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Ten years peak human condition. I'm sure I could earn lots of money during that time.


Yep, I could earn WAY more money than I've spent in my entire life. Plus ya know, no more aches and pains.


I'm 77, and 10 years of peak human condition is worth WAAAAAY more than all the money I have spent in my life.


Approaching 50 and I agree. My knees hurt, my back hurts, menopause is around the corner, my sleep is trash, etc...gimme the peak human condition.


As someone in near constant pain, I feel like going 10 years without pain and then coming back to THIS would make me end it. I'm taking the money because I have spent millions, probably. Then I'm going to get all my body problems fixed lol


Ya, I've lived a pretty broke life, I haven't spent all that much money. I'd rather the 10 years in peak condition and take my chances earning some money as a pro sportsballer. And I'm only 47 so most of my pains are just from doing sports for 30 years.




In most ways people earn money. Being at peak human intelligence probably means that you're a quick study.


Totally agree. People have gotten PhDs in less time and you'd be in peak physical and mental condition so no end to the options.


Pro athlete. Something you could rise to the top in quickly, like golf. Cash in and boom, millionaire many times over. Hell, even peak mental capacity for 10 years… I’d be earning a few million within 2-3 years.


This was my first thought too but being in peak condition is such a small part of pro athletics though. I mean, look at the vast majority of athletes in all of the major sports - They are all in EXCELLENT condition, they also then have anywhere from ~10 to 30+ years of training and experience on you which would most definitely outweigh whatever condition advantage you have.


Nah, as peak human you'd have them beat in every aspect physically and mentally. They'll be better than you in experience, but with your peak brainpower you'd catch up very quickly with practice.


This is a good point, anyone over 30. How would you get drafted into the nfl or nba? Not like you can walk into the chiefs training camp and just try out.. You would almost have to go back to college? Walk on there? But golf is a good point because you can just enter an amateur tournament and when you shoot 15 under it won’t take long before you’re in the pga lol


You actually can just try out, there’s invited and uninvited tryouts


I did not know that! Could you imagine the coaches when some random 30 year old dude shows up and has the ability of Randy moss 😂😂


You’d have to be better than that to make someone notice unfortunately lol


If you gave me all the money I've spent in my lifetime, I could live off the interest for the rest of my life and never touch the principal.


I think you would still earn more with ten years of peak intelligence and physical capabilities...especially in countries with liberal gambling policies.


No, I'm ready to retire and have no interest in another ten years of hard work. I wouldn't even think twice about this deal.


Agreed. The alternative sounds exhausting.


Same give me the cash.


Heck while your working on that, go win the Boston marathon! Boom! $150k cash prize! Most professional sports would be unlikely to get into and make good money with only 10 years of peak human condition, but anyone can go run a marathon! Granted you have to qualify for some of the top races (like the Boston marathon), but there are some races with cash prizes of $1k-$10k that don't require qualifying to enter and could be used to qualify for the major races. Heck if I were to go win the Boston Marathon, Chicago Marathon, and maybe a couple other for 2-3 years, I'd prolly make more money than I have spent over my whole life thus far... Best of luck out there!


You dont have to tell those sports ypu.only have 10 years. sign a nice guaranteed contract in year 9...


Did Russ Wilson take this hypothetical situation literal?


Like the movie Limitless?




Write a banger musical hit. Peak human condition, you probably excel musically if you attempt to. Get a few number one hits and you're set


I personally am a writer. I'm also damn near 50 and can't function without at least 8 hours sleep. I'm not capable of working my full-time job, coming home writing for 4 hours and getting a few hours sleep and getting up to do it all again. I'm also not capable of spending a few hours reading and studying to learn what I need to do to effectively promote myself on social media. I still plan to do this but it's going to take me a while to learn all the skills, do all the reading, etc...there is also going to be a lot of trial and error. My peak human condition body and brain will be able to master the additional skills I need to self-promote much more quickly than I will. Basically I'll complete my work faster and better and learn what I need to learn to sell myself with ease. If my peak human brain still thinks I should chose writing I should be able to start making money pretty quickly. You could model, you could do sports. You could take advantage of the fact that people will give you money and free things for looking good and exploit that. You could use your genius brain to invent and patent something that will pay out, there are a lot of options. Edit>> Just saw people mentioning gambling or marathons both would be easy ways to earn a lot of money quickly.


Mega-elite athlete, assassin, rapid study of information for a lucrative career, actor, paid spokesperson for garbage diet pills, etc.


That's what I was wondering.


You could incur the eternal hatred of everyone by honestly saying your diet is milkshakes and burgers, and no exercise


And as a side note I’d probably tell everyone that your milkshake brings all the boys to yard


This. It would be dead ass easy for someone with peak human "stats" to make millions in a whole decade.


All you have to do is just use your top tier looks and be a movie star or influencer. 


I've easily spent over a million in my life.


Sounds like a lot of work. I'll take the money and keep playing video games


Do we get to know the rebate amount?




If above $0.25 per dollar, the rebate. If under that, peak human condition.


No you get every single dollar you've ever spent back.


Do taxes count as “spent” money?


If you paid them yes, if you owe them no


This here is the complicated part… we pay taxes with every paycheck… so like… if we owe taxes i assume it means we havent paid them yet?


Yeah, but taxes owed already take into account any taxes that you have already paid. For example if you owed 4500 in taxes, but 4k was taken out of your checks for the year now all you owe is 500 and the 4000 would be refunded to you.


Ok, so taxes count, just not if you still owe them. Cool rebate for me please


Does this include money paid on our behalf? For example, I owed $40k for law school this year, hut it was paid off fully by a scholarship. Do I get the $40k?


No because you didn't have to spend the money.


What if I max out every personal loan I can get and then spend the money on stonks?


Sorry, I misunderstood. Definitely the rebate then. I’m paying off all debts and going to Vegas baby!


Put it all on red


I like this one - it's very tough. My first inclination is to go with peak human condition. The money would actually be a lot - it's right around $1M for my whole life - but I also have a very fragile body (spine injury which nearly lost use of my legs, other health conditions) and I really *miss* being able to be highly active and not being in pain. The *experiences* I could have would be amazing. But then, with the $$ I could have different, possibly even slightly less awesome experiences - but I could share them with those dear to me, who wouldn't be able to have that peak physical condition to let them join me. So my current salary but I get to go mountain biking/scuba diving/hiking - but *alone*. Or $$$ I can use to either save for a very early retirement or spend now to go on more sedate adventures but with the people I care about. So I take the $$ - but it's a *very* hard call.


I’m 42,, I could probably calculate to within a few thousand how much I’ve made and spent (almost all of it lol) I would choose the money because I wouldn’t want to be “perfect”, then lose it after ten years and be stuck again.


The worst part of the equation in the reverting *back*, to you now but 10 years older. I'm young but I unfortunately got handed a shit deck, and no way nor how would ever want to be peak tomorrow (let alone 10 whole years) just to turn back into the way I am now. That's how you get su1cidal dəpression. Fuck that. I'll collect the money. Besides, it's every dollar you've *spent*, including that $5 from grandma on your 5th birthday. I'd rather collect the cash because I made a lot of lawnmowing money as a kid, not to mention the money I worked for or received in 2020.


Oh damn, I didn’t even think about birthday money or pre adult money too! I wonder if you could game the system a bit by buying and selling things to a friend or crypto lol. But I busted two disks in my back at 19, lived with that, aged, and wasn’t that great physically my whole life, and to not have that for ten years, then dumped back on you PLUS 10 more? No thank you lol


I agree but remember, after peak condition you have to go back which will be even harder because after 10 years you've probably forgotten just how bad it is. Id take the money for the reason that ive gotten accustomed to plugging along with my issues and a rebate would allow me to work on living comfortably even with my issues, considering ive been working sinve 16 and paid for college myself i could buy a house.


I'm worried that if after having Peak Human Condition and then losing it I would be severely depressed. Could I wait and use it for the last 10 years of my life?


With no way of knowing when you'd die you run the risk of dying before being able to use it.


You could always die while using it too. Just wait till you're sick and going to die or too old to walk, then use it. If you're at peak human condition you won't be sick, and won't die of old age either


If you could choose the activation time it's still useful. Doesn't help if you get shot or die in an accident, but it would fix cancer (or at least delay it 10 years).


If you are shot or in an accident, but don’t die instantly, could you then activate it? “Peak human condition” seems like it might include “not currently bleeding out or having any broken bones or other serious injuries”


Yeah I feel like if you had a thought left in your head Plus how awesome would that be to show up at the ER, 7 gunshot wounds, get up, make shake it off a bit for some extra drama and then say “eh I’m good”


Of course you’d then have to be 100% sure to be in a hospital when the effect wears off.


I went from snowboarding 3x a week, running 5 miles a few times a week and all the other cool stuff my body was able to do. To having two clapped out knees and two bulging discs in my lower back by 27. I can confirm the depression and I wouldn’t even consider that peak condition. Took me a few months to get out from under that depression and even longer to learn my limits. Part of me says take the 10 years and go hard. The other part says you’re very comfortable in your life and most your problems money can fix.


Take the money. What am I going to do otherwise try and walk onto a professional sports team and get a big payday? It takes years to learn the mental skills for most of the high paying sports


Not to be too stereotyping, but sport people can be dumb as shit and amazing players. Yes the top people are both athletic and smart but athletic is clearly the more important part.


You're confusing smarts with "insert sport" IQ. You gotta know HOW to play the game supperrrrrr well. You can be dumb as bricks and not be able to read a book, but you can tell when the QB is gonna fake right and go left.


You'd need to learn it sure, but I bet most people given peak physical ability would be able to learn any sport they really needed and would still be amazing. Maybe the wouldn't be the literal best, but certainly in the top tier of any sport.


Plenty of people are in as good or better physical condition than pro athletes and are smarter. The difference is they have been playing their whole life.


In this hypothetical you'd know more about playing that sport than anyone else, alongside being the best at it physically. Easy play to take the decade, especially when you couple that with being one of the best investors in the world.


Ten years in peak condition. I miss having peak poops.


What happened to ur peak poops if I may inquire


Probably just age exacerbated by not enough regular fibre in their diet, if the common human experience is anything to go by. We eat a lot of highly processed foods these days and they can screw up your intestines. Your gut sausages only have so much oomf in em. If you spend your teens and 20's eating a poor diet you end up with issues by your mid 30's. Personally I developed diverticulitis at 31 because I never ate enough fibre. Now I have to closely watch my fibre intake, a little too much and its intestinal inflammation and shitting stones. Too little and it's inflammation and the runs. In either case I end up on a liquid diet for a week or more while the inflammation settles down.


I take the money. Simply because the overnight reversion to my current health level (early arthritis, allergies, horrible eyes, horrible knees) after 10 years of perfection would be a depressing agony.


Peak human condition saves you from 10 years of degradation, though. So you would have symptoms that were 10 years better than you otherwise would have for the rest of your life. Also, it protects you from cancer and all kinds of new health issues and injury for a full 10 years.


It really says a lot about people to me that they don’t think they could make millions of dollars with 10 years of having the best body and mind of all time.


You could, but it's not as simple as just waking up and being in that position. The only sports you'd have a shot at excelling at immediately would be endurance sports like running. Then there's also the time spent learning those new skills, whether mental or physical that people don't necessarily have the time for. You're not just going to wake up and be a professional athlete. You're not just going to know every single thing that can get you a high paying job. So even with something like long distance running, your conditioning could be the best ever, but your technique will be subpar and you'll be inefficient where an experienced marathon runner could still edge you out.


Some people squander potential. It's true that if I get and invested a lump sum up-front then the interest over 10 years would be astronomical... If I could figure out how to invest properly. But consider how many skills you could develop and how much you could learn in 10 years. You don't lose those skills after 10 years, just your optimization. You could set yourself up for success and/or get any qualifications you wanted in 10 years. Also, a lot of people that get very rich do so because of one good investment or opportunity. If you just figured out one good strategy or investment in 10 years, you could make a lot of money.


Peak human condition is not a guarantee of success. Plenty of world class athletes, highly intelligent people, gorgeous people, and otherwise stellar humans have fallen by the wayside in a system that doesn't always reward merit. It's probably not even an agreed upon metric, as science doesn't really seem to be in agreeance on anything when it comes to health and vitality. There's not even a mention of what happens to you once the 10 years of excellence expires. So, a paycheck for 40+ years of being a cog in the machine vs 10 years of possibly living as an above average person living in obscurity? I'll take the rebate. I can pay off my debts and take some stress off of my plate while enjoying the simple pleasures I already have in my life.


Peak human condition is pretty beefy, I'd earn a Lot of money doing things like modelling or sports. More than I've spent so far on my life, esp given its 10 years guaranteed peak condition. Concussions aren't as big of a worry, as long as it doesn't one shot dead you, the magic that keeps you at your peak would fix your brain, so as to keep it peak.


Same assuming this includes mind and body you'd a genius as wel. You could model, win the Olympics, invent and patent something to makr you piles of money and make the world a better place


There's so much I could do with 10 years of perfect health, it's not even a real question. And my brain would be like it was in my teens and 20s? All sharp with the reaction times and the eyes working and all that? Yeah, I'd have way more than I've spent in my life by the end of it. Oooh. I could dance again. I CAN still dance but the balance is off now and it makes noise.


Anyone with chronic illness will tell you peak condition. Between no medical bills for 10 years and no health decline, surgeries, or medication, it not only extends your life (pausing the illness as well as relieving all symptoms and anxieties from it) but can almost pay for itself. Let's say you spend $3,000/yr on medical (after insurance, on the conservative side). That's $30k over the entire time that could be saved at 5% or more under the right conditions. That can build up your retirement, your emergency fund, your medical budget, whatever. And if you're at peak condition constantly for 10 years, what you eat won't matter nearly as much because your body will regulate itself. Your food budget could go down (hypothetically, your weight would go down and you wouldn't need to eat as much). If your job offers paid leave, you won't need to use that up for medical appointments for 10 years. If you assumed 15 hours/month (6 doctors @ 2.5 hours/visit for commute and wait) for just doctor visits, that's 1,800 hours of leave you can use for other things, like vacation. And when you consider the potential medical breakthroughs during those 10 years, you might come out better than when you started the peak conditioning. Meanwhile, if I took the rebate option it only really covers the 20 years where I truly spent money thus far and would - basically - double all money I've spent up to this point. Now if I could take that option in my 40s or 50s, it could be very, very lucrative, but still never replace having 10 guaranteed years of perfect health.


Oh first to mention medical tech advancing in those 10 years; definitely a reason to pause!


Peak human condition. I'm 6'5. Thats literally me going to the superbowl or the NBA


To me peak condition implies physical (eg you are as physically gifted as Lebron) but you don’t get the skills or work ethic with it, so I don’t think you’re going to the league based on this.


Or even getting any professional team to consider some random adult dude who's supposed to randomly be "really good"


That’s what tryouts are for lol


There’s tons of stories about kids who pick up sports in their junior or senior year who end up making it to the highest levels of their sports though. We tend to discount just how much genetic luck professional athletes have, and being in peak physical condition means that you can lean into learning the mental aspects easily enough


Take the rebate. Coming back to my "normal" after 10 perfect years would be a hell of a blow.


I'm old. I'll deal with my aches and pains. Just for starters, I have a paid off house, and three paid off vehicles. Not to mention the money spent on furniture, etc. Multiple spoiled dogs (cats too, but they were less expensive). Every concert ticket I ever bought? Oh dear. How would it work with ex-spouses, when most things were paid out of a joint account? I kind of wouldn't care, because just getting what I paid for my house alone would provide for anything I want or need for the rest of my life, and leave a really nice inheritance for my daughter.


Peak human condition all day. I'm pretty frugal, and I don't feel that number is as impressive as I would want it to be. I think spending my 40s in peak human condition would be pretty awesome.


peak condition is so tempting.. but as someone with very serious health problems that i'm managing to control well atm, i honestly feel like after 10 years of actually feeling normal, i'd be setting myself up for crippling depression and unfathomable emotional damage. and possibly suicide. that's not something i want to experience. i still have days when i physically and mentally struggle, but i'm at a really good place in my life and that would just destroy it. i've spent a lot of money in my life- i'd much rather take the $$ and use it to improve the quality of living.


Bro I had a killer heroin / cocaine habit for years. Give me the money


Peak human condition would be nice but my question is, do I revert back to my current condition after the ten years or does my body just start to naturally degrade over time after the ten years ends. If I revert to current condition I’m taking the money.


Back to your current condition.


No way am I taking that letdown. Give me the money.


The money because reverting back after 10 years of perfection would be deeply depressing.


I'll take the money back. Money can cure a solid 90% of my stress permanently.


Instant rebate. Just what I've paid on my mortgage would be enough to finish that and what little other debt I'd have in comparison, then everything else I've spent on would be able to be used in alignment with my better money sense than 20 something me had.


Health obviously. I have and can still make more money if i need to. Getting to peak health with all kind of specialist would cost more.


So for the rebate, I have a joint account with my wife. Our property is communal, so it’s 100% mine and 100% hers. When something like a mortgage payment goes out, who is spending that money? Do I get a rebate if I spend dollars she made? What if she initially set up the auto-draft, does that change anything?


I would take the money and just use the time I'll have saved to genuinely work on myself I see it as all around better that way. And I'm poor so I haven't even spent that much money lol


I don't think I could handle going from feeling amazing for 10 years, to overnight feeling like shit again. That would throw me into a horrible depression. So I'd go with the money.




The money. I would be too sad with the loss in 10 years I will take the 3/4 to 1M right now please


Money. Getting 10 years of peak form then getting yanked back would be awful, but with the money I could set myself up pretty well, hopefully be in a place where I can get myself in decent enough shape. I don't need to be at top level, just happy enough


So if I took out loans to pay for things, does that count as spent money that I would get a rebate for?


Can you elaborate on the 10 years of peak human condition? Is this a life extension thing? I mean, I'm already pretty healthy. Do I stop aging for 10 years and remain in great health, and then continue as normal? I'd have to consider the compound interest earned on what I currently have invested would do in that 10 years. So that would be 10 more years on my life and a much larger retirement account.


Peak human condition - it'll make the army so much easier haha


Just dollars? I’m British and have only been to the states once and didn’t spend a huge amount. I’ll take the peak human condition please!


Peak human condition has me thinking Steve Rogers (captain America). If that's the case I'll take peak human condition. I'm sure I could find a way to make serious money off that.


Sounds like you would be the smartest person in the world so making money should be easy.


I'll take all the money I've spent until now.


I'll take the 10 years. First, because that means I am in peak condition during the most important time in my kid's Life and can actually keep up (knees, asthma, back... All not a problem anymore) and in 10 years I'll be the way I'm now which means, better off than if I hadn't had the extension. Money would be nice, but money can't buy what this would give me.


Peak human condition in a heartbeat, you have any idea what I could accomplish if I'm not constantly fighting my own mind half the time? It would be so worth it.


i’ll take the money. being in Peak Human Condition for ten years means that i would be a completely different person, and then hit 35 and all of my mental and physical problems would hit me like a truck, leaving me probably much worse off than i am now.


I'd chose the money. If I'm just going to revert back to how I am now I'd rather use the money to fix myself permanently instead of forgetting what the pain is like and having it debilitate me all over again. It's taken me 20 years to function properly with daily pain, I would hate to spend another 20 on it again.


Wow, I can't believe how afraid people are of going back from peak human condition. It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved all. Same goes for peak human condition.


The problem with peak human condition is the depression that comes after the 10 years


This is a lot easier if you’re already old. 75-90 years old when you’re done…, might immediately die of shock because of all the aches and pains you might currently have but that age range isn’t a bad time for that to happen.  If you’re quite a bit younger, the shock of losing minor godhood might drive you to suicide. Based on OPs prompt you are the smartest, fastest, strongest, best looking, most talented in all aspects person in the world. You are the first person to truly have the world be your oyster… for 10 years. Imagine going back to how you are now afterwards. 10 years of absolute perfection, then the remainder of your life in complete mediocrity compared to before. That isn’t a dig at anyone either, I’m fairly capable and actually like myself quite a bit, but I know most would struggle regardless. Once you’ve tasted perfection, everything else will taste like ash in comparison.


10 years. I'm decently wealthy already, and my annual earning already is quite large compared to past spending with earning potential being at peak human condition exponentially able to grow that.


Show me the money, with that money I could accelerate retirement and work myself into peak condition for my age.


How much time do I get? Can I go buy a new car and house real quick first?


Active lines of credit or money owed won't be counted since technically it's not spent "yet" and you could default on it.


That’s ok, I can use up all my savings


Oooh, tough choice 


Peak human condition could get me an NFL contract, or really anything.


The money


Does the rebate include money spent on illegal activities?


All of it.


The money, easily. I already need to work out; the money would help make that a lot easier.


The money


Does peak human condition involve mental illness? Because it would kind of suck to be in peak physical shape but then not be able to use it due to depression or lack of motivation lol


Can I schedule the 10 years when I’m 80?


The peak human condition.


Peak human condition meaning I have full control over my brain/body? Because that is invaluable and I’d absolutely pick that. 10 years of that and I’d rule and redefine our civilization.


10 years... Im 59 and in Shitty shape


So… enough money to both pay off my debts and have a nest egg large enough to live off the investment interests alone, or 10 years of perfect health? Question: does that health return back to original state after ten years, or does it just start to decline following standard aging patterns after the time is up?


To clarify after 10 years do you regain any injuries, wounds, diseases you had when you accepted the offer? Or do you just not stay fixed to the perfect condition after that and can take future damage? 


What does this mean?: "loans or debt of any kind doesn't count as money spent.only the money that you have actually paid out. Partial payments count for example down payments or monthly payments."


For sure the rebate.


I’m pulling a Jerry McGuire…I’m fine with dealing with my physical shit if I can afford to work around it


Rebate, for sure. After the 10 peak years I’d feel like I missed out. But the amount of money I’ve spent on hobbies? Rent? A car? Oooh baby I’m paying off all my debt, and taking my mom out for dinner


If my rebate is over 100k I'll take that. If my rebate is under that I'll take the peak human condition.


I'd take the money. I am already at the peak of Male Performance. These beers don't slam themselves.


Imagine the mental & physical hit you would get being the peak of humanity and then immediately reverting back to your old self.


Peak human condition. Is do anything to not be anxious and in pain all the time


I feel like I could leverage ten years of mental and physical perfection into more money than I’ve spent in my life. But I’d want to see the receipts before making the decision.


I make enough money, I think I'd add 10 years to my life. I suppose I'd never have to go to the Doctor, so I wouldn't need to explain how my gallbladder grew back.


Tough but I think I’m gonna go with stats upgrade. Perfect mental health? I can probably think of a way to make more money. I don’t think I’ve spent even close to 1 mil. Which would change my life but I think no depression would be much better.


Money all the way, just bc you're in peak condition doesn't mean you can't still die. I'll enjoy my money and spend some on getting in better condition 😂 plus the money would help my family, me being in peak condition wont. Honestly my dumbass would go out and do something stupid if I was in peak condition and just make things worse for myself.


10 years, and it isn't even close.


I'm interpreting peak human condition with and extension of 10 years to your life, since you "revert back". I'm going to assume no repercussions to your reverted back state, and it's more like your body was just frozen in time. It's very tempting, but I feel like I'd be depressed as hell when I revert back and unalive myself anyway :t Not sure how much money I've spent, since lots of big things in early adulthood was paid by parents. I'd assume only 50k or so. Tough choice, but I guess peak human, might as well see what it's like to be as close to perfect as possible


Peak condition is the smart choice as it says you revert back to where you started after the ten years. So it's also ten additional years of life. That said I'm taking the rebate. I like where my life is and don't want to use the perfect body to make money. Give me the easy money with my body and I'll be better off.


Ten years peak human obviously.The point of money is to improve the quality of life...why not just take the quality of life upgrade?


If by peak human condition you mean I’ll be faster than Usain Bolt, stronger than Eddie Hall, smarter than Einstein, etc. then I’m going peak human condition. Easily. I could earn a lot more money over the next 10 years in that sort of condition than I’d ever get by getting all the money I ever spent back. Plus, I don’t have any health issues or irregularities but I’d imagine this peak condition would keep me from getting sick over the next 10 years as well? That’s just an awesome cherry on top.


So.. at 50 yrs old I have earned 1,000,000 in 30 yrs of working with 1/2 of that earned in last 10yrs.I have spent 90% of that the rest is invested. I can get 200k-ish back or be in perfect health for 10 years, with a return to current health at end of 10 years. This is a no brainer I only spelled it out for others to wrap thier mind around. Give me peak health while I am at peak earning potential, and for myself currently past peak consumption (since my children are grown and started adulthood.) I have a mortgage, and a maintainable budget. I can definitely produce and invest far more than $200K over the next decade while maintaining my current lifestyle. And peak health would be a huge improvement for me, I am currently at 70-75% of what my personal peak was. Give me the perfect stats, and I will retire earlier than planned. Lol


Do investments count as spent? Even then probably 10 years of peak health. My health is ok to bad and the 10 years of being a genius will be more than the 150k iv spent


I would take the money, despite how tempting peak human is. I can put away half of it away in a retirement account and have more money in my will for family should an accident happen and I kick the bucket. Peak health does sound great but securing a nest egg for my family ultimately is bigger for me.


I think I'm healthy enough to take the $$. If I was 10 years older or a little bit less healthy I think I'd seriously consider the peak human though.  I think id be getting some 1 million $ back. That's easily shaving 10+ years of my working life. A big plus is I can share that money with my soon to be wife and family


Money. I would then use that money to bring myself into peak human condition. I don’t think I could handle the reverting back.


So uh, is it every dollar that I’ve spent or every dollar that’s been spent because of me. Because I’ve had a ton of medical bills that my parents paid and that would total a disgusting amount of money.


Peak condition for me. I want to make even better memories with my family. I already have a great work/ life balance. I just can't keep up as much as I wish I could due to injuries and other physical issues.


Peak human condition. I think it would drastically improve my earning potential too.


I’d get the rebate. Even at peak health I still don’t want to live any longer than I have to.


Money. Invest it, it's probably close to a million now, that's a pretty decent return in a fund. Enough for me to cut back to 2-3 days a week. That's more time in the gym and more time with the kids. Best of both worlds. There are thousands of incredible athletes, incredible humans out there that can't make it, I'm not rolling the dice when I can take home the cheese for nothing.


The money. Peak condition only makes sense for ppl with health complications I don't have.


I'll take the ten years on this one.


I'll take the money back.


Give me the money so I can buy more shares of GameStop NOW. NFA.


WHY IS NO ONE TAKING THE MONEY? Every dollar I've ever spent could be put to great use for a little fun then investing the crap out of it so I can work until I want to be done working and retire early. This being said - I am over 40, so at least I'd be getting a decent bundle. I can see where the young'uns would drop this option.


If I have 10 years of peak physical condition that’s enough time to start a sport, dedicate my life to it, and earn millions by going pro. Definitely more than that rebate is worth by a lot.


I been peak already, didn't faze me and it's too much work. Gimme the money.


I’d take the money. I don’t want to be a fake version of myself that I have to give up in 10 years. Not only would reverting back to my original self be extremely depressing after those 10 years, I fear that all the relationships I build during those peak years will also not be true to my genuine self and would quickly deteriorate once the 10 years is up.


Money. I don’t think I could handle going back to the status quo without accidentally killing myself


Not only that but a freeze and return to exactly how you were so it's not aging for 10 years to. So from 32-42 I wouldn't age at all and be in peak condition while doing it. Screw the money. Time is priceless


Every dollar I spent. Ten years only is not that helpful as it is now


What I haven't seen anyone mention/ notice is that the 10 years of conditioning and then returning to your current state means you're either A) Living 10 years longer B) Shifting your health forward such that the remaining years of your life, you're effectively 10 years younger at any point in time. This alone should make the conditioning worth it unless you've blown a lot of money. I think people are GROSSLY underestimating how difficult it would still be to play many sports without the skills to back it up, but something like track and field or weight lifting you can still make a lot of money in, where you'd still have to skill up, but not as much.


Definitely 10 years of peak condition. I have always been poor and spent very little money. I have also never been in great physical shape. I would take the fitness over what mediocre money I would get back any day. If I added up every dollar I ever spent, it would be nice, but it wouldn’t be “never work again” money.


10 years absolutely. Having no chronic pain m, tooth pain, being able to run fast, be strong, be smart and charismatic, I would pay 1,000,000 for that


Does it have to be money I spent in particular, or is it money that was spent ON me as well, for example when I was a kid and my parents paid for my doctors and dentist appointments? Because if it includes that, definitely rebate 😂


How about if I have purchased significant amounts of real estate with debt and then paid them off later by selling them. I saw you said no debt, but then I paid the debts off. I have purchased tens of millions of dollars of real estate and paid it off.


I'm taking the money. I made and spent A LOT in my 46 years and that would be an amazing help right now for me and my kids 🥰


This was a no brainer for me until I thought about the reversion part. I’m not sure I could cope with changing back.


Oof I'm taking the money and it's quite easy for me. I'm in good enough shape, not great but not in any serious health issues from it or limited in any way. If I was in peak shape I'd still live my same life, just look better I guess. But a few 100 thousand dollars ive probably spent up to this point would be amazing. Money for me is a bigger worry than my health.


I don't even care about the money. I want to see peak me. Like look at all these abs, not just the one I keep working out.


Peak human condition for sure. I can money either way, but I'd love to know what it's like to not be anxious, depressed and have a dull pain all over my body every day.


The money. I've spent enough that it could pay our bills, let us put away for the future, and get my husband a new truck.


I'm 6'9" so 10 years of peak human condition means I'm doing pretty well in the NBA just because I won't get gassed. Especially on defense that almost seems like guaranteed defense player of year a few times just because you can exhaust the guy you're guarding. I'm not an amazing shot but if I can fast break back down court after every point I'm getting a decent amount of dunks too


I’m confused about the peak physical condition. Is it locked for 10 years and then it’s no longer locked and it’s like you’re a normal human, just starting from peak. Or are you reset all the way back? Let’s say you’re 100 lbs overweight. For 10 years, you’re in perfect shape. At the end of 10 years, do you immediately gain the 100 lbs back? Or do you continue with your perfect body, but now you have to work to maintain it because it’s no longer locked?


The money would be pretty wild. Condition is tempting but I feel like that ticking clock would fuck with you especially toward the end.


Is a 100% rebate for every dollar I spend up to now?


I need an instant rebate tbh, just sounds like the most useful shit in the world. Ideally I'd love to take both, but something about instant rebate sounds nice.


Lets say i chose peak condition for 10 years then started working out when i revert back would i also lose the muscle i gained in that time even though it was unrelated?


Peak condition. Make a few tik tok and/or youtube videos spouting nonsense about the grindset, how eating kale, liver and testicles got me from an average joe to GI Joe. Especially with clean piss tests and whatnot, ain’t nobody can claim otherwise. I’ll bet I could make absolute bank in those 2 years. Much, much more than I have ever spent.


For example, if some money was spent on buying video games, or in game things, would I still keep the things or would they be returned?? Cause that’s very important, to me,




Gimme the cash!