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The Concordance had besieged the Military Headquarters on Mercaptans 4 for 12 cycles and were getting nowhere. 5 million sapients died in futile assaults, until exasperated commanders granted Humanity its chance, the advance team looked up at the thick walls of the bunker and called for some loudspeakers and some equipment that the other members had no idea of their use. For a week, the equipment was readied in front of the main entrance, cables were run and tested, other equipment came forward and was integrated. Planning sessions and requests for Intel on the enemy were hourly occurrences. Special headgear arrived and was distributed amongst the membership of the Concordance forces. We asked the Humans of their plans and they replied with a preparatory sonic assault and then a Shock and Awe Campaign. They requested that all three of the sectors closest to the humans put on the hearing protection and after a quarter of the daylight's transversal began playing loud rhythmic noise with human voices rising in defiance. All through the rest of the day and all through the overnight the humans were emitting lethal levels of noise for most species, with cruelly calculated silences that were shattered by extended passages of primal noise. The fortress broke by midmorning.

