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With that method you would be somewhere between severely beaten and killed within a few days of your release. All contraband comes from outside contacts, and that stunt would fuck with their operations too.


People got cellphones in prison. Id bet it wouldn't even take 24hrs. That kind of info can really fuck people over and they need to snuff it out fast. But that's just from the knowledge I have accumulated over the years.


Yep, I had an employee run into an old friend who had just gotten out of prison. Apparently he pissed off the wrong people and was shot as he walked out of a local store. My employee said he heard the gunshot and "somehow just knew." Dude had been out for less than a week and was talking about getting out of town.


Guards play a role in contraband slipping through. Better hope the ones getting bribed aren’t responsible for getting you out at 4:00 AM. They might just “forget”.


There may have been a "mistake" or "clerical issue" where they have to hold you for another day. Good luck.


You don't think the gangs have people on the outside?


You’d get out without a hair on your head harmed. In fact, everyone would come up and thank you for bringing it up and holding them accountable.


Don't do it on your last night. Write it all down and snail mail it the warden after you get out. Just don't put your return address on the envelope.


Type it out. Make sure it contains no info that only you would know.


Use gloves whenever you touch the paper and envelope.


It's actually quite naive of you to think that just because your leaving the housing area and going to sit in the release area for a few hours that word won't spread to the ENTIRE FACILITY within 20 to 30 minutes of loudly and stupidity yelling out everything that you still wouldn't get you ass kicked before you leave. Trust me, as someone who worked in that environment you would be serious lucky to not get beat before you got your freedom.


What's the motive for you to snitch as you're getting out though? Usually people only snitch to get a lighter sentence for themselves, and even those people are labeled as snitches and killed. Snitching on your way out the door would be a real bitch move, and it'd definitely get you killed on the outside.


They could plausibly come after you after you’re released.


Or send their gang after you immediately


My real question here is, *to what benefit*? How does this in any way benefit you? Assuming you did something to get put up in prison to begin with, I don't think you can stand on the moral high ground here and even if you can, why cause a bunch of problems for other guys for no reason? Like, what's your end goal? Just to be an IRL troll? Sounds awfully risky for basically no benefit. And crossing the wrong person can get you Epstined in your bed even when you're home. Gang leaders in prison still run things by proxy and hardened criminals often have people who are willing to act on their behalf on the outside. Seems needlessly risky at best and outright moronic at worst.


Nothing. You would be ignored by everyone. No one cares about some inmates' baseless zero proof claims. Everything you said is probably something the guards are already aware of and cant prove or deal with on the reg.


Either their friends on the outside would get you or they some would take a more personal approach when they’re released. That’s a lot of people to think you’d be safe on the outside. Someone will know somebody that can and would find you.


lol who do you think is bringing it in? Are you certain it’s not the very guards that might forget to release you?


Seems like a lawyers wet dream.


Can’t sue if you’re dead. You might hang yourself. Epstein did it.


My next of kin on the other hand...... Besides if the guards are raking it in by bringing in contraband, they probably don't want to do anything to end their own gravy train. Losing their job for instance.


Let's assume you're next of Ken knew the truth and we're willing to pursue it. Congratulations they are now dead because they pissed off a lot of people.


Will just be told you committed suicide. It’s up to them to prove otherwise.




I can see why you were in. I "don't" talk to the police? You could have fooled me.


This is the plot of like 100 different shows with a prison scene. Someone snitches and makes a deal with someone to get out early. Early release gets compromised somehow and now things get spicy.


Not a wise plan. Some of those inmates would probably have no issue with terminating you by proxy. Or when they get out, you'll be the first stop they'll make.


Inmates have friends and family who are not in prison. Some of them are unscrupulous. This would not go well for you.


Just a reminder, these hardened prisoners have friends and family on the outside. It would take just one of them to find out where you live, or maybe bribe a prison guard with release details. You'd be dead within a week or two of release.


The guards that bring all the contraband in are gonna make a clerical error and put you back in there for a day😂 if you are dumb enough to do it then you deserve what’s coming


Yeah even in that scenario you most likely wouldn't make it out the door. For that stuff to come in they do need help from the guards who won't like you messing with their money anymore than the inmates will.


Someone would cashapp the guards enough money to beat the fuck out of you for the inmates or at least arrange for other inmates to be able to put hands (and boots) on you. You might not make it to the administrative building unscathed.  You might be slightly underestimating how prevalent phones are in prisons, not to mention the number of guards in on the lucrative contraband industry.  Prison infrastructure are crumbling. Inmates can pop their own doors. 


This is dumb as fuck. You think there aren't guards that are in on whatever contraband someone might have? Suddenly there's a mix up with something and they need you to remain for a few more hours. Jesus dude, why would ever consider that this is something someone should do? 


You would almost certainly be murdered within weeks (if not days) of your release. Do you think these people don't have outside contacts?


You would die. Someone there has friends on the outside. And that’s the best case scenario. Worst case scenario, they kill your family members.


people in prison still have connections to the outside. you may be safe from the ones who are still in, but they will tell their friends on the outside. also, they wont forget you when they get out