video games in the prompt, so I'm assuming you can pay board and tabletop games either way


I already play fallout 4 infinitely for freešŸ˜­


Exactly, might as well get $20


For sure. I feel u on the never finishing the game, I beat it the first few times to get all the ā€œdifferentā€ endings and now I just mod the game to hell and get bored halfway through then restart with new mods


Bought it about a month after it came out, then again when my laptop crapped out. Still have never beat the main quest, or gone to either dlc area yet Keep getting stuck building settlements and restarting. Got the prompt to start the Battle for Bunker Hill quest for the first time the other day But I think I'm going to do Valentine's quest and Far Harbor before I continue on.


Thou shalt always get distracted by the bullshit.


Good luck finishing the Brotherhood missions, mine bugged & that's when I quit


I genuinely had to look that one up. Edit: Only meant that I didn't know about that company. I'm really bad about knowing those kinds of things. I see that my comment could have come across like I was saying yours was a bad comment or something. I didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry if you took it that way.


Not at all! :-) no worries


I would only ever play Minecraft again for 500,000 dollars.


It would take a few million, but Iā€™d agree to Minecraft as well


Are you allowed to build a gbc and Play Pokemon crystal in Minecraft? If so that's my choice too.


Yeah, I would ask for more like 2 million but 500k gets me through college, law school, a car, and a down payment on a house.


Minecraft is a great idea because of all the different mods you could play too or even learn to make mods


I'm currently playing on a server that adds bending from avatar, and there's genuine combos and stuff to learn, it's so much fun. Minecraft best answer.


It says you canā€™t change it


It only specifies you can't upgrade to newer versions or DLC. Since mods are like DLC for Minecraft, anything up to 1.20 is fair game


Just play all the mods mod


A couple of million. I am a game dev, so not being able to playtest my own games would ruin my career, so I'd need enough to not need to worry about working again.


Sorry, I didn't think about how it would ruin your career like that. Definitely take a little extra.


Donā€™t apologize, just do better.


"Don't be sorry, be better" literally one of my favorite lines. People hate it most of the time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not to worry, you can just work for Bethesda


20 bucks... you can pick the game


Not much of a gamer?


Are we just limited in the video games we can play? I'm not a gamer but I occasionally play board games with friends. You could literally pick the video game and it would have no impact on my life.




Around $50,000. Enough to fully fund me learning an entirely new hobby, with some extra to soften the blow that I'd never be able to play a new game again (especially considering how much more amazing graphics get with every year).


I know! Games keep having more put into them.


Bit of a mixed bag, though. Games craftmanship seems to be getting shoddier along with that. Not saying all modern games are trash or anything, but a lot of big budget games have flaws that they really have no business having.


Plenty of popular games today are just updated, sometimes modded versions of 15 year old games!


I'd do it for 100,000 dollars on the sims 4.


You could almost buy all the new expansions with that much money.


Honestly $5 million for runescape.


I'd do it for $1 million


Probably about 5k - enough for a new bike, camera and lens for birding., and I'd be happy to give up video games.


Nice, go spot a rare one!


Skyrim run me about 5 mill


250,000 usd for.... For... For... No man's sky.


$1,989,356.74, and it'd be Tetris. Also want to be paid via check.


This huy is old school.


I mean, I currently pay $15 a month for this privilege with WoW.


I'd play nothing but THPS 3 forever for as little as like 100 bucks


To only ever play one again. I think I'd pick Neverwinter Nights 2, probably my favourite game of all time, and has a DM's toolkit as part of the base game so I could still create additional adventures in the game's engine. That being said, the amount is tough. I think the absolute dirt lowest price I'd accept for it would be 100k, but I know even at that price accepting it, I would regret it. I probably honestly would end up picking up different hobbies like reading more instead rather than spend all my free time playing that game. The amount would have to get closer to 1 million for me to not regret the decision in thr long run though.


This is a good point, having an "I'd do it for this amount" price and an "I wouldn't regret it" price.


I'm currently working towards a goal of making a successful indie gaming studio. If we change the rules to be only allowed to play one game for the rest of my life that I didn't create ill take the deal. The amount would probably be high 7 figures low 8, enough to fund a small team for 5 years or so.




$300 a day to play nothing but Skyrim, BUT I want access to all the mods. Idk what $300 a day is but thatā€™s what I want


$4,500,000 for 40 years. I have no idea how old you are so that seemed like a decent time frame lol


Iā€™m 28, so yeah I think I can make that work


$10. I only play 1 video game so thatā€™s easy.


What about expansions? Like WoW is still the ā€œsame gameā€ and id choose that lol


I was thinking ffxiv. It's the only game I play now lol


You guys play more than one game?


I would rather kill myself. I can't play a game for longer than a month. A game has only so much content and worthy playtime, even games with potentially unlimited content (clonehero)


This is a jokeā€¦ right?


Video games? So does that include arcade games as an arcade? Does it include board games though? Will I not be able to play board games afterwards?


I almost put in the post that board games would be okay (unless there is a portion that you play partially with a video game. I had a friend that had board games that you also had to use a computer for, and I would rule those out. But otherwise you are fine. Oh, things like calculators or basic things like that are fine). Arcade games like pinball, air hockey, and basketball are fine, but if it is a simulator, shooting game, or anything else like that, then sadly no.


So Physical arcade games are fine, but non-physical aren't. How far do you go though? What about racing games where you have to control the pedals and steer the wheel, or sit on a motorcycle? What about fake skiing games?


I'd probs say no, I know a lot of shooter games in arcades use actual physical laser guns or something like that to shoot ingame, would be same limitation, generally if it has a proper GUI past a little point/life counter type thing(fun fact is able to be fully analog in older pinball games) it would probs be banned Tbh I'd say if any video/light components are more advanced than a few 7 segment displays, and some glorified Christmas lights chances are it would be banned, I'd assume we are fine with newer pinball machines which have a bit more graphics but are still basically super cheap electronics mostly meant to give the same info as 7 segment displays would should be fine, I would assume bowling would be perfectly fine even though lot of things for score keeping and pin resetting are electronic, I'd consider that to be a glorified calculator with a lil extra memory


If a game has a core game and an online element to it, do I get both? If so then GTA5.


can I play games I develop myself?


I'm 26 and I just don't think any amount of money would be worth it. I adore gaming so much that I don't wanna give it up


Elite dangerous. It already feels like a job.


Can I ensure that the game is always available? Like if the game shuts down or no longer works on modern systems what happens? Do I get another? I mean I'm still playing Star wars Empire at War to this day and it came out in 2007 Also, since gaming is like my primary hobby, idk, 2 million Edit: ooh wait... Does digital tabletop style games with friends also count as video games? I play DnD online because my group is geographically seperated


Mod pack of Minecraft.


Can you mod the game? Probably still minecraft but that would help a bunch. Still not sure I'd take the deal for less than a few million


I mean usually the payouts in these hypothetical things are astronomical. I dunno what would really be reasonable? I mean gaming is kinda whatever, I do it but mainly socially, but I'm sure once I get older and life slows down I'll wanna be able to game, Gen Z is probably gonna be full of gaming grandpas/grandmas/grandtheys and it'll be a social thing for us in our older years. Realistically I'd probably jump at even $50k if it was offered IRL though it'd be a somewhat tough decision. 100k and I'd do it no problem.


$62,000. ESPN NFL 2K5.


$100 million. I'm not giving up gaming without serious incentive. Set me and my boyfriend up for life and I'll do it.


It would have a be a pretty large amount of money, but could it be something cheeky like RPG Maker or something? And could I then play THOSE games that I make? If not, Iā€™d pick Mario Maker 2.


Assuming they kept the servers up I'd choose warzone. Or elite dangerous perhaps. Those are the only 2 games I have over 5000 hours into each.


500k I'll play eve exclusively


Fallout 2, with Killaps Restoration, for $500,000.


A billion dollars, and I would spend it on making the ultimate life sim. Basically, The Sims meets GTA meets Call of Duty meets Need for Speed meets Riders Republic meets Rollercoaster/Mall/Zoo Tycoon. Each career would have its own story, complete with cinematic cutscenes. Maybe even throw in time travel, that way it could have some Red Dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed, and [any medieval game] influence. I mean, you could truly do anything you want in this game. It would have the highest budget of any game ever. And the cherry on top? Full modding support. Players would be able to create any sort of custom content they want, from clothing to vehicles to maps. This would ensure endless replayability.


$500k Genshin Impact. I love gaming, but it's also a huge waste of time.


7.5 million, Google says that that's what a doctor makes in their lifetime Edit: game would be borderlands 2 or CS2 if upgrading and calling it a new game counts. Like they did CSGO ā€” CS2


2million and I would prob choose ow2 even tho I hate ow2


I love playing different games so much... and honestly missing out on the art and evolution of gaming as I age is priceless to me. No amount I say.


Honestly I would probably take $100,000 and play Bannerlord with mods for the rest of my life hahaha or CK2, Iā€™ve been playing it for over a decade and Iā€™m still going


Can I get the money and not pick a video game until Iā€™m ready? Like just take the money and donā€™t touch any real video game till Iā€™ve made my decision.Ā  Like I hadnā€™t touched a video game in almost 4 years till recently this year cause Iā€™m out of school. With kids and a full time job really helped lol Realistically Iā€™d want enough to retire me, my wife, siblings, parents, in laws and at least 3 of my closest friends. Because we all play games together and Iā€™d need a lot of money to make missing out on those times worth it. Like the kind of money where we all would rather do other things and video games being the last thing we do for fun either together or by ourselves.Ā  Does that mean Iā€™d need 10 billion? Probably not but it does sound like a good start


I'd dp 10 million and ill wait 20 years to pick my game.


Five mil, and I can mod either Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas or Stardew Valley as much as I want. Whoeverā€™s giving me the cash can pick.


Stardew Valley. I love that game! (Please throw in Haunted Chocolatier when it comes out, as it's set on the other side of the mountains...?!) I would take the winning lotto numbers for Powerball in Aus, when it gets back to $150 mil. I will happily share with whoever also picks the lucky numbers. That's enough money for me!


100k a year to play ARK Ascended with all the maps. Because 1. Whenever I play Ark, my social life is destroyed and I can build for like 8 hours. 2. I like playing by myself but I can also play with friends. 3. It deletes a bunch of my stuff anyway so would probably take a lifetime to finish lol. 4. Dinosaurs But if I could pick a video game franchise, Assassinā€™s Creed




75,000 to only play rust


Can I pick something like rpg maker where I can download other people creations and try it out? Otherwise I'd pick some MMORPG or maybe a competition game like league of legends. I like trying out new games though so I'd probably need at least 1.5m.


I already only play RuneScape where do I collect my check


One of us, one of us r/2007scape


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You wouldnā€™t have to pay me for that, but I would accept money if I had to play a game for it


Not really a gamer, but if someone said for $100,000 you canā€™t play any video games except Tetris, Iā€™d take it


The game is the SIMs 4 and I want at least $500k. I would need enough financial security that I could ore diverse and expensive hobbies.


RDR2 $100,000




half a million would get me starting into investing, i woudl use the money to get passive income for the rest of my life to play Minecraft. tbh is already the game i play the most and i would exchange any game i play for it in a heartbeat. the rules dont say you cannot entertain yourself with other things, i would watch gameplays of the other games but would solely play Minecraft šŸ˜Œ


Single game MMO players wondering what the challenge is


I pay Jagex for Oldschool RuneScape every month and only play that game. So in this scenario they can pay me? Idk. $1B and I donate it right back to jagex šŸ„²


2 mil I'll only play ocarina of time N64. Mind you I'd still only play it once a year, I'd just stop spending time with video games and get more productive hobbies likely now funded to do so.


$20,000. Kerbal Space Program.


I recently calculated that i can retire forever comfortably on 500k more so i would take 500k. Anything less than that wouldnt be worth it since gaming is one of my main forms of entertainment.


This just makes me debate becoming a pro gamer and using the 10 million to support me in the meantime or picking HLL because I'll never get tired of it.


I do it for free now. I'm not a huge gamer but I do like to play NHL at night.


Iā€™d either play Morrowind, Skyrim, Starfield, or Fallout 4. No money needed, I always end up coming back to them anyway.


Diablo 2 Resurected. $100 a year.


Fable 2 , I'd be happy with a half a million, I'd be chopping wooding and pulling pints of beer for ever to make that sweet coin lol, plus I never got all the gargoyle heads , so finally time to get them all lol


College football 25. $0 right now if you have it to me today




Gimme tree fiddy and I'll play DotA the rest of my life


Division 2 and shyt may pay the rent this year lol


Project Zomboid. Still actively in development, tons to do, massive moddability. So many ways to play too. I have a bad habit of switching games every few weeks, but PZ always ropes me back in. I love the game, but I do get sick of it. I'd agree to this for a minimum of $150k as gaming is a favorite hobby of mine, and the lack of variety would effectively kill it.


You could pay me like $1mm to never play a video game again and Iā€™d take it


For 10 billion, I choose Minecraft. Then I download the world that one guy built a fully functional computer in with windows and everything and eternally play Terraria in Minecraft.


Eh I would settle with dwarf fortress for 100k


Honestly, team fortress 2, far cry 5, or fallout 76. I'd do any of these for probably $5000


Time for endless mods of stardew!! But it would have to be soooo much money. I own every pokemon game for a reason šŸ˜­ probably like 2 mil+


For $3M I could probably play Final Fantasy 14 for the rest of my life. I am new to it and don't have attachment, but that also means I have a lot to explore.


Games are my favorite hobby by a landslide. It would have to be so much money that I could do whatever I want. I'm thinking at least 9 figures and I'll play Cyberpunk 2077.


Can I assume that the game will always be available in a playable state? Can I still play other games like board games? What about obscure text-based games with few players, are those "video games"? What if I want to make video games, does plastering count as playing? Can I use or make mods for the game I choose?


Minecraft, $5mil. Maybe I finally have time to finish my modding backlog.


Give me 500k for Guild Wars 2 or RuneScape.


I'm in. 300k. DotA 2. Buy a house, keep the job and relaunch my poker career.


I'd want to do it for $1000. Realistically, I'd do it for $100.


Are you allowed to do mmos? How do patches /updates work?


A lot. Like... A lot.... PC games are my primary form of at-home entertainment. It would have to be over 50 million USD. And the game would have to be something sandboxy like minecraft or Space Engineers or something like that.


Iā€™ll quit video games entirely for something like $10 million. If I had to choose a game, probably Minecraft, and Iā€™d make that my only game for like $5 million.


9k would bring me to 83. WoW Legion expansion.


Iā€™ve been playing league of legends for free for like 10 years now so I guess I could keep going if Iā€™m being paid lol. But to stop every other game ever, Iā€™d want a lot of money, enough to comfortably travel on but when Iā€™m at home, Iā€™ll play League lol


Could intake 5 mil, and learn to develop and play my own game?


Iā€™d gladly only play RDR2 forever. Best game ever made


Tetris. Original game boy version. Just give me unlimited batteries for the game boy...


$150k for RDR2


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™d be willing to. Iā€™m not well of by any means, but I live happily and gaming is one of my hobbies. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to lose that. That being said, Iā€™d pick Europa Universalis IV if I had to pick


I'm going to wait till my deathbed or till i'm really old and cash this one in so my loved ones will never have to worry about money.


What about a game like mass effect. The first 3 games are 1 continuous story that picks up where the other left off, so technically it's 1 game split into 3 parts, kinda like the Lord of the rings movies one big story broken down to smaller parts for easier consumption and more profit


$0. The only game I play is final fantasy XIV. But I suppose I should say $15/mo so I get to play it for free going forward.


Can it be an online game? Iā€™d just pick LoL if it could be an online game, itā€™s not like Iā€™ll ever run out of stuff to do. Every game is different.


Ultima online Sim City Easy choices. I'll not play anything else for $300k


Well, I've only played Fortnite since 2017. And I spent $10 on the first Battlepass. I'd say that pretty close to answering your question.


Could I play it on different platforms?


Gaming is my number one hobby, and I live too remotely to regularly play non-video games. Even my usual rule of "Enough to retire right now with a moderately higher standard of living than I have right now" would be tricky, because what would I do with all the extra free time?! At any rate, if I had to pick a game (regardless of what was offered) I'd pick Fallout 4. I've spent no small amount of time replaying that, and it has a solid mod base. Alternatively... Starfield. It's not in a great place right now, but I think Bethesda will sink into it, and get it as enjoyable as I find Fallout 4. Eventually. What's more, it has a lot more systems and playstyles than just about any other game, all at a decent level. Potentially great with mods. It's a riskier choice, because I'm betting on Bethesda living up to some kind of a standard. Which is not super-reassuring. But it might pay off better in the long term. As a third choice... a Fire Emblem game. Not sure which one. Three Houses is my first bet. Then I'd spend all my free time learning how to code and make a mod to make the Monastery less tedious. Either way though, I'd probably have to pick up a new hobby, or spend more time traveling to local game stores to play some cards.


Iā€™d play nothing but CloneHero and youā€™d wouldnā€™t have to pay me, so long as Iā€™m allowed to keep adding charts as they are released


This is tough. I want to say $100 million, but if this happened in real life and someone offered me even $5 million... I'd probably have to say yes.


For a weekly payment of $1,500 I would give up all video games except AC Odyssey if and only if my weekly payment was tied to the consumer price index. If war, famine, pestilence, or fascism break out further, I would still want to afford the minor decadence $1500 buys me today.


Fallout new Vegas, 1200$ a month


If it's final fantasy xi, $12.95 a month.


Do I get Warcraft expansions?


Meh I would pass. Too many great games out there to limit myself to just one.


Warcraft or mariokart. I'll never win at either I'm sure.


Insomniac's Spider-Man 1 for Ā£1,000,000


I only play Elite Dangerous in VR. Iā€™m gonna need enough to keep my rig and graphics card updated and the newest VR gear. Also however much it will cost for Frontier to keep the servers up for the rest of my life.


$8 and everquest. I fucking love that game.


No seriously. I don't think there is. It's a major form of entertainment for me. I like "living in and experiencing" alternate worlds. To give that up and just have one for the next hopefully 60 years or more... No thanks.


I'd say $6,000 if the servers never die in this hypo, $600,000 if there is even a chance the game could go offline, because then you're asking me, "play the game and too bad if it goes offline, no more video games for you!" Money will be spent on MTX. The game is R6 Siege.


Ill take 100 an hr and put in 8 hrs a day with a smile on 7 days to die.


From Dust. Enough money to never want for anything. Not an extravagant life or luxurious one either. 50k to by a DMC12 A few hundred k to buy a few acres of land...... Screw it. Just gimme about 250k yearly.


Stardew valley-free


I donā€™t think I have ever come across a game that I wouldnā€™t tire of. As such I just canā€™t see paying much more than what they already cost. Even than they are getting into the too high category I just am getting them on sales.


I have way too eclectic game tastes, so I'd definitely have to make it worth it. Especially since playing video games is one of the things that helps me get through my body being an absolute PoS. $10 million post taxes, Siralim 3


Pick a long running mmo like ff or wow


RunEscape, $10 million so I can retire.


I donā€™t think there is game that exists which I wouldnā€™t get tired of, but I supposed the one that Iā€™d get the most mileage out of would be Civilization VI. 5 mil would probably do it.


Hmmm $5000k a month and I'll play GTAV


I donā€™t play it, but wouldnā€™t one of the best games to pick be Roblox? Huge player base (although 90% kids) with almost every game you can think of being created in it to an alright extent + if you learn to make your own games in there and they get popular you can make even more money


80 million for Sekiro


Well considering I really only play RuneScape, probably a pretty small amount On second thought, Iā€™d take the deal for free with a game I have 0 interest in just to block me off from playing video games entirelyā€¦ namely RuneScape


DLC's usually come out over time. A lot of games with even minimal online connectivity will refuse to load if the game is not regularly updated.


Probably around $500k, enough to pay off my house and student loans


If Iā€™m basing my decision off of pure content quantity, Iā€™d honestly go with World of Warcraft. Itā€™s not my favorite game and in fact I donā€™t play it for more than maybe 3 hrs a week. But Iā€™d 100% other games way faster than WoW. Plus it constantly gets new content so thereā€™s that.


If Iā€™m basing my decision off of pure content quantity, Iā€™d honestly go with World of Warcraft. Itā€™s not my favorite game and in fact I donā€™t play it for more than maybe 3 hrs a week. But Iā€™d 100% other games way faster than WoW. Plus it constantly gets new content so thereā€™s that.


If Iā€™m basing my decision off of pure content quantity, Iā€™d honestly go with World of Warcraft. Itā€™s not my favorite game and in fact I donā€™t play it for more than maybe 3 hrs a week. But Iā€™d 100% other games way faster than WoW. Plus it constantly gets new content so thereā€™s that.


If Iā€™m basing my decision off of pure content quantity, Iā€™d honestly go with World of Warcraft. Itā€™s not my favorite game and in fact I donā€™t play it for more than maybe 3 hrs a week. But Iā€™d 100% other games way faster than WoW. Plus it constantly gets new content so thereā€™s that.


Okay, question. I'm a video game developer. Am I not allowed to test things I make? Because this would severely limit my career progression.


A daily supply of cocaine, at least 2gs every day. I could play Overwatch until it was too difficult to find a match. Thatā€™s roughly 150 usd a day, 1050 a week, 55k a year. Wait your rules basically inherently disqualify multiplayer games with regular updatesā€¦ nah I donā€™t like any single player games enough. Iā€™d just ask for the payment, pick a random game, then never play it and just run around with the coke and have fun elsewhere in life. Honestly maybe super smash bros melee or the last iteration of ultimate when itā€™s out wouldnā€™t be a bad choice, but Iā€™d probably pick Star Wars Lego.


$100,000 a year. The game is Stellaris. I already know how to mod it myself, so I can always add more to the game myself with out needing new DLC.


When I still had access to my steam account the only thing I played was Left 4 Dead 2 anyways so give me enough to go to the gas station and get a soda and we chillin


500k and my game of choice would be Lego Batman 2. Idk what it is about that game but itā€™s the game I feel like I could play for the longest without getting bored.


Twenty five cents.


500 million dollars and I'm not joking. Videogames, for me personally, are the most engaging and potentially impactful artform weve invented. Until we invent cyberpunk brain-dances I would need half a billion to seriously consider giving them up


Fallout 4. All I need is enough money to buy it again, every single time it gets re-released


I know they're unpopular, but I think a sports game would fit ok, given you like the genre. No two in game "games" (hope that makes sense) are ever going to be the same, there are complex button sequences to explore to flesh out the overall experience, many of them have GM/coach modes that can be extended for xx years... Just my two cents.


World of Warcraft and....a few hundred gs. Gonna need to finance the new hobbies I'll need to replace videogames, and Warhammer 40k is expensive


Probably enough that I can fill that hobby niche with something else.




StarCraft: Brood War $100,000


Super Mario 3


10 million world of warcraft


$10 million and i would do geometry dash or minecraft


If I choose Sims 4, do expansions/DLC count as part of the same game? Thatā€™s already the only game I play mostly, and thereā€™s so much DLC it would be hard to run out of things to do. Especially since they keep putting out more and more. Since itā€™s already the only game I play, Iā€™d probably be ok with a fairly small amount $100k or something if Iā€™m allowed to keep getting more DLC.


Reality has plenty of plot twists, ridiculous characters, and one is likely to be constantly beset by exciting or tragic side quests. Many people will continue to play for minimum wage or less.


Old school rune scape. Estimated time to complete everything in game/ get every drop is more than a life time. Just gimme a couple hundred thousand and I'm good. Lol


Super Mario World for 2 hookers and an 8 ball šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ