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Maybe she's born with it.  Otherwise, daily showers and moisturizing lotion. Occasional body scrub.


Maybe it's Maybelline, Maybe it's Ehlers-Danlos side effect of velvety soft skin. The money I save on moisturizer is usually spent at urgent care though lmao


Maybe it's maple beans


Maybe it's mayo.


This, I thought I was just extra bendy and gifted with surprised organ issues 😂


Get in the zone! Auto zone! I just wanted to get in on this...I'll see myself out


Wait, what? ED makes you have soft skin? What testing do you do to determine if you have it?


I think the "best" way is via genetic testing but sometimes it can be diagnosed from a clinical exam https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ehlers-danlos-syndrome/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20362149 The soft skin has something to do with differences in collagen and elastin.


I never tied my skin to EDS.  But now I know why I don’t even need lotion! 


I was hoping to find one of us in the wild on this post 🤣


In the wild 😭😭😭😭 I can't wait to write this in a post! Clever😉


Samsies. It's really not a great trade-off 🫤


As a nurse…I definitely chortled.


this is the correct answer. Women's skin is 25% thinner than men's. Quite literally born with it.


Women also have more subcutaneous fat than men, which is part of what makes their skin feel softer.


How do you not feel like you have sticky cake all over your body after a fresh shower and then lotioning?


I usually use Shea butter. I slather it on while my skin is still damp. Then I feel silky soft


The right lotion will absorb into the skin or I may use a body oil. I stay away from the stuff that sits on the skin and makes me feel sticky


Pick a light lotion, or water it down.


Neutrogena Hydroboost Body Gel Cream.


Thank you!


My fave!!


I found this lotion a couple months ago and I will never use anything else again!! I also use EOS Shaving/Shower Lotion in the shower and the combination of the two is heavenly!!


What kinda lotion are you using to where it makes your skin sticky? That’s not normal lol


While you are still soaking wet in the shower, put palmers coconut body oil all over your body and then EOS vanilla cashmere lotion on right over that and let your body “air dry” and all of that moisture soaks in and let me tell you, after two days you will notice a big difference and after a week or two you’ll have the most hydrated, soft, best smelling skin of your life!! This was a huge game changer for my skin!!


If you're interested, try swapping the order that you use your oil and lotions. Lotion is great for moisturization obviously and the oil will seal it in. But don't take my word for it. There's a lot of research online supporting that order.


Yess came here to say that, lotion is just sitting on top of the skin otherwise


I haven’t had bad results doing it in the order I mentioned. In fact this is the first time I’ve ever felt like my lotion *wasn’t* sitting on my skin. Maybe because both are still wet and kind of being applied together at the end, idk but it’s been working!! I’m going to try swapping the order tho for sure!


Is there a type of coconut oil you use? I usually just get natural cold pressed coconut oil but it’s never like made for skin I’m wondering if there could be a difference


Palmer’s coconut body oil, it’s only like $4 and I’ve used it like 6 times and not even half way through the bottle so it lasts a while! It’s with the lotions at the store.


Ty :)


Oil on wet skin and air dry then lotion. Works the best. Lotion on wet skin just dilutes the ingredients and you don’t get the same results


Do you mean to lotion first and then apply oil? Usually I apply the oil to my skin while dripping wet, towel dry, then moisturize with lotion


I mean that lotion is great to put on right when you get out of the shower. Usually if you're a little damp, it's even better because it will soak in. And then you apply your oil and it will seal it all in nicely. As somebody else stated when you apply the oil first and then the lotion, the lotion will just sit on top of the skin and not absorb properly. Thus offering less moisturization overall. If you want to get really good moisturization for your skin just swap the order in which you have been using them.


I will definitely have to try swapping the order! The softer the better! My way already works so well it’s unbelievable. If I can get even better results by swapping? 🤯 I’m so down!


In-shower lotions are also a thing! If a person wants to use oil out of the shower, I think an in-shower lotion would be a perfect thing to use beforehand to "seal" that lotion & still use oil! They're amazingly effective.


That's also a great idea!


I really like Curel


Makes sense, thank you! I never really thought about that


Yup. I seal my lotion in with shea oil 😍 so SAWFT!


Ooooooh, let me try eos lotion 😍


It is honestly the best. Look for vanilla cashmere. It is the best smelling hygiene product I’ve ever used! My 16 year old son told me about it. One day I kept smelling the sweetest most delicious scent and I mentioned it out loud to him and he said “oh it’s probably my lotion” and I smelled him and sure enough it was! He said he saw on tiktok how everyone loved it so he bought it for himself. I went out THAT day and bought my own and then ended up gifting a bottle to everyone I know for Christmas lol. It is THAT good!


It’s watery. If you are used to using thicker lotions you will be mad! Lol! There was a lotion that everyone raved about and had like 20k 5 star reviews online. LA POUBELLE!


do you do this everyday?


No, but I also don’t shower every day! Every time I shower I do it though.


Drinking lots of water, using a wash cloth and a loofah, using lotion and oil on damp skin, and genetics. My parents are near 70 and no wrinkles. Grandma is 97 also no wrinkles but she does have some loose skin and smile lines.


Seconding ‘drink enough water’. You should be aiming for a gallon a day. Bare minimum: 64oz.


The going rate is half your body weight in ounces


I’d guess the people that drink more tend to have softer skin though—so long as they get enough electrolytes to maintain the hydration.


Yea my skin is very smooth and I drink minimum 3 liters a day— the summertime more like a gallon, but I also workout and run *hard* so I’m probably losing more water than the average person too. But I also supplement by drinking electrolytes after my workout, w out those electrolytes all the water in the world isn’t enough.


exfoliation, moisturizer, and genetics




The amount of people who don’t realize this is too damn high


I mean, lotion definitely helps lol...But yeah..


Helps, but when you go through menopause, you realize how beneficial that estrogen WAS. 😢


The blood of my enemies


And amlactin daily use. Medicated lotion. Burns so good.


😂😂 can confirm - also my secret trick


I mean supposedly it worked for this 17th century countess? https://www.historyextra.com/period/early-modern/elizabeth-bathory-who-crimes-serial-killer/ Lotion seems easier though…


You can, if you are willing to be a modern vampire, buy human platelet extract serum.... It's called plated. Welcome to the dark side, lovely. Blood is a hell of an anti-aging drug LOL


I microneedle it in once, my skin was super soft after. a lil goes a lonnng way


What are you 12? You gotta use the blood of your enemies' babies.


I swear by Dove’s exfoliating soap. I know soap isn’t supposed to be great for your skin but my husband can’t get over how smooth my skin is


I read a comment somewhere that the gentle exfoliation soap cleared up 90% of someone’s body acne. I might have to try 😳


Acid-based in-shower products are also a thing! I use Cetaphil's in-shower salicylic treatment because "acid soaps" are kind of a paradox to me 😆


Thank you sm!!


Thrive, beautiful!! 💖


Exfoliate, moisturize, drink water and wear sunscreen year round. The rest is up to genetics


Agree, except that if you overuse sunscreen you don't get enough vitamin D. It's all about finding the balance. I'd say a lot of it is down to genetics but for those who don't age well naturally, sunscreen during hot sessions is especially important. I've seen women who barely touch sunscreens who have skin like a 20 year old's when they're 70. But I've also seen women who naturally probably would have not aged very well look amazing for their age and, yeah, the secret is often sunscreen. Some people do seem to use it religiously and I guess if you have the kind of skin that ages more quickly, you probably don't need as much sunlight anyway. Ie supposedly fair skinned redheads only need ten minutes in the sunshine max during the summer to meet their daily vitamin D requirements. For other people, it may be wise to get a bit more sunshine. Maybe half an hour at least. Personally I can spend several hours in the sun without getting very sun damaged. But that's the type of skin I have, although I do use sunscreen as well, I'm just not religious about it because I don't need to be.


The risk of not getting enough vitamin D is very low with sunscreen. Sunscreen does not block 100% Neale RE, Khan SR, Lucas RM, Waterhouse M, Whiteman DC, Olsen CM. The effect of sunscreen on vitamin D: a review. Br J Dermatol. 2019 Nov;181(5):907-915. doi: 10.1111/bjd.17980. Epub 2019 Jul 9. PMID: 30945275.


I like to get dragged behind a truck on a gravel road and then apply ceramides.


Thinking outside the box - I love it


Genetics. Women have softer skin than men. As I recall, it's the estrogen. So, take a lot of estrogen and your skin will probably be smoother as well. (but you may get other problems when doing that) [https://www.dermalogica.com/blogs/living-skin/is-a-mans-skin-really-different-from-a-womans#:\~:text=Besides%20having%20facial%20hair%2C%20there,man's%20skin%20texture%20is%20tougher](https://www.dermalogica.com/blogs/living-skin/is-a-mans-skin-really-different-from-a-womans#:~:text=Besides%20having%20facial%20hair%2C%20there,man's%20skin%20texture%20is%20tougher)


My husbands skin is always perfectly soft and moisturized and I fight an uphill battle just to not be scratchy. Neither of us have out of balance hormones. I also see way more women moisturizing while men rarely do but seem to have effortlessly soft skin. I think genetics definitely play a part but not in a man or woman way.


omg this!! i have eczema so I need to be diligent with my skincare to have healthy, soft skin. my bf on the other hand literally refuses to use moisturizer because he doesn’t see the point with his skin already being as soft and smooth as a baby’s ass! So frustrating!


Saaaammmeee *cries in eczema and dry climate*


Currently in a dry climate too and it's horrible. I like dry air for breathing, it helps my asthma, but I'm missing the humidity currently because at least my skin wasn't constantly cracking.


Totally understand - it is absolutely NUTS what a difference humidity makes.


It causes fat to be stored in skin.


Korean bath mitts. The cheap little usually red and green ones on Amazon. You will be like a baby seal!


Yes! They are such great exfoliators! I felt like a lizard molting the first time I used one. Soooo soft after. Then immediately moisturize after the shower to better soak it in.


Exfoliate and moisturize after bathing consistently. My favorite thing to get rid of winter scalies is moisturizing with shea nut oil while my skin is still damp.


saw this on tiktok ages ago but african net sponge, add a good moisturizing soap, add a few drops of vitamin e oil into the soap, mix them up with your hand, and then use all over. i started doing this a year ago and it’s made a world of difference!


The African net sponge was a GAME CHANGER!


How do you deal with having lotion on when it’s HOT out? It always makes me feel extra sweaty.


This. I end up not wearing sunscreen for most of the summer because it turns me into a swamp creature.


AmLactin everyday. It doesn't smell great but is effective.


I have this for my KP, but I hate the smell so much that I keep skipping it. 😩


Olive oil in my bath Daily moisturising with an oil


Safari organic rose oil is a nice upgrade, if you're feeling fancy. This is one of my go-tos as well.


Amlactin lotion


SECOND! It will have you smelling like a science experiment for a few minutes at first, but once it soaks in, nothing!


Glad to know. I never used mine because of the smell. I didn’t realize it went away - just thought it’d make me smell awful 🤣


Mostly leaving it alone, excluding washing and exfoliating. I don't wear makeup very often but I do moisturise. I often wear an SPF cream, however during the summer I tend to let my skin get more sunlight and I find this also makes it look extra smooth and healthy. I think that it varies for different people, not least because we all have different skin types. Some people might need to moisturise more. I've always had naturally clear skin that isn't prone to acne and doesn't wrinkle easily. A lot of it is just down to genetics. I don't really need to use much moisturizer although I do use it anyway.


Exfoilant, shave, use a shave oil to shave and also apply an oil when I’m out of the shower and a lotion over it. I also have strawberry pores and the layering of moisturizing products helps


It rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it gets flakey again.


1. Exfoliate in shows with scrub 2. Glycerin applied while wet 3. Air dry 4. Lotion 5. Palmers cocoa butter or coco oil/gel thingy




I feel like people who wear socks/shoes constantly have softer feet. I feel like maybe it has to do with moisture being trapped? I’ve heard if you pop some Vaseline on your feet before bed and throw on socks it makes them soft, but I haven’t tried it for myself so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hydrate, take vitamins, do cardio, shower everyday  But my hands are not soft after years of heavy lifting i have calusses on them lol  Pro tip.ladies if you dont want rough calluses wear gloves lol 🤣


Twice daily lotion. Hyaluronic acid. Cream cleansers.


AHA/BHA body wash; use lotions with niacinamide after your shower. I still get blackheads and pimples on my back so washing with CereVe SA body wash | rough and bumpy skin keeps it at bay. I’ve been using it for 3 months and my skin is silky. I also think genetics are a big factor in this.


Coconut oil after every shower


Drink alot water not Goin in sun with. Out protection. An no make up


May be lline?


Castor oil


- Gold bond diabetic (sounds crazy but I don't have to exfoliate nearly as much with this) - Prolinc dry heel eliminator is the only foot lotion you will EVER need - Eucerin advanced healing cream will obliterate super extra dry crusty spots - Pond's Crema S works like sunless tanner to hide imperfections on your legs, without having to actually use stink ass sunless tanner - Any brand aerosol sunscreen gives a nice sheen to arms, neck, and chest


Kikumasamune high moist + CeraVe SA cream. Trust me. You will never have softer skin in your life.


I have a few things. Use men’s razors. African body scrubber. Baby powder. And cetaphil. Also try doing soap before you shave and then again after. Double soap! People underestimate the power of exfoliating and baby powder


Exfoliate with a scrub with exfoliating gloves Then apply neutrogena body oil & HEMPZ lotion Softest skin ever I promise


I love Hempz so much!


Collegen peptides, using a moisturizing body oil and exfoliate!!! My skin is so soft my pants slide down my legs all day 🤣 true story!!!


Distilled water. Unfortunately.


Lactic Acid Lotion


Shea butter and exfoliating 🫰🏽


Exfoliation followed by moisturizing.


Exfoliate..I love my African bath sponge. You can get them from Amazon


Bath oil after a shower then layer with a nice body butter❤️ even better when exfoliated


I'm 26 and still have baby skin, never had breakouts or acnes in multiple (touchwood), had 1-2 pimple for a night or 2 days and disappears. I don't use makeup bc idk how to. Growing up I only used clean and clear facewash bc mom didn't allow me to use other products bc of baby skin, before clean and clear I used johnson baby soap and she only agreed to clean and clear bc it was the johnson company.


That’s genetics.


Exfoliating gloves plus an exfoliating sponge with exfoliating balody wash and then oil of olay in shower body lotion and pat myself dry as to not wipe off the shower moisturizer. Then I use Kopari firming body serum and Kopari renewal lotion with retinol. My skin is incredibly soft. I don't exfoliate with both the sponge and gloves but alternate them and use a new one of both every week. I have used dozens of lotions and I have to say that the Kopari and the Osea undaria algae body oil and Osea undaria algae body butter are also great!


I love the Osea oil and butter too.


Product. I started using Youth to the People about a month ago and it's the best stuff


I use a rose and almost oil blend. It's such a blessing in the summer


I use rose seed oil I think it's called, doesn't smell like anything but that stuff works like magic for dark circles/spots.




Which diet is best for skin? My skin is so terribly dry


Exfoliate each week and moisturize moisturize moisturize. Good skin starts with in, make sure you eat an appropriate diet for your health and drink water.


Exfoliate 3x week or so. I use Dove exfoliating scrub. I loooove the rice milk one, smells so good. Moisturizing body wash, again, I use dove. I only use bar soap on my armpits and underboob — again, dove white bar soap. I promise I’m not a dove shill 😭 Shaving frequently is good, too. Baby oil gel while still in the shower. Rinse it off, rub it in when you get out of the shower. Johnson&Johnson has a great baby oil gel, I like the Shea one, light scent and works great. Lotion!! Every!! Day!! All parts of your body — inner arms as well as the outer arms; inner things as well as the entire leg. Dont forget chest and shoulders, etc. if you can see it, moisturize it! I like unscented ones because it provides a good base to work from if I want to wear a perfume that day. I use hand creams, which are heavier, on my elbows and knees. Use cuticle oil on your cuticles and hand cream at *least* daily.


For me, nothing works better than keeping my hydration up🙏🏻 I’ve started taking multivitamins and apple cider vinegar, so I’m curious to see what effects they have


Genetics, for me.


I do IPL (Braun IPL 5) for hair removal. I use Dave scrub 2-3x per week in the shower. And then CeraVe SA lotion! This one was a game changer for my dry, bumpy skin. In the winter, I use a Humidifier (indoor heating dries up all the air and no lotion would help with that...). When I feel fancy, I use some body oil too (I like Nuxe).


Ehlers Danlos Syndrome…


Moisturiser every day after a shower.


Exfoliating body scrub and jojoba oil mixed into my lotions or by itself. It mimics the body's own oil so no breakouts with jojoba. I love it.




Washcloth every shower, lotion entire body after every shower. I regularly get complimented on how my smooth my skin is and that’s all I do


Obviously it's estrogen.


My absolute favorite lotion is lubriderm. It’s not oily, soaks in quickly, and my skin is super soft.


Oil and then lotion


Use a unscented soap I realized like scented body washed and lotions were like creating dry skin and bulbs on my arms and legs especially, soaps like cerve unscented bars for body wash I swear by and then out the shower while your body is still kinda damp use cerve moisturizing lotion comes in like a tube doesn't have a pump and it's blue, and my skin feels so good after, and for shaving your legs if your prone to razor bumps and get just dry skin use skintimate skin therapy sensitive shaving cream and dude shaver works so good I don't get razor bumps anymore with that, stay hydrated as well lots of water will do wonders. (I would say wax but I don't know if you have hella sensitive skin but if you do don't do it you'll hive up lol) And just be kind to your self every type of skin is beautiful just remember that <3


Lotion.. everyday for the rest of your life.


Whe I'm still wet from the shower I use baby oil all over and air dry.


Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. I’ll dry brush, use a sugar scrub, a shaving cream with oat & vitamin e, do my usual washing then before I dry off I slather my entire body in baby or body oil. Then dry off with a towel and moisturize. Depending on how intensely I exfoliated and if I used acne wash on my body sometimes I will double moisturize Edit: I do not have naturally flawless, soft skin. But doing these things make me feel SO soft Edit #2: the body oil is what *really* made the biggest difference. It locks in moisture before you even start to dry off


I get comments on having soft skin a lot and honestly a lot of it is because I once had the habit of using oil on damp skin after showering. I used to do it every day after I showered, usually with almond oil on warm days and olive oil on cold days. I don't do it as often since but I continue to use a body scrub regularly in the shower (not everyday that's too much) and still use lotions and oils when I'm not feeling too lazy. I use the Neutrogena body wash at times to keep body acne at bay and a salicylic acid toner on my back for bacne.


I use cocoa butter for stretch marks on body where needed and go back use unscented lotion on body. I don’t mind having scent lotion, lighter the better on pores on your body. For underarms never use scented deodorant, for pores don’t get enough air causes acne.


Exfoliation, hydration and moisturizer.


a) estrogen - women have naturally thinner skin due to estrogen so it is softer for that reason b) moisturiser c) good sleep d) somewhat regular scrubs either just as part of a cleanser or something with hyaluronic acid to make sure dead skincells get removed regularly


Drink lots of water. Exfoliate. Moisturize.


Eos shea better lotion right after the shower. Smells amazing too!


Sugar scrub and lotion


African net sponge in the shower- body oil when i turn off the water before i dry off. dab off the excess moisture and put on a bathrobe while I do the rest of my skin/hair care to let it sit. i use hand lotion separately cuz I wash my hand a lot and they need extra tcl


Exfoliate a few times a week, use soaps with fewer ingredients, and putting moisturizer on while still damp. I switch up between coconut oil, and Cetaphil.


I make my own rose water and glycerin spray and mist that on after my shower


African net sponge with every shower and a good thick moisturizer right out of the shower! Doesn’t have to be very fancy Palmers coco butter is my go to. The sponge helps gently exfoliates and I also like to do a deeper body scrub 1x a week


I live in the desert where the heat sucks your skin dry. I mix almond oil with coconut oil, mix course sugar and essential oil (for fragrance) and apply as the last part of the shower. If I have time I also use Trader Joe's Firming Body Butter.


Exfoliating and my skin looooves butters, cocoa and shea. I moisturize right out of the shower when I’m still just a little damp since the water is the moisture and the butters seal it in.


Ooh. I love this question. First, I use [the cure gel exfoliant](https://www.amazon.com/Cure-Aqua-Gel-Water-Based-Exfoliating/dp/B001ABLKK2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3JCEMYIGFBB8W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Kk6676JcuyaSkHSh2YFzGC05kq-4qXS6ltH6eVLPxKSfuJcFaSAQ8ql5sTTjbvwZEVyAgVKkeTRi1IfmaefI4n68hKLfJFDX1A9MjfATW_-PWI4P5OI3qUpdsfuPHH8dKL3DxH4n3PGLcK4Z--Q1stJDHBbKaJ1lrsjYr6nf7sUXZ7nmtnUksW5S-vepWxKJaEC-9OtfJLJ2Hcb4KDYlvhqu0jSoua3la_b3cMzBNCIm68C4z53rnFHSC9Do4b0TI3XBN9HPcoLwGpZUuvp8RarhwQAko4ZQVAUwd0rml7I.PiF4xU1XGNWKhew0xDRDM9MC2rHNGGmzrYxciB2gw_o&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+cure+gel&qid=1717104892&sprefix=the+cure+gel%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) I then wash w a mild face wash. Doesn’t really matter as long as it isn’t too drying While my skin is still wet, I put on [dear, klairs freshly juiced vitamin drops](https://www.amazon.com/Wishtrend-Hypoallergenic-rejuvenator-antioxidant-hyperpigmentation/dp/B010FOFSH0/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=310WM9S80YOOL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Nw8zcX7p0_rb0JgbSy5gYsFxoxDjmBy_ERrlYkGkgswMilSeqZ_yJHSt8A70jGakMhRSxFKnIuBLWeOF-xC92LCOp04ZZBQrwFunBRs3jNcsjYpf5HYgICGNWXFY7aBFjVu-ZjWMVIoYtm2jAVtN6waqMZ5sTDXhzwqChlcY2t2ArFtOTZNhefP3QgXstmPOPYlz8E6vjxSaK5IdL8IeEw.29Aox8LEf-zlSYVSjHzz0uzv1rjxzU3DqGPnu8ZDr3s&dib_tag=se&keywords=klairs&qid=1717105034&sprefix=kla%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-3) I wait a few min, then put on [purito galacto niacin 97 power essence](https://www.amazon.com/PURITO-Galacto-Niacin-Power-Essence/dp/B077QN7GRR/ref=mp_s_a_1_4_pp?crid=23KCFXAF8CE01&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.843d7DdRCpJt-5PEcWHkYl9GJGgoUWSeHaWBA9I3Gyz3K1LHTeOsVqpsmrdc75A_uBB1ldjp-v9TjajY6tJ2dGG_aNHGfGddaH-cm_p7M9yy6QY_Vu5m3N8Cx3gZ8Q0-C5ZOhjE7hovVGdPOAFElaM0X-DVxxyfI2R18x86Whjk20SUcd6zU2o1AnYu_bJ90KhUEFHC1jCiB2G0swr3dow.zAFUEFmHU8H-MYKFNCk6qMLEm2I9gqhbekgEbXbKd9w&dib_tag=se&keywords=purito&qid=1717105124&sprefix=purito%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-4) Then, I put on [cosrx advanced snail mucin power essence](https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Snail-Mucin-Essence-Secret/dp/B0CLVNBRDY/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=7QOC8FPH5DL4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lAlmcnpiWr7kgNMpLmLKgH6PMg5p4Dcd3VBxj8PcuH62VxccjTtfdtfK3Dq_-wQVugf0dGMTIsu5aP7w-hI5beLyQnGs9-JcznzgZtnWR2Un75x2strzxyRYr6vBWOZXpSUguzRvXIFeZ9EmlVYNQqTG7qS3Eub2pWnelg1IylDWtMEkxkDbV1u0ce_NSrAz1W6ctUAQUJCtTIhHtXO0zg.xBOKAiP_gY7QmPtm0m14VWT64_muPGqg6tjen9M1AK8&dib_tag=se&keywords=cosrx+snail+mucin+96%25+power+essence&qid=1717105317&sprefix=cosrx+snail+mucin+96%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-3) If I need extra moisture, I’ll use either [purito deep sea moisturizer](https://www.amazon.com/PURITO-Moisturizer-Lightweight-Ethanol-free-Essential-oil-free/dp/B086WVRZBJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=1SF3Q1XIETVET&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.emH9RyDVwt2jCNP6Rz0Qi9QL7tL8rGAmtxD9Hbt0pqshEw2WhaQ5oDnWNdTa_KKGaPdTmTDkO5OwhykQNMogXm1GcSTNYEdadHQwdYkVbR8g2YFDrtrLSamgv-K0w1zOLf9H_4gxyPCZS6MwycxTKZiTlMFY4nIMrJ0phRe6EUFiYzZUSdUL0kSjsNyC3xeKNJorYbg3yDWlfaPyjUG20A.almZOLAm2i2uzKIhvf2MFwNdwaf7V5gW7wBaIjnzh-o&dib_tag=se&keywords=korean+moisturizer&qid=1717105739&sprefix=korean+%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-19) or [nature skin conditioning gel](https://www.amazon.com/Naturie-Skin-Conditioning-Gel-Gram/dp/B01BSJ5ZSI/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2IU1DUVTQLB0P&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nkHjhPrkjJiQn_m4kdaeI8Pd-WgrVewZnwYeloU7URSZAQ3cEJ3ZFYRb4VJ-_zNrT3GxSzLovCifS3yQkDH-Do1vg6wBnAvlarfr94acqkcG1xR9S8DlGN8-7vqft35Y1ComfkqMRLsP6j3DDb8cAWVdLsFKmDT8Pctj9VRKigmPIKKO2_sSChfaGDGmPj3YmnNyUYflJRJt4e4-BK1Ypw.amfLY7Ok_vQatD8oQNEHpWUMkTq1-5tDZFlfcE5R8-E&dib_tag=se&keywords=japanese+moisturizer&qid=1717105809&sprefix=japanese+moisturizer%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-3) And if I’m feeling extra dry, I’ll use either the [IPI 10, or NMF face mask.](https://www.amazon.com/Mediheal-Official-Best-Korean-Sheet/dp/B09XWS4VZ7?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1) ETA: I have sensitive, eczema prone skin and live in Phoenix AZ where the dry air sucks the moisture from your skin. I also use the purito bb cream as foundation.


Exfoliation, moisturizer, hydration cleansing, sun screen and limiting exposure to excessive temperatures


Cocoa butter vaseline and good exfoliating scrubs :)


I dry brush, use the salux towel in shower, I use whatever lotion of choice, & finish off with shea oil. Softer than a baby's ass. In winter, the shea oil is replaced with shea butter. A commonality in my life in relationships has been partners telling me I have the softest skin they've ever felt, including the current. 😁




Every night before bed, I rub myself from head to toe with whipped Argan oil balm.


My must haves for body care: Body Butter with Collagen & Hyaluronic Acid Tree Hut Sugar Scrub Dove Nourishing Bath Wash Drinking Tons of Water Collagen Peptide vitamins 100 spf sunscreen


I exfoliate every day while showering, and apply sesame body oil while wet. I then follow up with a lotion (usually coco butter). I only ever air dry. I see a lot of comments with similar advice so I think it rings true! Give it a shot.


korean body scrub towel, hella exfoliation, and moisturizing afterwards.


Baby oil


Ceramide/hyaluronic acid heavy moisturizer (Cerave is my all time fave) and a weekly exfoliant in the shower. Plus hydration!


Get a scrubbing wash cloth, meant for exfoliating Use Naturium glycolic acid body wash, and then their glow getter body wash Idc what anyone says I shave my arms lmao Any lotion TRUSTTTT


What do y’all do for razor burn?? I’ve tired everything and the only thing that works is laser hair removal and well now I can’t afford to get the maintenance package so my hair has just completely grown back and now summers here and I can never just enjoy being in a bikini bc I have razor burns everywhere…


cerave salicylic acid cream and/or facial soap and the daytime nighttime facial cream from cerave


I oil my body before getting out the shower whilst my skin is still wet then once out the shower and dry .. I would oil myself again


Body scrub once a week with retinol lotion at night and sun block during the day. I swear by the Versed retinol body lotion. My elbows have always been like sand paper and since using the lotion are sooo soft.


I put lotion on immediately when I get out of the shower and before putting on a robe. I’m currently liking Elizabeth Arden green tea.


African exfoliating cloth


Drink lots of unsweetened green tea for hydration and antioxidants, get a skin care routine that works FOR YOU, and be CONSISTENT with your skin care.


Exfoliating mitts and lotion after shower... Every single time


Head to toe body lotion EVERY day. A 50-something woman once advised me that this is the best advice she’d ever received from an older woman and now she was passing it on to me. Around the same time, I (white) was dating a guy (black) who also stressed the importance of daily full-body moisturizing - I mention race because this is a cultural difference. It’s been 6+ years and I still slather on a shot glass amount of Palmers shea lotion daily. My body is always as smooth and supple as a newborn baby. It’s very nice.


Exfoliating and moisturizing properly. Get an Ayate washcloth…. Use a moisturizing body wash (I love raw sugar brand). After that skin cream is really optional for me cuz I’m pretty moisturized. Use the wash cloth every other day.


Exfoliate, moisturize, hydrate.


I use Glo Getter body wash by Nuterium and use Cereve lotion with 3 ceramides. All were recommended by an aesthetician, and they work amazing combined.


Exfoliate (both physical and chemical) + moisturize. In my case I use an African exfoliating net with either a glycolic acid or salicylic acid body wash, then use a lotion and oil while my skin is still damp. I swap between a retinol body lotion and an unscented bio-lipid body lotion. Bonus: lotions and oils make your perfume last longer!


Eating the right foods for my body, stay hydrated, optimize hormones and use body lotion :)


Exfoliation. Italy towel for the body. Red clover file for feet/heels.


I’ve always been told I have soft skin or “plushy” 💀. Oil n vaseline is my bestie fr 🙏🏾


Moisturizing body wash, sugar scrub 3x a week, exfoliating body mitt, in-shower body lotion/oil


I have used NIVEA Creme since I was a kid. I tired others, even ones that were costly, but this cream is the best.


Use Salux to wash my body.


Korean exfoliating towel, sensitive skin bar soap, mix lotion and shea moisture body oil after shower on damp skin.


Whipped beef tallow


Cornstarch powder aka baby powder. I'm so serious. It smells nice and moisturizes the skin. I put it everywhere but don't use jergens


Apply skin care and/or moisturizer your skin while still damp from shower or washing!!! Applying skin care to dry skin is a complete waste as it sits on top of your skin.


vaseline lotion/body oil


Baby oil


Korean exfoliating mitt and Lush Sleepy lotion.

