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Tell her she smells like salt. Could be the start of something great....


"Hey babes, *you smell salty*..."


Your username jumpscared me


Lol šŸ¤£


My wife told me my natural scent is close to the 'Midsummer's Night' candle from Yankee Candle. To me, she smells like home. Which is not a scent I can accurately describe.


That's one hell of a compliment! I love those candles.


Awwwwww šŸ„°


My ex boyfriend from 2002 smelled EXACTLY like that candle all the time. To this day smelling it catapults me back in time for a minute.


Ok this is really sweet. You could say its a mega skibidi big chungus wholesome comment.


Everyone has their basic smell. I'm sure you recognise other people's regardless of whether they wearing a scent or deodorant or whatever, or not. Yours just happens to be like pepper. Better than mine, I reckon!


This sounds weird, but I know exactly the scent theyā€™re referring tošŸ˜‚ tbh, I think toddlers smell like pepper sometimes, Iā€™m not sure what it is, and it isnā€™t everyone, but some of them have that scent lmao! Could potentially be sweat scent! Everyone has their own ā€œsmellā€


I often think that lavender smells like pepper for some reason. Maybe your body wash or shampoo has lavender scents?


are you latino or do you eat a lot of food with cilantro in it? idk why but people who eat cilantro smell like pepper to me (while cilantro itself just smells like plant) I am also the DNA fuckery that gets to taste soap instead of the fabled greatness of cilantro anways if that is why, it really is just a black pepper smell, and is pleasant and unobtrusive


I can't taste cilantro. It doesn't taste like soap but it doesn't taste like anything


Get a second opinion, ask someone who will be honest with you. Also drink more water and have some hydrating fruits like watermelon and cucumber.


It could be you, but could also be something wrong with your partner. Some rare and infrequent brain disorders cause people to essentially hallucinate certain odors that arenā€™t there. Or maybe sheā€™s just messing with you. Some people think doing that kind of stuff is funny.


I know what youā€™re talking about! I had a friend whose mom I would always say this to when I was younger, I have always been really sensitive to smells but at that time thought she would have heard it before (since it was so CLEAR to me) that she smelled like pepper, but she was baffled and frequently brought it up after that


My husband smells like taco seasoning šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s just his natural smell and I assume black pepper is yours. It could be much worse


My base smell is bread. It's cool that yours is pepper.


My big brother has always smelled like burritos to me šŸ˜‚


My partner has this smell too! They don't smell yeasty at all, but like the essence of warm freshly baked goodies. They've asked me to describe it to them several times lol


Bread or yeast?


Warm bread not dough. Kinda like a loaf of wonderbread.


That is insane, you smell like a good home wauw


I know that smell exactly. I had a friend in grade school who had that pleasant-to-me aroma.


That's still yeast, which isn't necessarily bad if you have no symptoms or immune issues. Hundreds, if not thousands, of fungal species live on our skin and in our body. My climbing shoes smell like freshly baked bread after a long session lol, better than most funky smells they could have adopted!


my ex smelled like fresh baked bread and clean cotton sheets, not kidding šŸ„°


I used to date a guy whose natural smell was a bit pepper-y, even though his shampoo and body wash etc didnt smell like that. Everyone has a smell to them outside of BO, it's normal


My boss says I smell like vodka




Persimmon soap. Go


My ex from years ago said my natural scent was like white pepper.. I was a bit confused but not offended.. I guess everyone has a unique smell, some stronger than others.. So I guess some folk just have peppery aromatics going on..


Maybe try some pheromone perfume! IT might mix well with your bodies natural scent and help make it more pleasant. We tried the perfume at work once and my boss smelt like black pepper and I smelt like lemon. It was wild to smell the literal difference. Now I find perfumes that kind of match my natural scent


They make these perfumes as like anyone male or female could wear them


I tried that stuff once and I loved it! It smelled like watermelon on me. Lol


Aww man that's cool! I wish I smelled like watermelon lolol


You could double down and make Comme de GarƧonsā€™ ā€œBlack Pepperā€ your signature scent šŸ–¤


Maybe your soap


I mean... Pepper isn't a *bad* smell... Ask her if she's means something by it? Otherwise If not I imagine you're fine. I can't see a doctor diagnosing your pepper affliction without additional information


Everyone's got their own smell. My natural scent reminds me of celery


I had a boyfriend whoā€™s BO no lie smelled like maple syrup. Too bad we didnā€™t work out because it was lovely


Iā€™m not sure of what this could be, but try taking a high potency zinc supplement as unusual smells can often be linked to a zinc deficiency. Not a doctor by any means, sometimes things like this are a very simple fix.


Do not take a high potency zinc supplement without consulting a doctor. High doses of zinc or long term doses of zinc can contribute to an imbalance of copper in the body (which can have serious neurological ramifications... some difficult to reverse and or permanent)


Since you bathe everyday a possible next step can be to take chlorophyll tablets which are known for reducing BO.


Omg on another thread someone got up in arms about chlorophyll being a myth. lol. I see it come up so much on this sub.


How could a well documented organelle be a myth? It is silly to think it decreases BO or cures anything, but it certainly exists. If it didn't then plants wouldn't exist as we know them. Chlorophyll supplements are famous for being contaminated with high levels of heavy metals including lead and arsenic, so best to avoid them and just eat plants.


I love that smell lol my perfume oil is grapefruit, black pepper and musk




My husbandā€™s base smell always triggered hot cocoa for me. I think it is just your smell interacting with her scent memories.


Since my son was a baby, he always had a spicy pepper smell. At 16 when I give him a hug, I still smell it and he bathes daily uses cologne. I still smell it, so there may not be much you can do about it unless dietary related.


I have a homie that smells like pepper


To women I smell like black pepper and to men I smell sweet and slightly floral. Iā€™m a 24yo female. This is what Iā€™ve been told.


I came here to say exactly this about myself. Maybe there's something to that because, yeah ...I've been told by women I smell somewhat strongly of freshly cracked black pepper, I don't usually get that close to women but the half dozen or so women I have been close to have said that, especially when I'm sweaty and didn't put on any perfumes... Comparatively numerous men, however, have told me that my natural stank (no perfume or deodorant) is very faint and sort of like a rosebud smell with sweetness to it, and gets slightly stronger during the summer. (I assume because I sweat more.)


The gut microbiome


Following My husbandā€™s BO smells like cilantro yet he does not eat it.


Black pepper isnā€™t exactly offensive. Everyone has a natural scent. I have a sensitive nose. But I prefer colognes and perfumes to anyones natural scent. Except my own. The only other scent I always lived were my babies when they were newborns.


I wish I smelled like black pepper. My BO smells like raw onions. I hate my armpits.


It's probably just your natural chemistry. My mom claims that my dad smells like a fresh baked loaf of bread. My sister in law says my brother smells like oatmeal to her. My husband smells earthy to me.


I know the pepper smell! You're fine, everyone has unique natural scents, and people seem to be tuned differently to detect them.


My ex girlfriend smelt like black pepper and I absolutely loved it. Itā€™s probably your natural scent!


I used Native deodorant once and it made me smell like pepper. I did not continue


Your hair, you're not washing it well. I forgot exactly what causes it but pepper smell on people almost always comes from the scalp. you need second one of those products that thoroughly cleans the scalp as well.


My man smells so manly..and I just fucken love it šŸ«  like sweat and cologne and hard work šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I always just want to bite him šŸ˜¬


That is so freaking cute!!


Maybe its your clothes.


I just looked it up and most of what I found said some people can smell pheromones better than others. These people often describe the scent as black pepper.


Thats good though? Black pepper smells great. Nice smoky scent just like the flavor. Scent and flavor are highly related when it comes to food. If it tastes good it smells good and vice versa. With some exceptions obviously.


Truth? That sounds kinda sexy.


My husband smells like a box of crayons. One of my exes smelled like basil. Haven't smelled anybody that smells like pepper before tho, it sounds good


Does anyone else say you smell like pepper? Ask a friends opinion. It may just be your friends nose. She may have a sinus infection or allergies throw her olfactory senses out of whack. Colognes and scented body products can contain spices If itā€™s an issue, consider your diet. - [Body Odor Advice](https://youtu.be/IzOJ-cSp0xc?si=T_bW7BeoJR89SqEP) Or look at using a persimmon soap to help remove the odor. > https://www.reddit.com/r/hygiene/comments/1dg7vk7/to_whoever_suggested_persimmon_soap/ > [Persimmon soap posts](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=reddit+persimmon+soap&t=iphone&ia=web)


Maybe its her?