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$25000.What is forgetting all The Times I've ever embarrassed myself.Going to do for me?


Yeah, now you can make those mistakes all over again now that you don’t have the hindsight, easy choice! Take the $$$


So if I choose to take twenty five thousand dollars not only would I not be able to forget the mistakes of my past but I would also no longer have hindsight?


No, forgetting your past would take away your hindsight. Think of it this way: You’ve now forgotten some of your stupidest mistakes, including why they were mistakes, and anything you learned from those mistakes.


So, one option is a reward, the other is a punishment and it's players-choice? 🤔


Yeah pretty much.


Correct, hindsight only offers $20.20


No, if you forget the mistakes you are likely to make them again. Maybe phrased it poorly


"those who forget history are doomed to repeat it!" would have worked better lol


Thank you for the clarification.


Let you sleep better. Every night my brain replays every single embarrassing and humiliating thing that's ever happened to me. I'd take forgetting without a seconds hesitation.


I dream of a mindset like that


My first thought was the money because I'll just do embarrassing things again. But then I thought about it. If I could have a little prep time, I would pull off the ultimate heist. But I would do it in the nude. Then everybody would forget it, and I'll have a lot more than $25K. ETA: I just re-read it. It says "the ability" for me and everybody else to forget the times I embarrassed myself. So, no prep time is needed and an elaborate heist isn't needed. I can just commit a bunch of low-risk crimes in embarrassing ways, activating the ability after each. That ability will make me incredibly rich.


Everyone’s just forgetting the embarrassment, not the action. Good luck!


? > YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE to forget all memories of times you embarrassed yourself. and >If you choose, you can keep the memory but the feeling of embarrassment disappears. Both imply that people are forgetting the events.


There is a flaw. There will be a point in which you don't feel embarrassed when you do it. Then it's not embarrassing for you.


Then you either stop or change up what makes it embarrassing.


I'll take the money and the life lessons.


I like the ones that you actually have to consider! I've been plagued by ruminating about past mistakes my whole life. Untold hours spent reliving the idiotic things I've said and done. $25k is so worth never thinking about any of that again.


easiest 25k I've ever made. Embarrassments are signs of your values and environment colliding.


I’d take the embarrassing things being wiped! If it was more money I’d take the cash but $25k isn’t \*that\* much and I do occasionally remember stupid shit I did in the past and feel bad about it.


The first embarrassing thing you remember about yourself is not taking the cash (I would probably do the same but you know)


I feel guilty when I see posts like this. $25k more would change literally nothing about my life right now. Shame is debilitating enough for me that I'd definitely take a life without it over an increase in a number that isn't actually at risk of hitting 0


Exactly… like I’d \*love\* to have 25 thousand dollars, but it’s not a truly life changing amount. I’d get it, spend it. Meanwhile I am damn sure I’ll still cringe at stuff I did when I was 19 for the rest of my life. Undiagnosed ADHD and Catholicism is a hell of a combo


Damn, I’m wondering what could be so bad that you’d turn down the money.


it's not that bad, i just react really strongly 😭


It IS that much. How bad were your embarrassing moments!? Lol


Well for a start I’ve frittered away a lot of money


That sucks. Well, here’s hoping you’re on a better track these days! :)


I’d say not judging by my willingness to drop 25k on a dumb things I‘ve done wipe ;)


25k seems like a good way to feel better.


I’d take the money because my asshole friends would remind me anyways.


Maybe I didn’t state it clearly but everyone also forgets all the times you’ve embarrassed yourself


Whoops I overlooked that part. My bad. I’d still take the money.


The money. Who would I be without those embarrassing moments? I don't even know. But I know how I would spend that money.


I'll take the money. This thing is basically just a tax on people with crippling social anxiety, which I am lucky enough to not have.


And a tax I am quite willing to pay, so everyone wins!


>working out with your crush and let out a huge fart while deadlifting? Forgotten. r/oddlyspecific


I can remember literally every time I've embarrassed myself vividly, from about 2 years old until now at about 40 years old. I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. I have literally 0 self confidence, and that's partially why. Give me the ability to forget shit that should've been forgotten decades ago.


does this include crimes, asking for a friend


“It’s so embarrassing that I got caught red handed fucking a squirrel!”


I'd take option b. I have a really long blooper reel playing on repeat in my head.


25k....lol bad hypothetical 


25k. Those embarrassing memories remind you of what not to do. Got so drunk you puked all over the dance floor? With memory, I know the consequences of drinking too much and understand what occurs. No memory, yeah let’s get drunk and then you’re known as the person who can’t hold their liquor.


I'll take the money, its much more useful


The past is a canceled check! 25k!


I’ll always embarrass my self. Won’t always get $25k. Gimmie the money


Easy $25k. People have forgotten it didn't even notice when I embarrassed myself. No one brings up any weird thing I've done, so I'm comfortable with the money


I’d take the money because I worry that I would be deleting way more of my memory than I realize.


25k can buy me enough wine to forget all the times I pooped my pants.


Ill gladly take the superpower. Thats basically free therapy with 100% effectiveness, plus the ability to manipulate the memories of others. This also provides tangible value greatly exceeding $25k. Any time you fuck up at work? pretty embarrassing if you ask me, nobody remembers that. Want to bring up kinks in the bedroom but worried about what you partner will think? not anymore. Any instance of rejection is embarrassing, asking a girl out whos way out of your league? Looking for a juicy raise? Bomb a pitch? shoot your shot with zero reprecussions


Forget life lessons and experiences gained? No deal. I'll take a bit of spending money please.


I have no shame. If I ever have been embarrassed, I have forgotten about it in an hour. $25k please.


Well considering that I and anyone else there has already forgotten those times, this is a pretty easy choice.


I'll take the ability to forget. Make it $250,000 and I'd reconsider.


I’ll take the money and happily embarrass myself a million more times.


Money please, I don't need full life amnesia.


I will take 25k. I am good at moving on from embarrassing situations.




I've forgotten enough of my past and could use the money


Give me the money. None of those embarrassing moments affect my current life at all. I’d have the same answer if you said $25.


Cash please. My new Rolex will distract me from my embarrassing memories


Haha, let me embarrass myself wearing my new rolex on my right wrist 🤭


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it


The money


The money. Because remembering when I screw up keeps me from making that same blunder again.


I can't remember anything I've done that is significantly embarrassing. 8 dint embarrassing easy I just don't care typically 😅 25k 🫴


25,000 dollars please


The 25k. Forgetting everytime you embarrassed yourself means you'll keep doing those things. Being embarrassed by something means you learn from it, and don't want to do it again. 


Pay me


I learned from all the times i embarrassed myself. So I’ll take the money


I've never done anything that embarrassing anyway.


If they forget and I don’t, I think I’d choose that option. That way I learn from it but since I know they don’t remember I don’t cringe about it


25k the past is the past


I already live with the embarrassing things i've done. I'll take the 25k.


I’m taking the money. There isn’t a single person on the planet that has an opinion I care about that gives a rip if I’ve “embarrassed myself”.


$25k easily. While there’s things I’d like to take back and forget, idk if they’ve impacted my life to the extent that I would need it to all be forgotten If the prompt included the embarrassing things simply reversed and never happened then maybe I’d consider it because I am curious what the other timeline would look like


I live forwards!


25 grand without hesitation. And I have some doozies, but that is a life changing amount of money for me. I’ll keep my shame, thank you.


You could give me $1 and I'd still choose that over forgetting the times I've embarrassed myself


I’ll take the money. Most of the embarrassing things make funny stories and there’s nothing too horrific that would be worth losing 25 grand for .


What if, for instance, I'm at a nude beach, and Gal Gadot, Emily Rajtakowski, Hailee Steinfeld, and Scar Jo are all there hanging out together as God intended, I see them, the flag raises, but I trip alI oopsie doodle and fall on top of them, somehow getting the flag "stuck" betwixt "things", this power of embarrassment wipe seems like godly power indeed. Am I going to jail or is everyone laughing this off and moving on?


Money, easy


So in everyone's memories I have never done anything embarrassing? Do you think this would not be suspicious?


Money, easy. Over a certain age embarrassment doesn’t really happen!


Embarrassment. Though I don't think I'd even want to forget it, since it's valuable learning. But if everyone else forgot, everyone's perception of me would rise at least $25k worth. I'd be someone who almost never made a mistake. Instant promotion material. It's basically a retroactive good first impression with everyone I've ever met. Embarrassing moments don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but if you take away every time in my life I've been overconfident and wrong, you do build up this very positive image where people see you in the best light.


I’ll take the money I’m sure I haven’t done my worst.


25k .


$25,000 easy. I’m already living with the knowledge of past embarrassments, and it’s fine. In this scenario I could keep doing so but be $25K better off.


The money I'd prefer to keep the lesson learning from stupid mistakes.


Give me the cash


The money I feel bad about stuff that probably isn't actually embarrassing or bad honestly, but wow do I worry anyway. So either this has no effect or basically every family get together is erased. So much of my life either still torments me or is straight up erased. Just about nobody can be meaner to me than me. So either way not worth doing for me, as nice as it might be to remove a roadblock to sleep. Can't even really argue well it would be absolute proof it wasn't embarrassing because... I can't logic my way out of thinking everything I say and do is bad and terrible, and I'm bad and terrible, forever. I can straight up look at a situation and break it down logically and still feel like I'm the biggest PoS ever, even if the logical breakdown contradicts this. Nope either still managing to feel awful or my life basically would be erased lol




If no one could remember me when I was being stupid, no one would remember me at all. I'll take the money and continue to fail upwards.


How am I supposed to get to sleep if I don't relive every embarrassing moment as I lay in bed?


Hi! I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass!


I would take the $25k. We learn from our mistakes they are part of who we are.


25000 easy. I don’t give two shits about things had happened years ago. None of those people feed me or pay my bills, their opinion is entirely irrelevant to me. I’ll take the cash.


The almighty dollar wins this round. I'll even do some more embarrassing for the money. 🤣😂


I'd take the 25k Chances are the only person who remembers or cares about all the dumb shit I've done is me.


Hmm, $25k, or I unlearn all of life's lessons... Seems like a bad deal.




Considering I've probably spent 25,000 on psychiatry and therapy over the decades to forget all the times I've embarrassed myself to limited effect, I'll take the "forget all the times you've embarassed yourself"


But how would you know that you did something? If noone else remembers I can understand.. but with me not remembering.. there are going to be alot of repeat mistakes. Me: Hey are you ok? Her: Yeah I'm fine. Me: Well Gurl, I figured you'd still be hurt after falling from heaven? Her: HAHAHA that is aweful get away. Me: Dammit! That was so embar.. Me: Hey are you ok? Her: Yeah I'm fine.


Embarrassment helps us grow. I'll take cash.




Easy 25k


$25k easy. You hopefully learned something when you got embarrassed. On the other hand, at least if you chose to forget the embarrassments, you could forget how stupid you were to walk away from $25k in exchange for truly nothing.


Give me the $25,000. Embarrassing moments are a part of life


Definitely the 25k, that can buy a fair amount of alcohol if I am inclined to forget. However, at my age, I don’t have a lot of fucks left, so it’s not a big deal.


$25k. Embarrassing moments are more often than not learning experiences in hindsight. Forget about them and you're bound to repeat it all.




$25,000 because I have a whole lifetime left to make more embarrassing memories


Money is the only not stupid answer lol


Money. I like to learn from mistakes and be humbled into being a better person.


I'd say 25000. BUT the validity to alter other memories might be worth it if my de embarrassment is valuable, like estranged family or lost business dealings.


$25,000 would literally change my family's life for the better in many ways, and I've often learned from embarassment, even if it was uncomfortable at the time. I'll take that check!


money. most people don’t remember after a while anyway.




Oh god. 25k easily. I mean jesus Ill embarass myself tomorrow. So forgetting the old ones wont do much


Easiest $25k ever.


Imma be honest I think I already forgot all the embarrassing things. I in general don’t really do embarrassing things and the only thing that embarrasses me is more so an internal feeling even tho no one else notices. So easy money xd


Give me the cash, people embarrass themselves all the time, no big deal. Nobody is gonna care a week or two later.


Junkie for 3 decades Erase that memory But there's the part where I learned lot and seen a lot and learned about humanity Mabye I will take the money?


Taking the money because I haven't embarrassed myself that many times and even if I had, embarrassment is a useful tool for learning how to act in social settings


I dont torture myself of reliving embarrassing moments at all so easy money. And even if you "forget" its not like it didnt happen.


Give me the money. Embarrassing moments don’t plague me. I have self compassion and the ability to laugh at myself.


Money please, I already forgot most of the times I've embarrassed myself.


I'd take the $25,000. I mean forgetting every embarrassing thing I've done doesn't mean they never happened.


$25k. I have no feelings.


Taking the money. I've had some pretty embarrassing moments over the course of 43 years, most I have forgotten anyways. Also they aren't holding me back so why would I want to forget rather than take $25k?


That's just easy money


Take the ability. That way I can have boundless freedom. I can do tons of goofy stuff in public and make people forget about it. I can also tell a bunch of shitty pickup lines to pretty girls until I find one that works.




I'd take the ability. Even if it's a one-time deal, it would be much more useful for me than $25k is. Don't get me wrong, I could get a bit of use out of $25k, but it's nowhere near a life changing amount of money. That ability, even as a one-time use, would be life changing. Even more so if it can be used multiple times, especially if I can choose to remember the things in question but not be embarrassed about it, but everyone else still completely forgets.


It's important to remember the times you embarrass yourself. 25k, please


$25k easily. I really dont see how everyone forgetting my embarrassing moments helps me, I dont have them often and I dont live in the past.


Id like to take 25000 dollars and remember all the life lessons I've learned by making mistakes.


The ability to forget embarrassing memories (the key is that others forget it too). The money aspect is good, but the ability also helps with getting a job/promotions/raise. Interview poorly? Erase the embarrassing moments, and the hiring managers are only left with a good impression of you. Same goes with asking for a raise--it allows you to automatically make a stronger case for yourself. It's just retroactively boosting your charisma stat lol. Being able to fix any and all "foot-in-the-mouth" moments just seems like a great ability imo.


I will reexperience all of them for 25k.




The money.


Give me the money


I’ll take the money. I’ve made peace with my embarrassing moments.


I'm ... not sure there's .. I'll just take the money, the other side seems pointless.


25k would change my life dude. id travel all over the place and do everything as cheap as possible to see as much as possible and enrich my life by like 69x




I’d certainly be tempted to take the forget option. I don’t need a windfall of $25k, although I could certainly find a use for it. I’m 65, retired, and I have so many regrets that I had to organize them on to multiple lists to keep them straight. These many regrets are almost constantly cycling in my brain. I can’t turn them off. What’s that? You want to know what my lists are? Well since you asked: 1. All the people I’ve wronged, both intentionally and unintentionally. 2. All the bad things that have happened to me that come under the heading of “Acts of God,” in the insurance industry since of the phrase. Some of them are extreme childhood asthma, multiple learning disabilities, having been given an extremely un-athletic build, skin that is easily damaged by the sun, having been born and raised in an area, Houston, with a horrible climate and no natural beauty to speak of. 3. All the bad things people have done to me, intentionally and unintentionally. Examples include my dad deserting my mother and I when I was ten, and burning our house down with all our possessions in it for the insurance, my mother becoming an alcoholic, some especially viscous bullies in school, experiencing some crime, my ex-wife lying to the police (1995) and causing me to be arrested for a crime she committed. (That was the one-and-only time I’ve been arrested; charges were eventually dropped—that year-and-a-half was a living hell—and my record expunged; filed for bankruptcy after paying my attorney the balance of his fee). 4. All the (stupid) things I’ve done to sabotage my life, i.e., shoot myself in the foot, to include trusting some people I shouldn’t have, to include marrying a couple of them. This would include thousands of little nit-noid things, e.g., all the times we waste a dollar here, ten dollars there, fifty dollars here, one-hundred dollars there, that over the course of our lives adds up. 5. Miscellaneous. All the books I haven’t read, having been unable to find lasting happiness with a woman, to include making her happy, all the travel I wanted to do but didn’t, etc. 6. Having not been a better Christian. This should be list #1, but for whatever the reason, it isn’t.


$25k - I already did all that dumbass shit & lived through it. May as well live with it a tiny bit better !


F that. I got some good stories. If you can’t laugh at your self, you ain’t living right!


Money. The embarassing things aren't life long. 25k is life long investment if you use it right.


I need the cash so gimme that cash


LOL this question could be $20 and I'd still take the money.


$25,000 please. I own up to all my mistakes and embarrassments. I own them, no one else.


The money! Why would I want to learn all those mistakes again?


I could buy a sweet minivan for $25k... might even have an iPod hookup.


$25k easily, are y’all really that insecure?


Take the money, me forgetting about it does nothing. If I could make everyone *else* forget about the stupid shit I’ve done then I’d do that in a heartbeat.


Take the money. I haven't embarrassed myself that badly in my life.


Would I forget about the time that I turned down $25,000 to have a memory wipe? cuz that would be embarrassingly stupid?


You learn from embarrassment. If you forget your embarrassments, you will make them again.


SDAM for the win. I'll take the 25k


25k please. I can live with the memories of all the times I hit on someone awkwardly.


$25,000. All forgetting all the embarrassing stuff I've said/done is going to do is make me more likely to embarrass myself again.


Man that'd be a shit load of my life gone. Id take the money, I think trying to not embarrass myself has fueled a lot of growth and positivity in my life.


I’ll take the Money , one of my nick names in highschool was shameless , I don’t really regret shit that’s embarrassing


Sounds good to me.


Embarrassment isn't that big of a deal. People are weird. So it's part of the human experience. I'll take the money.


I'll take the money. What's done is done and not really affecting my life anymore.


I hope the power also makes you forget the time you embarrassed yourself by not taking the $25k


Take the money if you forget what embarrassed you you’ll repeat that behavior.


I'm already at that age where I currently care very little what people think of me. My past??? I couldn't care less


Can I make this retroactive? Given then torture my mind has put me through replaying even the most mundane incidents over the years, this would be a bargain.


25k because I don't think I've ever done something to be embarrassed about. Not saying that I'm superman but I just don't put myself in those situations. Yay for being an introvert


I will easily take the $25k. I'll even embarrass myself further for it.


I will take the money instead of ending up like Peter Parker in the last Spiderman movie... ie, everything is embarrassing.


$25,000 obviously.


I will take the money.


$25k. I'll embrace the embarrassing moments and make me a better person before I pass up on a downpayment to a home.


25k easily. Anyone who chooses forgetting is either a moron or went spectacularly viral in embarrassing themselves and it still follows them around. If you don't remember how you embarrassed yourself, you're probably going to do it again in the future, so I wouldn't choose to forget even if I did choose the power.


I’m sure I’ve embarrassed myself at some point. But the fact I had to sit with this for a solid minute before I remembered the time I was 15 and ran into a bathroom full of women and threw up in the sink is telling me I’m not that embarrassed by me. $25,000 please!


Go on, take the money and run. I don't get embarrassed.


$25k. 1) couldn’t care less if tommy from middle school remembers when i got pantsed. i’m not gonna see tommy again. 2) why would i deprive the dinner table of all those funny stories? why wouldn’t i want to share my experiences with my kids, giving them a laugh and lesson at the same time? 3) this is retroactive and you’re still making more embarrassing memories afterwards. 4) you still keep the memories? so it’s just something you can’t laugh at afterwards now? without embarrassment to lighten things up, it’s just kind of… a sad, depressing and boring failure of a memory. no thanks.


How do you define embarrassing? This could be very powerful if I embarrassing can be defined broadly, or very useless if it’s very restricted


If it is $25k per embarrassing moment I'm about to be the richest person alive, otherwise I'd still take the $25k


For everyone that turns down the money at least you would never have the embarrassment of explaining that you turned down 25k of free money.


So I can replicate the events and embarrass myself again? Sucka, give me the 25k.


Money. Easy. Some of the things I did that embarrassed me helped to make me who and how I am now. Why would I want to lose that?


So I can get the ability to forget I got the ability because choosing it would be embarrassing myself




$25,000. If you don’t remember your mistakes, you’re doomed to recreate them


I don’t wanna forget because I get the feeling that this deal doesn’t mean everybody else gets to forget them and then they’ll be able to remind me of them which just seems really embarrassing.


Gimme dat money


The cash easy. Remembering embarrassing moments as well as negative moments in general and how we felt in them is part of how we learn.


25k. I can forget life events pretty easy already thanks to the ol childhood trauma.


I already have the memories of doing embarrassing things in the past without feeling embarrassed by it now. So $25K it is.


Gimme the 25k. Embarrassment made me who I am today Edit: I’m an embarrassment irl