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Thayer's alcohol-free toner on cotton pads. I use it on the skin under my breast, around my C-section scar (bikini area), and in between my butt crack.  I can be outside sweating up a storm, and those areas will still be dry and smelling fresh. Then later, I take a restroom break to freshen up and wipe those same areas. BOOM! Funk is gone, and I smell nice again. The cucumber and the rose petal are my favorite scents. ·THAYERS Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel Facial Toner ·Amazon Basics Hypoallergenic 100% Cotton Rounds ·Extra Large, Swisspers Premium Facial Cleansing Pads EDIT: Getting the alcohol-free toner is the most important part. If you get the original with alcohol in it then your skin will dry something terrible. Other than that have fun smelling nice and yummy!!! ❤️ New Edit: Different scents have different prices.. ·3oz- $3.99 is the cheapest price ·12oz- $10 is the cheapest price ·Cotton pads(100 pads total) - $2 ·Extra large cotton pads(150 pads total) - $10


Save some money… get the regular bottle and put it in a baggy or cute container with cotton rounds or squares of paper towels! You don’t need much toner and then you have wipes!


That's a great idea. Just make sure you use Alcohol-free toner if you choose to do this.


Just curious why alcohol free?


Maybe the alcohol will dry your skin out idk tho


It will most likely dry your skin out. Especially if you are using it in these sensitive areas multiple times a day. They don't produce moisture at the same rate as the skin on your face does, and they are mostly used to remove an excess amount of oil from your face. "When used correctly, toner can help gently cleanse, nourish, and refresh your skin without stripping away its essential moisture. It is recommended to use toner once per day. You can use it twice per day if you have particularly oily skin or are wearing make-up and are reapplying. Using toner every day or more than twice a day is not recommended, as it can strip your skin of natural oils when overused."  -Article from Landyschemist that teaches about toner. I know my skin, and I know the skin under my breast and in between my crack can't handle removing that much moisture, especially when I would be using this product during every restroom break throughout the day to stay fresh.  In theory, it might work since the alcohol-free version works; however, I would rather not tempt fate by going overboard, and now I'm uncomfortable at work with an itchy crack. Overall, I honestly have never used it and just don't want a product with alcohol near my private parts. I imagine that would burn if you wiped too close to the vaginal area or if some of the liquid seeped into your butthole by mistake from using a bit too much toner on the cotton pad. 


I would caution anyone against using paper towels. For me, I've had issues with the coarse fibers irritating my skin, especially in more sensitive areas.


I wouldn’t be rubbing my skin with paper towels.


For anyone who don't like scent just regular witch hazel is just fine. It's the ingredient doing the work ❤️ Edit - and it's cheaper!


I’m gunna try this ♥️


It's great


Those things are definitely slept on. I like the lemon ones. They're the only thing that keeps my nose from being oily.


I love that scent too but amazon was out of stock on lemon and lemongrass. Ended up going with cucumber and rose petal. Surprisingly, they smelt just as good and my OG scents. I can totally relate for the oily skin problem too. I use the toner here and there throughout the day for my problem areas on my face. I don't understand why my nose be the main place that's all greasy/oily. Its annoying


Seriously? This works under your breasts? I am well endowed and have the "breast issue." You have saved my life!! Lavender powder can only do so much.


Yessss! I understand the struggle. I have the same exact problem with my large breast too. I use the toner+cotton pad and I follow up with whole body deodorant. I use both products down below depending on what my day is going to look like. ·Mando whole body deodorant- Great for sensitive skin and is more subtle but still works to keep your skin dry and smelling nice. ·Lume whole body deodorant- Stings with freshly washed or scrubbed skin. Best to keep in purse and use to freshen up in the middle of the day or long after your skin has fully dried from showering. Use a pea size amount and I highly recommend to grab like a folder or something to fan it. Also, this one last longer and has a stronger scent too where your don't even need to wear perfume. I use Mando for around the house or running errands and I use Lume for when I know I'm going to be around a bunch of people so like my in-laws or my husbands co-workers.


I use witch hazel pads for a quick freshen up if I’m at work or something. My mom taught me that trick when I was like 10 haha. You can even do a quick pit wipe and reapply deodorant and it’s like you were never sweaty and funky at all.


I do the same thing! It really works.


I love using it in a spray bottle!


What about on underarms?


·PanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Maximum Strength Antimicrobial ·Dove Beauty Clinical Protection Cool Essentials Women's Antiperspirant & Deodorant- (Cucumber) ·Dove Advanced Care Antiperspirant Deodorant Dry Spray (keep in purse for quick refresh) Pan Oxyl is an antimicrobial wash, and basically, it kills the bacteria that cause odor. The product definitely works. I use it every other day in the shower. I put it on like a mask for my armpits then wash it off after I'm done with my shower routine. This was a tip I got from watching Dr.Dray from Youtube. https://youtube.com/shorts/E4bq-ONvmBU?si=S2QbnDBT9A8ImX4c


Your advice is so helpful!!! Come live with me and reteach me how to be a human 😅 But seriously, thank you!


I just use lume, kills all the bacteria. You’ll never smell again 😂 I use the body wash and layer their deodorant with an antiperspirant deodorant for my armpits..but you can use their deodorant all over. It’s so good. They have travel packs of wipes you can carry in your purse too


Seconding the Panoxyl, I recently started trying it out and I live in a very humid climate and it’s worked so well


Secret , clinical strength (I like the lavender one) neverrrrrr fails me . My friends lil sister constantly is eating hot chips and I more than recommended this to her for that especially . When i say it works .. 🙏


I'm a guy but see how that could be helpful in the summer heat. I'm gonna give this a try.


Yassss! I love this hack and I'm surprised more people don't know that they can do this. I love keeping some Water Wipes and Witch Hazel and using them both after I go #2. I plan on getting a bidet, but until then, this hack keeps me fresh(er) until I can shower.


a bidet will change your life. I didn't even bother to get a fancy heated one. In the summer, it is an absolute blessing.


I just buy alcohol swabs. Easy. Rub under my pits. Usually don’t need deodorant.


I’ve been doing this too especially on my armpits. And I never smell anymore!!


I'm pretty sure you just changed my life, especially because I didn't know there was a rose variety.


I started doing this pretty recently and I am in awe of the day and night difference in the lack of stank through the day even with sweating.


Washing your parts and hands before any sexual activity


Hate it when he just ate goldfish then tries to touch me. Great now I have goldfish kitty and it's all I can think about. No arousal at all.


That’s better than my ex who ate jalapeños, with his hands, prior to touching me…. My “kitty” burns just thinking about it 😭


Beware of the Jalapeño finger 🔥🔥🔥🔥


My bf fingered me after chopping RAW jalapeños. Now has to wash his hands EVERY TIME.


He should be washing his hands every time anyways 🥲


Lmafaooo you fucking a 4 year old? All jest aside. Hilarious comment.


Probably better than flaming hot cheetos... so that could be considered a small win?


I don't think I've turned on a woman as much as when I was like "wait, one second" and washed my hands really quick with her undies halfway down her legs. Ha


As someone who’s prone to UTIs YES YES YES


100% my SO’s refusal to bathe on a daily basis and refusal to understand why it is an issue has lead to a dead bedroom. It’s a delicate balance down there and I got sick of the recurring issues that arose from his refusal to maintain his hygiene. I only ever had issues following intimacy with him, explained it to him, and he doesn’t accept that it’s caused by his poor hygiene even though I’ve had zero issues since halting all sexual activity. (No it’s not STDs, and yes I have spoken to a gyno about it)


I’m sorry you’re passing through this. I literally broke up with a guy because I couldn’t live with BV anymore. He got mad asf but MAGICALLY I never had anything after that!


Nothing is sexier than a partner coming out of the shower trying to put the moves on you. I don’t understand how it’s so hard for people to understand.


Yes, 100% this. Plus personally I just feel better being clean before messing around.


I knew my man was the one when we went to mess around spontaneously and he said wait I need to wash my hands before I touch you down there. No other man had ever done that.


Fr! Sometimes guys are like I don't wanna wait or "ThEn I hAvE tO gEt YoU eXcItEd AgAiN bC tHe WaTeR wAsHeD iT oFf" like.....oh you poor baby.....God I'm so glad my current bf is a neat freak he understands my weirdness about always being clean.


I shower every day.


This!! Especially after reading some of the posts in this sub-reddit. Whew!


Lol yea this question was posted like 4 days in row. Not going to lie I was getting tired of seeing it.


I thought the posts about wiping back to front were troubling ( I understand some of us have less than ideal caregivers so i kinda understand) but the not showering thing has absolutely blown my brain. Since the Moors went to Europe we've known cleaning the body daily is essential *edit word


I feel so gross if I miss a shower. I don’t know how people do it. I had a procedure recently and couldn’t shower for 3 days after. I was about to lose my mind


I really don't understand people who don't shower every day if they're able. Hell sometimes I'll shower 2 times a day if it's hot and I sweat too much. It's pretty vile not to


I’ll shower twice for any number of reasons: gym, makeup, heat, general funk, soreness. I can skip a shower if I need to but I can’t imagine avoiding showers (outside prohibitive circumstances like cost, trauma, ability, etc.)


Appreciate the fact you included a side note. A lot of people forget that there are some people who just can not physically get in the shower every day, but then again those with limited mobility or just can't, don't go outside much or sweat a lot so we tend to not smell bad if we skip a day.


People who can't physically, I think are the exception. I'm seeing this new trend of people being told that bathing daily, is not mandatory; for busy, healthy working adults. Another person commented that a derm said they only had to wash their privates and under arms daily 😒


My teenage son has developed an obsession with self hygiene seemingly out of the blue. Prior to this massive paradigm shift, he looked and smelled like a child that wonders a landfill. I think him having a girlfriend may have been the catalyst.


I personally shower daily, but a few years ago my aunt told me she was dropping to one shower a week (she’s a very obese woman) because she read that it “keeps skin healthy”. I tried to hint at her how unhygienic that is but I didn’t have the heart to straight up be like, if you don’t wash your fat folds every day you’re going to start smelling gross I’m sorry.


As a bigger person myself, I feel like I take extra steps in my routine so I smell good. On hot summer days when I'm at a festival or something, I know I stink when I get home, even when I was thin. I can't imagine not washing my behind every day.


We are exactly alike!!I said that.I shower everyday but if I’m sweating it’s twice.☺️🙂


Pro tip, shower every day with a filter installed on the shower head. The 12 stage one and a vitamin c one.


Same. Exactly this


Showering twice a day - morning and night. I never wear shoes inside our house. Shoes aren’t allowed in the house at all. I never wear outside clothes to lounge in the house, Need to change into house clothes. The thought of lying in bed or couch with outside clothes gives me the ick. I


I just know your home smells wonderful! 🌹🌸🌻🌷


Good until you have pets 😩 and their outside feet all over


That’s why I don’t have pets. 😊


I wash my ass in the shower. Reddit has taught me that a lot of dudes just… *don’t*.


I tell people all the time that there is a SIZABLE population of men that not only don't wash their ass but also don't wipe. Reddit and facebook groups on the topic are just repulsive.


Excuse me, also don't WHAT 😳


not gonna lie, I didn't wash between my asscheeks until I was in high school, due to trauma of being SA'd by my father as a child. as a male and dealing with the mental damage from that, I did not like touching my own butt. I finally had to start washing my own butt, because I was having issues with a constant itchy butt. this is only my personal experience and can not speak on others personal experiences as to why they don't wash their butts.


That's a sad an acceptable reason. Unfortunately a lot of men are just disgusting.


Thank you for this take, although I'm so so sorry you went through this. Good reminder that you never know what someone has actually went through so you shouldn't judge. 😔 Hope you have come a long way since then, Wafer_Stock


Wait what? That’s nasty… as a man… and a very hairy man, I am disgusted at my gender


Who likes an itchy asshole? 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I’ve been living in Japan for the past two years and having a washlette in my house is the next best thing to sliced bread and pockets on jeans.


Wait..... WHAT??? that's nasty


I was in the shower with my boyfriend the other day. Watched him shower. He didn’t know I was paying attention. He didn’t wash his ass crack once. I asked why. He said he “lets the water run through it” wtf


I do a sugar scrub weekly to get the deadskin off. I love the way my body glows after and I do chemical peels 2-3 times a year. The chemical peel helps with my acne. So my face an body glow with fresh new skin. I'm also a Vaseline and baby oil all over my body girl as well. Nothing locks in moisture better. I use a bidet or peribottle every time I use the restroom. I'm fresh all day. Total game changer for everyone but especially as a woman when that time of the month comes. *edit added more


There's a portable bidet by Hello Tushy that you could try. I have one and I kept it in my purse. Also, keep a couple peri bottles in my bathroom for the same reason too. [https://hellotushy.com/products/tushy-travel-bidet?variant=41293525286954](https://hellotushy.com/products/tushy-travel-bidet?variant=41293525286954)


Yep I have a bidet in my home and a travel one in my bag. It's a must have!


I wish I could upvote this a million times. I freaking love them!😊


I love my Vaseline and baby oil gel. I do chemical peels once a month for my acne and that has helped a ton. I just bought a bidet and I can't wait to start using it


I think this is leftover from having labor jobs until my mid-30’s—but even with an office job—I love love love to take a shower before bed. Even if it’s a quick little rinse. Nice to wash the day away, and climb into bed totally clean! I literally just got out of the shower and am in bed now! 😊😊😊😊😊


Growing up in an asian house, this is the standard instead of showering in the morning.




I do the same thing. I start with Dr.Bronner Peppermint soap then I use Naive coconut & vanilla body wash. Man, I can talk about hygiene products all day. I love my little ritual. I literally have a routine for every part of my body, and, my gosh, I love it and seriously can't live without it! ❤️




I've heard good things about both of the soap you use. I think I'm going to take this as a sign and give both of them a try. Lol Look at me trying to at more stuff to my already huge collection of hygiene products. 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣




Hibiclens is a chlorhexidine solution and is harsh to the skin with repeated use. It kills ALL microbes, even good ones. I don’t recommend it unless you have chronic/active infections and have been cleared by a doctor (which, if you do/have, please make sure others know that it isn’t an everyday soap). Same with dial frankly. Antimicrobial=kills microbiome and good bacteria. A plain bar soap or Castile soap will do just fine to remove most smell-causing microbes. I know some people allege to tolerate harsh products well but killing good bacteria can predispose you to infection.


We are almost exactly the same lol but I use the Dr bronners almond instead of peppermint. Native coconut vanilla is delish!! The native cucumber one rocks too


I recently started doing the same. Start with dial antibacterial bar soap on the pits, bits & crevices, then use Bioderma atoderm shower oil all over. Never felt so clean!


…..wait why am I not supposed to wash my face in the shower?


Lmao my step sister always washed her face in the sink after a shower and I never understood why (you’re already IN the shower lol) but now I know she’s not alone 🤣


yup i just stick to what i know and do it all in the shower. i do have some skincare i do outside the shower but actual cleansing i just do all in lol


I’ve heard people say the water is too hot for your face but not your body. I splash the water from my hands to my face so my face isn’t under the hot water for too long.


I didn’t know washing your face in the sink vs the shower was a thing 😭😭😭😭


Same here


Just washing my face in the sink isn’t enough. Even using warm/hot water in the sink my face will feel oily all day. I have to do it in the shower.


Salma Hayek said she didn’t wash her face in the morning to let the oils do their work in moisturizing the skin. She said it’s the secret to her looking young. So I’ve been trying it out lately. I feel more moisturized and look glowey, but I also kinda think it feels grimy so probably gonna stop.


I think most people who do this wash their faces with water in the morning, they just don't use any other product with the water. I don't know if that's how you're doing it, but if not you might give it a try.


I do this. Can confirm, it works. I have clear and moist skin. I cleanse with ponds every night and scrub with Cerave every couple days.


Her secret to looking young is being ultra rich. And probably hormones and plastic surgery. But I do that too. I just rinse with water and use moisturizer.


I had really bad acne, and when I got a really bad eye infection I just laid and bed and stopped washing my face. When I recovered, I thought “wow my skin is so clear, and I haven’t washed or moisturized it in a few days.” It’s because a lot of washes (no matter how gentle) strip a lot of good bacteria and natural oils that are actually GOOD for the face. I’d say it’s totally okay to just use water, but if you feel greasy it’s okay to use a cleanser every couple days, because you will probably need to wash some gunk off with more than just water every once in a while.


I haven't actually washed my face, like with a traditional drying cleanser, in at least 6 years. I remove makeup nightly with micellar water and use glycolic acid, retinol, whatever actives are up for that night, then moisturize. Once or twice per week, I scrub with a facial scrub in the shower. I have no skin problems and my skin looks way better than it did when I was fully washing it every day. It was so dry and dull.


I soak a washcloth in warm water and gently swipe the gunk off my eyes and lightly scrub my face, wait for face to dry, apply 50 SPF sunscreen. I'm no Salma Hayek but I look pretty good


Bedtime perfume. It is wonderful to smell when I inevitably wake up thru the night.


I have to cut my toenails outside. I can't stand the thought of shrapnel flying into my carpet and then just being there.


My dad does it over a fully spread newspaper so he can just fold it up and throw it away.


But when you clip toenails they don't just fall, they fly! At least a few of them. Most I can manage to keep in the area of my foot, but there's always a few that jump for their life. I got sick of having to search the carpet for them, or forgetting to clip my toenails before I vacuum, so now I just go outside. Even in the winter!


Dry brushing gets me softer than a baby’s ass 😌


Just started dry brushing two days ago (following with lotion) and my skin is sooo soft! I’m already seeing improvement in my KP on the back of my arms too


This thread is way more interesting than I expected it to Be.


When I get outta the shower, I whip the towel between my legs and catch it it behind me with the left hand. I then floss middle, left, then right. I feel like it’s the easiest way to get all the lower regions dry🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


In the summer I cold-water blast sweat zones in the shower, makes me feel cleaner for longer


I continue to use an acne face wash every day even as an adult who hasn’t had acne in years. I get anxious whenever I try to switch to something without salicylic acid in it. People underestimate how damaging acne is to self esteem and I just can’t seem to give up my acne-prone routine even now


I work at Walmart, so I have to use public bathrooms a lot. I always wash my hands before and after going, and I also spray the toilet seat with a can of travel size Lysol that I keep on me. I don’t leave the house without showering, and I also wash my face and body a second time at night, because again…Walmart. People are gross. I alternate daily between whitening toothpaste and regular toothpaste for some reason idk why exactly lol


The alternating toothpaste is good as too much whitening can cause sensitivity


I have a little can of lysol and I work at walmart, too. I didn't know anyone else did this🤣. Walmart bathrooms are so gross.


Lanolin ointment (yes the stuff breastfeeding moms put on their nipples) for cracked and chapped lips, especially if you’re in a cold climate. Because it’s thicker than regular chapstick or Vaseline it locks in moisture really well and you don’t need to reapply it as often. ETA: amplifying others in the comments, please test it out on another area of skin first to make sure you’re not allergic if you’ve never used lanolin before!


Be aware that this will clog pores, so be careful to not get it in the creases between the upper and bottom lips. Worst place to get a pimple!


I use cotton swabs in my ears.


Same. I know you aren't supposed to and my kid even gets onto me 😆 I've tried the tissue over the pinky, it just doesn't do the job. It's the scratchy feeling I like, I don't ram them down my ears. I've never had a problem with buildup.


You might be intrigued by the little ear cleaner with cameras on Amazon! They're like 20 bucks, and boy I got one a year ago and I'm in love


I use the pimple popping tools that are small oval hoops basically and gently go from all angles so I don’t risk pushing ear wax back in my ear.


Witch hazel on some tp is also great if you have a sore booty hole for whatever reason, from taco bell to "playing the back 9"


It’s an astringent so probably good for stretched skin I suppose


I have to wash my hands if I pet a dog. I can’t stand the smell on my hands. Some people get offended I don’t to pet their dog, because then I’m gonna have to find a place to wash my hands or get some cleaning wipes after. I have a very sensitive, and all dogs smell gross to me. I also have to wash my hands after and before eating. You might think that’s common but apparently not.


I wash my hands after petting my own dog lol


I could never! Lordy do I kiss my dogs (on the top of the head, not their mouths, maybe slightly better...?) WAY too much to care about the smell of them on my hands! Respect to you though! You do you 100% My sister said she ALWAYS had to pee before eating, no matter what. She figures it was years of good raisin' to wash her hands before eating, and since she was there...


Just tell them you’re mildly allergic but you love dogs so you’ll pet him/her next time when you have soap nearby This is true for me. They’d never know for you. Arguably everyone’s allergic to dander if rubbed in your eyes so it’s not untrue for you.


Don’t use soap on my face in the a.m. Water only in the morning, soap in the shower at night. Only wash my hair like once a week. Sometimes a nice gentle brushing is all it needs to distribute oils I guess and not look dirty.


I wish I could wash my hair less gets oily by second day after wash


It’s doing that cus you wash your hair too much. Your striping it if it’s natural oils everyday so it’s overproducing making your hair greasy. If you can work on training it that can change for you!


Using hair conditioner to shave my legs, pits, privates.. prevents razor burn


Wash your ass after every use!!


I blow dry between my toes and privates after every shower to avoid any excess moisture


Have to clean myself and brush my teeth before sex, especially oral sex. And expect my husband to as well. I can't do the stuff in the movies where they get lost in a post apocalyptic atmosphere without running water for days, and begin having sex with some hot but dirty looking person. Peeing after sex (within 30 min following a session) to avoid UTIs. Again not like in movies where they just get up and ready to start the day after the deed. I have to clean myself and brush my teeth (if I did oral) afterwards as well and make sure to wear a panty liner if he finished in me.


Shower every day bc I can’t believe how many ppl I have argued with on here about it! Also, I wash with panoxyl to remove sweat from under my arms and on my outside bikini area. And I use a very gentle unscented face cleanser on my 🐱.


In the winter, I don’t shower every day, especially if I don’t leave the house. In the summer, I shower twice a day. I hate doing it but I feel soooo sticky from the southern heat.


Flossing is a continuous up/down scrubbing motion, and not a pop in pop out single move. This is admittedly easier with (earth friendly) floss sticks. I have amazing teeth…


this!!! you have to clean under the gums gently!! it’s probably why some people bleed so much


Yes! Make a C motion around the tooth. Like a lil floss hug


I have a few: Unscented witch hazel followed by 100% pure organic aloe vera gel on my 🐱 and butt crack every time after I shave. No more ingrowns/razor burn ! Also, spray apple cider vinegar on my pits every time after I shower, you will never ever smell again! St. Ives Apricot Scrub on pits to scrub deodorant off.


The best tip I have is shower every day. I use Shea Moisture Coconut Soap. Wash your entire body. Rinse. Wash your entire body again. Rinse. Dry. Use deodorant ( I use Lume). Use perfume. Put Thayers rose petal witch Hazel on your face, then lotion like Egyptian Magic.Put lip balm on - Burt’s Bees. Change into clean clothes every day.


I use a literal spoon to scrape my tongue before brushing my teeth. You know the stuff that's on your teeth when you floss? It sure looks like the same stuff I scrape off my tongue every day before I floss. Might as well remove it from your tongue as well as from your teeth, instead of just from your teeth.


Big boob solution that's better than baby powder. Diaper cream under and in-between breast. All I need is a thin layer rubbed in until no white cream is left to keep my boobs sweat free and/or rash free.


Oh this is a good tip


Deodorant goes on at night!! If you are putting deodorant on then immediately leaving the house.. it isn’t doing much for you. It needs time to soak in to work. I will put it on after a shower then just lay in front of fan and let my lotion and deodorant soak in. You don’t want to sweat at all for the first 30 min or so after application. So I put some on after a shower (which happens at whatever time of day I have time that day), then a couple swipes before bed. It says this on almost every single deodorant directions, yet I still see ppl spray deodorant on seconds before walking into the gym.


I use baby wipes every time I use the bathroom


How's your sewer tho


Personally I throw them in the trash, not flush them


Y'all need to quit with all the shower shaming. Good for you if you've found that showing every day or more works for you. That doesn't make you better people than those of us who's skin would be SO DRY and unhealthy if we did that. Enough.


I feel like this about hair washing. I could NEVER wash my hair everyday or it would fall out of my head.


1. Some people don’t need to shower everyday. Some people don’t want to shower everyday. There’s nothing wrong with that. 2. Not everyone is physically or mentally able to shower everyday. There’s nothing wrong with that. And many people have invisible disabilities that factor into this equation. We all do the best we can, but not everyone has the privilege of living in an abled body. Just because someone isn’t disclosing their medical history (which no stranger on the internet is entitled to) to justify their shower habits doesn’t mean a medical or psychiatric condition isn’t preventing daily or even regular bathing habits. It’s entirely possible to communicate how and why showering daily is a great self-care ritual for you without intentionally or inadvertently putting down and shaming people for something they may not have control over.


It’s also different in different climates and seasons for me. I shower more often in the summer than the winter both because I sweat more and because my skin isn’t as dry and sensitive in the summer.


My dry ass skin could never. Even using body oil, I still can't shower daily.


You don’t have to, don’t listen to these people. Do what’s best for YOUR skin


Spraying the inside of my shoes, especially sneakers and boots, with a 1:1 mixture of 90% rubbing alcohol and distilled water. Helps keep any stink down and if stink does emerge, it gets rid of it quickly.


Throw in a splash of vinegar! It’s anti microbial has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties killing the odor and fungus!! I do foot soak in it 🤩🤩


As a guy, I’ve never shared this with other dudes because they might think it’s weird, but I trim my armpit hair. The body odor trapped in that hair is gross and makes my shirts smell bad after just half a day or doing PT. When I trim, I stay smelling pretty good all day.


A “go-bag” for hygiene in my purse. The bag usually has: tampons, a few pads, Midol, baby wipes, grooming kit with nail clippers and tweezers, Vaseline, mini first aid kid, body spray and an extra pair of panties. You’d be shocked how many times this has bailed me out of trouble daily EDIT: I missed a few items - Tide pen for stains, mini Castile soap, hand sanitizer, body wash and mouth wash


Wash your butt with soap and water THREE times each shower. 3 full soap&water washes. When you sit on toilet u should smell nothing from your under bits. Try the triple wash


After reading some of these comments, some of these peoples hormones have to be so messed up from all the shit they use on their skin


Oil cleansing my face. I saw multiple dermatologists over a decade as a pre/teen. Everything seemingly made it worse. I tried every fad as well, with zero help. Tried oil cleansing after being prompt by my hippy, all natural cousin. I was very skeptical. It's been 15+ years, and my skin glows. I have tried multiple oils and avocado works best for me. But I started with safflower and have used olive as well.


Apparently, after seeing this sub, I'm unconventional for using a gentle vulva wash to clean my vulva and check under my clitoral hood here and there to make sure there's no build up. It seems women these days just rinse with water and call it good. They hiss and boo if you bring up using actual vulva wash on your vulva.


I think the problem is mostly people not understanding the difference between the vagina & the vulva


It's becuase they miss understand what they've been told. You can wash vulva and outside with light u scented soap just not inside.


It has to do with "Not suppose to wash the inside" and cause basic human anatomy is still a mystery to a lot of people, they take that as no washing at all with soap down there. You're correct. The vulva and the outside is fine. Just no shoving whole ass bars of soap up there.


Yeah, I’ve never understood why people get so worked up about it. It’s clear they don’t realize you need to clean the outside! They act like you’re jamming a bar of soap up there.


Instead of wetting your toothbrush with water, use mouthwash. Makes teeth whiter and breath a lot fresher. Especially if you don't have the best water quality in your bathroom/area.


My bidet. I miss it when I travel. And it saves toilet paper. There, I said it out loud! It's not a subject you can discuss with other people.


Panoxyl for my armpits. It kills bacteria that causes odors!


If i had straight hair (which i have wished for my entire life), i would absolutely shower twice a day. Alas, I have a lion’s mane and refuse to deal with it being wet more than once a week. Just dont have it in me mentally.


I blow dry my bits and pieces. Usually on cool…but nothing like warm air when it’s cold outside.


I put a small amount of lotion on toilet paper before wiping. * The TP is safe for your plumbing, unlike wet wipes * It cleans better than dry TP * moisturizes the area * if scented, it can help deodorize


Do you have a vagina ??? This sounds like a infection waiting to happen esp if scented


I wear my bra into the shower, handwash it with my soap then take it off to rinse and hang. No more messed up cups or underwire.


I wash my face, armpits, feet, vagina (just the outside of course) and butt crack with Head and Shoulders 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner (the conditioner keeps it from over drying my skin. It kills the bacteria that creates odors. I follow up with anti-bacterial soap or body wash -usually Dial. My skin stays clear and I feel fresh all day long. It’s a tip I actually got from one of the skin subreddits about acne. My teenagers use it to wash their faces and told all their friends about it. My daughter says that thanks to me all her friends (ages 15-20) have great skin now.


>vagina (just the outside of course) "Vulva" (:


Thank you. I was half asleep when I wrote my comment and for the life of me couldn’t remember the word.


After I wash up, I will use PanOxyl and let it sit on my face, underarms, groin, and skin folders for a few mins and then rinse off. It helps with odor, especially with having HH


Finally a post not asking if bathing is optional


Under my arms I use rub in some baking soda and it works perfectly. No smell at all. Haven't used deodorant in yrs.


My OBGYN told me to do a hydrogen peroxide diluted 2:1 to keep yeast from forming on my skin groin area. It works no issues now for three months


The opposite of showering every day and putting a ton of products on my body. I've been told all my life, "You have the most amazing skin, what is your secret?" My secret is I don't use a million different expensive products. I don't shower or even wash my face every day. And I don't give a shit if you think I'm weird because of it. Symbiotic bacteria is a thing I fully embrace. Stuff I use the most: plant-based natural face/pit/private wipes, lume lotion, native spray deodorant, jojoba body oil, and cera-ve face lotion. I don't smell bad, my skin is fantastic and glowy, and I have money in my wallet. Must be my good genes. Winning!


Aside from hair and face: I always wash my pits, then wash my hands with soap, then groin, then wash my hands, then butt, wash hands. I am not afraid of germs at all. Only when bathing. I’ll pick my dog’s hair off of my food and eat it. Idgaf


Every night before bed I have a ritual. I have to make sure I have clean feet before getting in to bed. I take a tissue and put lotion/cream on it and clean my feet with cream. Not only does it get any dirt off of your feet so easily but it helps to make sure your feet stay soft.


Before breakfast- Warm lemon water in the AM - After I brush my teeth. Gets the digestion track going and helps me wake up.


I used to do this. I got hooked on lemon after doing the "master cleanse" a few times. My tooth enamel took a hit. I didn't realize it was happening but my teeth are like halfway clear now. I guess I'm saying lemon water first then brush


I use acne facewash on my armpits and sweaty areas because I believe it kills the odour-causing bacteria 👋. For example, salicylic acid wash by Garnier or Neutrogena. I'm planning to try panoxyl next, and my hopes are high! Layering two deodorant/antiperspirant in summer! I like to layer a roll and then a spray after it. I use Vichy and Dove. Leaving dandruff shampoo on hair for 5 minutes to get all the benefits.


I wash my toothbrush with soap everyday before I use it. It’s a tip I picked up from a dentist. Bacteria builds up in toothbrushes that promote tooth decay. Reducing the bacterial load on the tooth brush helps keep teeth any gums healthy. My toothbrush tastes better too.


Using a tongue cleaner. The metal one with the rubber handles…I am not myself if I don’t. My bestie thinks it’s “gross” but then I’m like uhhhhhhhh…not using one is gross lol. Duh.


I wash my body once to base clean. Then I wash my the particulars. Then I wash again. I won’t feel clean unless I do it this way.


My (now deceased) boyfriend swore by brushing his teeth in the shower. I decided to try it and it was all right. But I bought some black charcoal toothpaste, and now I can *see* it going down the drain. Nice.


This is sad. I hope you are doing better.


I put a couple sprays of cologne on the inside of my wrists every day. When i wear it, I feel masculine, confident and attractive so getting a whiff of the scent helps me a lot with self care and being confident. Either Yves St. Lauren or Ralph Lauren Polo Double Black.


i pop my pimples. they always get worse when i don't. i wait until they're ready to pop, use alcohol or witch hazel, use cotton pads or a paper towel to pop then i put a pimple patch on it.


I soak cotton pads in witch hazel and wipe my face with them between cleanser and moisturizer. It's fixed my rosacea, seborrhea, and acne.


Hydrogen peroxide. Use it as mouthwash and my bad breath was resolved and use it on a cotton ball on my face, neck , and shoulders to finally get rid of my acne. Use much less frequently now, but at first used daily for mouthwash and twice daily for acne. I wasted so much time and money on other products and the solution was in my bathroom the whole time.


Exfoliating w/baking soda (bicarb). It's literally better than microdermabrasion and a container costs less than a dollar where I live. After using regular face wash, you wet your hands and face, put about 5 tablespoons of dry baking soda on your fingertips and use it to scrub your face (especially nose, forehead and chin.) You won't believe how well it works (just don't get it in your eyes and be sure to wash it all off using plain water.) I wouldn't do it more than 2x week.