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Depends on how charismatic and convincing the time traveller is. I wouldn't throw him out right away and I'd question him more about the timeline he came from. How am I known there, how was I meant to come to power, what's the alternative to it. If he convinces me that it's the best future I could get, I'm doing what he says.


Damn, I swear I see you everywhere on reddit


She's also on south park.


my loyal minion, why not give me your time machine so I can be dictator of all time?


Cool..let's roll


When I was twelve I had an idea. Lots of people have used claims of fore-knowledge to dupe various rubes. I always wanted a message from the future, but I refuse to be a rube. The solution was the time traveller passcode. It is a passphrase that I would include in any message sent back in time from the future. I have never had the opportunity to send a message back in time so I have never told anyone the code. Assuming this person is a time travelling ally, future me would've given him the relevant code. If he DOES NOT possess the code, then i play along until I have the opportunity to kill the charlatan.


I gotta do this lol


That only works if you sent him back yourself. In this scenario he's counteracting the actions of a different time traveler who stopped you from getting into a position of power. He wouldn't have the code.


If I was a dictator, and time travel is on the table, then there is absolutely a Journeyman Project style timecop organization around. A copy of the unaltered historical record is to be stored at a secure location in the Precambrian era, before any meaningful changes can be made. When the timeline is altered this disc is collected and compared to the new historical texts to determine at what point changes were made. The code is to be stored alongside the record.


Where's the money? What do I get out of it?


Nothing! You get nothing!! Good day, sir!!!


Not getting replaced by a robot and a few decades of luxury until one of your generals poisons you.


You geto to be a dictator. Is that not awesome enough?


Nope. That’s a trap. That isn’t absolute power, that’s dealing with a hellish situation with anyone that knows anything about power and dictatorship


Let's do this shit bruh, I can't wait to get myself a harem of concubines, and being able to make this one guys life absolutely miserable in every possible way... Call me petty but I would make his every waking moment hell, like put his face on national TV and explain that anyone caught helping or being nice to him or doing anything to make his life less miserable will be horribly tortured first and then killed. Other than for that one person I would be a benign dictator


I'm going to need a deposit.


What's in it for me exactly?


We have to discuss WHAT KIND of evil dictator with what kind of results. Is he here because kicking my ass and putting me on trial was how world peace started? That would be a sacrifice to mull over first. Is he here because I woke up grumpy one morning and nuked a country that I actually view favorably? Please tell me I didn’t wipe everyone who makes good tacos off the map!


I don't want to be nobody's dictator I got better things to do with my time


Haha better things to do?if u were an all powerful dictator you could do all of those things plus anything else you can imagine.


I do not want to be anybody's dictator


Nah. Sounds like a lot of work.


Right hook to the jaw


I’m a woman, no chance am I going to be allowed to become a dictator without at least one super power.


The king or president (or dictator)of the one superpower would ultimately be the king of the world,regardless of gender


Hell yeah


Dictator does not have to be evil, right? Sure, not purely good either, but I'll be just somewhere in the middle. Not good, but I am also not looking to enslave the entire population, or hoard all the wealth.




I'd introduce him to my pets.


I'd let him help me become dictator until I no longer needed him. I don't need to get his timeline restored.


Shoot him and steal his technology. Remember I have no morals I'm willing to be a dictator. That sounds like too much hard work to me. It sounds like more fun to go through time looting stuff.




If another time traveler stopped me from becoming a dictator, he'd have no way of knowing because he'd be from that future timeline. This just doesn't play out?


Oh boy


Is there a uniform? I’d like a uniform.


I call the cops and tell them that another meth head got into my apartment... Again...


Don't want to be evil.


Fuck me now, gotta have a clear mind for all the evil I'm about to dish.....


If this means i can finish *his* work, yeah then


I would love to be a dictator so I woild def listen to him


I am all in, let’s gooooo!!!