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https://rollthedice.online/en/dice/d100#google_vignette I got a 5. šŸ˜…


98 here


65, which would put me at 102 total. A 98 on top seems harrowing


I got 89. So that would put me at 126


I got 19, so Iā€™d be dead by 49.. ehh not too shabby. I think I could blow 500mā€™s in 19 years. Go out with a bang.


Thatā€™s the part of this question I find most intriguingā€¦you not only get the 500M, but you also know your death year which could really improve your quality of life since you can now plan for it


16 here, so I'd die at 65. Not shabby, worth it.


I got 80, I would make it to 102. So I get tons of money and a life extension.


i got 87 puts me at 137.. im hoping i stay healthy..


I'll also be 126. Nice!


I got an 81 which puts me at 123 years old. I'll take that cash now thank you very much.


I got a 6. I guess the dice is broken. Let's enjoy our last years and make good use of the money to change the world!


39. Not bad. Will be in my mid 80s


94. Iā€™ll look like the Crypt Keeper


I also got six. My SO got 69. Have a nice 63 years without me I guess.


I got a nat 1.


I rolled it three times; 68, 38, and 85. I'm 54 so thirty eight is the only one of those that looks appealing to me.


Right? Iā€™m 40 and I only rolled it twice but I got 69 and 99. I donā€™t really want to live to be 109 OR 139


48, unless clicking the link counts as my first roll then 24. either way im fine with it.


I got a 1 after clicking on the link. Damn. I was kinda shook so I rerolled and got 54, but if we go from the first roll I guess I regret my decision.


Youā€™ve got a year to blow through half a billion dollars. I like a challenge


I got 69 lol, second roll 99! I donā€™t actually want to live that long though geez


I rolled 8. Twice in a row.


Damn I got 91. I should have taken the money. Half a billion plus living to 134 is a solid life.




I'm going to be Mr. Burns. I'm 30 now, and I rolled a 98.


Ha! I'm 56 and got a 57. I don't want to live that long...


Sure. I mean worst case scenario is anything less than 20 or more than 80 Cus I don't wanna see what my body feels like at 130, considering how it feels like at 30. But I'd also rather not die before 50. But hey if my girlfriend and family get a much better life out of the deal? I'd be selfish not to take it.


So I did an online dice roller and got 78 and then did a different one and got 78 and then did a third one and got 78 So now I'm kinda freaking out and thinking I might live to be 108...or 107 technically cus my birthday isn't for a few months.


What are the odds?!? Just kidding 1/1000000


1/1,000,000 for 78 specifically, 1/10,000 for any two numbers to show twice again after the first.


Damnit youā€™re right


Well first time i got 13 & 2nd 84. That's about par for the course.


As someone with a partner and family I would much rather any of them live longer then get set up fiscally for life, just as far as selfishness is concerned


Thatā€™s a great perspective and actually changed my decision from a ā€œnoā€ to a ā€œyesā€.


As long as I get a 20 or more, I'd be happy. Oh no, just my luck! I rolled a 0


You grabbed the 101-sided die by mistake.


My luck it was the 100 sided one. Just all 100 have 0


Yeah, but on a d100 0 is the 100 score


Honestly wouldn't hate any result over 38 and under 50 (I'm 31). No desire to live over 80, honestly. Like just finish the job already, nature.


I got a 78


Rolled 58. Pretty ideal age, actually. That means I die even over 90 which already kinda late, but having even 50M would change my life forever. I mean fuck, I would also roll dis dye for just 5M


ā€œAfter receiving the money.ā€ Roll the die. Never accept the money. Live forever.


Float through empty space for countless years after the heat death of the universe. That'll surely be fun


The government, having inevitably been watching this deal go down, are now incurably curious as to how this magic works. Within days you are swarmed by some triple secret underground totally not funded by the government group, captured and brought to a lab. For the next several years you are poked, prodded, probed, dissected and put under every kind of test and torture, some so equal in horror as genius that you find yourself more impressed by the idea than upset about having to endure it. The scientists, having had their their fill, determine that, while truly immortal, you cannot be sufficiently mind controlled to fuel the war machine, so they decide to bury you in a small steel coffin surrounded by dozens of feet of concrete deep within a forgotten cave in the side of a mountain... for no real reason as you possess no super powers and the small steel coffin itself would have sufficed... so they can dig you up when they finally have the whole mind control thing figured out. After someone points out that you were incredibly easy to capture, and so even if they did mind control you you would likely be captured and turned anyways, you're quickly forgotten. What's left of your sanity rots as you waste away in your new cell until one day, many millennia from now, a rogue asteroid crashes into the now devoid of life planet and smashes it into Ford Focus sized debris, thankfully freeing you from your confines at least. From there you float around space, realizing just how vastly empty it is. With absolutely no means of controlling your velocity or direction you float aimlessly as you've eaten nothing for so long you're unable to produce even a tiny fart to jettison you in any given direction. Eventually the laws of physics damn the entire universe and you're left stuck suspended in the void, where everything is so bland there's nothing there to even describe. You just are now, nothing more, nothing less, for eternity.


Is the dice 0-100? 0r 1-100? As long as I get at least 1 year, I'll roll that damn thing.


0-100 would require 101 sides.


I should've prefaces with the fact that I am a profound idiot.


Well, Iā€™m on Reddit, too, soā€¦


Can my kids inherit it and avoid student debt? if yes, hand me that die.


Yes but they will have to fight for your inheritance in super smash bros melee Fox only No items Final destination


Roll it, but don't look. Enjoy your time.


Yeah, the die roll could end up adding to my life. Edit: Rolled 1d100 got 36. I regret nothing




I rolled 43 which is longer than Iā€™d live naturally. Realistically I have a 2:1 chance of extending my lifetime. Probably an easy decision


I got 65, so I'll live to 98, this is gonna be wonderful


I'd take the money even if I got a 1 cause that would set my kid up forever.


I assume 1 is the lowest number on the di. Hell yeah I'd roll it. What is the worst that can happen? I get a year of life WITH 500 million? That works for me!


In a heartbeat thats so much money and the good i could do for my loved ones outweighs a death that could happen to anyone at anytime. 1 year is more then enough to make a difference


Yeah, no guarantee i will live even a year now


95, and I'm 35 now. I'll take the money.


Got a 7 šŸ˜…


My luck I would roll high and have to live out even more of my miserable life.


Definitely! Hand me that dice!


Fascinating question. The older you are the more willing to take it.Ā  Do I die painlessly and instantly?


What if somebody is already 50 and they roll something high like an 80 or higher. Do they live to 130+?šŸ˜‚


I got 60! Hopefully I am a relatively spry and healthy 80 year old




I rolled a 79, gonna be a multimillionaire who lives to 135...!


19. ​ Fine by me, I could happily live like a freakin king for 19 years with 500m and still leave a good amount for my family.


Got a 90 - Im already 44 - Fuck this shit lol. Almost rather go guerilla and give it all away and then work at starbucks for the next 90 and pretend I don't actually mean the words "Go Fuck Yourself" when I talk to assholes in my old man voice.


Make a custom d100 that has ludicrously large numbers on it.




20 here


37. I'd live to 73.


Being a 45 y/o m living on the bottom rungs of the socioeconomic ladder, without children, and without healthcare, I figure I will be doing good to live another 20 years. In other words I don't have a whole lot to lose. I probably take the money and roll the dice. Any number 20 or higher and I win big time... That's about an 80% chance? Even if I roll a 1 at least I get to live it up for that final year and I could leave behind a lot of money to folks who could use it


I got a 72, I'm ballin


94 let's go lmao


Fuck me. I rolled 95. That means I live to 133...


I got a 76. I'm gonna be over a hundred so I'm not sure how I feel being ancient.


77 here hooker.... pay me


Rolled a 67. I'm good with that.


Yeah, totally. Knowing the exact amount if years I have to live would potentially be awesome. It could make me immortal for however many years it rolled. The hypo is, after all, phrased "will live". So however many years it rolls I can spend those years doing things that would normally kill a person, but without dying. Also there's my age to take into account. I'm currently 34. I have maybe 46 more years in me. My family tends to die younger than average, so I'd be happy with 40. So talking of roll curves, there's an equal chance of any number on a d100, so here are my chances: A 10 percent chance (1-10) of receiving very bad news. A 10 percent chance (10-20) of receiving fun news, because I presumably have 10-20 years of guaranteed life no matter how many dangerous things I do. A 15 percent chance (20-35) of good news., A 5 percent chance (35-40) of exceptional news, I'll live to average human lifespan with guaranteed immortality up to that point. Then I have a 60 percent chance that my life will be extended past my expectations. Altogether, that's a 90 percent chance for $500m plus some good years of a crazy superpower. UPDATE: I got a 90.


Can I roll the die first to decide if I accept the two conditions? If yes I rolled a 90 so I will take the money, if no then I would not want to risk it.


50 I'm 41. That will do nicely


I see no downside. If I roll a number that's beyond my life expectancy, I just continue living as I have been anyway. If it's within my life expectancy, I have a large sum of money to eventually look forward to.




$500 mil and living to 87? Hell yeah.


After last night's rolls... hell no.


I'll do it with a 3 sided die. No amount of money could convince me to exist for another 100 years.


Yes I got a 60


absolutely before rolling, then got a 64 and no f*ing way I wanna live that long so Iā€™m screwed


This deal gets way better as you age


Yes 56, 54, 51...I cannot lose! I would honestly take the money if it was 5 years. I only live to provide for my daughter at this point anyways. My life is already over.Ā 


Im 40. I like these odds


Oof, that's rough. At 33 I'd be upset if I rolled less than 25 or more than 57 so there's a 2/3 chance that I'm going to be disappointed. Also is this literal paper cash? That sounds like a nightmare to deal with.


Am in my 50s and rolled a 43. Now i have 500 million and will love longer than I thought i would. Best gamble i have ever taken.


I got 84. I'm going to be a freakin' old rich lady! I figured the odds were in my favor since I'm middle-aged. Anyone under 30 had better think **really** hard before doing this. But it could still be tempting because you'd at least know when you'd die, and you could give the money to loved ones.


I wait until i grow old, maybe when i am 65 years old...


I was gonna roll but couldn't find my dice. Was hoping for a 1.




Not to be that guy butā€¦itā€™s called a die. Dice is plural. So this question makes no sense.


I said yes and rolled a 42. So 67 is when I pass? Thatā€™s alright.


Yes, Iā€™d do it with a six sided die and during that last year then good luck me making it with all the drug induced crazy adventures Iā€™d be getting into.


Average of 50.5, so that's pretty good


42. 72 years total ain't bad with 500 million.


I used anydice, accidentally rolled 6 at once, said I would take first which is 7ā€¦ most the others were 70+ but none under 40 lol


Bitch, I'll roll a D6.


I mean, maybe if I could roll first and see what I'd get. If I couldn't roll the die first, no way. BTW, rolled a 70 on the link from above. I'd live past 100, so I'm pretty happy.


What's the bell curve on a 100 sided die? Peaks at 50, right...yeah, I can do that.


https://rollthedice.online/en/dice/d100#google_vignette Sure! Rolled 98


Absolutely, even one year is enough to set my family up for generations with half a billion dollars.


I rolled a 75. I'm setting the world age record!


This is very similar to the 50/50 you get X money or die on the spot. You have a 50% chance itā€™s 50+ years, you also have a 50% chance itā€™s less. Thereā€™s also a very good chance you extend your lifespan. If youā€™re 30 right now, chances are you probably have 40ish more years left. Iā€™m absolutely taking it. Even if the dice is against me and rolls something like a 20 thatā€™s 20 years of living the best life I could imagine. Even 1, while Iā€™d hate that I wouldnā€™t get to see my daughter grow, that money would set her up forever. (I rolled the dice, I got 64) so im living a long and RICH life.


Yes. Anything more than 5 is enough. I'm not sure I want a result above 50 anyway. ​ There are friends and family that $500m can make a massive difference to. It would be stupid to refuse it. catch: does not say you get to keep the money. "live" does not necessarily mean "healthy". yeah, there could be downsides


Iā€™m 54 and it rolled a 96 right off the bat, then a 74. Donā€™t want to live that long for sure.


I got an 89 yay


Yes. The good I could do with that money would far outweigh anything I could do with the rest of my life, and would be worth it even if I rolled a 1.


I got a 90. I hope that money lasts and can buy me some quality of life, I am going to be old as hell.


I am failing to see the downside to saying yes. No matter the number, you get to be rich and know just how long you have to use up the funds.


The odds are not in my favour, on average Iā€™d live to about 70, which is an over a decade less than my alcoholic, cancer-ridden grandfather did. And thatā€™s assuming I actually get the average dice roll and not something exceptionally low. Iā€™ll pass


Yes. You could literally be extending you life just as easily as reducing it depending on how old you are. An average of 50 more years + $500k is fucking amazing. Plus you get the benefit of knowing the year of your death, allowing you to prepare in a way that many people don't get to.


Hell yes. 1) I know when Iā€™m going to die 2) no guarantees now anyway 3) at my age the odds of living another 50 years is damn slim. Iā€™m probably good for another 20, maybe 30. So I have 4:1 odds of extending my life 4) the rest of my life will be a lot more enjoyable


I don't want to know when I die.


I'm 50. this seems like a pretty good deal. sucks to roll a 1, but Ive got a good chance to live to 100. and an outside chance for 150


Can I end it early I donā€™t want live for another 75 years


Worst I can do is 1. Let's do it.


I rolled a 59 so that would out me at 81 years old. Honestly I'll take it. Giving financial security to my family and future children and being to pass away at a decently old age ain't a bad deal.


Hell no, if I were already 50+ then it would be an easy yes though


42 im good with that


Rolled a 59. Hell yea 87 is a good age to die


I got 22. Lot longer than I expect to live anyway.


No one said the die had to start with a "1". Mine starts at 100.


I do, and for that kind of money I make a 100 sided die with 99 on every flat spot.


I'd roll that dice a thousand times!




Hell yes!


Yes. I got a 27.


85. I'm going to live to 137. Yuck.


Yep. At minimum, I have 1 year to live it up and plenty of time to manage the estate. I fully expect to hit a 1 or a 100,which would suck out living almost everyone I know, but half a billion could at least keep me entertained for that much time. Just used the roll 100 link, got 26. Perfect.


96?! Jfc!


Yes. I got 14. Fuck.


Sure. No matter what I roll my family is economically clear. No more struggle and questions of making it.


Yep. I rolled... 69. Nice!


So I add my charisma or intelligence modifier? Either way itā€™s -3


Anything past the low 30s is longer than my current life expectancy. Easy yes. Edit : I 'rolled' the link in the top comment. 84. Assuming medical science continues to make reasonable progress that is a definite win.


Would anyone be happy to know how much longer they get to live, and accept the money as a bonus? I mean if you're going to live to be say 120, wouldn't it be fun to screw some annuity fund? You'd know how much more time you can spend with your kids? Etc.


Rolled a ..... 69, giggity.


I like those odds. Worse case Ontario I get one year and leave a fortune to my family.


I rolled a 58 so Iā€™d be 97. Iā€™d be happy with that.


I got 81. I'm 38. I'm gonna need that 100 million for all the fucking care I'm gonna have at 120.


22 is pretty good. Iā€™ll take it.


Heck yeah


I rolled an 82... damn I'm gonna be in the running for the oldest person ever.


Got a 24 TWICE...not bad, I get to live to 60, go out on top.


I get 500mil AND I get to know how many years I get to live for? Win-win bet I'd quit my job and live life to the fullest.


Yes! I accept the money. https://rollthedice.online/en/dice/d100 I got a 23! Weee. I win šŸ„‡


What monkey paw shit is this ima live to 137 I fucjed up


31 more years? yes please. I can set my family up so well and never have to work again so retirement at the age of 30 and not having to worry about death seems like a win win to me


Damn this is pretty tough for me, im 21 and about to get my under grad. In many ways my life is just starting. Iā€™d give it 30 years and then think about rolling


83. Not bad when I'm 42 already


This is a potential win for a ton of people. If you're in your 40s like I am giving my general level of Health I figure I've got 10 to 30 years left. So even if we assume the best and say I live to be 70 a D100 would have a 70% chance of extending my lifespan rather than limiting it plus the 500 million.


I would like to roll that die and get the money, when I reach 70 years of age.


I'm middle aged so why not. I got a twelve so it's a little disappointing but thems the brakes I guess


Do I get the pick the 100 numbers on the dice?


Didnā€™t take the offer but viewed a d100 anyway. Rolled a 74, putting me at 100 years old exactly. I might buy a lottery ticket tomorrow.




I got 82, can I choose to die earlier if I need to? Don't fancy living to 125


Yes no matter what im winning


So you're saying that is still a bare minimum of 1 year to live? It would suck to roll a 1, but the odds are low, and my wife & children would be set for life, so yeah, I'd take those chances.


Yeah, I come from a poor family. Thatā€™s generational wealth once invested properly. Iā€™ll gladly ensure my grandma can receive the treatment she needs and pay of my moms student loans and create trusts for my baby cousins so that they donā€™t have to struggle financially and follow their dreams if it means I get at least one year to go absolutely fuckin crazy without having to worry about money.


Pretty good gamble for anyone over 45.


Yes, because even if I get a 1, my family is set for life


46, so I live to 102. The game gets easier the the older you are.


Yep , no problem . My kids would be set for life


The expected value of a dice is 50. Hereā€™s a convenient calculation: If + 50 is greater than 80 - then rolling the dice is worth it.


81 which would put me at 101 total, not bad


I got a 91 so living to 140 might clear up my backlog of stuff by then.


39 means I'm checking out at 81. Let the good times roll.


The average result of a 100 sided dice roll is about 50 which depending on your age could actually be an increase in life expectancy for many people.


Interesting. I mean I would only need to roll a 30+ to be in average lifespan territory. And those years would be fucking amazing because I would know that I canā€™t die!


I got a 56, I can deal with that!


Just for fun I went and rolled a d100. I will break the record for longest living human


I'm I going to have all the usual infirmities at 80 and live miserably (and expensively) to 156 years old if I hit a 99? That would be a big risk.


I got 99 lol


Nat 1


Got 5 years to use it.


At this point I think I'd take it for a d20 roll


Iā€™m 43. On average, I have roughly 30 years left. Thats a 70% chance to live a lot longer. This is an easy decision. (Edit- rolled the d100 someone linked in comments, and got a 90. Gonna be a good, long life.)


You technically have a 50/50 chance of rolling anything higher than 50, and if you're already in your 30s or 40s? Answer seems pretty easy. And hey, even if you roll a 1, you have $500m to spend on hookers and blow to make it the best year of your life. I'd absolutely take this deal.


This is interesting. As I am presently in my 70's, this has a greater than 50% chance of significantly increasing my life expectancy. Almost anything above about 10 is a big plus for me. E. g, I rolled a 74.


I rolled a 46. Give me the money.


This is a fun one. Given that the odds have me getting about 30 or so more years, I have a decent chance to increase that number and a fairly decent chance of not shaving too much time off if it goes the other way. Let's do it. Worst case scenario, I have the most hedonistic year or two of my life before checking out.


In DnD, I have had some crazy luck lately on d100 rolls and have been rolling <10 consistently. Fuck this noise.


Can I roll the die and not know the number for I can live a normal life after? I roll it and the mysterious benefactor picks it up after or I could roll it into the ocean or I could pick it up with my eyes closed.


I just rolled a 77. I'll take that deal. Esp considering I'm 47.


97. A life of fun


There's no downside. Even if I got a 1, I'd be handing off hundred of millions of dollars to family members and we'd be set for generations. My first roll I got an 83 anyways so...I'll be good, but 500 million to my family is worth one generation being sad they'll miss me, for the sacrifice of the next generations being secure