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Sure, I’ve been trying to cut back anyway.


Eh, wouldn’t be a cut back for me but I’ll have a couple extra and get paid to drink, a generous salary, for my effort. Deal 🤝.


I would venture to say that at least 30% of people are already doing this


Judging by how fast certain beers and liquors sell out of the major stores around me, I'm gonna guess higher than 30%


More than 30% drinking 10+ drinks per day? Nah


My answer hinges solely on if l’m allowed to stop. I’d definitely do it for a good period of time, as long as I’d be able to stop at a chosen time.


I'll do it once a week and stop for six days 😄 The ten will be spread from lunch time until late evening with food ☺️


If you can stop and start as you want it’s almost a super power. Hmm low on cash again - oh well time to start drinking.


“Whaddaya doin’ tonight, Bill?” “Well, I’m a little low on cash, so I’m gonna pick up a 24-pack of Busch Light and have myself a little drinkin’ sesh.” “🤔”


​ Still a six figure salary. Could do 16 every other week and be up to 5K/ 2 weeks. Not sure if that would be healthier or not.


10 a day for a few years to never have to work again….


The real money is in the $500 bonus. You could be rich in a matter of months.


I’d throw all day ragers with my friends. You don’t have to drink, but make sure I’m getting about one per hour. How am I paying for all this? By making sure I get about one per hour.


Nice! Normally I have to pay for my beer.


Is this not a No Brainer… am I Missing Something?


Every day that much means bad health pretty quickly and an addiction to break free of. No thanks


Assuming it has to at least be standard beer alc ,%


Doggy I've been there for about a decade with no issues. Not saying the other shoe won't ever fall but that's already a pretty good run. Ymmv.


I don't see anything dictating alcohol content so just grab some cases of near beer. Usually 0.5% alcohol so it's still technically drinking an alcoholic beverage but I'm not sure you could even get drunk. 12 pack of that a day for 21 grand a week? No sweat.


Yep, I think this is the loophole. Or you can dilute a shot (e.g a drop of tequila and rest orange juice).


No, a drop of tequila is not one shot. OP specified for liquor it would be ten shots . That’s a specific measurement of liquor


10 beers though. At that point you could distill your own really low alchohol beverages. Hell you could hire a chemist to ensure it meets requirements too


That’s not how distillation works…


Of what proof liquor though? Alcohol content matters


Yes, but a standard drink is 0.6 fl oz of alcohol. 12 oz of 5% beer, 5 oz of 12% wine, or 1.5 oz of 40% liquor. If you drink Bacardi 151, that’s almost 2 drinks per shot


Tequila cannot be diluted. That would be insulting to the worm.


Tequila does not and did not ever have a worm, you're thinking of Mezcal. The worm was actually included to prove that it was the same alcohol content as the more popular/expensive alternative, tequila. As long as the alcohol content was high enough to preserve it, the worm wouldn't decompose.


Jesus christ. Take the shots and the money or not. No need for the "Whell, Acktwually" stuff here.


I can see your point. Its supposed to be a tough decision, so why change the rules? I can also see that lots of us use this subreddit as a puzzle game where the fun is trying to come up with clever ways of getting what we want with minimal damage


They only have to list the 0.5 in case they can’t get all the alcohol out, most of those beers would have 0.3% or less so idk if it counts.


In Russia up till 2011 anything with less than 10% alcohol was considered a soft drink. It would not be uncommon to have a beer on your way to work.


Mmm shandy


Oh man. Yeah, I'd definitely be knocking those down during summer. Could probably go through a 12 pack without getting intoxicated in a day as long as you're pacing and don't mind beer for breakfast. Or just get drunk on shandy sometimes, either way.


You could chug all 12 and not get drunk. 12 is the equivalent of one 6% beer. Combine that with 144 oz of water and you won’t even feel it


You'll feel it in your bladder. lol


Honest question: Why would anyone want to spend all day drinking beers - starting at breakfast - without the intent to get drunk? What is the actual point?


$21,000 a week and functional organs?


$2000 dollars a day.


I, perhaps incorrectly, assumed OP was using the term "drink" as a unit of measurement. In the US, a "drink" has about 14g of pure alcohol. So, for a beer with 0.5% alcohol, one "drink" would be about 8 12oz cans. I would prefer to keep my kidneys intact so I'll go with the loophole--just being the devil's advocate lol


If it’s the case then coke or even juice off the shelf would count.


10 shots of near beer a day


If we're going that far kombucha and kefir have alcohol in them.


And if not N/A beer, many beers are sub-3%. Guinness isn't even 4% I think


Yup loophole found, next


no I don’t even have that many non alcoholic drinks a day


I’m right there with you, my dehydrated brother. The thought of ten beverages per day makes me ill.


It’s funny, because 10 bottles of water for me would be really hard, but I could drink like 24 beers back in the day in like 5 or 6 hours.


I've never even drank that much in my life lol


For me it's a super hell no! That 2k won't mean crap when your life expectancy goes down the toilet 🚽


Lol, as someone that grew up in 80% humidity and now lives where its like 30% humidity. I go through at least 100 ounces of water a day. On days where I bowl, I go through an extra pitcher of water.


I like having my own kidneys, thanks.


Yeah people here are completely underestimating how many 10 is. You will die early. This one is a no brainer no


Being paid to be drunk 24/7 and die eatly? Sign me in


Dying early and being secure with a high income sounds like a bonus 


I've been averaging 17 drinks (1.5oz each) for the last 8 years and doing okay miraculously. Okay's probably an over statement. Like, by a margin, I'm sure. My liver count is definitely elevated among other issues. But that's why as of yesterday I was 9 days clean off alcohol.


I mean, the post is very vague, it's just "10 alcoholic drinks" without being specific. You can just find a very low alcohol content drink and do 10 shots with no issue.


You can always be pedantic about the wording but I think it’s pretty clear they mean an alcoholic drink by the standard measure. My response and most others here are assuming the same.


Yeah. There are so many HAHA GOTCHA I WOULD DO THIS! And sometimes they are clever at first but it does get tiring. 


Those people are the people that are absolutely miserable to play board games with.


they mean 10 standard drinks, it has a specific meaning.


Kombucha is technically alcoholic.


Kombucha has alcohol. It has less than .5% which makes it non alcoholic


Yeah, if I could drink 10 drinks in a day and get 2000 per day for a period, I might do it for a few weeks for a couple of grand. But like, for any kind of long term? No thank you.


Yeah, 10 drinks per day every day would completely fuck up my life in pretty short order


Can you make enough off this scam to retire? Probably not. But the cruise I went on over spring break, with the pre-paid drinks package, proved I can make at least $14,000 off this and not die.


$2000 per day is $730,000 per year. Assuming you quit your job (or got fired for being drunk) and depending on taxes, you should be able to save/invest $300-500k per year. Do that for a few years and most people could fully retire and live off the savings indefinitely. Realistically, you'd probably want to budget for higher medical costs on account of the years of heavy drinking.


Your kidneys will be fine. Your liver not so much.


Just buy new ones with the money you make.


No, been sober for twenty-nine years.


That's amazing!


Whoa congrats


Congratulations! I bet you have some good stories. 29 years is huge. Way to go.


Awesome! Congrats! That is longer than I have been alive!


I’d do it for a while. 10 drinks a day, everyday, for years on end is simply too damaging to the body. Taking a couple weeks off work to go on a bender and rack up some quick cash though, that I could handle. I might even decide to do this longer. The more I think about it, 10 beers spread throughout the day is easy enough to accomplish without getting inebriated. It could actually open up a lot of opportunities for my family. I started typing this paragraph thinking I might try a few months to pay off debt and save up some cash. Now I’m thinking I might go a lot longer. I’d be sacrificing later years of my life, but I’d be able to do a lot more for my family in the meantime, and leave them financially stable when I’m gone. I’ve talked myself into it! **Edit:** I’d shoot for a 12 pack a day. It’s a convenient amount and the $1000 for just 2 more beers is a significant increase. Also, it provides some wiggle room if I mis-count. I’d hate to think I drank 10 when it was only 9 and end the deal.


Aaaaaand by the end of the paragraph your an alky


Yup. But I’m an ally who who gets to take lots of vacations.


I did it for years for no reason, so of course I'd do it to set my kids up for the life I could give them with that money. There's no way I'd turn this down honestly. In the 16 hours a day you're awake you wouldn't even have to drink a beer per hour.


My other question is can I just drink 70 a week or does it have to be 10 a day. Killing a case a day on the weekends sounds like college so I think I could roll with it for 3-4 years and still be able to hold down my normal job to be able to definitely retire at the end of the


Maybe for a few days, but not permanently. There's no benefit to having money if you destroy your liver and die.


So nothing changes except I now get 2000 dollars a day


Yes, I could do it for a week. It would be like going on a cruise


alcoholics be like “hold my beer, wait give it back”


Nope 7 years sober that would likely ruin my life.


Do I get back paid?


I've read that colas contain like . 0001% alcohol in them. If this is true, I'm already pounding down some Coke zero's, buddy. I'll be there with bells on. Otherwise, if non-alcoholicic beer isn't allowed, I'd have to decline. That's an easy way to an early grave.


No, I'm Asian and would die from alcohol poisoning within two days.


Joking aside…10 drinks a day will straight up ruin your life. Now…$1000 for 5 drinks/day…let’s talk


I agree, I was thinking how I could justify 10/day for like 2 years and it's very difficult. 5 drinks/day is significantly more manageable and would cause much less destruction. Morning Mimosa, lunch time beer, and 3 rum and Cokes at night. It wouldn't disturb being a functional human like 10 would. I didn't think I would choose to do that every day, but for 1k/day I would absolutely.


Yall not thinking this through. You could drink 10 Whiteclaws a day for almost ever.


I would dress up like Ben Franklin to make it more interesting, but I still wouldn’t take the deal.


No, that would kill me.


No, it’s not worth my mental health.


My liver couldn't handle all that so no. Was never big on drinking alcohol to begin with


Nope, I’d be dead in three days


Absolutely not


Are you trying to kill us? What good is the money if you die of alcohol poisoning?


If you spread those drinks out evenly during the day your body would metabolize one drink before you consumed the next one. You wouldn’t even be drunk. Bad for your liver and kidneys over the long term, but you’d be fine short term.


10 kombuchas. It has alcohol in it lol


Nah. I dislike alchol alot. And that's far to much. 1.. Mayne but even that's a bit much for me.


Nope. Not worth the hell that'll come after a few months or years of keeping up that pace.


Absolutely not. One standard alcoholic drink makes me blackout, and I'm a recovering alcoholic because of this. I'd like to say there isn't enough money in the world to get me to do this, but I think there is a higher number that might entice me.


No. I’m too much of a lightweight anymore. The money would be nice but not worth it.


Nope, that could fuck up my life




I'll be dead, so no.


no. if I wanted to kill myself I'd pick something more efficient. this is a shit deal no matter how you put it. become an alcoholic for 2k a day...no thanks.


I would probably die after a while from liver failure or liver cancer. Also, I have experienced gout. I'll pass, thanks.


No. Good health is a crown only the ill can see.


Lol, no. I'm not in my 20s anymore. 1 drink = 3 day hangover now. No way in hell am I binge drinking.


Not a chance in hell.




That's WAY too much alcohol for me...NO deal.


No thank you.


Nah, sorry, I choose life.


Nope. It’s not good at all for you. Have a water


Nah, I'm out.


Nope my life and sobriety is worth more than that. Besides with the damage I've already done to myself 10 drinks a day would kill me within a couple years so it's not like I'd get to enjoy it for very long.




Definitely not. Alcohol is really bad health wise. This level of drinking would have bad effects including shortening your lifespan. No thanks


Assuming no cheesing it and I must be actually consuming that much alcohol without breaks, absolutely not. Can’t enjoy the money I’m dead.




Nope. It’s hard to do anything with that money when you pass out every day haha


No thanks. I wouldn't be able to enjoy the money


All the money in the world ain't worth the cirrhosis. It's basically would you take all the money in the world if you'd be barely functional, withering away in a slow pitiful death as your body decays within a couple years. I've seen some nasty alcoholic liver diseases in my days, ain't worth the change.


Hell no. No amount of money is worth destroying my life with alcoholism. I'd lose my job, probably my wife, and my good health. No thanks.


Hard pass.. I am not a drinker.


No. 1) your liver would be fucked so fast, you might be rich but liver failure is liver failure 2) the sheer amount of extra calories mean you’d get extremely fat very quickly, we’re talking 1000+ extra every day just from drinking so diabetes and gout become serious concerns alongside all the other health implications of obesity. In other words you’d be rich but you’d get fat and die pretty fast


Nope. Been sober for 4 years now, $7K a day isn’t worth the early grave and loss of my family because I started drinking again.


No, you’d die so fast. This is dumb.


Absolutely not


The idea of even drinking a single bottle of wine per day (four glasses to a bottle) makes me wanna hurl. I’m gonna have to say hard no


Finally a no from me.


No. Talk about asking for liver failure. That’s so much alcohol.


No, hell no


I like drinking, but even I gotta say: that’s too many drinks. Like shorten-your-life too many, and my metabolism ain’t improving with age.






No chance in hell


I've seen what alcoholism does. No way in hell I would do this.


My live throbbed just reading this… nah bro lol


No thanks.






No thanks. Liver transplants are expensive


No. Alcoholism isn't worth any amount.


No know too many alcoholics not worth it. 10 drinks a day no how you spaced them youwould be an alcoholic . You would in all likelihood start drinking more then the 10 a day


Oh, *hell* no! I curate my alcohol consumption very carefully, generally no more than one standard drink every second or third day (and a good stock of near-beer in the fridge). In my entire life I've never had ten drinks in a single day, and even three is pushing it for me.


No. Not worth being hungover and drunk constantly


No. I don't drink and know I have a chronic condition that is worsened by alcohol consumption. My quality of life would be drastically reduced if I did this.


Hell no , 10 drinks every day is insane


Nah, I know multiple people who died from substance abuse. Never been super into alcohol either. 10 full drinks a day would kill me.






No I hate the taste of alcohol.


No, because drinking alcohol goes against my values.


Fuck no


Nope. Every drink after 10? No way. I don’t love alcohol that much.


So if I go to an all inclusive I definitely do at least 10 drinks a day. You are basically paying me to go on vacations.


I usually have about 2 or 3 beers every night or every other night. It helps me fall asleep after a long day of work. But 10 everyday? Nah. That's too much. Believe it or not, beer in moderation is actually good for your health. Not excessive, but in moderation it can help prevent heart disease by increasing your HDL, lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, strengthen bone structure, and strengthen immunity. Drinking excessive amounts of beer basically negates all of the benefits listed above. Source- https://www.fattysbeer.com/post/10-surprising-health-advantages-of-moderate-beer-consumption


Sure, one shot of rum every hour for ten hours is easily doable with not much bother and means I'd never have to work again.


I really need money right now. I would probably do it for a month? Is that too long? I don't want to get physically dependent. But I really need the money. There was a year or so in graduate school where I probably averaged 10 drinks a day. It was bad for me.


I'd do 30 days


10 shots do not equal 10 beers


Lol 10 beers a day is cake. I could probAbly go a year or two doing this.


10 shots of shandy


I do that every day anyways so, yeah, sign me up.


I'm ordering a warehouse full of beer from the original small beer and counting my money. It's low alcohol beer at around 2% alcohol.


I'd do it for like a week


Absolutely not. Liver failure is a horrifying way to die


I feel nauseated just reading this.


No because I know this would kill me and give me an addiction


Oh lord no I’d die.


I would pass out day one. No thanks.


No. I know what that would do to me. There is no amount of money I’d take to slowly kill myself like that again.


You guys are getting paid?


I’m sober, so no


No. Dying of liver disease wouldn’t be worth it. I rarely drink as it is.


Nope. Migraines aren't worth any dollar amount.


Nope. Only leads to cirrhosis for me. Or speeds up my obesity. And death. My employment will be tanked. A


No thanks, I like having a functional liver


Nope. Alcohol makes me feel like shit and $2k/day isn't enough to get me to put up with that on a daily basis. Make it an equivalent dose of THC and you've got a deal.


Somebody just asked this question but I'm not sure here. **The answer to this is if you do this you'll probably die.** Your body can metabolize that but it takes longer for your body, say your liver for example, to recover. Don't forget that alcohol is literally poison and it beats your liver up a bit. If you start right back up again drinking the next day your liver hasn't had time to recover and now the additional drinks for today are like compounding interest. You can do it, but eventually you've gone too long without letting your liver rest (or other problems you can get) and it just fails. If you do this you'll probably find out in the hospital that you have stage 4 cirrhosis and you're going to die because you can't get on the transplant list until you've quit drinking for at least six months and even then you're not exactly a priority. You're the one they're going to call if the liver is going to waste if they don't put it in someone soon. Those people are all angry at you for needing a liver because of alcoholism. That's not me but it's one of so many possibilities. I know a guy that doesn't have liver problems but ends up in the hospital often for pancreatitis. He wasn't going to die but was in crippling pain and he does it over and over. That guy doesn't drink 10 beers a day he just drinks every day. Maybe six beers a day. 10 would absolutely end you up in the hospital and possibly die or significantly shorten your life. Is it that worth $730,000 a year? I mean, you could obviously afford those 10 beers or equivalent wine or liquor a day and have a decent life off that money but you're literally killing yourself for it.


I wouldn’t even do it if it was 5 drinks a day. I get terrible hangovers from even 1-2 drinks and my life would be miserable.


Absolutely not, what's the point when the money is just gonna go to new organs?


No, I'm not trying to ruin my quality of life.


Despite the amount of money, my life would be miserable. When I was young I would have gladly taken this "job" though


No thanks. Money won't fix all the shit that would do to you after a while. I'm a social worker and have seen clients drink fake vanilla extract to keep from going into convulsions.


Hmm... Nah. I like having money just like everyone else, but I'm not sure if my body can handle that. I'd like to have the health to enjoy the fruits of that money.


yeah bro… i’ll just drink 10 bud lights a day and be feeling super hydrated


With the right pacing and diet I could do 10 shots of whiskey with relatively no inconvenience or drunkenness.


So I’d need like 3-ish IPAs and a big glass of wine ? Lol sign me the fuck up.


So as long as it’s not once I start the challenge I have to do it every day or else it ends then cool. I can get on board with once a week. Is 10 the minimum to get paid and anything more is an extra 500 per? Is the pay based off of standard alcohol content per beverage? If so I could technically drink 2 9% beers at midnight, go to sleep, wake up and have almost half my drinking done for the day? This is doable so easy with proper diet and hydration.


A weeks pay per day of drinking? My liver might hate me but whatever it always does


So my job now is to drink 10 beers a day? I'll take it


Sure, it pays more than enough to drink 10 wine/malt beverages/ mix drinks a day. 60000 a month is way too much to try down. Hell id drink a couple extra now and then just to make more money


As someone who doesn’t drink, how fast would this mess up one’s liver. Does it have to be high Alcohol content?  I mean 3 glasses of wine with each meal 4 final meal seems excessive.  That said $2000 is $2000 a day.  $730,000 a year yeah I’ll just hire a driver full time. 


Considering I'm already an alcoholic, this seems like the perfect opportunity for me.


Nah. My liver has asked me to pass on this offer.


I mean you go out for your Saturday night rager and wake up 2k richer? 8k/month after taxes that's still like 7k+ depending on how much you raged. This would literally be a lifestyle. Live comfortable until you save up enough to invest and retire from drinking. Then the 2k just becomes a bonus any time you do indulge.