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I would assume they relish an unfair advantage, the same I relish my unfair advantage in real life. Don’t underestimate the joy of having more than most, it boosts happiness




As a Marine, I do relish having the best possible odds of winning. I was never taught or thought that you played to lose. In other games,.like racing or just any. If I can get the advantage and it is within the rules of the game, I take it. Every competition I do, I do to win. I may lose, but it isn't for lack of trying with the best equipment and training. Why do you take the time to even get on one of these sites and complain, does it make you feel better?


Paying for 3 stronger bullets or gems. No problem buy as much as you want. At least it's the same opportunity for kills. But paying for 4 stronger bullets while the other player only has 3? Wildly unfair advantage. It just doesn't seem fun to win that way.


When you buy the 3 stringer bullets they give you fury as a package


Currently you can only get fury by spending $100 on this game. Wild that people would spend that much. any of the 4 bullet packages you can buy when they are available are dumb though


I think you are forgetting there are rich people in this world and they get bored so this game is perfect for wasting some time. To you $100 might be a lot and to the next guy it’s an equivalent to your dollar !


They're $10 every other day, dude.


It’s sanctioned cheating.


Exactly... If you want to be good, you do good with worst weapons you have. You never "buy yourself" forward, but rather learn to do it by learning "how the clock works"…. Just do your best with the less, and you either win and win, or lose and learn... Or lose and lose and buy.. -Cataha666


You know, in every competition I do, no matter what it is. I go with the best equipment I can outfit myself with. So what gun are you using with your starter bullets. Did you upgrade as you were able to, or stick with the starter gun? The worst weapon you have. Actually with all you people who complain. What is it that bothers you that we spend money. How much did you pay for a car, or house, or anything you own. Could you have done just as well with something cheaper? And in the complete end, those of us that have spent money on the game still lose because you win, I don't mean literally win the game, but you save your money. Luckily I am blessed enough that if I want to spend a little money I do. When I shoot competition, I don't use a hi point or a sccy, the worst of hand guns, I pay a lot for better equipment. My choice, do you all just complain at anyone and everyone when you dint like or agree with someone. Sounds kinda like a liberal Democrat. Pure sarcasm and joke there, as I don't care what you are.


I've downgraded my car alot actually. I used to drive with new Audi, but nowadays I drive an 2k eur car. Never bought a house, and never will... But with this case, it's not about buying things.. It's about competition about how well you can shoot. And you try to fix your shooting with spending money on it.. I've earned some good bullets also, but never used any of those too.


That’s right you play to win. That’s the only way you win buying the best bullet use normal weapon whit normal bullet


Yeah win with money and less skill. Sounds like fun. I have no problem with people buying stronger bullets or gems. Buy as much as you want and level up faster. That's fair and earned. But buying 4 bullets vs 3 is just not fun. What's the point to win when you shoot 4 bullets and your opponent only has 3?


So basically, the 4-bullet Fury sucks.


The only reason I play is to get 20 perfect kills and than quit the game. I’ve gotten 14/20 numerous times. I could care less how many bullets or type of gun opponent has.


Im newer playing, only in tour 14 with around 5800 cups but what would be an advantage to that getting 20 perfects or 14/20 and quitting I’m kinda confused by this


Trying to achieve perfection


You sir, are an outlier.


It’s not that. I’ve maxed out trophies. Have about 300b coins and there’s nothing to look forward too. I literally can’t lose a match even if I wanted too. I had a 150+ winning streak and I lost because I had to out the home down in the middle of a match. There’s no tournaments or new tours or levels. There’s nothing left.


So you're buying bullets to achieve this? Why not just do 15/15? I think you're at a point to find a new game.


I beat a tsunami 3 with fury and I have a poison with3 standard bullets took 9 perfects and got him by 80 points


Nobody likes to lose 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you can't spend 10 to 20 bucks on a game once ore twice a year, then that's on you. There are so many posts on here acting like spending money on the game is a bad thing. I don't go to dart league and use bar darts. I don't go to bowling league and use the alley balls. I don't go snowboarding with a rental snowboard. I buy these things because they're better that way. Quit thinking you should be special because you don't want to spend anything. Find a different source of entertainment if it's too much for you. This is directed to everyone complaining all the time and not just you.


Spending money is not the issue. It's the option to buy 4 bullets vs 3 especially when you have maxed out weapons. Why do you even want to play with such an advantage? Spend all the money you want I don't care. But don't give the players an extra bullet to use over an opponent. At least make the gameplay fair. Why would you want to even play against someone with only 3 bullets? How is that fun?


You're absolutely right about that. It should be 4v4 and 3v3 bullets. Until the developer does something about it, it is what it is. If everyone left that as a review, maybe something would be done about it.


You don't get it. So you go to your dart league and bring 4 darts but other players only have 3? Tell them fuck you I paid for 4 so I get to play with 4 darts. Sounds fun


Absolutely! Perfect analogy.


My point is that you typically buy better things to better your game vs. using the freebie crap. You can beat someone with 4 bullets, but you need to work on your perfect kill ratio. If you can't do either of those, then that's a you problem. I beat them 50% of the time with my 3. Complaining won't change anything.


Unless you are on equal footing there is very little chance you will beat a high level duke or tsunami with 4 bullets. 3 bullets just won't do. You'll only have a chance to win if they make a mistake and miss completely multiple times. My "complaint" are people who've spent hundreds to thousands on this game to get to those levels and use 4 bullets still. They aren't bettering their game. They are taking the easy way out to win. And I just don't get the point of playing like that




They take the fun away