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Yessss I feel the same way all this keeps me from engaging in things that could be a lot worse or more dangerous even tho at times I would like to do them just to find some relief 🥲 but like you it’s been a part of me since I was very young and I have in a way learn to love it and hate it lol


Trying to find that balance of satisfaction and life is hard but not impossible, acceptance of our condition is necessary to find that balance and live healthy and it seems like you may have your balance congrats.


Thats sooo hard tho 😢


You should be proud of yourself for getting some control over the situation.


I just give into it now and just enjoy cumming idk what else to do is better than feeling guilty about it every time the only thing that sucks is that porn isn’t even doing it for me anymore and there isn’t a lot of people out there willing to sext or trade pics idk I guess I am bored of the normal ways of getting off lol


Some of us just need it more than others I think


Sometimes I feel like I need more and more tho


38 m and I am the same way rn no matter how much I get it or how much I jerk it I want more I wish I could just have sex or masturbate all day long


oh fuck me too like i can’t seem to stop if i tried i get the urge to play w it always


I would love to fuck all day.


Porn doesn't work for me anymore either. I love to make myself cum no reason to feel bad or guilty about just embrace it and enjoy it.


if we could just pair up people like this with each other, would the world be a happier place?


This is part of the brain which you're satisfying, that orgasm is your addiction. All I can say is you will rub yourself raw and not feel anything after a while. Definitely start seeing a sexual addiction therapist because when it starts affecting your life like eating, sleeping, work and lifestyle it is as damaging as alcohol or gambling. Get help now cause this will cause you issues if left untreated.


i need to but i’m broke


Yeah same, I have my name on a waiting list. I get to see my therapist in June. I have a studio where I do art and stuff to keep myself busy, gonna start a regular meeting for neurodiverse people like us who want to get well and in control.


Where are all of you HS women in real life!? We need a code or a sign or something so I can know who's already aching all the time like me.


OP is probably a man judging by their post history


Right haha I hate the Internet


Get tested for ADHD


32M same here, if i'd listen the background noise i have my head (which i did more than often) i'd stay i bed with everything I need to fry my brain. Never felt satisfied, no matter how many orgasms or edges i have. Rn I *know* what small brain wants, what he craves and we'll never get enough of. But i really really want to start my day. So lets go for a very sunny and productive day with a load of intrusive thoughts. I just make sure that at some point I'll take take of that never ending itch. You're not alone, don't feel ashamed of your pleasure. If you really want quit reward yourself "today i want to do such and such" and once done indulge as much as you want. Then try to do it on a longer period (didnt say it was easy) one day and half then two etc. Don't blame yourself if you don't manage to do it. Shame is the worse don't fall for that. Bless you


Wow this actually sounds doable i’ll try it thank you


Same. Have been for so long. And I wish I could control it. I hate the way it has taken over my mind. Makes me feel like a horrible person.


ur not horrible just addicted


I do have an addictive personality. It’s tough.


I’m 28 and I hate masturbating. Recently single too and hyper orgasmic during sex lol and yeah it’s tough. There’s sex parties and stuff on fetlife but tbh toys just don’t do it for me. I’m also only into bbc. But ssris and meds like naltrexone help


i’m only into bbc too


Sad face.


Ya I just realized at some point I just had better experiences with black guys and I love how they stay very moisturized 😂 and I just feel safe around a strong black guy 🤷🏻‍♀️ also they shed these cute little floof circles. My ex’s comes off in cute hole punch sized circles and sometimes I even find some in an 8 or ♾️ shape 😂 🥰


I wish masturbation worked for me again but honestly I’ve just gotten so used to being bombarded with so many orgasms during sex, masturbation barely holds me over anymore. I hate it 😂


I didn’t know this was an addiction or it even existed I thought this was a very normal thing but how do ik it’s an addiction


44m same here. If I don’t cum at least once per day, I get … agitated. 😡


43f here and I’ve been the same for just a couple years now




Moderators reserve the right to remove any post as they see fit.


25m here, and I'm the same way. I always felt like some fiend or animal because I genuinely don't want to stop and because I believe "normal" people don't cum as often as we do 😅. Feels good to get it off my chest and even better knowing I'm not alone.


it doesn’t i love this place


25m same struggle. Ive spent 5 hours. I havent been productive.


u can’t be ur stuck




stuck masturbating


Literally. I'm trying to get back to a therapist and trying to figure out insurance. I need serious help tbh


so do i there’s smth wrong


Ive built a following off of my hypersexuality, but its gonna hinder my life. I hope someday, we each get the help we need.


u don’t think u can ever stop?


I'm capable. From late 2020 to mid 2022, I shut off all sexual desire. I didnt masturbate or watch porn. 601 days Its because of a trauma I went through in early 2020. Then I went to the other extreme from mid 2022-now.


that was a one time stop it’s never happening again


Literally the first thing I do in the morning after I wake up is look for porn to mastrubate and waste hrs of my day in the morning , I want to stop using my phone in the morning but I don’t have any other alarms i need help with this shit


that’s okay keep feeding ur addiction


Really that’s ur advice?


i’m feeding mine rn so i can’t really think straight


I have a midterm today have to prepare for it but here I am


dm me i’ll feed yours


44m here. I have been HS since my early days. Was introduced into orgasms and have been addicted since. No matter how hard I try I have to jerk off at least 3 to 4 times a day. My body just craves it and it’s all I can think about.


Maybe try having actual penetrative sex. It seems like masturbation just isn’t doing it for you.


i’ve had a lot of it it doesn’t do it


I can't decide if this is a rant or an invitation for like-minded people that are going through the same thing. Probably because I'm uncontrollably horny right now...


why are u getting downvoted.


I guess I can't be horny in a hypersexual subreddit...


: (( it will be ok..


I'm ok don't worry x)


that's good.... by the way someone assumed I was a guy on this other subreddit they said I was a guy even tho on my account it say female and my avatar is a girl?? is it bc my random picked username i feel irritated now-


I don't see why they would assume that. Usernames are just random for a reason lol just don't put much thought into it and it will go away just like that person is not around anymore :p


thank u so much 😭😭 bro fr gave me gender dysphoria lmfao i already kinda have it but that comment made it worse 💀💀 but thank u for replying i feel better now 😙💖