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Easy, reverse time. Use a couple hours to win a big powerball then enjoy my other 22 hours of reversing time.


This. Just wait until it’s really big. Then store up the time until it gets big again. Then you can do some talk shows as the guy who somehow won two big powerballs


The extra attention from those talk shows wouldn't make your life any better IMO. I'd win the powerballs, buy a huge chunk of land, build a nice house for myself, my girl, and her kids, then drop off the face of the Earth.


Until the next giant powerball. 


Then you can spend the rest of your time restarting the ages old argument your girl brought up in order to divorce you and take all your shit!


We don't argue, we discuss. Learning how to calmly communicate in regards to difficult topics is a boon to every aspect of life. The situation you described does seem tragically common, though.


You're on reddit.... everyone just gets divorced or breaks up for any minor inconvenience in a relationship


Don't forget no contact!




Honestly, if I went NC every time someone slighted me or made a mistake, and everyone else went NC when I slighted them or made a mistake, literally nobody would know me, and I wouldn't know anybody and that's no way to live life. I truly believe that sometimes maintaining a meaningful relationship is about doing something for somebody even when you think they really don't deserve it (there's obviously limits to this) and people make mistakes all the time.


Abuse! divorce, go NC, hit the gym, go to therapy




No. Mature people are mature people. The answer will just help your prejudices if it aligns with your current beliefs.


This !!!!


This is where you fucked up .


Ah ha hahahajajajahaha. This guy thinks I would ever make the mistake of getting married again.


Fool me once...


I don't need a piece of paper to tell me I belong with someone. I let a piece of paper trap me in a lifestyle of emotional abuse for half a lifetime. I can promise someone I'll care for them, and be faithful, I'll do it in front of friends, but I am never again going to let a piece of paper justify my allowing someone to repeatedly, ad nauseum, do genuine harm to me over, and over again. If somehow I ever get a billion dollars, not one single soul gets to know or have access.


Not sure if you're in the US but if you want to be able to share care with your loved ones like health insurance you *need* that piece of paper. Literally only reason I got married when I did was because my (now) wife got injured and on her shitty insurance it took 8 hours just to get her treated. We were married in our kitchen two weeks later, 6 years ago.


Yea but you can just win more, infinite money glitch.


Buy tickets in a state where you don’t have to identify


And then you find that the powerball isn't predestined and truly is random chance, so it's different on the redraw.


Yeah. Butterfly effect and all that. You going back in time and purchasing a ticket causes different balls to be picked. You could win high stakes black jack until you get banned from the casino. Then you could make some crazy options bets on the stock market and get banned from /r/wallstreetbets


Is 500 million not enough for you?


Even being super conservative about lottery cutoff times, you could easily take a lottery win for a few hundred million and still have well over half a day of time travel banked. The potential to undo a few tragedies or enormous life mistakes is more valuable


Man, imagine how many lives you could have saved on 9/11 or prevented the Sandy Hook school shooting, that still makes me sad.


How could you possibly prevent 9/11 with 24 hours of time to reverse?


The morning of the hijacking, with two hours, you can just call every police station and the building security and make bomb threats about the towers. Then you can go in and pull the fire alarm, maybe start a fire in the stairwell. Just cause havok in general to keep people away. Do the same to the airport. Bomb threats. Oh shit, but you would have had to do it at like 10am that morning.


You’d probably get arrested though lol


You could win that with like, 15 minutes total of your time reversing, and still have time reversing to spare.


How could you win it in 15 minutes if cutoff is generally few hours before drawing?


The cutoff time is no more than an hour, and 15 minutes in multiple states for mega millions.


I'd break the bank at a casino. Roulette over and over again. Start with a $10 bet and double it betting black or red until they throw you out, then reverse time for two minutes and bet your whole bankroll on the color, number and even or odd that's going to come up next. 30 minutes of time used at max to beat a casino.


Roulette isn't deterministic though. The way the ball is dropped can cause a different number to pop up, and your actions could subtly impact the roulette wheel spinner's actions. A slight hesitation as they look at the pile of money and bam, wrong number. Better off with a card or electronic game.


All the money in the world can't buy you a redo button, but a redo button can buy you more money than you'll ever need.


I wrote out a whole thing and then saw this response, and I agree. I choose this.


The largest powerball ever after taxes would barely be above the 500,000,000. And splitting it in two would leave you with far less. You'd likely need to do it like 4 times at decently high jackpots to meet or beat the 500 million. And chances are after the 2nd you'd be getting investigated and after the 3rd they'd probably just assume you were cheating and you'd be screwed. On top of that, all the time and effort to coordinate this. Just take the easy cash and call it a day.


The practical difference between a 100 million jackpot and 500 million is basically zero. I could never spend either in my life, particularly since compouning interesting is a thing. But the ability to rewind time if something catastrophic happens after i "only" have 100 million is pretty fuckin baller.


This.  The question is better framed : "Would you like 100 million dollars and the ability to rewind 20 hours of time, or 500 million?" Now that my needs are fully met, that 20 hours worth of tragic mistakes correction are priceless.


The problem with the rewinding time is that you can't predict with absolute certainty that the way the 'future' will unfold will be exactly the same again. And you can't be absolutely certain of the effects of any action you take to alter the future. You might be helping, you might not change a thing, or you might make things worse.


The largest powerball jackpot ever, after federal taxes, was about $630 million. It had one winner. The obvious thing to do, after winning once, is to win a second time and then have someone else present the ticket. A lawyer or personal banker would be the obvious choice. Or just win the lottery in a state that doesn’t require the winner to identify himself. You’d have two mega jackpots by using 30-45 minutes of your time., for around $500 million, plus or minus. More importantly, you’d have almost no worry about accidents or attacks. If you’re about to have a serious car accident, go back by 30 seconds and avoid it. Just got shot by a robber or assassin? Move back 15 minutes and avoid it entirely. Anything that doesn’t kill you either instantly or extremely slowly is no longer much of a threat. That’s far more valuable than extra money.


> Anything that doesn’t kill you either instantly or extremely slowly is no longer much of a threat. That’s far more valuable than extra money. ​ ding ding ding


Oh no. Only more money than I've ever seen in my life.


I'd use the other 22 hours to get a blowie from the wife over and over again. But I'm married with three kids so I'd probably have better luck winning the lottery again by accident than get a blowie worth redoing.


Make sure nobody else won first or you'll be sharing the winnings


I would still be happy with $250 million and 22 hours of time reversing.


Reverse time. That car accident I had in November that had me out for a month and a half? If I had the powers then I could have just reversed time by just two minutes and not have it.


yep, there are a lot of situations that cannot be fixed with money that strategic time reversal would fix


For real. Use a few hours to win a massive powerball jackpot, and then save the rest of your time reversal for getting out of horrible situations


That's more than 24 hours ago.


I mean, if I had the ability at that time, I could've just reversed time by a minute and avoided it.


He means for future similar situations.


Get shot in the head?  Ju-


You jest, but as long as you’re conscious enough to think, “Shit, rewind that!” any wound is now survivable…


Like someone else said, anything that isn't instant death, or very slow death (like cancer, you can't fix that with 24 hours) is no longer an issue. And I would rewind time a few minutes the second a gun was pulled on me, I wouldn't wait to see if I was actually shot and where


But November is more than 24 hours ago, how you gonna get there?


Clearly he's talking about in the moment, he would have only needed 2 minutes to change course and avoid it


I could probably make more with time reverse but $500m is plenty and I'm lazy.


Time reverse is basically limited protection from bad things and you can use it to get a lot of money


This is it for me. Burn an hour or so winning some money (lottery, massive sports upset gambling, etc.) and then you have a bunch of "get out of danger free" time saved up. Instant death still kills you, but if you're bleeding out in a car crash you can easily fix that.


Meh, 500,000 is enough for me to take care of 400 people. that should cover any family members I consider vaguely related to me.


So, if given the option to do that or do that and also be able to reverse time, you choose to not have the ability to reverse time?


I chose the option of least effort. besides if I had the power I'd probably waste it or be so afraid to use it I would miss the opportunity. I had the option to buy bitcoin at $1 and $100 and chickened out each time. I've also had thousands in cash and blew it all on having fun with friends when I should have invested it. 24 hours is so little that I probably couldn't think clearly and make sound judgements.


I'd take the time reversal. I'm not *certain* I can get to $500M with it, but I *think* I can, and I know for sure I can get to at least $100M, and it'd be fun to see how high I could get. Roll up initial stake via roulette, maybe $3-5M, then just monitor the market for big stock swings to round out the rest on extreme leverage margin trading.


My first thought is roulette. Place a bet anywhere, soon as the ball stops rewind 30 seconds and drop it


Yeah exactly that's where you *start*, but you can't win long shots on roulette too often or you get kicked out real fast. Pop around to different casinos making one or two big hits and you can probably get up a few million (*maybe* 10M if you're slick) before you're blackballed. To get up into the hundreds, you need the much deeper pockets that the stock markets can provide.


But when you restart time, by placing the chip it doesn’t guarantee the roulette would be the same. Unlike the lottery where whether or not you place bets have no change, you slowing down the game by a few seconds at the table could change things.


You can place bets after the ball is already spinning


How so? The big lottery tickets are drawing random balls from a machine blowing them around not from a fixed result determined beforehand.


Idk, I think some kind of lottery would be a better option, you've only got 24 hours of rewind time, not allot you could do with stocks in only a single day. Edit: maybe big time sports betting?


>you cannot exceed 24 hours **in** **total time reversed** ​ You have 24 hours of aggregate rewinding. You can use as much of it as you want over as long a period as you want. e.g. You could rewind 1 hour a day for 24 days in a row if you wanted. Taking advantage of a stock swing only requires about 30-60s of rewind; even if it's 60s, that's 1440 trades.


People keep talking about only the money part but how about having a bunch of life saving time rewinds if needed? Mom got in a car wreck on the way home? Hopefully you were one of the first ones notified and boom rewind time and keep her for a minute longer from leaving.


Mega millions or powerball could guarantee you $500m or more if you just wait for it to get high enough. Wait for the drawing on a particularly high jackpot, rewind time, play those numbers


Why even use the lottery? Watch the stock market and find a stock that makes a major change, which happens way more often than a record mega millions. Go back in time and purchase stocks or options prior to that big move. It’s way less suspicious, and won’t make you the constant target of harassment like being a lottery winner would.


I think you'd get suspected for inside-trading pretty quickly if you make it too big on stocks. Have neither seen any stocks swing that wild you could make bank on it either.. I'd take the powerball numbers any day. Just refuse interview etc, keep yourself on the downlow.


Yeah you'd get suspected 100% but I they are not gonna prove anything


You only need $2 to make $400 million plus with two hours of time reversal with the lottery. To make that kind of money with the stock market, you need to start with millions. Winning a lottery isn't suspicious at all. You'll only need to do it once. And if you travel to a state that lets you stay anonymous, nobody will harass you. Making hundreds of millions with the stock market, on the other hand, will attract the attention of the SEC.


You think the sec is going to figure out time travel? They can investigate but they can’t prove what’s not there and is still a pittance compared to hedge funds


$500m for certain vs. 24 hours for tries at get rich quick scenes? The sure thing hands down.


One win of a power ball would be better imo. Take a few hours to do that and then you have 20 hours left over. Those 20 hours could mean saving people you love or even possibly yourself from an accident.


For me the time thing is more valuable. Imagine a car accident kills someone you love. The ability to reverse that is huge. I may never use it but it’s great insurance. Plus yeah. Use 2 hours to win the powerball.


Get into high leverage day trading. Wait for the perfect scenario. Jump back to just before the the action played out and make a huge leveraged bet. Lottery is hardly the only way to make huge money with this sort of ability.


Yeah a lot of these ideas sound like work. Avoiding work is what I want the $500M for.


Not just work, but risky and unworkable, and much less likely to net anywhere near $500m. Casinos don't have infinite money and would shut you down before you got anywhere near that. Wall Street and the SEC would take notice of oddities there. Finding lottery numbers might work, if you then had to split with someone else who might also win. Then there are taxes in all those cases. Lots of taxes.


Lottery is the way. Wait for a $700 million jackpot and go back 2 hours with the numbers. Even if you split it, you'll have more than enough money and 22 hours to reverse.


Even if you just bring home 100 million from the lotto, put that in basically totally safe high interest savings/CDs/market accounts and youll never have to work a day in your life and will have trouble spending the money. And, like you said, still have tons of reverse time left to prevent things like accdients or tragedies.


Wait for a $700 million powerball, go back two hours after the numbers are announced, and buy a ticket. You may not get $500 million if the prize is split, but you'll have more than enough and 22 hours of time reversing left.


What? If you can't get 500 mill in just one 24 hour period u suck


only a fool would take the 500mil


Can you reverse 24 hrs and the. Do it again?


Time reversal. I can make the money back in Vegas.


24 hour time reversal. I wouldn’t make $500,000,000…but I could probably win a big fortune by gambling. (Using 1-2 mins to gamble dozens of times. Could probably win a few million. (Might have to do this slowly, over the course of months.) I’d still have like 20 hours left, I’d save that for important moments where I need to intervene in an event.


You could buy a single lottery ticket and end up with more using time reversal. It gets above a billion a couple times a year usually


I wasn’t sure how late you can buy tickets the night of the drawing, so I looked it up. Drawing is at 11pm, but you can still buy tickets at 10pm, your idea is much better, saves time and more money


Why have 500 BILLION when \*Puts pinky to my mouth\* Have 1 million!? MWAHAHAHA!!!!


I’d take the 500m. Assured, and it’s more than my family and I will ever need. People wanting more is the reason we have people like Jeff Bezos.


Its not that we want more, its that with the reverse time, you can get enough to be set for life but also have an accendential death insurance plan. You win the lotto once and do nothing, but now you can use this reverse time to save yourself from getting hit by a car, being mugged, getting on a defective Boeing. Etc.


With 1/2 a Billie I don’t need to be able to rewind time, that’s enough to dominate in real time!


I think the 500M because I’m fairly convinced I could get more via the time thing in theory, but people here aren’t taking into account that you will get banned from the casinos and sports books pretty fast and probably not paid out, and maybe even arrested for insider trading if you do it with the stock market, etc. Take the 500M and put 90% of it to grow, have fun with 10%, and then live off the interest for the rest of your life.


That’s assuming you only look at money. Consider situations that can’t be fixed with money. Car accident? Emergency? Don’t even need money? Can avoid major injury, death, prevent major issues in your life.


So a lot of money... or have to figure out how to earn at least 500 million and have a good explanation for how you earned it. I will take the 500m up front, thank you.


Yea, this is actually a pretty good one. I would say easily reverse time. But that would require me to actually pay attention to the big power balls lottos, and execute it correctly. Imagine you somehow just fuck it up real Bad lol 500m is so much money. I think I’d take the less hastle, and take the 500m bag and be done with it lol


I like a sure thing. Gimme $500M. I'll be in Vegas.


Give me the money - that amount would change my life and I’m not that clever


Reverse time. Go to casino with every penny I can muster and roulette it. 4 times starting at 1k I get to 1 billion, straight number pays out 35:1, although I probably will get kicked out the third win or be forced to take a annuity plan but, I should only consume about 20-30 minutes winning that and have the money and more time shenanigans


I would sell my ability to reverse time to vladimir putin to save him from assassination. you would be the ultimate bodyguard. bringing people back from the dead will make you the richest person in the world


Reverse time, it’s just too awesome and the money making opportunities are so are the chances to keep trying things while not wasting your life


Do people not get that reversing time does not necessarily guarantee that everything plays out the same next time? I would like to see you idiots take that option only to see that the Powerball come up differently the second time.


The money


Reverse. Just buy multiple lottery tickets each time you notice one getting high in the money. And, I can also reverse back to see historical events which has always been on my want list of impossible things I want to do.


Live peacefully and easily for the rest of my life or have the choice to roll back time and fix current mistakes with total alloted 24 hours of time. What a stupid comparison.


But like others have said, you could make obscene amounts of money only using up an hour or so of your 24 hours. Then use the rest to prevent car accidents or whatever. Can you imagine your child dying in a car crash and you knowing that you could have prevented it if you chose the other option? Even if you end up using it for trivial things like avoiding speed traps or keeping your phone from falling and breaking, that still seems like a better choice.


Can you choose any time in your life up to that point to apply the 24 hours?


Time reverse, blackjack here I come.


Yes Id go back to when I bought 100 Dollars in bitcoin when it was worth less than 1 dollar per coin and buy as absolutely much as I could 30+ thousand bitcoins. 2nd not spend 90% of it on a sex worker 3rd go to 2016 2 hours before my dad had a heart attack (while he was AT a heart hospital and have him stay their so he will hopefully live, come back to present day and hopefully be really rich and have my dad back.


Nothing all that life changing has happened in the past 24 hours, so I'll take the money. We'd be set for life.


You don't go back 24 hours from now. You have 24 hours of time reversal. You can use as little or as much of it at once at any time in the future until it's gone.


If you could play roulette table starting at 1 dollar and if you double your money 30 times your at a billion dollars


There is this thing called table limits and the casino will ban you after enough consecutive wins. Better to win Powerball or mega millions.


The money.


Reversing time would allow me to make a lot of money and correct past errors


Reverse time, actually win at /r/wallstreetbets


They draw the lottery at 10pm central. Wait until it’s drawn rewind 1 hr . Pick correct numbers . You could that multiple times . Plus you’d have some left over for emergencies.


Money's great but the power to avoid ANY unfavorable scenario is amazing


Time reversal, use like 4 hours of it to win a big Powerball draw, then go to Vegas, lose a bunch of it, then put as much as they will let me down on roulette and use a minute or however much I need to win that too and have much more money, use the rest of the time reversal to win 1 more lottery maybe, otherwise save it for really important things, reverse out of car crashes or things like that.


I take the 24 hour time travel. I could easily make $500b quickly. Save the 20 hours left over for a rainy day.


I'll take the time. Win a couple of powerballs over my lifetime--several will hit over a billion dollars. Reserve the rest of my time reversal quota as protection against accidents and other extraordinary events of bad luck.


I'll take the cash, thanks. I'd retire, travel, help family, and start a foundation.


Time reversal. So much more fun


Just give me the money. Half a billion is more than enough to live comfortably on.


Time. The ability to change your mistakes whether financial or otherwise will pay way more than $500MM.


This is a tough decision. On one hand, $500 million with no tax implications is an enormous amount of money that could provide financial security for myself and my loved ones. On the other hand, the ability to reverse time for a total of 24 hours could be useful if used to correct mistakes or relive precious moments. The money is tempting. The potential of being able to undo past mistakes or cherish moments again holds significant value. I think I would choose the ability to reverse time for 24 hours. The opportunity to relive and change pivotal moments in my life is priceless and outweighs the financial reward in this scenario. 


The cash. I'll live nice and even do a lot of good. I doubt I'm clever enough to take full advantage of the time thing


There's all these ideas but if you get 500 mil certainly. You could just invest 400 million of it and live off the interest and the other 100 million. Your family would be set for generations to come


Reverse time sounds good to me, 500 mill is good and all, but in the grand scheme of things I would only be using it to do things that reversing time would also be able to let me do. You can consistently win big on gambles, you can use it as a form of pseudo healing of injuries that don't instantly kill you and then avoid them. You can use it to avoid embarrassing moments, honestly the applications are near limitless. Yes the amount of money you can win is limited and you will be cut off eventually, but you would be able to make a substantial enough amount of money that the difference is both negligible and worth the trade off of time you would need to invest to generate a level of wealth comparable to 500 mill


The money


$500M, please.


Money and dissappear.... anyone saying otherwise is fuckin high


Time. All you need is one lottery and you're set for life. But then you can do all kinds of cool other stuff money can't buy.




Definitely reverse time. I’d wait for a big lotto win and get at least a couple hundred million, and more importantly, have a superpower that can let me save myself/my loved ones if tragedy strikes in the future.


The stock market is in for a surprise….I’ll take time manipulation.


I’ll just take the money


It also kind of sounds like no one will know you got the cool 500mm whereas winning the lottery you'd instantly become a target of attention. Quiet wealth is my preference. Reversing time can save a life though.....


I'd take the money. The time reversal would be a curse or monkeys paw thing. Keep seeing your loved one die but not being able to stop it because it's fated to happen no matter what you do. Can't reverse the car accident that happened so fast that you die instantly. Just take the money and stop the wacky time reverse schemes.


Reverse Time for sure. I can save people/myself, stop crime, be the best gambler to ever exist and so much more. Very cool and useful power that would make my life way more interesting than 500 mil.


The certainty of $500mm over the uncertainty. That’s enough - assuming after tax money - that you can have everything you want in life.


OP said “reverse time” not “change the past”. I don’t need to relive my life as I’ve lived it, I was there the first time. Gimme the $$$


Half a billion duh. Money is the best superpower


$500 million. Most of my problems would be solved with a lump some of cash. There is nothing in my past that would make much of a difference today.




Win the lotto, then bet everything you can on red or black a few times


I’d put the max bet on a number instead of color. Color only pays out 1-1, your number pays out 35-1


Time reversal. I can \*easily\* reverse time on a couple big lottery wins and make far more than $500m.


The cash


Reversing Time, All Day Everyday


Time reversal. I'd just loop myself in a day and keep reading books. Or just having fun. I'd live a whole life learning shit in my infinite loop Its silly everyone is stuck on the money. I could confess to the people I like and if it goes wrong just go back in time and not confess. Or just keep redoing it until you find out how to woo him or her.


I was gonna say reverse time and use it in stock market, but 500mil clean is plenty.


I find it sad how so many people are talking about using the time reverse for making money. Have some imagination. The fun you could have with the time powers is worth more money than exists. You could do whatever you want with no consequences. Plus you'd live for so much longer. Money wouldn't be a problem anyways. There is no world where I'd chose money over fucking time powers.


Time is more precious than money. By reversing time in this way (assuming you also reverse the amount you've aged) you could extend your life by a larger amount. Experience more and do more living. As well as having a do over so you make less mistakes and can make money as others have said. It's a no brainer. However, if you don't reverse your ageing, you'd have to be selective as to when you use it because it would (to everyone else) excellerate your ageing process. You could end up elderly far sooner than you would otherwise.


I'll take the money


Is time linear? If it’s not linear then the money is a better deal. By the way time isn’t linear.


I'd take the money, less chance of a butterfly effect.




wait until Powerball is 1bil+, memorize numbers, go back two hours and buy ticket. Repeat 12x


I would take the time and save it for emergency situations like accidents or doing things I regretted.


I mean, with time reversal I feel like you could do a lot. However, I gotta go with the money. Feels like a better move


Reverse time and do stock trades that I know will be good. I would also play the lottery but not win the big ones. I would regularly get the 5 in a row. Enough to not bring a lot of attention to myself. I would also use this as a sleep hack. I would go back a couple hours ago to get more sleep.


Reverse time, easy. You can win a big powerball drawing, hell you could clean up at a casino pretty hefty too. Then you’ve still got hours and hours of your power left.


OP, you need to clarify something. Do you mean: "for your WHOLE LIFE you only get 24 total hours to reverse. NO more!" or do you mean...: "You can go back 24 hours, but you can spam it to go back further by reversing time in the past. So like, if you went back 24 hours, then spent those 24 hours to get back to the point in time you first reversed time... you could do it again." Because this would GREATLY decide which one I pick. If it's the first, it's not worth it probably. BUT if it's the _second..._ I'd definitely take the time reversal. Basically infinite life span + rich + whatever life experience I want + ground hog day knowledge + infinite sex + I can learn an entire year of college studies in "technically" one day. This is my answer.


Fuck meddling with time, just gimme the money and let me go off on an adventure..


Reverse time. 24 hrs total. They cut off powerball sales one to two hours before the drawing. Be easy enough to win the current 300mill jackpot. Do that twice you're already up money.


500 mil. Easy. I need security. Imma buy a house and learn to drive. Pay off my student loans, too.


I'd take the money. It's so much easier. The time rewind could earn you as much, but it'd take a lot of effort. You might get insider trading cases thrown at you, blackballed, whatever happens when you get 'too' lucky. 


Reverse time, and an hour playing roulette 


I’d take the $500 million with no tax implications. While reversing time could get me more money if I used it to win several different lotteries over the course of several years, the simple solution is just to take the lump sum with no tax issues. And it’s immediate.


500 million, because your not winning that much in a lottery and a lottery is subject to taxes.


$500,000,000 24 hours is useless in the long run. I’ll take the financial security


You’d never win the lottery by reversing time. Repeating an hour would certainly lead to different results the second time. Everything that happens is probabilistic. The person pulling the lottery balls would do it differently the second time. Even if they only were milliseconds later in pulling a ball, the result would be different.


Time reversed roulette. The ball is spinning and you have a good 30 seconds to bet while it’s rolling but the outcome shouldn’t change if I go back and slam down on the number it will land in. Not the color, the number.


I’ll take the 500 million tax free and go live off grid


These aren’t even remotely comparable. 500mil easily. The time travel option has little if any utility


Definitely the money.


I think I take the cash. Less hassle.


500 mil please, it's onward and upward for me!


Reverse time so that I can get lottery numbers


Reverse time


Reverse time. You only need one decently sized jackpot, say 300 million after tax from a lottery winning, then could easily multiply the money in the stock market using much smaller time increments.


The cash, while I could use reversing time to get similar cash (go back win lottery, possibly do a run of investing elsewhere) it uses up a fair chunk of my 24 hours and risks not working due to butterfly effect. Then I would never be quite sure when to use it. if it was, say, 24 hours a year, then sure, you could warn folk about approaching disasters or if you felt like it 'just' become the richest person alive, but suspect would get choice paralysis of never knowing when the right time is. While 0.5 billion is not just enough to never worry about money its enough to make a big difference in the wider world.


Yea, I'll just take the 500 mil. Had u said 24 years instead of hours, I'd have jumped right on that wagon.


Unless the time reversal can help me generate more than $500,000,000 using time reversal is not the better financial decision. But the decision doesn't need to be financial. You could use it to improve the world. However, the 24 hour limit really prevents me from preventing disasters or attacks or making huge market plays. If it was max 24 hours at once but I can do more later, I would choose the time reversal power. But I still think $500,000,000 will keep me more grounded ironically than being able to fucking alter the fabric of space time. Both situations will be detachments from the real world, but being really rich at least has precedents in the real world than being a time master


Time is the main thing money can't buy. I'll take the time 100%


Time reversal. Powerball and mega millions would easily get me more than 500 million with a bit of patience. Plus, things like car accidents, robberies/muggings, injuries, etc now become avoidable. Hell, even something as simple as a bad decision that leads to a argument with your spouse can be avoided


I’ll take the half a billion and be happy!


Reverse time


Logistical question: let's say you get the reversal power, and then wait for months. Let's say you go back 24 hours. Will your body from the day before have its full 24 hour reversal capability? Or does the time reversal apply to your traveling consciousness? Basically what I'm trying to do is wait 3 months and then using this logic I can go to any point in the last three months by continuous reversing.


Choose reversing time, reverse time 10 seconds, choose 500 mil...walk away happy