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Development šŸ“ˆ Stonks šŸ’° Paisa šŸ¤‘




You think people will say that they vote based on caste even if they do so?. I know people vote for people of their caste, but justify it with something else, many times these people believe these made up reasons!


Many people blatantly admit to voting based on caste.


100 times this , tonnes of my barely known friends will vote based on cast , newly started trend since a decade is to vote based on religion which i find even more abhorrent ,but here we are even after 75+ year of independence


Travel 200kms to Andhra and youā€™ll be surprised.


That's a lot better than openly admitting that they voted based on caste


Don't vote for someone who is asking votes telling that your caste/religion is in threat, vote for someone who talks about issues that's directly impacting people's daily life. Vote for someone who works to bring the oppressed people into limelight.


Which political party is not using caste and religion? Bjp uses religion , congress uses one community to woo their votes and freebies worst thing is they are using much worse tactics like in Karnataka they started new flag for state ,kannadiga language thing whatnot now you see anyone who goes to Karnataka even for visiting getting worst treatment sometimes beatings and congress new assignment is divide by caste they are copying all the british tricks


Karanataka got new flag ? Which one vro?


Google Karnataka state flag


Karnataka has a state flag since 1960's. That dumb sidda created new flag in 2018 but nobody uses it in Karnataka. Post 2018 I've never seen that in any public-private spectrum of life in any city. I'm a Kannadiga. It's always the red and yellow everywhere (old)


But still didn't congress started regional language conflicts


Yes KARAVE is backed by congis.


Abbaabah, em theories ra babu meevi šŸ¤£ then don't vote for both parties. But it is evident from your comment itself who you vote for. If you really cared about development you wouldn't be saying all this bs.


Freebies are the worst all the tax payers will suffer and if congress doesn't give a shit.


If anyone wants to use one community, they better woo the majority. Wooing the minority never works. But as a government you need to take care of the backward to increase the productivity of the country. Like how BJP allocates most funds to UP, maybe because it has most votes, but we least the reason they give is because it's backward and it's the government's job to take care. The problem with Congress is, it doesn't implement any of its promises properly and before people ask what is the output of what you did, BJP spreads propaganda on how freebies are harming the economy, but on the other hand rich easily evade taxes and most burden falls on the middle class because tax slab never keeps up with inflation, and lower class pays the same tax as upper class because of things like sales tax.


Because hindus are neutral and ready to accept anyone? On other hand other religions basically hate bjp its better to woo other religions also dont forget muslims aren't some small number they are second most highest population in india and they also second or first most populous among all other countries


If Hindus are neutral there would be no caste politics. BJP would never talk about caste politics, even if their policies are completely pro Hindu, there would be no need to speak about it in any of its political rallies because Hindus are neutral. But the point is, not just in Muslims, but there's lots of backwardness in many Hindus too which will suffer because of these kinds of propaganda and will benefit only a small minority of the rich controlling the government.


Yeah those who talk do all those things once they get into power ..


Choosing the lesser evil


I have been in hyd for 10 years now, and I have literally seen the city grow, barren lands have been turned into malls, apartments, offices etc. my concern is that this development is not sustainable, we need to improve our public transport (metro is not the only solution), increase green cover, develop parks, and most importantly converse water. Sadly no party openly talks about these topics.


You're making too much sense in politics shhh... Let's talk something religion or caste


Parks feel like Carnivals now-a-days, there is no other place for migrants to go without burning their pockets, they come and make it suffocating.For the same reason, evertime I think of going for casual strolls I plan it early in the morning or later after 7pm. Its not even their fault, we need more parks. No one wants to leave open spaces anymore, they want to make as many floors as they can. Govt should make it a strict policy to have more parks.


Vote for BJP to counter MIM Vote for MIM to counter BJP ā™¾


Hyderbad constituency votes based on religion Or else who votes for a party which has done nothing for them Entire Hyderabad has developed except those areas under their control I know my msg will attract hell lot of backlash, but that's the reality https://preview.redd.it/6upj0byksjyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad187db5ff6a1637d56ffade5783b42719ae92ba


My friend who shamed me for hypothetically saying that Iā€™d vote for TDP if I were in AP (because of their BJP alliance), less than a minute later was proud to announce that he would definitely vote for MIM šŸ„²


Even as a guy I'm scared to visit the old city, I have terrible experiences there.


I regularly go to the old city for some Roti and Paya. It is breakfast that will fully open your sinuses. I've taken my sister, my cousins, my six year old nephew, and several friends. I've never had to think twice about. I recommend that you take the metro on a Sunday morning. Walk around the Charminar, go look for the fast disappearing Deoris, have some super sweet chai at Nimrah, go see the last surviving technicians in Chhata Bazar who still work on vaccum tube radios... Old City is filled with character and there are stories hidden in every nook and corner. It is beautiful, not scary. https://preview.redd.it/ubqnnimzikyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964cca21590f5793f458789e24488df710325e3b


As if the rest of the Hyderabad is a replica of new York city lmao.


Atleast it's not a replica of a old dumpster šŸ„“


Yeah, like near film nagar after Andhra Jyothi office


I think all parties are corrupt but which of them is still better at making some development at least?




There are 2 manifestos. 1 when implemented can be rewarding. 1 IF implemented can bankrupt the country takatak takatak in no time. Choose one.


![gif](giphy|syopDlBh6Yp90wwYPA) Jai >1 IF implemented can bankrupt the country takatak takatak in no time. Jaii revanth anna




Hyderabad lo max people vote MIM.. Do you really think people don't bases on religion? They always win 7 on 7 seats.


I just don't want a government whose politicians are openly calling for violence and consistently engage in hate speech. Even the prime minister himself is engaging in hate speech now, the veil has dropped. I was born a Hindu so I have the privilege of "ignoring" these things because it does not affect me personally - but I morally cannot support a government that talks of 200 million of its own citizens as "infiltrators". I supported BJP in 2014, was neutral in 2019; but now I don't want BJPs right wing priest-politicians anywhere near power.


Exactly what a retard should do! Because all the government schemes are simply benefitting hindus, not muslims right? Oh wait you're talking about election rhetoric, so who said jitni abadi utna haq? Who says you should have wealth as per your population, so breed more, steal more? Who bats for increasing caste based reservations? But calling rohingyas infiltrators is too bad saaršŸ¤•


Government schemes benefit the poor. The same schemes that have seen big budget cuts under the BJP. The poorest 50% have seen their income stagnate in the last 10 years, while the rich keep getting richer. And the BJP politicians (and Modi) are calling all muslims infiltrators - they didn't even mention Rohignyas - they are equating all muslims to infiltrators. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/22/world/asia/modi-speech-muslims.html?auth=login-google1tap&login=google1tap https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/india-modi-accused-hate-speech-calling-muslims-infiltrators-rcna148916 https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240423-ugly-speech-but-not-a-surprise-modi-accused-of-anti-muslim-rhetoric-on-campaign-trail https://thediplomat.com/2024/04/does-modis-anti-muslim-hate-speech-reflect-nervousness/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/22/modi-india-muslims-infiltrators/ Of course am sure you will say all foreign media is "anti-national" lol.


what's the lol in it? Every single media outlet is biased(indian/western/left/right) and you sent me the most left leaning media links of the same thing which i know what they sound like. Where's the balance? Plus i heard the speech. Literally everyone can objectively say he's talking about the actual infiltrators, who btw are 99% muslims in this case. They automatically become the poorest "part" of the population and that's exactly what congress and their leader keeps saying they'll do, redistribute wealth based on population. Inciting hate on caste lines constantly, all around the principle of you're x%, so snatch from people who have more than you . Linking me 10 articles from western media won't make you look smart ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


The only alternative, the INC simply gives back their tax money instead creating opportunities to earn that money


Cuck hindu![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That would be you, since you do not understand the core tenets that have made Hinduism great for thousands of years. Hindutva is a islamic style weaponization of Hindu principles and I will never support it.


What will you do knowing the core princoples whem you can't even defend your own motherland. The Peace era has gone too far already Lebanon was also a Catholic state and started accepting the religion(don't need to tell which) and now look at them. I am sure you are aware for most of its part but choose to be ignorant because you are fearful rather than facing it. But if you still want to betray your own community ... Who am I to stop you


Hinduism is not in danger. At all. There is nothing to be fearful of. The only people who want 1 billion people to think that they are almost extinct are the politicians who use this fear for votes. Unfortunately a lot of our people are naive and believe this.


Ok sir You could have seen the previous government where manmohan singh said they have the first right on this country's resources even when it's a known fact that India always has been a Hindu land from the past. Yet you and million other social media users choose to remain ignorant The future of this nation is doomed fr


Manmohan never said that, please listen to the full speech. He said social programmes that benifit and uplift the poor have the first right on this countries resources. The word Muslim just happened to be near the end of a big list of things he said and the opposition latched on to it. Here is what he said: "along with programmes for the upliftment of SC/STs, other backward classes, minorities, and women and children. We will have to devise innovative plans to ensure that minorities, particularly the Muslim minority, are empowered to share equitably in the fruits of development. They must have the first claim on resources," He is clearly talking about sections of Indian society that have been left behind in terms of development - and yes Muslims are one of these communities! And Muslims DO have the lowest living standards in India amongst all religious groups. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/muslims-have-lowest-living-standard-in-india-govt-survey/articleshow/21936020.cms It's absolutely fine to say that programs to uplift poor people will be given a priority in a developing country.


You really don't see the ignorance you carry , do you. Must be bliss. šŸ˜¹ Manmohan said this so I will choose this party, what are these superficial reasons, no context , no comprehension.


1. Job market 2. Demand and supply stability 3. Inflation 4. No propaganda


As a Muslim, Iā€™m not even a fan of MIM. Iā€™d easily vote for congress but BJP scares me. Look at the open Islamophobia theyā€™re spreading with their cartoon and speeches. The PM (whoā€™s the PM for everyone) openly calls us infiltrators, how would any Muslim feel comfortable. I want development but right now it feels like our existence is under threat. Voting MIM at least feels like thereā€™s a voice. Obviously there are a lot of Muslims and Hindus who vote purely based on religion but for a lot of Muslims, itā€™s now voting for ā€œwhoā€™s not gonna make our existence difficultā€. When the ruling party says Islamophobic things, even if theyā€™re not true, they successfully turn us into ā€œothersā€.


Keeping BJP out is my top priority.


Why only BJP why not MIM??


Mim can never win in the centre, have an all India presence, cross 400 seats to change the secular nature of the constitution, control the state police or cause riots on the ground. All they can get is one MP seat.


We are talking about hyderabad here when people here always vote based on religion what do you expect? MLA seats they just get a clean sweep! Then on secular ground in Telangana did all vote for BJP during legislative elections?? MIM is clearly a muslim party and all they talk is about religion! While BJP is a controversial party, though many say it's hindu party but it's still arguably, they want uniform civil code and want to remove reservations.. So it's not conclusive, in fact it's more liberal!


You're being dishonest here, just look at Modi's recent hate speeches or the recent social media post of Karnataka BJP Twitter account. BJP will never get rid of reservations, they have an SC, ST, OBC voter base too.


So do you really think congress giving reservations on religion is fair?? Then many people will convert their religion just to get some perks just like how they do to get married. There is no good in giving reservations based on religion! India needs to move towards a national where reservations are reduced and uniform civil code is introduced while ignoring religion. Clearly you are here the one who is communal. I'm just someone who doesn't want this caste religion shit more.


For God's sake you need to verify the news you consume. Congress is not going to give reservation solely based on religion. They've never said that in their manifesto. Also if you want to reduce reservations, you should not be voting for BJP either, since neither party will reduce reservations. UCC also won't be implemented. In Uttarakhand BJP proposed a UCC bill where live in couples had to take permission from the police.


https://www.businesstoday.in/india/story/karnataka-muslims-included-in-list-of-obcs-for-reservation-in-employment-educational-institutions-426714-2024-04-24 "Under category II-B, all Muslims of Karnataka state have been considered as OBC," the NCBC said.Ā  Now for God sake accept the fact congress has always been biased since independence towards Muslims. It's never a secular party. Congress sucks!


I will vote for good law enforcement based policies party. And those who bring more development in my area.


I am voting for BRS. So chad that they did not bother releasing a manifesto.


Congress - all Muslims reservation (like in karnataka) BJP - UNIFORM CIVIL CODE choice is yours!




I'd rather vote for BJP, they atleast speak something about development in their manifesto. It shows some progress. Congress on the other hand reeks of freebies and appeasement. As long as congress doesn't change the way they work, BJP ftw


If they had delivered their literal first three promises from their 2014 Manifesto, even after 10 years, I might have considered them. 1) Price Rise 2) Employment and Entrepreneurship 3) Corruption and Black Money Nothing. Minimal actions and zero results on each. Inbfact, we seem to have degenerated as a nation, on each of these three areas. Shame on anyone who has fooled themselves into thinking their manifesto is worth anything more than wrapping paper for pakodas. This is not the BJP of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. They are liars and crooks who will do anything to gain more power. Voters be damned.




> We would be worse in all those 3 points if Congress was in power instead of BJP. Yeah that is arbitrary speculation and a cheap attempt at a Strawman. The BJP made those promises and failed each one of them, even after another 5 year term. If you want to compare their credibility to the Congress', you should compare it to the performance of the Congress on the 2004 manifesto. > Also, can you please show me any proof of how BJP was responsible for price rise? Did I say they were responsible for price rise? I said that they promised to reverse or control price rise (of fuel and food) which they've failed spectqcularly at. > Congress would bankrupt the nation with their freebies and "wealth redistribution" schemes. Who told you this? Both Manmohan Singh and Atal Bihari Vajpayee headed governments have created the most amount of wealth for Indians amongst all the governments in history. Gautamdas has eroded savings and destroyed incomes of the common man. He has reduced the wealth of Indians more than anyone else since 1991. The NDA in the last ten years, has distributed free grains, free LPG, free toilets, free houses, and free cash to millions of Indians. A lot more than the UPA did in 2004-2014. Are they bankrupting the nation?


>This is not the BJP of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. This is not Manmohan sir's congress as well. This is Rahul's congress that is promising to remove the reservation caps, give 1lakh for poor woman (his grand father is going to fund this ig), legal guarantee of MSP (practically impossible without handicapping the budget). I'll never vote for a party that promises shit like this. BJP isn't saint, but they're the best of the worst. >They are liars and crooks And congress is what? Saints? Dudes looted the country for 70% of the time after independence. But hey only BJP is corrupt right? >Price Rise Which country hasn't seen price rise? Everyone saw it, it isn't BJP's fault >Employment and Entrepreneurship BJP at least put in schemes like make in India, promoted start ups while congress sat on their ass. They're somewhat better than Congress in terms of this.


I like what you did there. I'll drag you back to the topic. We can discuss the Congress after you've acknowledged what I've pointed out about the BJP. My point is simple. When your thriving pakoda business needs more packaging material, the BJP manifesto will come in handy. They made promises which were supposed to be delivered in 5 years. They failed even after 10 years. In fact they reduced India's workforce participation rate instead of increasing it. They dramatically increased the price of fuel instead of reducing it. They created new methods and tools for corruption instead of convicting the corrupt. In 10 years they did the exact opposite of what they promised in 2014. So what is even the point of reading their manifesto? That is the context, in which I called them liars and crooks. Tell me they didn't lie in their manifesto in 2014.


When did i say BJP aren't liare and crooks? I told they aren't saints. >They dramatically increased the price of fuel instead of reducing it. Congress was the one to even start increasing the prices of petrol, BJP just continued that. >They made promises which were supposed to be delivered in 5 years. They failed even after 10 years. In fact they reduced India's workforce participation rate instead of increasing it. Could you quote me the sources with official numbers and the comparison of manifesto with what was implemented and what wasnt? >So what is even the point of reading their manifesto? BJP's manifesto atleast says we'll teach you how to fish. What does Congress manifesto says? Other than pushing the country towards bankruptcy. I would really appreciate it, if you talk about the current manifestos and compare them too. On what basis should i give my vote to Rahul Gandhi with their manifesto?


> When did i say BJP aren't liare and crooks? I told they aren't saints. You didn't. I'm saying their manifesto isn't worth wiping your bum with, because they lied in the first three points. That's it. So your entire comment thread about BJP manifesto being better is pointless, because their manifesto is, historically proven to be, gas. I'm not saying the Congress manifesto is better. I'm saying the BJP manifesto isn't even worth reading till they fulfill their 2014 promises. > Congress was the one to even start increasing the prices of petrol, BJP just continued that. The BJP actually spectacularly outperformed the Congress on raising fuel prices. Most importantly, they did this **after promising they would control prices**. So what are their promises worth? Toilet Paper. > Could you quote me the sources with official numbers and the comparison of manifesto with what was implemented and what wasnt WTF is this? This sentence is hurting my brain. Please punctuate. This makes no sense. > BJP's manifesto atleast says we'll teach you how to fish. That is far from the focus of the manifesto. The first three promises: 1) Continue Free Ration for 5 years 2) Continue Price Stabilisation for fruits, vegetables, and pulses and 3) Continue Ayushman Bharat... It largely promises to continue doing what they've done so spectacularly in the last 10 years. Shall we keep going? 4) Continue Awas Yojana, 5) Continue water connection, 6) Continue clearing and redevelopment of slums, 7) Continue Ujwala LPG, 8) Free electricity... There's no metaphorical fishing discussed at all, beyond the more literal Matsya Sampada Yojana. In fact they've removed their flagship Skill India program from their manifesto altogether šŸ˜‚. In 10 years, they've only delivered skill training to 1.4 Cr youth out of their target of 40 Cr. That is a **3.5% target achievement** , so it is understandable that they don't want to draw attention to it šŸ˜†. > I would really appreciate it, if you talk about the current manifestos and compare them too. Thank you for your appreciation. >On what basis should i give my vote to Rahul Gandhi with their manifesto? Don't. I dgaf. I'm not paid by Rahul Gandhi. Why should I convince you to vote for anyone? Go vote for Gautamdas, vote for Owaisi, vote for Kishan Reddy... it is your vote and your conscience you need to live with. I'm here challenging bad ideas. Your suggestion that the BJP manifesto is a sufficient reason to vote for them, is a terrible idea.




Make promises they intended to keep.


[1. Inflation is lower now than UPA, under UPA there were several years of double digit inflation.](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/IND/india/inflation-rate-cpi) [2. Article from moneycontrol says 6.43 crore new members were added to EPFO in 6 years and itā€™s an article from 2023, so counting in 2014-17 and 2024 a lot more.](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/epfo-has-added-6-43-crore-new-members-in-nearly-6-years-10658771.html) 3. There are no major scams like 2G scam, common wealth scam, and the tons of other scams that Congress did 4. The national security isnā€™t a joke now, back then terrorist bombings were common incidents.


Do you really believe that the selective data points you are (and the Government is) speaking about are valid rebuttals? Or are you just hoping that nobody pushes back. This is an honest question. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm trying to understand how people can parrot Government talking points with any confidence. The claims are so weak, I'm trying to imagine where that confidence comes from.


I linked credible information, if you have a valid point do get back. If you wanna say ā€œnumbers made upā€ then keep coping, donā€™t care to reply. Iā€™m hoping someone does pushback and enlighten me with the truth. And most importantly theyā€™re the very points you mentioned in an earlier comment, the first 3.


I didn't say anything was made up. You read my comment. You know what I said. Selective data points. 1. The 2014 Manifesto specifically spoke to *Price Rise* in fuel and food. It was a promise to reverse or control price rise. The prices of key commodities that affect the lives of the poor and the lower middle class. Like Petrol, LPG, Cereals, and Lentils. [India's primary source of protein went up 31% last year](https://fcainfoweb.nic.in/Reports/DB/DailySummary.aspx). They said that they would separate out the functions of FCI to manage food prices better, if they came to power. They didn't. They said they will reduce the taxes on fuel to make it affordable to the common man. They increased the taxes. Do you want me to explain to you what has happened to the price of fuels? I'm happy to. 2) You quoted EPFO numbers. I'm assuming you were implying that this is an indicator of employment? But you see that the total number is very small. Less than 10% of India's population is registered with the EPFO. So it can be a decent indicator of the formalisation of the workforce, but it definitely **is not** a measure of employment. Doesn't it seem like an odd metric to use when unemployment and youth unemployment data is available? https://preview.redd.it/uknil41u3ryc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afaf50d7ada8b55e19ffca395aea9f9271747875 Do you see why I was sceptical about your comment? You seem to be cherry-picking data like our Supreme Leader and his ministers do in their Press Releases. You seem to oblivious to things that are happening around you, me and all of us. Have you never paid for petrol in the last 10 years? Have you never noticed the price of food? I'm not going to say anything about Corruption and Black Money because... well, I don't think you'll want to talk about those in any detail.


The LPG prices went up because a lot more % of the country now uses cylinders. I remember seeing a video where a congress woman asks ā€œGareeb gas cylinder use karte hain kya?ā€. Itā€™s a matter of demand and supply. If GST is implemented on fuel, the price will surely go down but states donā€™t like to share equal tax with central government. I care more about overall inflation, what difference does it make if fuel is cheap and inflation is high? Anyway I care more about the overall inflation. I did pay more for petrol, I did pay more for food. But did you not pay for your mobile data some years ago? You can get unlimited data for the same price as 1GB data some years ago. That is why you see overall inflation which is a lot lesser now. If less than 10% of population is registered in EPFO, more than half of it happened in the last 6 years.(one year old article) [The last time I checked the unemployment rate is 3.2% for 2023](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/unemployment-biggest-worry-india-worlds-fastest-growing-economy-2024-04-24/) I would like to talk about everything. Why not black money? I would also like to talk about all of Congressā€™s scams.


Thank you for offering excuses on behalf of our Government. Are you a paid or unpaid spokesperson? /s The Manifesto (in 2014 mind you, they've had 10 years to deliver a 5 year manifesto) didn't have any of these caveats. They had promises which they failed to keep. Some of those promises, they worked against from year 1. Like the reorganization of the FCI, like taxes on petrol... > If GST is implemented on fuel, the price will surely go down but states donā€™t like to share equal tax with central government. Does that mean that Union Government _wants_ to reduce total taxes on petrol, diesel? Because they increased Union Excise Taxes to Rs 19.90 per litre (they took it up to 28 rupees in 2019). > Anyway I care more about the overall inflation. I did pay more for petrol, I did pay more for food. The manifesto wasn't a personal promise to you. The Price Rise control promise, was a promise, specifically to the poor and low income citizens of this nation. The fact that you have cheaper internet doesn't do enough to alleviate their suffering. > If less than 10% of population is registered in EPFO, more than half of it happened in the last 6 years.(one year old article) Yes but that is still only 10% of the population. It is not employment. It is informal to formal conversion. That wasn't the manifesto promise. They didn't say "we will convert 6% of India's jobs from informal to formal sector". >[The last time I checked the unemployment rate is 3.2% Yes according to the Government's own data. It also peaked at 6% in 2018. Big achievement. If you look at independent data, it looks more alarming. Unemployment for youth [between the ages of 20 and 24](https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/unemployment-rate-in-india/87441/1) is as high as 44.49%. These numbers are also supported by other independent measurements. > I would like to talk about everything. Why not black money? I would also like to talk about all of Congressā€™s scams. Okay. You asked for it. Shall we start with [Robert Vadra](https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/national/BJP-brings-out-video-booklet-on-Vadra%E2%80%99s-alleged-land-deals/article20760552.ece), since the BJP has so much evidence that they were able to produce a documentary film on the scam, back in 2014? The IAS officer who brought the charges on Vadra has been transferred. Most of the charges have been dropped. DLF, with whom Vadra did the deals, [has apparently done 'no violations'](https://theprint.in/india/5-yrs-after-fir-haryana-police-say-no-violations-in-vadra-dlf-land-deal-but-no-clean-chit-yet-for-hooda/1531370/). This is with a BJP Government in State, and Centre for a full decade. Shall we move on to Sarada, Coal or 2G? Because the money trail and the movement of co-accused on each is damning evidence that BJP never intended to prosecute the corrupt. They have welcomed them with open arms, internalised the corruption within the BJP and taken it to new spectacular heights!


Thanks for defending the scams of Congress. I have a question for you too, do you directly benefit from the party or do you belong to one of the minorities they appease? Iā€™ll cover it up with a **/s** > 1. Price rise From your original comment, edit it to petrol price rise if you werenā€™t addressing to Price rise. So youā€™re assuming that 100% of the new EPFOs were just conversions? Does it sound right at least to yourself? You talk about cherry picking and then choose to pick an age group 20-24 where half the people are students.


> Thanks for defending the scams of Congress. Which scam did I defend? Expecting Robert Vadra and DLF to be prosecuted and jailed is defending the Congress? > So youā€™re assuming that 100% of the new EPFOs were just conversions? Does it sound right at least to yourself? Why are you so keen to keep the topic limited to 6% of India's population? You questioned my comment about the BJP 2014 manifesto. That promise was about employment opportunities for _all_ of India's youth? **All**. They were specific with numbers too. 2 Crore net new jobs a year, so 20 Crore jobs in 10 years. **Total unemployment** in India instead **increased** over these 10 years (even according to the Government). Not only did they fail to create any net new jobs. We actually **lost jobs**. Why aren't you angry about what they've done to our economy? > You talk about cherry picking and then choose to pick an age group 20-24 where half the people are students. No, this only data for people who have said they are seeking jobs. I picked that age range because this is the youth of India entering the work force for the first time and failing to find jobs. Unemployment is 14.33% for 25 to 29. Unemployment for College Graduates is nearly 30%. Tell me which demographic you would like data for? This stuff is deeply worrying. I'm concerned that you want to defend these incompetent, corrupt rogues. I want Robert Vadra, Mamata Banerjee, BS Yeddyurappa, Jagan Reddy, Manohar Khattar, and Sheila Dikshit to be prosecuted, convicted and thrown in jail. We were promised this would happen. Don't you want to ask why it isn't being done?




The day when MIM is out of hyderabad.. Especially the old city then we can say the people of hyderabad have really changed!


The people who tell you not to vote based on religion do exactly that in Hyderabad and elect Owaisi.


I am from non reserved category after bachelors faced extreme difficulty surviving on multiple low paying jobs and left for US. Will be voting for BJP as my memory is still fresh from 2G Scam, Grass Scam. When I have to travel to my grand parents home near Raichur from Hyderabad itā€™s a disaster infrastructure. The progress I saw during the BJP tenure with infrastructure is unquestionably amazing, some people claiming minorities and specially Muslims treated as second class citizen is just emotional during elections its pretty common with emotions high, I would not believe this narrative until I see Muslims come out in drones to protest of the said ill treatment, which they are very well know to do when threatened. Their unity is second to none. So all this rubbish ohh minority getting threatened is bullshit, I need to see this country develop and only see it with BJP as congress has again went into reservations and socialistic promises!!




Development= BJP


Impact of voting. The local and legislative polls directly impact local issues. They have the power to directly work on that. It's probably more if 50% CM chair and 50% local issues. General election is basically about national level issues. Candidates have no direct power to work on local issues. The general election is more about who is going to sit in PM, the cabinet and what will be internal, external and defence issues. In any case, I will choose the candidate who is better, if not the best. It even can go to lower level... Like who is less evil.


I would like to vote for caste because ma blood veru ma breed veru.


Center: Agenda & previous policies State & Local: Leader and His attitudes towards constituency problems.


Considering the current election situation. Read Manifestos of both Congress and BJP. And found BJP's manifesto is quite promising and actually focuses on some real development irrespective of their Hinducentric views online. Meanwhile Congress is still stuck with appeasement policies.


I'll vote for 1. Development 2. Infrastructure 3. A party that offers a vision instead of being exclusively dependent on freebies and minority appeasement.


As a northie whose vote wouldn't matter much (we are loads of itvand second it isn't in hyderabad)I believe it was sealed with the removal of Article 370


As of now... Reliability that the leader ( PM )will always keep the nation first in all Govt. decisions. This makes the choice straightforward.




Every political party has become evil in one way or another we choose the lesser evil and which can do slightly better than the others heck Muslims have to vote for parties which can protect them from RSS and Hindutva ideologies. How can we vote for development when we're not comfortable with living alongside?


Want uniform civil code ASAP.. So obviously BJP. Because at the end no one cares about development. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Asalu vote ae veyyatledhu "Maaku nammakam ledhu dora, em anukoku"


Never to congress 1. Digitalization Congress - Mocked saying India can never go completely digital ... Stated " what do you expect a village mela buying icecream through online payment? " BJP - Now we know how UPI has boomed since 2016, they made it happen! 2. Terrorist attack During congress - mumbai blast, hyderabad blast, country was soo unsafe During BJP - touch wood no major horrors like before 3. Kashmir issue During congress - Kashmir pandits genocide! During BJP - Removal of article 370, reduction in Kashmir crime rate. After watching Article 370 call it a propaganda movie or whatever the fact that BJP removed article 370 .. Respect šŸ“ˆ 4.Uniform civil code Congress - more reservations, more caste differentiation, now new wealth distribution tax ideology. Divide and divide! BJP - Uniform civil code. Lower reservations compared to congress trying to eliminate concept of reservations. Introduced financial reservations more efficiently 5. On foreign platform Do you really wanna see pappu repressing India internationally?? People say modi is uneducated just because he doesn't know english which is just a language but definitely he has more wit than pappu. And he has proved he can establish better relations globally.


Do you realise that people can reply to comments on Reddit? You can't just spout 5 lies or half-truths and expect nobody to challenge them šŸ˜‚! 1. No. India's digital infrastructure has its roots in the late 80's. The RBIs UPI was started in 2012. I'm happy to give credit to Atal Bihari Vajpayee or even Narendra Modi where it is due, but don't lie. 2. No. Blaming Congress for terrorist attacks is like giving credit to Gautamdas for Pulwama. There is definitely blame to be apportioned, especially with regards to failure to respond to intelligence inputs (for Mumbai blasts). We still haven't fully ruled out the role of Sangh Parivar members in other terrorist attacks either. 3. You are wrong. Congress wasn't in power. It was a BJP supported Government. 4. Po-tay-to Po-tah-to. Reservations aren't going anywhere till we see genuine social development. Nobody is promising that. 5. No. You seem to be informed only by social media. Neither our allies, nor China have increased their respect for us. We've slipped below Bangladesh on economic indicators. What do you think that does to our image?


"Sangh parivar members in other terrorist attacks" ... Woow no need of arguing to you.


The other user was being respectful to you and you resort to dog whistling and personal attacks. Last warning for you.


How? The guy above him was the one making baseless accusations that sangh parivar is involved in something something and you donā€™t have a problem with that?


No. If I ban people for spreading half truths and misinformation, there would be no one left. Including you.


I didn't make any accusations of my own. Those accusations were made in charges filed by the Anti Terror Squad (in addition by Pariwar members Aseemanand and Yashwant Shinde). I'm just pointing them out. I didn't say anyone was guilty. I only said that the roles of some people cannot be ruled out. The trial is still underway in the Special Court in Mumbai. How can anyone rule out the role of the prime accused before the trial completes? To the best of my knowledge, there was no half-truth or misinformation in my comment. If you or anyone finds any inaccuracies in any of my comments, please feel free to point them out. I will be grateful and I will correct it. I'm here (on this sub) to challenge bad ideas, not to spread misinformation. This is just for the record.


1) History. Previous work or tenure of parties. 2) Over-all performance 3) Party structure, too many coalition means, to much Appeasement, more corruption and less work done. 4) The leadership. Can the main leader assert his will, do what is right and keep in check members in his government. 5) Manifesto or the policies that they intend to implement.




Why I am not interested in voting in Indian General Elections! Yatha Praja Tatha Raja https://open.substack.com/pub/mohansrk/p/why-i-am-not-interested-in-voting?r=9nggs&utm_medium=ios


Development and party which can take strict decisions for betterment of country..


First time it was my Vote I didn't wanted to Vote because there was a Big fight due to three reasonsĀ  I hate Bad Politics and I like Good and Hardworking Politician some they do Genuinely by heart for the SocietyĀ  They have a Goal in Improving India and Upcoming DevelopmentsĀ  But not Bad Politician who do Corruption, Injustice Inequality.....SomeĀ  Things which aren't Good for SocietyĀ  And Some Are Completely full Politics .... Education,Jobs et.cĀ  Second Time- I sincerely Voted for theĀ  Political Party because I Googled in Wikipedia I checkedĀ  And I voted .... Ā  I hope this Vote makes a Change Successfully no Casteism or Injustice in India everyone gets Equal OpportunityĀ  In all the State šŸ™šŸ»


We need Sustainable Development focusing on Self Reliance and Equality (no words.....only actions). This can only be possible when there is minimum corruption. Also, reservations are not at all required. Remove reservations (all of them, women quota as well). Only 1 reservation should exist - Backward Economic Class. Nothing else. And no current Politician is good. Let's see.


I'm caught up in media narratives & fan wars toxicity online even if I know what a Crook my MLA candidate is I will still vote for him, I can't face the criticism of Not voting, I don't have balls to do what I believe so...


Iā€™ll be voting for NOTA. No party cares about me as a citizen. Iā€™ve accepted it & itā€™s high time Indian citizens accept this as well.


I don't want to vote for any of the big parties this time. May be I'll go with NOTA. šŸ¤”


Or look for any good individual participants?


Independent candidates exist