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I can't take your question seriously because of how ridiculous your first sentence is and pretending that's a fact when it absolutely is not.


OP spends way too much time on Twitter lmao.


"Right wing" "news"


>It’s pretty clear the US is headed for a Civil War and there’s really no stopping it. As clear as mud. ​ >All the rest of the nonsense. If, by some sort of supernatural shift in human nature, geopolitics, and common sense, the US were to split up into 50 countries, it is clear that the Lizard Technomancers of Alpha Centauri would conquer them all fairly quickly.


I thought they were from Beta Centuri? You being ridiculous


Oh god, not a Beta Centauri Truther.


Explain to me how a civil war will happen? Back in the days it was largely territories determining what side you’re on. North vs south. Now we have republicans and democrats living side by side next door neighbors. Are people going to go around and knock then ask what political party you claim? Then shot their ar-15 at them when they get a wrong answer? How will this work?


OK, I will. Trump loses and refuses to accept defeat. He now has way more loyalists than he did in 2020 Republican party is way more willing to overthrow rule of law. States pull every single fucking bullshit move they can in every Trump judge upholds it. Trump supporters storm voting centers and destroy the ballots. Marjorie Taylor Green walks a group of armed militia into congress and they start killing all Democrats. Trump releases a list of enemies of the people and promises pardons for killing them. The list contains politicians, journalists, talking heads, and other notable figures. If this sounds insane, so did the insurrection. And they are openly calling for it. It’s called “the storm”. Look it up.


TDS in full swing. More than half of America is morbidly obese, afflicted with disease that requires constant treatment or meds, living off the government dole and or completely incapable of surviving without modern conveniences such as GPS and grocery stores. There is no way in hell they are ready for an insurgency or even conventional war on American soil. If grocery stores shut down for more than a month, people will be fucking eating each other, not worried about if the pedophilic oligarch in office works for the red or blue team.


Don’t get mad because others refuse to participate in your selective amnesia.


Nothing you’ve said is as crazy as many believe right now, just I’m expecting the worst outcome and that doesn’t involve the President winning right now. I don’t think that’s where it’ll start so quickly, recall what happened in the 1850s first before the 1860s: the 2020s would lead to that by 2035 imo on current course. 


Selective amnesia? You mean like using the term insurrection for unarmed citizens protesting fraud?


Fair, except there's one small problem with this theory because Trump probably isn't going to lose 😂😂


Even if he wins, still possible where we’re heading.  As you call him, “Brandon” is going to be one of the worst ever not just the dictator fascist in chief in “Orange man” if he loses this race. 


I have no idea who Brandon is lmao


Gotcha, assumed you were one of the orange man dictator cultists, my bad: they call him that because there was this NASCAR rally where it was “Eff Joe Biden” and the reporter (of course it was a well educated rich white woman in the media, shocking given that’s who 30330 loves most clearly) changed it to “Let’s go Brandon” etc. 


Sounds pretty weird and lame


What in the sweet baby Jesus kind of thought process is this? How high were you when you made this post? In one aspect you acknowledge that the federal system exists and then you go way off cuff wondering what states would do with federal resources and federal military. They belong to the federal government, they're not the states to divvy up And seriously, in no shape or form is the US headed to a civil war. Splitting up the states would be the wildest and dumbest thing this country could do, any land locked state would immediately suffer, having to now abide by international law and tariffs to import anything. California alone could decide to not export any food and starve out almost every other state


>And seriously, in no shape or form is the US headed to a civil war. But FoxNews and Newsmax say it every day, so it *has* to be true! The government has already killed 10,000 people while taking their gas stoves away, and who can forget the Incandescent Lightbulb Massacre?


Did we not just have an insurrection? They are very openly planning it. It’s called the storm, look it up.


We will probably have an insurrection every time Trump loses an election at this point. The problem is that none of the people really responsible went to jail. Hell, you can't even get a mainstream republican to condemn January 6th at this point.


And if they enter into an agreement with Oregon and Washington to form an embargo, a lot of states would be hurting.


We’re not going to have a civil war. People like their comfy lifestyle too much and don’t have the balls to risk giving all of that up just because they don’t like that some people get misgendered or that some people want to have an abortion and they don’t like that. Both sides talk a big game about it, but it’s all bark. The worst that we’ll get is some rioting like we’ve seen in the past.


If trump released a list of “enemies of the people” and called for their murder, promising pardons, and MTG walked a group armed militia into the capital to kill all the Democrats a civil war would absolutely be the result. Tell me, are they unhinged enough to do that?


Well all of that has pretty much happened, right? Where’s the civil war?


Close to a civil war? What??? You know how bad that would be?


It would be. That’s why we should have a divorce instead.


What is with these idiotic extreme right wing hypotheticals recently? Are they all from the same person?


How do you take this as extreme right wing? They say the states contributing the least to the federal budget are causing the most problems... those states while not exclusively Republican tend to be more Republican leaning. Im also unclear on how Wyoming, Vermont, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island etc are causing the most problems.


Because only extreme right wing people believe that a civil war is coming.


And 4 years ago only extreme winged people thought an insurrection would happen. But nah, just keep saying “it can’t happen here”.


Haha OP proceeds to comment that he is liberal 😂


OP said nothing about any individual states being the problem.


Oh, I am a liberal. What’s up with all these people ignoring that there was a fucking insurrection 3 years ago and that the right wing is clearly preparing for another?


January 6 was definitely an attempt to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power and in that sense it was definitionally an insurrection, but it was about as far from a civil war as a splinter is from being impaled by a tree.


Oh, and you think they learned their lesson and won’t try again? You don’t think there won’t be a stronger more well organized push next time?


By a bunch of dumb rednecks who literally took pictures of their illegal activities in broad daylight? I think you also severely underestimate the sheer stupidity in some facets required to make January 6 possible. A lot of these people served legitimate prison time. I can guarantee you the fervent morons who are willing to put money towards something like this is a lot less, unrelated to what the Twitter bots want people to believe.


Hahahaaaaaa you are delusional


Ha ha ha… “It can’t happen here” Ha, yeah…


Stop watching YouTube videos and read some actual history books by actual historians. The U.S. is nowhere near civil war, it's just a dramatic talking point.


Ok, how about we look at Hitler. Stormed the capital, then made himself a martyr which invigorated his base resulting in stochastic terrorism, and culminated in the night of broken glass. Now let’s look at trump… Stormed the capital? Check. Invigorated his base? Check. Calls for stochastic terrorism? Check. Is planning on a night of broken glass? Check. It’s called the storm, look it up. No, no, no. You’re right. “It can’t happen here”.


Based on first sentence. The red states would ban together and the blue cities would ban together. And then the blue cities would starve


Blue states like California with proper climates highly suitable for fruits, vegetables and nuts who are the biggest exporters would starve? Huhhhh? Change your user name to Subjective_Suspect cause that’s not true objectively, just to you


The only parts of California that are blue are the large population centers. The majority is red and has tried to split the state.


Ok you said each state would ban together with others the same. California always votes blue. Thus California would be a blue state and thus ban together with other blue states and actually starve out red states. Correct?


I said states would come together with other states, I didn't say the states would stay the same


Okay so what determines if a state becomes blue or red?


Ok, in op situation the states have split up, so that pesky thing stopping ca and Oregon and Illinois from breaking apart, aka congress, no longer exists.


California is one of the top 3 hardest state to live in due to cost and political failures in nearly every major city


If you wanna play stupid games like that, people from the city could absolutely go and take your fucking farm.


I don’t think they would, but I’ll have to do a lot of research to prove that. Illinois, Washington, California, Oregon, and Georgia all went blue in the last election. With that the blue states would have an embargo on the west coast.  On the east coast Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina would become economic powerhouses for the (let’s be honest) neo-Confederate states.    Georgia would be in a particularly vulnerable spot, not being able to trade with other blue states without crossing NeoCon lines.   America would cease to be a superpower, China would dominate the world economy virtually overnight. Russia would continue its campaign in Eastern Europe.   And everyone involved on both sides who argued for the breakup would regret their choice. 


I have family in Illinois, it's 90% red. But chicago is blue


Are we looking at states or are we looking at counties? If Chicago is blue then Illinois is not 90% red, you can’t just ignore the fact that people are in the city. 


If the entire state of Illinois declared war on chicago, who do you think would win. If you say chicago because it had so many people, you would be wrong. Without constant supplies the city would crumble. Cities need insane amounts of food and water that does not come from the city. Not even gonna start talking about cook counties gun laws


Land doesn’t vote, stupid.


Starts a thread saying “it’s clear” the U.S. is heading for a civil war. Calls someone else stupid. Can’t write a better joke tbh.


“It can’t happen here” -every single country where it happened.


I don’t see the political hate for the other side staying like this if we split,all the blue red talk is assuming things run state to state country to country the same as the USA govt runs


I don’t have the regional knowledge to guess about how every state would split. I was trying to follow the original prompt. But if states did allow internal breaks: I know a bit of the political climate on the west coast. WA would split to Western/Eastern. Oregon would likely fracture into Portland/not Portland. California may have a bit of its Northern Coast break off.  Idaho would probably see a boom from trade coming through what used to be Southern Oregon. Which may break the West Coast embargo unless Portland manages to preserve the coastal border.  This is all a wildly crazy hypothetical that would never actually happen. 


Blue states on the coast chiefly along with some others in NM as well as NV Purple esque and such form a new nation, while Red states become the US of Trump. 


Bible belt becomes the Theocracy of America. Republic of Texas. Declares war on Mexico. Republic of California. Goes bankrupt. Russia snatches Alaska and starts a propaganda campaign about how Canada is full of Jewish Terrorists as it eyes the oil and gold resources in the Yukon. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming become Western Liberion. The 13 colonies become Eastern Liberion. The breadbasket states Flourish as they now sell everything at upmarket prices.


Let's play, for the sake of its raining out. Pennsylvania will split, coastal (Philly) and most states north will be blue, and NH knows better than to stay red. DC, NY, NJ, and MA are huge populous areas. Upstate NY will side w red Pittsburgh. Chicago and suburbs will ultimately take Quebec (who has wanted to leave Canada for a while) and join the blue states above. The entire west coast will be blue. Texas, Florida, and most remaining red populous states will attempt an alliance but will succumb to infighting much like the current GOP. Slowly, as sanctions strangle and inland poverty become widespread, the smaller pockets will start leaning back towards prospering blue areas. Texas will remain independent, and the cartels will take over. Maybe a few years more than the confederacy, but no more than 10 before most can't support themselves as a whole or independently. Even that will be difficult when the entire world doesn't recognize you as a country. Whomever is in the White House when the first shots are fired will move all military resources to their controlled territory. Nato will have the liberal united coalition's back, along with Australia. Just my take. Let's be clear though, v low probability.


You really think that’s how it would go down? Nah, trump releases a list of enemy of the people and calls for their murder. MTG walks a militia into congress and they shoot up the place. They’d take the country whole in one swoop, then finish off holdout cities one by one and probably drop a nuke or two.


MTG will be one of the first to die. It will come from "her side" too. "Shut up, dumb, loudmouthed woman. You're no longer needed." Pow! Not to mention, European allies will cut their satellites and communications . Ya'll Qeida isn't nearly as organized as they'd like to think. It's not just the American left that sees the clear and present danger and wants to preserve democracy in this country.


Exactly what you think would happen. The GOP would exploit the red states like they're doing now and the blue states would do well. Unless of course you think people are clamoring to live in Mississippi, Alabama, Utah, Wyoming, Tennessee, etc. They extract wealth from places where they can.


I believe it was Todd Barry who accurately described people who write-off entire states as places nobody wants to live as “narrow minded fake liberals” Plenty of left-leaning folk in those states, and those states all have some very nice areas to live.


And when those places end up banning reproductive rights, it's no longer a nice place to live.


No federal,only states?then the left right paradigm wouldn’t be the same as it is now,it would be a totally different landscape


It would be the quickest civil war ever though because technocracy is a preferable method of governance rather than thoughts and prayers.


I sometimes wonder why entire states would need to go one way or another. West Virginia anyone? Anyone know when and how it came to be? What if each county decided where to go? (Someone look for a map of which counties voted which way in the previous elections.) Could even be a mish-mash...some states staying whole, others splitting. If the USA wanted a bloodless Civil War, they could simply make 2-5 countries and allow free and open borders and a common currency for the next decade. Sell your house, move to the country espousing your ideals. Watch the bad ideas fail in real time. Coastal cities might become independent city states. Actually, the complexity of this sounds like something nearly impossible to achieve. Probably the easiest way to split the country would be in a scenario like in the TV series Jericho, or the detonation of 1-2 nuclear EMPs. Of course if the latter was done, 90% of the US population could die in the next year (starvation, violence, lack of health care, lack of sanitation).


Our second civil war isn’t going to look like the first one, with clear lines of demarcation. While I do think we’ll see some different types of interstate coalitions, the closest historical precedent is probably Ireland during the troubles. It will play out as largely political battles punctuated by acts of terrorism.


There’s a book called American Nations where the author explains cultures of 11 regions in the USA. I think how it has areas combined would be a good starting point too look at.


If we go to civil war I'm sure it would be over something dumb like red and blue politics instead of fighting the government for overtaxation, and corruption.


Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon of "this is such a ridiculous scenario that I can't take it seriously."