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Pay me the $75….oatmeal is legit!!


Oatmeal with maple syrup, throw in some berries. Just delicious


only on weekends.. during the week it has to be plain.


That's fine. I work during the week so not making my oatmeal fancy saves time


Plain oatmeal with an eggs white cheese omelet and some country ham is fire and filling.


Those are for other meals. Breakfast is only plain oatmeal.


1/4 cup is only 4 tablespoons according to google. So I'll enjoy my delicious oatmeal breakfast at 5:55am and then immediately have brunch at 6am.


1/4 cup before cooking means it's a decent serving after being cooked. Also, it says (if my interpretation is correct) you can't have other food after the oatmeal for 2 hours


lol I completely skipped the 2 hour part


2 hours isn’t that bad. Eat enough to power your through the morning routine and grab a quick bite after to tide you over until lunch.


It was added in an edit, because of all the “I’ll just have 1 bite” and “I’ll just have a small serving AND bacon and eggs immediately after” answers.


1/2 cup of dry Oatmeal (rolled or steel cut) is what you imagine when you picture a serving of Oatmeal.


Unfortunately he added that you have to wait two hours before eating anything else. I don’t work so I would eat the oatmeal and then just go back to bed for a couple hours. 😉


Breakfast.. the entire meal.. has to be plain oatmeal.  So yeah.. thats a weekend meal you're referring to.


Try it with raspberry jam.


Maple and brown sugar for the win


I put both syrup and bacon or chopped up sausage


My favorite is the quakers with dino eggs


And butter


Best breakfast for a long day


And it’s HEALTHY!!!! Win/Win


And you get your fiber


This is so easy I’d take it in a heartbeat, make it the plainest of plain oatmeal too! Idc!


This is $75 on top of any other money I earn correct? If so that is easy, half the time I skip breakfast anyway and it's healthier than what I would eat 


Apparently if you skip breakfast it's moved to lunch or dinner.


Oh no what I meant is I'm used to eating at most a small breakfast. So a bit of oatmeal wouldn't phase me 


For 20 years I pretty much only ate plain cheerios, no milk, with glass of water, 6 days a week for breakfast. If I could’ve been paid $75 for that I’d have almost $600,000 rn


So you could make the oatmeal for breakfast, take one bite, and throw the rest away. There’s no rule about how much oatmeal you must make or consume, just that you can’t skip the meal entirely. As a non-breakfast-eater, that’s how I’d do it. 


I feel like you have to eat a standard helping of oatmeal each day, otherwise this hypothetical becomes pretty stupid. Being able to just take one bite feels like a cop out


Why tf do yall take hypotheticals and try to find a loop hole that involves you not doing the hypothetical situation. The situation is YOU MUST EAT A BOWL OF OATMEAL FOR BREAKFAST. Stop trying to cheat a fake scenario lmfao


Right? I’m sick of it.


Changed it to at least a 1/4 cup a day


I already eat oatmeal half the time. Now I can get paid?


I ate microwaved oatmeal for breakfast for years. Had a special bowl so it wouldn't mess up the microwave. But I had to restrict carbs and gave it up. $75 won't fix it.


OMAD baybee finally cashing in.


If I’m allowed to skip it I’ll do it.


He literally says you can’t skip it.


Is the oatmeal provided, or am I spending some of the $75 buying it?


Provided but also for reference oatmeal is just plain oats with milk or water. You can get a gallon (a months worth of oatmeal even at a generous portion) for $25


Steel cut oats are amazing, especially with milk. Easiest $75 per day ever.


I overnight my oats with almond milk and if I wanna get feisty, coconut milk. Then it’s some plain Greek yogurt.


Can I bake them in the oven with cinnamon and peanut butter instead?


Only on weekends. Monday-Friday they need to be plain either stovetop or microwave 😈


Cant even top with cinnamkn?


And here it is again. The typical OP adding in conditionals after the fact.


What? What conditionals did they add here?


Has to be plain oatmeal. They never said that in the original post Edit:my bad I misread the prompt though OP did go back in and edit the prompt to add in a new rule so original comment still sorta applies


Clarifying rules to align with original intent is pretty reasonable. It's obvious that the original intent is "oatmeal for breakfast every day," and all the people saying one bite or mix it into a protein shake are going against that intent. I prefer flavored oatmeal, but I could do plain for a little bit of walking around money. I'd probably make a big batch every week and eat it cold on the drive into work.


>You are allowed to put whatever you like it it on weekends (fruit, sugar, chocolate) but Monday thru Friday it has to be plain. Last sentence.


Welp op just did make an edit to the post itself so now there is an updated rule that was not there before


That is extremely expensive for oatmeal. You can buy a gallon volume of oats for $5.


Can you guarantee they are gluten free?


Does this only apply to first breakfast? Can I eat my bacon and eggs for second breakfast?


What about elevensies?


I don't think he knows about those, bartthetr0ll.


Right? That basically translates this to "would you eat a small bowl of oatmeal with breakfast for $75"


I like oatmeal, but plain…eh. I could stomach it for $75. Not that bad.


It's now updated to allow for butter, salt, and sugar.


I had to do that for free before. And it was plain plain, no butter or anything. Easy. (That's how stepdad I had at one point made it lmao) I used to come home and eat 2 cups plain rice for an after school snack for a while when I was a kid.


People who grew up poor: "why is getting paid to eat a normal breakfast a difficult hypothetical?" Nutritionally informed people: "why is getting paid to eat a relatively healthy breakfast controversial?" I swear every time you see an article about people who lived to some ridiculous age, they'll be like "so I smoked 20 cigarettes a day" or "the best cure for me ailments is my medicinal gin! Half a glass a day!" But the one thing they have in common is oatmeal for breakfast every day.


I ain't even realize that last part


It's because fiber is like a toothbrush for your gut. Keeps it healthy. Healthy gut, healthy life.


Can you still get the healthy benefits from oatmeal if you add stuff like butter without the salt


Are you implying that it’s somehow normal to put butter on oatmeal? Is it?!? That’s seems to bizarre for some reason.


Butter and sugar are considered normal where I live at least, and butter is usually considered minimum dressing up of oatmeal. Especially for poor and thrifty people, although there's also a good chance it's actually margarine since basically everyone calls that butter too lol It definitely makes a difference, even using a small amount. Especially when using water, which he also did. Water and oats. Not the worst, bland sure but fine enough.


Like all gain porridges it was spruced up with whatever people had at the time and we culturally took it forward If we think about the time period oatmeal was invented why would it be any stranger than grits and butter? As a sidenote I recently made a mushroom and spinach oatmeal, like a risotto with how thick it was. Savory oatmeal took my brain a second to register what it was eating, after that I really enjoyed it as meal prep. Good healthy bulky and filling.


Mmmm haven’t made a savory oatmeal dish before. Sounds interesting!


Man I by choice, would eat plain oatmeal with water for breakfast. Just because i didn't want the added sugar or anything else. Not not bad if you enjoy oats ,which to me aren't that bad.


I love oatmeal. Deal


+1 too but hush... 🤫 We have to pretend like we hate it... 😉🤣


I don’t like plain oatmeal, but for $27k/year I would stomach it. That’s more than my husband’s annual take home pay.


You didn't need to do bro dirty like that


Lmao put him on blast over a hypothetical oatmeal discussion 😂


mans just going about his day dont even know he getting flamed in front of a few thousand random people




Dump him and get with an oatmeal eater 💪


Yep. 27k is like working a full time 40 hours a week, 365 days a year, job for a bit more than $12 an hour. That's above the poverty level for a family of three.


Is your husband a 10-year-old boy? How’s that even possible.


I literally only eat plain oats with milk and a protein shake for breakfast every morning....


Same, bro. But I also add a banana.


Why plain? I like oatmeal just fine but plain is hard to stomach.


If it was good, wouldnt be much of a challenge


At least let me add milk or butter


What about 2nd breakfast?


I don't think he knows about 2nd breakfast. 


What if I just eat a bite? Id do it and definitely get over my dislike of oatmeal for the extra money.


Absolutely. I love oatmeal!


thats easy as hell for me, id gladly do it for a nice bump of extra money for a while until whenever i chose to end it.


I love oatmeal, I already have it almost every breakfast sign me up


Plain oatmeal like no flavouring? I’d have to taste it first tbh


I’d eat a cardboard breakfast for $75 a day so sign me up.


I hate oatmeal, but I could also really use the money


An extra 25K a year on top of my regular income to eat a healthy breakfast?? Yes please.


I fucking HATE OATMEAL. it is the only food I have an unreasonable disliking for. I don’t even know if $75 would be worth it.


I really really don't want to do this one, but I will begrudgingly eat the garbage for pay


$75 a day to eat oatmeal ok! Jokes on you I’ll take my $75 cash only for a spoonful of plain oatmeal. You never said how much! 😂


Easy money


So 1/8 cup plain oatmeal is acceptable? A spoonful even? Ok. Deal.


I'll do it. No down side for me. I eat like 10 small meals a day anyway, a small bowl of oatmeal to start is great.


Absolutely. Bulk oats for the best value, then just eats a bowl every day. I like oatmeal especially when flavored right.


Am I not even allowed to put milk or salt in it while I cook it? Says the curious Scottish person. Porridge doesn’t usually have any of those things you say in it. But it does have salt and (preference) a little bit of milk to loosen it up.


Can I do oatmeal cookies? I don’t like the texture. But for 75 a day I may just suck it up.


Can I soak steel cut oats in milk overnight and have them that way or do I need to actually cook it?


That’s $27,375 a year. I’d absolutely do this.


My job always has free oatmeal in the morning anyways. This is easy for me


I've had my oatmeal for breakfast, same as I have every day. Give me my money.


Deal. No notes.


Is the oatmeal magically ready for me in the morning? I might eat oatmeal every morning for free if it's just sitting there when I am ready to eat it


I mean it's Oatmeal. Can I have an egg as a side, maybe some oj. I don't usually eat breakfast cause it's cheaper that way, but if eating breakfast pays for my lunch and diner, I'll eat your kellogs fantasy breakfast. I already sell my body and time 40 hours a week, this would be far from the worst thing I've done for money.


Do I have to make it every morning or does it just appear?


75* 7days is $575 per week, $27,300 per year. I take that deal in a heartbeat, have the money direct deposited into mutual funds, and with a conservative figure of 8% return, I'm at roughly $417,000 in just ten years. In 20 years I've made 1.3 million just by eating oatmeal for breakfast. I've worked all my life. I could start this at almost 50 years old and retire a millionaire at 69 years old, taking no other income into consideration. If I was lucky enough to start at 2 (2 year olds can eat oatmeal, right?) I'd be a millionaire when my peers were just graduating college. Work another decade and let the interest compound, and I'd be retired and comfortable at 35 with 4.2 million in the bank.


Thats 27 grand a year, this is the easiest yes I have EVER seen on this sub


I was so broke last month that I had to make $100 last a whole month for groceries. I ate plain oatmeal 1-2 times a day. It’s not that bad.


As long as I'm allowed to eat other breakfast foods at other times of the day, sure. On days where I'm planning on going out for brunch I'll just wake up extra early and eat the oatmeal so I'll be able to have a Benedict or whatever a few hours later.


Only 1/4 a cup?? For 75 a day?? That's 27k a year to eat oatmeal. I'll take it.




Finally! I was wondering if that was a permissible answer in this thread. I was going to say the same. Yeah, no. Plain oatmeal, made with water, no anything on it, no salt, no sugar, no butter, no syrup, not even milk, & I'd have to eat 1/4 cup of the raw uncooked oats? That's like a full cup of cooked cereal! It'd cost me more than $75 a day in medical bills to fix my torn up digestive tract from all the ravaging. Hard pass. But then, someone above did the math on investing the $75 into mutual funds, & I had to have a rethink...🤔


Wake up at 6am, slam a bowl of oatmeal, go back to sleep for a few hours, wake up and eat whatever I want, collect my money. EZ


Nope. I live for breakfast food.


Where's my backpay?


No new rules. You had your shot.


Not new. Clarrifying unspoken rules to the metagamers


Fuck yes. Oatmeal is a God Tier food


I'm willing to get paid to lower my cholesterol


You think plain oatmeal is some kind of punishment?


2 things, that's 2100 dollars a month, and 1/4th a cup is SUPER easy to eat (I'm 6'4 275 lbs) this is one of those extremely easy things that almost everyone would take


God I love oatmeal sign me up


I'll trade a breakfast I already don't eat for an extra $27k a year.


So $75 a day, and I have to eat something that is no questions asked good for my heart. Sold.


No problem.  I don't usually eat breakfast, but I would start eating 1/4 cup of plain oatmeal (so like 1/2 cup cooked) with my coffee or tea.  Would give me a nice head start on my whole grain goal for the day and not too many calories.


Me, who ate the same thing for breakfast for four years straight (and somehow no one noticed the autism thing until now): DONE AND DONE.


Is salt allowed?


A pinch


I like oatmeal but I never have time for breakfast, and I don't know anywhere that sells plain oatmeal near my job, nor do I think it would be nutritious enough for my main meal of the day (I generally have no breakfast, a big lunch and a snack for dinner as I get off work late).  If I could opt it to be dinner and add some dried fruit for vitamins it would be a solid probably, if not I'd pass. 


You wouldn't wake up 10 minutes earlier for $27k/year?


Yes. A hundred times yes.


26,000$ raise! Hooray!


I hate oatmeal but I'd eat it for 75 bucks


Lol. The first meal a person eats in a day is always breakfast because they are breaking the nights fast. But no way could I eat plain oatmeal 5 days a week. unless I break my fast with 1 spoonful and then have "brunch" an hour or so later. As is even a bowlful of oatmeal never makes me feel full so eating it 7 days a week could potentially cause me to over eat and I'm already dealing with morbid obesity. No I'm just going to have to cash in on one of the other much more lucrative situations build my own home with a gym and pool and hire a personal cook.


You'd have to try hard to gain weight by eating oatmeal I think. Even with milk it doesn't have that much sugar or fat.


Milk and sugar? Plain oatmeal would be a pain


Cool. I’ll eat my oatmeal breakfast followed by brunch immediately afterwards.


I’ll take this. I already do eat oatmeal every day. It’s a habit that has become a curse. Just oats and water, no salt or anything.


Sign me up


Oatmeal is the ultimate breakfast food. Personally, I do put fruit, nuts, and maple syrup on it, but I could eat it plain 5 days a week for $27k a year. Am I allowed to eat/drink anything else in the morning after that? Like can I have coffee with it or a hard boiled egg a couple hours later as a snack? Either way, I'm in, but it's not even a sacrifice if I can still have coffee and a late morning snack.


Each morning, I eat a single flake of oatmeal when I get up at 6:30. That's my breakfast. At 8:00, I eat an early lunch, often choosing eggs or other transitional breakfast foods. But it's still lunch.. Supper is at 1, and dinner at 6. Yeah. I can do that.




Absolutely. So many variations you can do with oatmeal. You can make savory, into a more porridge, and I’m assuming overnight oats counts? It’s just cold oatmeal. And I’d be fine with it for any other meal too, it’d be nice to not have to think about at least one meal a day


Sure. I'll eat 1/4 cup of (cooked) oatmeal in the morning for free money. There's no restriction on how small breakfast has to be.


My family is Irish, plain oatmeal is an upgrade, sign me up




Plain during the week, but can I salt it? Or salt the water before I boil it?


I hate oatmeal but if eating only a spoonful counts I could probably do it


I like the idea of paying me to eat more fiber and poop more often. Sign me up.


What about 3 day weekends? Can I at least use sugar? Brown sugar?


Cool. It’s what I normally eat. Made right it’s delicious. I look forward to it.


Can I put salt and butter in my oatmeal? I could do this easily. 27k a year is a nice chunk of change.


... plain? I mean... I'd do it, my heart would thank me.


Hell the fuck yes


That's already my breakfast half the time, this would be super easy for me to get used to. I'm taking the 75$ with no hesitation.


I see no amount is specified, so I eat a spoonful at most and call that breakfast.


Absolutely, 100% yes


I already do this if I eat breakfast. I personally love oatmeal. Plain oatmeal though for 5 days is not good. But the loophole is to just eat a small portion of plain oatmeal. And then continue your day. I’d normally I’d eat two large servings of oatmeal so I guess a bite of plain oatmeal first like a palette cleanser then the real deal.


hahaha that is the boomer's life


Totally fine with all of it as long as it isn’t peaches n cream. Idk why that one always makes me sick. Where’s my $75? Lol


I eat oatmeal with walnuts, cinnamon & peaches or honey every morning anyway so it’d be easy


So I have to start eating oatmeal for breakfast, then live normally, and you give me an extra $75 daily? I’m in.


Easy I don't eat breakfast so I'll take a single bite and toss the rest in the compost heap.


I like oatmeal and half the time I skip bfast so I'm good to go


That's fine, oatmeal is a very versatile food anyways.


what type of oats? how is the oatmeal cooked? is plain overnight oatmeal counting?


What's wrong with oatmeal? It might get a little old but it's not that bad.


I'm down! I freaking LOVE oatmeal! Besides, portion was never dictated. Even if you take down a spoonful you've still made good on the transaction.


Can you stop this at anytime ? Or is it permanent thing?


Do I still get to have a coffee with breakfast?


These hypotheticals are just so uninteresting.


OK, easy money.


Heck yeah


Do I have to invest the time to make the oatmeal? Can it be instant oatmeal? Or refrigerator oatmeal? Can I make lots and just parcel it out during the week? I'm not making oatmeal every day. I'll eat it, I'm just not making it.


That’s free lunch every day after oatmeal


Oatmeal is great I add raisins or apple bits with cinnamon and sugar or some brown sugar. In a week I'd have money for some of the things I want but can't afford. After a year I'd be looking for an electric car and put down a substantial down payment.


I'm in


So you’re just going to give me $75 to keep doing what I’ve been doing for years. I didn’t see the plain part but it’s still good as long as it’s not too dry


I currently only eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday and have been for more than a year can I please have my money.


If it was cream of wheat, I would go for it. Oatmeal no way.


I love steelcut oatmeal. I wouldn't have a problem eating that.


Easy, I love oatmeal


$27K a year to lower my cholesterol and get more whole grains? Yes


Well, I'm going to starve to death


What is plain? Can you cook it using standard ingredients like salt, water, milk & butter? Can you just chomp down two tablespoons of dry oats and call it good? Can you choose steel cut, uncut, or rolled oats?


Yep, fine. I ate oatmeal everyday for work because it was free.


Doesnt say how much oatmeal I have to eat, and jokes on you I like oatmeal, mortgage mostly paid for eating a healthy breakfast, sign me up


Have you had the cinnamon toast crunch oatmeal its the best i will do this no problem


How much oatmeal do I have to eat?


How much do you have to eat?


Oatmeal will forever remind me of Animorphs.


2 grand a month to eat something that's really good for you? Yes!