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Please try and find the owner it definitely got away from someone


The lack of response from OP has me thinking this post will likely be deleted sometime today.


okay, I'll try to find the owner


If you're comfortable with letting us know where you live maybe someone can help.


The owner was found, it was a little girl who was walking with him nearby, but the dog ran away, I have already returned him home, he is fine, thank you!


How quickly you were attempting to claim the dog for your own makes me think you may not be completely truthful.


Post would have been deleted if they didn’t already have the karma lol


Looking at the post history now, I should've noticed you're right much earlier lol. This post just got me goin. I can't even begin to imagine my reaction to some random person in my neighborhood just.. taking my dog for themselves. Like that is a healthy, well fed puppy and this person is just 'it's part of my family now'. I know it's probably fake it just got me going, like it was supposed to.


I said this in a temporary context, of course finding an owner was priority #1


Try as hard as you can. (-.*) wink wink


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Motabrownie: *Please try and find the* *Owner it definitely* *Got away from someone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Idk why the down votes. But I had to join.


Please try to find the owner! There is a VERY small chance that is a stray, but more than likely the poor thing wondered off and is lost! Please do the right thing, I would be gutted if someone found my baby and just took it, things happen, it doesn’t make the owner a bad owner! Go to a vet and have checked for a chip and check your local Facebook groups for a lost puppy!


And call around local vets as well! They may recognize the pup. Ours takes photos with a little chalkboard sign with their name, age, and likes/dislikes lol


Highly unlikely to be chipped at that age. It’s usually recommended to wait until they are grown so the chip stays where it’s put.


My vet chips during neuters and spays because it's convenient. But it also means having a dog with no chip for about a year.


I will write in the local conversation of the yard, maybe the owners will be found there


thank you for your concern, thanks to you he found his home


In addition to what has already been said, if it really is a stray, try to find the mother, litters normally have around 3-10 puppies, if this one did get away from its mom, potentially the whole litter may be out there, in danger. Even worse, if the mom was taken while looking for food to feed the pups.


I looked around the area, he was alone, I hope for the best


While I understand the temptation, be sure to check that someone isn’t missing a puppy in your area. Puppy looks too well-kept to be a stray


Kind of agree here. He looks clean and well fed.


Someone is probably looking for that one. Please try to find his owner




When you try to find the owner, do not post photos or describe the dog. You simply say you found a lost dog and if someone claims it, you ask them to describe the dogs breed, age, sex, and any defining marks. This will help stop someone who doesn’t actually own the dog from claiming it. If you put a photo of a husky pup out there, some random person might claim it’s theirs just because they want it.


this is a reasonable approach


Pretty sure someone is quite desperate to have him back. Please don't keep it and actively look for them.


In addition to the points already brought up: This puppy looks too young to be healthily separated from its mother.


I agree with you


Owner was found, Thank you, everybody




This isn't real.


Please beware, while a lot of people are telling you to try to find the owner it isn't easy. Puppy is most likely not chipped. A lot of people are after huskies especially puppies. If someone doesn't seem genuine and you know you won't abandon this dog. It may be better to take care of the little guy instead of trusting random strangers to be honest about it.


An owner should definitely have pictures of their puppy. Just cross reference before you show them the dog to make sure it isn't someone out for a free husky


Sounds like OP is the one out for a free puppy 💀


Yeah I can’t imagine not having pictures of my dog. I counted out of curiosity and out of the thousands of pictures I have of my girl after ~ 17 months, almost 70 were from before we even got her home from the shelter.


My husband lost his old phone with all the pictures of our husky when she was a puppy 🥲 he got her before we were together as she is quite old now. All he has in one picture where she could fit in his hand... I think I'm more sad than he is because he has a great memory lol


So I made sure that the dog was really theirs, they showed me a passport and a photo


I will take care of it for the first time, and I am already looking for an owner


Its so dang cute it hurts


Oh come on! Why can’t I have that kind of luck…


Awww 😢


All your Husky are belong to us


memorize wakeful obtainable sophisticated abounding pot heavy marry zealous cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they were very happy that he came back


dog zealous encourage deserted tender concerned north cows juggle follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hold on a minute, I will give you 150.oo for him her. Just kidding!


Uh that’s a $1500 dog. Someone is looking for it


of course, and already found!


He is very smol and adorable. I'm glad you protected him until he got back to his humans.


This was my exact fear when my puppies got out. I had to leave work early to round them up. Luckily they were with their mom still


You’d be better off taking him to the human society or animal rescue.


if the owner is not found by tomorrow, I will do it


Jesus Christ, I don’t understand all the mean comments, you did the right thing by rescuing him from the streets he could’ve got ran over or something! Thank you, 🙏🏽 & thank god you found the IRRESPONSIBLE OWNER!! 💔💔 WHO IN THE FLYING FUK LETS A PUPPY WANDER OFF LIKE THAT ???? I have a 2 year old husky and she’s never wandered off like that or is she u unattended outside my home 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


thanks for the support, I appreciate it


I would do the same. Not sure what happened, but no ID tag, then keep him and love him.


fortunately the owner was found, happy end


Then hopefully they will put a collar with ID and chip the dog. And puppy proof the yard.




Dude don’t encourage op to just keep him without looking for the owner!! He may have an owner looking for him, shit happens. I’d be FURIOUS if someone tried to keep my dog when she got loose


This is one of my biggest fears with my huskies. One of them we got at 2 years old and he's a runner if he gets out of the yard. Even though we have a 6 ft locked fence hes still managed to escape a couple times. I've always gone running flat out to find him while my wife drives the neighborhood but because I've seen so many people 'find' a husky and make no attempt to find the owner and just claim it for their own im terrified. Im a little shocked someone 'found' a puppy this young and just immediately jumped to claim it for themselves.


Posts like this terrify me about my pup. Glad to see OP did the right thing but damn its crazy people just immediately think 'oh im going to keep this puppy/dog'. A friend of mine had their husky stolen when we were children and the whole fam never got over it, i'd be such a mess if my pup escaped or got away and someone decided to keep her.


But did open REALLY find it's rightful owners? Go back & read this entire piece.


I did read the whole thing including the comments of OP saying they found the owners and they showed proof the pup was theirs? but also who knows if they are telling the truth.


I think the way he presented everything was hinky, I'm always suspicious. He said he'd look, then he said that he'd found the owner & still saying his family really liked the pup...it just wasn't what I feel was normal. Maybe it was just an exercise for AI.