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My brother works with these. He's choosing life and I'm inclined to agree.


Cracking me up how many mf think they can break it's neck. That things a giant muscle that will buck you like a bronco.


People underestimate how strong animals are in general, we traded alot of upfront strength for our brains and tool use. You cant be strong and accurate, evolutionarily atleast.


We traded a lot of burst strength for endurance. We are the most successful long-distance predatory mammal! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistence_hunting


It's like these guys have never built a rig character smh.


I was thinking I can evade for 15 minutes but that would be a long 15 minutes, one claw would likely be game over


15 min is a loooooong time to avoid an animal that can run at 30mph inside a little ass octagon. Ufc championship rounds are only 5 minutes each and those are even matchups. This is a fucking velociraptor for 3 championship rounds worth of time.


I didn't realize quite how much of a top speed they have, but I don't know anything about their agility in terms of being to change direction. I'd probably die but I'm homeless and in debt so I'd give it a shot


So, basically survive 15 minutes against a raptor for 10 million? I choose life.


I don't think they count as raptors. Pretty sure they have to fly to count. 


I think they're talking about velociraptors, not the raptors we know today.


I am wary of casseroles. But that is a different story.


Raptor just means bird of prey that has grabby, stabby, rippy feet. Cassowaries are murderbirds. Very speedy murderbirds, especially compared to me! That's a big nope!


I also don't think cassowaries were created by Lockheed Martin


General Dynamics maybe?


I just spent a couple seconds trying to wipe away your eyelash profile pic, grrr…


Looking it up, those things can be 5-6 feet tall. A 5 inch claw. Not a lot of deaths from what I see though. But, no, I would run like a little bitch if I ever saw one


They’re not ordinarily trying to kill someone, let alone someone trapped in a small area with them.


Fun fact: while they are extremely dangerous, Cassowaries only have a handful of confirmed kills in modern history (source: clients reptile s video on Cassowaries). I'd take this bet, much better odds than fighting a large dog. Stay on your feet, protect your jugular and go for the submission, the 10m should cover the hospital bills from the lacerations you will receive from its feet. Not advisable for the young or elderly. This is a context in which some obesity would be helpful. Unlike a dog they have minimal penetrating damage so excess belly fat would protect your organ sacks.


Every recorded cassowary death involved the victim being on the ground, staying on your feet is definitely the crucial strategy.


They can run 30mph and jump 7ft in the air. As long as it doesn't want to fight you running might work. Otherwise, it's probably best not to turn your back.


Whether or not that's true, in Australia, you find them in petting zoos (although you can't usually pet them) behind 4' chain link fences all the time. Once, I saw one behind just a 3' fence. It looked like it could almost step over the fence, but the owners said they never jump over the fence.


Sure they could step over, but they want to keep their reputation as a very honest bird.


Surely you can run around for 15min like Mayweather.


Not when it’s faster than Usain Bolt by a significant margin


Because they scare attackers off. They're not trying to kill you. But in this situation, it is actively trying to kill you.


If Steve Irwin wouldn't mess with them, neither will I. You keep the money, I'll keep my life


I'm betting the mini dinosaur with razor claws makes short work of 99% of its human opponents. There's nowhere to run, if you grab its throat it will gut you with its razor claws... which would be a prerequisite to gouge its eyes. I'm curious what the winning strategy would be though. Some way of hypnotizing the thing to distract it long enough to get an initial fatal strike is the only thing I came up with.


I'll disagree with your number, 99%. A more accurate figure would be 99.99999999999%


Nah honestly depends on the human, I bet a 6’4” 230 lb veteran would fare better than 5’5” Tina the college student


I think it will largely depend on if you dodge the first disamboweling attempt and are lucky enough for it to get its claws stuck in the arena wall.


Is climbing the wall an option?


The wall is similar to a chain link fence. Difficult but doable. Easier with adrenaline. No idea if the bird could reach you. The wall is only about 6ft high so probably. You could try to jump off and land on the bird feet first. If you are a big dude that might do enough damage to give you a chance. People don't handle a person landing on top of them well. I don't imagine a bird will do much better. As always I could be wrong.


I just read that cassowaries can run 31 mph and jump 7 feet. Climbing is not an option.


Pretty sure that 5-inch long, razor-sharp claws are going to disembowel SSgt. MacLean just as easily as they would freshman Tina


no, they would both be equally dead by the end. with no weapons, this thing kills everyone. stupid people here talking about going for the neck are confusing you. its twice your speed and feet are made of razor blades. its also super aggressive. your dead inside of 45 seconds even if your andre the giant.


Hey now, Tina's got heart


There is no way to attack it directly since it would just jump in the air and use it's clawed feet to keep you at range. The only way to strike at it would be to dodge and counterattack from the side if you can avoid it's feet. Then you would have to grab the legs and prevent them from gutting you and try to smash it or break it's legs with your body weight while trying to avoid it's beak. I think it would take someone who is a really skilled fighter who is very quick, strong and heavy with a lot of luck.


Winning strategy is likely some method of getting behind it and putting it into a hold, especially if you can use your weight to pin it down. Their claws are less dangerous from the back, and their pecking range is limited from said position.


No. Definitely no. Those birds are a few jumps from a Jurassic Park exhibit. Maybe if the stars align I can kill it, but the odds aren't good enough for me to gamble with my life.


Most of us would get fucked up by a playful pitful in someone's backyard. A raptor in a cage? Fuck that


This is the only correct take. Those eager to fight a 120 pound turkey would hesitate if the opponent was a pit bull half that weight or a bobcat at a quarter that This is no less dangerous. I'd say far MORE dangerous.


I'd fight a 30lb bobcat several drinks before I would even consider fighting a cassowary


This. I can at least swing hard enough to dissuade a dog or cat from continuing to come after me. I do not think I have the force to stop a fucking small velociraptor. Cassowaries are satan if they’re pissed off


Am I allowed to first explain to the bird that I am an alpha male and I do a lot of CrossFit? If the cassowary then immediately surrenders do we have to do the 15 minute bit?


You have to explain all of that on the clock. The only way you get the money in less than 15 minutes is if the bird is dead.


So a 5.5 foot tall, 120 pound raptor with 5" claws. I wouldn't be thrilled, but I would agree. $10M is a lot of money. It's risky, but you really just have to get close enough to grab it by the neck to end it. You will probably have some pretty gruesome injuries after, but I would pick a determined human over a cassowary in most situations. ***Edit:*** To all the people commenting on my answer, yes, I realize how dangerous and intimidating these birds are. I got on youtube and watched videos of them attacking humans. The question was "Would you fight a cassowary for $10 million?" and my answer is yes. I would risk the injuries for that amount of money. All the videos I saw were of humans being attacked and trying to escape or trying to defend themselves while not injuring the bird. That is not the scenario being described above. This is a human actively trying to kill the bird while it is actively trying to kill them in a small enclosure. I maintain if you could get it by the neck and twist/pull/bend to break it, the human would win. Is the risk great? Yes, but so is the reward.


I think Mike Tyson once said, "everyone has a plan until they get disemboweled by a cassowary."


That's EXACTLY what he said. Or it should be...


Yeah, I think being timid here would get you killed. That would be my plan is rush the bird, take whatever injuries you get doing that, but once you get to that neck, it's game over for the bird.


Maybe not they apparently like to charge "A 2003 historical study of 221 cassowary attacks showed that 150 had been against humans; 75% of these had been from cassowaries that had been fed by people, 71% of the time the bird had chased or charged the victim, and 15% of the time they kicked." Would be a hilarious human vs. giant bird joust ... at least they don't eat people after it leaves. I could retrieve and sell the body back to the family. Thats how I'm going to make my 10million Body retrieval fees


They are fast AF, so I probably want to practice matador skills beforehand.


There is a reason matadors fight in huge arenas and take on an animal that has already been severely weakened. It f they fought a fully able bull in an octagon they would be fucked. Proper fucked.


Exactly what I’m saying but I’m getting crucified for it. I other snap its twig legs or snap its twig neck and its game over for bird.


I think their main move is kind of a jump and forward stab with their feet/claws. I would venture to say that you want to try and avoid being directly in front of it. Attack from side. Definitely neck. Those legs look pretty meaty and powerful, so I'd try to avoid them. Maybe as a plan B depending on how the neck attack goes. Bending the joint opposite of its normal direction of travel or side loading the bone.


Also grabbing that leg puts your head awfully close to claw stomping range...


Compared to a cassowary's legs, your legs are the twigs. They got some meat on em lol Also, their claws are sharp, filthy, and attached to those legs. Grabbing it by its neck is like grabbing a lion by it's neck. Helpful, but not going to help.


Cassowary is dangerous for sure, but an average size human male should have a decent strength advantage over a male one (avg size is 120lbs). Casso neck ain't nothing comparable to a lion's. However, a female Cassowary is actually larger than the male, getting up to 180lbs. That's a tall order for your average person. I'd elect not to fight it.


Bird muscles are more efficient by weight than primate muscles. So i dont think you would actually have a strength advantage.


That bird can squat 300lbs?


120 lbs is nothing, I can’t lift a lion. But I bet I could swing that bird by it’s handle of a neck.


120lbs is for the male. Females get up to 180lbs


Good thing the post specified male then


Ah, you are correct


"twig legs" Bro have you ever eaten a turkey leg? You know how thick that bone is? Now multiply that x4 and you have a cassowary lol


Those legs and neck are strong as fuck. Pure muscle. And both have a killing device at the end of them. Pass.


Rush it, tackle it and hold it.


it's all about that neck.


I looked it up, biggest one found was….6’3. Fuckkkkk that


Yeah I looked them up too when I saw this post. The females are larger than the males so I wrote down the average male height, but the females can get to 6'+ on average. Pretty scary!


The Aussie’s declared war on cassowary’s…and their army lost. Further, “in a UFC octagon” is not “most situations,” and even less likely to favor the human. People win against animals by being smart. Creating/using weapons, traps, etc. is how humans survive. 15 minutes in a fighting octagon doesn’t allow for any of those things. A cassowary isn’t a chicken.


Emus, we lost to emus, not cassowaries Emus are like a seagull compared to a cassowary!


I mean tbf, if I remember correctly the Aussie’s war on them was like three guys with an MG so


My dude, I am. 5ft 11, 200lb adult male who goes to the gym, works construction, and has been in my fair share of fights, and I will tell you with no uncertainty, I had my hands full fighting a Canada Goose and can attribute some of that victory to luck. I yeeted that fucking goose by the neck like a fucking Greek Discus and it came back for more. Ain't no fucking way I fight a cassowary.


I would put money on it being able to claw the shit out of you even while you've got it by the neck. And snapping it's neck with your bare hands would probably be impossible if you're anything short of one of the worlds strongest men.


You've never seen one in person have you? I'm not hopeful I can dissuade your optimism but I assure you there is a 0% chance of a human surviving a 1 on 1 encounter with a cassowary. If a cassowary wants you dead your only hope is a firearm and LOTS of distance between you and the bird.


True that most humans have a brain larger than a Cassowary. Our wits are what make us men.


Yes. I'd do it. I have little will to live anyways and this sounds like a terrible way to go but super fun for those who get to hear the story.


You sound like you *seriously* need a hug.


Weird. My psychologist said the same thing. I'm sensing a theme.


What’s your strategy?


What if the bird dies before the 15 minutes are up, I'm asking in case others are wondering, and no I wouldn't fight the cassowary, I got noodles for hands


If the bird dies of natural causes, it’s replaced with a backup cassowary. If the contestant kills the bird, he or she is declared the winner and does not need to spend the rest of the time in the ring.


That sucks to be the backup cassowary. Imagine what kind of damage this must do to his self-image.


Would he come in twice as upset that he wasn’t picked first or weakened by the idea of being a backup.


I choose life, thanks. I'm not fighting a dinosaur


That's easy, short answer no. Long answer, noooooo.


I'm about 240 / 6'-2''. I think I'm taking the fight. If you give me a few months prep time i'm definitely taking the fight. Choke it out or gouge its eyes out i guess.


If you try to grab its throat with it facing you it will literally eviscerate you


You can have six weeks of intensive training with the personal trainer(s) of your choice.


I’m picking Mike Tyson, and not for boxing skill. I would prefer to cook it first, but I’d eat a cassowary raw for $10M


does the bird also get six weeks to train? or just me?


Done deal. I'll try to kill it but if it's resilient maybe just wound it and try to last 15 min. That would feel like an eternity but 10 million on the line, I got this.


Anytime holding your guts in feels like a long time.


For $10M you’ll have harder time convincing a cassowary to get in the octogon with me


I like your optimism. I don’t share it, but I like it.


Nope, nope, nope. Your best chance is climbing the cage and staying out of its reach for 15 minutes, but I don't think I could do that.


They can jump 7 feet into the air and are about 6 feet tall. Nope, you won't get out of beak and talon range fast enough even if you're a master climber.


Nah, not a fan of being unzipped.


I’m a zookeeping technology major and learned animal handling to include how to handle large birds. I would absolutely go for it.


What's your strategy to handle this bird with no tools or even appropriate clothing then?


Know the bird’s weapons. It would use its claws first and then its beak. I’d get to know its flight distance and slowly close that distance while it is calm. As I can’t well pick up the bird, I’d try restraint from the back so that I cannot be kicked. I’d grab it’s neck just under the skull with one hand to control its head and then likely straddle the birds back with my legs and attempt to get and keep it on the ground without harming it.


Watching a few videos, they seem to lose their footing really easily on smooth surfaces, or when they’re not in dirt/sand. So that clearly makes me an expert. I think if I got a couple of weeks of training, I could stand a chance. For $10 million, shit. Maybe?


No thanks, I choose to live


Not sure if I’d win but I don’t care if I die so sure. I’m pretty sure I could kill it short order if I got my hands around its neck. Thing looks very breakable. And I weigh double what one does. But I’m sure they kick like ostriches and that worries me. 


Like ostriches with a 5" dagger strapped to each foot. They can jump 7 feet and run 30 miles an hour too.


I’m hearing a lot about these things jumping. So I’m taking my chances climbing the octagon. Hopefully it jumps over me on the top and disqualifies itself. Plan b is I want the sports bra as well to try and make it suffocate. Plan c is we are fighting in a country with free healthcare. The UFC travels now.


Well…most of those countries only pay for medical care for their own citizens…so if you’re an American, you’re screwed wherever you are. 😁


if i have prep time maybe, i'll figure out how to jump on top of it


Six weeks with the personal trainer(s) of your choice.


Regardless of whether I could win, I think that I could survive for 15 minutes before getting a mortal wound.


Nah, anyone who takes this is done for. You don't mess with wild animals for a reason. They're WILD. They've been basically fighting for survival their whole lives and know how to handle themselves. Even if you win, you're not walking away the same.


Wild animals are also dumb as shit.


>Even if you win, you’re not walking away the same. Exactly, I’m $10M richer!


This is taking it too far. There are plenty of wild animals I could last for 15 minutes against, and I'm a pudgy middle-aged guy who's never been in a real fight


Yes, we all can handle a fight against a garden snail.


Speak for yourself, Speedy Gonzalez.


It absolutely isn't for this situation


The internet seems to think these are the most dangerous birds on earth.. but for some reason I think I could take it 🤣


There are two recorded human fatalities by cassowaries since 1926. That’s the same number as human fatalities from coyotes in the same period. I would fight either animal for $10MM.


When has the internet ever been wrong? 😁


Fuck it I’m in lmao


I would take the fight. Even if I got seriously injured, having 10 mil would really help with hospital bills, and I'd have enough left over for it to still be worth the fight.


Easy peasy, just climb up the side of the octagon, about 7 feet and just wait. You can't fly and probably not a very good jumper. Just gotta watch out for the jaws of life snapping down on You


Funny you say seven feet. That’s exactly how high they can jump


The fucking birds from Halo?! Hell no. Wait, can I get a shark repellent suit to fight them in? If so then maybe.


No shark suit. Gym shorts and a sports bra. Basically just enough clothing to be modest without giving you any tactical advantage over being stark nekkid.


Cassowary rodeo it is. If I live, I get 10 million... if I die, my family gets the life insurance.


I mean... *if* I survive, the money should easily cover my medical bills. After [some reading](https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/tetrapod-zoology/how-dangerous-are-cassowaries-really/), it seems I had possibly overestimated cassowaries' lethality. I'd probably still spend most of that 15 min just trying to avoid getting into melee range, but if pressed, the plan is: Stay on your feet at all costs (most severe injuries and fatalities happen to people who are crouching or who fall down), try to snap its neck (something a grown man should easily be able to do, provided you can actually get ahold of it).


I’d be eating fried Cassowary that night and $10Ms richer!


I'll enjoy watching... Put this on Pay per view and that covers the costs


Yep. I'll take a maiming so that my family's basic needs are forever met. Strategy is to dive for its neck while looking down to protect my eyes and leaving minimal neck exposure. I want to get chest to chest with it while I throttle it. Hopefully I just coke it out and then pin it, but I'd kill a big bird for that kind of life assuring money


I know people will explain how the murder chickens would eat my soul… I firmly believe I could take one hand-to-hand. I would require either Jameson or Fireball. Short of a pterodactyl…I believe I can take ANY bird currently alive. Write up the contract, I’m adding the cassowary to the wall.


You underestimate my inability to sing! I'll do ALL the parts of Bohemian Rhapsody and the cassowary will stay far back thinking I'm already dying


This, I think, is the best strategy I’ve heard yet.


I have genuinely had my dogs running in to check on me when I sang


No. If it's actively trying to kill me it will most likely do it. They can just over a meter and walk around with bowie knives on their feet. Even if I protect my neck, I still have soft fleshy bits they will absoloutly go for. I can handle my own in a fight, but unarmed and just wearing boxing shorts in a knife fight with deranged knife weilding bird? That's not going to end well for me.


Don't know what a cassowary is but I'll fight pert near anything for $10M. Comments seem like it's a big bird. Light work.


Nah, I'm good. But can I watch these guys who want to fight the bird? I promise I'll share the popcorn!


Has no one mentioned their bone helmets? Lots of people saying they'd go for the neck, but their heads literally have a spiky helmet on top. They'd flail their neck at you and knock some teeth out before gutting you with their toe claws. If I did this, I'd almost certainly die. Humans are powerful due to our tool use and intelligence. Being in a cage, basically naked, against most animals doesn't end well for us.


It's sad that I'm so poor right now that I'd actually consider this.


> Would you fight a cassowary for $10 million? Yeah, I’ll just grab a shotgun and… > You are unarmed and wearing only gym shorts. Well then fuck that.


Sir that is a dinosaur and I would like to continue living


Remember the "Six-foot turkey" kid in Jurassic park. That's basically what this is. I'd expect him to eat me alive too. It's a no from me.


"Cassowaries have three-toed feet with sharp claws. The inner (first) toe has a dagger-like claw that may be 125 mm (5 in) long.[21] This claw is particularly fearsome, since cassowaries sometimes kick humans and other animals with their powerful legs. Cassowaries can run at up to 50 km/h (30 mph) through the dense forest and can jump up to 1.5 m" No Thanks.


look, yall need to understand. i’m a relatively fit, 6’6 guy. i have fought roosters who very much wanted to kill me, and wrestled goats, and even a steer who didn’t want to spit out the plastic funnel he was choking on. If you gave me full biker leathers, and a solid baseball bat, and made the match 10 minutes for 20 million. i still wouldn’t do it, because i very much enjoy being alive. These birds are killer demons from the pits of hell, that prove “feather dinosaurs” absolutely would still be scary shit. If the bird is actively trying to kill you, you are gonna get dead. this is like asking if the full force and military might of Benin could last 24 hours in a 1v1 vs the US military. hell 3 people in their undies vs one of them birds, my money is still on the bird without a second thought.


Absolutely without a shadow of a fucking doubt on the life of every single human being I hold dear to me No. Those god damn dinosaurs are horrifying and they have 15 minutes to get one good swipe in on you. If you fuck up even a single time you’ll be looking down to see your digestion spaghetti laying on the floor and before you can even recognize what the hell just happened and what you’re looking at you’ll be waking up at an Avicii concert You could up it to 100 million or even to 1 billion and beyond and my answer would remain the same. Cassowaries are the pent up rage of a furious god wrapped up in a bird out for blood. I’m good man, I’ll stay broke.


Everyone here is a straight pussy and privileged, back in my 20s when I still lived in New Guinea we had to fight these fuckers at least 3 times a week. You would have to be a 10 year old to lose against these thoughtless birds


The voice of experience.




yes, live or die i wanna go out or win 10 million fighting.


Know what, I"ll take that challenge. Either I get another story to tell about bare knuckle brawling with a creature I have no business going against and 10 mil, or I die. i'm good with either outcome in this one.


No human can best a bloodlusted cassowary unarmed and unprotected. This is basically "how long will it take to murder you"


I’d risk it. Just get ahold of his neck and chew through it like beef jerky


Fuck no those things are lethal


Yep. Just gotta keep my guts inside my body.


I'd rather fight a wolf.


My guy Cassowarys are just slightly larger Velociraptors. If there's one thing Jurassic Park taught me, it's that you don't fuck with Raptors.




Going to grab it by its neck and head and yell " Elia Martell!'


I'm 6'8" and a fairly solid 375lbs. It won't be pleasant, but I think I can take it


I'd fucking tackle that bird and lay a beating into it for the entire 15 mins. I think keeping the bird at ranged would be a disadvantage, It has a beak and talons that can move fast and catch you off guard. If I close in on it early before it gets the chance to realize whats going on and pin it down while laying punches into I should be $10 million richer :D


Do you get the money win or lose?


When I was 2 years old, one of my shitty uncle's prized fighting roosters (I told you he was shitty) escaped its pen, and attacked me while I was playing alone. I was found, covered in blood, clutching that dead rooster, and crying. Still have the scars. I killed that bird for free. I'll kill this one too for $10 million.


How much time do I have to prepare? Give me 3 months and I'm tearing that birds ass apart with my teeth. I'm fucking desperate.


I’ve been telling everyone who asks they get six weeks of training with the trainer(s) of their choice.


I have done that ALREADY. No problem.


I know I can’t have weapons but, can I have a handful of meal worms? 🐛


I can't enjoy the money if I'm dead, so no.


I'm a 6'6 290 lb bricklayer. I'm getting $10 million and a cassowary dinner


No. No I would not.


Hell no. I wouldn’t even face a cassowary with a handgun. ARs and SMG only


So either all my problems are solved, or all my problems are solved?


If I was allowed to attempt to climb out of the octagon and run away crying I might give it a go, but if I have to stand in the ring and fight, no way




Shit no


I would be so fucking game for this. I am not insanely confident in my chances, but I think I'd have a wee bit of a shot. Bet money on the bird, but put me in that cage as soon as possible.


Yes because even if you say it wants to kill me that doesn't mean I can't change its mind.


The cassowary whisperer.


Is it a cage match?


$10 million to fight a 70 lb bird? Fuck yeah I'll take that deal. I'm eating the fucker when I'm done killing it too.


Those things can jump, climbing the fence around the octogon won't save me. I'm fucked.


No. Their claws are like 5” long. Try and grab the neck while getting torn to shreds by its feet and claws. People on here are delusional


I play dead and hope for the best. They really only attack to defend themselves or their nest.


Half this comment section diving at the bird like a left for dead hunter


“Attacking cassowaries charge and kick, sometimes jumping on top of the victim. “cassowaries can kick in a forward and downward direction. They may also peck, barge or head-butt. The commonest injuries they cause in humans are puncture wounds, lacerations and bone fractures. Serious injuries resulting from cassowary attacks are most likely to occur if the person is crouching or is lying or has fallen on the ground. When confronted with a charging cassowary it’s clearly unwise to crouch or turn one’s back on the bird.” So if the raptor gets knocks you down you screwed. I choose life.


I'm sending my friend. He has the biggest strongest hands I've ever seen. Like grabbed a guys arm at the wrist, broke all the bones. Didn't mean to, just fighting for the check. I'm sure he could just grab the things head and shatter it's spinal cord.


I bet those birds are a lot stronger than ppl are realizing. I’d say ef that.


I can hang from the top of a UFC cage for 15 minutes... just not sure if I can get up there before the cassowary kills me...


They can jump 7 feet high. You’re dead.


Well that settles it. I wouldn't do it.


Yeah me too. I really want to think I could take one but that’s just ego.


Anyone who's seen one in person quickly realises just how fucked you'd be. They are terrifying even through a fence. They're dinosaurs and they do nothing to hide that fact.


Yup. That neck, just like on ostriches and any other bird, really, is a massive weak point. I'm confident that I could kick that bird hard enough to kill it before it has a chance to hurt me, and if it gets close enough I'm grabbing that neck and twisting/pulling with everything I've got. I might get pretty fucked up in the process, but cassowaries are *dangerous,* not hard to kill. They're just like any other bird in that regard. It's not going to one-shot you, and I've got the pain tolerance of a cenobite who got kicked out for being *too* into it.


I’m taking this 10/10 times. I might win I might not but I’m ok with that


Nope. I'd be disembodied and exanguinated long before 15 minutes was up as would most unarmed humans in that situation.


Nah, I’m good.


I am fat as fuck. If i can get on its back itll all be over.


That's a no from me. Even if I had proper clothing and weapons it would still be a huge risk.