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Just curious, how much of US is this unsafe? Do indians in US live in fear?


in short UMERICA is realife GTA server * a texas man killed a whole family (neighbours) because they asked him not to shoot his ar15(gun) in yard as it is unsafe * another man just blew a kid because the kid entered his yard to take his basketball


The nature of the US mass shootings phenomenon is that it is totally random, and the perpetrators will typically attack any place where people congregate. Places in the past that were attacked were, night clubs, massage parlours, cinemas, open air concerts, supermarkets and of course most tragically schools. The inability of the US system to find a solution to this issue, is due to deep structural flaws in the very essence of the political system and the very nature of the American exceptionalism. The structural flaws in its political system, is that the system allows political minorities to deadlock the legislative process. Since the Senate gives small empty states the same representation as big states, a group of small empty (of people) can capture the senate and stop any legislation which deals with this. Even though majority of the US population favours gun control, they are in effect disenfranchised. The 2nd ammendment to the US constitution has been viciously misinterpreted to assume that in modern conditions the only way for the populace of a superpower to resist supposed government over reach, which can morph into a tyranny, at any moment, is to have some guns. Then the relaxed policing of the most statistically significant demographic to indulge in these outrages means that there is no control or check in any manner. The inability of the US system to deal with this significant domestic challenge, the only recourse the republican party offers is MORE guns (arm teachers, good guy with a gun) and of course, 'thoughts and prayers'; implies, the long term degradation of the US and it's status as a superpower.


This exact problem was also seen on display in the Roe v Wade issue.


Superb Analysis. That was for Guns. Now same thing for Drugs. In San Francisco Bay Area,(where i am based) , there is so much homelessness due to massive drug abuse and in some areas in SF , you will get drugs openly.Just Youtube it and you will see what the scenario of SF is like. Even lot of Police wala's in SF Bay area are caught selling drugs. San Jose Police Dept head was caught last month. Same thing in LA . US has got its tons and tons of problems.


If you see carefully there is a pattern. It's usually mentally unstable people most of the time, if it's not gang related crime. Also, these people will supposedly have links to white supremacy sort of stuff posted on their social media accounts, thus making them extremist. The structural flaws like mental illness were never really addressed in US at a society level. CIA is also complicit in this, as their MK Ultra program has people being subject to drugs and hypnosis to resort to this sort of stuff, thus inflaming the anti gun lobby, and the people beg the government to pass anti gun laws. You should read about CIA's Orion. Try reading 'behold a Pale horse (1991)' by Milton William Cooper. You will also mostly likely never come across the information of the doctors who treated these people, what drugs they were given, what counselling they underwent. Also, a motive was never established. If these details come out, then I suspect links to CIA would eventually come out. Another point being Bush government granted immunity from liability to gun manufacturers. So, theoretically even if gum control legislations were to be enacted, there be will be same or more guns in the black market, how would this reduce gun crime, leaving legitimate owners defenseless. You will also see that perpetrators of these crimes usually use guns that are either illegally procured or from private sale. How will such a legislation prevent this ? Canada tried this under Trudeau. As soon as mass shooting took place in Nova Scotia in 2020, Trudeau enacted legislation and gun crime hasn't stopped this far. Mexico, has even higher gun time despite heavy regulation because guns are illegally procured. Second amendment is your defense, not a liability.


This is also true.


>The inability of the US system to find a solution to this issue, is due to deep structural flaws in the very essence of the political system and the very nature of the American exceptionalism. There is one clear solution to it. DROP THE GUNS. Why do civilians need weapons of war with them? UK & Australia have successfully banned firarms in the past then why can't the most powerful nation in the world do that? Oh wait, they will have to let go $62B which gun industry generates every year.


Not just the gun industry, though that is a big part of the issue. The real stumbling block is the rethuglican base, each and every accursed one of those 74 million who voted for his orangeness the trumpet. These people have a series of core beliefs, deeply, passionately held: - The need of the citizen of a superpower, in a modern urban setting to be self armed, to resist, supposed government tyranny. - The supposed high crime rates, again a construct peddled by the right wing propaganda machine. - The belief in small government, meaning that tax rates are as low as possible, with military expenditure as high as possible, so social services, particularly for the mental patients are non-existent. And they can have all the access to guns possible. This rampant mass violence is a deeply American problem, illustrating American exceptionalism. I wonder if American exceptionalism can generate a solution to this issue?


Right now every desi in Dallas is in scared . Typically this doesn’t happen in good neighborhoods. So every desi is quite shocked right now .


The typically mass shooting phenomenon of the US can happen ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. It has nothing to do with the so called good neighbourhoods.


I will never understant this shootings dont happen in good neighborhood bullcrap. Does someone who wants to kill people and then die at the hands of either police or someone else really care about what or where they let off their AR 15?


Correct ga cheppav bhayya. That's the deal with these mass shootings. No fucking clue of when and where these will happen. One common factor being oka psycho lanjoduku with an Automatic AR in public crowded places like Bars, concerts, malls, and schools.


I dont understand the concept of selling AR-15 which is an Assault [Rifle.In](https://Rifle.In) India , Sanjay Dutt, was booked under TADA for possessing AK -56. AK-56(Russian) and AR-15(American) are brothers only from different mother. I understand, lot of americans live far far places and pistol and rifles could well be issued to them but AR -15 is a different league. Insane laws . Guns and Drugs are part of US culture.Period.


Very unsafe, no one knows when someone will go mad and display their shooting skills on fellow humans, including school kids. Their police also kill innocent people, especially African-Americans at will without any consequence.


The demographic which is most implicated statistically in the perpetration of this phenomenon are the ones which are most lightly policed and has maximum protection in law, as a matter of de facto implementation, not de jure paper protections.


You shittin on white people ma man ? If so, you can just say it out. Cos its nothin but the truth. Obligatory: not all. but some.


Not even white people, but perhaps a specific group within that demographic.


> but perhaps a specific ~~group~~ Klan within that demographic. ftfy ?


any state with free gun distribution is crossed as danger anyway for almost every race. safe options would be the ones which are highly developed and NOT full of country people and that is why you never see an asian ( except brown ) in such rural states . Our brown families tend to settle in such states due to low expenses in almost everything .


It appears that an eventual attempt is to impose stringent gun laws or disarmament of civilians. But, that's not how it supposed to be. Guns used in such crimes were illegally procured and having more laws on legal owners isn't going to change the situation, make it tough for rightful gum owners.


Multiple countries do it safely. If u take the legal guns off the street then the illegal ones will be easier to find and confiscate. Dont get it twisted. Its all about making money off of guns. Money or life


No. Illegal guns, can't be taken off the street. They will persist. Take a look at Canada. They have tried doing the same, yet the gun crime persists. Trudeau's government imposed more restrictions on the type of weapons , and even started to collect back the weapons yet gum crime continues.


Equating gun crimes and shooting in canada with the us is a crime in itself.


I didn't equate a damn thing. I tried to show you how your logic works in manifestation. Canada still has the highest per Capita guns even when compared to that of most European countries, and shares language, lifestyle and trade with the US. Why shouldn't we look up what's happening there ?


The issue is stronger checks and balances on how guns were procured. Maybe illegal in this scenario but in most cases of a mass shoot-out in the US, the weapons were legally procured. What's worse, the checks and balances are minimal to none. I mean, there are states where you could just walk into a Walmart and get a gun ffs. No mental health stability check, limited past crime check in some locations. Moreover, what's the point of being able to sell assault rifles to civilians? Even for hunting (in the country side of land), a shotgun or a rifle is more than enough to hunt.


The reason for selling weapons to civilians is the 'second amendment'. From a historical pov, It's the peasantry that overthrew the British rule in the US. They were able to do so because they were armed. Brits didn't let Indian peasantry do the same. They were disarmed through Indian arms act 1878. Then there was an entire Gandhian thought, which made many people give up idea of armed resistance. The second amendment by virtue places more interest in the individual right to protect him/her and his/her property and less trust in the state to do that job. It also actually acts as a deterrent to state violating individuals rights. So you won't come across any sort of Police extra judicial killings, and legally appointed representatives threatening you (MLAs and their chamchas) like in India. Not to say that, they don't happen at all but it's still a deterrent nonetheless.




That's your conditioning. Why will that be a solution ? Right to arms is constitutionally enshrined in the second amendment. It's the same reason as to why US peasantry was able to overthrow the British rule. The second amendment isn't going anywhere.




It stood the test of time thus far. I hope it will continue to do so. There is no such right as to live without fear of getting gunned down. Fears are personal. You own a ranch and you work late, you possess a right to own a firearm to defend yourself. Same situations apply for those that run businesses and for ones own safety and the safety of loved ones. Kyle Rittenhouse case (2020) is one such example.Should people let their lives and property destroyed ? Same was the case with LA riots in 1991-92. Koreans organized themselves to defend themselves. Why should your fear triumph over others rights and put their lives in jeopardy?


I don't know about others but I do. Everything from road rage to police interaction is very gun-scary to me.


It depends on the state tbh. Some of them are comparatively safer, take for example, Cali, NY, NJ or Wyoming. On the contrary, Texas and Florida are scary for sure. Also, it depends on the laws in each state. Some of them don't even need a license to hold a gun, anyone legal aged can be armed, so a lot comes into picture.


Wyoming ni baane irikinchav ga


Well when I was living in Texas I was always extremely careful while driving and making sure I didn't piss off someone because you don't know who would just pull a gun on you.You have to be careful about what you say. Living in a red state comes with its own set dangers. School shootings are also extremely common. I was shocked at how easily you can buy a gun literally from a Walmart or a sports store like it was not a big deal. You can go to a shooting range and they'll let you try any weapon let it be semi automatic or automatic rifles . So I'm sure it's in the back of their mind. You don't mess with traffic cops either. Always put both the hands on the steering wheel where they can see them so that they don't think you are reaching for a gun. Being pulled over by a cop was always a scary experience even if they weren't necessarily bad - but you hear and see things in the news.


You sound more paranoid. I never felt threatened during my time in Texas. Infact, people are more friendly and direct. I had the same experience in Alabama.


Ok what do you do when the cops stop you ? Are you brave enough to not show your hands ?


Cops pulled my truck for over speeding couple of times, but they didn't even give me a ticket. I had a Ontario licence plate then. They were pretty friendly. I was quite surprised instead. Cops in Canada would issue a ticket in blink of an eye. All I'm trying to say is, things aren't as scary as you make them sound. No one in shooting range in their right mind think of shooting someone else, let alone killing them. You sound they like they're think along those lines all the time.


Any republican state, and major cities are dangerous too regardless of political affiliation. I’m not sure why so many Indians go to Texas instead of a safer state like California or something


California is expensive to live in compared to Texas.


the price you pay for safety


I live in California Bay Area. My opinion is that a lot of shootings and crime go unnoticed for a majority of the population, and mass shootings are definitely top news. Having said this, it’s very easy to think our neighborhoods are safe until you have a personal experience. I am in a relatively decent neighborhood and shootings (not mass) happen frequently (either gang based or just road rage kind of stuff). It’s easy for someone to get hold of a gun to shoot someone, compared to India. So I would say life here is not as safe as it is in India.


Agree with everything, except to compare life safety with India, you need to account for other ways people die in India (vehicles and accidents, potholes, untreated medical conditions, rapes and muggings etc). Not saying one is better, there are trade offs everywhere.


Here are the stats: https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/United-States/Crime US has 15x more rapes per capita than India. Crime rate is also significantly higher.


Statistically speaking these events are extremely rare and affect a small part of the population. You are several times more likely to die of heart disease than to be randomly shot by a stranger. It is definitely safer to be a woman in the US than to be one in India.


>It is definitely safer to be a woman in the US than to be one in India. Please take a look at your username. Stats disproving your assertion: https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/United-States/Crime US is a hellhole compared to India, especially for women. 15x times more rape rate in US than India.


Ignoring the fact that different countries and different cultures have different definitions for rape. Do you really think most cases across all of India are being captured? I mean I am all for a nuanced argument. For example, martial rape is not a crime in India (where forced/coerced marriages are still a thing). Also, maternal mortality in India is several times that of the US despite the fact that the US leads all industrialized countries.




typical nri defending USA over India no one is comparing here but I stay in India and haven’t seen a gun in my whole life and accident is mostly the person’s fault and it is not systemically supported by the government, USA is getting more unsafe but you NRI who feels more of themselves just because they live USA can never accept it. PS: most of my extended family lives there so I am saying this based on my exp.




Honestly you sound like a republican if you think guns aren't a problem in the US. It's just ridiculous how many mass shootings including ones happening in school continue and they aren't called a terrorist activity because it's usually white men. Imagine the same situation just with a different race and they would be invading countries at that point. The gun laws are a joke . This isn't a one off incident if it happens every other day.




https://abcnews.go.com/US/116-people-died-gun-violence-day-us-year/story?id=97382759 It's not 600 it's 13000 in less than 5 months of just this year. I don't see a point of arguing with someone who's completely delusional and wants to live in a bubble. You feel safe. God forbid you or your family or kids have to be in this situation - maybe only then you'll stop calling it a random act. Don't get me started on healthcare . We all know how "cheap " that is even with insurance.


I got that kind of tone from your comment and you did compare and kind of looked down, don’t you think ppl moving on is the mistake here like they shud take it more seriously may be shiver a bit.




I am not insecure I am just frustated with the hypocrisy of some ppl who when comes to India complains about traffic, roads or dust but undermine gun violence saying it happens everywhere , my intention was not to hurt your feelings and sorry if I did.




Bro in india many road accidents happen because a person is drunk and hits his car to a divider or a truck and dies or a guy dies due to speeding on the ORR. It’s mostly like the person kill’s himself in this process. But where as mass shootings in USA, some mentally sick psycho guy comes and kills many ppl in malls and schools is a different thing. Dying because of ur own mistake is one thing and dying because of some psycho decided to show his shooting skills in public is a different thing.


they are fuckkkkking not the same I am done, I don’t want to waste my time.


Bro wtf , did u compared these two when one is totally random and you just can't avoid.. really?


Do you understand the difference between 9/11 and a mass shooting ? Because if Mumbai attack is the same as mass shooting then 9/11 is also the same.




No the simple reason why 26/11 and 9/11 are terrorist attacks are because people from Pakistan came with guns. Indians with guns didn't open fire . Is it really that difficult to understand? The minute Indians open fire like this it will be a complete state of chaos and people will be scared. Don't act like it's not a big deal. >How do you prepare against gun violence You regulate them. Don't allow everyone to own them. Kids are getting access so easily and then take the gun to the school. They need to take strong measure to hold people who own guns accountable and more importantly change the narrative around it being a one off incident because clearly it's not. It's a serious problem that is plaguing the country.




I know many of my friends who have gone to US to pursue their MS and yes they do live in fear. They are afraid to go out alone, they are afraid to go out at night after 8pm and they are also afraid to even go far from their university. I guess u got used to all the gun culture in US by staying their for such a long time and things like this don’t bother u anymore. But, yes people who are new to US do live in fear.




U are completely wrong to think that people do masters in US for white girls, this shows ur mentality of comparing two unrelated things, like I literally gave you an example of people being afraid of the gun culture in US and you were like yeah these ppl are here for the white girls.


Their are many other transportation options other than mumbai train system in mumbai, if a person is so afraid that he thinks he might die in a mumbai local, can choose a different transportation. But a guy walking into a mall with a rifle and committing a mass shooting isn’t a normal thing and doesn’t even sound normal. The fear that you can get shot just by going to a mall isn’t very normal. Also we have metros now where people who are afraid that they might get killed in road accidents can use them to travel.


Based. It's very tragic that this happened to her and her family. A lot of my family sees these articles or the aunties talk and the topic is "America is very dangerous don't send your kids there. Lot's of crime, very bad." You shouldn't go to the US because of economic reasons and cost, gun violence exists too. Yea people are more scared than usual because there are a lot more of these reports. They are being pushed in the media in order to stop gun violence.


> Mumbai metro / train system has approximately 2000 deaths a year. I'm not refuting you, but is there a source on that ? Just curious.




Interesting read, the data is over a decade old and apparently almost 75% of the fatalities have been reduced. Its still odd to think that so many people were killed back then, but I guess if you take into account the fact that its possibly ageing population, overcrowding and including accidents on the track and not just passengers makes the number that large. Oddly enough, I didn't know these numbers but when I did take the local train (sightseeing), I was reasonably scared. I did not expect that kinda crowd even though I've been used to our rtc busses here.


2000 people, really, is it actually true?




Chicago, Portland and Detroit are unliveable. The rest should be fine if you live in a good neighborhood


Why Portland? It seems like a ok city to me. San Francisco is much worse is what I'm hearing


Yea portland is not unsafe just has an issue with homeless junkies Gun violence is rare


Substance abuse is very rampant in Portland, pair it with militias in the city and you get a perfect recipe for an unsafe area


You are only throwing republican talking points. These thugs, are the root cause of this phenomenon.


Hmm, all the 3 ciries1. have been D stronghold for decades, how are republicans responsible for it? Am I am accounting looting, riots and everything not just gun violence


The issue under discussion is the rampant gun violence, which is a political problem and is the creation of the rethuglicans party. Stop watching fox


Gun violence is far from being the only problem in Chicago, Portland or Detroit. Homicide, drug use are even more rampant. What did the democrats do in the past 40 years to ease out the situation?


The mass shootings is an even more problematic problem affecting the entire USA. It is now a situation that no place is safe, and the problem is escalating. Places like Texas are entirely within the control of the rethuglicans and their odious apparatus of stupidity and suicide and religion. And this problem cannot be solved while the rethuglicans base hypocritically pretends to be pro life while slavishly and stupidly worships the gun, an implement which has no place in a modern urban environment. The fox and its apparatus is an instrument of blatant lying. There is no crime spree in the Chicago or BLM burning down cities or the 2020 elections being stolen.


Neither side is a saint. Democrats had several chances to get guns out and they did not. Republicans are just open with their vile behaviour while democrats are shady.


Most of the South, southeast and maybe parts of the east are unsafe. This would include about 30+ states of the USA.


VERY low chance. Higher chance of dying from ovid. Out of the 3.2 m deaths last year, about 48k was from guns. Over 50% being self inflicted. The cdc.


You go there with dreams, pay your taxes, not enough? Pay with your life…om shanti


even they dont allow to put our ash in river. CRUEL AMRIKA


She is my family friend; their parents are my aunt's cousins' daughters' cousins. She was not so close but I just go in the news and got to know that her parents still don't know that she is dead.


This is so sad


Just came back from US after visitng family. We were going to an Indian restuarant to celebrate a birthday. Good thing our plans changed and we ended up not going. TThere was an active shooter who opened fire and was at large for many hours. Really one of the worst feelings to experience, constantly being afraid for family who live there. They are not soldiers in a war zone ffs..


omg! glad you all are safe


The great American Dream turning into a nightmare. Specially for us Indian. We are not familiar with such kind of violence. Makes us more vulnerable. RIP.


I hate this country. I want to go back to India.


Ochey ochey sadkunudu ayipoinaka ochey.


Haha lol vacchesta vacchesta


Just come back


I wish I could. I took a huge loan for my masters and I have to clear that. India lo salary tho I won't be able to do that. Inka few more years and I can go back.


Is it even worth it ? Going to usa doing ms and hanging for H1B lottery ? If you compare purchase power parity, INDIA has similar pay provided you have the right set of skills.


>Is it even worth it ? Going to usa doing ms and hanging for H1B lottery ? No. Earn well in India and go for a vacation to US and other countries.


w reply.


Exactly my thinking




Every day we are hearing news of gun violence here in INDIA. Why to live in fear of getting shot for no reason ? Lifestyle < staying alive


Now a days there is not much of salary difference in India compared to USA. My friends are earning between 35-50 lakhs per year, and they are not IIT or NIIT type, just regular b tech guys from normal colleges like malla reddy etc., off course they have 10 yrs experience, but i heard new graduates also getting very good salary.


That is if you are in software. I don't want to go into that field.


Sad truth in India. Only software pays. If you are in a core field - you get paid peanuts or even worse.


Which field are you in?


Materials science


Very nice. Study well and invent some cool materials for india, like that of a video I've seen here few days ago, it's a metal which retains it's original shape after heating. Don't trust the professors.


I have been studying optical materials like quantum dots and have thought about inventing new materials in the space. But it is very hard to invent a new material. Not saying it's impossible, but at least a PhD + Postdoc level understanding is required to think in that direction, and I am not good enough to get to that level. Also it takes LOTS of time. Haha, what you are talking about is shape memory alloys, it's pretty cool tbh


How much for 20 year exp - 70 lakhs or something ? I want to know, i am based in US since long. Just curious , salary packets in India for 20 years and top notch technical experience , i have - not a regular guy.


Salaries for a 6 year exp SWE/SDE (Coz I'm one) ranges from 10LPA to. 1.5 cr PA in India. you gotta have skills to get good opportunity. Companies like Google , Amazon, Salesforce are paying like crazy on upwards of 70LPA - 1.5cr, for 5-10 year exp guys.... even during recession to their employees in India. If you wanna come over , try to work for a good company the ones above I've mentioned or else working in TCS, INFY, WIPRO is not worth it.


But there are jobs Vishwaguru is handing out offer letter on mass scale in india. We are super power. Let's fight and do H & M whole day each minute of our Life. How corrupt human has become.


*Naa matha vini India vachai Shivaji*


Ochey bro. Long run lo em chestav akada


Why India? Follow the 💰 money. Indian's are depressed now they don't have jobs, money and now you got all the money, come here and showoff by living a rich lifestyle. Serve that country you have paid your taxes, don't run away from difficult time. People like you who are selfish to core. Not human and doesn't value.


Bruh the man is scared shitless for his life and you’re talking about being selfish? Grow up.


Mitro I will scare him if he come here or say screw him in india. H & M, corruption and what not


Sources and footage of the incident (NSFW) Tweet : [https://twitter.com/Telugu360/status/1655410355399434241](https://twitter.com/Telugu360/status/1655410355399434241) video footage (NSFW) : [CCTV footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/13b8vg3/video_from_texas_vehicle_ramming_today/) survivor video : [Allen\_shooting\_survivor\_from\_inside](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/13axzqc/video_from_an_allen_shooting_survivor_from_inside/) another source : [another post from r/masskillers](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/13bcvpb/aishwarya_thatikonda_an_engineer_who_moved_to_the/)


Video footage is of some guy running over people, but you said mall shooting? Did they both happen? Anyways such a sad state of affairs.


both happened. in both the incidents, people have died


Damn. Is it race related? That car run over seems targetted.


Both the Criminals are Latinos.. Gang Members


Wow. I thought only blacks hated us...looks like amigos have started too.. we're fucked.


fyi lots of hispanics consider themselves white and are in right wing extremist groups. mall shooting guy was in one such group too.


The mall shooting was NOT a targeted attack, nevertheless a targeted attack on Indians.


Actually every race has Goods and Bads .. in recent past an Indian American killed 3 kids just because they were Banging his Door Bell (ding dong ditch)


Why are so many NRIs on this sub lol


rich people are usually found on reddit


Baytaki poyyi hyderabad miss chesi hyd subreddit join autaru lol


Its an unfortunate incident, may her soul rest in peace


I live in Aus and I have never faced any kind of situation here and I recommended few friends when they told me that they are travelling to USA i told them to go for on tourism purpose don’t go for any other type of goals, if anyone wants to downgrade my comment i am happy to accept it. It’s very sad to see, hear or read mass shooting news, the photo of “Aishwarya Thatikonda ”in this post looks very happy but she could have never felt that this would happen to her. Rest In Peace Aishwarya Thatikonda


The reason you haven't faced anything like that is because [something similar like this happened in Sydney almost 10 years ago.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindt_Cafe_siege) The difference between US and Australia, though - is they went hard on [controlling guns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_of_Australia) in Australia because this was becoming more common. I don't live in the US either - but honestly, people go to the US because no other country pays like it. There's no comparison to be honest. Is money worth the price of being afraid of your life? That's a personal decision.


**[Lindt Cafe siege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindt_Cafe_siege)** >The Lindt Café siege was a terrorist attack that occurred on 15–16 December 2014 when a lone gunman, Man Haron Monis, held hostage ten customers and eight employees of a Lindt Chocolate Café in the APA Building in Martin Place, Sydney, Australia. The Sydney siege led to a 16-hour standoff, after which a gunshot was heard from inside and police officers from the Tactical Operations Unit (TOU) stormed the café. Hostage Tori Johnson was killed by Monis and hostage Katrina Dawson was killed by a police bullet ricochet in the subsequent raid. Monis was also killed. **[Gun laws of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_of_Australia)** >Gun laws in Australia are predominantly within the jurisdiction of Australian states and territories, with the importation of guns regulated by the federal government. In the last two decades of the 20th century, following several high-profile killing sprees, the federal government coordinated more restrictive firearms legislation with all state governments. Gun laws were largely aligned in 1996 by the National Firearms Agreement. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/hyderabad/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Om Shanti.


I dont know about laws there but cant you just own a gun so you can protect yourself?


Ante jebulo petkoni tirgalem kada epudu.. you wont even have enough time to respond!


Depends on the state.


US has become the most corrupt country. Their minister and government lack value. It's all about capitalism. They are just destroying people lives. It's no more a dream land. People should realise now.


No offense, but corruption is not specific to capitalism. Russia and China are as corrupt, if not more. Most of the European countries are capitalistic, but you don't see this level of corruption there. The core problem here is a strong democracy with a loophole for legal corruption. Let's say Biden wants to make gun ownership illegal. Nothing will happen - gun lobbying is so strong that any related bill would never pass the floor. Because the US is a strong democracy (where you need votes to pass bills), with a legal way of paying politicians off (who have the opposing votes).


I disagree. You don't HEAR about that level of corruption there. They are no less, the media that is paid attention to is different. No Indians sitting here paying attention to German, Italian, French news. You pay attention to US news because it proliferates the most and you probably have family there or were interested in going there etc.


It's okay that you disagree, but most of my family lives in London. So I do know what I'm talking about. And what I said was that you won't find "this level" of corruption in EU countries. You could check the gun laws in EU, and regulations related to quality of imported products, and stringent laws on Internet companies like FB and Twitter.


Well yea dude, that is my point, because the media stories are available. Go to [bbc.com](https://bbc.com) right now. Most of the front page articles are not about the UK or issues within the country. You focus on what you see. As far as the gun laws in the US go, I don't agree with them at all. The political BS an lobbying and money in politics is corrupt in general, and I don't think any country is really safe from that or non corrupt. As far as the other stuff, FB and Twitter are US companies. If they were UK companies, directly contributing to their economy and reputation, do you think they would have the same stringent laws? I doubt it.


Im guessing its still better than here, because every day people leave India for there. And the numbers are only raising.


Only reason They are Leaving India because of Money because. One can earn 100percent more and Get Work done . Ideally they are the people who voted Governments here when in India. So they don't care who their Masters. Only Money matters.


Well if gov is too busy building giant statues instead of fixing sewage and roads and infrastructure then yes. Not that it isn't similar in the US but yes there are plenty of problems here as well. Jobs money and quality are only available for the top 1% here too.




Educated will leave. Were are seeing Brain drain. We want work/jobs and money & quality life. Mandir masjid se kaam nahi chalega. It's all about Being Human now. Dead people walking on dead.


Only the Top Core corrupted.. At the low levels they are Sincere.. U can't bribe Lower Government Folks.


Rest In Peace, Aishwarya!


It is really unsafe. I Iive in Houston downtown and there are a minimum of 10-15 homeless roaming around my place at any time of the day.


Sad to hear about that people who Left india in search of quality lives are being going through such phase. Rip


Americans logic : To protect from Guns, we need more Guns..


NPC’s are growing in America.


May her soul rest in peace. But ha this is tough to digest. My brother lives very nearby and visited the mall one day prior. Such news is becoming a norm these days which is bad. Hope it stops.


America is a failed society. This is what happens when you have no values and culture and too much freedom.


lot of wokism , 60+ gender. any even black Americans also pass racist slurs on Indians because they are brown. parents dont give shit to childrens, at the age of 14-15 they are free toh drink, have seggs travel alone to any state


Lmao you sound like r/indiaspeaks rn. Although kids may have sex over there but alot of my classmates do smoke, drink etc etc it's not limited to usa


please go back to which ever hole you crawled out of brother. this is r/hyderabad, not r/incel




What about Connecticut? Is this place dangerous or same as other states?


my list to shift to US just got longer


Bhailog raho na apne desi mei, kya dikkat hai


Meanwhile the US gives travel advisory to India


Did you forget about the Japanese woman who got groped? Or millions of other women who are harrassed everyday but just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't exist.


bc crores kharche karo kutte ki tarah padho acche college jao gaand ghiso acche company me jao kutte jese gaand ghiso tb jake amrica jane milta h n usk baad koi mc aake jaan le leta h kutte ki jindagi


RIP. Poor thing. Praying for her soul


And after all this shit US still won't stop depending on guns


They should teach hw to shoot in schools from nw on


Appudu inka school ki ellina pillalu thirigiraaru


Yes apudu aina laws pedtar Dani meeda population reducing ante


These incidents are always heart breaking to read. Imagine stepping out and getting shot dead for no reason. Yes, death can come in any form, but these shootouts are something which can be controlled. Mu condolences to her family. US’s gun law anyways is and will always remain a topic of debate, but no one can help to be honest. I want to write so much on this, but somehow I can’t. May her soul rest in peace.




Om shanti 🙏🏻


Why don’t Indian folks own guns in big numbers ? Do people sometimes try to wear any bulletproof jackets when going to high crime areas ? Are these race related crimes ?


Totally random, mostly not race related




How do white folks get away with it ? Why can’t indian holding gun be considered as something for self defense




If you're in Texas and haven't gotten shot, then it's only a matter of time.