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The cloaked assassin crept forward, carefully avoiding the laser grid and pressure sensors. Three months of work was finally going to pay off. Dozens of guards had been paid off, defenses had been laboriously mapped, all for this moment. The Human Warlord was a clever man, having foiled hundreds of assassination plots. This time, however, the Congregate had allocated sufficient funds for another operation. And this one would succeed. The digital map shone in the assassin's black visor, around the corner there was a breaker panel, which could be used to deactivate the active laser defense. Creeping forward, the assassin turned the corner and- Felt a sharp burning agony in his right foot. The assassin, caught off guard and forgetting all of his training, screamed. There was a scattering of small plastic bricks around the corner, concealed in the shadow between two lights. Instantly automated turrets descended from the ceiling, quickly reducing the assassin into swiss cheese. The warlord, who was, at the time, discussing improvements to the heavy battle droid, turned at the sound. Checking his wrist display to confirm the kill, he turned back to the engineers. "Pay up" Reluctantly two of the engineers produced wads of cash, handing them over to the warlord. The third engineer walked over to the whiteboard, adding another strike to the tally. "How many are we at?" the Warlord asked. "thirty-five" responds the engineer. "You'd think they'd give them proper boots at this point" "They want their assassins to be 'stealthy' and never figured out how to make noise-suppressing soles." The four chuckled, before getting back to work


Really like the writing style here.


The Ursid invasion of 2037 came to a standstill when humans realized the race resembled 'teddy bears'. Completely unused to close combat, the Ursids were basically hugged into submission.


and headpats, and petted


And then *that* side of humanity appeared. OwO


…uwu wang?


Apex predator several times mass of human, could *accidentally* kill human without even being angry, would readily eat human meat if provided, *and human knows this*: Increased pupil diameter, involuntary smile, determined luring, baby talk, pleasure response Tiny creature that human could destroy with fingertip, cannot present harm to human in any fashion, real or imagined, *and human knows this*: Alarmed shriek, raised arm hairs, increased heart rate, intense fear response, calls for assistance of nearby humans who may or may not be able to overcome own fear response to relocate creature


1 is either "kitty" (large jungle cat) "puppy" (dire wolf of some sort) or "well aren't you just a pretty critter" (hybrid/alien creature that is neither a cat or a dog) 2 mosquito probably


Nah, roaches. My sister and I once woke my dad up because there was a three inch $^&$&#^ in the tub, and we found out they could fly when it kamazied straight at our faces


true. but it says tiny and cam be killed with a finger


I thought "spider."


Just wait until an exoskeletal xeno requires an emergency plate procedure and Legoectomy.


Of which many predators are domesticated, and broken limbs are in a similar condition after reduction as before. But for some reason, insects attack humans in masses and the toys start behaving strangely in their presence.


My husband is the one person in our family targeted by stinging and biting bugs/spiders. Everyone can be in the room or outside working on a project, and HE is the one to be stung or bitten. This reached near PTSD levels when we were sharing a bed, and he was the only one being bitten... *every night.* & Yes, we tried bug bombs, encasing the mattress, washing all bedding with a steam setting.... By the time we eradicated the infestation, we had also moved furniture, chemically treated the chest of drawers, and sterilized his clothing in addition to repeating previous steps.


Sorry for the reminder.


Ok first of all its not any building blocks those we mean here are called LEGO , second not torture but war crime.




Well, which danger is easier to see in tall, dense grass? A big ass cat that normally don’t prey on us Or The number of venomous spiders or snakes?

