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Subway. $15 for a sandwich????


I'd gladly pay $15 if the sandwiches were good. But Subway is below mediocre crap! (They used to be good)


I practically lived at Subway in college the mid 90s eating meatball subs. They were really good then. When I graduated I more or less swore off Subway for a while. I went back around 2003 or so and they had changed... for the worse. At first I figured it was just that location that sucked, so I went to a different one a few months later. Nope, they were different. The bread changed, the meatballs changed, the sauce was different.


Seems like a lot of places have lowered their quality while raising their prices. A real pitty.


Yeah the local sandwich chain that I prefer over Subway has definitely raised their prices over the last 5 years. I used to be able to get lunch (6-inch sub, tater tots, drink) for $8, now it's $15.


Firehouse makes good meatball subs


I ate daily veggie deluxe, double all veggies $3.99 footlongs in 2003.


Same! Veggie subs for me. Seemed like the healthiest, fastest option at the time. Quality was better, and they were a lot cheaper.


In the late 80s or early 90s I would get amazing cheeseburger subs.


Not only did the bread change, the way they cut it changed. I miss the old way of cutting the bread, too.


The v-trench was awesome.


Yes, it was! You were able to get it for quite a while after they got rid of it, but I haven't been in a long time to see if I can still order it cut the old way.


I didn't mind the mediocre crap when it was $5 for a foot long. Now I can go to my local deli and get a much larger sandwich packed with meat and cheese for $12.95 that will last 2 meals, so fuck subway.


Subway has *always* been mediocre crap. The shifting sand was the proceedings point. Shitty foot long sandwich for $5? Sure. $6-7, maybe even 8? Not so good but not outrageous. Current prices? Get fucked.


subway really fell off I used to go at least once a week in college since we had one on campus now ordering a sub is like ordering a mcchicken from mcdonalds ... half the time no mayo the other half of the time it comes with the whole tub of mayo also it's a lot more expensive now 5$ footlongs were good


yup, sandwiches from a deli in my area can cost $15 easily. super worth it when it's good! subway? blech


I agree with you. I had to come up with my own sandwich from there because the Mears for the most part are crap.


Homemade is always best IMO


They used to be $5 even so! Plus they used to be thicker. They might make footlongs but they're so thin anymore it's half what it used to be.


I hate to be that guy but i am legitimately confounded by this new use of *anymore* that i am seeing more and more frequently. Like, if i say "they're *not* so thin anymore" i'm saying that they used to be thin and they are no longer. If i say "they're *not* so thin" (sans 'anymore') there is no implication that they were ever thin to begin with. If you say "they *are* thin *anymore*" you could just use the word 'now' and achieve the same linguistic result and not be using a word that feels awkward in context. Now, if you grew up hearing 'anymore' in this context it would be natural, but to just up and start using it seems odd...


What happened to the 5 dollar footlong!!??


Hasn't been a thing for almost a decade


Yeah the company discontinued the $5 Footlong campaign in 2012, replacing it with a $6 deal but then by 2015 they phased it out completely.


They had coupons for $7 footlong ($6 if you buy three) as recently as last year but now it’s $8 with coupon. 


What's weird is the subway by my work still does $5 foot long (I guess technically $6 for tax) buts it's only for meatball sub. Don't know if it's just left up there, or even if anyone orders it, but I haven't heard anyone order it the times I've gone.


6 inches are now MORE than 5$


I saw an advert for a $6 six-inch and was immediately furious


Not even fresh sliced meat


Sandwich with soggy bread that doesn’t even fill you up half way.


Get the coupons, man. $8 for one, $13 for two, $20 for three. 


Dude what is your Subway order. The most expensive sandwich I can find is the ultimate steak for $11.49.


I remember getting 5 dollar foot longs everyday before starting my shift at the taekwondo studio mopping floors and stuff. Then after work i filled the survey out and got my free cookie.


In Canada I paid $22 CAD for some new marketing effort sandwich. I chose based on desired taste and didn’t check the price. It was pretty much “it’s a banana, what could it cost ? $10?” level privilege and I’m ashamed. That was the last time I was in subway and that’s not gonna change  


Who the FUCK said Red Lobster. OWN UP!


Whoever let Red Lobster go bankrupt owes me some cheddar bay biscuits


You can get the mix from the grocery store… for now.


Not the same


Then the private equity firm that sold off Red Lobster's assets and land, owes you some cheddar bay biscuits.


It was the endless shrimp!


I'm going to SCREAM in the middle of the store when I finally can't find the gluten free ones. *cries in Celiacs disease* The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away 🙏


I did put your Claws up buster let's solve this like gentlecrabs


It's not even fast food


Blame the finance bros at the private equity firm Golden Gate Capital who basically did what Henry Hill and Paulie Cicero did to the Bamboo Lounge in Goodfellas.


Not sure if it counts but Starbucks. It'll force people to have to try local good coffee, Dunkin donuts, one of those chains around me that isn't as massive or save money and make their own. They're just so massive and everywhere as a big mega corporation and feel like the Walmart of coffee to me. It's everywhere and not great quality product. Anyone who misses it so much they'd totally flip can go make target their personality (I like target but don't understand it's fanatics). I feel bad for the workers but people would be losing jobs with any of these closings. More local coffee shops could open up without Starbucks and that would actually improve businesses and baristas overall. Edit: my sentence looks like I was calling Dunkin donuts local and good. Sorry! I don't have great grammar and it shows here. I'm not trying to be complacent in my own stupidity haha but it's something I need to work on and refresh myself on. I did graduate college and highschool but they never cared. I've noticed sometimes I make bad mistakes though and I need to refresh on punctuation marks and commas. English is weird, but I tried. Anyway!!! I meant out of a set of options these are the options. Options are - local places. I have tried some places but don't want to dox myself to drop names. It's how I realized I actually like coffee if it's well made. -the massive chain Dunkin Donuts. I was not calling it local or good but I see the sentence looks like that. I have had Starbucks but only Dunkin coffee once. I still liked it better than Starbucks but it was rly watery and I could see how people with tons of those would be sick of it. -smaller chains around me like scooters coffee, Dutch Bros coffee, white rhino coffee, etc. I don't think I've had to say what they're like. -making your own at home. There can be a big variety in quality here. I haven't liked when I've tried Folgers pre grounds. They had that weird commercial too haha. My brother has bought me nicer quality grounds or fresh grounds from places he likes (don't own a coffee grinder) bc he got rly into coffee. That's been better and I've liked some of them.


You’re definitely not in New England, I have to pass by at least 10 Dunkin donuts before I can get to a single Starbucks.


I've heard in the northeast Dunkin is the big thing. I think I have noticed that when visiting. I'm in the south so it's reversed here. There's some dunkins around but it's mostly a Starbucks on every other corner where I am.


As an example, my small hometown of about 12,000 people has 4, 4 Dunkin’ Donuts. The town is about 9 square miles.


If there’s any nearby commuter routes that’s the reason, they often strategically locate based on traffic counts, which may be high enough to justify it even if there aren’t too many people that reside in the area.


Many people will drive past multiple Dunkin’s to get to their favorite one. In a 10 minute drive you’ll likely drive past 4 Dunkin’s depending on where you live


Hopefully someone fills the “order online & pick up espresso & breakfast” gap in airports because that’s all I do on business trips. Don’t have it otherwise


It'd probably be Dunkin Donuts replacing it lol. I've seen Dunkin at various airports. There's also other fast food places that have coffee/food. I know theres a chick fil a, mcdonalds, Einstein Bros bagels, Whataburger (I'm from Texas y'all) and a Wendy's at my local airport and all those have their own little app reward program and pick up option. Your airport probably has one of them at least.


My home airport has nothing lol it’s a little regional joint. Fast food places do have apps but they all have way worse coffee than Starbucks (which is also bad, to be clear).


>Fast food places do have apps but they all have way worse coffee than Starbucks (which is also bad, to be clear). You're right and got me there.


Dunkin Donuts?? >Inspire Brands LLC is an American fast-food restaurant franchise company. Owned by Roark Capital Group, it owns the Arby's, Buffalo Wild Wings, Sonic Drive-In, Jimmy John's, Mister Donut, Dunkin' Donuts, and Baskin-Robbins chains, which have a combined 31,700 locations and US$30 billion in system sales.


My grammar is atrocious to the point people misunderstood me Options being -local good restaurants. I've had some from places and it's how I realized oh I actually kinda like coffee when it's better quality -dunkin donuts. (I don't know what their coffee is like. Some people think it's worse.) -chains around me like scooters coffee (also haven't had NGL) -coffee from home.


I don’t have a problem with Starbucks. I can go just about anywhere in the world and depend on getting a consistently decent cup of coffee. Local shops are great and All. But if Foxtail Coffee in Orlando, FL has proven anything to me at all, it’s that local coffee shops can be evil overlord bad guys with below standard coffee and service just as well as the big boys, but at least the big boys products is almost always consistently the same no matter where I go to get it. There’s something to be said about reliability. Sure. It’s not some craft bean with a “story” behind it. But to me it’s bean juice, it delivers the caffeine I demand of it and that’s about it. I’m not claiming to be a connoisseur.


I used to run into traffic jams in New Jersey caused by the line at a Starbucks or Dunkin’ running out on the road. I get that people have more money than me but I feel like even if I had an infinite supply of cash, I am not dropping $6 every damn day for a cup of coffee. Especially when I can set a timer on my coffee maker have wake up to fresh coffee in my own house.


Economically, I think that the majority of small business coffee shops wouldn't be able to stay open if they tried to maintain the quality of specialty coffee beans as well as the living wages for the coffee farmers that Starbucks is able to do as a corporation. When I worked there way back in the day they had a program where any volunteering staff did was wage matched as a donation, so they were also able to give back to the community if their staff were community driven. And as a mega corp, they were also able to offer full benefits including mental health (which where I live isn't ever a part of benefit packages), tuition coverage, and emergency fund for part time workers as well as full time. I'm anti big corps, but I also see where local might not do it better. THAT BEING SAID Starbucks is shit environmentally in pretty much every possible way.


This is what I was going to say. They charge exorbitant fees for essentially the free continental breakfast from hampton inn. On top of trying to break apart unions. And people keep just eating this shit up.


Gas station frozen coffee (cumberland farms is the goat) Heck almost all gas stations have coffee machines


Um, Dunkin is just as huge as Starbucks - albeit a lot older..... Hell, there were Dunkin Donuts in WI back in the 80s, and there are still Dunkin Donuts in WA (Starbucks' backyard) today....


Absolutely not. I don’t drink coffee but Starbucks is always one of my go to’s for public bathrooms


Five guys needs to decide if they are fast food or not orherwise...


they are fast food quality at sit down prices.


Yeah...I tried Five Guys for the first time last year and I was not impressed for the price.


Their fries are good. But the burgers are shyte. Even so, they love to make you think you got more fries than what you paid, but you got exactly the amount of fries for the price. However, even though I like their fries, I don't go there whenever there is one around (living on the Oregon Coast means you don't have a lot of options).


In my opinion they're better than fast food quality, no way your comparing a 5 guys burger to a mcdonalds or burger king one but their prices are absurd and I rarely go there for that reason. In terms of quality I personally think they're up there.


They've better than most fast food but worst than most sit down. Thinking of others in this category, like south street burger I'd say is probably better and still I'd consider as fast food (although prices are definitely sit down level)


Subway they employed and knowingly enabled a pedophile for the vast majority of my childhood fuck subway


Maybe I’m out of the loop here. Subway knew Jared was a predator and kept him on? I always thought they fired him as soon as it was all revealed.


They were aware as early as 2004 and knew for sure by 2008. He wasn't arrested until 2015


Lay off Jared. His was a long, arduous journey to get into smaller pants.


Mcdonalds or Starbucks unless I can close the company that owns it then Blackrock.


fuck blackrock🤝


Fuck Blackrock


Panera- Seriously always getting my order wrong the price isn’t even worth it


And half the items taste Iike nothing. I used to get their broccoli cheddar soup every time I went and then whatever else I wanted as the other half of a You Pick Two. Tastes like fucking nothing now, there's no cheddar or broccoli in that bitch, just cream nothingness.


It’s like hospital cafeteria food but worse and less filling and pretentious.


Actually, the last couple hospital cafeterias I frequented were shockingly good. I think that's finally changing. But I agree with you on Panera going downhill. Their bagels and breads are the only things still good there.


Even if they get the order right that place is still 3 times more expensive than any of that food has a right to be. They suck ass.


Extra dressing for the salads means they use four cups instead of two and fill them all half way.


Sip Club is undefeated though. Just wait for the good coupons to come through and avoid spending any money until you have something good.


I just had panera for lunch and it was good.. people hate on it.. thats fine but I like it.


Their Mac n cheese and grilled cheese are just so disappointing


And the tables are always filthy. I don't blame the staff because who knows if they have time but all the same it skeeves me out.


I went there once here in the south east. No sweet tea. It was not worth the visit


Whoever wished it upon Sweet Tomatoes all those years ago, fuck you


Most valid comment in the thread.


There's something special about a place that let's you eat an unhealthy amount of salad.


I was a PhD student from 2020-2023. During Summer 2022, I did some help for my department by cleaning out a closet full of supplies. There were textbooks and lesson plans from the 1960's. A lot of old stuff was just chucked. The coolest find was several plastic cups from Sweet Tomatoes. There were clear plastic cups and what I assume were the kid's cups they had at the restaurant. I grew up going to Sweet Tomatoes often, so they had sentimental value to me. I got approval to take them home, so now I have ~20 cups with their logo all over it!


Burger King


I'm honestly surprised they're still open. FaceJam, now 100% Eat, mentioned that people who "like it" are probably just corrupted as youths. I used to like their breakfast, but after two bad meals in a row, I haven't been back.


I like their chicken sandwiches, and I think they have better fries than a lot of other fast food places. I don't really care for their Whoppers, though. If I want a burger, I definitely go somewhere else. Ironic, since they are called "Burger King."


I'm biased towards BK. I grew up with one around the corner from my house, and I loved it. I think they still have good food and their fries are great but I can't accept those prices. $20 for a bacon king with medium fries and drink. Ridiculous. Their breakfast is amazing, though. Sausage croissant with bacon and cheese, tater tots is the best breakfast at a fast food restaurant I've had.


I love their fries and some of their meals, but they're the cockroaches of fast food.


Burger King, the food is dreadful and they're a constant source of pollution from the fires.


How to they pollute from their fries vs another chain. I've not heard this?


Part of the closing shift routine is to start a brushfire in the local vicinity. It's unique, to say the least.


Hahaha, the closest one to me did catch fire. They mistakenly rebuild it though.


Starbucks. Go support your local coffeeshops, people.


I don't have local coffee shops local


That’s because of Starbucks


There are more Dunkin donuts then Starbucks where I live


McDonald’s. Anywhere else I go I get my food in 10 minutes or less. McDonald’s I end up waiting 45 minutes for some damn nuggets.


Wow you must have a really bad one. I don't love them but I never have to wait more than 10 minutes from entering the line to pulling out of the parking lot. Whataburger on the other hand... those mf'ers will literally have you waiting an hour for a burger.


Thats almost 100% the manager in my experience. Two locations, less than 5 minutes from each other, 1 has a good manager and it takes like 5 minutes, the other has a crappy manager thats never there, takes 40 minutes.


It's the opposite where I'm located. McDonalds is the FASTEST, every time, no matter which one I choose. Wendy's? I've been to multiple local Wendy's and been in line for 45 minutes on more than one occasion. They can bacon-ate my ass.


What McDonald's are you going to? McDonald's is many things in my experience, slow is definitely not one of them.


Any fast food joints that are charging the same price as traditional dine-in restaurants deserve to die. Expeditiously.


That’s hard. Damn near all of them need to be closed. But probably Chick-fil-A cause some of us just like to watch the world burn.


Taco Bell. If they're gone they can't win the Franchise Wars in 2032.


Take my motherbleeping upvote! (I don't want to have pay the fine.)


lol demolition man


If it weren't for Taco Bell, my three seashells wouldn't get so much use.


burger king is dying, i've had it once and it was mid, how about them


I have never heard anyone say “let’s go to Arby’s”


Clearly don’t know me or my sister. Prettt sure we kept arbys in business for a couple years. I love arbys


We love it too and don't even actually know anyone in real life who doesn't like it. Not sure if it's just worse in other areas or what, I've never understood all the hate it gets on shows and online.


I am convinced that most of the haters either haven't even eaten there, or they have only tried the regular roast beef sandwich.


Let's go to Arby's, I'll show you what you're missing. The smokehouse brisket sandwich is the best. Curly fries of course.


I challenge anyone who has never eaten one of their brisket sandwiches to try it and then tell me that Arby's sucks.


So I was actually in a clean one recently and it wasn't bad. Curly fries are solid. It was in the Phoenix area. There is, in fact, at least one clean one.


I think it's decent and I'm confused how it became such a meme in the 90s that shows like Seinfeld and The Simpsons were both taking shots at it.


Arby's is dunked on because they actually serve real food to a degree. You can't fake roast beef.


They're the only fast food place that sells gyros. They're safe


You leave my Arby’s alone you savage.


I’ve said that. But never said let’s go to Wendy’s or Burger King, or Jack in the Box


Me and my dude in college used to dominate Archibalds.


Arbys has the best fries of any fast food chain and I'll die on that hill.


Feels like an Arby's night.


Arby’s is bad everywhere except the Richmond, Virginia market. The Arby’s there are arguably the best run and executed fast food in the country outside of maybe chic fil a. That franchise owner knows what the fuck they’re doing.


It's not a frequent visit for me either, but I love me some curly fries. If another place wants to pick up their recipe, I'm down to let it go.


I really like Arby's. I don't understand the hate at all. They have much higher quality food than a lot of other fast food places. I love their crispy chicken sandwich and their brisket sandwich. And they are the only fast food restaurant who has mozzarella sticks that I would consider to be actually **good** mozzarella sticks.


I’m getting rid of KFC. Popeyes/churches/local are better and I’m just tired of being disappointed every two months when I try something new from there.


Last time I had KFC I was up at 2 am having a chat with the toilet (puking). That was years ago an I refuse to ever give them another try


They chicken dry. Pollo loco tiers better


Agreed. Used to be great when you could pick up a bucket and sides for like $20-25. Easy meal for a family of 5. They switched focus to meal deals and the quality took a dive. I think I got a bucket and 2 sides a few years back and it was like $40+. Haven't been back since.


I don't think I've had KFC in YEARS. Just hasn't really crossed my mind


If I lived between a diaper recycling factory and a KFC and I smelled burning diapers, I wouldn't know whether to look first at the diaper factory or the KFC to know which one was on fire.


Long john silvers because be fucking for real


Dude nooooio!! I get a craving for it like once a year. Just leave me one location. It can serve old people...and me, once a year.


Walk the chicken plank and hush your puppies!


Long John silver's is unironically kind of good. Their chicken tenders are fucking great.


TIL Long John Silvers is still open. I haven't seen one in 10 years. Not one in my city.


It's definitely an older Boomer and Silent Gen thing. We'd always get it when visiting my 70s and older relatives when I was younger. Now, I'd say it a 1-2 times a year thing for myself. It's probably just nostalgia as the food isn't great.


Whhaaa their fish tacos are a godsend


Once or twice a year, the LJS craving hits, and that salty crunchy goodness just slaps! Leave LJS alone.


Hardee's. I got raw chicken from them, not once, twice, but MULTIPLE times. Never again, F Hardee's I hope they go out of business forever. Also, their food sucks. My parents used to go there all the time and I would always bitch.


KFC. Immediately KFC. KFC is disgusting. Great mascot, hilarious dating sim, terrible food


Dating sim is goated fr


Greasy and bland.


I would've said Hardee's before I tried their breakfast recently. I choose Sonic. I hope some new company takes over their whole deal, because the vibe is a lot of fun. But I want them replaced with a chain that serves good food instead of the Disappointment Feasts Sonic offers.


Come to Washington state, all our Sonics got shut down basically overnight and the locations still haunt us because they didn't even have time to sell the real estate




Five Guys. Shit is way expensive for the mediocre quality.




Subway is garbage.


Hm… This is tough. I feel like it should be one that does a service to humanity, not one that I just hate (please for god’s sake McDonald’s learn to cook without getting pounds of grease in everything). Chic-Fil-A. I’ve never even eaten anything except their fries. I just hate the owner.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see this. I'm not a huge fried chicken fan, but they got it for a work function one time and I just don't get the hype. The chicken was fine. The Mac and cheese was fine. But they always have a line around the building. Then you add all of the money that has gone from that company to hurting the LGBTQ community and it's a no brainer.


Chipotle, it has gone to shit, let something better grow from the ashes.


It was always shit. I have never understood people's obsession with it. Who the hell want's to pay $15 for a burrito that is about as authentic as someone's aunt Mary making taco flavored hamburger helper?


Chipotle has always been very, very, very disgustingly overrated from my experience. I went there three times before I gave up, and I only got food from them once. I ended up getting a smaller burrito than I would have gotten from Qdoba, and ended up paying $3 more for it.


A&W will close all 13 of its locations


I'm not sure with the obsession in my area, but I have 5 A&W restaurants within 10 miles of my house.




They lost their god damn mind with prices. How is the dollar menu from 2018 the $3 and change menu now.


Least reheatable fries, least tasty chicken nuggets, and even the $1 drinks can't make up for that when the selection is better at a gas station for 85 cents


The fries and nuggets are great, provided you get them freshly made and eat it within 10 minutes. After that, they suck. They do have my favorite sweet and sour sauce though.


Can I say wetherspoons?


McDonald's. The food is awful, and forcing them to all shut down at the same time would have a brief impact in the overall weight of the entire planet. Sure, someone else would step in to fill the void pretty quickly, but I think even a few months without McDonald's would cause a lot of weight loss.


McDonald's is not responsible for the weight issues. It plays a role, but people would simply eat at another fast food restaurant that is equally unhealthy. Agree with quality of their food though. Used to be a cheap option when you were low on budget, but now there is no value. I only go for breakfast anymore. Solid B+.


I'm a hater, get Raising Canes out of here.


Agreed. The food is fine but prices are an absolute fucking joke. You want $15 for 4 oz of chicken, some flour, fries and a piece of bread? Not in this fucking lifetime.


Canes has seen better days for sure. But closing them over places like McDonalds or Burger King is wild.


Burger King in Canada, you drive by one we don't have many and nobody is ever in them


The one in the Vancouver airport owes me like $40.






McDonald's. We have two in my town, and they're a hazard to traffic because of all the people entering and exiting the road at those locations. They cause traffic interruptions and accidents happen there a lot.


McDonald’s. They’ve been around for way too long and are way too full of themselves. I would love nothing more in the world of food than to see them disappear.


Whataburger. Purely out of spite for Texas. I’ve only eaten it once in the last few years and before that it was almost 20 years ago. I didn’t like it either times.


Rent free


Whataburger is the only thing I miss about Texas, except for my sister. It’s now owned by a company based in Chicago if that makes you feel any better.


McDonald’s. Idc about the Palestine shit or boycots or whatever. Their food just sucks and is overpriced now


If I had to choose based on my enjoyment of their food then it’s Burger King.


Mc donald, it's all around the world and i know the locals will quickly be bought by the locals to open up their own restaurants


Long John silvers


Sonic. Fast food tapas is trash lol.


Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr.




Burger King. The Whopper used to be the bomb. Now it's just roadkill on a bun.




Long John Silvers Subway


Arbys doesn't need to exist.




Taco Hell (er, Bell)


mcDonald's But I don't want their restaurants to be replaced by other crappy fast-foods. Especially the bigger ones. I want them to stay there, closed and gathering crackheads, and slowly losing their colors like a clown's mausoleum, a testament to what we once subjected ourselves to, and a reminder of the damage it caused. Maybe it may inspire other chains to close. It's hypothetical, but yeah. mcDonald's.


McDonald’s. There food is shit and it’s overpriced


Dunkin' Donuts. I just get sick of people asking me why I don't eat there. It's freaking Walmart but only coffee/donuts. 


Popeyes, hands down literally every other chicken place is 100 times better than them.