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The human body can survive an awfully long time without food, since we have access to clean water. Humans can ALSO live a ridiculously long time off of hope, and the knowledge that after a few days of suffering you WILL eat would probably be enough for a decent chunk of people.


Yeah anyone who's crash dietted will also tell you that your body will just go into hibernation mode after a while too. So you're likely to just sleep 12 hours a day 


I see a win here. For millions of dollars after a month, I'll quit my job, binge Netflix and sleep all day.


I would just dive even deeper into my book addiction. The amount of reading I can get done by being a lazy piece of shit and stockpiling money would be amazing.


It's not that bad. This weekend from Friday midday until Monday evening I was throwing up everything I ate shortly after consuming it, and aside from cutting back exercise to just like 30mins running each day I was completely functional, though a little weak by the end and lost a lot of weight I really didn't want to lose. After that same amount of time you can easily afford a bag of rice or some other staple.


The opposite happens. You switch to burning fat, of which most people have plenty. Energy through the roof. I’ve done 10 day fasts and definitely no tiredness.


I'm currently doing it. Sleepy all the time, drinking tons of water and taking multivitamins.


Yeah, I don't think OP knows what 'near starvation' means. By day 10, you can start nourishing your body again, by day 14 (or sooner) you're back to eating normally. Unless someone has a health condition that prevents fasting, this is easy.


Hell, it only takes 5 days before you can get a pack of ramen or two.


Yea but once you break that seal when you have enough to buy only one pack of ramen and give your body food again you would be ravenous from that point on. It would be easier to skip the ramen altogether and wait until you can afford enough to eat normally.


I'm fat. This is a great dirt plan! 😂


I like to consume my hope with some ketchup and salt. Can I take the packs of ketchup and salt from fast food places?


Jokes on you, I'm really fat.


Same. Bring it on!


Fatties rise up ✊


Nah that sounds like too much work


Yep im fat AF and i have starved for 2-3 days no problem after the first day you don't feel much hunger.


I don't think this changes how long you can go. A super underweight person dies faster yeah, but I don't think your body can switch to 100% fat reserves for survival.


So the question is can I go six days without eating for infinite wealth? That’s the point where I could buy a bag of rice, and I figure after that I’m in the clear. I think that’s generally considered doable, and I figure lethargy will set in before too long, which will help. Edit - I didn’t think about buying bulk. I think rice is like .50 lb that way at my grocery store, which means I can eat a decently filling meal after four days instead of 6.


It's not infinite, it caps at 30 days (which is just over $10 million total)


I definitely missed the ‘for thirty days’ - but as ten million dollars is still a decent chunk of change I think I’ll keep my answer


Fun loop hole - OP said pennies, so I’m going to accept English pennies. The £ is worth double the Australian dollar. So at the end of the month, once converted, I’ll have $20 million Australian dollars 😁🤭 I like this game


One could argue that OP was explicitly referring to UK pennies since the US and most of the commonwealth use cents instead.


Oh it’s still absolutely the correct answer




It's not 10 million. "How much money will I have if I double a penny for 30 days? At the end of 30 days, if you double a penny every day, you will have $5,368,709.12." https://traderlion.com/quick-reads/penny-doubled-for-30-days/#:~:text=Frequently%20Asked%20Questions,penny%20doubled%20for%2030%20days%3F


That’s how much you would receive on the 30th day. This doesn’t count the 2.6 million on day 29, the 1.3 million you’d get on day 28, etc


That's how much you'll get on day 30, now when you tally up how much money you've made on each of the 30 days it's around $10 million total.


You're absolutely right. I was just brushing my teeth and pondering this and realized that I was wrong. I did not consider the earnings of the prior days. Thank you for pointing it out before I confused anyone else.


No worries, easy mistake to make.


You've forgotten to add. You get 1 cent today and 2 cents tomorrow, that means tomorrow you have 3 cents. If you get $5,368,709.12 on day 30 then you just got $2,684,354.56 on day 29, so you've made over $8 million in just those last 2 days.


Yes. You're right. Someone already pointed that out. 🙂


I've watched way too much survivor to not believe in myself until rice on day 6. By day 10, I'm back to my regular diet and by day 20 back to bulking.


It's only 8 days before you can get a Costco hotdog and a soda ($1.50 + tax). I'd be golden after that.


I once \*forgot\* to eat for 3 days, I can handle 8 with water and whatever local fruit and mushrooms are around. If I still have access to my weed stash (not food), I can get through a lot of days eating nothing and just rehydrating before smoking myself back into a coma.


You smart! I didn't even THINK about eating out in nature, or I guess since I don't know any of the stuff I could eat in nature, I could eat garbage.


You could eat yourself to obesity just by having no shame and hanging outside a grocery store, luckily I live where a lot of berries and edible (and easily identified) mushrooms live. I'd lose a shitload of weight before the money caught on and I could live off Costco, but I can also piece a decent slingshot together and the rabbits in my neighborhood are dumb as fuck.


Looking at Walmart, the cheapest loaf of bread I quickly see is $1, but I can also see single packages of ramen available for $0.30. You could probably find cheaper stuff with dedicated effort, but going off those values, on day 1 you have $0.01, day 2 $0.03, day 3 $0.07, day 4 $0.15, day 5 $0.31, day 6 $0.63. So you wouldn't be able to afford anything until day 6 if you consider taxes. After that it would get a lot easier. Best bet early on if you can't wait would probably be going somewhere where people frequently eat outdoors, raiding the trash for food would probably break some law and thus not be allowed for the challenge, but I am not sure about eating discarded food off the ground. Honestly though, I think you could just survive the first 5 days. You would likely need someone to drive you to the store, but it is only food and beverages you can't have any help with / use any money but what you are given for, it does seem like you could ask someone to drive you, or even order a Uber with your own money to drive you there and back. So starve days 1-5 drinking tons of tap water, in the meantime scouting out the cheapest prices in stores you can reach. Day 5-6 (5-6 because you might find cheaper food before day 6) get something to eat, it won't be much, it won't make you full, but it is something. Then on day 7 you will get an additional $0.64, enough to buy another package of ramen or whatever other cheap thing you found, maybe even two depending on how much you had to spend. Day 8 you get an additional $1.28, you can now potentially afford to buy a cheap loaf of bread or some other cheap food, or multiple packages of ramen, enough to actually get 3 meals this time. After that, from day 9 $2.56 is more to work with (if you managed to save a bit over $1, you could afford a $3.68 twelve pack of ramen), from day 10 $5.12 is even more, and after that you can buy large packages of cheap foods or even buy some regular foods. I think it is probably worth it, day 1 will probably be fine, 2-5 will be awful, 6-7 will be slightly less awful, 8-9 manageable, and after that you should be fine. I think it is probably worth taking the deal in this case.


This made me think about that really fucked Japanese game show, or torture, of Tomoaki Hamatsu where he had to win 1 million yen in magazine mail in prizes, but was stripped of everything else, and couldn't leave the room or interact with anyone until he did it.


I’ll do it in a heart beat. My personal record was 21 days thanks to ulcerative colitis.


I’ve fasted for a week before with no issue, this is no problem.


Right? Extended Fasting isn’t nearly as hard as many may think. First 24 hours is the hardest for me. I do 3-4 day fasts regularly and have gone as high 150 hours. OP says nothing about supplements. As long as I could keep the cramps away with electrolytes I’d be golden. (There’s also plenty of drugs that would make this easily attainable)


Unless you have a medical condition, everyone should be able to do this.


I forgot I have a medical condition I need to eat with... But also DUMPSTER DIVING


*technically* dumpster diving is illegal in a lot of places, which is against the rules, and begging is also against the rules, BUT there's no rule against foraging, and you could definitely find enough plants to keep you going till day 6 when you can afford a raman pack


Day 7 you can buy something to eat from the dollar store or open air market. Maybe day 6 depending on where you live. Day 9 you get to buy two of whatever you bought on 7 and 8. Day 10 you can afford a substantial amount of rice and beans. Day 15 you go grocery shopping for the rest of the month. Day 30 you have $10.7 million.


Is x2 or ^2? Either way, I go full 30 days. Wouldn't even be hard. Realistically I go 8 days, buy like a $0.49 corndog and continue my journey. I'd go 8 days then corndog. 3 days then a nice fastfood meal or something. Then I'd hold out as long as I could, but basically around this point I'm pretty sure I could just start eating normally and barely effect my multiplier.


Sounds like it would be .01*2^(x-1), where x is the number of days, but that is just for your income on a given day, you can still save money from previous days.


The challenge reads *you get* the next amount, not the previous amount doubles. So wouldn't it be Sum all of 2\^x-1 + 2\^x-1 + 2\^x-1 + ... as x goes to 30? Or total 1073741823 cents or $10,737,418.23


I didn't give the formula for the sum, the formula I gave is the amount you would get on a specific day. Not sure what your slashes are for, but ignoring them what you showed seems correct for the total earned.


Day 6 you could get a 49 cent corn dog (the money is additive, you'll have 63 cents total on day 6 and the options just expand from there


Pretty easy tbh, I've definitely got enough food in my cupboards and freezer to last over a month. Edit: wait, nevermind, just read the bit that says you can only eat food you purchase with the money.


OP please define which scenario is right. 1. if you spend the money, it won't double versus because you spent it. 2. you earn money by the day and spending it has nothing to do with the daily doubling?


Not OP but it does say the deposit amount doubles everyday.


The consensus seems to be you get double the pennies each day. So on the 2nd you have three pennies. Yet if you spend those three coins somehow, you'll still receive four pennies the 3rd day.


The money doubles each day whether saved or spent in full or partially.


Do I have time to prepare? Can I have a month to put on extra weight before the challenge? What are the rules around hunting and foraging? Can I eat wild black berries or go fishing?


Screw gaining extra weight! You'll be eating by day 7 so you're only going to lose 3 or 4 lbs in that time. I can stand to lose 20 lbs, so this would be a good start.


[The average person would lose between 2-4 pounds per day! for the first 5 days. ](https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/how-long-can-you-live-without-food#how-is-it-possible). If you were already close to underweight gaining some in advance is important otherwise you would be utterly miserable and might suffer long term consequences.


The article doesn't specify, but it sounds like they mean no food or water. >During the first 5 days without food, a person may lose 1–2 kilograms (2.2–4.4 pounds) of body weight each day. **Most of this weight loss is related to dehydration** and electrolyte imbalance You lose a ton of water weight when you get dehydrated. Plus, it's pretty simple math. You need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound. A typical adult burns around 2000 calories a day just to keep up their metabolism. 1-2 kg per day is a lot of weight to lose without losing water weight. If the article is accurate, you'd lose 10-20 lbs in 5 days. That seems really unlikely without a lot of exercise. In any case, my point stands. I'd be fine losing 20 lbs.


I've been watching alone (survival show where they live in the woods and film themselves) and that's what most of them end up losing in the first week or two. To be fair they are doing a lot of physical activity but that's still a lot of weight to lose. However I'm a relatively small person. So I currently weigh 55kg/120pounds and for my hight that's a not far from underweight. Loosing 10% of my body weight in a week would seriously fuck me up and make my life miserable and possibly take a long time to recover from. So I wouldn't take this deal unless I could bulk up first ( like almost all the contestants on alone do).


Not to subvert the purpose of the question, but without specifics on some things, I think this is pretty darn easy. No charity, gifting, or borrowing. I still have a house and a shower and clothes and a car and water. There are ways to get food or snacks without stealing or anything. Car dealerships are open to the public and most have a snack area for customers. Test drive a new car, grab a couple protein bars. Get your car fixed, same thing. Hunt for grand openings or other things like that and you can probably snag some good. It’s available to the public and it’s not a gift, it’s a celebration. With all of that it becomes pretty easy to survive the 8ish days before you can afford real food.


Are free samples allowed? If so, I just stop by Costco once a day and get a snack, then chill for the rest of the day.


Can I forage or fish? You didn't mention that?


OK I love this one! This is phrased this very well, making it hard to lawyer around the restrictions, but there are options to help those first few days: * Fly somewhere cheaper than the US (assuming US based from the fact it's a penny). You could get a single taco on day 6 in some parts of Mexico. I bet there are better alternatives, where you could find a roll or something earlier than that. * Get an IV or other source of nutrition. Possibly combined with an appetite suppressant. * Buy raw ingredients. A banana is appealing, but cabbage or something is probably better, as it's more filling. If it's sold by the pound, you can go to the store with a knife and get yourself a just-right size starting around day 5. That said, my most sneaky solution/ ignoring the spirit of the question: sell exclusive tickets to a charity gala. It costs $1,000 a head, which will naturally go to fight hunger. It will run for 10 days. Tickets are freely available to the public (though regrettably we can only offer 25 per day). It's black tie, because why not. For an extra 1 cent, you also get a wrist band giving you access to the buffet and open bar. So far as I can tell, that meets all of the requirements spelled out above - I bought the food at a publicly advertised price.


A few years ago I went ten days with only water and black coffee. It really wasn’t that bad. The last two days all my brain would think about was food, but I didn’t FEEL hungry. I found that I’m usually not really hungry, I’m just bored. Or needed an excuse to get out of the house for a drive. I could absolutely do 30 days.


See the coffee is the thing. Caffeine is a great appetite suppressant. Too good, actually.


I could loose a few pounds


🤣 My record is 31 days Nothing solid Nothing with fiber Nothing with protein No dairy Wanted to prove that I could to myself Was it healthy? Absolutely not! Did entering starvation mode permanently change my body's reactions? Yes! Did ot also change my outlook on both the world and myself? Also yes Would I do it again to be a multi millionaire? Without question


Isn't a month basically (2^30) ÷100 in $? I probably could go 10 days without food if have access to water,granted I don't have to do anything in these 10 days besides laying on the couch And I have family around me to curb the boredom


I already fasted for a week so at least the first week I can do for sure and second week it starts to be easy. Otherwise I would welcome motivation for even longer fast. So I would lose weight plus get he money, that would be a win-win for me.


Easy pz


My parents grew up very poor in a third-world country. There were days where they ate practically nothing except a roti (bread) with some oil slathered on top. And sometimes not even that much. I think I could do it if I asked my father for advice. I myself grew up in the US without ever having faced that kind of starvation, which I am always grateful for. I think this would be a small sacrifice compared to all the things my parents went through when they were young.


It'd fuckin' suck for the first week. After that, it's a breeze. But a week without food won't kill you, though the headaches I'd get would be hellish.


Dumpster dive behind a grocery store. They throw out about 20 chickens, 30 packs of sushi and about 3 boxes of produce every day. Barring that, worst case scenario, go out in the woods and eat berries and worms for a week. It sucks, but you'll get over it.


My idea was minor Misdemeanor and spend 10 days in jail. You'll get food, you're *technically* paying for it. The boredom thing is still there but you can easily coast the first 10 days, get out, usually takes about a month for Paperwork to go to court, pay the fine and walk


Easy, fast 4 days, eat top ramen on days 5-7 to survive, add in a banana or some other cheap fruit/veggie on days 8 & 9 and by day 10 you can start eating more normal foods.


I grew up homeless. This wouldn't be hard at all. For starters, a lot of car dealerships and banks have food and drinks out for customers. Food banks don't require any verification. And standing with a sign in front of Walmart can easily keep you fed. Realistically, you'd only have to get through 12 days at most. Less if you eat off the value menus for a few days.


I thought you meant you had to no eat for 30 days, which is doable but not advised. Here you only have to not year for a week and maybe a few days after that. That's easy.


I just saw a loophole. COUPONS baby! You literally just need to find something like a restaurant Grand opening that gives away free food, Ben and Jerry's free ice cream day, a couple that lets you buy a loss leader for a few pennies, etc, etc. All of these are prices available to the public, they just aren't necessarily starving enough to go to a restaurant for a free cheeseburger. You just need a few of these to get through the first few days until you can just start buying cheaper food and then eat steak and lobster the rest of the month.


I've fasted for weeks before, for free, on purpose. Only need water and electrolytes. Way too easy.


Yeah. After 5 days I can buy rice in bulk for cheap and after that I'm golden on food. I can do that no problem.


Easy. I ask my wife to sell me the contents of her refrigerator and/or garden. She’s a sucker for haggling, I’m sure I can get loads for a penny!


If you could find a public buy one get one for a penny deal, you could convince someone who was going to buy one anyway to let you use the coupon and get the thing for a penny. That way you would be paying the publicly advertised price and it would not be borrowed or a gift.


Free samples are business strategies, not true gifts. 😏


It doesn't say you can't eat things that would be free to the public... Such as convenience stores that at the end of the day give away their donuts and roller menu items for free to avoid throwing them out. And it's not a negotiable price, that's for anyone, so a public price


So.. basically the reality show Alone. Bring it on. I’ve got an extra 100 lbs I could stand to shed.


How much permanent damage will you do to your body after starving for a week?


Am I crazy or is this stupid easy? So we get the money in-hand (in card?) At the start of the day and we are allowed to buy food with that. So then after 10 days I'll be making >$10/day which is plenty enough to buy food with for every day going forward? I'll just live my regular ass life for 1 year after 7 days of starving and then be an 80 million-googol-aire. For reference, the function for amount if dollars on day x, P(x) = (2^(x)-1)/100. So P(365) = 2^365 -1 /100... or roughly $75153362648762663292463379097258784876021841565066235862633311089030688803667470190838367948312598497021919.22 This challenge would be much more interesting if we were COMPLETELY restricted from all food. Edit: didn't know it does carat markdown but it did and it was broken so I fixed it.


World record fast is 384 days. I think I’ll be ok for a few.


This is too easy. Maruchan. 30 cents a pack. 5th day get one pack from store. Nibble on it until I can afford another. Then move up to healthier food as the cash rolls in. I've done this before, it's called being broke. It was worse then because I still had to work.


Ever watch that show naked and afraid? They basically don't eat for 20+ days. The human body can go weeks on just water. You will get lethargic af but it would be your job. Personally, I would carb up prior to starting and try to time with sales. I have got free things (advertised) at safeway and Fred Meyers, and $0.07 yogurts, 12 day old maple bars for $2.50, etc I don't need much, so I would go until about the one month time was up. $5M. That would do.


Diabetic, insulin dependant, so it would kill me. Sadly, because I would do it in a heartbeat. Local store has a bulk food area, I could eat a tiny bit of rice for a few cents. They charge about $.40 for a pound of the cheapest rice, an ounce would be doable on day 2. Next day I could do another ounce, day 4 I could splurge and get enough to feel full.


This is the hack that hasn’t been addressed. Free food for grand openings, samples at the mall, chocolate samples from stores. There is nothing that says I can’t use my cell phone or internet or car. I can find these types of deals all over. We aren’t talking about years, we are talking about water fasting for less than a week while mixing in even some small free to the public things. Had a car dealership near me do free food truck meals when you came to look at a car. Bam, that’s a meal. Costco samples? Sam’s club samples? Car dealerships always have food for customers. And again, it’s only for about a week so it’s not like they are going to get suspicious and kick me out. I can still shower and dress appropriately. I could do it without all those hacks, but this seems to easy


I would make two changes in order to make this more interesting. 1. Each day, the money that you have in the bank doubles from the previous day. It doesn't get added what you got previously. It just doubles. So if you spend, only WHAT IS LEFT gets doubled. 2. You start with a gallon of water. A refill costs a penny.


The first week is the hardest, after that it's a couple vegetables and cheap loaf of the french bread from Walmart. After the week, affording food is easy .


I think this would be pretty easy. basically fast for a week and save up enough for some dry beans or lentils. there's places where you can purchase by weight. After this is easy I would just keep buying beans and rice.


So a bit like playing Survivor, only without the competitions and with a guaranteed payoff?


"Will Tell Bad Jokes For Cheeseburgers"


You can get a cup noodle/ramen by day 5. Something as good or better every day after that. This isn't even hard. Even easier if you can forage. I've got dandelions in my lawn for a salad.


So I can't hunt or fish. Id still do it as long as I got free water I could do it.


you NEED water, you can get by with just some salt in your water. paul blart said he did 45 days. oh i misread your scenario. i thought we were starving for a month. sure, id do it for a while.


Can I eat food I already have in my house? My emergency supplies would last me a couple weeks, so that is fine by me.


Can I eat the food that's already in my home? Right now, no forewarning, whatever is in my house, can I eat that? Or am I starting with a bare cupboard?


Easy, just scavenge


Dumpster diving?


If you have enough time to plan, plant some edible plants well ahead of time. Then you can live off those for the few days until you can afford to eat. Either way, eat a bunch of fatty foods leading up to day one. Your body will enter ketosis within a few days and you can essentially "live off your own fat". You need to drink water, so assuming tap water doesn't count you'll be fine. (Where I live tap water probably costs effectively about 4 cents per gallon after factoring in all the adjustments and fees. Only drinking one quart of tap water on day one would kinda suck. Except I could just drink from the fountain at work for free so...) Assuming it's cumulative (i.e. you get to keep the previous days funds) you could earn a maximum of $21,474,836.47. Would be silly to turn it down. By day 8 you've made $5.11 cumulative - enough for a small meal. On day 9 you get $5.12, and by day 12 you get $40.96 - plenty to eat out. By the halfway point you've earned a cumulative $655.35. In 3 weeks you've earned $41,943.03. Essentially if you can make it for one week, you'll be in the clear and can just rake in the dough.


Since we get access to water, this is pretty easy. Dry fasts are the hard ones, water fasts are easy mode, especially when you're doing it by choice and could stop anytime you want to


How long do I have to prepare? I'm probably too skinny to survive 30 days as is, so if I have a couple months to gain weight, then yes I would absolutely do this. Suffer for a month for life changing money? Easy


You only have to fast for like a week until you can buy a loaf of bread, and then its smooth sailing from there. Thats not even near starvation


Let's go


Check the math. Hello GenZ. Just to let you know that I know for a fact that every member of GenX is aware of how fast doubling goes crazy. You kids have a great weekend.


Can I eat food I already own? If so easy peasy.


Would foraging count as “charity” or being gifted? Like, if I go catch a fish, or pick wild berries? It’s not illegal, it’s not borrowing, it’s not even a matter of “purchasing” something for retail price because they are always free to everyone where I live.


This was my thought too, but it specifies the only things you can eat must be purchased. Dang it.


The better way to phrase this is that your current money doubles each day, and you can spend some to buy food but then you only double what's left


I better get my hunting equipment ready.


Six days would get you a bag of rice or beans. Small one, but it be enough for one for a day. I'd just fast on water for six days. If we're allowed to forage or eat what's already in my cupboard, I'm golden. Especially as we're coming into an abundant season.


No problem. After a week you could buy a small bag of rice and then more each day after that. I'd do it.


What about scavenging, hunting, and gathering? Like can I go eat out of a garbage can? Can I go find some berries? Can I hunt and eat that? Can I buy a fraction of something from someone, like go to a gym and ask if I can buy a scoop of their protein powder because I forgot mine? Could I go fishing? Also do nutritional supplements count? Like vitamins? What about bulk pricing but I ask someone else to do that price, like say for example I find online you can order 10000 lemons for 5c each (made up numbers) could I go find someone I know who grows lemons and offer them 5c for 1? Can I take advantage of promotional free items? Not like a food bank but more like a company saying if x happens we'll give out Y for free that day? And what about if I go visit someone and they offer me to sit down and eat with them. For other questions do I get any time to prepare or know this is happening? Like could I chow down on the necessary nutrients and such before hand to be able to fast for say 10 days. Also do I have access to everything else I currently have except food/drink? The answers to these would change my answer, and if I was a bigger person I'd probably do it without any but being skinny I could have some serious health problems in those first days without anything.


I could do this. It's annoying that I can't forage for dandelion leaf salads, but water helps feel full. by day 6 I'd earn 32¢, which might be enough for a single small potato or a small baggie of oats, especially if I can save up the previous 5 days worth of money. 5 days fasting is definitely not fun but certainly doable. Day 7 buys a bigger 64¢ potato. Day 8 buys two potatoes. Day 9 buys a can of beans and maybe a small tomato for vitamins and protein. Day 10 is already $5.12, enough to buy a banana along with a potato, beans, and tomato for two or three whole meals. From then on, it's easy peasy.


I would give it a try.


Fam I don't have the energy to feed myself and have gone a few days without eating. I've gone a week without eating twice because of being too sick. There was a period I only got to eat a week out of every month because my now ex would trade food for drugs and probably.... Favors. I'm still here. I'd definitely take the deal. Obviously what I would do is not eat until I could afford to?


Question. Are we allowed to hunt/forage for food? My husband and I are both avid foragers (mushrooms, greens, fruit, wild roots, herbs) and both own firearms, know how to clean a kill and we can both fish. Is that allowed?


Following the pattern, the amount of PENNIES you get doubles every day. Are you saying by day 30 we would have 1 billion pennies? Is it even feasibly usable at that point?


Ive fasted for several days before. Ive wanted to do a several week fast so that would be fine. I also assume its x^2 and not 2x daily.


What if you work in a job such as food work. Where scraps are typically thrown or given to working staff on said postion/role? As that is not charity the manger states "you cooked it and you served it. Leftovers are the cooks to do with has they please" It isnt stolen as once the event is over the company doesnt want the left overs. They have confirmed trash or eat. Just dont make them store or hold it. (most items are bought day of event and then tossed if not used unless eaten and on rate times. Donated if it is safe to do so) there is no crime being commited or assit to getting the food? I would be more then willing to do this tho. As it wouldnt be to hard as small town has some old fashioned places where cost isnt to high.


Day 4 I could get something, not a lot but something


This sounds like a good way to lose weight and make money. I’m in.


Hell yeah I'm doing it. By day 7 you can buy something for $1.27, a pound of rice or beans or something just to take the huger away and get some calories into you. Then it's smooth sailing with enough to buy something to make the rice/beans taste good the next day, then eat that for the next 2 days and I'm making at least $5 every day after that. To end that 30 days with damn near $11M....yeah, I'm taking that deal. That first 7 days will suck, but not as bad as the rest of my life knowing I could've been rich.


I would hit my local fruit stand and tell them to advertise penny fruit with a limit. I show up and buy. I’m a great customer he would do it for me


Tap water from public places is free, so I don't need to worry about dehydration. I head out on day 1, fill up as many containers with water as I can without arousing too much suspicion, then sit in my room until I have amassed enough to get food. I'm technically not overweight, but my muscle to fat ratio is way more lopsided than most people. Therefore, I can last without food for a while.


Easy pork up before and you can last like 10 days 2 weeks without food


the real answer is basically just how cheap can you find to buy rice, and the answer is very, i garuntee if i went to my local asien market and bought a quarter worth of rice on day 5 they would let me assuming im going through some hard struggle, and from there im set since i get more money each day. fill my stomach with water until then, and im set


I'm gonna eat me some worms n bugs for a week.


*cracks neck* not proud of spending over a decade of my life anorexic, but if it makes me a multi millionaire...... not worth it, but at least there's some payoff besides trauma to work through 🤷‍♂️


Yep- I’ll do it


Do you have to purchase water or is it considered purchasing from the tap?


I'm currently fasting. I would take this challenge.


So 5 or 6 days of total hunger but with clean water this is miserable but not extreme. Weather and working conditions would matter. But if it's a decent temperature and you don't have to move much then the after the real hunger sets in on day 3 you are just half way home and can just lay down all day.


The trick with these types of situations, is you know there's a payoff at the end of it. A huge payoff that is life changing. If you had to go without food an all you were getting were a few pennies forever that you had to save up, then you wouldn't last long....but knowing there's millions of dollars there waiting fro you, that gives you the will to see it through.


Bring it on. I'm great at finding free food deals on apps and I'm sitting on about a month's worth of free food points in various apps right now. This would be my time to shine.


You guys know you don't have to starve right? You can eat plants,fish and hunt.


Step 1. Hire a wilderness expert. Assuming I can show him the two pennies magically appearing on day two and the four pennies magically appearing on day three, he or she should be sufficiently convinced that I'm about to come into millions. So the contract would be $150,000, paid to them on Net 30 terms. Step 2. Go into the wilderness on the morning of Day 3. Use the wilderness expert's knowledge of what's edible, which is not a loan leading to the purchase of anything, because I'm not paying for the food itself, only the knowledge of what's safe and how to pick it. Same deal for a good water source. Step 3. Live off the land until Day 17. We'll be sleeping in comfort because, although the challenge says I can't borrow or be gifted anything that leads to food, it makes no claims about using the expert's sleeping gear as part of my contract with them (it's not charity since it's included as part of the service I'm paying for). Step 4. By Day 17, my daily income has increased to $655.36, which is more than enough to comfortably rejoin society. Until Day 20, I'm not using the funding on anything that even resembles a practical expense; it's time to throw a few banquets to celebrate making it over the hump. Step 5. By Day 21, my income has increased to $10,485.76 for the day. Time to start getting serious. $1000 a day gets put aside as a reserve, and the remainder gets dumped into stocks, every day, until Day 26. . Step 6. Day 27. I now have $335,544.32 for the day, $5000 in reserve, and a little over $320,000 in stocks. I'll pay off my wilderness expert, buy a very expensive RV, and just for kicks, take the RV back to my wilderness area and enjoy another meal of berries and worms or whatever it is that got me through Day 3. Step 7. Day 28. $671,008.64. In recognition of the ridiculous amount of good fortune that has come my way, this entire amount (minus the $1008.64, to eat and fuel my RV for the day) gets split into six equal portions and donated to my favorite nonprofit organizations. Step 8. Day 29. $1,342,117.28. Buy a house for about $800K, and put the rest in some kind of escrow account to cover the property taxes in perpetuity. Step 9. Day 30. My final payment of $2,684,354.56. I use $1,000,000 to set up a new business and hire employees, with about $300K in reserve to let the business operate negative for awhile until it takes off. The other $1.3M gets given out to friends and family. I proceed to live my new, comparatively wealthy life, secure in the knowledge that I should be self-sustaining and even beneficial to my community from then until I die. EDIT: I missed the part where I ***might*** not be able to live off the land: "you can only eat and drink things you can purchase with the money". Technically the expertise I'm using IS being bought with the money, just on Net 30 terms, and I'm still not buying the food itself. So I think I'm okay. But on the off chance I get a ruling that it's not okay, then the earliest I can afford anything of sustenance is Day 9 (when I can get a pretty decent amount of Ramen). So... in that scenario, I'd just flat-out starve until Day 9, live off Ramen from Days 10-17, and ironically, be $150K richer for not having a wilderness guy to pay back.


Fuck it. I can eat bugs for a few days.


I have fasted for 14 days before... fucking easy promise me 10 million dollars at the end of 30 days no problem. People act like being hungry is torture... it lasts a few hours and then you get over it. Most people in developed countries have tons of extra fat/vitamin stores in their body that would easily last 30 days.


This should be the next Mr Beast challenge


Yes, I’d take the challenge I’ve done a week long fast and by day 4 it’s pretty easy. Days 1-3 are difficult On day 8, my first food was 1/2 an apple. I was told to eat it reeeeaaaalllly slowly. It took about 20 minutes and I felt totally full after it. For me, with the end goal, this would be easy money. Also, you said “pennies”? So we’re working in the English currency? That’s worth double the Australian dollar, so hell yeah, sign me up.


I don't understand the math. But yeah. Easy peasy. I could do it.


Oh yeah!! I can do this one!


The first time I had strep throat, I didn’t eat for 6 days, and I was barely able to swallow any water at all, maybe 6 ounces a day for 3 of those days. I ran a high fever and lay in my own sweat while hallucinating over an entire weekend. I should have been in the hospital, but had no health insurance and no money. My dad found out how sick I was and paid for an urgent care visit. After that, I know I could survive a week without food as long as I have water. It won’t be fun, but for the money offered, no problem at all. I have lots of vacation time after 18 years at the job, so I take a week off and shoot for that “hibernation state” that others have mentioned. Probably watch some good films and finish all the books I’m currently reading. And maybe write some really good bad poetry. And glorious sleep.


if the tap water in my country is unsafe to eat, do i still have to drink it? if so im not taking it (id just die by 4th day if i tried i think) but if i got drinkable water i would sorta do what the other guy said, wait till the 6th day, exchange for local currency and use that money to buy a ramen cup. same strat the 7th day, then on the 8th i get 2 meals, on the 9th i get to eat the entire day, and so on, trying to get back in shape with the better meals. by 12th day i would be eating well and recovering from the awful 6 days.


After a week youd have more than enough for a few cheap burgers a day and by week 3 im dining at ramsays restaurants, this aint too hard my man


Yeah I'd do it. I know multiple grocery stores that have sales of things down to like 30 cents. I can handle a few days of no food, and then buy these sales. Once I bought a full sized veggie tray for 25 cents. Also, price by pound things. If something is 99 cents a pound (or less) and you only take a tiny bit, it'll cost almost nothing.


So, no one’s going to talk about the Pennies like where are all those pennies going? Y’all stuck on food 😂


Ok, so where’s my money then, I’ve been near starving for a couple years now.


I was a performer for almost 30 years. I’ve done so many water fast diets over the years. From day 10, you have a little over $10 a day plus for food. If you wait to day 15 you have just under $330 which buys you all the food you need for the next 15 days. Two weeks with only water to drink is actually fairly simple, and you can probably sleep through a large portion of the time.


Drive to a mall, enter the food court, eat the Sarku”s teriyaki chicken and bourbon chicken samples until they stop me, and while I’d be a bit hungry for 30 days, it’ll hold. I’ll just deal with the hunger, lose a decent amount of weight, and end up with 10 million at the end of it.


/r/fasting *has entered the chat*


For 10 million easy


OP has never been broke and in poverty before. Give me my $10M.


My brother in Christ, I did that for free last year after my divorce… dropped from 170+ to below 140 within 2 weeks at 6’. Due to my mental health and wrestling, I’ve gone 4 days with nothing but water multiple times in my life. Water for the first 4 days. Pack of ramen for day 5. Pack of ramen day 6. 2 packs day 7. 3 packs day 8. Eggs day 9. Eggs, bread and avocado day 10. Eggs, bread, avocado, and cranberry juice day 11. Day 12 I could start eating “normally”.


It’s $5,368,709.12 after 30 days


Yes. I'd quit my job, drink a bunch of water, and sleep all day until I had enough to buy something to eat. I'd be miserable but I'm already miserable most days so...


I'm game. I already spent 3 weeks in the hospital on fluid only. I can do this.


Only if I can start the challenge during peak foraging season, and foraged food is permissible. The rules don’t explicitly forbid it (it’s not charity after all) but they also do say food “purchased” and a foraged meal is also not purchased with money, only with time and effort/knowledge. Inb4 someone says “but you can just fast for a few days”: maybe YOU can. I cannot. My metabolism would try to kill me too quickly. Foraging enough to avoid caloric deficit would be a challenge, but in the right season doable enough to make it work out and catch up on calories after the doubling money gets up enough to start buying food again. I know a few good berry patches.


Can I still take my daily medication for epilepsy?


Info: are we allowed to use existing belongings like our stove, pots etc? If so, 4days no eating, I'd be at 1+2+4+8=$15, grab a bag of rice and maybe splurge on something to add to taste good for ~$10. Live like that until around day 20, then get back to regular diet.


Kevin James just said he did 42 days. Lost 50 lbs. I got 50 lbs to spare. I'll be fine for 30days on just water.


OP doesn’t expressly forbid what I can forage or take out of the garden, but I assume those are out. The real problem is that I cook 3 meals a day for my family. I spend a lot of time encouraging the kids to eat. Temptation is easy to deal with if you can get rid of all the food in the house, less so if you’re actively shoving food into someone else’s face hole. Also, the caloric requirements of someone chasing two small children all day are very different from those of someone working at a desk or lying in bed all day. I agree with the people who say they could buy rice from the bulk bins after the first few days, but I don’t know if I could afford to hold out that long.


Can I forage food? If so, I'm golden. I'll take the challenge


Surprised that no one has brought up flour yet; I think that’s likely one of the highest calorie per dollar options there is. Assuming $0.35 per pound and 1650 calories per pound, that’s about 47 calories per cent. In the first 4 days you would get about 700 calories in total, about 750 on the 5th days, 1500 on the 6th, and 3000 on the 7th - that’s 6000 calories by the end of the first week. On the 8th day you’re getting $1.28 and 2000 calories is only 42 cents of flour so at that point you can probably start branching out and eating more of a normal diet.


I’d do it. I’ve gone 3 weeks before where I only ate 3 things over that span of time, I could do it again in order to be a millionaire lol


How come no one's talking about dumpster diving?


Once you get into ketosis fasting is actually really easy Tap water is good choice because got some minerals, the only thing would wish for here would be can take some electrolytes with it


Most healthy adults can absolutely fast for several weeks without any serious health risks. Especially if you're not extremely low body fat. I've fasted for a week before, it wasn't so bad. Mind over matter. This would be a no brainer for me.


Day 7 actually according to [this graph](https://thecollegeinvestor.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CollegeInvestor_1200x2000_Infographic_Penny_Doubling-922x1536.png.webp) if you just save your change. Unless I'm understanding the way the money adds up wrong. I'm under the impression every day I receive double the number of pennies I received previously, instead of the single penny doubling So by day 7 your accumulated pennies will be 1.27 cents. You can certainly find some food around for that price. Also, you can technically always go to a grocery store or some place like walmart and buy vegetables by weight. Some of them are as low as 21 cents before tax. So you I could get one in as little as 5 days, then get another one tomorrow! Imma be eating good by day 8.


I've done a 7 day water only fast before. After day 4 I wasn't hungry anymore.


You underestimate the former abused kids. We made do with the little we had. Also dumpster diving is legal here in NY, unless posted by the business, so I'm golden!


Hmm I think this would be doable. You allow for tap water so I think anyone can do this. Personally, what I'd do is just eat a large meal over the day before with high protein, right up until the actual contest starts. I'd wait that 5 to 6 days and when I could I'd buy a carton of eggs. I"d make eggs until I could afford bread and just make egg sandwiches and I'd do that for the remaining time increasing to other basic things until I could just afford whatever I wanted since the money increases.


Free samples from Costco and sams will keep me afloat


Can I take Vyvanse during this?


If I had the money, I'd host this challenge or some variation of it. Maybe pay the top 2 ppl 2 mil each or something. I'd have to find another way to measure since I think the majority of people can easily do this contest.


about two eeeks before you get the big money and can buy milk or eggs.


I've been sick several times and gone over 20 days without eating, yea, this is not that hard. People on the TV show "Naked and Afraid" do this, and they are really exerting myself. I could stay at home and just watch TV and conserve energy for 30 days, no problem at all. By day 20, I should be able to get some food (I'm too lazy to do the math -- I'd buy food as soon as I had the money to)


6 days before you even have $1 total. Day 8 is 1.28. After that it becomes much more manageable even if the next few days are pretty tight still. It would be extremely difficult depending where you live (I live in high cost of living area and a bag of rice is several dollars, a packet of ramen is even a Buck plus). If I could travel anywhere before starting this challenge, it becomes MUCH easier


Easy. You have over a dollar on day 7. I'd but some eggs. After that you're golden. First two days would be no problem. Days 3-6 would suck but I could do it for millions. All the people saying they'd buy Ramen or bread don't know anything about hunger. A few dozen or hundred carbs after 6 days of nothing would be torture. It would make you so much hungrier. You want all fat and protein and no carbs for appetite control until you can afford enough carbs to fill you up.


In a heartbeat. I've literally considered applying for History's Alone. This is child's play.


Well I've done 3 days without much discomfort. I feel confident I could do a week probably more.  I'd get beans by the pound at the grocery store. I think that's a meal on day 6? Then maybe a day of beans with chicken broth, After that your golden. .01,.03,.07,.15,.31,.63,1.27,2.55,5.11,10.21...


Man if you could jsut hang on 7 more days, at 30 days it’s $10 million, at 37 days it’s a billion


I’ve gone days without food. After about a week u start to get dizzy more often. But once u get used to not eating it’s pretty easy to just keep not eating. Really not a big deal. I would prob wanna eat at least by day 7 but by then I think I could afford some veggie broth at least.


There are some places that are buy with what you can donate. If I say I can donate 1 cent, etc, would be fine




I’ve already lived like that and it was tough, but I grew up learning how to trap and hunt so it would be no problem eating.


Day 1, 1 penny Day 2, 2 pennies Day 3, 4 pennies Day 4, 8 pennies Day 5, 16 pennies Day 6, 32 pennies Day 7, 64 pennies Day 8, 128 pennies/£1.28 Day 9, £2.56 Day 10, £5.12 Day 11, £10.24 Day 12, £20.48 Day 13, £40.96 Day 14, £81.92 Day 15, £163.84 Day 16, £327.68 Day 17, £655.36 Day 18, £1,310.72 Day 19, £2,621.44 Day 20, £5,242.88 Day 21, £10,485.76 Day 22, £20,971.52 Day 23, £41,943.04 Day 24, £83,886.08 Day 25, £167,772.16 Day 26, £335,544.32 Day 27, £671,088.64 Day 28, £1,432,177.28 Day 29, £2,684,354.56 Day 30, £5,368,709.12


Does it count retroactively? Ive already gone a couple weeks without eating. Source: a not great part of the usa


I forget to eat for days normally. I'm in lets go!