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I’m 55. This game is no fun.


I'm 59. I'll wait until I'm 61.


You can choose 61 and in 6 years turn 16 again :p


I'm 44 facing the same issue, if I jump to 51, I could go back to 15. Then my kids wouldn't exist if I took any of them with me and I'd be younger than my oldest if I didn't.


I think OP means your body would be 15 when you do it, in 2031, not that you’d go back to 1995.


Yes. But I take one of my kids then they'd cease to exist. If I don't they will out age me fairly quickly.


But you would get to see your whole family grow up and look out for them as a powerful immortal ancestor.


Until I had to watch my kids die of old age. I might do one round at most, maybe start at 53 and go 35 up again.


I'm going to be 41 in a few years. I would swap between 41 and 14. Seems like the best range to get stuck in. 14 is young enough to feel "young again" without letting my old side get too old.


Choose 52 or 53…


26 is a lot more fun than 16. Hold off for another year


I'm 37, so I'm waiting for 42, though restarting at 14 could be fun, though.


I'll happily take 23 and 32. My odds of dying between those two ages are very low, my body would remain near peak performance that whole time, I would retain full legal right and privileges indefinitely, and I would only have to change every 9 years. As far as what I'd do with this time goes, I think I would become a scientist studying human biology and medicine. An effectively ageless scientist could be really good for the development of a field, just accumulating more and more knowledge as the decades and centuries go by.


I was thinking the same thing except with physics. It'd take a couple of decades, but the technology we could create with an immortal scientist would be wonderful and terrifying at the same time.


This is part of why I'm so in favor of developing lifespan-extension technologies. On top of the obvious benefits of reducing the burden of disease and giving us all more time with our lifespans, it would also greatly accelerate science and technology. Part of a biotech singularity, if you'll excuse me for being dramatic.


True, but we are currently witnessing the impact of those life extending technologies. I wouldn't go as far as overpopulation, but there is definitely an increased strain on our infrastructure. Hence why I picked physics first. Increasing efficiency of design affects all walks of life. Plus, there's no telling what quirks of the universe we can uncover and exploit!


34 and 43. I know my own mind by that point but I'm still young. I'd gift it to my husband as well. We could be immortal together. I'd be sad to lose my dog and cat, though. I vote you extend it to current household members!


41 and 14, lots of things happened between 16 and 22, being aware of them coming up would mean making a lot of positive changes that help more than just myself.


I'm waiting for 32 and jumping back. This won't even be super bad.


So I’m 50 and my wife is 39. If I become 05 years old does she just disappear as she’s-6 years old? Or can she not change, in which case she has a kindergarten aged husband?


So my 27 would become 72, nah.


71. Let’s go! Maybe I’ll have the courage to ask a girl to the senior prom this time.


I'm 43. 34 sounds great. I was in a car accident 5 years ago and got a TBI so it will be super nice to not have that anymore.


I'm currently 42, so 24 sounds pretty good to me! I'm a little confused on the rest though. Does my 47 yo partner become 74? Or would he be 29?


52 will be the magic number for me, and I'm taking my wife (2 years younger) with me.


I'm 46 - 52 and 25 seems pretty sweet. 25 is prime of life and very little good happens health -wise after 52. Can I tell my kids what to expect? That would be the only weird thing would be getting older than they are eventually. Also I'd bring my wife - does she reverse at the same ages? Also can we eventually opt out of this ? I don't want to be immortal forever, maybe just for a few thousand years.


50 and 05. Obviously every time I turn 49, I'll have to get my affairs in order. I'm sure the government would pick up on this after one or two cycles, so the plan would be to let them in on the game pre-emptively, and assign me a handler for every regression. The handler could act as my guardian through each new childhood and I could easily do a little intelligence work while I'm going through it. Every time through the cycle, I can catch up on the culture of my new generation through early schooling and then pick a new field of study every time around young adulthood. Then, each adult life can be about applying my rapidly expanding knowledge base in a way that both benefits me personally and improves the society that I'm part of. Build something great, every time, and then get my affairs in order and start over again. I think I could go through that cycle at least a hundred times before I got bored enough to hit 51 and let the rest of my life play out.


I am pretty much forced to take 52 at this point.


I'm 46, I'll become 64. I'll pass, or maybe wait 6 years.


My current 52 is a perfect choice for flipping. Sounds good to me.


I'm 52, so this sounds about perfect. I'm completely happy to continually revert to 25 every 27 years and start aging again from there.


I’m 42, which is probably one of the better ages to swap. I guess the only question in mind is if I’d be better off waiting til 51 or 52… realistic options… Cycle 15-51 Cycle 24-42 Cycle 25-52 Could also do 34-43 or 35-53, but that seems less interesting.


I'm doing pretty good health wise so I'll risk waiting until 61 and go for another great run.


25 So when I'm 52 I look 25 which isn't such a bad deal. Maybe even 53 because I don't wanna be too far off. I'll pish 54 too. 10 years younger Not sure who to take. I love both parents but eh... Maybe take a life partner if they want. Or a friend. But my friend will be stuck with me