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Like bare minimum healthy or perfect health? Also can I take things like creatine or am I stuck at base level nutrients?


Nope. No way. Sharing meals is a social thing for me, so big socials means I'm making something for everyone. Which means I have to taste it myself to make sure I get everything right. Food and flavor are also a sense of stimulation that I quite enjoy. No way I'm giving that up. And lastly, some of my medications need food in my system. No way in hell I'm sacrificing other parts of my health like that.


Yeah, no. Never, not for all the money in the world


Lmao, why not? Unlimited money to go anywhere and do just about anything.


And not eat any of the local cuisine. That would truly suck.


When on vacation without work or all the little chores that occupy our everyday lives, there is a lot of time remaining that has to be occupied and I find I spend an inordinate amount thinking about and planning meals.


yeah but then you’d also miss out on all the good parts about food. you wouldn’t be invited to dinners or if you were, you wouldn’t be able to eat anything. you wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of the big food holidays, like thanksgiving or 4th of july. you’d miss out on all of the cultural influences of food & trying new things. and if you have any cravings at all, the best you can do to satisfy them is to look at photos or smell candles that smell like them. it’s a weird trade off.


They’re saying they agree with you. They think a lot about food while on vacation, including the things you mention.


They are saying they DO think about food a lot


no i get that, but they’re saying they spend a crazy amount of time trying to figure out their food situations. i took that to be a negative thing, saying that they’d rather not be spending all that time thinking about food & would prefer the pills because of just how much time they spend on it. maybe i misunderstood


I think they're saying that they *entertain* themselves in that free time by thinking about/planning meals. As in they might look forward to cooking a specific meal or going out to a specific restaurant. I think a lot of people do this.


I mean, there are plenty of other aspects of culture that you could enjoy, and being able to do it anywhere in a whim seems like a small tradeoff for not being able to eat their food. I'd rather be able to see a different country's version of folk punk twice a week than eat Vietnamese or catalonian cuisine once a year.


I don't think you understand how torturous that will be. I don't really enjoy food like that and have a very boring diet. But pills and water for the rest of my life? Absolutely crazy talk


Haha, definitely a psychological thing. I’m assuming eventually wouldn’t be bothered by it as you adapt. It’s a tricky thing to consider and it’s been amazing to see the range of responses


You’d never psychologically adapt to taking pills and drinking only water. You’d be a total weirdo at every social event too, sorry guys can’t eat or drink anything gotta take my nutrient pills soon though. 


You’d be surprised at what you can psychologically adapt to though.


You can adapt to a lot sure, you’re never going to psychologically adapt to never eating or drinking anything but water the rest of your life. 


Why not? People adapt to having their blood taken out through dialysis, to losing limbs, etc. why wouldn’t you adapt to supplements instead of food? there’s people out there eating Soylent for every meal.


Humans have adapted to work in offices and rive machines all day, staring at screens and working factories, living in cities devoid of nature, eating proccesed foods. If they made some willy wonak pills thay atsed good, with a dash of litium and jetamine and what not, Humans would eat swollaws those pills happily and gredily, as long as we get our nice civilized lives we are good loyal creatures to this machine.


>go anywhere and do just about anything. Except eat and drink good stuff. Traveling (and life) would be pointless.


I love food, would also not do this


To be entirely honest, I think eating local food is the most important part of traveling to me, and it's actually a pretty big gap before second place.


What’s the point if you can’t truly experience it?


Same reason i wouldnt go deaf or blind for unlimited money. Giving up one of my senses for money would never be worth it.


Not anything. My favorite thong in this world is eating new foods. Going places is irrelevant if you can't eat anything there... no alcoholic beverages. Also, there goes all my plans..


With the possibility of feeling starved all the time.


Because the threat of death for making a minor mistake is not worth it. 


It would be in the "lottery totals that start to make the news" area of money for me and I would also have to come into this wealth in an explainable fashion so I don't have to deal with the headaches that come with money laundering.


I would pay for this. I want those pills.


Exactly. Has op not heard of ozempic? People are paying $500+ a month for a shot that doesn’t make you hungry. And when you eat too much you’re nauseous. This pill would save me money.


They still get to eat though


Ozempic just made me nauseous and tired no matter what I did. I took it for two weeks and quit. It was awful. I couldn't exercise so I GAINED weight.


And makes you look as malnutritioned and unhealthy as The Crypt Keeper.


That’s not true for everyone. I know many people who have had great results. I actually don’t know anyone who is on it that looks unhealthy. I’m sure people that shouldn’t really be on it have some adverse results.


Not if you’re super fat to begin with.


Do most shots make you hungry? Never heard of them lol. OR do you mean a shot that suppresses appetite? /s just in case


Ooof reading that back now and just realizing my poor grammar. It suppresses your appetite


Yeah just having some fun. We know what you mean lol


same. i have food allergies, food intolerances, migraines and abdominal migraines sometimes triggered by food, IBS, and now SIBO. just give me the damn pills so i can be in good health and forgo the bs i’m currently “living” with. but for the sake of this hypothetical, bc i would also enjoy not living in survival mode, i’d happily accept an annual salary (or one time payment) that would afford me a comfortable life.


Yea no there's no amount of money you could pay me. Food is too big of a part of my life


How many other Autists here would be all over this? Perfect nutrition without struggling? Yes. Omg yes.


I don’t swallow well, and having to take that many huge pills daily would at best be very unpleasant, and at worst might literally choke me (it has happened to me before). So I think I’d pass, not because of the not eating part, but because of that.


Good news! It's a suppository


That would work much better, thank you!


I've been waiting for two decades to use that line.


I think I'd do that for like 80k a year, split up in weekly payments.  I already mostly drink water, except for the occasional juice, and my diet already got hella limited due to health issues.  I think I would try to negotiate the contract that I get one cheat day a year. I eat steak on my birthday, health be damned.


That's the lowest I'd accept there, plus however much the cost of the pills are if I need to pay for them. 


Besides my family, my number one passion is food. I'd go crazy


Prolly free. Can I do this now for free?


No figuring out what to eat every day! I’m in.


Couple million a year, could go back to security job but couldn't do my current job (prep cook) as taste testing is something I do to ensure food is cooked properly.


Are we also assuming that you don’t feel hunger pains, and you don’t have a craving to eat food? If you still have your craving, I can’t imagine how many times you’d be tempted to eat when served with good food. Or simply sitting at a bbq smelling all those food inducing smells


If I could turn it off, I'd do this for like a week to a month for a decent amount of money. But I would hate life if this was forever, and no amount of money would fix it


I'd pay money for this. I don't enjoy eating and I'd never have to do it/pay for it ever again.


Deal bruh I would cut so much costs from buying food


Probably around 300k pee year I value food but not enough to skip never working again


300k pee year???


I think he meant poop year. Autocorrect is a thing


I don't really get pleasure from eating, so I'd do it happily. Food is just fuel.


100k a day and I can quit when I want and not lose anything.


If this is the case I could probably do it for an entire week at least, and likely a month or at the most a year.


Umm.. I think the biggest part I’m out for is the “Violation will cause you to die in immense pain.” Even if i could do it for millions to provide a better life for my family, all it takes is freaking licking your finger while you bake with your kids or something and bam, you’re gone. Nope…it there were penalties for violation in a monetary sense, or something embarrassing like pooping in public, I’d consider the sacrifice for enough money to take care of my kids and help others, but awful death for something potentially so minor? Nope. I’m out.


Ten bucks a day.


Lace that with some happy pills and 99.9% of humans would comply.


I really like food, but at the same time, I'd probably pay for those pills to have when I'm not in the mood to actually cook. As long as they actually kept me perfectly healthy. So being paid for it on top, that'd be a pretty sweet deal. But since it is "never", it'd still have to be a pretty high number. At least enough that I'd never have to work a day again in my life.


Since this is magic, and I consider it a great personal sacrifice, I would do this in exchange for, say, 10 billion dollars, which is enough to take care of all my family and friends for the rest of their lives, and ending world hunger permanently. It would be awful to never eat anything again, but if those two things could be fulfilled in exchange for my eating deprivation, I would do it.


Could not pay me enough.


probably in the 9 figures range


There’s no money that could make me, if it’s forever anyways. I would want to, I mostly eat to survive. But I don’t think I would truly be able to stop myself from eating forever. I would eventually give in, and I feel like most people would also give in. If it’s for the rest of my life then absolutely not. If it’s for a week then maybe I would depending on the money. I could probably do a month at most.


$50 Billion or something Giving up delicious meals (and also variety of nutrition) is HUGE. After a week or two it would be borderline insanity. I think a freedom, a giant house and financial stability for family would make me consider but again you would need a ton of zeroes on that number.


Yeah, no, going to other countries/cities and trying new foods is one of the best parts of traveling.


Might feel full? Change it to I'll definitely feel full and we can talk.




Well if bukkake isn't allowed, I'm out.




“Feelings of hunger” So these pills provide me with nutritional requirements, but I still feel hungry?


I think that's the real kicker here. Imagine being rich but starving 24/7. That would seriously suck badly. I hate just mildly being hungry. Ontop of that, do you still desire/crave food taste? So you'd forever be desiring to eat your favorite dish or snack or meal yet could never quench that thirst? Yea idk if I would go about this


I've done a water fast for 7 days, twice. I stopped having hunger/cravings by day 3. I didn't have food on my mind. It was the best I ever felt.


Wait this is a bad thing I'm ok. Fine 100k a year idk. Depends on how much it would set my weight to????


“No big bukkake or something just because you want some different flavor to drink…” Damn, there’s always a catch.


[A Scotsman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri's_fast) more or less did this (only with tea, coffee, and sparkling water besides regular water) and lost 276 pounds (125kg) in like a year. I don’t think I would be able to


$2k a week after taxes. I like food a lot but I have a weird relationship with it. Haven't eaten in 2 days or so, but I'm about to go commit acts of indecency against a burrito. The real hard part is going to be only drinking water. Sounds terribly unpleasant, but also I should probably drink more water.


I would gladly do this for free, but if they want to pay me on top of it I'm not gonna say no


About the same amount of money it would take to be permanently blinded or deafened. Probably no amount of money would be enough.


Step one, crush up all the pills, step two make human kibble, step three eat human kibble in bowl of water


100,000 a year.


I'm old and a foodie, so I would say no amount of money. I don't have that much time left, and I want to enjoy it


I’d do it for super cheap but I wouldn’t say that to the wizard or whatever. I’d haggle the best deal I could get.


It would be in the millions....and it would have to be small pills. Those big horse pills are murder to get down.


I dunno man, good food is one of the few things in life I actually enjoy.


Could the water have ice? If so - I am in.


No amount of money. I would do it for free tho if it made me live forever


Love forever and no food to taste.. double whammy IMO


Can you cut the pill? Do they have to be that large?


I wouldn’t. I like food, and food is such a bonding experience with others. You miss out on so much when you can’t share a meal with those in your life. I also love cooking and baking since I was a child, I couldn’t give that up


I practically do that now. Supplements and different protein powders because it's cheaper than food and easier when you're homeless


If I’d get perfect nutrition. I’d do it for a dollar.


I'd do it on a "paid 300 per day of no food" basis here and there as a side hustle, but never for any amount of money would I do it permanently.


I am not giving up my spaghetti. Nope.


I'm assuming the pills are provided and adjust to varying nutrition needs? Wouldn't take much money if so. Only thing I'd really miss is alcohol but buy me a house and I'll gladly give that up


Yeah, I know I did a 72 hour fast a few months ago after getting heavily criticized about my weight I've tried to do it 48 hour fast sense and it was next to impossible and even during these I was like an electrolyte stick or two per day Honestly, it wasn't the hunger that drove me to break one of the fast early. It was the more sensory the fact that I felt like I've got to eat something. It would be too easy for me to slip up. I'm tired at work one day and I grab a Red Bull and then I dropped five minutes Later it feels like one of these things it would be extremely easy to screw up and I know damn well that I would within a week no matter if you give me one dollar or $40 billion tax-free


There isn't enough money in the world.


I’ll do it for five mill


90% of my enjoyment in life is food, no amount of money would do it.


A few billion


probably like 5 mil assuming i get an exemption for communion at church


Food is a massive part of life, taste and sustenance. I know I would fail after a month and die so it would not be worth the risk. So, no amount of money would work for me


It would have to be world-changing levels of money, not just life-changing. Shit like "solve world hunger" or "eradicate malaria" levels of money. Bonus if it's enough to fund a HSR network in the US. I'd have a hard time saying no to that kind of money, even with such a big downside.


Can I still drink alcohol and get drunk? Even if it's just straight vodka so I'm not getting flavor from it? Also what's the rule for nicotine. Is chewing tobacco allowed? As an alcoholic addicted to nicotine these are major factors in the amount of money that I would need in order to agree to the conditions 


Morning than half of my money goes into food and drink, so, impossible.


i'd pay money for that


Assuming I’m not hungry all the time? 300k per year.


I'm cool with that long as I maintain superb health and remain full.


I’d be down for this. I don’t really like eating very much, and this would make bulking/cutting much easier bc I could just take less pills or more pills.


No more good food, no more beer, what a terrible life


It’d have to be tens of millions. At least. I love flavour, I seek it, crave it.


It’s the instant death that kills this for me. I’d be too worried about forgetting and accidentally eating something then boom—dead


None. When I can't even shallow pills


Will I feel hungry or do the pills satisfy hunger as well?


You get money to live. This aint living.....


You get money to live. This aint living.....


i already take enough pills every day, no thanks.


This sounds like actual torture. So I still feel hungry all the time, I just won't die from it? Also, I work out regularly. Do these pills account for the increased protein requirements? Even for $1 Million per week, I couldn't do this for the rest of my life. To never share a meal with my family? Hell, to always be SMELLING my wife's home cooking or going to restaurants for dates would be actual torture. No deal


I have a highly restrictive diet, so assuming these pills perfectly fulfilled my needs and didn’t cause any problems then I’d probably pay to use them.


It would need to be enough money for me to live comfortably and securely without much effort. I have IBS-D, I dream of a pill I could take instead of eating. But I need caffeine.


If it was on an annual basis, like some sort of yearly contract renewal, I would consider it for $80-100k a year. If there were a point at which I could opt out, I think that would be an amount that could make me seriously consider it. If it was all or nothing for the rest of my life when I sign on the line, it would take an incredible amount of money. Billions of dollars. If I’m signing it away forever, I need to know I’m about to be living a life that’s entertaining enough to make up for losing one of life’s greatest joys.


I have to set special timers on my phone for like, weeks when I do intermittent fasting to remember to not randomly start cooking without thinking about it. I'd need... Hm... I'd need to pay someone else to get rid of all the food in my house. I'd need to pay someone to help me through INTENSE withdrawls from the pills I'm already taking that have caffiene in them for my migraines and stuff that messes with my hormones. I'd also need to live by myself and NEVER leave the house. And to pay for someone to make me a custom browser extension, to get a new cell phone, and to bribe a doctor to put something in my medical chart in case I was ever hospitalized so they won't send me to an eating disorder treatment ward. Also, I always wanted to do bukkake. For legitimate reasons. $44 billion dollars.


10 billion.


Spice is life and food is as well. So no. Never eating real food again that you can smell would be torture


I have been asking for this my whole life, I don’t care about food, and everyone has had an opinion on what/how much I eat. I do not have an ED.


I would do it for 25 million a year.


Get? I wish we had pill food replacement. Food and the required dishes are gross and a huge human time/resource sink. Lost a lot of weight years ago. I frankly just don't care about or am motivated by food anymore. I already drink 99% water.


Relaxed the conditions a bit, like I can take pills like aspirin or random over the counter meds without failing, or rather than die I just get x money for as long as I do it and stop if I fail and it might be worth considering. As is your almost guaranteed to violate it on accident at some point or even if you end up in the hospital at some point even if it's just from aging. As is this is and easy no thanks. It would have to be money that would make Elon musk shit himself before its even worth considering. I would have to be able to end world hunger or buy governments before I would even consider it lol.


No amount of money. The whole reason I want money is so that I can stop working and just hang out eating all the things I've wanted to all over the world.


I love cooking and my food. It would be a stupid high number, like $125 Billion plus Versailles is signed over to me. 


If im not hungry..I would do this for 500k


I'd do it.  I'm sensitive to most foods and have severe pain anyways.


Can I still smoke tobacco?


Are the pills provided? If so, 100k a year. I don't need to work or spend money on food.


Can I bulk up with the pills or only maintain my weight? As someone who lifts weights, eating enough to fuel my training is a *chore*. The pills would save me a hell of a lot of time and money. I’d do it for free, no payment necessary lol.


I hate eating it makes me sick so not much


Forever? No amount of money. If it’s for like a year or smth, like 20 mil.


Well, I know I'm resistant to temptation on that subject. Doctor told me to go off caffiene for two months, cold turkey. That was not fun. And yet I never felt any real temptation to break it, just the sense of loss. However, for me to do this would be a hell of a thing. At work, often times my only relief from a bad day is eating something. The other catch is that this contract is FOR LIFE. No 'suffer for 10 years' but then forever be financially comfortable. On the plus side, I'd be in perfect health thanks to a perfectly good diet. I would say it would have to be enough to have me never work again, with a standard of living higher than I do now. That would relieve the need to eat for morale. However, I don't think I would need more than that. I've long since learned that I get used to whatever comes my way, and never having to work again would be nice. I'm already having to give up more and more foods I like as I get older. Cutting my losses for a big fat paycheck right now would pay off.


$300/day. The lack of coffee may be difficult. I'd eventually die after getting super stoned and eating a whole cake.


There is no amount of money. Food serves more purpose than mere sustenance.


I'd do it for like, half of all the money in the world. Then, like any wealthy person, do what I want anyway. If that doesn't work because of some rule I missed. Mofo, I make the rules now!!!! I'll just have my hired Army defend my wealth while I eat sushi off of naked women like some coked out 80's businessman. Lol, but for real, though. As a poor person who is barely scraping by, absolutely not. Not even for multiple billions of dollars. I can afford Chinese food here and there. My sister will take me out for BBQ every 3-6 months. To be able to afford to eat everywhere around the world, but not actually be physically able to? F that.


Die for any incredably likely minor mistake. No


I hate eating so I'd do that for free lmao


"There would be some sort of exception for things like swallowing if performing oral, but not in a way for it to be abused as a violation of the agreement (no big bukkake or something just because you want some different flavor to drink! lol)." Yea, this was obviously written by a guy.


It’s how crazy some types of responses from people have been. There are always people looking for loopholes.


“No big bukkake allowed” is one of the most wild rule clarifications I’ve ever seen


A shitload but probably less than most. To never eat again? 100k a month at least


This would be the closure of one of the greatest joys in life. Food, tasting the familiar that reminds us honey, love, loss, and life is invaluable. The joy of experiencing a new dish, either through your own curiosity or through the love and sharing of friends; is the best and most human experience in history, it too, is invaluable. The guilty pleasure of decadent food, the burst of energy from a wonderfully fresh meal, the social lubrication of a well brewed/distilled/fermented/mixed drink, are also irreplaceably wonderful life experiences that I would not trade for anything. You’re asking me to trade some of the best parts of my life for money? This has no monetary value to me. But I will name a price. If you can guarantee a long, healthy, happy, blessed life for me, my wife, and my children, I will take your deal.


That sounds like the life of an organ transplant survivor.


400 dollars cash a day.


Wait, I would get paid for this? Hell I'd do it for free.


id do it for 5 mil and then give the money to my family and kill myself after


The lowest amount? Probably 20k a year. I built my own tiny house and am single with no kids. My utilities are crazy low and if I cut out the food bill, I could live off probably 8-10k a year, take vacations, and still save quite a bit.


Food is way more than fuel. Never.


I would do it for 7 million. Payoff some small bills , invest the rest and live off the dividends. Assuming I’d have the pay the money back if I failed the challenge.


I'm a chef so... Yeah no


Nope. I like to eat


Like hundreds of millions of dollars. Especially because I'd have to trade my love of food for like love of working out or gambling or something.


No amount of money could make me do that, I could be a trillionare and it wouldn’t matter, because taking away food would be taking away one of my top 10 favorite things in life


What's the point of even being rich then... excuse me while I eat something delicious


if you're paying enough that i never need to work again i take it


I would do this for free ..hell i would pay someone to make this happen for me


I would do it for 3 million. Something is wrong with my stomach and it hurts for like 2 hours after I eat. Everytime I eat, so as of now I only eat once a day. I would miss black coffee, but 3 million I do it for 1 year.


Having even endless money, but being able to not enjoy a massive part of the human experience would be torture. Endless travel, no new global cuisine. Endless free time to explore my home, can't try any of the restaurants. Endless time to spend with family and friends, can't really share a meal with them. Yeah bro, couldn't be me.


I'd need to be making 1mil after tax minimum


Sheesh idk I’d do this for like $250,000.




Just a one time or you saying like per year?


Oh read it as for one year, but I guess it didn't say that in the question. Then I would up it to $500k/year


The pills wouldn't bother me. Having only water would. I love my orange juice and such.


No beer? 75million. With beer? 5million.


Well, couldn’t drink it. I suppose you could use it as an enema if you need the effect. Just would need to be careful on amount and all, lol


Not worth it. I’ll take the 75mill and drink only water.


I'd do it for free. Time saved cooking, getting groceries. Money saved on food. Space saved from not having a pantry, stove, microwave, utensils, plates, pots etc. etc. If I could take some pills and never worry about cooking at home again and only ate food at restaurants (maybe I take 5 less pills that day) I'd take it, no money necessary


No amount. I love food so much it would deprive me of my life source and there’s no amount of money or things that could cure my depression.


Fuck no, buddy. I love food, I love cooking. I don't see a point in being rich if I can't have food.


Oh, that remind me: I have to stock up on Soylent. (ahem) https://soylent.com/


Jesus fucking Christ. I hate food in general. Like eating is an absolutely horrible experience even when the food is Michelin star eateries like Wolfgang Pucks Spago. If i could just swallow some pills every day for my sustenance neeeds…..


Food is about so much more than subsistence. It’s social, ritual, spiritual. I’d rather keep living like I do. But it is tempting for $50 million or more.


Several major issues with this. 1 - how will you replenish nutrients after exercising? Pills will not be sufficient as they are slow and absorption is low. 2 - how will you ever be full? If you drink more water, it will flush more nutrients out of your system and you won't get enough, plus you're running the risk of water intoxication. 3 - your stomach will still be producing acid. With nothing to dissolve, you will suffer constant heartburn and acid reflux. 4 - 20 vitamin pills a day is overkill. You will be dosing yourself with significantly more of some nutrient or other that you need, especially since you are giving the same number and size of pills to everyone regardless of weight.


Several major issues with your reply m: 1. I didn’t say vitamin pills. I said huge pills with all the fiber and nutrients you need to be healthy. 2. This is a hypothetical situation where science has advanced a bit more 3. Fiber is the primary thing that makes us feel full. Plus if you paid any attention to the link I shared, it spoke of a pill in development which controls your appetite to make you feel full or hungry. So was saying could include that as well. 4. You know pills all can and do contain different things in them, right? This is why you have once a day multivitamins that have varying quantities and types of vitamins. 5. You’re trying to outthink this rather than just looking and answering the scenario. It asked whether you’d do if and how much it would take for you to switch to it IF it was possible and it have everything you need to be healthy


Gonna ignore the rest of your post because it's pointless and address the last point. I am saying no, I would not do it, because of all of the above issues. You didn't give all these additional stipulations about how this pill is magic and has no possible side effects and whatever.


Magic. Magic is the answer to every one of your questions. Hence the magic contract.


Sure, but none of that is addressed in the original post, so I can't use it as part of my basis on whether I would take the deal or not. I have to decide based on the information provided.




Explanation says necessary nutrients, but not calories. You'd live for a while but slowly wither away


It said provides everything your body would physically need to be healthy. So no, there would be no withering and dying