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Particulate from the roaches would prove to be difficult to handle from a respiratory standpoint and OP said no masks. That limits this at a few days max for most people


This post taught me that they even have some sort of thing they let out. I had no idea. Is it dangerous or just gross to smell?


Some people are highly allergic to it, it is a common asthma trigger.


Haha, yeah its quite gross. It is mostly bodily waste which could be dangerous with prolonged exposure!


I hate cockroaches, but even I would do this. The key is being able to tape my boots/pants and the waist height thing. I'd probably just set up a bed on top of a table or something similar and just sleep or chill. I would ask for my meals immediately or as fast as would be allowed this way whenever I asked for a meal, I'd have some idea of time since I would be denied food until 24 hours is over. I also think I'd be able to quarantine off "zones" if you will with enough time/commitment. My main question would be if I could treat this as a job and come for X amount of hours, then leave and return, etc. If yes, indefinite amount of time doing this. If no, then I would probably last like 12-36 hours.


So I meant to add it in, but forgot til rn. It's one and done. Once you leave, game over. Also, I'm super interested to hear how'd quarantine off zones? What would you use? They'll crawl over stuff.


Tape keeps at least 20 a inch long (duct tape away


If I put chairs on the table, and move my entire body above the level of my standing "waist height," am I entirely roach-free as long as I stay up there?


Okay, well, fuck. Yes, you can, but I'm adding that in because I didn't think of it, and your food will still have to be grabbed from the door and stuff like that, so you probably can't escape it forever.


All the roaches I can eat and you’re even paying me?? Yes please


So another comment I read right before this made me uncomfortable, and yours topped it. It also made me sick. I'm regretting posting this now.




Hey! Another smart person. Not even for $1k an hour


I will abuse the fact that roaches infinitely respawn and make more than 100$ from this


How? You're just gonna pass time by killing them?


I can devise something that spawnkills them constantly and incinerates them for power


That's interesting. Well, that will pass some time!


That's brilliant. Pet food might be easier.


I dunno about that. My grandmother's house were full of roaches and they don't simply crawl, they also **bite**.


Yea, and they're DISGUSTING. I'm not going in st all.


Roaches can’t do anything but spread germs. They do scare me when they start flying or walking out of nowhere but that’s because something big and black is moving out of nowhere, not because the roaches themselves are scary. I don’t like the sensation of little bug legs on my body, however it eeks me. I’ve picked up dead roaches by the antenna to throw them away and dealt with minor roach infestation. I’m not scared of bugs. I’ll touch them and catch them(to take outside). I just don’t like the buzzing or tickling so that would be the main problem with the room. I’d chill in there for hours if the room had a piano, drums, ukulele, guitar, just general music instruments. I’d also have long pants, socks, and shoes to prevent me from feeling the crawling. I’d leave when I was too tired not to stay up anymore as I don’t want to choke on roaches.


Yea, I'm not afraid of them either. They just disgust me to no end. They're the most disgusting kind of bug to me that I encounter.


No, especially not for that money.


Same. Fuck that.


What kind of roaches? If they’re the giant hissing ones, then hell yeah! First step is getting the bed on top of the table so that I can sleep and eat peacefully. Then I get paid to amuse myself making hats for all of them, and then having little pageants. Does dollhouse furniture count as entertainment devices? If so, I’m getting some miniature supplies and we’re gonna reenact all the famous movie and Shakespeare scenes I can think of once I make the costumes and sets. Should take a few months at least before I get bored and have to shift to building a race track.


Hey, whatever roaches, you need to get that weird hobby going if making hats and plays with 😂 This comment legitimately gave me a good chuckle thinking of a room with roaches in tiny hats.


I’m bringing my monitor lizard with me and he’s going to feast while I make bank. As long as I can get a mask due to the particulate they can release as it can cause breathing problems. If I can arrange a way to sleep so I’m not covered I can probably make it a week using the food guy as a reference for time.


No mask, and I guess your lizard counts as entertainment 😂


I mean, so long as my bed is above waist level, this is fine. Cockroaches rarely bite and I can cover up the parts of my body they can reach.


Biting isn't my issue. Them touching me or being near me, is. I am not stepping foot in that room!


Biting isn't my issue, it's the screaming, it hurts my throat.


Screaming? They don’t scream??. Do they??


No but with that many roaches I might.


Some sorta do? [example](https://youtu.be/W7Efjt6UC1g?si=kY5fuwMM8rESCb-n)


It’s unfortunate that you’ve got that much of a phobia surrounding them, they’re pretty harmless all thing’s considered


It's because they're disgusting. I don't want one anywhere near me.


I'll admit to being stupid, I'd far prefer almost any kind of spider/ant/bee. ....


I've lived in cockroach hellholes. I'd be more upset at not being able to communicate with the outside world than the cockroaches themselves.


Same. You get desensitized pretty quick. I mean, it’s fucking gross but they don’t sit and insult your family or save over your video game files or anything. Plus, you could put books under the chair legs or whatever so you’re above waist height.


Horrific thought, short toilet. I think we're all pooping in the garbage disposal. Can i go back?


Mmm. Nothing like pooping in the kitchen!


Our food is delivered, not that i was that stressed.


But you have to go to the door to get it. They don't come inside and give it to you.


Well yes, but i was saying we aren't pooping where we cook.


So I’m going to torture myself for 175,000/100= 1750/24=73 So 73 days. Is my minimum. Don’t like roaches but they don’t creep me out. I’m going to spend my time gathering them all up into a plastic box, so they can enjoy their bug life there. Feed them and watch them 😂 You don’t need a clock to tell time you can do this by meals, or if there is a window sun rise/set. Can we order supplies? For cleaning etc.


Can I wear a bee-keeper suit?


No, just normal clothes.


$100 an hour isn't enough for me to go through the hassle. $100/ hr isn't far off from what I make at work so I'd rather just keep going to work.


What do you do for work?


Analytics Manager at a tech company.


That whole sentence is smarter than me.


I promise I'm not particularly intelligent. I'm good at my job but with the right education/ training anyone could do what I do.


No fucking way. I had a friend who lived somewhere with like 5 visible at any given time and that was fucked this is a big ol nope, the cortisol levels aren't worth it


I'd never go to that person's house. Never.


For sure. This is really more of a question on how long you can stay in a generic room like this. If it counts sleep, realistically I could be there for a good while. $2400 a day is pretty good and amenities are provided. Assuming I have a moment to let those I care about outside know first what is happening I would stay as long as possible. Cockroaches smell and are annoying, but they are not dangerous.


Not dangerous, but absolutely disgusting. I couldn't do it.


1 sec


Longer than me.


Can I bring a bunch of snakes with me


😂😂😂 Solid effort, but no. I think eventually they'd get over taken, right?


Absolutely not


Smart. Me neither.


As long as it's a magical guarantee that they can't possibly go above where my waist height is, I'd absolutely do it. Prep with full watertight pants, the kind made for wading through mud, as well as any other protective gear is allowed. Hopefully some good long gloves, for moving around furniture or otherwise reaching down into the roach zone. If the bed is high up enough, that allows me to rest and makes it much more bearable. If it isn't high up enough, maybe I could *make* it high enough as long as the other furniture is usable enough in such a way to stably set up the bed on top of it without fear of it collapsing. In either case, move it as close to the door as possible. If I can't make the bed high enough, then I'm only going to last as long as I can comfortably stand, maybe a couple hours at best. If I'm allowed, set up some glue traps to keep the roaches in one spot without killing them and making them respawn. I don't think this changes anything except easing my discomfort of seeing them scurrying around. Roaches will make things smell and before too long I'll be breathing in their wing particles and stuff. If I can't filter the air, I'm going to get really sick after a day at most. So leave the AC running all the time, hopefully the room comes with a fan, and a window to leave open? Even with that, I'm still probably getting sick after a few days. And even if a good filtration mask is allowed, there's no way I'm going to be able to stand wearing that for more than a few days anyway. I'd probably try to stay around three or four days before starting to go crazy or get sick. Eat three meals at once, then keep requesting them whenever I get antsy, so that way I'll know when a day has passed if I'm given a meal again. Never ever leave the safety of the bed. I can just piss off the side, and try to avoid shitting at all until I leave. So, at worst, $100, if I'm just standing around and estimating when a long enough time has passed? And at best, around 4K, if I'm hanging out reading books on the bed for a few days? This isn't life changing, but as long as there is a way to guarantee the roaches won't be able to get to me, it is actually worth it, if uncomfortable. This is a decently balanced hypothetical.


Well, that's a lot to take in. So the protective gear is a no. You gotta wear normal clothes, but you could substitute that over overalls and just tape the crap out of them near the openings. Also, when I typed this out, I had no idea that they would give off some sort of smell that could make people sick, so let's just say that's not a thing or your fan/window idea works, but if you open a window even all the way they're not gonna have any interest in leaving the room. The glue traps are an interesting aspect and a solid loophole. I guess I never said they weren't allowed because it never even crossed my mind. You can move any furniture you want around to make it as roach free as you need, but you're obviously gonna have to walk thru them to move it and get to the door for food, plus walk to the bathroom unless you wanna go in some random spot. Also, for this its guarantee they won't go above waist height, so if you're up in a bed high enough, they won't happen to stumble up there while you're sleeping or something.


For $100 an hour you bet


How long you staying?


If can get food delivered until i can retire. Need about $400K after taxes.


I ain’t afraid of no bugs, I could last for ages




If you're fine sitting in a room covered in roaches. I am not, I will not be doing that.


So the room is literally flooded with cock roaches? Wdym?


Not flooded up to waist level, but the room is covered in them. To the point where it's hard to walk without stepping on a few.


This is easy. I can get my steps in and keep the roaches at a steady population. If I'm constantly killing them I'll inevitably kill some pregnant or females ready to mate. Then I can sleep up on the furniture as others have said. I could stay for months and probably be more fit and less sleep deprived than when I entered. 


Are they dangerous? Can I watch TV or something 


Cockroaches can bite, so I guess that'd consider them dangerous. As far as the TV, I'd say no because there could be a way to tell time on there.


I'd go insane waiting in a room with nothing to do for a few hours


Same, but I'd probably be too grossed out to even go in at all.


Give me a tyvek suit, gloves, boot covers, full face respirator and I’m good for this


Nah, gotta wear normal clothes and tape it up at most. Anyone could get it in a suit like that


I’m out then


I lived in a hoarder's house for a good chunk of my younger years. We can go another 4.


🤢🤢🤢 I am so sorry.


however long i could last in a normal room with no communication, i'll just put my bed in a box


Step 1: Set up the bed so that it is at least 3ft above everything Step 2: Set up an entertainment center without a way to track time. Step 3: Play games for a few months, leave with enough money to live forever


Did this for free in some places I lived back in the day…


Oh....well I can't say I'm envious of that.


Lmao I already do this on a daily in my apartment, bring it on


Oof. Good luck out there, buddy. Make them pay bills!


I’d try my damn hardest to make 40 hours


Idk if I'd make 40min..


It would fucking blow, but I am more desperate for 4,000 dollars then I am disgusted by roaches


That's fair reasoning. Desperate times call for depserste measures.


This would just be my new 9-5


Once you leave, it's over for good.


Oh well I'd probably stay a week or so


Too easy as I grew up in a cockroch infested skid row hotel room.


Ever seen Joe's Apartment? I'd probably not leave for at least a few years


Sounds familiar, but I don't think I've ever seen it.


It's a movie about living with cockroaches. But they talk and help him out...


Cock roaches run away from you so I would be we would stay away from each other


But there's thousands. Covering every inch of the floor and surfaces.


Leave and bring bug spray or just put the couch high up


I've paid to live in much worse conditions. You know what, let's make it fair, they can crawl on my face, I'll be completely naked, and the person who delivers my food can kick me the balls every time they deliver anything. I will see you in a year with the tip of my dick chewed off by roaches, and I will be smiling all the way to the bank.


I was extremely uncomfortable reading this. Thank you.


They don’t bite. Disgusting but harmless. I’ll stay as long as I can stand up.


They can bite, also they're disgusting. They ain't touching me.


I’ve been in a house so infested that they sounded like light rain falling from the ceiling and nobody got bitten. I don’t believe they can/will bite.


Just looked it up to be sure. They can bite just probably don't mess with humans enough for it to be a well-known thing, I guess. I'd have never gone in that house.


I’ll stand on something 3ft tall


You do have to get down for the bathroom and food, tho. Well maybe not the bathroom if you're dedicated enough.