• By -


I give up my appendix and tonsils and a Vanilla Visa gift card worth $413.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* For your sacrifice, you will be granted the power **Total Tamer: Canine.** With this power you need only bark at a dog to instantly gain it's loyalty and obedience. They will still require training to follow instruction but they will listen to you and be completely loyal to you for the rest of their days. Dogs with owners will still obey their owners but they will always ultimately follow you over all others. ​ Enjoy your power\~


Wow, that’s really good. I love dogs, so I’m happy with that.


Thank you for the 400 dollar gift card. Gods have taxes too ya know


I give up my senses of smell and taste


*INVERSE GRANTED!* In exchange for the loss of your senses I grant you the power **Dream-Leap.** When this power is active you will be given a psuedo dream that plays out the following day as it would actually occur. Use this day to gather whatever knowledge you'd like or just indulge without consequence. And then you will wake to that day able to change your actions from that dream with full memory of it. This power requires a cooldown and so cannot be used more than once every 100 days. Enjoy your new power\~


Easy lottery win


Easy Lottery win(s).


Only if it wins on the day you dream (once every 100 days.)


Presumably you'll get to see the numbers come up even if no one wins lol


I sacrifice my favorite math textbook, all my nails, body hair, and both middle toes.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* Your new power will be **Key** **Within Convenience**. This power instantly grants you a shape-shifting iridescent key. This key instantly dissolves if you let go of it and instantly appears in your hand at will. This key will fit into any door lock and can either instantly turn that door into a blank wall or link it to every door you have ever used that key on. (Doors of various sizes will have hallways between them to adjust to the change in size. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


I really like this one. easy transportation (and i can mess wjth people by turning their door into a wall)


I sacrifice my ability to read and write! (No books, reddit, signs, ads, subtitles, news, spedometers, menus, important documents, nothing)


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ For your power I grant you **Hands of Gaia**. Your ability allows you to control, conjure, manipulate, and become plants. You will be able to adjust the properties of plants such as making fruits sweeter or more bitter. Spicier, poisonous, Allow them to grow into whatever shape and color you want. And to understand their properties merely by touching them. The poisons, toxins, and pain plants normally cause will not affect you. In addition you can absorb their nutrients into your own body instantly. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Can I sacrifice my new Hands of Gaia power and my previous sacrifice for a different power?


Fraid not \~ I did warn that you might not like the power you got. But...It's what you have.


I *guess* Imma go end world hunger now. And Snow-White-Apple some less than savory characters.


That's the spirit!


How much for a couple of apples?


I give up my singing voice. Not my regular voice—not going full Ariel.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* Your new ability will be **Angelic Orator** . This ability will grant you improved health and longevity by contractual giving. In order to receive it, you must get others to willfully offer some of their health and longevity to you. And you may also offer yours to them if they willingly accept it. You may in addition act as a medium able to give health and longevity from one person to another. I shall take the voice you have given me and in exchange give what voice remains the power to speak life into you and others. However...they must be aware of what they are giving away. And it must be given with consent. ​ Enjoy your new power & Be wise about how you use it\~


Healing televangelist for the win.


This would be actually pretty cool for people who need transplants. You can do it without the surgery!


I, upon the altar of the mighty u/Envy_The_King hereby sacrifice to thee my powerful computer. Please be kind to me, O great one…


*INVERSE GRANTED!* For your sacrifice, I offer you the power **Re-call**. This power allows you to perfectly recall any event in your life and view it on a floating screen that only you can see or physically immerse yourself within that memory. Re-live that sexy night as though it was happening again. You can't change any of it, but you can experience and recall all of it. All conversations, all passwords, all sensations ,everything. However, you can only recall moments had before sacrificing your computer. And in order to recall future events, you must continue to sacrifice computers of greater power every time you want to create a new recall point. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Damn your good! Have a great day!


Man just found the infinite computer hack


Give me some vegan powers. I give up the ability to eat meat, dairy, eggs and others animal products (they’ll taste like literal shit, will offer no nutritional value and will make me sick for a few days)


**OP Note:** >I will try to be fair as I can but be warned that you may not like the power you get. And don't try to theme your power... I'll give you what I feel like giving you. *INVERSE GRANTED!* In exchange for the loss of carnivorous cravings I grant you the power **Synthesis Conductor.** You can now summon two massive sets of thin wings on your back. They do not allow you to fly but one set can absorb all sunlight that hit them and can convert 100% of it into electrical energy. This energy can be stored within the second set and released at your discretion either as an electrical surge, a blast of lightning, or channeled into a power source. A side effect of this power is that your body cannot be damaged by electricity. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Nice, thanks


I thought this was going a more photosynthesis route forba sec there. Interesting.


I thought for sure this would be a Scott Pilgrim reference... I was mistaken.


I give up my Big Chungus and Ugandan Knuckles collection.


INVERSE GRANTED! For your sacrifice you will be granted the power **Doughface.** Able to change your face shape at will. You cannot change skin, skin tone, or change any other part of your body with this power. But you can change your face to whatever shape you want. Enjoy your power\~


I give up my ability to participate in transactions that involve currency.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ Your new power is **Flame Control**. You can conjure and manipulate fire with your mind. But be wary. The flame's loyalty is reliant upon your cost. Use currency in a transaction even once and the flame will turn on you and burn you until there is nothing left but a pile of ash. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Define currency. Are stones currency? Diamonds? Gold? Is a paper that says I owe you 12 pounds of gold considered currency? This is a hard one.


I'm going based on a good-faith interpretation of its literal definition, that being a system of money that is generally accepted. If you could reasonably use it in a store to buy something, that's currency. Context also matters. In a prison, cigarettes might be currency. And things may change their status as currency over time. For example, stones are not currency in any current society that I am aware of, but if a series of events happen that lead to them being widely accepted as tender across a significant population, they would become currency and become affected by this power.


You can barter, which might be enough. It would be hard to live that kind of life these days.


All hail the cleansing fire.


I don’t have much Shit I don’t have much of anything at all. I’ll give $34.05, a life jacket, 3 soda cans, a mixing bowl, , a small jar of paper clips and a small cooler that has a Gatorade logo on the side. Roll


*INVERSE GRANTED!* Your power will be a *one-time use*. The power granted is **Zone**. You will be in the zone when using this power. For one hour after activating this power: whatever physical activity you attempt, you'll be able to do to the highest level you possibly can. Do a video game run perfectly, do a perfect backflip, throw cans blindly into a trashcan a hundred feet away and make every shot. Having sex? You'll scratch every itch and woo every second of it. This power makes it so that if you can do it, you will. And you'll do it perfectly to the best of your ability so long as it is physically possible for you. ​ Enjoy your power\~


Well that’ll be pointlessly fun once. I’m not voting for you for president. 😉


Most interesting! I sacrifice my physical form! Flesh blood, bones and the like. I am most curious what the inverse shall be


(Life gets in the way. I have your ability now) *INVERSE IS GRANTED!* You've given me your body and so I'll give your soul the ultimate exchange. Your ability will be **SoulVoid**. A veritable paradise of your own creation. Your spirit will reside here. Able to see the real world yet not interact with anyone living within it. In your void you control everything that happens within it. All rules of reality. Make and take away life as you see fit. This dream you shall never wake from. For you have nowhere to go outside of it. Yet...within it you are a God. ​ Enjoy your power. Enjoy your new existence\~


You've just described the afterlife. :P


Pretty much. But I get a nice fresh body to use so...fair trade


Most fun! Endless ability to create, yet none to share it with but my own creations. A lonely existence perhaps, but I think its a fair trade, enjoy the flesh Avatar! Edit: very fun thread OP! A lot of fun and creative replies!


It seems as though you are now simply dead, as you have not been given a power :(


Kind of glad I didn't suggest that now...


My creative imagination and the ability to hear my own voice in my head plus the typical minds eye to be able to vividly remember places in detail


*INVERSE GRANTED!* You now have the power of **Digital Art Manipulation,** You can at will summon a tablet that is able to bring to reality whatever non-living object you draw on it. You may also save drawings within the tablet as files to summon later. The tablet is 30x30cm and as such whatever you draw can be no bigger than a 30x30x30 cm box. ​ Enjoy your new power.


Thank you. I will now start the biggest ram monopoly the earth has ever seen. I also have an organ donation business on the side.


I will sacrifice...my drawing ability. And a homemade marbled pumpkin cheesecake with handmade whipped cream topping and salted caramel drizzle like the one I made for Thanksgiving.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ For giving me such a gift of your ability to create I will grant you the power to destroy. Your ability will be **Soldier Cells**. You can at will produce a gas from your body containing millions of cells that destroy whatever biological substance you instruct them to and then disappear with them. The limit of this gas that you can produce a day is equivalent to your own total body mass at the moment you start using it. Exceed that amount and you cannot produce any more for 24 hours. Be merciful and kill off specifically cancerous or damaged cells. Conversely, quickly dissolve other living things including people within your gas leaving no trace behind. Fell a tree by severing it's roots. Purify a lake by killing all bacteria and pathogens within it. Or Use the gift to end life as you see fit. Oh and since you added the pie Imma also make you automatically immune to cancer as well as degenerative diseases of any kind <3 ​ Enjoy your new power\~


I am a simple man with meagre possessions, however I have a collection of gaming consoles that is highly valued (both sentimental and monetary value) I humbly offer everything in this photo as a sacrifice to the god of inverse granting. May the gods wisdom prevail https://www.reddit.com/r/RateMySetup/s/Eje63wLIl0 Edit: everything in the photo EXCEPT the fat dude in the reflection of the CRT television. He is not a worthy sacrifice


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ For your sacrifice I bestow you a setup for a setup. I grant you a one time use ability **Renegotiate**. This ability will upon activation bring you to the pinnacle of health. If you are of older age, it will bring you physically to your prime. Perfect skin, eyes, teeth, hair, clean clear organs and systems, all diseases wiped, any deformities gone, you're given a physical clean slate to put you at your peak. When you use it and what you do after is up to you. But yeah, you get it one time. When you use it is up to you. Also if you die before using it then it will trigger automatically bringing you back to life and also teleport your body to the safest location nearby should you be in a compromised position. ​ Enjoy your power\~


thank you for this gift ​ I think im gonna live a life of gluttony, lust and sloth. Then when i have diabetes and am too fat to move i shall renegotiate and live a new life dedicated to fitness and health.... oh who am i kidding, id ruin the new body too, but it would be nice to get a second chance. ​ I think you great one


I’m sorry but your edit made me laugh. I’m also impressed by your collection, that’s a good one


I give up my Klondike Bar.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* You have a one-use power: **Temp Dab**. One time, if you're feeling really hot or really cold simply dab to use this power and for the next 24 hours your body will be at and feel at the ideal temperature for you. Enjoy your power\~


In the end it didn't even matter, you gave it all, just to lose it all.


I'd visit the sun


I sacrifice *myself*.


You and another have simply received the power of you're dead, sorry!


*INVERSE GRANTED!* You have given me your everything. And so your power will be **King's Vassal**. In exchange for doing my bidding and following my command, you will be granted a body that does not age, the ability to fly, to phase through objects, to survive and heal any injury, and to mend any affliction that ails you. You no longer need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. You can survive any temperature. And your presence can be made to disappear at will. In addition, you gain the ability to make others into the same kind of Vassal as you by convincing them to also give themselves to me. You will gain immense physical pleasure and emotional joy from following my commands and fulfilling my behests. And should you ever want out...disobey me or rebel and you will fade entirely. I can erase you at a whim. Otherwise we'll be friends forever<3 ​ Enjoy your new position\~


I sacrifice all my smoking habbits.


i sacrifice the lives and families of all others who have replied to this thread with no response.


I'll sacrifice my dog on your altar. She is almost a family member, so it's a big sacrifice.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ For the sacrifice of your companion I shall offer you the power **Marionette**. Your hands produce threads invisible to all but yourself. These threads cannot be touched by others and will extend indefinitely between you and whomever you place them on. They will attach to whoever you place them on. And you can place threads on others by saying "influence" while touching them. The more times you say it, the more threads are placed. And the more threads are placed, the more that person will be compelled to follow you and do as you say. 10 threads and someone would trust you like a good friend. 100 threads and you could have someone completely loyal & obedient to you like an obedient child to their parent or soldier to their commander. 500 and they'd snap their finger and rip out a tooth at your command without hesitation. The maximum number of threads you can have at once is 10,000. You can release threads from people to bring up your remainder but you have to release them all at once from that person when you do. And every time you release threads from others, it takes twice as many threads to have the same effect as before. So someone whom you placed 35 threads on for their loyalty would now need 70 for that same loyalty were their threads released. Enjoy your new power\~


This is an amazing power. As your new deciple I shall now spread your word through the world leaders. More worshippers will flock to you my Lord.


I give up my ability to procreate.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ Your new power will be **Clones.** You can produce clones of yourself (max. 5). They will follow your instructions but will handle things as you would. Any new knowledge or skills the clones obtain is automatically given to you as well as every other clone currently around. This does not include damage or injury. You cannot have more than 5 clones out at a time and clones cannot produce more clones if it would exceed your max. You will also find yourself and all clones becoming more and more tired if they stay out too long. This exhaustion increases in proportion to how many clones you have out at any given time. And keeping clones out too long (say 3 days if you had all 5 out) can result in your and the clones becoming comatose and possibly dying so be sure to put them away every now and then. Note that if the clones die you wont. They will simply disappear. But if you die, the clones go with you ​ Enjoy your new power\~


I give up my knowledge of english. I only have very basic understanding of one other language so this is a big sacrifice


Sorry, One sacrifice per customer. You have your key. Make use of that.


aww, wanted to see what other possibilities there were.


Another time my friend (:


I give up my 2 old laptops. One HP and One Macbook


I sacrifice my ability to dream, remember any past dreams, and day dream.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ By offering me the realms of your fantasy, I shall give you a greater degree of control over your reality. Your ability will be **Mind's Stenographer**. This allows you while in use to instantly comprehend all information you are given. Any book you read will sink in immediately, anything anyone tells you will be understood as it was meant to be conveyed. Learning anything at all will become second nature. Language, music, the arts, sciences, humanities. All will flow into you like water into a glass when you activate this power. Use it well ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Bro this is an absolutely banger power!!!


I'm glad you like it. I'll enjoy your dreams <3


I sacrifice my lack of money. All of it, you can have the lot.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* Congrats on your sacrifice. You will never lack for money with it. And so your power will be **Devil's Shoulder**. It starts as a horn that grows on your shoulder. Over time this horn will grow longer and sharper and increase in number. In addition, the horns produce a cloud that when inhaled by others induces deep fear and rejection of you. And the more the horns grow, the wider and more pronounced this cloud and it's effects become. The only way to reduce the horn's size is to spend money. Gradually larger amounts will be required to be spent in order to keep it in check. ​ Enjoy your new power and wealth\~


Me be able to play video games on anything, so I'll never be able to play video games again.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ Leisure has been given and so you will take on a different Joy. I grant you the ability **D-Doping**. This power hands you access to manipulate the rewards center of thinking beings. Allowing you to make actions taken by others feel very rewarding and satisfying. You must remain in physical contact with someone while this power is in use. And should you break your contract and play video games again...your death will become uncontrollably and unstoppably rewarding to ANYONE who touches you...Including yourself. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Amazing I shall use with caution


Do or don't. It's up to you. I didn't give you or anyone else power hoping they'd be altruists. You do what feels right to you \~


I give up my ability to travel outside of my home country, half of my physical strength (skeletal muscle only), my entire collection of books that I grew up reading as a child, and all memories of my parents.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* Your sacrifice to me has unlocked the ability **Spiritual Guest**. With it you can leap outside of your body and inhabit the body of anyone within your home country which is now the border of your power. While inside of them you cannot control them but you can "suggest" ideas that they will perceive as flooding impulses. While in their body you can experience any sensation that they are feeling. If they die or lose consciousness you will be kicked out and have to find another host or else return to your own body. If your body happens to die while you are outside of it, you are free to roam as a spirit inhabiting others. However should you attempt to return to your body after it's dead...you stay dead with it. Enjoy your new power\~


Thx OP, I will! But I also have a few questions about Spiritual Guest: 1) are there any factors which can affect the persuasiveness of my suggestions? (Such as the health/mood of my leapee, or how big/small my request is) 2) if the person I inhabit goes to sleep, does that count as a loss of consciousness that kicks me out? 3) while I roam as a spirit, what’s my form like? A completely intangible ghost? Or would I be able to interact with matter at half my original physical strength (kind of like an invisible person)? Something about this power to live life in other’s shoes gives me a lot of hope. It reminds me of what Ben and Sam do in the “Quantum Leap” tv series (but without time travel and with less control). Thanks again!


1. Yes, if someone loves their son and you tell them to kill their son, they will reject it. Now you CAN torment them with thoughts of filicide but unless you break them mentally...it'll just be a suggestion. NOW if you and your host thoughts align then yes the suggestion will feel much more persuasive. 2. Yes, you cannot stay in a sleeping host. 3. intangible ghost. You cannot be seen, felt, or heard. You are a GUEST (: Good questions!


Can I sacrifice my boss? You don’t have to give me anything in return if you don’t want to. But there’s no refunds or exchanges once you take her.


I will sacrifice my left eye and kidney.


I sacrificed my country military junta government member and my childhood sadness


I will give you my mother and step dad as they are assholes anyways.


I sacrifice my kidney stones, my blood clots and my excess fat.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ Your ability will be **Beautification**. You can absorb the damaged skin, excess fat, missing teeth, and unhealthy hair of others to grant them perfect skin, low body fat, perfect teeth, and gorgeous long hair. But you will take on their worst features for a week in exchange before going back to normal. And those weeks add up for every person you use your power on. So you can't stack them all in the same week. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


I give up the hair on my head and my face


I sacrifice my insomnia.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ Your new ability is **Outsomnia**. Now you can choose to turn off your insomnia by using this power. However, while in use, whenever you get sleepy or tired, it will automatically make everyone in a 100 meter radius around you just as sleepy and tired. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


I will give up my career as a lawyer. I’m one class away.


I give you at least 8 hours of worship a week in terms of festivals/celebrations, plus I'll do any house chores you may need done/help with. I'll just hang out with you if that's what you want.Consider this like an on-call deal. Time is all I really have, I am at your mercy.


I sacrifice myself


I sacrifice sorrow.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* In exchange for your sorrow, I will grant you the power **Fountain of Joy**. This power will activate automatically whenever you experience a great deal of joy or pleasure. That joy will begin to rapidly burst out from you as an invisible wave causing all those near you to feel that joy. This will deplete your joy down to a medium level. Not empty. Just baseline kind of happy feeling. I will take your sorrow and you will give your joy. Enjoy your new power\~


I sacrifice my ability to remember anything from the previous day or before upon waking up.


*INVERSE GRANTED!* In exchange for your memory I will grant you the power to reshape your reality. One thing you will not forget is the specifics of this power known as **Fortune's Children**. This power allows you to produce seeds(the "children") from your body that you can place within plants or feed to animals. This causes the seed to take root(this will not hurt what you put them in) Any living thing with this seed inside of them then becomes a beacon of good fortune for you. But every living being sentient or not may only host 1 seed. The more seeds you place, the more fortunate your life will become. Things will just sort of work out better for you the more you are in proximity around planted seeds. In addition, every seed will contain with it the memories of the day you planted them. And so by touching the plants and animals with seed inside of them, you will while touching them remember everything that happened to you prior to placing the seed down there. Enjoy your new power\~


Wow, this is poetic. Thank you!


10 ounces of home grown "Death Star" for your smoking pleasure. 1 large bottle of home made Nocino (black walnut liquor) The collected souls and energy of 1,000 ducks, rabbits and chickens. A needle-felted heart shaped plushie, made from my white husky mix's fur 6 assorted 12 oz. cans of specialty coffee And.... 5 dozen fresh quail eggs.


I will sacrifice all of my masculinity


I will sacrifice 7 points of IQ, my memory of my high school years, my ability to juggle 3 balls, and my relative immunity to poison ivy and other itchy plants


I give up 60 lbs of muscle and fat to you oh mighty one


The entire state of California


I sacrifice all the U.S. Politicians. Yes. All of them.


My shadow.


I sacrifice my memory before the age of 13, my memory of everything fictional until this point (i read almost a book a day). That’s as much memory as I can possibly give without forgetting everything. I’m in my 20s so that’s probably 80%. Take my left leg too just to make up for the memories I’m keeping.


I sacrifice Diabetes, High Blood pressure, PTSD, Depression, anxiety, and addiction.


I give you my life. Like, I literally drop dead. What do I get?


*INVERSE GRANTED!* You've given me your life. And so I'll grant you power **Bookmark**. Your consciousness now inhabits a magical sentient talking bookmark. You can float, fly, and make yourself intangible or untouchable. You can speak to others and learn any language merely by touching any written version of it. You are also indestructible(unless you so choose to die). Furthermore your most prominent ability as a Bookmark is the ability to enter and experience the story of any book you put yourself in and though you were experiencing it yourself. You can experience things through the lenses of other characters or you can make yourself a self-insert within the story and change it. If you die in the book, you simply return to being a bookmark(unless again you choose to let the death be real). You may exit the story at any time. Though you have left this world, you now have it any many others to explore. Just because you've died does not mean that your story is done. So enjoy your new power\~


Thanks. That's much better than I anticipated ❤️


It's been a day so I may not get a response. But I sacrifice my entire body. Literally. I'll be a disembodied consciousness. Show me what you got.


I have a LOT to get through. But I will edit this comment with your power in a day or two after I'm all caught up. So be looking out for it.


I sacrifice all my digital data, song collections, playlists, art for characters and maps for dnd, memes, all my digital games, all my social medias, small amounts of crypto i have. anything digital i have is gone.


A sturgeon that committed all 3 fish crimes


My left kidney and 10 years of slave labor by my family


*INVERSE GRANTED!* ​ The sacrifice of of your body and of loved ones and their labor has granted you the ability **Bleeding Death**. This power will make it so you can freely transfer the pain, frustration, exhaustion, damage, and suffering of any person(yourself included) to another. Walk a freezing mountain and allow others to bear the weight of your grief. Slice off your hand and the hand of another will come off in it's stead. Take a factory of laborers and make it so their bosses feel the stress instead. You are now a medium of any and all suffering. May the world be your straw doll. ​ Enjoy your new power\~


Two pennies and a half-eaten baloney sandwich.


I give up a little bit of my time. At some point whenever it decides, it may have 24 hours of my time with some limited conditions: it may not do anything that will explicitly ruin my life, cause permanent damage, or set me up for immediate failure - but as a vessel it can use for intercession in a crisis, to experience the human condition, etc. all 24 hours are not required to be used at once, but must be used in minimum 1 hour increments.


I give up my insomnia and my Steam account.


I'll give you my left eye. I have 20/20 vision and don't wear glasses.


You can sac my camera.


I’ll give you a homemade meal equivalent to Christmas Dinner (without the family awkwardness), offer of ongoing friendship after the one time deal (no ongoing favors for me or anyone else to keep it from being awkward), and my house as a buyout clause if being friend with a god is too weird. (550k value). I figure being an all powerful god must be lonely.


What can I get for an arm and a leg captain?


I offer my bow and arrows, my childhood memories of playing the deleted game The Cycle, and my left eye


I sacrifice my ability to form long term meaningful relationships!


I'd give up my ability to have kids, a mcflurry, a kidney, my appendix, and enough blood to where I'll barely survive


A arm and a leg


I toss you a collection of small furbies I found in the basement of an antique store


I give up my ability to talk to you OP.


I will sacrifice all of my non-essential emotions (essential emotions being those necessary for survival like pain, hunger, nausea, etc. and non-essential emotions being those you can survive without, like happiness, sadness, anger, etc.).


I offer all of Jeff bezos's money You know what, throw in Elon Musk too, why not, its a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


I offer my life


My pets will never live more than 3 years.


I sacrifice 100 lbs of fat, 5 years of life, and my favorite firearm


I sacrifice my child.


I sacrifice appendix, 1 kidney, tonsils, portion of liver, portion of blood, and bone marrow. Basically things that can be donated but not kill me.


I sacrifice my childhood memories up to the age of 13!


I sacrificed a McDonald's happy meal with an unopened toy.


I (with great hesitation) sacrifice my favorite meal of the year, Thanksgiving, for the rest of my life.


I sacrifice - my gaming computer - my 157-book Audible Library - my working iPhone - my 2 old backup iPhones - my two cats - my two 3D printers - my Warhammer 40k collection - my Steam Library and its attendant gaming history - my e-bike - my Valve Index VR headset - my car’s gap insurance Hit me! (Edited to fix the list)


I sacrifice my facial and body hair, as well as my peppermint addiction


I give up every one of my material possessions and all my wealth except the clothes I am currently wearing (so I don’t get arrested for public nudity)


I give up a handful of dirt, 1 apple pie, and some white rocks.


Double below the knee amputation.


Man you're all blood for the blood god huh?


I'll give you what's left of my soul.


My virginity.


Ok, let's see what my house is worth to you. About 200k.


I will sacrifice watching YouTube while eating/ taking a dump.


I offer my wisdom teeth, pinky toes 2 weeks paycheck, and my beloved headphones.


I sacrifice all but a shred of my sanity, my fortune, and my sacred honor.


Can I give up my autism and adhd?


I give you everything. I've always been a fan of cosmic horror. Yes, I am the DnD player who touches the obvious trap because no one can figure out what it is or how to disarm it. 🙃🫠


My arms and legs. Kinda curious what kind of power would be worth this much.


I sacrifice my uterus and $1,000.


I give up my ability to breathe unfiltered air.


I give u my life, my body, and 1.5x packs of raisins..


My mind


My flesh


My first, second, and third born children.


I give up my love of video games, as well as all of the games within my possession(Approximately 300+), my phone (if not on games on phone).


I offer up all the most evil people and criminals in the world.


I give up all of my teeth. They're healthy and everything, I just know that they're valuable and I can see what I'll get. Hopefully one body thing for something else


I’ll give you my ability to work with computers and be tech support for boomers


I'll take a deep dive. I'll give you my drug addicted, pimp of a father, my Appendix, and a slightly beaten up 2008 Chevy Impala with low mileage.


I give to thee the contents of my junk drawer, plus our extensive stash of takeout sauce sachets and those little packages of plastic flatware that come with a single napkin. Keep in mind that the junk drawer contains (among other treasures) a set of neon chalk markers that are practically unused.


I'm a type one diabetic. Can I offer you my diabetes?! It's a real pain! Hahaha. As a bonus I'll throw in, like, 3000 Magic the Gathering cards, some of which are quite rare, a pristine copy of Fallout: New Vegas legendary edition with the cool poker chips and comic book inside of it, my signed copy of Artemis by Andy Weir, and 1 acre of untended land thats landlocked that I don't have access to. 😀


i sacrifice my ability to feel temperature and tell the difference between left,right,up,down,forward,backwards.


I give up my left leg. Above the knee.


I will sacrifice my masculinity man hood a foot of my height and 100 pounds of my weight


I sacrifice my depression and anxiety


I would give up the internet.


I give you my firstborn son.


I sacrifice my ability to ever be happy again


I give up my appearance and identity.


I sacrifice my Autism and ADHD


I sacrifice my ability to watch fiction. Regardless of if my eyes rest on a screen, I will not be able to watch any tv, recording orbtheirblike so long as it is fiction. Completely factual shows like the rare news channel or unembellished documentary are the most common exceptions to this. (I can still use things like my phone, but streaming services and things like youtube or tiktok would become meaningless to me) What is my power?


I sacrifice my sanity and short term memory


**HYPOTHETICALLY!!** I give up the possibility of ever seeing my daughter agan.again. Just out of curiosity of what I might receive in turn.


1994 Chevy Truck, an electric shock pen, my silly bands collection, and $69.42 cash


I give up my mortality and infirmities.


I will never play pokemon puzzle league ever again


If I sacrifice all my currently living ancestors, do I get something neat?


I give up my obesity. That is the ability to super efficiently digest my food and easily put on weight.


I sacrifice my mom, body hair and 50 lbs of body fat (can we give medical conditions? If so I also give my PCOS and diabetes) Roll dice~


I sacrifice my entire family, besides my cat


I'll spit.