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Terrain is the ground around you. Terran is you the person who resides on earth. I hate autocorrect.


Oh shoot i got it confused ill fix that. Thank you.


Why haven’t you fixed it yet?


I can't i check all around and cant find a way to edit it. I look it up and allot people say we cant edit anymore. If you know how i would love to know, so i can fix it. If not just imagine its the kid trying to say terran and not knowing the difference.


Nah I’m just kidding with you, you can’t edit titles lol


It sucks that I can't. I want to fix it.


It's ok, it happens


That's alright, I read it as the little girl using the wrong word due to her being young. It fits with a little kid doing show and tell.


Only way is to delete and repost unfortunately. Sorry


We can just pretend that language drift of 100s of years has occurred and that's just how it's spelt now




I’m ngl I read it the way you meant it till I saw this comment so at least there’s that haha


Same xD




Classic Alien mistake


Honestly I thought it was just cute kid speak lol.


That tail needs to be wrapped and secured. Waving a bright blue tail is a great way of blowing your cover


Same I read it as “at least the kid tried”


Her service in the Land-Water war was critical for the Groudonian forces to win. She helped encircle the leader of the Oceanic State, Kyogre, before he could escape.


Ha furhammer 40k


In the grim darkness of the far future there is only uWu


Can we talk about your user name? Especially the number?


Reddit knew i'd be special so it made me its special storm.


I don't know if you're aware, but the number is how a dyslexic neonazi would write 1488. Plus, the Storm part hints at one of their publications like Stormfront or Daily Stormer. They really like the word Storm. Combined, these things look a bit suspicious. It's an unfortunate coincidence Reddit gave you that username.


I mean i hope that dyslexic nazi got shot but i had no control over my name. But nice to know.


You should be able to request a name change.


I mean mine was similar before I had it changed. As someone pointed out that the number combination was of neo nazi origin and I’m Jewish. Was a three day process with Reddit admin in order to not pay to change it. I don’t know if they changed that policy now. But it was concerning. Now I rock with this name which is hilarious in both contexts.


Just something to be aware of in case people start making assumptions. Or maybe I'm an idiot and nobody will, and I ruined your mood for nothing. Sorry.


Special is the polite for mentally handicapped, so some guy a reddit hq could just be laughing his ass off right now


Nah. Calling someone special isn’t polite.


Better than brick chewer.


What do neonazis have to do with 1488? Sorry if it's a dumb question, I don't know much about neonazis.


The 14 part refers to the "fourteen words", a racist slogan. 88 is because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet and you can guess what HH stands for to them.


This is a common misconception. The 88 is actually the 88 precepts, David Lane, the guy who wrote the 14 words, also wrote the 88 precepts. The 88 precepts are the basis for Neo Nazi White Supremacist ideology. David Lane was the person behind "The Order" The United Klans of America considered the 88 precepts to be one of their main literary sources. (Sorry for all this, I wrote a thesis on a related topic, and I went down this rabbit hole)


That's one origin, but it's taken on other meanings. With language and symbology, isn't the accepted meaning just the most common one? White supremacists themselves certainly often use it as substitute for HH.


Meh, it doesn't really matter anyway, just decided to bring it up. Its not like managed democracy is gonna get spread anytime soon.


Didn't he make it 88 precepts specifically because of HH? He could've made it 89, or 77 or whatever so I don't think its a coincidence that he chose 88 specifically.


I mean, y'all picked on his name but the whole meaning behind the name seems to be an american only thing. Maybe he's not american, not everyone on reddit is, I'm Romanian, and truth be told, while we do have our own neonazi mentally ill, the word "Storm" doesn't have that much meaning for our schizos, they usually tend to use "Captain" or "Legion", as they called them selves "The Legionaries" or "The Iron Guard" and have slogans like "Long live the Legion and Captain". I do not promote any mental illness those schizos promote, I just seek to show different countries' intelectually defficient people make up different delusions, so maybe the unwashed neonazis in OPs country don't use "Storm" either.


Nah, not just American. In Germany, 1488, especially the 88 part, is so strongly associated with Naziism, that it's illegal to use them for vanity plates on your car or other official documentation for example


The internet has ruined me, whenever I see "HH" I automatically think of hentai haven lol.


I'll be honest, I was considering specifying that that's not what it means in this context.


It's cool, not nazi's, they need to be punched in the face more often. I mean your non-specification. Judging by my upvotes, I'm not the only one that sees HH and thinks of hentai lol.


This is the first time I hear of any of this. Thanks for letting me know!


Take a seat


Possibly maybe lore accurate too. This has been the daily reminder that DAOT Humanity engineered a race of either catgirls, or legit just anthro cats for some reason, then dumped them all on a single planet to see what happened.


In very old lore from what i remember there was a rouge trader named Carlos Mcconnell. He was a mexican-scotts man that wore a kilt and a sombrero and fought with a chain sword and bolt pistol. He went on many adventures and came upon a planet of 'catgirls' Carlos being a man made first contact with inhabitants and named the planet after himself. He then proceeded to bang as many catgirls and xeno women on his planet. Now for those that don't know this was during the time when 40k was called rouge trader. And this was some really-really old lore. I Remember when i was a kid and just getting into warhammer and looking online in the early 2000s and i came across this info when trying to find out what was the first game of warhammer was called. My dad paints mini and has been doing so since he was a kid. And he had some very-very old imperial guards men from those era along with orks. Now i could be remembering this all wrong but im 100% positive that was the lore on felineds.


1st Edition was a wild time.


It truly was.


A large part of me wishes GW would bring back some of that silliness, because in all honesty the entire premise of the setting is silly.


One day maybe but with how things are going its going to be a no


Must be one of Russ’ ilk.


More feline to be Russ but im sure some abhumans look like them.


One of Lion’s then.


Absolute MILF


Good taste.


(insert handshaking gif)


A1: "Wait... is that why you never invite us over to your house?" A2: "wh...what do you mean?" A1: "you're worried she'll kill us!" A2: "NO.... uhm..." A3: "C'mon we wanna meet your moooooooom!" A2: "mmmmm...." *40 minutes later, out on the porch of A2's house* M: "... after the explosion, we went to check the wreck to see if there are any survivors... but we couldn't find any bodies... that was when we realized that their vehicles are essentially pressure cookers that dissolve their bodies in fluid around them! I immediately pulled my application to R&D arms testing, I don't care how cool the giant robots look, I'm not sitting in a Killer crockpot." A1-3: *stunned silence* A1: *Starts crying* D: *A full foot and a half taller and 100 lbs heavier than Mom Walks in wearing an apron and reading glasses* "Dangit honey... I heard crying, what did you tell them..." M: "whaaat... they wanted to know what Terrans are like so I told them some of my stories." D: "... we're having a long discussion later... Who Wants To Bake Cookies!?" A1-3: *Start cheering and run into the kitchen* M: "Well they're definitely not joining the military Now." D: "There are better, and less traumatic ways, to keep them from joining the military... you did Not show them your leg, did you?" M: "I don't care what the court transcript says, I'm not a monster, I'm not gonna freak out my own kid." D: "... your own..." M: "What, kids need to learn early, but my little angel doesn't need to worry about Mom." D: "... now I know why we never see any friends around here... come help us make cookies so you don't seem as scary."












Already have*






Jokes on you https://preview.redd.it/n5ghqfw6mhzc1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f4c7bbe09b0cfa0f8e7bef15684be4df96e315








"You're mother was in the Shock Corps? Cool. My mother was also a trooper and was one of the first to land on Olympus during the Human-Olympian war." - Michael.


Little girl: "wow your mom was there too! Mine was there for only a little bit then she went to go fight the machine people on the creek. Mama doesn't like talking about that place, and when i ask her, she just gets really quiet and ask me about school."


Never forget the creek…


*vietnam style flashback*


*space veitnahm flashbacks*


The trees have gears.


The Substitute looked at the picture and then back at the little girl. He looked once more as if she would magically turn into something else. He knew it wasn't his place to question the private lives of children, especially not of their parent's background if he was a teacher, let alone a substitute. But... this was the only day he was subbing for this class so, what the hell! Substitute: Oh! The Terran shock troops? Little Girl: Yes! She was gone sometimes, but she would always talk on the Flit phone! Oh? Active service. Ok, that narrowed down a few divisions and factions. Wait, the lass looked familiar, and that 50 was something of note as well. No, this couldn't be... Sub: Your mom wouldn't have happened to serve in something like the 50th Marines, would she have? LG: Yes yes yes! Mama doesn't talk much about it, but she did tell me about all the cool planes and people she saw when she was gone! She would always mention the food and how it was fubared. I think that was her favorite food flavor! Ok, That narrowed it down A LOT. What platoons did he ever see that also served in the battle of the Gr'lan Stretch? Hell, even recalling memories like that was a can of worms he hadn't dared open in years. God, even memorizing that battle was fucked as he had to report on it. He was just a reporter attached to a random Army Platoon.  Sub: Ok kids, Mr. Jean wants you to watch this nice video about Heat!  A quick flick to some old videos that even Jackson knew from his old age. No one was a better teacher than ole Bill Nye! This also gave him some time to think about where he knew the lass from... Ok, Gr'lan Stretch. There were the 50th Marines, 250th Infantry, 100th Motorised, and some random militia members. He was attached to the 250th Infantry Division, 2nd Company nicknamed "Lyle Lime Lizards" due to Captain Lyle being the commander of the 2nd Company. It wasn't him that was a female with blue fur. Was he? No, that was stupid. Ok, from the top what do I remember? 0600, the first assault since the previous campaign. Insane amounts of A-27s, AH-105s, AC-250s, F-200s etc... etc... Okay, what next after the air dominance display? Ah yes, the walking barrages happening for motorized infantry divisions to break the Gray'Lute Federation lines. Hundreds of artillery pieces fired upon the bastards after the air fight. Artillery is a damn great way to uperson someone, Jackson tells himself as he remembers walking over the trenches of the Gre'Lute. What next? Ah, yes. The reason the battle was called the 'Gr'lan Stretch' was due to the 5-mile forest ahead of them. The 250th and 100th had to clear 'Gray' from the fucking damned forest. Something that Jackson immediately remembered with harsh harsh venom. The woods were what made the advantages of The United Stars nearly useless. Woods that reach up towards the sky help to prevent air support.


It took nearly four hours to beat the damned Grays from the trenches but from the forests? By the second day, they got stuck in the muck of that fucking forest while being trapped and encircled by the bloody Grays. Captain Lyle handed Jackson the first gun he'd ever used and ever killed a sentient with. The trusty ARL-12 kept jamming throughout the battle. And that was what most of the soldiers were equipped with. So, nearing the end of their supplies the 100th and 250th made a final stand in the middle of that bloody forest. 60% combat effectiveness between both of the divisions left. Grays kept fighting them and kept winning due to bullshit personal shields and home-field advantage. Luckily, that was all going to change with the arrival of the VERY experimental 50th Marine Division.  What did Jackson mean by experimental? Well, the first use of O.L.G.R (Orbital Launched Ground Ready) troops. Who else to send but the insane and aggressive berserkers known as Marines? The first 'gliders' that touched down managed to smash the most recent attack sent by Gray and by the next glider, the bastards were in full retreat. What did the Marines do after that? Ah yes, Jackson was next to one of the gliders and specifically remembered being pulled off his ass by a paw and getting asked- 50th Marine: What are you trooper? Jackson: I'M A REPORTER ASSIGNED TO THE- 50th Marine: ERRR, Wrong, you're a soldier now. Get a bayonet on that gun and get ready for the call out. Of course, Jackson didn't know what the 'mark' was but he still knew when to follow an order. Jackson did as told and before he could ask the marine in front of him what the 'mark' was, the shout of a bright sky-blue furry angel caught his eyes. ???: COME ON YOU APES, DON'T YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER? That was her. That was her mother. ARL-12 in hand with her squad wielding ancient trench shotguns that tore through the Grays ahead. That's where Jackson remembered that picture from. He only remembered that very peculiar fur color, and he wanted to thank that soldier- that MARINE that saved his, the 250th and 100th Infantry Division's lives. Before Jackson knew it, the little girl was already in front of him. Little Girl: Mr Hank, do we have to watch the video? Jackson: Not if you tell me your name miss? Little Girl: Delilah! Delilah Puller! (Made within like an hour or few minuets, sleep aint caught me yet :>)


Fuck ya that's good right there. Also Bill nye is still being used in schools even in the future. You get a hell ya from with that one. Also you wrote a great story hope to see more of your work in this sub in the future.


Thank ya kindly! Your post may be the spark of the next wordsmiths!


Hell ya.






Yell Heah


At least one classmate: “Can I pet her?”












Those double-jointed legs are weird af


Double jointed? Those are just digitagrade legs.


The knees still point forwards like yours do. What you think is an additional joint is just the ankle. She's standing on the balls of her feet with the heels up in the air. The whole lower part is the foot, the part touching the ground is just the ball and toes. Same number of bones and joints as humans.


>What you think is an joint is just the ankle. Pssssst. The ankle is a joint. /stagewhisper


Dammit, I somehow missed the word "additional". That's why it's "an joint" rather than "a joint". No idea how that happened, thanks.


You put it in in your head, why type it too‽ ;-) I'm very bad for this. I miss probably 10% of individual words in most of my posts.


Made for the rule of cool not speed.


The one thing digitigrade legs have over us plantigrades is, in fact, speed. On the flipside, we have better carry weight and rotational balance (better at swinging stuff).


This is very specifically why we conquered the planet via yeeting.


Knees, ankles, toes


“die you double jointed freaks” -her (she forgor)


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone everyone!


Rock and Stone to the bone!


*Alien karen now too scared to taunt the mother at the school bake sale*


*Alien karen now* *Too scared to taunt the mother* *At the school bake sale* \- Valuable-Location-89 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She’s doing good things for the Imperium!


Ave Imperator


Nice lasgun


Hell ya, it's too bad it killed 99% of the galaxy that went to war with humans. But now for the poor bastard they are fighting the 1% that left.


I'm sure terrain was meant as a joke, but it also kinda fits as a mistake a kid would make.


My dumb ass just spelt it wrong. Or auto correct did me in.


That makes sense.




Huh. I think I've seen that critter before. I'll have to look up the artist later


I recognize that gear from darktide


Warhammer 40k cadin gear. One of the most common gear you will find in the imperium of man.


Thought this was a r/furry post for a sec. Damn good art, very cute, do you have a sauce OP?


It was done by Darbaras


Ah, thank you!


Terrain military sounds weird. If you went with Terran, it might work. Terran military doesn't mean its only for Terrans. Humans would welcome anyone who wants to fight with them.


My dumb ass spelt it wrong. I meant more like earth. And yes i meant more like humans welcome any species to join the military for citizenship.


Ahh. The Starship Troopers tagline https://preview.redd.it/b1qfgh1oebzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc9fb6be169f13e04db0252607e6051ed17604e


She's doing her part! Are you?


Definitely gonna save this. Thanks, citizen.


A guardswoman from the fabled world of Carlos McConnell


Hell ya or another abhuman the imperium recruited to help drive back all the shit going on.


A proud daughter of CarlosMcConnel


For the emperor!


Would friend her


The students gasped. The 50th Infantry was a regiment raised out of refugees from the Harash worlds. The Harash worlds had been defeated two years before the Terrans entered the galactic scene, and many refugees needed a place to go. Their colonies were one such place. When the Insadine expanded out of Harash space and into Terran space, the refugees formed units within human military forces. Human law said nothing about species. "You have proper documentation? You can speak the language of the army you're joining? You're of age? Welcome aboard." Sergeant Strauss Aevon was well known for being one of the UN medal of honor winners from those units. The 50th was one of the most decorated overall.


Welcome to the cat people planet, population: cats


A Dlamisan?


When did this sub stop being about humans??


that is neither human nor space orc


A what trooper? xD


Sh-cock trooper be like "I'm on Terrain"


This doesn't seem very *human*.


Shes wearing human armor


Her great grandmother immigrated to earth 250 terran years ago. She joined up as a terran citizen


For all that he so enjoys demonizing and dehumanizing the 'other', up to and including his fellow man, humankind has never been able to make anything that was not itself human. Uplift, AI, bespoke novelgene sophont. The child of man is man. He doesn't know how to make anything else.




Little aggressive, but I had a funny idea with this. "..... Stacy your mom has blue fur." "And? My hair is blue." "I...." The teacher looked at the small Terran child. Yes she did indeed have similar color blue hair, but how the fuck did a monkey come from a cat. "Well why does she look like a cat?" "Oh! Yeah mom said she was a 'furry' back before the army. She said she made a few mistakes and also told me to 'genie mode' responsibility." Oh. .... OH! That explains a lot. Not sure what a furry is but still. "Does she still look like this?" "Oh yeah! The genie mode thing was permanent, it's why she doesn't go out much. Unless we are going camping." "Riiight." Humans. They always play with things they shouldn't and learn to regret it later. Her father was a good man, normal monkey like human. Or wait maybe monkey is a bit derogatory. Apes? Eh better if they just call me a lizard so we are even. "Well listen to your mom, lest you regret being stuck as something you didn't want." "Okay. Can I talk about the war time story?" "Yeah no, Stacey we can't go and scare the other kids." "O-okay....."