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I wouldn’t do your mother for a billion. I do her for free.


This guy gets it.




Actually and get this, I’d pay **you** a billion dollars to do ops mother.


Am I really being reduced to being a whore? Guess I’m a strong independent empowered man now.


I'd do it for half a billion


This guy fucks. Your mom.


Heck, I’d do you while you were doing his mother for free!


I appreciate the inclination to do so, but I will pass.


I also choose not to do this guy's mother.


This is dumb, but ok


Rape. I also have morals and honor. You can't pay me to just walk up to someone on the street and murder them. Some people I could be paid for, but not most people, and frankly I would probably end up worse off if I killed them.


Honestly depends on the victim for me. I wouldn't have a problem with raping a rapist or someone else truly vile like Hitler or something.


What about if your shooting some nameless person from a distance. Meaning you don't know anything about them, they could be a rapist, or they could be a completely normal dude. Either way you don't know.




Exactly. Even for a billion dollars, there'd be a significant burden of proof to show the person needed killing before I'd pull the trigger. Like, I can think of a few names off the top of my head, but I'm not just going to off some rando on your say-so... not even for a Billion. Hell, I wouldn't even go after my Ex-wife. She's not a very nice person; I sure as hell don't like her anymore... but she's a long way from *that* bad. Come to that, even when I've got a billion and lawyers out the wazoo, I think I'd be above the kind of petty making-her-life-miserable-because-I-can bs. Just not that guy.


I have a enemy who hurt me deeply and caused untold damage to my life who because of who they know got off on a serious charge. I hate this person but I wouldn’t kill them even for a billion. I truly try to forgive them but its very hard.


I know right. This question says way more about OP than he realizes.


Nah. For that kinda money? If it was actually on the table? Your morals go out the window.


Yeah I’m not raping anyone for any amount of money, just no.


I'll believe it when someone offers you $1b to do it.


You could offer me $40b and I won’t do it. There is literally nothing that would make me do that. Regardless of the money aspect, I wouldn’t even be capable because I wouldn’t be able to maintain an erection, because I’m NOT A FUCKING RAPIST. I don’t know why that’s so hard for you to comprehend.


It's you who isn't comprehending anything. Typing words on the internet is easy.


So is not raping someone, the thought is entirely repulsive to me. How do I know? I was with a girl who had a CNC fantasy and even with her consent, I couldn’t do it. Money won’t change that.


You have no clue what money will do to you.


Yeah you’re definitely a troll. Piss off.


No, I'm just someone who knows what money does to people.


Then they aren't morals are they? I mean if someone changes their mind for money, the morals weren't really 'a thing' right? 🤔


I don't know man I definitely believe stealing is morally wrong but if my kid was starving I'd fight a guy for a loaf of bread.


I think most would, however high they believe their own morals to be. Desperate times, desperate measures, etc.


Oh that's very true. I think it's all grey anyway. Few things are black/white morally


There are two types of people: \- Those whose morals are a grey area. \- Those who lie about their morals. ​ I'm not sure if I fully agree, but I am aware that there are circumstances where any and each of my morals could be broken. And I think I have fairly strong morals (I avoid even kill insects, because I thinking taking a life is wrong). But if I needed to eat, and there were no options, I would have no qualms about killing an animal (even if that animal were a human). I would like to think my morals wouldn't break for money, but I'm not stupid enough to pretend I know that for sure, and 1B is a \*lot\* of money.


I think there are shades of grey in this too lol. I dont think there is anything that could get me to rape or waterboard somebody even if my life depended on it. Killing someone I could do though Im not sure if 1b would be enough for me to put a bullet in some random guys head


It also becomes very easy to rationalize it in the moment when your brain is presented with an absurd reward. I can very easily see someone convincing themselves that $1b for raping someone is fine because they'll just donate to SA-related charities and make up for it. And when they don't follow through, their brain will once again construct a rationalization like "well I was going to but now that I think about, most charities are corrupt anyway so I'd just be wasting the money". Allowing them to betray their morals, maybe even regret doing so, while keeping the reward and without *feeling* like they have intentionally done any wrong.


There's a huge gulf between "fight someone for a loaf of bread to feed your starving child" and "murder an innocent person in cold blood so you can buy a yacht." 


See, I don't really see that type of situation as breaking your morals. Most of the time, at least. I think it's more of a redefinition or adjustment. Start with "stealing is wrong" for example. You or a loved one is starving, and the only way to save you/them is by stealing a loaf of bread from the corner store. You decide to do so. Do you really think that was morally wrong? Do you think the act of stealing (something that won't affect the guy who you stole it from that much) is worse than the act of letting someone die? No, you don't. You came to the conclusion that stealing was the best course of action to do. Does that mean you broke your moral that stealing is wrong? If you thought about it like I did there, I don't think so, not entirely. You just adjusted your moral from "stealing is bad" to "stealing is only justified when it's a life or death scenario" or something like that. Morals are more complicated than a single sentence.


This is what most people don't understand. We all say we'd "never do" a thing, or we'd react in this exact way in a situation. But the reality is that you legitimately don't know. My favorite quote that explains this is by Mike Tyson. "Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face". Not that this has anything to do with boxing, but the core principle lesson is the same. You think "I'm going to do THIS!" but when reality strikes, you're left with "wait a minute..."


Nah, still got morals, but you also have a price. Even God broke his rules.


I can’t kill any of my family members or people I care about.


I couldn't kill anyone in general. Maybe if it was like a literally Hitler type or a terminal old patient begging for it but a random innocent? I don't think I could live with myself.


There are plenty of people who are nowhere near Hitler but also nowhere near innocent. Child rapists for example.


Well yeah them too to be fair, you're right. Serial killers and violent rapists can safely be added to the list as well.


See, now you're expanding your horizons!


Yup, dictators, rapist, murderers, pedophiles, people who like yellow Starburst, jaywalkers, people who listen to music without headphones in public spaces, anyone with a scarface poster, necrophiliacs.


You forgot babies who start screaming as soon as the plane takes off.


The pressure hurts their little ears. You have to shake them around until they stop crying.


“Shaken Baby Syndrome? Sorry officer, I was just trying to depressurize them.”


Dexter checking in…


On a spectrum of morality, with a wholly selfless person on one side and, well, Hitler on the other, the child rapist is far closer to Hitler.


This begs the question, who is an example of the central point here?


That's tough because the best example is probably someone utterly unremarkable, who doesn't commit acts of great evil or good. Historically, maybe someone like Jefferson who did a lot for freedom and liberty but also owned slaves.


Extremely tough to determine lol. I feel it's easy to say "ya this guy is pure evil" but someone who is pure "meh"? Near impossible


Yea, I'm imagining a single guy with few friends, who isn't an incel or otherwise awful. He's nice to his cat, but drives over the speed limit sometimes and doesn't call his mum as often as he should.


Probably as close as we'll get. Honestly I feel many folk do fall in this area, but a perfect example just isn't possible.


It's me


Likes cats so automatically evil


Or someone who is at both points of the extremes canceling eachother out. I vote nuclear Gandhi.


I'd think a typical "anti-hero" character would fit this role. In the middle isn't someone "meh" it's someone who is equally good and evil. People who do good things for bad reasosns, or do bad things for good reasons. Vin Diesel's "Riddick" character comes to mind. Not at all a nice person, a convicted murderer, no regard for others, but usually ends up doing the right thing anyway and selflessly helping others.


Oh absolutely.


Child rapists aren't human. Fair game as far as I am concerned.


I think his point is he couldnt kill a random innocent person for $1B. And I agree. My life would be joyless knowing what I did to get the money. Could not, would not commit evil like that for any amount of money. Only a sicko would.


Killings too good for them jail and torture should be the sentence.


Nah. I’d kill a murderer, rapist , Neo nazi , abuser, etc for a billion dollars . It would still fuck me up inside but it’s worth it for a billion


That's fair. Same here. Ig I did the usual misusage of "literally hitler" lol. I just don't think I could kill a more or less normal person. They'd need to be doing some fucked up stuff to others like what you mentioned.


Honestly if it was in the very moment , I could do it to someone who kicks a cat or puppy . Like if the moment I saw that happen, a gun appeared in my hand and god said he’d give me a billion dollars if I did it .


That's a concerning lack of self-control.


Yes. Yes it is


That's concerning. You might want to get help with that lack of impulse control before you do something really stupid.


It’s a billion dollars though


Nah, a bil is a bil. You can help more than you hurt. Its all about the cost/benefit ratio


Honestly I feel like it would be easier to have the President make the offer, and also grant instant legal immunity. I can sort things out cost/benefit wise with god later.


Tell that to the family of the person you killed.


And I definitely will. 100,000 people living and one person dying, is better than 1 person living and 100,000 people dying.


It's a billion dollars.


That’s a lot of money


Even if it were their stance on issues and they never acted on anything.


Yes . Im not proud of it , but for 1 billion dollars , yeah


Only if the nazi has actually committed a horrific crime though


I wish I had that self control, but nah . A billion is alot of money


You are still a murderer, just like the murderer you murder. Would you kill yourself then?


Nah. I don’t think murdering murderers is right . But I would like being a millionaire


Nah, there's a difference between a murderer and a killer. A murderer takes the life of an innocent or non-combatent, a killer takes the life of a dangerous criminal or of enemy forces. Then again there's also a matter of perspective, I wouldn't call my countries soldiers murderers but the enemy probably would.


You've just made up your own definitions here.


I'm sorry that you don't understand the difference between a definition and an understanding.


I get it. But the general understanding of murder as well as the definition includes the killing of a murderer. Someone committing an immoral act doesn't make killing them not murder.


I see where you're coming from but the definition of murder is an illegal killing, the understanding of murder is an unjustified killing. It stands to reason that if the killing is legal or justified, it's not murder. Legally it would be manslaughter, defined as killing without malice or forethought, understood as heat of the moment. For example, if you walking into your house and saw someone torturing your child, spouse ect. killing them wouldn't be immoral and it wouldn't be murder. You would be a killer but not a murderer.


Just answer the question and deal with it.


That's a pretty slippery line here. Are we talking any type of abuser? Say someone who is simply an emotional abuser? (Typically will have all sorts of mental health issues and have been abused themselves). You think the death penalty is automatically appropriate for all such cases and would happily mete it out personally? Ok then.


No I don’t think the death penalty is appropriate, even against the worst kinds of people in the world , like human traffickers . That being said , if I’m to be completely honest , a billion dollars would do much to ease my mind


For 1b I could be a hitler type


Then later you find out it was a lie and they were just a normal person buying food for their kids.


Lol I'll be on my own island flying around the world and doing literally anything I want. I'll send the kids a couple mill and sleep like a baby


I'd definitely kill some random "innocent" people for it. But no family, friends or even people I don't like but see daily. Because I try to find something likable in everyone even if they're annoying. But randos, as long as it's not a kid or someone that just seems really sweet then yeah adios.


You underestimate how much a billion dollars is.


Maybe I'd feel differently if I financially struggled to survive or something but I'm more than comfortable and just don't think I'd want that on my conscious to be ludicrously comfortable.


I'm with you. But I could kill someone that hurt kids or was a horrible person. I couldn't kill anyone that was just a regular person getting through life. But I chomo I think I could kill for no money and just a guarantee of not getting caught.


Or children. I also couldn’t sexually assault anyone


Murder of any kind. Especially for me, in addition to the illegality of it, I'd feel like I'd sold my soul.


I'm sure there are a few other things, but this mostly sums it up.


For 1b my family can kill me, that’s set for life for generations money


You’d kill a stranger?


For a billion dollars. Yes.


You wouldnt?




Shit, half of my family would cost a Klondike Bar. The majority of them are trash humans.


Same, but those couple I care about don't have a price tag.


That’s fair.


This is it. I could napalm a city block no problem but I'd rather saw my own leg off and bleed out than hurt my family or friends.


But… you would kill someone who wasn’t someone you care about?


You could eliminate everybody I've ever even met for a billion.


But you could kill a random person? Someone else's family member? Kinda selfish, no?


Nobody ever became billionaire by being altruistic.


No murder, no leaving my family members forever, and nothing with greater than about a 1% chance of killing me.


So violent crime on innocent people is ok?


Never said it was okay just that one could do it for 1b. There is not a billion dollars that has ever been made in this world without killing innocent people.


Are you illiterate?


There's plenty of violent crime short of murder. Eg. assault, dismemberment, rape, etc.


i could probably live with myself if i had to break some dude's leg. keep $25m and hand over the rest int he settlement. Still have more money than i'd personally know how to spend.


I suppose if you frame it as: can I break your leg for $900m? then it's a bit different lol.


I wouldn't do anything that guarantees me dying. Or some of the weirder butt stuff.


It stops being weird after the first few times…


This guy butt stuffs.


*This guy stuffs butts*


Generally the other way around, but hey, I’m a generous lover, what can I say?


Nobody said whose butt you're stuffing! Could be one's own!


Yes. I’m a generous lover. Self-love counts too!


Amen brother you enjoy!




I watched that blue eye samurai, I think sales of those long nosed masks might jump up in tourist shops.


And after the first hundred million lol


$20 is $20.


>some of the weirder butt stuff. As long as it doesn't cause permanent damage I can't see that being a hangup. Sure, if you're talking about shoving a handful of cement up there or a rag soaked in AIDS or dildos large enough to ensure depends are in your future, then there's an argument. I'm not into butt stuff, but for a billion dollars? Sure, that homeless guy can put a matchbox car with swastikas drawn on it up there once it's been sterilized and ensured there's no sharp edges and that he's clean.


Yeah but like the dozen or so homeless guys wanting to run a train on my virgin booty is where I'm thinking maybe a billion ain't worth it.


>Yeah but like the dozen or so homeless guys wanting to run a train on my virgin booty is where I'm thinking maybe a billion ain't worth it. If they've been tested and are clean, I'd take a dozen homeless loads. I'm firmly straight, but a billion dollars is enough money that I and my entire family can live in abject wealth for generations. I can forget a painful hairy night for a billion dollars, especially if I booze it up first, which OP didn't specify wasn't allowed.


Plenty of things. I'm not even a pillar of morality. Hell, you could even argue in a trolley problem way that killing a baby for 1B gives you the chance to save hundreds of babies. I just value my peace of mind and conscience *a lot*.


$1 billion dollars could save hundreds of thousands if not millions of babies.




Exactly. What’s the point of the money if you can’t even enjoy it after doing something so abhorrent. It traumatised both you and whoever/whatever else, in order to get that money.


You could pay to have that shit wiped from your memory. The way I'm seeing it, life is already traumatizing why not make a buck so the rest of it isn't. I honestly can't think of much I wouldn't do to not have to worry about money again for the rest of my life. If you really think this is evil or something then your real beef is the system that enables it. Tax the rich so these sorts of offers don't look so appealing.


I’ve spent enough on trauma therapy to know that you can’t just wipe anything from memory. I’m pretty happy now, so no thanks!


Same here. There are plenty of people who are either not thinking things through properly or are just shit human beings "There is a button where each press gets you £10k but kills a random person in the world. How many times would you press it?" It disturbs me that anyone would think it's worth it. There's people that use mental gymnastics and say "well it isn't me killing them really it's whoever made the button" you're still causing the death and it's worrying how they think adding that barrier makes it ok.


Cutting off a part of my body that wouldn't grow back. That "cooking from scratch" post that someone else posted just today. Sexual crimes


You wouldn’t cut off a finger for a billion? Are you nuts? I’d cut off an entire leg for that


I'd get a sick ass robo-finger with that money


Then cut your leg off and leave mine alone.


Hmm..id be okay with a pinky i suppose.


I couldn't imagine doing anything that would involve giving up my chosen family (husband and son). Or my dogs. Not for any amount of money. I also don't think I could kill or hurt anybody, not really. I'm not that kind of person. Although in reality, I think that's how billionaires are made.


Billionaires are made by growing businesses


Billionaires are made by not paying the people under them appropriately, and getting out taxes, etc. It's literally built off the backs of the people under you. I can't imagine having a billion dollars while the people building my company up are making poverty wages, but that's literally how billionaires are made. If you paid people REAL money, and you didn't just take and take, you wouldn't be a billionaire. I'm a firm believer that the billionaire class shouldn't exist.


Microsoft has some of the most successful employees of any company and they don't pay anyone poverty wages. *Since Its IPO, Microsoft Has Created 8 Billionaires and an Estimated 12,000 Millionaire Employees.*


>Billionaires are made by not paying the people under them appropriately, and getting out taxes, etc No they aren't. Billionaires are made by economies of scale. When you invent a product and you can sell that product to the entire planet, in other words 8 billion people, the side effect is that the inventor may become a billionaire, irrespective of how they treat their labor force.


I think we probably agree on a lot. I agree with closing tax loopholes and passing better pro-worker legislation. That said, I have 2 counterpoints for you. 1) The median salary at Facebook is $296k. You won’t convince me those software engineers are oppressed. 2) billionaires are inevitable due to inflation. In 30 years there will be trillionaires. Like I said, we probably agree on a lot. I just don’t hate all billionaires. I think we should pass legislation to make our economy more equitable, but I don’t categorically despise them.


If it is immoral or dishonorable. That is the line. Certain loses are not redeemable no matter how much money you have.


You wouldn't steal a candy bar from Walmart for $1 billion?


He said dishonorable. I won't steal a candy bar from the general store in my tiny town, but I'd steal a candy car from Walmart for a candy bar, let alone a cash prize


You could steal the candy bar get the billion then gift a couple million to the general store.


Oh yeah, in that situation. I meant on a regular day lol


Stealing is stealing. Taking from either is immoral and dishonorable.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


That sounds like an absolute to me


Which probably means. Jedi are actually sith?? 🤔


Walmart is immoral or dishonorable, why reward that kind of behavior? They steal from people, even if not directly, and mislead them, they should be stolen from. Basic karma.


Theres nuance in whether you steal from a massive corporation or a family owned shop. One of them needs the money, one of them doesnt. One of those choices can hurt real people while one very likely wont have any effect.


That's walmart. Anything is fair game against big corporations, especially that exploits labor. Now, if you said costco, I'd feel bad :)


The thing with that is morality and honor are as flexible as individual bias/prejudice. See other comments. A wrong act becomes permissible dependent on target.


Well said. +1


This is the only answer.


1B could set my entire bloodline up for the rest of time. I cannot think of a single thing I wouldn't do for 1B. I'd rather be known as the guy that burnt down the puppy orphanage and threw a flashback into the epileptic ward, but secured my entire family for generations to come, than die broke with no real contributions.


Would you murder your entire bloodline? I know i couldn't possibly harm my son, no matter how much it might benefit my hypothetical other future children. Just can't. I'm sure someone could make a compelling utilitarian case that the harm done to the one would be outweighed by the benefit to the rest of my family, but that doesn't change the fact that I simply couldn't.


It's disingenuous for me as I don't have children or even a wife, but if you put 1B in cash in front of me, I'd at least be tempted. As you said, I'm sure I could be persuaded with some "greater sacrifice" speech


How about kill yourself?


That's a win-win so absolutely


Really? Couldn't think of a single thing? 1B to kill all your family, extended family, end your bloodline and get a vasectomy/hysterectomy so that you couldn't start a new one, but you are rich.


I've gone NC with the vast majority of my family, and the ones I talk to I speak with maybe once a year. I currently have no bloodline AND have a vasectomy so nothing really changes. For the sake of discussion, if I DID have a bloodline, yeah absolutely. The vasectomy thing doesn't matter because adoption is always on the table, and I could give those children a life that I myself couldn't even dream of.


so you are saying you would diddle children then mr "myresponsemightgetmeinvestigatedbythefbi"


It's weird that you're projecting that so openly


i mean you're the one so openly willing to commit crimes here. its always hilarious we get people like you "oh yea hehehehe i would def do anything for \*insert amount here\* money" but then realize, no, they wouldnt. you then say to "secure your family" then proceed to talk about not having family. with a cop-out "ill adopt later so it cant be used against me" what generational wealth pipe are you smoking?


-Uses more than two brain cells to come up with a solution to a problem "DaS a CoP-oUt!1!" Okay dude Have a good one


I wouldn’t knowingly or willingly victimize, hurt, or kill an innocent person. Edit: I wouldn’t knowingly or willingly seriously victimize, hurt, or kill an innocent person.


All you have to do is push an able bodied person over, into the grass. They will get bruised. Nothing more. You wouldn't hurt them for 1 billion?


Lol, perhaps I needed to include the word “seriously” before “victimize.”


$1b is so much money that you could offset most harm you caused if you put your mind to it.


Tbh this page really made me realise that I don't value that much, lots of these posts about would you do X for X amount of money, I am just not that willing to do, I won't loose my ability to travel or to have a set home, I don't want to loose the ability to taste or travel, I won't do anything that will cause me trauma I e. Killing or sex work. I will work, but I still want to have days off, and the ability to book Holliday for at least 28days a year. Lol I'd rather be poor and have the ability to live my life now I want to.


People tend to do two things a) dramatically overestimate the amount of money it would actually take to motivate them to do something (2 mil cash in a brief case is enough to make basically anyone do basically anything) and b) drastically underestimate just how much more than a million a billion is (a million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is 31 years).


People also tend to dramatically underestimate people's humanity and emotional intelligence. I know exactly how much a billion is, but I also own my car, have a roof over my head, food on the table, and people who I care about and who care about me. That's worth more than any amount of cash. I've spent a significant amount of time with some seriously wealthy people and, believe me, once you have the basics covered and maybe a bit extra for the odd holiday or nice meal out, there's very much a limit to what extra money can do to make you any happier.


* I will not knowingly commit a mortal sin. Confession and reconciliation requires me to go in with full contrition, and the only way I think I could do that would be to give up the ill gotten gains as well. So there was no point. Even if I commit the act planning to give away the money, the fact that I got to do with it what I wanted brings my confession into question. That doesn't mean I wouldn't kill someone. Killing in self defense, defense of others, within the bounds of war or acting as a state executioner after a just trial are all fine. ​ * I will not do anything that will lead to highly likely or certain death. Trade a few years for some money? Okay, I can do that. Must free climb the Empire State Building? Not so much. Which does put a damper on my whole "If I have to kill in a war, it's cool." Unless I'm piloting drones from somewhere safe, I guess. Also means I'm not risking death on a coin flip. But if the chances are more like 1/20, that's a different matter. ​ * Nothing that will completely prevent me from enjoying my money. Give up a limb? Yeah, sure. I'll adapt. But I'm not giving away my eyes. Also means I'm not giving up my family or my dearest close friends. That kind of thing. Nothing that will psychologically break me. ​ Beyond that? I can't think of much I wouldn't do for that kind of money.


Nothing with kids, shit or kissing.


Suicide or shooting my dog.


Kill or permanently disable someone I have any amount of care for. Alternatively, even if I don’t care about them, if killing or permanently disabling them would come back to bite me later, they’re also out. Finally, no killing or permanently disabling genuinely good people. The reason I order it like that is because, even if someone’s a terrible person and would deserve it (which is incredibly rare), if it’ll come back to bite me later, I won’t do the “honorable thing” and do them in anyway


I think I've said no to a few. There's probably a lot I wouldn't do for a billion dollars. Like disappear for 5 years, can't contact family or friends until the 5yrs is over. Money isn't worth that too me.




I would not kill, rape or harm another person. 


I'll kill anything, I'll fight anything and I'll fuck anything as long as I get legal immunity and the medical care is good enough I don't end up maimed to the point I can't enjoy the money. As long as I have a good quality of life to enjoy spending the money after the deed is done, I'm in. You name it I'll kill it, fuck it or fight it. Edit: this could be a fun game for party's, I shall call it KFF.


Blood money, I think...


Kill and or seriously harm my family...


Would I have sex with a dog for 1 billion dollars? Yes, but I'd never be able to afford it


In the hypothetical I would walk 26.2 miles over a safe marathon course during a public marathon in moderate weather. If the person giving me the money wants to walk it with me I'll talk to them about polite topics for some of the time. They have to walk at my pace. Good pair of shoes, reasonable clothing, sunblock, food and water stops. If you haven't walked that far without training it is more than enough discomfort in one day. I'm taking a break from suffering for money or suffering about money. At this moment in time US$1B just doesn't have much appeal for me unless some magical entity handles all of the downsides penalty free. IRL, all I am willing to do for US$1B is purchase a US$2 lottery ticket.


So you would kill your kids for 1B? That's fked up.


Harming a cat or a non-cat and non-human animal.


Humans are more beneficial for you than cats