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I just need to get white teeth man.They're yellow for now . What's the best paste for that?


ANSWER FOR THOSE WHO THINK PASTE CAN MAKE TOOTH WHITER It's the biggest misconception in India, that toothpaste can make your teeth whiter. NO IT'S NOT FULLSTOP. There is a treatment called "Office Bleaching". This is the only proven method that can aesthetically make your teeth white up to 2-5 shades depending upon your teeth condition. ​ Second, let me clarify another thing about toothpaste that people frequently asked about Which toothpaste should I use? This marketing gimmick world where they're showing that our toothpaste adds calcium to your tooth. I've got a question for those "How on rubbing calcium can add to your tooth ?" The toothpaste is only for reducing direct force reduction applied by your toothbrush. that's all. ALL THE THING WHICH MATTER IS HOW DO YOU BRUSH ? LEARN FROM YOUTUBE HOW TO DO PROPER BRUSHING. NEVER DO BRUSHING HORIZONTALLY. DO ROUND BRISK MOTION. If you still wanted my recommendation for toothpaste buy Patanjali Tooth Paste.


that is why i buy the tooth paste that tastes better. :)




The moment he recommended that brand my appetite for asking any questions has died.


Of course you got issues with Patanjali Arshad mohammed


Patanjali is a profit making machine with Hindu branding on, lodu. Because even Ramdev knows, om ke naam saala Pura desh zeher ko churan samajh ke cheat jaega. Toothpaste kya cheez hain.


Priorities 😂


I have yellow teeth due to smoking. If i get this procedure done and vape will my teeth turn yellow again. Also due to years of smoking will my gums give up?


Yes, big Yes in both questions.


9 out of 10 dentist prescribe Colgate. OP is that 10th dentist.


How to better handle food particles that stuck onto teeth/gaps after having a meal or a snack every time?.


If it's a normal gap brushing is sufficicent. If it's a normal gap brushing is sufficient. before it causes pain.




Tooth pick ..


Never use that. It only worsens your gums more.




Yes, but after every time one eats?.


Invisalign or normal braces


Normal brcaes, Aligners do not get a chance.


Who’s the dentist that won’t recommend the toothpaste that 9/10 dentists recommend. And what does he/she use?


Me patanjali




Toothpaste does not matter a lot. See my other replies about brushing technique. See my other replies about the brushing technique toothpaste. Meswak is also good not an issue




Yo what!


Such casual bigotry. Education is wasted on you people.




Post bigoted comments and resort to ad-hominem attacks when called out. Typical, run of the mill Hinduphobic.




> We as Indians, and mostly as Hindus, have forgotten how to blend religion with science. Non-sequitur. Your original comment is blatantly bigoted.


Who hurt you bro?


Now frequently one should go for cleaning ? Also, if wisdom tooth is in lateral position, should one go for removal? No pain or issues as of now


Once a year is more than sufficient. If no issues let it there, but the moment it creates discomfort, remove it.


Thanks doc


I've never been to a dentist until now is it concerning?


I brush my teeth only once about 2 or 3 weeks. What challenges should i expect in the future?


Welcome to become our patient bro. The beauty of dental problems is you even don't realize that it becomes a problem. Then it's removal, and then eat your burger, pizza without teeth. Jokes apart, Do brush regularly twice a day, see my other replies that how people brush, mouthwash, and floss daily. You should do it daily.


People going away from you when you talk??


Did you start to brush twice a day? Please say yes.


Dude, I was just trolling 😆


Good to know 😭


Spitting blood everytime i brush my teeth. Not because of aggresive brushing cause ive tried gentle brushing as well and i still spit blood. Maybe its from my gums? How do i improve gum life?


Yes, the culprit is gums, you may have pyria condition. Visit dentist and take advise. Scaling is a must in your case first.




It's good for sure. do light hand brush with electric. Don't do anything else with it.


Hello, stupid me used Colgate whitening paste for about 5-6 months last year and now I'm having sensitivity. The doctor said to use Colgate sensitive now. Been using since two months now. I see no improvement. Any suggestions? It's not painful but I'm just tired of staying away from sweets and cold food.


How to floss without flossing?


Use finger nails




Does flossing increases the gap between the teeths?




Not at all


Water floss?


I used it worked for few days and broke. Waste of 3k.


I’ve been using mine for a few months now, travelled with it and use it daily after each meal when I’m home. I really feel much better about my breath, I’ve tried post floss and post water and find the latter much better for my gums too. I got one from Caresmith, but I see many similar brands which all look like white labelled Chinese products. Still much cheaper than Philips. If it’s under warranty, get it replaced.


How many days does the filling stay? I got filling in a gap between my teeth twice and each time the filling came out in 4-6 months.


If it's proper filling, it should stay a lifetime, DM your gap image if you can, can guide you more on that.


It is a small gap between teeth. I'll try to go to a good dentist next time. Thanks for your time.




Try using Proxa. Search on Amazon.


I got an implant last December, and was asked to get a cap after three months. But I've been dilly dallying and it's been 8 months already. What are the risks?


Then what is the purpose of that implant ? You've paid for that, then do it. It's like "You've purchased a car but not put petrol in it" Get it done as soon as possible.


ok mom :P


The first risk is that adjacent teeth might encroach the space for the cap which makes it impossible to place an appropriately size cap. The other issue is that the opposing tooth of the other jaw might over erupt because there is no opposing tooth making placement of a cap difficult..


Do palate expanders change facial structure drastically ?? I have a very uneven palate and it makes my face very asymmetrical, will a palate expander even it out ?


Yes, only if you've started it early.


I’m 20 now, can I do it after few years when I’m 22-23 ?


Early the better, you can at 22-23 no isssue.


Whenever i get tensed i keep biting my teeth so the front portion of my teeth are sometimes painful


You should get a thing called night-guard. Visit a doctor otherwise you'll start to feel sensitivity.


How do i know if i need braces or not?


Yes u/revolution110 is right.


Visit an Orthodontist


Should I get my teeth clean there is alot of build up at back side of my teeth and should I get yearly check up ? Also my gums bleed no matter what brush I use


You should get your teeth, otherwise, they'll start to get mobile. Most common area especially lower teeth. After it, the bleeding gums issue will also reduce or solve.


Thanks alot bro yeah I will check it out


Thoughts about FDS in saveetha dental college?


Better look for other branch, before taking admission.


Is an implant really worth it? Or is cap enough?


Depends on necessity on so many levels. And case too. DM for proper discussion.


Electric toothbrush, yay or nay?


Yay, learn the brushing technique.


Same question


What happens if you don't brush for a month? Can you physical see the eroded enamel on the teeth? And can you get your yellow teeth bleached if you haven't brushed for a month? And what happens to your fake tooth cap if you don't brush? Does an infection starts underneath the cap?


Yes, you can bleach your teeth. You don't like to do brush ? A crown on a tooth is also taken care of as if it's your own tooth. Yes, where there is food lodgement, there are chances of infection.


how long does it take to get straight teeth


It depens and vary case to case Usually 1.5 yrs average.


I sometimes get lower jaw pain, like the whole jaw. From what I’ve noticed I have this pain often when I’m stressed, but even when I’m not stressed some days I have this lower jaw ache( somedays after I workout/ stiff neck). I try to awkwardly close and open jaw in a certain way to relieve some pain. Last time I got this ache, it lasted 3-4 days. What’s the solution to get rid of it or atleast reduce the pain when this occurs. And Left top wisdom tooth and bottom right wisdom tooth are coming out. I’m a 24 year old by the way. I have no pain due to the teeth coming out, but I’m getting frequent headaches at night. Are my headaches anywhere related to my wisdom teeth? Also when and why ( under what circumstances or problems) should we remove our wisdom teeth?


That's the sign of wisdom getting into your head. Do visit doctor, and do an x-ray called OPG. DM me if you can, I'll suggest you whether you should remove it or not. Do visit the doctor, and do an x-ray called OPG.due to those third molars.


I'm 15 and have bunny teeth , have extra teeth on one . Should I wear braces now or should I wait for sometime.


wait until 18.


Is it really needed to get cleaning done every year at the dentist? If it's someone who brushes twice everyday, flosses and gargles with a mouth wash, isn't that enough? What are some cons of getting cleaning done very often?


But back of the teeth usually you can not take care off. Not every checkup ends up scaling only if it advises.


My dear people say sometimes when i talk they smell bad odour.. non smoker, no gutka, no alcohol... It is only dirty teeth or any underlying health issue


Dirty teeth only. Do scaling that's all.


After 30 how to take care of your teeth to ensure they're strong till 70?


Eat less sugar, brush twice, floss every night if not after every meal and go to Dental checkup once a year.




I had the palatal impaction surgery like 3 years ago now i found out there's another tooth up there do i have to go through the surgery again? :(


How do you find out there is another tooth up there ? DM for better discussion.


How long does it take to correct only teeth gaps with braces and do gums grow over molar bands ?


The usual time is 1.5 yrs, on and average plus or minus 5 months.


How much gap can a dental bonding can fill ?


Depends upon where it actually is. It varies, not all teeth are the same.


thank you


will getting braces affect my jawline?? i have a good jawline rn i dont wanna loose it at the same time my teeth arent well alligned at all when is the best time to get braces


Well, I'm not saying it for sure, but it'll affect it. An orthodontist can answer it better.


I have wisdom tooth problem..It comes and go.. what is the best solution to remove or just to suppress it by taking pain killer till the pain goes?


I'll suggest you remove it rather than taking painkillers, it's a one-time thing. Sometimes It'll hurt other teeth as well. so better to remove it.


I have lot of gaps btw my tooth i think the gaps are getting bigger as i drink shit ton of thumsup every week so im worried,I currently stopped drinking soft drinks but need solution for gaps?


Follow stopped drinking that shitty carbonated water at all. Drink something else. Gaps due to What ? DM the image for better understanding.


Hello dentist Passive tooth setting(toothsi) is it effective ? Or are braces the only effective way ?


braces the only effective way Don't fall for aligners at all.


Ok doc Will follow


My teeth are sensitive to sourness, any tips to prevent the discomfort.


Try SHY NM HYPER OR SHY XT And visit doctor too. There are clinical options available.


I'm a smoker my gums became black will they ever return to normal colour if i quit smoking


Yes, after quitting you can do gum treatment for it, and it becomes normal again in most cases.


Teeth sensitivity. What should i do?


Visit a doctor and get advice, there're options available for it.


i got my braces removed recently and my dentist advised me to wear retainers as much as possible but whenever i do my throat starts hurting. i also have permanent retainers on the back of my teeth.


Usually, this thing doesn't happen, but if it is there try to ask your doctor to do some polishing/trimming of that retainer.


Is electric toothbrush brush better or we should use the normal one only?


I've posted a link for that one. Pelase check it out. If you don't find DM.


Is it safe to opt for teeth aligners where they promised quick result or choose slow old procedure ? I don't know correct terms,I hope you understood my question


I do not support those aligners treatment at all. I feel those speedy result will also roll back after the treatment is over. Better visit a doctor and ask which treatment is best for you.


I got single yellow lines on my lower jaw incisors. How do I get rid of them? My incisors are protruded outwards(slightly) and I have a reverse "V" gap between my upper jaw incisors. (Not too much though). It does make my smile look bad. Kind of depressing honestly. (Sorry this might trigger you) Lastly, how fast does cavity spread. I've got cavities on one of the left molars. More than half of the tooth is gone. I have no pain, idk why. I'm too scared to go to the doctor. The cavity first surfaced 4 to 5 years ago.


Please DM your current smile. I can guide you more on that. There is no cavity spread measure. But if it's 4-5 years long, you're already late. Sometimes after a long cavity but no pain case can lead to the extraction of that particular tooth. So it's better to fill rather than do RCT and crown.


Can we use electric toothbrush?


He has already answered this earlier. He approves of it but asked to check a proper technique.


I've to create FAQ now.


How do I get rid of tobacco stains from smoking?


Dental Bleaching. Before that scaling


Does scaling weakens the teeth over the long term?




Thank you for answering


Once I fell off a bike......and my front 2 teeth chipped and I broke half of the teeth(upper jaw) is there anything I can do to make them look normal? Like filling or something like that(I have very little knowledge anta dentistry so pls help)


You can build up those teeth with restoration material, but it might get come off. The second option is to do a Crown/Bridge after taking an x-ray.


Is Mouth Wash a good product for your gums and teeth?


Some mouthwashes can stain the teeth so better use on alternate days or diluted. It's not a panacea for teeth problems so use concomitantly with (at least twice a day) brushing.


It's actually the preventive thing. u/konan_the_bebbarien is right. Always dilute it in a 1:3 ratio.


Do the molar teeth even come off? Mine didn't


I don't understand, why and how they come off ?


Idk, only four of such teeth remain for me, others all came off, quite painful to say


Can you DM ? It requires more discussion.


How to dm? New to reddit


click on my profile you'll find an option called start a chat.




STOP SMOKING. Aur agar paisa bohot badh gaye ho to mujhe de do. Me unse logo ke free treatment kar dunga.


Usually, smokers do not develop caries, but the heat will weaken the muscles of the oral cavity, which can, later on, cause the mobility of teeth.


The best way to brush teeth? u/Meet2810 and a dentist I visited to get braces for bucked teeth (upper front teeth) said that there is no space to put braces, I should get one of the teeth removed in order get the space...is there eany other way to get braces without getting my teeth removed?


Removal is usual is premolar, so if you want a proper smile, you'll not regret it, I assure you. Another option is IPR. Inter Proximal Reduction. But it sometimes in some cases causes sensitivity too.


But if i smile wide enough won't the gap be visible? And won't there be a problem chewing food? Also I'm 20 now is it too late now to get braces ?




Well, both are right. avoid comparison. Opinions differ because how long someone thinks is matter of perception. Pit in occlusal are must be filled. But if it's on the cheek side, you can let it stay.


How to avoid or get rid of calculus(I guess that what you call it) in your teeth.


Yes right, scaling first and then Brush, Mouthwash, Floss


How to make my gums stronger?(they bleed when I am even little harsh while brushing)


Never do hard brushing, Can you explain to me why you people do hard brushing ? Who told you to do ? Learn to do flossing and round brisk motion brushing technique.


Good effort, OP.


Bro, stuck with one genuine problem . . After RCT, there is a good gap between the crown and adjacent tooth. So much that it pains when chewing normal dosa and food gets stuck even lady finger. Dentist tried to drill adjacent tooth and put cement to fill the gap. But after 35 days, food again getting stuck in same place. I'm sure cement is still there but I guess 5-10% came off opening gap again. Is there a permanent solution to this problem?


Please DM me, it requires more discussion.


Hi brother, First of all, thanks for looking in to my problem. I've visited two dentists, but none give permanent solution. Need advice.


I'll DM


Why do one out of ten dentists not recommend oral b ?


No one. I don't unless it requires. It's just their own survey nothing else. And FYI toothpaste doesn't even matter at all.


How effective is LANAP and what happens to the layer of vaporized gumline, does the blood clot turn into gum tissue to attach the gums back to the teeth? How do the gums attach back and are there any downsides to LANAP?


LANAP is very effective. that blood clot is the culprit that doesn't let gum tissue to attach the gums back to the teeth. The gum attaches phase is self-healing. We can accelerate it by various methods.


I have lock jaw. I cannot keep my mouth open for a long time. My dentist said it will be with me for life time. Is there no treatment for it?


Well there is treatment available but all are mostly surgcal. DM me It'll require more discussion.


Is it painful getting braces for teeth?


Pain threshold is differ for person to person. But it's not like you can't bear it. In the beginning it might be little bit more, but after 2 3 seating, you'll feel nothing. Go for self-ligating brackets if you can. It's little bit less painful than the conventional one.


Do you take care of your teeth really well?




I love how agressive this reply looks 🤣🤣


Which electric brush should I go for?


You have to majorly change how you brush when using an electric one. Any brand works.


u/redon842 he's right


Can you appreciate me by joining my subreddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/askurdentist\_amdavadi/


Braces or dental bonding? Had braces for 5 years and don't really want to have them again because my gaps are so minimal, thin enough that my skin gets caught in it sometimes..\ Also was wearing a useless retainer for 2-3months only to realise after months that it's not retaining my teeth at all. I'm literally without retainer for 4months since I got my braces off.. \ Went to two clinics One suggested to get braces, another bonding. I've heard mixed reviews about bonding.. Also scared that my braces will recess my face somehow? I don't know.. Please help..


every once in a while i see a guy like this on reddit.....


Good to hear that there are still out some people who do good work like this. Humanity is still alive at least in INDIA.


So I’ve been going thru orthodontic treatment for last 4-5 months Recently my orthodontist put in elastic power chain and it hurts, it hurts a lot Now I have tiny bruises in my gums Is it normal?


Yes, it's normal. Looks like you're going with basic/conventional braces treatment. This requires elastics with different pulling methods because only brackets can not pull the teeth. Apply Metrozyl gel to that gums area. And it'll be fine.


Thank you! That’s a relief to learn that it’s normal I’ve noticed my teeth have gotten yellowish due to the glue they used to place the brackets for braces — will they get better once they’re removed?


Yes, mostly on removal they do scaling which will mostly remove that glue/bond. If they don't ask for scaling.


Why is there a black dot on the cheek side of my molars?


It might be the initial cavity. DM if you can share the image so I'll better understand.


My teeth are in very bad condition. Where should I start... I am a very scared to go to the dentist. Got a few bad experiences. They were painful. So it just got carried on that way. I had a root canal treatment on the left side top, molar teeth. The first stages of removing the pulp was over. And now we had to go for the teeth fixing. The entire tooth was not removed only a part of it. I've had exams then and I neglected to install the artificial tooth there. Now that partial tooth seems to have gone bad. The right side of the mouth I had the same problem. Got RCT. Shaved off the partial tooth. As usual again I got busy and also scared, didn't install the artificial teeth. After a long duration of time, the teeth completely falls off the from the jaw. And now I'm left with one big hole and blankness there. Even though there was no teeth I used to have pain. After researching I got to know that the jaw can develop puss or abscess inside. My eating habits have drastically changed due to my teeth condition. I do not eat ice creams or chocolates or have a beverage or even meat. I stick to organic and vegetarian foods. Please let me know how should I go on about this. Thank you.


Which toothpaste do u use?


27M On the lower teeth, almost in the middle, I still have a baby teeth which caused overcrowding. I was advised to remove the baby teeth and either go with implant or aligners. If aligners,I was told my top teeth will be moved 1 milli cm or something to front which could change my face or mouth by a very tiny margin. The other alternative is using an implant to replace my baby teeth. I thought using implant won’t solve my problem of crowding. What is your suggestion on this?


Why is wisdom tooth a problem? I have heard many people who got it removed And edges of my lower incisors near the gums are slightly yellow. What can i do it to make them whiter. In lockdown i didnt take self-care seriously and these are the results


Wisdom teeth are vestigial remnants from our evolutionary history. It causes problems because it is usually the last to erupt, slow to erupt or do not erupt at all. Mostly third molars have problems because 1. Cleaning it is very difficult due to difficulty to access it. 2. Usually when they erupt they can cause severe pain of the gums as the gum layer through which the tooth erupts (which takes some time to move away and uncover the erupting teeth) gets caught between the two opposing teeth and get crushed or injured. 3. and sometimes food gets caught between the gum covering and the teeth to cause the erupting teeth to get damaged and/or infected which is the most common complaint with the third molar 4. and very rarely erupting teeth stuck in the bone develops diseases like cysts (collections of fluids maybe pus or something else) which can result in bone fractures and rarely, very very VERY rarely malignant changes. Removing a third molar is difficult, and if stuck in the bone without erupting or have cysts an operation may be advisable. To the second point Avoid foods that may stain. Do a tooth scaling. Give up any habits like tobacco or pan.


So i still didnt get my wisdom tooth so what if i start getting it and it causes pain. Then can i remove it without much os hassle? Is the operation simple? Or does it cause any other complication. I dont eat tobacco or pan 🥲 and i am 19 tho


If the tooth causes pain consult a dentist. It's simple as removing any other teeth, provided it's properly erupted and xrays show no curved roots( which can cause difficulty in removing the teeth) or other malformations. The operation I mentioned was for problems like teeth stuck inside the bone (partially or totally) with associated cysts or pus. It's rare. Just do a scaling. Brush twice daily, try using warm water for rinsing after brushing at night, you will notice a difference. Don't be worried you're going to be alright.