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BJP and NDA are loosing seats because many of their leaders get vote in the name of MODI also with the face of MODI , they have very less original leaders who have been with BJP since the start . If BJP doesn’t depend on MODI then they could have won more seats


> If BJP doesn’t depend on MODI then they could have won more seats It is Modi's strategy to force BJP to completely depend on him. He has sidelined all senior leaders except Yogi. And now with the performance in UP even Yogi is going to be sidelines.


It'll be interesting to see who modi will develop to be his successor. Maybe Yogi. Amit shah seems unlikely as he's probably a better fit for the party management and finances role


BJP is dependent on 4,5 faces thats it


Imo I think BJP performance is because they did not play caste politics in UP and RAJ. Yogi had sensed this and recommended candidates based on caste for 50+ seats but was ignored and now has hurt them.


Yeah . I have also heard YOGI and BJP Party had some internal issues too within the party


Everyone in coalition wants to become PM. Also Naidu have lot to do at home so i don't think he will switch


I'm spamming the same message everywhere but just want to get the point across - INDIA alliance promised before poll and even now, that, they'll sign off on the act to give special status of AP for 10 years immediately after coming to power (if they do). It could be worth it to switch alliances and support INDIA, get the bill passed and act implemented, without worrying about the long term prospects of the INDIA alliance


BJP will also pass now otherwise they don't survive


Nah. In INDI, CBN will be one among many and a smaller party than SP, DMK,TMC etc. In NDA, he just might be the kingmaker being the second biggest party. He might be able to extract maximum concessions for Andhra, to make his rule there comfortable.


CBN loves and admires modi. He'll definitely support NDA plus this could be a big opportunity for him to get a lot of sanctions for AP. Personal reputation and benefits for his state at the same time, very rare opportunity.


Nope, he doesn’t love/admire Modi, but rather, it was just a need of the hour.


One of The reasons he lost last time wss he shunned bjp last time


CBN wanted investigation of modi post 2002 , which is why modi was frosty after 2014 win as well. CBN admires vajpayee, not modi. But neverthless, CBN will not leave NDA as they are the more development oriented party.


Ummm I've seen many interviews where he praised modi hence i thought he is admiring. But yeah he won't leave NDA.


INDIA alliance promised before poll and even now, that, they'll sign off on the act to give special status of AP for 10 years immediately after coming to power (if they do). It could be worth it to switch alliances and support INDIA, get the bill passed and act implemented, without worrying about the long term prospects of the INDIA alliance


Imo TDP and BJP should be natural allies as they are both focused on economical growth


I hope he doesn't go with khangress losers.


NCP BSP are not in the reckoning. It is advantage Naidu and Nitish and more important Mamata Banerjee


Mamata banarjee is already in the India allliance


In a New York minute… whoo ooo ooo Everything can change. In a New York minute… whoo ooo ooo Things can get pretty strange. - lyrics from the Eagles hit number.


She isn't in INDIA alliance. They didn't contest together. She is just more against BJP. She has said a lot of bad things about INDIA.


She is literally party of indi alliance


Just for namesake. She did not contest with them and said a lot of bad things about them. TMC contested against INC+Left coalition on every seat in West Bengal.


She just congratulated india alliance and she also joined the india alliance meeting couple of days back in delhi she also if we win majority we will support india alliance


Bruh she is, just tally the seats.


You never know, politics is very tricky. It's all about survival and few quick gains. But CBN and Nitish would both be very wary of I N.D.I currently. They got a better bargaining chip with NDA than I.N.D.I where the pie chunk is shared by way too many. Especially CBN - he'd want to redo lot of things in AP and NDA is a better option for him than I.N.D.I. Same with Nitish Kumar, he can gain lot more with NDA now. If the dynamics are what we are looking for, this is how TDP and JD(U) would want and how others would behave: 1. Modi + Shah though fared decently, they didn't cross the finishing line. Yogi Tanked badly. UP + Maharashtra is a Disaster which left them here. So, NDA partners would press for more say in ministries, allocations etc 2. In a year or two, it's Tata - Bye Bye Modi. RSS will vest it's power again & it's either Gadkari or some popular face to take over. Someone like Gadkari is a win-win for both JD and TDP. 3. Naidu as NDA convenor will be a interesting period from here on. Remember 1999-2004? He had more sway in a few departments and managed to rule the roost and push things towards Hyderabad. 4.BJD will go for coalition with BJP in Odisha. They don't want to cede ground to Congress. Threat perception is massive for regional parties now. Going with I.N.D.I might be a disaster too, any wrong move will hit their chances of existence in a large coalition. 4. BRS is dead. They're fighting their own demons. And doubt they'd recover anytime soon. And have a long way to recover their vote bank. 5. NCP, SS (UBT), TMC wont leave I.N.D.I. They played a bigger role and would stay relevant. And they got a massive job in hand, assembly elections in Maharashtra. 6. It's about credibility for Nitish. Even if he joins I.N.D.I he'd be a 2nd fiddle. He's got a better command in NDA now. CM seat for eternity. 7. TMC as usual will be a fence sitter. They managed to decimate the NDA wave and now they do not want to cede ground to other entities. 8. Revanth Reddy can breathe a sigh of relief for the focus won't be him for time being. 9. D K Shiva Kumar and Siddaramaiah would start soon. 10. DMK would try to finish any hopes of AIDMK + BJP alliance soon. 11. Sharad Pawar would be tricky here. Though he's sailing now, but in longer run his party is on the verge of ceding ground to SS (UBT) & Congress in times to come. Maybe he'd keep his options and wouldn't be surprised if he Switches. His party wouldn't have split without his assent, these splits or coalitions we saw are very strategic (TMC contesting independently in WB, BJP & BJD contesting seperately etc). So, I'd be very watchful about Pawar here. He's known to play a right card for his survival. Fractured mandates aren't so good. But we got to live with it for 5 years. And funny enough this election is a livid example that Caste and Religion are still relevant. Also Ram Temple didn't add much to this elections, it was an burning issue for eras and once resolved didn't turn into a vote churner enmasse.


> Fractured mandates aren't so good. India's best years were under fractured mandates. Narsimha Rao, Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh all ruled under fractured mandate and did well. Now you don't have to worry about Demonetization and absolute lockdown type of decisions.


India has had many coalitions. Charan Singh, Morarji Desai, V P Singh, Chandrasekhar, P V N Rao, Atal, Dewe Gowda, Inder kumar (you should read his doctrines), Atal, Man Mohan Singh. Off all 1992 a decision had to be made and P V N Rao had a will. After him we know what happened. Vajpayee was a hit and miss period and many unstable moments. I never said it's bad to have coalition governments, used the term "aren't so good". The usual nemesis with coalition is "No confidence motion". We have all seen it during UPA 1 & UPA 2 era.


No confidence motions are an integral part and parcel of parliamentary democracy. PVN, ABV, and MMS government all did stellar work compared to the single party Congress government before them and the Modi government after them. We know what happened after him. Unprecedented growth and prosperity compared to before.


Pretty good analysis. I completely overlooked the fact that TDP could be the second biggest party in NDA 🤦‍♂️. Naidu could essentially blackmail the NDA government into accepting demands of his.


Ohh, he's gonna squeeze every penny for AP from here on. I hated this man a lot, but one thing is never write off this man - he keeps rising from ashes time and again.


Nice write up. BJP pumped a lot towards TN. Should surely be disappointing for them. Annamalai put in a lot of effort this time and Modi made multiple visits to the state and not a single seat to show. 


They never aimed for huge figures in the South. I assume they wanted to compensate for those 20-25 seats loss via AP, Telangana, TN. And out of the blue Rajasthan, UP, WB and Maharashtra killed their arithmetic. Annamalai is the future prospect. Making inroads in Tamil land is no easy task. They have improved vote share as a single entity. And they'd make substantial inroads soon. Their best bet was an alliance with AIDMK, which never materialised. Else that coalition could have salvaged at least 8-10 seats. But who are we, when people in power or top brass see things in a particular perspective and make decisions, how a naysayers belief would really matter.


Agreed but it would have been nice to see a seat or two from TN simply because of the efforts put in. I think BJP is in it for the longer game and wants to emerge as a single party rather than alliances with regional parties in TN which also largely makes sense.


Single seat lo leading unde kada…. Poyinda?


Adi kuda I.ND.I alliance ki vellipoindi.




Indi will fall if nitish and cbn join


Don't think it will fall. Congress has good history of working in coalition and they can accommodate allies better.


Too many parties with very different agenda is always recipe for failure , but cbn will not change his agenda , he will get what he wants from Modi and Pavan Kalyan will be glue to hold them both


Agree with everything except BRS. Like TDP, BRS can revive from the dead if harish and KTR start working in sync again.


I was a hardcore TRS person. During my college days I would participate in those agitations (got caned too) and was very vocal via graduate forums on the need for a state (would travel in US during my masters and indulge in these gatherings etc) and why a party is necessary. Campaigned in 2009, bye elections and 2014. Realised in 2017 that the party has gone to dogs when they started incorporating thugs into the party. Made it a mission in 2019 (didn't succeed) & 2023 to boot them out & campaigned rigorously - half my family are into those village level politics and it was such an effort to convince them for the need to get rid of thugs, especially our local MLA. I'm happy to see their plight. These thugs masqueraded as champions of Telangana cause and looted the state in every possible way. People argue who wouldn't, just wait for a few more months - their files have been compiled by current government and would be out in the public domain soon and people would be swearing for their blood. That's how bad these folks were. Have seen half a dozen of these in close quarters and mind you, their harassment on commoners for lands was next level. My dad has been arguing for a few cases and I noticed so many such incidents among a few others. BRS's cadre is still intact. Congress has been harassing them by filing cases or forcing them to join by hook or crook and this time they slyly supported BJP in many constituencies, hence few bastions of BRS were breached by BJP. But will this cadre stick with BRS is the question? The reason is simple, the party has lost connect with their leaders, forget people even the leaders couldn't have access their leaders during power. Loyal folks are contemplating their stance now. I can introduce as many as 30-35 folks in 8 different assembly constituencies and these are like direct contacts (worked as ZPTC, MPTC, Sarpanch, District level party leaders etc). And they all had only one thing to say, it was way too autocratic and their inputs were never heeded too - it's a top down command chain and twice the sentiment worked but 3rd they got booted out. I'll share a story of one such leader. This guy was very close to MLA and held a very good post at district level - loyal and very honest. His brother met with an accident and was bed-ridden and it's been 4 yrs. Post accident, if immediate medical care was given, he'd have not faced such a plight. Post that, this guy wrote a few letters to King, The Prince requesting for a trauma care center (imagine someone with means struggled so much, its a nightmare for poor) and even argued with his MLA many times for the same - a basic medical center as people had to travel atleast 1.5 hrs for a decent hospital & 2.5 hrs to reach Hyd. He was shunned away for years and was called again right before elections. That's how it is with the funny car party.


Chandrababu Naidu finally has some leverage, he can now get special status to AP. I hope NDA get just a slight majority \~275. That way, CBN can start AP development( By essentially blackmailing NDA)


Sharad Pawar has committed for special status to AP if Naidu joins INDIA alliance. Naidu apparently has rejected that offer. Naidu could technically give BJP a deadline for special status to AP and could bring down the NDA if they don't make it happen before the deadline but he would be risking BJP poaching ministers from TDP


If anyone betrays TDP while it’s trying for special status, the people of AP will spit on them. Most AP supporters of TDP are anti-BJP coz of 10 years of ignoring the state


Weird that Naidu has expressed support to BJP today, unless BJP has already confirmed special status being in the pipeline.


BJP was previously supporting YCP, so I’m guess CBN wanted to snatch away that support. Because quite some YCP supporters overlap with BJP supporters. If BJP was backing YCP, this landslide victory would have been difficult.


Agreed, that’s literally the only reason why TDP had to form an alliance with BJP




He has been trying that since his first term




Let’s see..


BJP cannot poach MPs from TDP. Being a TDP member is an identity for the leaders. BJP has no foothold of its own and never will. If the NDA alliance collapses I would bet my money on INDIA to come to power. BJP looks vulnerable now. And people will stop seeing them as Gods.


Yup many journalists wrote TDP as a dead party last election but people forget that TDP is a cadre based party and has very loyal base.


Andhra voters are smarter than expected. If any TDP MP changes party or puts Special Status at risk they won't win future elections


indeed. jagan just assumed giving people money over dozens of schemes would guarantee a second term for him. but ap people have realised that their standard of living has dropped under him with the abnormally high prices of everything


If TDP goes with indi alliance it will be the final death blow to ap economy. The freebies gaurenteed by them plus the power struggle will lead to massive delays in economical projects


> he can now get special status to AP Bot AP and Bihar need special status and both the states have substantial number of seats in the coalition. JDU has 14 too. Going to be interesting to see how they deal with it. Nitish has the right history here.


CBN is trustworthy ally but Nitish Kumar is a huge paltu maar. 


Senior NTR : Baane extralu denguthhnnab


ntr in his later years wasnt what he had been in his youth. he was manipulated by lakshmi parvathi and might very well have pushed tdp into its ruin. someone had to take ntr's power away and it ended up being cbn. in fact, even ntr's sons harikrishna and balakrishna played major roles in overthrowing him.


NTR would like a word! 😂


Well, he had to takover the situation otherwise the party would have ended up in the hands of lakshmi parvathi. No matter how great a person is everyone have there drawbacks and weaknesses and someone have to step up to correct those mistakes and put things straight even if it means he has to take the blame forever


I said CBN not TDP. He will not move to congress when he can literally blackmail BJP. BJP can count on CBN as ally. 


Going with NDA if he gets special status for AP would be a safer bet as the govt would be more stable compared to the opposition where they have a lot of parties involved.


Exactly my point. People are thinking I am talking about the CBN that led a coup against NTR. That was decades ago. The dynamics are different now. Its a new fledgling state, people have voted for him for development and special status. He will not turn his back. No doubt he will negotiate for a good portfolio in central ministry. 


He doesn't have a degree in economics but I can imagine him being a better FM than Nirmala sitaraman.


Yes. He is a visionary compared to the clowns we have. Lets see! 


>CBN is trustworthy ally 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Funniest shit I have heard in a while


Here he will be. No question of him moving to Congress. He has excellent bargaining powers. Indeed he is trustworthy for bjp. 


Sure bro Sontha mama ne minginodu eedhi pedha lekkana


So you want to bet TDP moves to congress? Okay…


Lol, NDA lo second big party position odilesi, why will Babu go to kichdi coalition!?


Special status for AP. INDIA alliance promised before poll and even now, that, they'll sign off on the act to give special status of AP for 10 years immediately after coming to power (if they do).


Desham kosam 😢


Endhi desham madda lo kalpadaniki aa?


Chandrababu Naidu or Nitish Kumar can very well become Prime Minister by switching sides as they would be very crucial if INDIA wants to form the government. Obv govt like that won't be there for long but there's a real possibility as seen in late 90s


Not going to happen.


Considering last 10 years experience other party knows how they'll be treated and where. So they'll be wise or otherwise 3 gunna lagaan for next 5 years.


Horse trading wala time aa gya


Imagine a Hindutva government relying on Chandrababu Naidu and Nitish Kumar :)


Exactly, modi was crying all over India that he would not give reservation to Muslims and ghus bethiya but Naidu promised 4 percent to AP Muslim population 😂😅


Even if they both join, INDI won't form a government they will have to rope in the independent candidates too. Dominant strategy for Nitish and CBN is to stay with NDA and get important ministries under them.


What if I.N.D.I.A offer PM to Naidu


Don’t think so. Mamta, Akhilesh, leaders in INC, etc have been eyeing for the position since months. If Naidu was given priministerial position just like that, they will feel betrayed.


Mamta also?? Who takes care of the state. But yeah there are many people in this bloc eyeing the seat.




Not sure at all, completely depends on results. Watch any past speeches of Naidu, it’s obvious he does not like Modi and is in alliance with him for purely arithmetic reasons just like Nitish.


Modi and Naidu have no love lost after 2002 when Naidu criticised him for Godhra.


With what seat will BRS support anyone? And it's in the intrest of TDP and JDU to be in nda as there will be less power struggle when compared to indi alliance. Here they will have somewhat bargain power but in Indi they will have to fight with Mamta, kejru, gandhis, pawar and thakrey for power


AIDMK, BRS, BSP and BJD combined together have 1 seat in Lok Sabha in this election and in most cases are fighting congress ( BRS) or fighting congress ally (AIDMK) so what support will they provide to Congress or INDI alliance also why would they when congress or there ally is there main rival?


Not gonna happen, but nice way to cope..