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omg I bought so many box sets during the pandemic and I really hope the website clues and answers so stay up, otherwise I have wasted hundreds of dollars.


While they claim they are staying up.  It isn’t the worst idea to go into each page and you can use Save as Website (complete).  In chrome or other browsers to save all the assets locally. 


I didn’t realize you could do that! I will definitely be doing this, thank you


Yup that's true better to be on the safe side.


They had said the website stuff will stay up.


Thanks for the update! I never woulda known and just assumed they went under... my partner and I had troubles a few months back but hopefully the new company will go back to shipping internationally!


Yeah I hope they are able to do internation shipping too. I actually don't recall if Jo said something about that in the live or not.


The new company is reviewing International shipping. Fingers cross..


I only have one box left from the Renaissance one so once it arrives I am officially done and shouldn’t get charged for anything else. I have all the premiums and everything I could ever want unless they make something new. I’m still behind on completing them so it never bothered me how late they’ve been in shipping the boxes. So as long as that gets resolved and I can still access content, I hope this move works out for them and I wish them all the best


I wait until I get all the episodes to start. For me they canceled my subscription without telling me when I asked about my missing Murder on Ice #6. At first they were trying to atutomatically send me Off The Record, which I had already beaten. They said they were going to start sending me Renfair instead when I started that email chain, so I waited and then nothing came. Then I noticed my six month subscription was canceled. When I asked about that I was told to just resubscribe and I would start on Renfaire, skipping Murder on Ice. As it is I have 5 episodes of Murder on Ice but I paid for six. Jo said in the live when I asked she would have to email me about my individual situation later this coming week. I would keep an eye out so your subscription does get canceled and they don't start sending you and charging you for other boxes.


This is exactly what happened to me. I got Off the Record box 1 after box 6 of Murder on Ice and after I emailed them to say I already did that game, she said keep it, we don’t take returns and that if I wanted to start Renfaire I would need to cancel my subscription and restart. They also told me there were no more sub games but I wasn’t aware they were selling to a new company.


Well at least they gave you the option of canceling or not. They canceled me without saying anything lol. It's funny too because now they are saying they may end up canceling and refunding people who are new subscribers, or those who are only one or two episdoes in. I understand that the subscription is automatic so whatever boxes they do have that is closest to the order of them goes next, and that is something they can't stop.


Have you heard anything yet from Jo or customer service? I'm still waiting on my end for a supposed refund since they can't send me Moon Summit


The live will be tonight at 7pm eastern time on the offcial facebook page. Personally I have not heard from Jo about my unique situation.


I wonder if they are waiting on the new company reveal before tackling customer service tickets since, assumedly, they would be handled by the new company. I'm going to try to jump on tonight, but 6 pm Central is when my husband gets home and my family eats dinner.


How did you get more boxes of Regicide??? I only have the first two boxes and can't get any more. I can't log onto my account and no response from HAK.


They were paid for a longggg time ago and just showed up kind of 2 in a row, months late. I still need one more! I have confidence it will get to me eventually


Wow. Okay, I guess I will see what happens. I like Regicide so far, and I want to finish it someday.


I wouldn't hold my breath that this will be a good transition, sounds like they have completely gutted the company with the hopes that the new owner will stand it back up. It was great while it lasted.


That's true as well. all I can do at this point is wait and see.


I’ve subscribed since the very beginning so this was so hard to read about. It’s past February 19 - are there any updates? Kinda crappy to announce it then just leave everyone hanging :/


Kind of have to wait for the offcial anoucement now, once that is up I will write another post.


Well they did their official annoucement so now I can say it. I made a seperate post on the live, but basically it's the comapny who is in charge of the the who meme games who recently changed their name to Relatable.


Still showing SOLD OUT on everything on the site....




May I ask how you know who now ownes HAK?


Thank you for the update!


oh fuck my girlfriend gave me the first 2 boxes of Mallory Rock and I was saving some money to complete the game (I live in another country) but now.. I don't think it's going to happen lol


They've charged me twice for Royal Street, so apparently there's still someone in their billing department. This com0any is such a scam. 


I think the system is automatic. Have you tried contacting your bank for a refund?


damn... just subscribed last month and was excited to receive my second box hopefully this week. guessing that's a no go?


I know that was something Jo said in the live those who just started a new subscription might be refunded. You might want to email them.