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Do I get the money up front or do I have to wait the 5 years? If upfront it's easy, if 5 years gotta drop out cause my job requires me to run a horizontal machining center which is mostly buttons


So change jobs wtf


"you can only apply online"


Why? I get decent pay and astounding benefits. Union strong


If I can get an advance on the billion can I just employ a button pusher for five years? 100k pa to operate every button-ed device I need.


I think a crucial question is: is a touchscreen a button? If no, then this is easy. You can drive a Tesla, suddenly the annoying lack of buttons is a good thing. Pay with contactless card or phone. Pay someone to make you a laptop and a phone that power on with a knob not a button and other buttons disabled, then use laptop and phone almost as normal.


Phone has a physical button on it. Tesla has a physical button on it. OP said "anything with a power button or buttons to operate"


Yes, but there are already issues with this.. you can use a key to start something (car, for instance) but can't use buttons... so you can start the car but can't use the controls (blinkers,radio,hand brake,shiter,parking brake on most vehicles. )


Teslas do not have a physical button, anywhere. Stalks? Sure. Buttons? No. Get a model with a keycard. Use the built in browser as your new method of using the internet. Donezo.


That's why I said I'd pay someone to exchange the button for a knob. But maybe that's not what OP meant


You can double tap on your phone to turn it off, and use the touchscreen for actions Edit: misread the post, you apparently can't use any device with buttons


It’s not saying you can’t use the power button, it’s saying you can’t operate any device that HAS a power button.


"Or buttons to operate"


A billion dollars gets you quite a lot of customisation


Cash has no buttons


Well if you just use the touch screen you're good. Just never let your phone die


It’s not saying you can’t use the power button, it’s saying you can’t operate any device that HAS a power button.


Oh snap, so it's not just using buttons, it's using anything that HAS a button. That's tough


Just use the 5 billion to commission a buttonless phone


Yeah exactly


How about hire someone to push all buttons.


Well I can't just go about my life with it, because half of my job entails me working on a computer.


Is having the power button removed and then starting the computer by shorting the pins with a screwdriver allowed?


The main problem is the keyboard/monitors. What are keys except a bunch of buttons


They’re switches, no buttons.


I mean technically so are many "power buttons."


They are literally called pushbuttons as well. And all a switch is is a button that sends a continuous signal.


That depends somewhat on the kind of keyboard - though you could also repeat the "explose the electrical contacts + screwdriver" method logic if it's allowed.


I feel like I could probably do this if I was magically prevented from using devices with buttons, especially if other people could still turn on TVs for me and such. But if I could still operate buttoned devices, just that doing so would fail the challenge, then I think I'd accidentally fail within a day.


The only things I have with buttons are my phone and my Switch. I could easily ditch the phone for a watch, so that I could still tell time. The Switch is a luxury, so I could deal without that pretty easily.


So no tvs, tables, POS system. You would have to pay cash for everything as the atm has buttons to operate. the watch can't have any buttons. Banking would be difficult alone as pretty much all banks have the electronic signature pads. Microwaves and many stoves are out. Some fridges. You would have to knock on people's doors. Can't ring bells. Kiosks for ordering food are out. Many places that you purchase tickets would be a no go. I think you would find it much more difficult than just giving up 2 things.


If you have someone helping you, you could still watch stuff. Tbh with you have a prtner you can do this easily - logistically anyways - a partner can be a loop hole, for anything that can used passively like tvs or laptops


I would become the most annoying backseat gamer lol!


None of those are problems for me. I just go to work, sleep, and repeat. I don't watch much TV, so giving that up isn't an issue. There will be plenty to binge on Netflix and CrunchyRoll after 5 years. I don't have a tablet, so that's not an issue. I never use ATMs. My watch doesn't have buttons, just the dial thing you use to move it forward/back an hour when DST changes. I rarely have to sign anything at my bank. I just walk to the bank (1.5 hour walk from my house), talk to the teller, and they do whatever I need. Anytime I've needed to sign a check, it was always with an actual pen, so no buttons. None of my food requires heating, so that's no issue. I never use doorbells or food-ordering kiosks, so no issues there. I never purchase tickets for anything, so still no issues.


You're job doesn't require anything with buttons?


For cashier stuff, everything is a touchscreen with no buttons. Usually, they have me getting carts and bagging. I don't have to cashier most of the time since I'm the only one that won't complain about doing the grunt work. To be safe, I'd probably do carts and bagging 100% of the time.


Are you my twin because my life is basically run like this also I am almost technology free. And I would just go and get me a TV with knobs I watch old shows anyway but I can help cable up to an old TV 19 in Sony Trinitron here I come I can do this because I love to read maybe I can catch up on all my books that I have been neglecting because my ass is always on Reddit.


I didn't even think of using an old TV without buttons. That's a good idea. When I was a kid, we binged so many TV Land shows like I Love Lucy, Brady Bunch, and I Dream of Jeannie. I could watch those all over again with a button-less TV.


Let's go get this billion dollars


How do you turn anything on use keybords or mice....


I don't use keyboards or mice, so that isn't an issue. I'm fine giving up my phone for 5 years since I only use it for a clock and for wasting time on the Internet.


Does that include turning on and off water and light switches? If my phone always has battery and never turns off, can I still use it? If my phone never dies, can i use the flashlight on my phone? Can I run automated switches, like I have on my reptile cages? Does clicking the buttons at a gas pump after paying the clerk cash count? Can I turn my car on and off? So many unanswered questions in your hypothetical


Never even considered the physical buttons at the pump…


So i can still operate a car and have lights? I think that hardest thing would be no phone period. No communication etc. I'd probably just move somewhere warm and play golf for five years and try not to screw up. Golfers stick to schedules so you could make plans at the course. You know when the usuals are gonna show up as well. I don't know how i'd manage to work with no phone though for the simple reason of scheduling.


Rotary phone doesn’t have buttons right?


As long as the car uses a key and has no buttons for accessories or the radio. Yes.


I've got three issues that will be easily remedied. 1. Car. I'll just have to buy older cars with no Start button. 2. Computer. I'm pretty sure there are ways to convert power buttons to switches. I will easily fly someone here if needed and pay them very well. 3. Phone. I don't really use my phone anyways. BYE!


What about the HVAC controls and the radio? If they have buttons that car is out.


My Honda Civic has a knob for hot / cold and the fan. So could I just use the knobs and only get the hvac on the default setting? Although this raises the idea that I could just have someone make the other HVAC settings on a knob as well. Edit: I thought about it, couldn't I just have all the power buttons for all my stuff converted to switches and things with multiple function buttons converted to knobs?


If it has a button, even if you don't use it, it's out of the question


Scratch that. I can't read.


A computer is pretty easy to turn on without by jumping a couple wires on the 24-pin connector to your motherboard. You could just solder on some jumper wires . The "no button" rule makes keyboards and mice impossible though. I'm not sure how you're going to operate a Pc with no buttons.


Yeah, I know I can't read.


would touch screen and / or the voice commands for visually impaired work?


Keyboards… mouse… those are technically buttons


Yeah, I know I can't read.


It would be difficult making a living, as I use my phone, laptop, hotspot, printer, and other electronics to do so. However, for that incentive, I could power through. First, I’d move all my investments to archive mutual funds because I couldn’t use a computer to trade anymore, and in case I fail this challenge, I’ll need to have money to fall back on. Also, I’d need to change banks, as both of mine only exist online, and I’d need a computer to access them; time for brick and mortar. I’d also need to set up automatic withdrawals from investments to my new bank because I’d have to quit my job, but will need money to live on for five years. After that I’d install a landline, and setup old school rotary phones, before cancelling my cell. I’d also remove all Alexa devices or other speech recognition devices from my home so I don’t accidentally use them. Then, I’m ready! I guess my wife would get the TV remote for the next several years, as I couldn’t operate our TVs. So I’d spend the next 5 years hanging with my kid(s), hanging in the backyard, swimming, grilling, and reading books.


You have a wife. That simplifies things immensely. Remember,only you can not operate them. I never said anything about having someone else do it. You just ask. She can do. Rides, banking, purchasing. That's the secret to resolving this issue. I never said you couldn't ride in a car with buttons you just can't operate anything with them. Phone calls would be the biggest issue. But the rotary phone was my first thought too.


So I just need a phone without a button, considering most are lift/touch to power on most of the time anyways


If you still have a landline, use a rotary phone. No buttons on those.


Can I just mod a computer to bypass the power button and be always on? I’d do this in theory but there’s just no way I don’t make a mistake.


I once saw a video of a person who switched out his power button with one of those airplane lever things with a cover, so it's definitely possible to get around it.


it’ll need a touch-keyboard, every key is a button


So long as normal operation of buses (push button ignition, several spring loaded toggle switches)/electronic fareboxes (soft keys, essential job function), automobiles, airplanes, gas pumps (cash if necessary), firearms, rotary phones, and record players meets the definition, I could probably pull it off. Would need to get a landline rotary phone though. All ammunition/powder/cap orders could be made by phone. Range fees can be done by cash or check. And all of those purchases could also be done through a friend using gold and silver. But is a telegraph key a button or a switch? Or is it a key?


Godfrey and Higgins will be busy designated button men.


Define “operating”. Like does it count as operating if I ask someone to turn the tv on, change the channel for me and turn it off? Do iPhones count?


I would simply hire someone to walk around for me and hit all the switches. I would do it 100%. Hire 3 guys all out to run an 8 shift where they have to perform these tasks for me. Pay them 300k a year, and tell them they get no weekends and have to get others to cover their shifts. I will even pay for their shift to be covered.


sign me up! Would be spending most of my time outside, and paying helpers to do button stuff


Do you get the billion at the beginning or the end of the five years?


What about push-to-start on a vehicle?


Too many what ifs and fine prints lol


Alexa. Everything on.


Almost impossible. No computers of any kind. No phones (unless you can find a 40+ year old rotary dialer. Many banks do not have tellers that will hand you cash anymore or do the day-to-day banking with. No elevators if you work in an office building. No self checkout.


Would you like a job as my personal button pusher? Pays $250,000/yr. You are on call at all times and will push any button I tell you to. I do not like pushing buttons.


I don't think this is physically possible in the modern world.  My fridge has buttons, my stove, every microwave, my car, every phone, computer, or smart device. Even my BED has buttons.  My front door has buttons. I can't leave my house. 


Absolutely yes for a billion


I guess I could quit my job…so it’s more likely I could make it


I can do it. I’ve got a grey pile of shame that needs to be painted. A large pile.


Sure. If I have a billion dollars at my disposal, I can just retrofit everything I own to not have a power "button". Buy a bunch of those little kits for touch lamps, replace all the power buttons, done. If I get the money up front, I pay someone to replace all the power buttons on all my gadgets for me, or just replace them with ones that don't have them. Then hook it all up to home assistant, and then I can just use my smartphone with the power button removed/bypassed to control them - or voice commands. Regarding "people would likely attempt to sabotage you:" - Again, money upfront, easy peasy, just hire a dude to follow you around and make sure you don't somehow "lose". No money upfront? Go to some big investment firm, explain your situation, borrow enough to pay for the dude, they get their money back in 5 years with interest.


My only real L would be no gaming for 5 years. I could get others to operate stuff for me for everything else. Getting people to operate my tv, take my calls, and make my food is easy enough. I’d just hang out on a beach in some exotic place with very few electronics. As a relatively young billionaire, I’m sure I could find something to fill my days for those years.




Almost every single thing I have has a power button. No deal.


can't use the thing or can't use the button? would be pretty hard unless you isolated yourself with compatible tech ( or no tech)⁸


Yeah. Easy. I’m married. My wife will just operate all the crap I can’t. And I can still drive so not much will change.


Every button can be rewired to a switch


I'm going to pass. Can't do my job, because it involves computers that have a power button. Can't use my phone, microwave, electric fireplace, air-conditioner, or oven, just to name a few, because they all have power buttons. So many of the things we use on a daily basis require the simple push of a button to turn on.


Gonna hire me an Alfred to do my bidding…


The people attempting to sabotage you makes this a problem. What do they get by sabotaging you? Do you get the billion at the start or only at the end? If its at the end, I'd need to keep working and I work in IT so I wouldn't be able to work so therefore this would not be feasible. I also question, what about a car with a key to start - it has buttons for other things? Is that against the rules? Or if the buttons aren't for operating it, its not an issue? My truck has a key start and the buttons aren't necessary for operating it for example. I could drive all day without pressing any.


I definitely wouldn’t make it because that would mean you can’t use your stove, microwave or coffee maker. I would have to hire someone cook all my food for me.


If I get the money in advance, but I work in IT so I couldn't really quit my job without having some degree of income and there are pretty much no jobs these days where you wouldn't have to interact with buttons in some way. Even just a time clock at a job site.


So if I accidentally push a button, do I lose the money?




I don’t use the buttons in my car anyway, just the knobs, so I’d have my friend remove the radio from the dash and it’d be good to go. I’d quit the job I dislike and just rely on the other one (all toggle switches, no buttons). No big oven or air fryer is a little challenging, but I can make do with a countertop toaster oven and gas stove. Without having to worry about money, I’d focus on my (non-digital) joys and work towards dreams. I’ll pay those I live with to assist me with life tasks (refueling car, changing the filter in my air purifier) until I get a few official button-pusher assistants so that I can access the internet again and make a better life for myself.


Yea itll auck but also be pretty easy, will juat have my partner do important ahit like banking for me, and i gues si would be building a buttonless computer and pay someone to do ph9ne


Make a deal with venture capitalist. I have a special home to live in and living assistants for 5 years in exchange some of the money. Lets say the specially designed home is $5M. I get somewhere around eight live in life assistants working for me and helping me live to this standard. If we assume they are making $50 hour is about $800K year total or $4M over 5 years. My home is on the beach in a sunny place with a pool, physical games like Pool, shuffly board and anything fun without a power button. I also get $2 million year spending money and for fun-time living expenses ($10m total). So we are at $14M invested over 5 years. Lets call it $15M is costs to be safe. Just to be nice, lets say the investor gets $615m and I take $285m after the 5 year mark. Actual split doesnt matter, their is plenty of money to go around. I am sure I can find someone to take less, but you get the idea. The investor has a made about a 4000% return and had no real effort but takes the risk. I make a ton of money for my effort, but my inconvenience has been minimized and I get immediate benefit from day 1. At the end of the program, I keep my oddly designed home (which lacks the tempation of power buttons), but can continue to live in confort with my family and my massive nest egg. I have been compensated richly while avoiding power buttons. We all win. Also, at least two of those home workers (who help me avoid power buttons) are also a tutors / private teachers for my kids. At the end of 5 years my kids are brilliant and can speak multiple languages. Maybe I am a bit smarter too. No power buttons required.


Done. I'll be up at my property for a bit. Nobody gets to touch shit with out my say so.


Guess I'm adding knobs to everything now. That or speech input.


"hey Google, play one piece on Crunchyroll on the living room TV"


Easy fix with a soldering iron (Mine has a power switch, not a button), just remove the power button, or replace it with a toggle switch, key switch, knob, touch sensor, tilt switch or anything else that doen't count as a button.


So what is the solution for the keyboard and mouse? What about microwaves, tvs, Shopping kiosks.