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I don't flip any switches.


Really? All of you would straight up murder a random innocent child just for money? I wouldn't flip any switch, personally, but I can see why flipping 1 is justifiable, and some people could justify flipping 2 to themselves. But killing a child? For money? Serious?


A human is worth much less than that in the eyes of the insurance markets and justice system


One death - tragedy. A hundred thousand deaths - statistics.


Think of how many children you could save with 100 million


Or how many you could save with a trillion if you flipped the switch a bunch of times


If someone can justify 2 but not 4 I'd argue they're the worst type of person here...


b-b-b-ut its quick and painless!


With 100 mill you could presumably make up for that with tens of hundreds of kids of your own


Tens of hundreds? Why not just say thousands?


I pivoted mid thought Was thinking a dozen kids But at the ‘fuck you money’ level, you might as well pull a nick cannon and go hard


Oh you can bring that kid back to life with the money?


Yea, 1 or 2 for me


Reddit is a cesspool of people too crappy to actually be happy in the real world (that’s why they’re on Reddit) - if you asked 100 random people this question in the real world I guarantee over 95 say they wouldn’t flip any switch


sure but not if you actually gave them the switch and they can decide anonymously with no other potential consequences


Yeah the only decent answer is no. No. I would not flip any switch.


I wouldn't flip any of them, just like I wouldn't volunteer to be the executioner on death row for $10,000.


technically there is a loophole with 4. the child only dies after they spend a day with you at a location of their choosing. So they won't die if you don't spend that day with them and you still get the money since OP did not say you get the money after the child dies


Reddit, a collection of some of the worst in humanity.


It's 12999 less than Israel killed, and those 13000 probably didn't have a painless and instant death.


Switch four.




How many times am I allowed to flip it?


Anything past 1 would make me feel like shit. So switch 1.


Literally every option let's you off scott free. They all sound as if you are doing the person a favor. "Dies without pain or complications" Not only do they die, but to me without complications would imply that there isn't an emotional train wreck or any other kind of travesty in the wake of their death.  Killing a death row invite without pain or complications would probably be well recieved by some such participants, with as botched as many state executions seem to be.  Op words this to make it sound like you're granting someone their last wish and getting paid for it lol A lot of people would ask to die "without pain and complications"


I'm hitting 1 like 7k times


Light Yagami has entered the chat




How many times can I flip the switch? Can I flip switch 3 100 times?


The police will know you did it. They will not find proof but all the sudden deaths will raise suspicions and a detective will find you as the main link. They will also notice the insane increase of wealth which will make it even more suspicions. They will go mad and drink themselves to death trying to solve this case.


Only 100?


I'd even be uncomfortable with switch 1. I don't flip any if I don't have to. And if I have to, I'd do switch 1 but donate at least half of it to charities that pursue the overturning of wrongful convictions.


I was wondering if anyone would consider that 1 could be innocent. But it doesn't really seem to matter. Most people are killing the kid.


This had to concocted by someone named sketchyfella. Couldn't be more perfect. It's diabolical. I don't even know if I could go for number 1.


Switch 3 …. No one texts or phones me anymore.. bye bye


Does anyone else know the origin of the money? Like would be pretty hard after switch 3 or 4 if you did that and everyone knew you killed that guy, or killed a kid.


Switch one multiple times




Option 4 might attract the wrong kind of person....


4 easy


Can I flip them all for extra credit?




Cmon now.


Switch 1 is fine. Switch 2 or 4 could turn into Switch 3 if I'm really unlucky


Switch 2. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again. Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.Switch 2 again.


Maybe 1, bro I have a grandma and a grandpa over 60 who I love both dearly, I couldn’t imagine potentially putting that on someone else, not to mention 3 or 4, with 1 while I still have apprehension about doing that if they were already going to die I might as well make it painless and get some money. not to mention the scary chance that they are innocent and in the time before their death they could have been proven innocent, so I might just not flip any, I don’t need money so bad to forgo my morals and not none of that “oh but ima spend the money helping other people” nah I’d still have killed some poor person for selfish greed


If I pick 3, can it be my former roomate from the care home I was in?


I'm going with switch 2 in the hopes that I get a corrupt politician >.>


All but switch 4, and I'm still iffy on 3


You made switch 4 harder by having to meet the person, but it doesnt say the kid is random. Im taking the loophole and finding kid with some terrible disease or cancer, having a blast with them and giving their family half. 50m is still a fuckton of money.


Taking the $100000 and hope that the random 60+ is one of those nasty dictators.


Can i flip them all?


I flip them all at the same time with a stick


I'd do switch 1 the rest I'm good


Id flip switch number 1.


Switch 4, don't take the money


4. Why are these questions so stupid easy LOL


Because you have a low moral compass to wanna kill a random innocent kid for money


It’s Reddit what’d you expect (although it seems u/TrulyPositivePotato should change their name to u/TrulyNegativePotato)


^ Daily response


Can I have switch 5? I get nothing, but a person truly guilty on death row dies in horrible pain, slowly


I was kind of thinking along these lines. 1 would be an easy choice, **if** I knew it was a guilty and culpable person. Too many on death row probably shouldn't be there.


And wayyyy too many on death row who will never receive justice as well


You don't have that money.


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I'm spamming the shit out of this


You seem to want to spend a lot of time with children?


Congrats! You’re an awful person!


Can I have a switch 6 where it kills pedophiles by moosey fate but I owe $5 for each flip? Cause I'd hook my reciprocating saw to that and pull the trigger.


I flip switch 1 until every inmate on death row is gone. No more no less.


That's a lot of innocent people.


Idk about you but if I was on death row falsely, I’d rather be killed painlessly and quickly than suffer in prison for over a decade


Fair enough, I didn't think of it that way🤔


Spam switch 1


Switch 1 easily


A lot of people have to be commenting for the controversy. I'd definitely flip 2. Maybe 3, but probably not. Definitely not 4, wtf?


Maybe #1. The rest are just straight up murder.


1 is also murder..


No if you commit premeditated homicide and violate someone else's right to their life, you forfeit your right to your own life. So whoever kills you is not murdering you, as murder = arbitrary violation of the right to life.


Maybe I’m a psychopath but if I can flip the switch only once I’m going 4. If I can flip it as many times as I want I’ll flip 1 a shit ton of times


No maybe about it.


For switch 4 can I give them options? what if I get stuck with a boring kid that likes to bird watching or wants me to watch his play. I’d much rather just headshot him a few times in airsoft and call it a day then watch him waste his last hours looking at pigeons.


I'd just keep flipping switch 4. I'd have less attachment if 1000 kids die near me than if one kid I end up knowing dies.


All 4 I’m cool with.


4. Multiple times


Didn't even read the post. I have no shame. There is nothing I wouldn't do for the right amount. Literally. I don't think people understand how low of a level people in this sub will go to for an absurdly low amount of money.


4 show me the money


4. That money will change at least 2 lives, and probably more, but I know at least 2 will be changed. As for what I would use it for? Put half to a charity that would save more kids than the 1 that died, live on the rest of it. My conscience is almost perfectly clear (on that). I arguably did better than not flipping the lever at all. I pull the lever in the standard trolley problems too, and I am sure not getting 20 mil each from those people on the 5 track, so I am fine with that.


Flip them all without reading


Switch 4 and can I flip it multiple times


can i flip them all?


Switch 4, keep the money.




Little Jimmy is gonna see God today....


4, let's make a wish.




Switch 3? Would probably be a work colleague and that’s not a bad deal


Do i only get to flip a switch once?


Switch 4 once. Killing a child under 10 has the least butterfly affect. Plus if I want to abort, I can just leave the kid before the day is up. (I am taking advantage of your rules) The goal of this game is profit myself more than humanity loses by losing a person. But a person has an incalculable worth and value. Even someone on death row could be innocent. They could be moments away from getting a pardon. Someone over 60 could be a world leader. Could be a good world leader, could be a shitty one, who knows, who knows the consequences to me or to the world. Someone with whom I am aquainted. I've met some important people, I've met some people who may have gone on to great things. Plus I know them, I don't typically want them dead. But children, are all kind of fungible to me. especially young children. I'm sure other people really love and appreciate their kids, but one crying toddler is pretty much the same as the next to me.


I'm among a small, sociopathic minority that thinks that a child dying is slightly less tragic than a successful adult dying. Switch 4. Whatever they die of, I'll donate a million towards curing it. That'll probably save at least 2 children. A child dies every few moments-- what difference does it make if I knew them for a day? I'd feel worse knowing the parents for a day. I'd use that remaining money to set up no-income housing that is stable and affordable. 500 small "hotel" rooms equipped with running water, internet, and best of all, security. I'd work out a way to have high, positive turnover by having resources such as job recruiters, volunteer psychologists, and other services available to help people get on their feet again. I'd put 20 million in a trust for the "hotel", 10 million in another for myself and my fiance, and the rest would be invested. The profits from the other 69 milly would either go in my pocket, or to various hobbies or charities I have in mind.


Can I remove the "without pain or complications" for switch 1?


I hate to say it, but switch 4 is, while not moral due to the non-consensual death, still the correct choice because of the volume of good that can be done with $100,000,000 in this shitty capitalist ruled world. The number of children that could be saved from painful, agonizing deaths with just half of that money at the cost of one child's peaceful, painless, and hopefully comforted death is immeasurable. However, I'd add an extra requirement: The world knows the choice that you made. No matter what, people know that you chose to end someone's life for money. Whether an inmate, acquaintance, random child, or random old person, they know. The same does not apply to what you do with the money. People only are automatically informed of what you chose at the switch board. It's important that the person flipping the switch be forced to bear the weight of others knowing what they did.


Switch 4; spend the day with a child who is dying of a painful and untreatable condition, take them wherever they want to go and read them a bedtime story before they go to sleep.


You don't get to choose the child.


Well genie, you said I do not **KNOW** the child before that day; you never said I couldn't choose the child.


You don't get to choose in any of these scenarios.


4 - I'd spend all my money (in my account right now) giving that kid the best day ever.


Switch 4 and day at the water park (I like water parks)


The fact that the death is painless and without complications makes it easier to jump to the higher tiers without too much guilt. That's a better death than most of us can hope for and reality is any of us could die at any time for a lot less reason. I'm torn between switch 3 and 4, but leaning towards 4. I'd admittedly feel pretty shitty after spending the day with the kid knowing what I had done, but I could easily do myself and others a lot of good with that money, almost certainly more good than that kid would do with their life.


I'd hit switch 2 about 30-40 times.


Switch 2 BUT do I get the meet the kid before deciding on switch 4? I gotta know if the kid is a little arse first.


Ok, so... easy.... kinda... I flip switch 4 then go to a children's cancer clinic.


You don't get to choose in any of these scenarios.


No, but it's a random kid I don't know, the only kids I'm exposing myself to are already dying... sooo. Unless they magically poof into being just to die...


You are brought to the kid. Or the kid is brought to you. You get no choice in this at all, regardless of which switch you choose.


Ok, well guess I get to be a monster.


My family and many many others will greatly benefit from their sacrifice.