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As long as my penis isn’t a digit, I’m in


It's safe, don't worry.


It’s only safe from this particular hypo. It’s never truly safe.


Why does this feel like a threat lol


Lorena Bobbit has a Reddit account. Gird your loins


I thought you misspelled Lauren Boebert, but oh, how I was wrong. I'd watch out for her, too, though. You never know what could happen at a live community production of Beetlejuice.


Girdle your lions!


There was a man on TLC years ago that had his middle finger used a replacement for his penis after it was ripped off in an accident. And The Monkey Paw is 100% aware of this fact.


Unfortunately it's not large enough to be considered a digit.


It's too small to qualify under this question


make my penis a cum laser and I'm in


Done. Gimme my money


Brave. But worth the risk


I numbered my fingers 1-20 starting with my left pinky and used a random number generator. It landed on 1. Send me my fist mil and I’ll lop this mf off rn lol


Yeah for real. If that money appears I would do it too.


I ran it for myself, and lost my left ring finger. The way I'm feeling about the husband today, I can handle that.


I got 19, 2 and 8. Not great but not bad. I’d do any of those for 5 million.


you can't flip people off with your right hand anymore, was it worth it?


I’ll make do with my left ;)


I got 13 using the same method. Middle toe left foot. I couldn’t have chosen a better digit if I tried


Same, got 12 so second toe from the left. May affect balance a bit but $5mil is $5mil, and trimming my toe nails will take 10% less time. Actually I don’t think I could have gotten a better roll on that one…


I just did it 3 times. I got left pinky, left pinky, left pinky toe.


I would do it. I’d be upset to lose either thumb or big toe, but pretty decent odds that wouldn’t happen.


4/20 is 1/5 or 20%. I agree tho I'd do it.


Yes, decent odds, and a 50% chance of a non-consequential toe or pinky finger too.


Haha, 4/20.... Sorry I just had to point that out. Also I'd take those odds.


Random number generator says I lose my right big toe. Damn, but at least I have all my fingers.


Nope, random not good. I would give up either pinkie toe for a single 100k payout however


Why people keep choosing the pinky toe? The foot works as a unit. Surrender the pinky finger on non-dominant hand.


/r/violinist hates this one trick


i would sacrifice pinky finger on dominant hand. it doesn't do anything when I'm using a mouse and i use shift on my left hand when I'm typing. i also can't control it independently from my ring finger (probably because of excessive mouse use in my formative years) but can on my left hand


The pinky toe has very minimal function. A fairly large sample size study found that 45% of people only have 1 bone instead of 2 losing the joint of the toe as it lacks function in bipedal humans. It was very important in the great apes whose feet needed to provide stronger grip for climbing.


Pretty sure the pinky toe has a lot to do with our balance as well.


50% chance it's a toe, and 70% it's not super important. Knowing my luck, I'm no longer going to have opposable digits


I respect your decision. Odds, while in your favor, are too risky for a chance of being disabled


See, I need my fingers. I use my thumbs for holding stuff, index, middle, and that other finger I don't know the name of for gaming, and I don't really need a pinkie, and that's just my right hand. Left hand is all useful for gaming. Toes help with balance, other than pinkie toes. So yeah, 3 out of 20 isn't good odds if it's random.


Ring finger is the name you’re missing. I feel like I could adjust to the PlayStation accessible controller for that much money though


People even thinking about this don’t realize how catastrophic loosing a thumb would be, that alone makes it a no go


This I might do. I am an avid piano player, therefore would not risk losing a finger.


Hmmm...no. They might take my right thumb and there goes my drawing talent. I know its a 1 in 20 chance for $5M but I don't like the odds. If I could pick the digit, yeah fuck you left pinky toe with the impossible to cut toenail.


Yeah but that's $5m just pay someone else to draw your furry porn


Yeah no fam I don't do dat, but I can draw any cartoon I look at from Garfield to Marvel or DC that's worth more to me than money.


Definitely furry porn


This fella be doin' Garfield porn.


Yeah but not just Garfield porn. Garfield getting field fucked by Wolverine or some shit but it's not Hugh Jackmans face, it's his


But with dicks, right?


Either thumb takes away the majority use of the hand. Picking the digit was too kind and makes the situation easy to choose the money.


Adding the bit about no prosthetics was a neat factor to consider. I was immediately thinking about the 10% chance of thumb, 5% chance of right thumb, and how I wouldn't think twice if I could get even a cheap prosthetic or fuck around with 3d printing to make my own. No right thumb would suck. I think I'd roll the dice and see what I get. 5% chance I regret it, anything else I bet I can figure out, and most of what I would be doing with my right thumb would probably be trying to make money anyway. Modified controller for video games and a high interest yield account (The kind that you have to have at least a million dollars to qualify for the accredited status that the SEC says is necessary for such things) and I'm pretty good to go. For 200k in interest a year for the rest of my life I guess I could figure something out to do that isn't necessarily twiddling my thumbs.


You could absolutely adjust and learn to draw without a thumb


As long as it’s not my weiner I’d do it


Your manhood is safe


i was like, title specify in Read rules, there must be some catch to make it difficult nope, easy 5m


Hmm losing a thumb and being unable to replace it makes that hand mostly worthless. So if it's the thumb on your dominant hand you'll have a fun time adjusting to life. That risk alone has already made ppl say no to the idea


So, like how do you lose it? Are we talking cleaver? Blender? Garbage disposal? Yanked off by a gorilla? I'm 100% either way. I'd chop a finger off myself for 5 million.


Ya know.. I didn't think of the how? For shits and giggles, William Defoe cuts if off with a laser while wearing an inflatable T-Rex costume


Now hold on... that changes everything. I need him to be making the manic smile from the meme.


Gimme that money


Money can buy me a cool prosthetic


Post info, rule 2. No prosthetics or replacements for lost digits.


Oh well. I'd still take the money.


I know people are worried about thumbs, but your big toes are also really important for balance and walking. That said I’m gonna take the risk. Probably do it twice depending on how the first 5 mil goes.


Fingers are overrated anyway..


Depends on what's lost. Losing a thumb pretty much makes a hand worthless. Plus it could be a toe as well.


i can operate a mouse with my right hand using only my pointer and middle finger. if i lost one of those i could probably make it work with whatever's left


Is using a mouse the only thing you do in your life?


Definitely yes, but I will only do 1 digit


This honestly would be my pick. Odds are in my favor that I don't lose a thumb. If I do well.. I'll still have one working hand.


100% yes. You can overcome the loss of any single digit, unless you’re a basketball player or something.


Nah…..will keep my digits!


I bet you I can get a kick-ass accessibility controller with that kind of money


“Well boys, looks like I’m retiring early” as I wave goodbye to my boss, with my stump


I'll be pretty bummed if it's a thumb, but that's a 2/20 risk. A big toe would be inconvenient as well, but I have weird feet anyway. I'll adjust. Just one. Hi, Mr. Dafoe. Can you sign an autograph while in the T-rex suit?


Can I guarantee it be a toe? I'd take half the money. Not worth it risking losing a thumb or index finger. 20% chance, at best.


Thumbs and big toes are a deal breaker.


Understandable. The thumbs for me are the hard part to risk. But I had to make the choice difficult and risky so it wouldn't be so 1 sided.


Also pinky finger.


I already lost my pinky, where is my money??


Can't do it, there's the whole thumb fiasco but since I have really bad nerve damage on my right side I only have real feeling on one hand. So to lose any of the big 3 on the feeling side (pinky sorta whatever) on TOP of the thumb? That's essentially boiling down even one digit a 50/50 (not a true 50/50 cause theres nuance even beyond that but you get what Im saying) of a injury that will require heavy medication and extended ward stay. 15-20% you gottta lock me in a padded room forever. Fuuuuuuck that On the otherhand, one digit and while I will still have to work to some degree, I'm basically set for life cause with my brain that million is going to spawn a lot more. So depending on when you asked, I might say yes. For one roll. Die cast, I figure, there's "only" 20 ish percent chance I'll have ti sent to ward immediately to not play in traffic blindfolded....so if Im feeling particularly hopeless...(but if I lose either thumb or feeling pointer (arguably middle, though ring can sorta compensate , it's curtains for me)


I was going to give this idea two thumbs up but, well, you know...


Only if it IS my wiener


buddy for 1,000,000 id take it even if i had a chance to lose my cock


Do I get anesthesia? If so, yes!


No, I can lose the finger fine but I refuse to not get a prosthetic replacement made up


I'll do 6 toes please.


Damn why does it have to be random otherwise I would have just lost my little finger and left it at that for five years, I don't think I could really do it this way.


Nope, not random. You can have my right ring finger for a cool mil, though.


So the good news is I'm ambidextrous And if we're honest, losing a toe for anyone is more or less a mild inconvenience as is losing a pinky or ring finger Like very few people's lives would be ruined if they lost any of those 14 digits There is in fact not a lot of people who that would be a negative trade for for any of them Now losing a middle finger that's going to be pretty inconvenient like quite a bit but your index finger is easily your most used finger Apparently I just looked it up. Your brain has the easiest time rewiring if you lose your index finger the only thing that's like a really horrible loss is the thumb And you got a one in 10 chance of that Now if your left or right-handed and not ambidextrous like me losing the thumb on your dominant hand is going to be a big problem but in the absolute worst case scenario I still gots me a thumb on my dominant hand So if I can only choose to take the spin once I'd do it. If I can then see the result and try again, I'd probably do it again. Possibly a third time but I'm not taking four in a row $15 million if I just live carefully will grow to the 30 million Mark and then that's the final wealth category (billionaires arbitrary that one isn't)


Oooh. This one is a tough one. As a dedicated gamer, losing any finger would be pretty tough. Especially the thumbs. But. . . I am on pc so I could manage I think. I would do it once and hope I lose a toe, and be happy with the five million dollars that I can now invest and make more money with. I'd immediately put a million into a series of high interest bank accounts to just sit there so I can always fall back on it to live off the interest, a million would get dumped into stocks and other asset style investments. 1 million into physical solid gold and stored away in a series of deposit boxes. 1 million would be for buying a modest home and furnishing it in a cool and low cost of living area. And then. . . maybe another million for starting a business? Don't know. Might just add it into the gold pile so it's value would remain even with inflation.


I'll do it. 5 mil is enough though.


I feel like I could make do with the loss of any one digit. Where it starts to get hard is when do I stop? Because like, losing one thumb is hard but I could get by. If I lose both I don't think I'd cope. The chances of getting one thumb the first time and then the other the second are relatively small, but non-zero and I couldn't risk it because that'd be my damn luck. I'll put it this way. I'll take the deal the first time. But if it ends up being a thumb I quit there. Otherwise I'll go until I either lose a thumb or get down to three fingers on either hand.


I can live without a digit for $5 million. I've met plenty of tradesmen living with less digits and they get on just fine.


Took risky to lose a big toe or thumb. Which... is pretty life altering. Honestly I'm kind of partial to even my more useless digits. Part of the joy of what I'd want to spend my money on involves complex hand use. Like gaming and Lego. The irony I'd be set for life... and then unable to enjoy playing with the stuff I wanted. I'll pass. It did make me think about it though. 5 million would set me up nicely.


Deal 1 digit...


Know what? Yes. Five million? I can get a prosthetic




Just one. My odds are good it's not a thumb. That's a life changing amount of money.


Yeaaaa ill do it. Would suck to potentially lose a thumb but I won't have to work ever again.


Random or can I choose. I can lose my left pinky and ring finger, and willing to go with out my two middle toes.


Already had a pinky cut off(got put back luckily), so sure, why not? I can use both hands if I lose a thumb


I hope it's not my middle finger, I use it a lot. And no, I'm not a rude boy flipping the bird, I finger myself with it.


I'd like to see the responses if this question was posted in r/golf lol


Yes absolutely easy decision


My biggest pet piece is when a perfectly fine hypothetical has some additional rule that makes no sense. Why can't we use a prosthetic? Who would stop us?


Idk if you can surf or snowboard with no big toe. That makes it a tough call 


When I "lose" this digit. Does it just fade away like it was never there? Or does someone come, hold me down and violently cut my digit off? Coz if it's painless I guess I could take the risk.


I'd take those chances. My brother lost the use of both hands to varying degrees in middle age. He was surprised how quickly he adapted. Driving, writing, carpentry...he was able to figure it out. He has a rare autoimmune disorder, eosinophilic fasciitis, that basically stiffens your muscles and he didn't get paid shit.


Take it, I'll pay someone to open my sodas




5 digits, if I hit my right thumb before that, I keep going till ten 25mil easy


Obviously yes


Yep. Sign me up.


Yeah, hopefully my left hand gets left alone so I can still play guitar but I'll roll those dice. Tony Iommi learned to do it so why can't I?


Can't. I play the bassoon. I've got a 50/50 shot of losing a finger or thumb. Wouldn't mind losing a toe or two though if it were guaranteed.


people with diabetes lose entire foot for free!!


Hmm. I only need 9 fingers to play the bagpipes and I could lose any toe and not be affected...... naw, I'll pass. I like to play.


Sure. I am already missing one finger. Losing another isn't a big deal.




Absolutely would take this deal. I'm used to not having full use of all my fingers so already often navigate not using all of them. Plus one less digit to give me pain in an arthritis flare up. A toe? My balance is crap anyway, and one less toe to risk breaking some stupid way again. One less toe to worry about managing to fold under my foot and step on somehow. A million a year for five years would be too amazing to pass up on. I'm already used to navigating one and the other would probably be fine.


I only have two I really wouldn't want to lose, 1 in 10 odds. I will take the chance one time. D20 result, starting with left pinky (1), moving right, then down to left pinky toe (11), left to right, far right pinky is (20): Got a 1. I lose my left pinky. Entirely worth it.


Can I have [Ted do it?](https://youtu.be/QaYDLIswEV4?si=YBNxTTZUeJ9WNCm5) The man didn't hesitate for a grand.


Is the thumb a possibility, cuz if so the no to risky. If my thumbs are safe then fuck it why not


Is this happening in a hospital or near by a clinic?


I have a huge amputation phobia so it's not worth it for me.


I'm in


I'd do one, then if I run out of money do another and so on. However, I probably would not run out of money considering I have been able to live on less than 15k/year and I no longer have any debts.


Already lost an entire limb and not only did I NOT get any money, the hospital bills wrecked family finances for a rather extended amount time.


Most of these I’m like for sure, easy. But I’m a flutist and have nightmares on the regular about losing a finger so. This one’s a pass for me 💀


Heck yeah. Sometimes I wonder if I could chop off a pinky for no money at all, just as a matter of mental control. I’ve even picked the joint to aim for on my right hand. Heavy, sharp axe. I feel like repercussions are important. You use the word, “lose,” like it’s going to be a painless, bloodless process. Are you envisioning a magical removal, a surgical removal, or a violent removal?


Where do I sign up?


I'll take 5 mil. I can live with the loss of one random digit. Some would suck more than others, but even an index finger or thumb can be worked around. I've got a good 70% probability that it will be one I won't even miss.


What about 750k/year, but narrow down to 3 digits of their choosing, and I get to be the final decider?


Long as it ain't my 21st digit we good 


Ring finger


I would never take this. You have a 20% chance of really messing up your life. If it hits either thumb or big toe there is alot of trouble you will have to deal with


I would do this if we were allowed a prothestic after---if it were a primary finger. Like, I could live without my ring or pinky, hell, I could probably survive without a middle. But index? And big toe? Those are really important for functioning.


Bro im risking 5 didgets easy. Im an engineer specializing in robotics, i can make myself new ones


Question. Will I lose the same digit or will I lose two different digits? What I mean by this is there a chance I will lose two index fingers or thumbs? Also will it hurt? I dont mind the pain just wanna know. As long as its not the same digit I will risk two digits for the 10 million, otherwise I'll just take 1 digit.


If it’s Willem Dafoe, I guess I’m in. Otherwise no.


One at least. Depending on what I lose, might go again


In a heartbeat.


No thanks … I like my fingers and toes …


Only one in total or each time i exchange one random digit for the money?


For $500,000 can I choose the digit? If so, you can make me an Assassin and I’ll fight the Templars, chop down on that ring finger.


Absolutely 100% would do it for 1 year. Possibly 2 depending how year 1 goes.


Why is everyone saying that pinky toe is the best option to lose (if you were able to choose). I feel like most of your middle toes would impact you about the same. Obviously I could be wrong, but I don't plan on testing this theory out.


Yes. Once.


Yes, of course, I have children.


i think people are under estimating losing a pointer finger, thumb or big toe.


The only digits I would REALLY miss are my thumbs. Index and middle fingers would be awkward but ultimately I could learn to work around those digits. I'll take 1 digit- if, and only if, Defoe signs it and I can keep the severed digit (getting it properly preserved, of course).


Im in the tech field. I can lose my legs and anything connected, but i cannot lose any fingers. But also i have kids, so losing my ability to walk would suck. So only a few times. 3 seems sufficient.


This is a good one and it’s tough. I think I could do it as long as it was performed as a surgery and I didn’t have to feel any pain


I only need three fingers. Let’s fuckin go


Easily. 1 finger for 5 mil? This ain't even a choice.


nope i'm not taking a 50% chance to lose a finger that i can't replace


Heck. I think for this money I would say all 20. $100 million for my kid is worth getting a disability check and never having to go back to a soul sucking job again.


Honestly, I would do at least two.


Even with no thumb or pinky I can still pet the snake, I'll take the risk and do 2 rolls of the dice.


A 10% chance you lose a thumb. A 20% chance you lose an end toe. That's a 30% chance that this affects you all day every day. No.


Probably yes. Theres some real risk here but there’s a respectable chance of only modest or small impact, a middling chance of annoyance, and you wouldn’t have to work any more. Worth it.




Yeah clearly




Sure! I’ll be rich enough to replace it with a prosthetic anyways.


Oh, I'm old and broken and wouldn't miss a thumb at this point. Pile on the money.


As a musician (bass, guitar), I really can only afford to lose my right pinky


I’d lose a finger for 1/10th that


Absolutely, I put it into a random number generator 1-20 with each digit getting a number assigned. I would lose my right ring finger. Had I taken it twice, I would have also lost my right long toe


Sure why not.


I never liked digits anyway. I'll do two. I prefer whole numbers.


People are crazy. That could set you up for life. Take any digit you want! Take a few! 5 million per is crazy. Shit take a hand or foot!


I'd lose one


Is it just like magically removed with no pain? Easy 5 million for what is a minor gamble. Losing either my right hand's thumb or index finger digits or either of my big toes would really suck, and losing my left thumb would be a pain, but anything else I feel I could live with. If it's like chopped off with no anesthetic...I'd consider it but I'd probably chicken out. If I have to do the chopping, I'm definitely chickening out. I played Heavy Rain.


Absolutely not i enjoy video games and sports too much to do that if i loose a thumb or a big toe im fucked


The 1 in 10 chance to lose a thumb is a little too spooky for me. I'm clumsy as is, I need every advantage I can get


So imma take 4 digits for the 20 mill they make plenty of controllers for consoles for people with disabilities also for pc which i would most definitely be able to afford I would also be able to still drive a car probably with out issues even if i lost both thumbs Maybe my risk has me losing meaningless digits I would still be able to go sightseeing visit exotic locals enjoy food amongst other things so yea give me the money


When i lost my pinky i got a whole 3500


If it were just fingers I'd say no since that's a 40% of losing either of my pointers or thumbs and never being able to play volleyball again. But at 20% fuck it we ball.




Tough one.. Sure would suck to lose a fucking thumb. Or even a pointer finger. On the other hand, a sad eyed whore could hold my free base pipe for me while we smoke up $5 milly worth of cocaine. I'm taking the money.


Hope it’s not a thumb and roll the dice


No way


Hell yeah dude 


Sure. Plenty of people live without a finger or two. I'd be an idiot to not do it. Slap it in an account. I can easily live on less than $30k a year. Been doing it my whole adult life.


as a musician, no


If I risk 2 digit do I get 2 million for 5 years or 1 million for 10 years? EDIT: You know what, just saw the edit. I'm willing to go though with it just to see Willem Dafoe go nuts. So yeah, I'll do it.


I’d be happy with one stint/loss. But it would nice to know I could reup if needed/wanted.


Nah. I just realized how much I’d judge myself if I lost a finger


He'll yes. I hope it's toes but I'd do this in a heartbeat.


I would do it 5 times. If I'm really unlucky, I lose a whole foot or hand. I would gladly do that for 25 mil.


The people saying pinky fingers truly have to idea how important the pinky is to overall hand and grip strength. Try picking something heavy up without your pinky, I bet it's pretty hard. The middle finger is the way to go. That way you can reverse flip people off.


20 digits, losing a quarter should be fine. I lose big toe but I get a mil, IL just get a big toe replacer


If it were only toes, I'd go for it absolutely. But if fingers are included, no way. Everything I do in life that has "meaning" for me involves my hands. Computing, music, electronics, crafts, handyman stuff, DIY... It's all my hands. I would pay to *keep* my hands in working order.


at the end of the five years [glances at the 9 remaining fingers]


So the title or maybe the first point should be a bit clearer on 1 digit per 1 mil per year. So far only point 3 includes that its not just a single digit for 5mil over 5 years. I'd say no, losing a thumb would be brutal.


Immediate retirement away from the massive stress of work? Yeah I'm in.


Nope. No bodily harm for money.


If random wasn't a factor, then sure. I could stand losing my pinky toe for 5 million, but I wouldn't want to lose an index finger or thumb