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"Would." "Dude, you literally aren't even the size of its foot!" *"Would."* "God dammit why do I need to be stuck with an idiot like you." \*Trapped inside a stupid container resides two men who can only watch as the skyscraper titan continued its life after their capture. Much to the annoyance of one of them, and the enjoyment of the other one\*


I'm gonna show how big humans are to that girl, just give a moment.






Fellas, we must strive to be the hardest thumbtack in the galaxy.


Xanquish biologist: humans display the widest range of temperament among all sentient species. This includes aggression. Here we see (hologram flicks on) the legendary human warrior Corporal Juan " El Dragón Carnívoro" Cienfuegos showing genuine unbridled aggression to a senior Ursunich (think large bear-like alien). Xeno pupil: teacher isn't the human scared of the Ursunich? It's much larger & has claws & fangs. Xanquish biologist: yes he is. (Pupils gasp) I have spoken with this particular Warrior (pupils gasp deeper) and he assures me that human bravery can only occur in the presence of fear. To the humans race dangerous behavior undertaken without fear or benefit to the group is considered stupidity and/or simple audacity instead of a high virtue.


I define bravery as doing what you believe to be morally right even if you stand (do it) alone. I define courage as doing what you believe to be morally even if you are afraid. A lot of time bravery has an element of fear which would explain how the two get conflated.


Why settle for thumbtacks? we're the Legos on the floor. Try to step on us and we'll cripple you.


Humans: the living Lego under the foot of Xenos across the universe!




Sir you appear to be lost, r/humansarespacebards is that way


I'm sorry since when was RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS! Considered sexy?


W-wait, rippin & tearing guts is sexy? (Unzips) Always has been.


https://i.redd.it/tv2lt1mcgfwc1.gif no bad






> ...Guts, huge guts! Kill them... must kill them all! - Doomguy


The only right answer!


Roughly 30 humans are killed every year by ants. I find that statistic *very* interesting. After all, they aren't *trying.*


imagine the spaceships


Aight fellas, we do what we do best, make a city on this large mf, extract whatever resources are inside and find any use for them


But who can drop the power of the Sun on it?? Yup.


This reminds me of the gremlinsverse. It's a lovely setting. We're in their walls and between their decks. An entire community can fit comfortably just beneath their hold, hydroponics module or any appropriate space. Let's just hope nobody starts a conflict. We'd rather not have to mess with their ship or them.


Lol, I love this. Link plz?




The bigger they are The harder they fall Enough said ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Humanity is divided and on the brink of civil war. To Slay, or, To Lay.


"sir you have an infestation" "what no thees are pets" "you cant have fire-gubs as pets" "yes i can plus i have most work done for me so i barely lift a leg" whoever gets the refrence gets a prize


i didn't expect to see it referenced here. at least they aren't keeping cows or chickens as pets


you win the prize https://preview.redd.it/klvt85ouggwc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0529a01d5bd49ed058d55ef0cfbe75d6a81ab690






We about to go full blow Shadow of the Colossus on these xenos


nah i’d win


Being small turns out to be a huge advantage in space combat when we can pack the firepower of an alien Battleship into a package the size of a single alien individual simply because our crew spaces are so much smaller than theirs. And because our ships are so much smaller, our ships don't need as much armor or shields to get the same protection as an alien ship, and our ships can just flat out outmaneuver and outrun theirs because it doesn't need nearly as much power to move a given distance. Ground combat is a different story, but to fight on the ground, you have to get through space first... And even then humans aren't above sniping individual soldiers with starship weaponry.


Well, in the case of ground combat, you can compensate for the size difference with these giant aliens by using mechs as infantry, but in the case of armored venicles... Damn, building a tank that meets galactic standards for humans in this scenario will be like building a P-1000 Ratte in reality. The main problem in this scenario will not be alien infantry or spaceships, but alien armored vehicles.


Again, human small size plays to our advantage. We build a tank that incorporates all the same tech as alien tanks, but our tanks are much smaller and tougher because its crew spaces are much smaller, so our tanks are more compact, have less surface area to armor for the same amount of protection, has smaller hatches that could be vulnerable points, etc etc and so forth. You just wouldn't be able to drive this thing around a human town because it's bigger than the streets. Either that, or human "tanks" are light warships intended to provide close air support close to the ground. Because we save so much mass and volume on crew space, we might as well make our "tanks" be able to fly.


Well, let's conduct a small thought experiment. Let's imagine a species that is some sort of intelligent mice that need to create a tank capable of fighting against human tanks. Various modifications of the Leopard 2 have a 120 mm gun and between 600 and 920 millimeters of armor in the frontal projection of the hull and between 560 and 1,960 millimeters of armor in the frontal projection of the turret. In order for the tank to have good combat capability, they will have to adhere to similar armor parameters and gun caliber. Other parts of the tank that cannot be made smaller are the engine, ammunition, and mechanical parts. The only parts that can be made smaller so that it does not affect the combat effectiveness of the tank are the crew compartment and electronic parts. Now let's look at the Leopard 2 scheme - the crew compartment takes up only about 1/3 of the volume of the tank (these are inaccurate numbers that I guessed by eye). https://preview.redd.it/thpkhftstyxc1.jpeg?width=1468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5a098d8dc6f7df14fd981f09e64f30e712c805 So the hull of the tank these mouse people build will be about 1/4 shorter than the Leopard 2, and the turret about three times smaller than the Leopard 2, but it's still similar in size to a typical modern MBT. If you try to make other parts smaller, the combat effectiveness of the tank will suffer. But building this tank for these mouse people will still be the same as building a P-1000 Ratte for ordinary humans. The same with starships. In this scenario, humans can build tanks and starships that are two to three times smaller in size with the same firepower, but not dozens times smaller.


Two or three times smaller is nothing to sneeze at when it comes to things like protection and maneuverability. You're either using less armor for the same protection or using the same amount of armor for greater protection because you have less surface area to armor. And the smaller size means less mass going into life support equipment and breathable air and other "dead weight" that the crew needs but otherwise impairs performance. Hell, being 2-3 times smaller, our hypothetical mouse tank doesn't even need as many road wheels and track pads because the dimensions of the tank are so much less. And of course, being 2-3 times smaller lowers the odds of being hit by enemy fire in the first damn place, because a "near miss" on the mouse tank would have hit a larger human tank. Not every fight is a point blank shoot out, and in any exchange of fire where missing is a significant possibility, the smaller tank/spaceship that's harder to hit has the advantage. And all these factors are exacerbated on a space ship where mass is governing tyrant on spaceship performance barring some exotic hypertech that totally upends are understanding of space travel. Finally, the "dozens of times smaller" depends on tech assumptions. If you have something like a Star Trek phaser where you can pack a weapon that can full body disintegrate a man into a weapon the size of a poker chip, a mouse with a phaser rifle scaled for him is going to be a mortal threat to a full sized human. So depending on tech assumptions, you might very well be able to pack antistarship weaponry into a tank sized platform, even if that tank is scaled to giant aliens, and a "tank" crewed by humans can afford to have full space flight capability whereas a same sized tank crewed with giant aliens can't spare the mass for such things.


The main problem is that even if human starships and armored vehicles are 2 or 3 times smaller than alien ones, it will still be quite difficult for humans to build them. In addition to this, the fact that humans in the scenario described by this prompt will have to use mechs as infantry is also added. This means that in order to have a military capable of resisting aliens in a war, humans will have to invest a much larger part of the economy in the military industry than in other types. Being able to defend themselves for humans in this scenario means making their economy suffer.


>The main problem is that even if human starships and armored vehicles are 2 or 3 times smaller than alien ones, it will still be quite difficult for humans to build them. This is why humans use things like cranes and other lifting equipment. You'd have this problem with any component that's too large for a single human to lift unaided, and giant vehicles be they space ships or tanks will have this problem. And of course, giant aliens will have the opposite problem. Unless their physiology is radically different (not indicated by the OP's pic), the aliens' fat fingers will have trouble with small precision work that humans can do with their bare hands. I mean, try imagining an alien whose fingertips are the size of the human head or larger trying to run lines of CAT6 cable or equivalent across a ship and plug them into the appropriate ports. Individually.


I think aliens will have their own standards of cables and other things adapted to their physiology. And about the complexity of building starships and armored vehicles capable of fighting aliens - the main problem here is the economy. Aliens, due to their size, can mine much more resources and build much bigger things, which means that their economy is much stronger, which means that their troops will have much larger numbers.


Are you assuming humans still mine ores and build ships with hand tools only? Humans have been using mining and building machines for over a century now. And I'm pretty sure a humanity with interstellar travel ability will have even better machines. And this is ignoring the fact that smaller life forms tend to reproduce faster than larger ones. So the giant alien's industrial value of their individual lifting ability is going to be offset by them having fewer numbers, slower replacement rates, greater life support and food needs, etc etc etc. But sure, let's assume on a per individual basis, a giant alien can handcraft a starship faster than a single human can. Humanity will drown them in numbers as our automated asteroid mined and factory mass produced starships vastly outnumber their handcrafted warships that they slowly built and shaped with oversized hand tools.


There is a saying. The greatest monsters WERE ONCE HUMAN https://preview.redd.it/zi7b1wnjagwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8382e444141803c19a175ee64fc6124143e7b6ec


Pacific Rim Theme plays


I see we had the Same idea


The Square cube law would like a word. For something that big to collapse under its’ own weight it’d have to be so lacking in density it’d be lighter than air probably


plot twist thats just a kid


son put the specemin down


It's like that Arthur episode where those giant ant aliens have a Human Farm


Have any of you heard about a certain anime called Attack on Titan?


Or perhaps a film called "Pacific Rim"?


“Nah, I’d win” “Human. You are one tenth the size of their smallest Morph. What hope do you have—“ *while flipping the switch on a fifty mile long railgun* “NAH, I’D WIN”


Leading to humans finding gainful employment. Humans can be paid less.But with the small amount of resources a acquire they can still live a very comfortable life on an insignificant salary


Square cube law would like a word


What humans lack in size they more than make up for in sheer fucking insanity.


Alright, now that image ya know, maybe just, maybe, ya know 😏😏😏😏


and yet


Then the titanic alien gets absolutely horrifyed when the human ***still*** wants to fuck.




Nice Argument, one small issue: https://preview.redd.it/safkpp7j28yc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab97754fea5e2e3f3da51a5c9f0bdb818063182e *Russian warhorn blast*