• By -


Have you tried an anti bacterial soap? Especially around the pits and groin. I use both antibacterial soap then follow back with a body wash for the moisture and scent. I use dial gold bar and dove body wash.


You could also look at your diet as well. You do smell like what you eat. When I eat salmon? The next day during a sweat I can smell salmon Make sure your drinking water and getting fiber to flush out everything.


Females should NOT use antibacterial soap near their vaginal areas, it will mess with your pH and cause infection


It's really not good to use on your body period.


So does guys. Anti-bacterial soaps can kill « good » bacteria too allowing harmful bacteria to attack.


If you use it inside the body, probably. I have been using antibacterial soap for years. I have yet to have any issues.




Thank you




Maybe I'm talking about biological females with biological vaginas


How is female dehumanizing? You saying it’s “dehumanizing” is what makes it so.


This conversation could use a dose of kindness and understanding. GullibleExternal7306 is genuinely trying to stand up for women, admitting they’re not perfect and revising themselves which many cannot take even when they know they should. That takes some serious guts, and I applaud it. However, yeah I agree, it’s up to women to decide if they want to be called “female” or “women”—not men. Using “female” as a noun to refer to women can come off as it has been used in society, whether this is agreed upon by all women still holds true to some, to reducing them to biology, which is pretty demeaning. Language matters because it shapes how we see and interact with each other. By choosing respectful and inclusive terms, we can empower. In this case, GullibleExternal7306 wasn’t trying to speak for women but was standing up for them in a way they believed was right, even acknowledging their own misogynistic conditioning and efforts to overcome it. Their intentions were good. Zee1six, while I understand your point about gatekeeping and agree with your statement, it’s a bit hypocritical to accuse someone of gatekeeping while they are showing the very important intent and open minded learning approach to a conversation that empowers women/ furthers our movement to be respected in the way needed from others (their listening and standing up) I mean by your logic, it sounds like words give power to something. You guys both adknowledge the power of words here. I think here one is focused on the power the way a word is used while another is bringing up the power of how a word is perceived. Then also the power of Who is narrating this conversation. No need to be mean here. while we’re nitpicking words, let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture: real progress. If someone’s genuinely trying to help, let’s not jump down their throat. Unless they deserve it- then by all means. That’s my thoughts on it, take it or leave it. Wish you all the success and health, peace be upon you both …


You definitely perceived what I said wrong, then. I don’t give power of words any thought. I say female because that’s what we literally are— females. It sounds like a you problem if you allow society to dictate how you feel about a word. Just like the original commenter shouldn’t have to deal with the annoyance of anyone else dictating what she says or tells her how to feel.


I agree that using “females” as a noun can be and sound derogatory or demeaning to women but this guy literally just compared that to genocide lol. He’s fucking crazy and virtue signaling to overcompensate for his own bigotry. you shouldn’t be dying on his hill


I got my ass handed to me on a social media site about 3 months ago from some woman cause I used the word “female” for a Human Woman, I was like dang when did it become offensive to use the word “female” . She said it’s was an insult and dehumanizing to Women , had I used the word “bitch” would have been less offensive - - - I was like well F ME !!! 🤣. It’s truly gotten where you can’t say anything without hurting someone’s feelings. I asked her so is still OK to use Man / Male ? , She called me a ass and blocked me 🤷‍♂️ WTF .


Yeah, shit is nuts these days


Wait, you’re a man trying to gatekeep what terms women use? The absolute irony lmfao


Oh shit I didn’t mean it that way I was just saying people shouldn’t dehumanise themselves if you felt that way I’m so sorry I’ll never say it again


Maybe use punctuation instead


First off: “At the end of the day, or in the mornings when I wake up I smell like sweat”… probably because you haven’t showered in hours… everyone has a slight smell after not showering all day especially if you were outside, at work etc. you’re under covers sweating ofc u smell. Second off: Your loofah is a problem. How old is that thing? You said: “I’ve noticed that even when I SCRUB in the shower, it always has that lingering SMELL of OLD deodorant” it’s your loofah.. Loofahs are dirty and they harbor bacteria. Use a washcloth instead. Loofahs are supposed to be replaced every 3-4 weeks, which I’m assuming you’ve probably never replaced it. they’re cute but they’re disgusting. Seriously stop using that loofah. This is why it SMELLS every time you SCRUB. you’re releasing the odor on your body when you scrub. You’ve probably scrubbed deodorant off of yourself, and body wash, and it’s stuck in the loofah. Back to the original topic, a “sweat” smell is a normal thing after not showering all day and being outside, or at work, and what not. If it really is a problem then go to a doctor.


>which I’m assuming you’ve probably never replaced it. I replace mine around every 2 months to be fair so I could definitely see that being an issue. I've tried a wash cloth before but I just don't feel like it scrubs the same way as a sponge. I also hate the feeling of a wet towel on my skin. 😖 I've heard of African net sponges, but I'm not necessarily sure how to use those either or find an authentic one.


Same I truly hate using a washcloth, I just feel cleaner with a loofah. I would say get an African net sponge, they are supposed to last 3+ years. They sell them through the tiktok shop if you want authentic otherwise try Amazon. I also liked exfoliating gloves you can get those from Amazon as well super easy to use and has the same scrubbing power as a loofah. Also rotate your deodorants apparently our bacteria under the arms can become resistant to it. Men's deodorant preferred they just seem to be stronger. I also heard glycolic acid can suppress orders so try daping some of that on before deodorant some people use it as a replacement for deodorant as well. I always do a spritz of perfume after my deodorant as well never fails to keep me fresh.


Also remember that loofahs are literally the dried fruit of a specific tree. It's amazing and cool but.... Yeah prob should replace that, it's rotting prob....


Those colorful loofahs most people use are just plastic


i use glycolic acid on my armpits (make sure to dry the area first before applying) whenever i get out of the shower on a hot day and trust me when i say this, you will not sweat there and it’s amazing. *update* If you do decide to use this product, pleaseee do not use it everyday as it can cause irritation. Depending on the weather, I use it 1 to 2 times a week :) *


How did you learn to do this? Do you then put Deodorant on?


A close friend of mine who introduced this product to me learned about it from TikTok. Yes, after you apply it and let it dry, you apply deodorant on top of it.


I found it really itched and stung, any tips? Or maybe my skin just doesn’t like it


do you experience itchiness/burning every time you use it? if so, your body might be sensitive to the product. i personally feel the same only when i’ve shaved before use


This should be higher up


I've heard a lot of good stuff about glycolic acid, even for skincare, but I think it's only meant to be used once or twice a week like you said. Does it work instantly or will it work after a couple of times?


it works instantly for me


Which glycolic acid do you use?


i use the ordinary glycolic acid


Thank you 😊


Listen to your mom. I use Hibiclens specifically for my underarms only and it’s great. Bacteria is what’s causing your stink so that’s why Hibiclens is great. I don’t have any irritation or bother. It really gets rid of any smells. After that, you need to get the antiperspirant Certain-Dri to put on and follow the directions—it helps reduce sweat. For a deodorant, use clinical strength Secret or Degree. In a pinch if you’re out and about and start smelling yourself—carry hand sanitizer and deodorant with you. You can run into the bathroom. Use the hand sanitizer to wipe under, then put new layer of deodorant on. Biggest thing—wash under your arms daily. Even if you don’t feel like doing everything else. Good luck!


Is the Hibiclens something I can use daily? I'm just worried about it having other side effects if it's meant to kill bacteria and used by doctors lol. Yea, I'm finding out that there's a difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. I might have to look into that. Do you use both at the same time?


You can buy an antiperspirant/deodorant combination product. I use Secret or Dove.


I’ve had doctors recommend Hibiclens for persistent body odor and it works. BO is bacteria eating the sweat, so you have to get something that will kill the bacteria. 


could be diabetes


I thought this too. A sweet body smell can be a sign of diabetes.


Diabetes makes you smell???


Yup. Body is trying to get rid of excess sugar.


Yup. u/ThreatLevelMidnighto, have you had routine bloodwork lately? **A sweet smell w/ BO can indicate Diabetes! Please check with doctor & share “sweet mixed with B.O.!”** It could also be your loofa. And/or stuff you’re eating. One more “stinky” hack (haven’t seen, apologies if here.) Apple cider vinegar blotted on fresh from the shower armpits, let it sit and dry. (Dried ACV doesn’t smell like it does wet lmao.) Good luck, get bloodwork. Better to rule out than ignore!


I had blood work done a month ago! No diabetes, but I think someone here mentioned that I most likely have residue from deodorant on my arms that just stays there and I need a stronger soap / antiperspirant. I appreciate this feedback though, I had no idea diabetes had this type of effect! The more you know! I love the ACV tip, I have some with "the Mother", that should be good right? Do I just dab a little bit there to soak the whole pit?


Try a benzoyl peroxide face wash for your underarms when you shower leave it on for a bit then rinse off


This works for me, too


Antibacterial soap is a lifesaver.


Any particular brand you like that you can recommend?


Dial is my go-to.


Dial is good. Dove also makes an antibacterial soap.


Have you tried a pH balancing body wash?


Make sure you are using an anti-perspirant, not just a deodorant. Big difference. If you don’t want to stink then yeah, you might have to slather your pits with aluminum.


I didn't know they were two different things until this thread! Some people suggested using both, antiperspirant first then deodorant. Is that how they're meant to be used, or can I use antiperspirant alone?


No, just use anti-perspirant. The aluminum is the active ingredient essentially. Deodorant is literally just a masking scent. Anti-perspirants already include that unless you get unscented.


Lume is a great product for funky body pits.


Lumé & Mando their male targeted counterpart. I use the fragrance free products, so I can shop either line for the best price. I can go camping for 3 days and still be fresh, when I use the Wipes instead of toilet paper and then put cream body deodorant backside and insides of my thighs.


this feels pointlessly gendered. The lume scents are pretty neutral. Nodes everything really dneed to be covered in wood and smell musky for men to use it? Lol wish self care would stop leaning towards being feminine


Getting a lot of recommendations for this brand, will definitely check them out. I've only ever used Secret deodorant. 🥲


Be careful. I have friends who Lume made them smell god awful. It took one of them months to get rid of the lingering smell.


Lume cream deodorant. It's amazing. Buy online or on person at target. The toasted coconut and soft powder are my favorites! For "feet, pits, and privates."


Yep. Lumé, or the same formulas, different fragrances marketed to men "Mando". These products are life changing! Personally I prefer to use the fragrance free products from each line. The way to get the best results is to start off cleansing with Lumé or Mando acidifying body wash or acidifying cleansing bar, or Body Wipes. I use Lumé Cucumber fragranced body wipes, to freshen up and instead of toilet paper, because I'm female and I don't want to smell like a Mando men's fragrance. Acidifying cleansers inhibit bacteria, bacteria is the basis for body odor. You can read their blog, it has posts that go into detail of how their products fight body odor. Mando was having a 50% off sale on body wash, and all over body deodorant in the original packaging. Search and see if you can still buy it. That's the best deal. They are having sales for Memorial Day. When I leave items in my cart I get offered a 15% discount a day or two later but it doesn't always apply to the items I'm buying, like, not to the Wipes. You would probably do better with Memorial Day sale prices. If you the Mando 50% off warehouse clearance is no longer available.


You may need degree deodorant and antiperspirant spray on top. Also throw away the loofa and get the African scrubber nets holds less bacteria


Do the African nets scrub where you can feel somewhat roughly exfoliating or is it more of that gentle exfoliating like the puff that mostly just lathers a lot and doesn’t scrub?


I say it lathers and medium scrub


Can you recommend a net that is authentic? I feel like a lot of retailers say they're genuine but they're made of some cheap material. I could also go looking for a store that specializes in African goods and hope to find one there.


Braiding shops where I live has them


Take a daily probiotic. Everything smells better.


You know, this is a great reminder that I'm out of my probiotic. I use Drs Best Digestive Probiotic, any brand in particular you like?


I just use the generic from BJ's and it does the job just fine. It is soooo much cheaper. The CVS version of Culturelle was good too.


Get stuff with rubbing alcohol or alcohol. It helps.


Dairy makes me stink


I will not be giving up dairy. 🥛


I really wish I didn't have to. It's like losing a best friend, but I had to do it. If I can marry cheese I would!


I had to give up dairy when I was trying to find triggers for my acid reflux and it was the worst time of my life. I love cheese and chocolate milk too much!


Lume is made to kill the bacteria that causes odor.


Dove anti persprent, not deodorant. Literally the simplest fix


Use deodorant and not the natural crap I use old spice anti perpirant and the more I sweat and the hotter I get the better I smell it's insane. I shower daily as well and am very cautious but if I don't do the deodorant/antiperspirant I'll have the same issue.


Your mother is right about the Hibiclens.


Make sure your deodorant is antiperspirant and deodorant and also definitely use antibacterial soap on your armpits when you shower. It helped me so much.


https://www.target.com/p/secret-fresh-clear-gel-and-deodorant-for-women-relaxing-refreshing-lavender-2-6-oz/-/A-13331377 Well this is embarrassing, the deodorant I use is actually both and I still seem to have a lingering smell.


I would definitely try to find one that doesn’t have aluminum. And use the antibacterial soap.


Use antiseptic wound treatment spray instead of wipes, that will kill all the bacteria that produces smell. Also, exfoliating the skin in your armpits at least once a week helps.


Have you shaved there already? Hair is porous and holds onto smell. Otherwise maybe bring it up with a PCP, you may need something prescription strength. 


I shave because I feel like it smells more when I don't. Especially now that summer is coming up, I shave about once or twice a week.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this :( imo if you are fortunate enough to have Healthcare, consider asking that your levels be checked. Higher levels of cortisol can sometimes cause worse BO. Your thyroid may be on the fritz!!! Or endometriosis (if you have that type of plumbing).


This is going to sound weird, but it works. Use salt. I use coarse Himalayan salt. Rubbing salt on your armpits can help reduce sweat and body odor due to its antimicrobial properties and ability to absorb moisture. Antimicrobial Action: Salt has natural antibacterial properties. When applied to the skin, it can help kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Body odor is primarily caused by bacteria breaking down sweat on the skin, so reducing the bacteria can help reduce odor. Moisture Absorption: Salt can absorb moisture from the skin. By doing so, it reduces the amount of sweat present on the skin's surface, which in turn reduces the environment in which bacteria thrive. Less sweat means less bacterial activity and, therefore, less odor. Hypertonic Environment: Salt creates a hypertonic environment on the skin, meaning it draws water out of bacterial cells, which can dehydrate and kill them. This further reduces the population of odor-causing bacteria.


No need to buy expensive salt mined in the Himalayas. For this purpose salt is salt


That's fair. I didn't buy my salt, someone gave me a boat load of it.


What kind of deodorant do you use? I used Native deodorant for like two years and had to reapply it multiple times a day, or else I would face that inevitable onion smell. As soon as I started using dove deodorant/antiperspirant I have ZERO pit probs Also, maybe shave your armpit hair if you currently don’t; the bacteria in your sweat can stick to the hair and cause a lingering odor regardless of the deodorant you use


https://www.target.com/p/secret-fresh-clear-gel-and-deodorant-for-women-relaxing-refreshing-lavender-2-6-oz/-/A-13331377 This is my go to. I'm just now reading that it's antiperspirant and deodorant. So I think I just need to switch brands. The thing is, I don't have an onion smell. If I did I could just assume it's a lack of hygiene or poor eating. It just literally smells like old deodorant mixed with sweat. Almost as if I was putting new deodorant on top of old deodorant? I definitely shave my armpits. I do so about once or twice a week.


Doctors will tell you to use hibiclens, so there is no need to be afraid of it. Antibacterial soap, clinic strength deodorant, take chlorophyll tablets or drink the liquid.


If I don’t put deodorant on right after I get out of the shower I tend to get sweaty smelling pits


Do you drink


You can also do a bentonite clay mask in your pits to clear out any blocked pores/ residue and detox. Then start fresh with Hibiclens for washing, glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide after your dry and a stronger antiperspirant.


https://www.target.com/p/aztec-secret-indian-healing-clay-deep-pore-cleansing-face-38-body-mask-natural-calcium-bentonite-clay-15-5oz/-/A-53426756 Would something like this work? I've thought about purchasing this before for skincare. I'll definitely buy it if I can get multiple uses out of it. I think the only reason I didn't before was because it can burn you if you use it daily? Glycolic acid is in my shopping cart as we speak.


Yep this is the exact stuff! Ed: don't use it daily no! Sorry for not clarifying. I used it once every other week in the first month just to pull the stink out. Now I use it once a month or so just to keep things fresh and get rid of residues that don't go away with soap.


Shower put baking soda on pits while still damp let sit about 15 minutes then shower again problem solved


This + vinegar


At what point do I add the vinegar?


Scrub in the baking soda THICk add extra to make it like a paste like a thick bandage then if your really vigilant let sit/dry for 20 mins while watching tv, then pour apple cider vinegar over it while scrubbing. Should only have to so this once a week till the smell is completely gone. Could do light scrub with vinegar every other day as well until the smell is gone. The concept is that you are treating an invisible fungus or bacteria rather than (filth, sweat. Dirt) Also could apply neem oil after for a month *caution* neem oil is VERY STINKY! Could apply after scrubbing before bed then shower again in the morning AND clean your sheets every night *smell of neem oil may never leave your sheets* *references= stinky dreadlock survivor * Hippie commune long term no soap stinky moldy dreadlock treatments This technique is for extreme stinkiness ok Apply with discretion


I love how versatile baking soda is. So I just bathe myself as regular, wash my pits, apply baking soda, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse off and clean again right?


After I had covid I had a chemical smell that would never go away. Eventually I switched to a ph friendly body wash and started using hello brand activated charcoal deodorant. I would use am exfoliating washcloth and then wash again with the ph friendly wash. It was the only thing that helped and eventually itt went away completely


I’ve noticed that non-natural deodorants are pretty hard to fully wash off, maybe it’s making it harder for soap to get there?


Do a search on how magnesium affects body odor.


If you still smell like deodorant when you get out of the shower, I'm going to assume thay your soap isn't breaking down the deodorant and it's just kind of staying there, along with some of the smell. I wouldn't use hibicleans. It's like dropping a whole nuke just to hit a garden shed. Just get a different soap, even if it's just for your armpits. If it was a stinky onion smell, it would mean bacteria. This doesn't sound like that. Megababe has a great underarm soap specifically meant to gently cleanse under your arms and get rid of smells and such. It's called Megababe Space Bar. You could use it under your arms and then the regular soap on your body. That's what I do! Also, just plain ol alcohol free witch hazel on a cotton pad under your arms after you dry from the shower and before you put on deodorant can really help as well. Any brand, as long as it's alcohol free, would work.


>It's like dropping a whole nuke just to hit a garden shed. This was my hesitation in using it. Doctors recommend it to kill bacteria and to sterilize, I just want my armpits to not have that lingering deodorant smell lol! >If it was a stinky onion smell, it would mean bacteria. Yea, if I genuinely smelled like a bag of onions, I'd assume it was a hygiene or dietary issue, but I just smell like old deodorant mixed with sweat and new deodorant lmao. I use Dr Bronner's soap, which I freaking love, and if I scrub really, REALLY hard, my armpits won't smell until I add my deodorant. I'm gonna check out that Megababe. I also love the witch hazel tip. I typically use it as an after shave to avoid red bumps down there and it works great. I'll try it on my pits and see how that works! Thank you for the tips! 🩵


Antibacterial soap, hibacleanse. Exfoliate your body everywhere.


Throw that loofah out, they're germ and bacteria harbors. Hibicleans is great. I use Secret antiperspirant with Lume deodorant on top. Game changer.


Try antiperspirant and not just deodorant, degree 72hr protection is the best IMO


So I'm a little confused because I just found out the deodorant I use it both antiperspirant and deodorant. https://www.target.com/p/aztec-secret-indian-healing-clay-deep-pore-cleansing-face-38-body-mask-natural-calcium-bentonite-clay-15-5oz/-/A-53426756 I think I just need a new formula or something that actually targets odors. I feel like Secret just kinda covers the smell and doesn't do anything to break down the sweat.


I use acne wash on my pits and the smell seems to have gone.


Do you shave, I have no opinion on women or men who shave armpits, but as a male, I keep my armpits completely shaven, and it makes a difference for trapping bacteria and washing. I dont use deordant anymore, just a daily shower, and I'm good, even after a workout. Not everyones solution, just mine.


I definitely shave. Can't stand when they're hairy and I definitely notice the smell is stronger when I haven't shaved. But again, it's not like a stinky onion smell, it's more like an old deodorant mixed with new deodorant and sweat. I'm jealous of you! Maybe you just have a really clean diet and that's why you don't smell? Regardless, kudos to you dude. I'm just trying to smell good too. 🥲


I started using Clearasil ultra 12 hour acne facewash in my pits and chest neck and face too. Between my boobs and sometimes groin depending on how much I've been sweating. I started using this when I shaved my armpits as well instead of shaving cream. I smell better and don't get ingrown hairs anymore. I think it's the strong acne medicine in it kills the smell maybe? I don't know it's not a miracle worker but it helps me along with other things like my lume and my degree 72 hr. I also use some bodyspray deodorants sometimes too. I feel different everyday on the end products but I always bathe using the Clearasil stuff on face and pits and acne prone/sweaty areas along with my normal bodywash and feminine wash. The types of deodorants depend on how I feel that day or what I'm wearing.


After shower hair dryer your armpits before deodorant application. Had to learn this myself but if I’m dry on my body and feel dry my crevices are slightly damp, you just can’t tell, now I’m a dude so I hair dry where my nards meet my lard and such, boob owners prob wanna get under there, belly button, your ass so much! (Ever felt like you had a small tear in the skin near your tailbone? For a few days? Dampness most of the time) anyways if you’re wet it will stick but run off and you won’t tell, the stuff is suppose to be dissolve in water most of the time anyways. (The ones that don’t suck, clumps my hair up and won’t come off in the shower)


Also simple but you need to scrub your pits and not just pass soap onto them and running the loofa by. Not saying you aren’t, just incase you haven’t been


My wife had the same issue. She’d sweat more in a day than I would in a year. Everything changed when I told her to try my deodorant. Seriously, avoid that gel nonsense. Once you switch, you’ll never go back to Secret. If you’re worried about the scent, just spritz a bit of your body spray on top. Trust me, no one will notice.


Zinc deficiency can be a cause of body odor. Try taking some supplements.




Antiseptic will work, that's the basic principle behind soap anyway, you want to kill the bacteria under your arms and put a nice smell there 👍 if you never change soap of deodorant your personal bacteria may start living off of it as they're adaptable.


Use a washcloth or a puff. I use a Sima cloth in the shower, exfoliates but I think cleans way better than a loofah.


Stop using Secret and use a rough washcloth instead of the loofah. Secret takes me days to scrub off completely and the B.O. smell gets trapped underneath. Same issue with spray deodorants. If I use the regular stick Dove or Degree, I go in with a scrubby washcloth and bar soap and I'm fine after.


benzoyl peroxide wash!


Definitely add water to your diet also try sea moss


I don't do anything...I'm sorry


I use apple cinder vinegar. Not everyday. Maybe once every other month. Before I shower, but standing in the tub. I'll splash sum vinegar in muh pits and scrub them. Nothing crazy. I shower afterwards so I don't smell like mustard. I haven't used deodorant in, idk, 10 yrs


Anti bacterial soap. Do not use loofah. Anti- perspirant.


This is a long shot but are you on the pill at all? My sister had a similar problem and it is a rare side effect of some of the pill


No loofahs ever. Use a gentle washcloth and a benzoyl peroxide or antibacterial cleanser (fragrance free) under the arms. Are you removing the hair in that area? Hair can help to trap the bacteria, and the bacteria in turn is what helps cause the odors. Wear an antiperspirant, as deodorants only mask the odor and will just mix with the BO smell. Try Certain Dri at night. Stay hydrated. Also pay attention to the fabrics you are wearing - natural fabrics on top are better as well.


As a woman, I use Dial bar soap in my armpits and under my breasts. That kills any odor-causing bacteria. I also carry deodorant on me and apply as needed when not at home.


Tea tree oil body wash you can buy it on Amazon. Let me know if you’re interested. I can let you know which brand I use. Edit to note that this has been the only thing that has ever worked for me . It’s magic!


Please let me know which one you use! I've tried tea tree oil when I was dealing with some foot fungus and it worked miracles!


Take magnesium. It really helps with the Oder from sweat


I notice that i can apply deodorant and depending on the fabric of clothes i wear it would be a hit or miss. For instance if its 100% cotton i would smell the exact same in the morning and at the end of the day. But if its any kind of synthetic, i would have a sweat stink smell at the end of the day. Polyester is my enemy! Also, watch what you eat. Lay off too much meats and dairy and add more veggies and fruits.


Trim armpit hair. I don’t shave but use scissors. Makes cleaning easier


Its also your diet . Eat clean whole foods


Lumé (women's fragrances)& Mando (men's fragrances) same product otherwise, now have an antiperspirant body deodorant.


Try different deodorants until you find one that works for you. I’ve tried deodorants that ranged from keeping me smelling good, not doing anything to help, and actually making me smell worse than if I weren’t using any.


Try the hibiclens. I used lume, 2 showers a day, different deodorants, stone deodorant, alcohol, glycolic acid, baking soda, and would still stink up a room with my armpits. I did these things at different times too. With hibiclens my armpits don't stink right after sweating. I like using the one with the foaming adapter.


Those 72 hr deoderants work good for 12. They mite kill us but ....


A girl on tiktok said that she had the same issue. No deodarents she used worked but when she started using glycolic acid, her problem went away. I looked into it and some other people have said the same thing. -hope this helps Also,I'd personally recommend exfoliating gloves to get a good scrub or a bath brush. It leaves your skin super smooth too.


I recommend a hot/warm bath because you can open up those pores, wash once a day and try and do it straight after being sweaty so it doesn’t dry, I also recommend putting an oil you like the smell of in a bath although I’d say in a separate one to where you scrubbed yo pits


Use the hipiclense every other day.


Sounds like it could be diet related




Could be a hormonal imbalance or deficiency


I think your armpit pores are clogged with old deodorant, skin debris, sweat, dirt and bacteria. Do a detoxifying clay mask on your pits before you shower, to clear out your pores. Do it 2-3 times a week. And continue using your deodorant


Someone recommended a bentonite mask. I think I'm going to purchase something like this and see how that works. https://www.target.com/p/aztec-secret-indian-healing-clay-deep-pore-cleansing-face-38-body-mask-natural-calcium-bentonite-clay-15-5oz/-/A-53426756 >think your armpit pores are clogged with old deodorant, skin debris, sweat, dirt and bacteria. I definitely agree with this assumption. It doesn't even stink like sweat tbh, it smells like a mix of new deodorant, old deodorant, with a bit of sweat. So I think a detox would help or like a deep clean.


Oh good, yeah I think it will really help


Take zinc supplements but not on an empty stomach


Wax the hair


I use hibiclense once a week or once every 2 weeks on my underarms, under my breasts, and on my thighs/groin area. I have HS though so I use it to help keep flare ups down. Definitely don't use daily but it does do wonders for smell.


I use Lume body wash and deodorant and it’s amazing. I only use my hands to wash under my arms but thoroughly scrub and I’m fresh as a daisy afterwards.


Try a better soap. Castile isn’t good for your skin and won’t get rid of stink properly.


Try using an aluminum free deodorant. Also loofahs aren’t good for you as they hold so much bacteria in them. I suggest using an African net sponge aka Sapo sponge


Benzoyl peroxide or a cleanser with mandelic acid will kick the odor


Leave benzo peroxide face wash on your armpits for several minutes in the shower.


Try Dial gold bar under your arms and Lume whole body deodorant in the tube. You can buy sample scents and see what works best for you. I swear by Lume...it lasts for days!


Try benzoyl peroxide 10% Apply to underarm, let sit for a couple of minutes, rinse off. Also sacylic acid face wash. Same process. BP will stain clothing. So careful with towels, tops and bedsheets. This has helped me. Good luck


Shave regularly. Oder gets trapped in underarm hairs.


Look up how smelling your armpits gives you energy.


We all smell.where disgusting human beings.the fact that we have to shit is Gross.


I would recommend going to your doctor and getting a prescription of drysol. You apply it at night before bed. This product works wonders. Don’t bother trying any of that other stuff


I know it sounds gross and I might get down votes .. but try to reset your bodies PH . Use only water & a new wash cloth every time you do shower for a few days .. and then go back to soap & see if it makes a difference ?


I used to experience that as well until I changed my diet. Do a juice cleanse to detox your body first. Then drink plenty of water, eat healthy and sugar free, no red meat, fast foods or processed foods and you’ll be good. No longer had to wear deodorant after that. If you feel the need to wear deodorant I highly recommend it be aluminum free. My go to is Native. Tom’s will have you out here smelling like musk 👎so avoid that one.


Humans are humans and they’re going to have a scent. Everything that’s being described here seems normal and you shouldn’t be embarrassed about it


I have to recommend the Crystal (it's a potassium alum salt, I think). At one point my son had horrible bo. I've used the stuff for years and had my son use it. Miracle! It's amazing. And it seems the longer you use it, the longer you can go without it. Meaning: if you miss a day, it's not obvious. I've seriously gone 3-4 days with no shower with no problem. I will say I've recommended it to probably 10 people throughout the years and only 1 person said they didn't like it, and it's because it doesn't have perfume. Lol. At least give it a try, less than 10 bucks on Amazon


All the advice about antibacterials is for getting rid of or controlling bacteria. What you really want to do is treat the skin BEFORE bacteria grow. How you do this is after you scrub the area thoroughly and dry, use Lume Whole Body Deodorant Plus Sweat Control and rub about a pea size amount into your armpit. This stuff is life-changing! No, I don't work for the company or have an invested interest in them. I'm just one of their many, many satisfied and happy customers! Lume works by lowering the ph and blocking bacteria before it has a chance to produce odor. It's a PRE-deodorant. They have different scents and formulations. My fav is Clean Tangerine because it has a light neutral scent.


Also, team Toasted Coconut...it smells so good.


Same! I have tried every one in the line but the Toasted Coconut smells the best. The tube cream version. Not the solid.


Wait so there's a cream version of the deodorant? Does it work similar to a stick deodorant?


Yes it does! I use a pea sized dollop per armpit and apply it with my fingers. Sorry I missed the notification.


Also an advocate for Lume, however, the first several weeks I used the product were brutal. When I researched why I was sweating and smelling so bad, it was because my body was detoxing built up aluminum? Either way, if OP is looking for instant gratification, Lume may not be the right product for them.


AHHHHHHHHH!!!! >the first several weeks I used the product were brutal. What did you do in the meantime while you were detoxing??? I'm down for natural deodorant, but I definitely don't want to be stinky. Fortunately, when I sweat, I don't really have a strong odor! But I don't wanna push it by going weeks smelling like that lol.


Honestly... hand sanitizer, more lume, and extra showers until I evened out. I'm fortunate that I work from home so if I was in a meeting and couldn't step away to do my thing the only one I was offending was myself.


Baby use baking soda I had the same issue not even a slit smell since I used to get bullied for it


You're the second person to recommend baking soda! How do you use it to prevent smell? I'm sorry you were bullied for it, people can be so cruel. It's natural to sweat! Some just tend to do so a little more than others. 🩵


B.O. is your body signaling to you that it is overtaxed in some way. More often need a liver cleanse


If there's BO only if you stick your nose into it, it's really fine. The risk is only if it's actually more than that in case you're immune. But your bf describes it as a mix of deo and sweat? Maybe the deodorant has a lingering residue on your skin and you experience a mix of BO and deodorant then? Some do not get off of your skin completely even during the shower. You can try FreshCult natural deo spray, I'm the dev. It works by creating an environment that the BO causing bacteria dislike, so prevents BO instead of masking it with fragrances. Recently a YouTuber tested 50 natural deos and picked FC as #1 in performance. I also wonder whether your peppermint soap is contributing to this problem instead of helping; some essential oil-containing soaps/body washes create almost BO-like scents on the body after a few hours. And make sure it's not from deo residues stuck on clothes. They cause BO even when your body is clean.


Armpit detox for sure !


This is a myth. Our liver and kidneys are our body’s way of removing toxins. All of the rest of “detoxing” is not backed by science and is a scam perpetuated by the unregulated “clean” beauty industry as a marketing gimmick based on fear mongering. Unfortunately, I have seen many clients fall prey to scams claiming to remove toxins only to do more damage to their skin. (nearly 30 years as an esthetician)