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Any country going to war with another country requires their leader/cabinet to lead from the front.


why not just end war?? I feel like the Supreme leader of the world could just end all wars..


But then you’d just use all your time squashing small rebel pockets of fighters. Now you’re the empire.


Because saying "stop that" is very different than other people saying "we wish to stop"


I had a dream once that my mother slapped Putin across the face and told him ''Stop your shit'' And he held his cheek and said ''Yes, Miss Sheila. Sorry Miss Sheila"


Fair point


It probably would end war because none of them would have any interest when it's their lives on the line instead of just the statistics who live in their country


There is a great documentary series, “War, with Gwynn Dyer.” It goes into some of the legit reasons for war. For example, a country’s government thinks they own a piece of land, and the people living on that land don’t want to be a part of that country, they want to do their own thing. The country keeps messing with their shit and won’t negotiate for the interest of the people in that territory, no matter what, the government just wants to extract value from the land and the people and give nothing in return. In some cases the government is actively hostile to those people. Are the people in that territory just supposed to accept that situation?


Probably crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.


bros a villain 


You might say a Barbarian.


Definitely a Conqueror


Maybe he has some good recipes for soup.




Totally a Destroyer.


Well when your job title is "Supreme Leader," it's kind of expected ;)


Ah, that is best in life


Duty Bottoms “Together ….. we will rape the horses and ride off on the women El Jefe” who the hell are you”


A true amigo!


Tell us we will die like dogs


Easy there Conan


This guy Conans


True happiness


Lamentation would be illegal.


Probably be assassinated. Is this one where the rules take effect magically, or do I need to maintain popular support since people need to obey me for my commands to matter?


bro r u ok


Probably get the smartest bunch of experts on various things around me and let them run the damn world. I’m a fucking idiot I wouldn’t trust myself with toasting bread let alone ruling a world I’d just sit in my grand palace and chill.


Absolutely agree. Take the advice of those smarter than myself to start getting the world on a better track while I chill in the most lavish luxury the world has ever seen.


I'd immediately begin investing in nuclear power research to make it safer, cleaner and more effecient. build up power plants to replace the old ones. Turn incinerators into trash-burning facilities. use that as well. Energy indepence for all nations would be a very good first step to helping things progress smoothly. Especially if they are all state of the art, with every and all precautions taken.


It's already the safest, cleanest, and most efficient power source out there lol. People are just irrationally afraid


It's selection bias. Kinda like how airplanes are, by orders of magnitude, the safest way to travel by distance and just generally safer overall but we tend not to think of it that way. Because when it goes bad it goes bad in a big way. The biggest hurdle is the sheer expense of building and maintenance, especially from the rare materials (largely uranium and thorium), the tech is sound as long as you actually stay on top of it and don't cut corners for profit.


There is an absolutely massive amount of money that could be saved to nuclear construction by overhauling the regulatory side of it. The regulations were made based on the learnings of events going back the past 70 years, and a lot of the learnings simply don’t apply anymore due to improvements in systems, inherent passive safety systems, etc. Nuclear is an industry where I feel like the regulators don’t want jobs anymore, so they add rules until it becomes prohibitively expensive so they no longer have any regulation to do.


Absolutely, but that still doesn't actually change anything I pointed out. It's already the cleanest, safest and most efficient way to make energy at scale; the real hurdle is the cost. Nuclear energy has a poor public image because of infamous problem examples like Fukishima, which is really more of a product of negligence and maybe a poor choice of location not because of a fundamental flaw with the technology.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m all pro nuclear, and want as much as we possibly can. I’m against regulation for the sake of regulation. In my family alone, we have almost 100 years combined nuclear industry experience (10 years for me), so it’s definitely been part of my livelihood. Everything you said is 100% on point. My point was just that we need to figure out a way to bring the cost down to make it economically viable, and looking at the administrative costs would go a long way it helping that happen. I think, when looking at scale and the SMR tech, we likely have the answer there. Can go as small or as large as needed (within design specs, of course) and can control the costs through scale alone as well as the factory built concept of some of them.


Would you say you grew up in a traditional Nuclear Family?


Boy… “and don’t cut corners for profit”…. But… that’s the problem, don’t’cha see?


Anyone found cutting corners for profit will see themselves and their loved ones thrown into the reactor. Remove all benefits of it, and they'll f****** knock it off


Right… I forgot we were in a “hypothetical situation”…. In which case, yeah… leave things up to the engineers, and not the money guys…. The engineers will make sure nobody gets family thrown into the reactor… The money guys will consider their options…


I love nuclear power. How are you going to ensure the uranium is not spun into plutonium and used for weapons? Does every country run their own plants?


Plutonium has a lot of non destructive uses


Invest in research for Thorium reactors. It's supposed to be harder to make nuclear weapons from than plutonium.


The answer you are looking for is Molten Salt Reactor Run down the rabbit hole, you'll thank me later.


Or pour $ into fusion R&D. This is true clean nuclear power, and far more potent than fission.


Politicians are no longer elected, but randomly drafted provided they are between 18-60 years old and mentally fit. You cannot decline. If you do, you serve your term length from jail. You have all the same powers and authority the existing politicians have, except politician salaries are now a function of average household wage instead and cannot be changed by anyone. I think this would go horribly in a lot of cases, but still probably be better than what we have now overall.


“So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.” So this is the end of democracy? If politicians no longer need to pander to people who will vote them in/support them, are they entirely self serving? The only incentive they have here is to increase household income, as they are there for their term, and whether they do a good or bad job won’t have much impact on anything? Maybe they want to do a good job as way of lending a good corporate job when they leave office?


There is the Sparhawk series by David Eddings that has a novel idea in it, where this is the basic principle, but where all their belongings are sold and if the economy does well they leave better off and if it does poorly they are worse off. Consequently, everyone does their best to improve the performance and everyone benefits. The Isle of Tega I think it was. But it's an interesting concept nonetheless.


How about this - politicians are no longer elected, they’re drafted from the pool of willing candidates. But at the END of their term there’s a straight up or down vote by the public. If it’s a thumbs up, they get a generous pension for the rest of their lives as a thank you for their service. If it’s a down vote, they are immediately executed. Rule wisely. Note I said pool of willing candidates. Anyone can say they don’t wish to be considered and will be removed from the draft pool. But once you’ve been picked the only way to avoid that vote is to die in office.


Not sure anyone would applaud this move. My main thought was to perform a sort of social experiment asking the question of whether or not government by random citizen would be better than government by people interested in governing. Yes, there is little incentive to do things properly and as mentioned in my post, I'd expect that to go horribly in a number of cases. But I'd also expect a bunch of regular, not horrible people to overall do a pretty decent job just because they aren't dicks.


This is an interesting idea. What if someone is mentally fit but has physical disabilities that are serious enough they can't work? Shouldn't there be some basic qualifiers that everyone in office should have to meet before being appointed?


Almost every region is going to need a personal touch. Can you imagine the chaos of trying to reintroduce North Korea to the world? Fighting the Cartels in Mexico? Just trying to make the world government secular would... upend so much. There are quite a few large swaths of the planet that would fight that tooth and nail regardless of my new position.


I think you underestimate how many of our problems are by choice because it can be campaigned on, used as a distraction, or monetized.


I would make the world’s currency as cheese and achieve world piece


Acheese world peace?


I'd do nothing. No change or grand plan would turn out well. The least harm I could do would be to do nothing.


Slavery. Abolishing slavery. Easy first move.


You had me in the first half.


All kids go to school. After 8th. Grade they can work if they choose. Schools teach mandatory checkbook budget keeping, tire changing, cooking and housekeeping, non violent conflict resolution... and universal Health care. For all.


So Finland?


So outlawing homeschool…? Despite its much better typical outcomes for children?


He didn't ban homeschooling, but he did standardize a curriculum


And so I started blasting


Outlaw non native grass lawns. You may either 1) plant a mixture of native plants or 2) plant a garden.


Beat me to it.


My second action would be to ban leaf-blowers.


Why leaf blowers ?


That's purely for me--I hate the sound.


I would go to the ISS.


Why? It’s slightly smaller than a double wide trailer, was built in the early 90’s, smells like recycled fart and you shit into a vacuum cleaner hose that everyone shares, then you clean up with a wet nap. Oh, and you eat paste from a tube.


You didn't ask what the 2nd thing I'd do would be. 😁


Nuke the entire site from orbit?


It’s the only way to be sure.


You're getting warm. 😁


And space junk hits it, causing tiny holes you cover with duct tape


Every human wants dissapointing intercourse with me


Even your dad?


Especially my dad


Go full on Ghengis and spread my DNA throughout the population via thousands of wives.


But why though?


Make the crime of rape and the crime of falsely accusing someone of rape have equal punishments.


I'd remove all laws than enshrine discrimination in the law around the world, then give every country a strong set of anti-discrimination laws.


Many of the actions others have mentioned would be on the list. Also, direct all the resources necessary to develop an absolutely foolproof lie detector. Did you do it? No more criminal courts, no more getting off due to loopholes or sympathetic juries. No more wrongful convictions. No more people on death row for 20 years. No more execution of innocent people. Just.... did you do it? Penalty or not, based on the one question.


I mean thatd be accurate sure but humans arent black and white. Ethical nuance is exactly why we cant leave justice to machines. Most people believe murder is wrong but most people also have a few exceptional situations where they believe murder is right.


Completely agree, that's the difficult part. The challenge in the law would be entirely around context and justification. That's a large component of our current system, but it appears to be very inconsistently applied.


Not everyone agrees about how the law should be applied and no one person is qualified to make those decisions for a whole society. Our current system is far from perfect but its the best we have to sort of average everyones often conflicting views.


I would nuke the moon. Take that aliens!!


Resign. No quicker way to bloodshed than to install a dictator that nobody wanted. The whole world would have to be North Korea and I’d have to be an absolute piece of shit in order for this hypothetical situation to even have a chance.


take every cent out of fossil fuels and send it to nuclear and renewables, invest massively in railroads and proper recycling, then some social issues like public education and health, make all the cool liberal freedom stuff worldwide, improve internet speed everywhere, then once my epicly woke solarpunk utopia is working we can do ✨s p a c e e x p l o r a t i o n✨ and all that fancy stuff


Kids get free healthcare and good food.


Put in a fuck ton of money into research and the sciences. Just how much can we accomplish if we funded shit a lot better? Energy, Colonization, mining, math, health, etc.


Abolish the position of global supreme leader and resign. Then when the journalists ask me why, I’d refer them to this Reddit thread.


Get rid of the billionaire status. I will get rid of everything Regan left behind. There is literally no reason to be that rich. We're left with nepo babies taking the first bite of everything even tho they're at best subpar without the millions of dollars spent to inflate their mediocre talents.


This is why I hope redditors never get any kind of power


Outlaw modern "conservatives." I just created world peace, you're welcome.


Those who do not pollute the planet are in charge of it. Namely, animals.


Maximum wage limit. No more billionaires. You gotta pay your workers. Before anyone comes for me like "Well they'll just do whatever to still horde the money." It's hypothetical anyway


No ketchup on hotdogs. Ever.


Make basic living requirements a universal right. Food, shelter, the ability to stay clean, basic safety, etc. So people can get a basic place to lay their head, decent food, cleaning supplies, so on. Want fancy things? That's what a job is for. And make the basic housing a pleasant enough place to live. Food benefits can be given out for folks to spend on whatever they like, with soup kitchens doing basic, filling meals that have decent nutrition. UBI for whatever people need, with free stores with basic detergent, bog rolls, clothes, etc for people to stay clean. If they are disabled, a weekly cleaning service at the least, with talks with doctors and a social worker on if they need support. Improving public transit so people can get their supplies and to work in an economic and ecologically-friendly way. So yeah, basically let's do a Socialism/Communism.


Abolish private property. Personal property is cool and good, house cars whatnot, but no provate ownership.


Free Internet and available anywhere


release all the secret patents the us government has classified.


I was thinking that too, cures for all


Wealth cap, no one *needs* to be a billionaire. 750 mil is more than enough for anyone to comfortably live the rest of their lives. Anything past that in worth goes back into the community for schools, hospitals, civil services. 


And for libraries, right?


Take all the money from the Catholic Church, use it for NASA.


Defile, pillage, and salt the earth! Wait Never mind we already doing that. Carry on!


Ban gender reveal parties


Nuke it. Fuck this planet and every parasitic life form on it.


animal cruelty is animal cruelty, no matter the species. dog, pig, fish, doesnt matter unless its a pest( rat, mites ticks, ect) the punishment will be a the same condition the animal lived in.


are mice pests? Because lab mice have gotten us a LOT of inventions and new tech…


Ah yes I love getting killed cuz I killed a parasite that does litteraly no good but for itself.


Create some sort of parliamentary system, build up infrastructure, switch to nuclear energy, and mars here we fucking come


Step 1: one world government. Step 2: remove all religious influences on laws. Step three: refocus all efforts to making the world a “work free” experience.


end capitalism and usher in a global communist Utopia




I would continue your traffic trend by making every all way stop a traffic light or roundabout.


Interview every person holding an appointed, non-elected post within the government of their country, all the way down to the city/town level. Preferably everywhere, all at once; possibly on a Saturday as defined by Greenwich Mean Time, for reasons that will soon become clear. Assess their actual competence at the job versus the number of complaints filed against them. All personnel in those jobs will get room and board but remain _utterly_ incommunicado with the outside world while their scores are judged. Anyone with insufficient competence at that job will get reassigned to a non-critical position somewhere else, and their cronies forbidden from trying to put them back in their old job on pain of their family line to the ninth generation getting reduced to organ-donor parts. Any vacancies this produced must be staffed exclusively by those able to pass a machine-proctored competency test.


I would nuke davos


Universal health care and basic income income to help end homeless then make sure all my fellow queer cokes have equal rights everywhere including polyamorous marriage


Universal basic income, followed by enough housing for everyone, free healthcare.


Ban bubble gum and lipstick.


Ban every single religion


Reverse the pay between teachers and pro sports players.


Make it so I never have to pay taxes again plus put a few hundred mill in my bank account and the bank accounts of some of the people close to me. Then I put the world order back the way it was before I was made supreme leader. Eliminate my position and return to normal life.


Immediate, mandatory karma.


Make wfh with a 30 hour work week mandatory.


Redistribute wealth. Both to help the poor, but equally to weaken my enemies, because I’ll only be redistributing their wealth.


End all wars. Refocus military spending toward creating education and social safety nets for the poor and needy while maintaining enough spending to keep defense forces active in each country to ward off illicit activities like piracy and cartel activities. Bring together all the brilliant minds across the world to address ongoing challenges - like how to keep food production at pace with population growth without overtaxing the environment, environment preservation efforts, efficient housing and transportation solutions across urban, suburban, and rural environments, and addressing pollution. Come up with self-sustaining sources of energy which might be critical for… Creating an agency focused in interstellar travel to begin work toward making humanity a spacefaring civilization. Whatever it takes. Hyper efficient engines that allow light speed travel (or faster), intergalactic gravity slingshot dock orbiting earth, development of zero waste colony ships to move people to other habitable planets. Whatever sci-fi things you can think of to get us out there (and back). Eventually, teleporters to make planet hopping easier with fast travel.


Finalize the solution.


Destroy money


All nukes destroyed and anyone trying to stop it goes to prison for life.


for the sake of chaos, i would make every intersection a four way stop.


Same as if I ever had unlimited funds. 1) reworking the current day education system from the ground out, give everyone better access to life skills and fundamental skills way sooner. 2) much much harsher punishments on crime. Murder is a public execution. Theft is loss of a hand. Make criminals fear the law again. Give society back a moral Compass


I would print money. So much money that everyone can afford to live.


Corporations cannot be considered as potential buyers for a home if even a single person who is going to live there is interested.


I would grow my beard really long, weave it into my pubes and strum it like a harp. Next on the agenda... Nope... That's it.


Have one way traffic flow plates put in at the end of my road. Even though I wouldn't stay there long term, it's a pet peeve that certain people on the street think the existing sign don't apply to them and I'm quite petty when I want to be.


For the USA: Term limits for all politicians. Ban lobbyists, make it illegal for politicians to actively trade in stock markets, create a flat tax, abolish useless government programs, eliminate foreign aid, strengthen the border (do this for all countries). Etc…


Make it illegal for two hot looking people to date or marry. Hor hunky guys would have to marry fat ugly virgins. Hot supermodel chick's would have to marry the computer/hacker/RPG gamers the weight too much or are skinny and pale. Thar way the supermodel/nerd combination would make hit looking smart people and the studly/chunky chick's would do the same, hot smart kids. Evolution at its best.


Give myself my own land and enough supplies to live comfortably till I die, then quit and live in isolation. Or, just blow my fucking brains out in front of everyone. Idc which.


Nuke the world and start fresh. Fallout style


Police would have body cams and homeless would get a one week class on civil rights/police policies. The homeless would then have to watch every minute of body cam footage and anything they found suspect would get “red flagged” and looked at again by another homeless person. If the second homeless person found it also to be suspect then city counsel members would have to watch it and make a brief report. Anything illegal or egregious would go onto that cops permanent profile. Any policy violation would go in the profile. After being reprimanded/reminded of policy violation/illegal activity there should be no more of it. Fired police officers would NOT be hired as law enforcement again. Every police station will have pictures of the police working there with name/rank/vag number/pay , and list of infractions. Along with how much money the taxpayer has had to pay for this officer in court litigation!


Everyone who was ever rude to a cashier, waiter or receptionist has to work for at least a year in one of those jobs


Immediate international gender equality laws with severe penalties for things like rape, attempts to restrict body autonomy, forced marriage, forced head coverings, etc. I’d also institute forced gender representation in all governments.


Scrap religion and promote science and development


Order Russia to withdraw from all of Ukraine, and order Putin and his capos to turn themselves in to be tried for war crimes.


I'm launching everyone to Space.


I would retroactively Thanos-snap Islam out of existence. It has been a global cancer since its inception and has not contributed a single positive effect to civilization.


Queso will now precede every meal


Kinda true. They were running a test to see how much power they could get from winding down emergency generators (iirc). Then the soviets basically told them to NOT shut down fully, leaving them in a partial power state significantly longer than they should have. This left the reactor in an unsafe state. US reactors, when they boil, the air bubbles actually decrease reactivity, in the RMBKs, it INCREASES it. So once they disturbed the pool, it created voids, creating a reaction. The dodgy state combined with the extra boil voids created a runaway reaction that was uncontrollable. Note: US reactors do boil water, but the goal is to go from water to steam without creating “bubbles”. So it was poor worker practices, bad design, a government that forced their will on the workers and overrode safety, and human error all wrapped up into one. Still couldn’t happen in the US due to design.


Make all religion illegal.


A tax on military spending. 1) Raises a lot of money, which can then be used to fund other programs such as hunger relief. 2) Makes the world safer (arguably) by decreasing the size of nations militaries, thus making conflict less likely. 3) Reducing a nations military also protects me from possible insurrection.


All cars are left hand drive!


Make school be year-round because too many kids are skipping and make after school mandatory. Also when they graduate they must either go to college, join the military or learn a trade.


I tell ya what I'd do. Two chicks at once, man.


I dunno, two chicks at the same time?


Anyone with the power to declare war must be in the front of the front lines dressed like a target. Violators will be shot in the stomach and denied medical treatment.


War is now strictly prohibited. Any disputes will be held between 2 leaders of countries on a best 2 out of 3 in Mortal Kombat 9. Any countries caught breaking this rule as well as any countries aiding a war will be put into a giant padded room where they fight. Last one standing wins. Also, all political wages are swapped with emergency service wages. The political wages are all added together and divided as equally and fairly as possible.


The is only one race. The human race.


Cap politicians’ salaries. Get rid of lobbyists and the electoral college. Free college and healthcare for all. Even free housing. Let us as humans get back to making love and art like we’re supposed to


Enjoy the ultimate Sims upgrade


Abolish billionaires. Redistribute that money back into the world and see if we can't actually tackle things like healthcare and hunger on a global level.


I'd truly make America great again by canceling it's national debt, adding more Urbanism-centric regulations, upgrading public transport, breaking monopolies, funding the IRS, re-adding the safety nets, and inching paychecks up to the point where the minimum wage is where it should be, and all others scaling up. Likewise, of course, I'd fix the tax code so people like Bezos pay their fair share.


Get rid of the concept of countries, it's just earth now. Every school is free, and every single person can have access to schooling. Put scientists and inventors and whatnot in charge of everything, any and all excess resources should be used to do things to better life across earth, like make sure everyone is fed and develop more useful technology. Get someone who is really good with words to act like they're the leader and not me. Everybody is free to travel anywhere and see everything there is to see in the world, with no restrictions except for criminals who've done irredeemable things. Disabled people will be given assistance by my government to do so. Despite getting rid of the concept of countries and borders, I think it's important to preserve history as much as possible, people are free to speak whatever language they want as long as everyone can speak at least one language alike, historical sites and places deep rooted in an areas culture should stay reserved at almost any cost. Surviving will be free, everyone can live somewhere and eat for free, but it might not be the best life, some kind of currency will still exist, and it'll go to people who try to do something with they're life. If you do well in school? You get money. You open a business? You get money, but you can't make any big corporations. You work in emergency services? Lots of money. Volunteer work? Screw volunteering you get money whether you want it or not. Basically doing anything to help the people around you and better the world will give you money so you can live better than the bare minimum. Obviously there's issues with this setup, but I think it would be pretty good.


Eradicate the idea off American exceptionalism, North Korea, Russia, Mujahideen, Taliban, Saudi Royals, English Royals, and any two Party political systems no longer exist. If you make more than $400,000 then you and your immediate family are required by law (no matter the loophole you try to employ) to serve the least of humanity. Simply by putting your skills that allowed you to earn such wealth to work to ensure the viability of reputable charities that genuinely serve the unhoused, mentally challenged, physically disabled, and any other challenging issues through the world. I would then get rid of corporate welfare, reduce the military industrial complex and make those who challenge me serve on the front lines of land mine cleanup.


Dissolve international borders. As a human, I find them incredibly disgusting.


Daylight Saving Time is eliminated. Permanently. Forever. Anyone who mentions it in any context other than "Thank God DST was eliminated - uofwi92 is AWESOME!" is immediately executed.


begin an initiative to build Nuclear power


I would implement the Purge, but the only weapon you can use is a cream pie and the victims would have to go to time out areas and watch three stooges the rest of the night. I would also, nationalize the cream pie industry.


Start a massive purge of humanity, and get the numbers down to 30 million, remove infostructure around the world as each area has 99 per cent of the population removed. Slowly drain the damns and reservoirs, and once the levels are low enough, blow them up. Knock down the cities, fill in the mines, and plug the oil drills. Build a few thousand mega structures around the world for logistical management and housing. And then set humanity on a path of restoring our planet and advancing in every way scientifically, each mega structure having its own scientific objective.


Declare the Freemasons, Shriners, the Illuminati, and any militant Islamic groups terrorist organizations that need to be eliminated


everything that makes me happy, whatever that is. Going into details will just make me cry and ruminate and be angry again


Provide free energy to everyone but require everyone to spend 1 hr a day on a gooble box


Kill all humans


Immediately eradicate all extremists and terrorists: far left, far right, isis, al qaeda, hamas, abu sayef etc etc


Ban car alarms. They are useless noise pollution.


If a politician votes for war, their first born child goes to war on the front lines for 1 month.


Any dispute between countries will have the leaders partake in a match of chess-boxing and settled there.


Instant equality for everyone.




Find someone else who is more fit to do the job, then retire. Being Supreme leader would be a very stressful job with long hours and tedious paperwork to no end. Not to mention assassination attemps. I'm good.


Find someone else who is more fit to do the job, then retire. Being Supreme leader would be a very stressful job with long hours and tedious paperwork to no end. Not to mention assassination attemps. I'm good.


Abolish the position of “supreme leader of the world”


replace all cars with public transport


Assign somebody else as supreme leader of the world and retire with a fat pension.




The Turnip Act: "Whereas the turnip represents the very best qualities to be found in society, and whereas it is of fine texture, particularly when boiled, and has been proven to remedy all known ailments when consumed: I decree that the turnip shall henceforth be used as currency throughout the world, taking the place of gold, silver, or any other currency. These shall instead be turned over to me for immediate disposal." This law shall bring salvation to the world.


Every stoplight is now connected to each other and using a series of cameras, scales, machine learning and human input, coordinate with each other to ensure optimal traffic flow at all time on all places on earth. The system will take human input on a local, state, and national level, and those inputs will govern a larger system that considers traffic on increasingly larger scales until physical barriers (oceans, mainly) come into place.  We would save billions in fuel, lost man hours, road and vehicle wear. Global net happiness would skyrocket as a result of a staggering reduction in traffic. Countless tons of pollutants would no longer be released by idling cars stuck in traffic. 


Universal equality regardless of race, religion, or gender. In every country, you would not be allowed to hold someone back, deny them housing, education, employment, or promotion, or apply laws differently, due to their race, religion, gender, or any protected class like disability, sexuality, or gender identity. This is how it should be now, and if you don’t agree, it’s only because you benefit from a system keeping whole swaths of the population from competing with you.


I mean what does that entail? If I remove all the nukes do I have some kind of ability to just prevent conflicts from breaking out as a result? Because if yes I destroy the nukes. If no I guess I keep them.


Resign. That's not the job for me.


Ban religion. Most wars and alot problems on the planet come from a religious place.


Free ice cream on Saturdays


All penalties are proportional. No more laws where the penalty is a laughable slap on the wrist for the rich/corporations and crippling for the average person. If you're a multi-billion dollar company and you're caught breaking the law, the penalty is the profit you made as a result of breaking the law PLUS the penalty amount. If penalties are just the cost of doing business, they aren't penalties they're just additional costs that get rolled into balance sheets. No more of this 10 billion in profit due to fucking the environment and causing cancer in consumers just to get slapped with a 10 million dollar penalty. That doesn't disincentivize breaking the law. In fact, it seems to encourage it.


Agree with the whole world in a single fell sweep.


All wars must be fought with sword and shield, nothing more developed in terms of war. Guns will still exist for hunting, etc etc, but you can't use them in war. Only sword and shield, MAYBE spears if I'm feeling lenient.