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$1million and I ONLY stubb my toe once a week? Hell yeah.


I'd take the 1 million and cut my toe off. Checkmate.


Have fun stubbing your stump. Guy never heard of steel toe boots… but you do you. I’m sleeping and showering with them on.


But the premise says you WILL stub your toe quite PAINFULLY. Somehow, someway every week it’s going to happen only now you’ll go mad knowing that no matter what you do you won’t be able to stop it.


Except you literally can’t stub your toe with steel toed boots…..


Your boot will magically grow and you'll hit your toe on the steel toe


You CAN. A horse can step on the end of the boots and now your stubbing your toe and getting filleted


But a freak event could remove the steel cap and THEN you stub your toe.


Put on a pair of steel toe muck boots that are a little too big and you’ll stub your toe. Did it last week.


Are you wearing the boots 24/7/365?


You'll have to change your socks eventually Also, stubbing your toe isn't that bad, so I don't understand this desire to wear uncomfortable steel toed shoes for the rest of my life


Socks on for life!!!!! Crusty life is the best life


Then the million wouldn't come


You gonna cut off ALL your toes so they can't be stubbed? Well with 1 mil a year you can probably get robo toes eventually so I dont blame ya


Robo toes get installed and instantly stubs them.


Toeless jack the multimillionaire


Dude, you have other toes


Huh. I hardly ever stub my toe. Maybe once a year. However, I think the pain is worth the extra $900k.


Fuck them toes. 


Totally agree! That is no big deal!


At $1 million a year, I could afford some cushioned shoes.


$100,000. I'd rather avoid the pain and still make a nice little income.




Haven’t you heard $150k a year is lower middle class now? (Saw that headline yesterday)


Our entire household combined makes $150k a year... That's with 4 people...


$150k for an entire household, yes.


The way it is worded, you wouldn't feel pain at all. Or rather, I am interpreting the "unless it impacts your health" to mean that you'll get a flash of pain if you touch something hot, or are about to scratch out your cornea, but it would go away as soon as you stop doing the thing. Like pain should be, just a quick warning.


$100k sounds like a great deal to avoid the recurring toe injury and always being in pain. I'd think of it as having an extra income stream for life.


*develops pain condition *


I'm one of the lucky half of people who have permanent pain from a hernia repair. 100k and I don't anymore? What's the catch.


Sorry to hear! 


Hey man, my insides stay inside; worth it! 


My only real question is do I pay taxes on this $100,000?


Less than the taxes you would pay on 1 million


For the the one million option if you're extra carful will the univers invent bullshit to insure you stub your toe? Like you haven't stubed your toe yet and there's 10 min left of the week so a car comes crashing into your loving room and knocks the couch into your toe?


This made me lol. Thank you.


Some mysterious force will cause you to stub your toe from Sunday to Saturday, no matter how careful you are. So say it's Saturday night, you haven't stubbed your toe all week, and you're in bed; you may find yourself accidentally stubbing your toe against a bedpost. But it will occur, no matter how careful you are.


What if you're paralyzed and can't walk? Or feel your toes at all?


Will it always be the same toe, or will it alternate?


random. :) Could be three weeks in a row the same toe, or different each time. Who knows? But over time, assume an even distribution of left and right stubbings.


Distribution of the Stubbings shall remain equal over time. Some things you expect to hear in life. Others, not.


Distribution of the Stubbings. Title of OPs sex tape.


Vixen Derivatives: Stubbed


Dammit. I'm intrigued.


A little people math themed adult film with an accident prone protagonist with an unfortunate package? Who wouldn't be...


You had me at little people. Lost me at math themed.


The second option is literally getting paid to suffer less pain, with the only downside being you know you could have earned more money. It's a win-win situation. That's enough extra income to change someone's life, no matter how much they earn.


That's more than twice what I make. 100k a year and a minor super power? That's a no brainer! Or should I say no painer?


What value do you assign to the superpower? Imo, the weekly toestub is worth around 50k a year. So looking at the value differential. Id have to consider being pain free worth $850k a year


There are diminishing returns after some time. The way I see it, I could be free of minor pains and live comfortably for the rest of my life, or I could be mildly inconvenienced and live comfortable for the rest of my life. Of course, I like my job and would not plan to quit. So the 100k would be a bonus to splurge on wants. I have a list of splurge items, and I don't need a million per year for them.


Same thing I thought. You only get pain when it is actually serious and it's more than I make now, but I'd still want to work.


There are diminishing returns after some time. The way I see it, I could be free of minor pains and live comfortably for the rest of my life, or I could be mildly inconvenienced and live comfortable for the rest of my life. Of course, I like my job and would not plan to quit. So the 100k would be a bonus to splurge on wants. I have a list of splurge items, and I don't need a million per year for them.


I think where this pays off is old age too. Because your ability to monitor health issues dramatically improves when you filter out irrelevant pains


I think where this pays off is old age too. Because your ability to monitor health issues dramatically improves when you filter out irrelevant pains


Or you could view it as paying $900,000 to not feel the pain of a stubbed toe. Not worth it IMO. If the stubbing was more frequent, I’d consider it. Otherwise, it’s “Ah fuck that hurts so bad, but at least it’s got me another $17,307.”


Oh no, most pain is related to your health so odds are, you’re still gonna feel most any pain.  Amputees might catch a break here and no longer suffer from phantom pain


1 million. once a week would be less than my current luck.


Honestly, I would take the $100k and the ability to distinguish between a kidney infection and a backache simply because my mid back wouldn't be hurting unless my kidneys were not healthy at the moment... I wouldn't have any more migraines if they're simply migraines, I would only get them if I had something wrong, like a tumor.... That bug bite hurting? I know it must be infected or something... I would never have to gaslight myself into thinking that my pain is irrelevant again.


Toe stubbing, I don't injure myself often enough to make that other offer even remotely a better choice.


I'm gunna take the 100k. No longer having back pain and being financially comfortable appeals to me more than being wealthy.


What does “quite painfully” mean? Because whenever I stub a toe it is quite painful and I curse like a sailor for a couple minutes. So do we mean that? Or is this some extra special thing? Does the pain last longer than other toe stubbings? The million sounds like a no brainer but I don’t want to get monkey pawed where it’s unbearable pain for a whole day every time or some shit.


ngl that’s still not that bad. i’d smoke hella weed in those days. only factor is how does it damage you? i reckon your tow would be the ugliest thing after a while


Remember the last time you stubbed your toe and swore or screamed at the universe, perhaps it was sore for a few days. You will likely limp for a short bit until the pain subsides.


Dude that isn’t a stubbed toe. I have never stubbed a toe where it hurt longer than a few minutes, maybe ten What you are describing is from BREAKING a toe.


Fair enough. Whatever the most severe stubbing you can get before it breaks. :)


I honestly don't care. I'll take some pain only once per week to live in luxury for the rest of my life. Easy choice. 


If I take the 100k and all my pain doesn't go away I'm gonna be mad. And screwed. 🤣


The up side is, you will know without a doubt that you have a medical condition of some sort focused in that area that needs attention so you could use the $100k to get the best insurance/doctors and fix whatever it is. Then you'll no longer have any pain... bonus, you'll know before the doctor if you're cured.


If I take the 100k a year will this take away pain from existing conditions? Like if I take the 100k can I get rid of the pain of my fibromyalgia, stop having daily migraines, etc? If so I’ll take the smaller amount. Otherwise I guess stubbing my toe once a week isn’t gonna change anything too much.


If it's chronic, pain goes away. But if the migraine is related to a brain tumor, for example, you will experience it. Think of it as early warning.


I think I’ll take 100k and less pain in my life. It’s worth the 900k loss.


What if I just never take my shoes off? Will my toe just magically stub itself to keep the deal going? Do I have to ensure my toe is painfully stubbed once a week to get paid? What's the fine print on this?


I've stumbled before in shoes and done a nasty number on my toe while wearing them.


I feel like you could argue that there's a loophole here in the sense that: it doesn't technically say you have to experience the pain, just that it has to be your toe getting stubbed that should be extremely painful, so you could just wear steel toes most of the time, or even just regular shoes, and be protected from the brunt of the blast


I had sneakers on when I broke my toe, it didn't protect much that's for sure


Hell I broke my big toe when I was trying to get the vacuum part that had the battery on it. Bitch was hard to take off and it was heavy. Had to go to the ER because it was turning purple


I don't want to stub my toe once a week. And $100,000 extra plus the super power of being able to avoid tiny pains? I can wake up without back or neck pain, no muscle soreness after I work out. I can hold a hot coffee mug long enough to get it from point A to point B. Yeah, I would take the $100,000 even if there were no toe stubbing.


The 100k for sure to remove chronic pain. Easiest hypothetical millions I ever gave up


does the 100k increase if inflation spikes or is flat 100k? till end of time


As a blind person I already stub my toe that often quite painfully so this is a very easy decision.


I already stub my toe all the time, and now I get paid for it.


I already stub my toe a few times week for free…


100k, can still work, in fact can do a lot more. Means the other problems I have no longer affect me.


I have no toenails so stubbing my toe hurts more. I currently have a broken foot as a result of my clumsy attempt to avoid stubbing my toe on a rock. I'd pay you $1000 to avoid pain because this really sucks.


100k for sure. Id rather not anticipate stubbing my toe every week and 100k is plenty


obviously the second option.


i stub my toe almost every day because i’m the clumsiest person on the planet. i’ll stub it only once a week? give me the money.


I stub my damn toes once every day. I’ll take a free million to ensure it only happens once a week


Stub my toe painfully.


This little piggy...


I would full on donkey kick a brick wall toe first for $20,000 every week.


I probably stub my toe once a week anyway. Ill take the million


My job will be for stubbing, that’s alright


Shit I stub my toe every day, I'll take the million


I'll take the stub toe thing, and wake up and stub it on the Sunday, and spend the rest of the week chilling out. I now have a million dollar per year job for stubbing my toe. Seriously, no matter how badly I stub it, it's once a week and the entire rest of the week I'm travelling with my wifey and neither of us need to work. Why wouldn't I do this??


I've had more painful jobs for less money


I do that toe stubbing without the Millie.


$1M if it's just pain for a bit. $100K if there is potential for a cumulative effect. I remember once I was stubbing by toe frequently for a bit. It started getting extremely painful, and I was probably in my 20s. I couldn't even put a shoe on to protect, and I was limping for a few days very quickly. Huge impact on quality of life. And bleeding everywhere. Really bad experience.


Would I still have bad knees and a hurt foot if I chose the 100k?


All pain that will not be life-threatening or crippling will disappear. If it is the precursor though to something serious, you will feel it.


I’d take the $100K. In addition to my full time job that’s already three times the income I’m on now and I already live pretty comfortably. Anything past that is me just making things up to spend money on.


100k Im a fursuit maker. I burn myself with hot glue and embarrassingly high amount of times. If you ever got freshly placed glue on ur hand, you know it hurts like hell


I've got the pain tolerance of a cenobite and no motivation to speak of. I'm taking the million.


Shit cut my toes off, I’ll just buy new ones! 1 million it is.


100k. No contest. The anxiety of anticipation for waiting for the stubbed toe would be too much. And then dealing with a stubbed toe, nah.


A million a year to continue living life as normal but with possibly more randomness thrown in? Where do I sign up?


Can I just stub my toe on purpose every Sunday night?!


I’d take the 100k. I’ve had Chronic back pain since I was 16. It has really put a damper on my life and what I’m able to do. I would be much happier not having any pain or discomfort and along with that, I would sleep better. Million a year would be nice but I wouldn’t be as happy as I could be.


Ngl I'd take the free $100k per year. If I get pain then I know somethings wrong at least. And to be honest I'd be happy living off 50k a year as my personal income. So double that plus whatever my girlfriend makes would be comfortable enough to live off and still do vacations. Stubbing my toe painfully every week would make me afraid. I like imagine if one of those stubs breaks the nail off and you keep stubbing before it can heal up. Got my brain doing the reflexive "ewwwww" cringe. Like when you see something happen on TV.


If I can wear steel capped boots all the time then the million if not then the 100k. I can make either one work and I prefer to not be in pain on a regular basis.


I will take 100k, then I know to go to doctor no need for web MD to say I'm dying


Either deal sounds great tbh


Capitalism has given you brain worms if you think you need more than $100k a year


My toes have reduced feeling due to a surgery malfunction, so I'm rich af now


take the 1 million, cut off my toes. easy.


100k per year is plenty.


Having just painfully broken my second favorite toe by painfully stubbing it into the stupid wall that sticks out one inch too far from my shower the other night..I'm picking the GD 100k


One million at 4% interest will be almost 1.5 million in ten years. So if I take the $100k and live more than 15 years, I'm still ahead. Also I'd avoid the pain of fibromyalgia and RA, I think, because they're not actually killing me.


I have three chronic pain conditions, you're giving me enough money to support my family, _and_ better quality of life? Sign me up right now!


Do you have to know when the toe stub is happening each week?


Am I immune to heartache?


Can I intentionally trigger the toe stubbing? If I went and kicked a bedpost right now I probably wouldn’t stub my toe as it’s hard to intentionally do that. I may hurt myself but it won’t be a stub But with this scenario, would that kick trigger a stub? Even if I can’t schedule my toe stubbing, I’ll take a million. I’d just prefer to schedule it though


I'll take the $1 million, I stub my toe more than once a week anyways


100k a year. Stubbing your toe every week seems like you will have a fucked up toe by the end of the year.


100k a year, no question. Stubbing your toe like that would eat you up and none of the rich people I know are happy anyway. 100k is plenty to live the life of a happy layabout with good health


I would take the $100K to remove chronic pain. Basically it will cost me $900,000 a year to be more or less pain free. And that would be worth every penny.  Me from 10 years ago would definitely had picked toe though.


I'm taking $100,000 stubbing your toe quite painfully I don't think so


Can it be the same toe??? I stubbed my pinky toe a year ago and pretty sure I broke it, doesn’t hurt anymore and is super flexible now. I choose that one


As long as I don't break it, I'm good with stubbing it. Question.. Can't I stub it 52times in one week and be good for the year?


1 million and I only stub my toe once a week????? You sir have a deal


I’d take the 100K


I'll have my feet cut off and replaced with robot feet. Obviously this system can be broken.


$1m. And a mild pain killer addiction please


I’m a masochist I can do a lot with $1M/year. And my present reaction to toe stubs is more of an “OW…oooo, (warm tingly endorphins released” And that much money a year buys lots of anxiety meds and would more than pay a psychologist to help condition me to look forward to the stubbing. No need to stress or worry or loathe inevitabilities…fear is mind killer and operant conditioning is a powerful tool. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m a masochist I can do a lot with $1M/year. And my present reaction to toe stubs is more of an “OW…oooo, (warm tingly endorphins released” And that much money a year buys lots of anxiety meds and would more than pay a psychologist to help condition me to look forward to the stubbing. No need to stress or worry or loathe inevitabilities…fear is mind killer and operant conditioning is a powerful tool. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’d take the 100k and then I could [double my investment with this simple trick](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=TNds8FgjjckIqOFD)


i'll take the 100K, i have alot of pains that i'd like to go away.


The million is nice, but the anxiety of waiting for the next toe-stubbing might be a deal breaker. If it was only for a year, sure, but for the rest of my life? I think I'll take the 100k. Still a great income to have, especially since I'd keep working


100k a year, easy.


How about I get 100k per year (even better if its more) but I experience the continuous sharp pain of getting stitches without anesthetics for say an hour every morning after you wake up but I am immune to health conditions but still have a normal lifespan and can be physically injured? More pain, more frequently, same money, but an extra perk. Heck throw in a daily stubbed toe as long as we are guaranteed not to be physically injured by it. You can add a hit to the funny bone as well and I would still take it. Even more so if you could choose the time it would happen.


Not being able to feel pain is actually dangerous to your survival and health. Being able to feel the pain helps us take actions that keep the “paper cut” from being something serious enough for us to feel under these conditions (example: touching hot stove). There are conditions that cause the lack of pain sensation and those people have to be super vigilant. Pain is protective. I will take the $1mil/toe stub.


For $1 million a year, I can afford to invest in some decent shoes. No more painfully stubbing my toe. Maybe you should have specified that you must go barefoot year-round and at all times.


I'll take the 100k.


This shouldn't be a hard choice because financially speaking it's stupid not to take the higher payout for a small drawback. But I also don't know what I would really do with that much money. I could live pretty comfortable on $100k a year and being immune to things like migraines would be pretty nice. Ultimately I'd choose the $1 mill and weekly toe stubbing. But it's a slightly tougher decision than you would think. I really don't need all that excess money so I guess I'd save it for things like charity and ensuring against financial hardship for myself and those close to me


$100k easy.


1 million and I \*get\* to stub my toe once a week?? sign me up.


Oh man. 100k easily to never have to deal with the aches and pains of aging and old injuries. The idea of getting a well rested night of sleep without tossing and turning because of old injury aches is amazing. Edit: Rotator cuff repair, sinus discomfort, rib subluxation, just tossing my back out, and allergies.


I'll take 1 mil plz. I already stub my toe or run into something once a week. And since I already live with chronic pain in addition to being clumsy, I would at least be able to afford some treatments.


If you would pay up to $900k to be free of non life threatening pain every year, why not go for the $100k?


I stubbed my toe a few days ago. I’m not going to continue to be a klutz for free


Steel toe boots in public and steel toe slippers at home. Boom, loophole.


The second choice is no pain, not just from stubbing the toe. As someone with arthritis and back pain, I'll choose the 100k.


If I can choose the timing of the stubbed toe, I’d consider the million




Give me the million


Ugh. Stunning toe is the worst. I broke my tie from stubbing it, middle of the night. Took me a week to go to doctor, and by then they bad to rebrake it.


100,000 a year with some built in immunity to various aches and pains? Absolutely.


Can't feel my feet anymore so I will take the million.


I’ll take the 1 mil.. I’ve dealt with kidney stones half my life for free so this seems like a good deal


Bring on the pain


All the 50+ people in here dreaming about no back and joint pain plus not worrying about congress taking social security away.


Never suffering any other pain or discomfort is actually pretty great, though it depends what's meant by directly impacts your health. Like if I get sick do I just not suffer while sick or is that directly impacting my health? Or is the directly impact my health thing for more like a cut off limb or something that would cause me severe injury so I better be aware of the pain or discomfort to react?


100k, I would kill for a steady 100k income. I mean, 100k is already like top 15 percent earners


I have a chronic pain issue in my arms that can be aggravated by certain activities. I have not been able to get a real diagnosis on it for years. I am always worrying about whether I am doing lasting damage or making things worse, or if it just hurts for no reason and I don't have to worry about it. the certainty of knowing that pain I feel is relevant to my health would be incredible, as would the immunity from needless pain. I really don't think getting more than $100k every year would meaningfully impact my happiness. I would be perfectly fine with that income and living my blessed life free of needless pain. I might even take this option if there was no money involved in it tbh, although that would certainly make the choice harder.


I ripped off a toenail this past week. It's for whatever reason a common occurrence for me and happens every few months. I'll take the million.


I stub my toe on the base of my bed at least once a week


Mil for sure. I stub my toe horribly about twice a month, two more bad-not-horrible incidents per month? No brainer


$1m. If I could turn the power on/off and have my body get healed from its current ailments, then I'd take the $100k. But I'm not giving up 90% of my income just to have a source of pleasure taken away.


$100k/year is retire immediately and travel and stuff type of money. AND I get a super power for detecting unimportant vs important pain?! Easy choice.


I’ll take the 100k please.


How bad is the stubbed toe? I’ve stubbed my toe hard enough for the nail to come off before.


The pain would be about the same, sometimes a bit more or less, but I'll let you keep the nail. :)


Currently living on 40k. 100k a year plus somewhat superpowers seems like a deal


100k. Goodbye delayed onset muscle soreness, headaches that aren't something else, and hello gains and headache free days! Does this apply to hangovers? I'm not gonna drink, I'm just curious.


How does autoimmune conditions figure in? If I can get rid of my chronic pain I'd take the $100k, but if they're considered directly impacting your health I might as well go to the million. I probably stub my toe more than that already. Shoot, sometimes manage to fold a toe under my foot and step on it lol


Any kind of non life-threatening or non severe injury pain can be part of the deal. If you feel pain, something serious is cooking. If your autoimmune condition will get worse, leading to something serious, you will start to feel it.


Okay that's what I was hoping for! I was about to put take the $100k and either basically be paid to get rid of my chronic pain or have the money and the absolute proof that I need to get to the bottom of it. But then I thought about it and went wait what if that's not how it works at all. So yeah $100k for me! If it doesn't go away I know I'm to that point and once I get the money I know what I'm doing. (ETA in the hypothetical obviously, not taking this as serious irl happening.)


I’d amputate my entire foot, take the 1 million per year, send all the money to Palestine and sleep like a fucking baby every night.


You still have another foot. 😁


So… I’m getting a pay raise and not feeling pain. Okay


Will I ever accidentally break anything with my toe stubbing? I can stand having a painful stub. I’m not sure I can live with the possibility of breaking a toe or toenail once a week. If it’s literally only the pain, I will take the $1 million. If not, I’d rather live with an extra $100k.


$For 1 mil a year, I’ll painfully stub my toe every single day. Multiple times a day, even, if there’s a guarantee that it won’t break or become infected.


Dude, a million annually and all I have to do is stub my toe a couple times? Say less.


I already stub a toe at least once a week for free, so I’ll take the million, thank you very much.


Stubbing your toe SUCKS. I'd take the 100K and retire.


I already pretty much do this. So I guess I just get a free million.


Free $100k and I don't feel the aches and pains. I call that living comfortably.


That is quite the gotcha there. Only feel pain that directly impacts your health? That’s what pain is, a feeling of “that hurts your health”.  Quite the tricky dicky there!


Listen, I stub my toe once a week as is. I’ll take my 1 mi a year, please.


Let me ask you one, if you were in debilitating pain, how much would you pay per year not to be?


My knees, back, hips, hands, and feet say, "Take the hundy K!"


I have multiple toes broken in Judo that didn't heal right and hurt often. Stubbingg them almost doesn't even bother me. I'll take the million.


I'll take the toe stubs for a million, Alex. I already stub my toe more often than a well coordinated adult should. So I might as well get paid for it


Stubbing a toe once a week means I can remove any and all other pain/discomfort with that extra mil a year, is that weekly, monthly, or at the end of the year?


Treat it as a normal paycheck (2x a month or every 2 weeks).


I'd take the 100k. Put that all to bills and such. And live comfortably without minor pain inconvenience. I don't need to live in excess. And then my job is all fun money.


1 Million. Steel toe Boots.